Results for 'Eduard König'

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    Eduard Zellers Kleine Schriften.Eduard Zeller - 1910 - Berlin,: G. Reimer. Edited by Hermann Diels, Karl Holl & Otto Leuze.
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    Eduard Spranger: verstehende Kulturphilosophie der Politik-Ökonomie-Pädagogik: Originaltexte & Interpretationen: Eduard Spranger zum 50. Todesjahr.Eduard Spranger, Wolfgang Hinrichs, Markus Porsche-Ludwig & Jürgen Bellers (eds.) - 2013 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Massstäbe: Perspektiven des Denkens von Eduard Spranger.Eduard Spranger, Walter Eisermann, Hermann J. Meyer & Hermann Röhrs (eds.) - 1983 - Düsseldorf: Schwann.
  4. Eduard Hanslick's On the musically beautiful: a new translation.Eduard Hanslick - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Lee Allen Rothfarb & Christoph Landerer.
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  5. Comparing Prescriptive and Descriptive Gender Stereotypes About Children, Adults, and the Elderly.Anne M. Koenig - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Selected Writings of Eduard Bernstein, 1900-1921.Eduard Bernstein - 1996 - Humanity Books.
    This collection presents the English-language reader for the first time with essays that are representative of Bernstein's much-neglected revisionist period, 1901-1921. Bernstein himself suggested that this later work included significant new elements, indicating further progress in his liberal-socialist theory. Bernstein's later work acquires additional significance in light of the events of 1989, which have discredited not only Marxism-Leninism, but revolutionary Marxist theory in general, thus making the reevaluation of Bernstein's revisionism a worthwhile experience.
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    Have We Asked Too Much of Consent?Barbara A. Koenig - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):33-34.
    Paul Appelbaum and colleagues propose four models of informed consent to research that deploys whole genome sequencing and may generate incidental findings. They base their analysis on empirical data that suggests that research participants want to be offered incidental findings and on a normative consensus that researchers incur a duty to offer them. Their models will contribute to the heated policy debate about return of incidental findings. But in my view, they do not ask the foundational question, In the context (...)
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  8. Damage to the prefrontal cortex increases utilitarian moral judgements.Michael Koenigs, Liane Young, Ralph Adolphs, Daniel Tranel, Fiery Cushman, Marc Hauser & Antonio Damasio - 2007 - Nature 446 (7138):908-911.
    The psychological and neurobiological processes underlying moral judgement have been the focus of many recent empirical studies1–11. Of central interest is whether emotions play a causal role in moral judgement, and, in parallel, how emotion-related areas of the brain contribute to moral judgement. Here we show that six patients with focal bilateral damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC), a brain region necessary for the normal generation of emotions and, in particular, social emotions12–14, produce an abnor- mally ‘utilitarian’ pattern of (...)
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    Arguments for adjuncts.Jean-Pierre Koenig, Gail Mauner & Breton Bienvenue - 2003 - Cognition 89 (2):67-103.
    It is commonly assumed across the language sciences that some semantic participant information is lexically encoded in the representation of verbs and some is not. In this paper, we propose that semantic obligatoriness and verb class specificity are criteria which influence whether semantic information is lexically encoded. We present a comprehensive survey of the English verbal lexicon, a sentence continuation study, and an on-line sentence processing study which confirm that both factors play a role in the lexical encoding of participant (...)
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    Verborgene Gegenwart.Katrin Koenig - 2024 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 66 (2):179-196.
    Zusammenfassung Wie kann Gottes Gegenwart trotz ihrer Verborgenheit wahrgenommen werden? In dem folgenden Beitrag möchte ich zeigen, wie Simone Weil die Erfahrungen der Verborgenheit und der Abwesenheit Gottes als Signatur des Unglücks und der Entwurzelung der Menschen in der Moderne analysiert. Des Weiteren wird dargestellt, wie Simone Weil vor diesem Hintergrund mit einer kreuzestheologischen Denkfigur reflektiert, wie die Gottesliebe in besonderer Weise im Unglück verborgen anwesend sein kann, trotz Erfahrung der Abwesenheit Gottes. Hier schließt sich die erkenntnistheoretische Frage nach der (...)
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    Enttäuschung und Widerspruch: die konservative Position Eduard Sprangers im Nationalsozialismus: Analysen, Texte, Dokumente.Eduard Spranger, Uwe Henning, Achim Leschinsky & Walter Eisermann (eds.) - 1991 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
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    Eduard von Hartmann's System der Philosophie im grundriss..Eduard von Hartmann - 1907 - Bad Sachsa,: H. Haacke.
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    The Media and Behavioral Genetics: Alternatives Coexisting with Addiction Genetics.Barbara A. Koenig, Rachel Hammer, Jennifer B. McCormick, Jenny Ostergren & Molly J. Dingel - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (4):459-486.
    To understand public discourse in the United States on genetic causation of behavioral disorders, we analyzed media representations of genetic research on addiction published between 1990 and 2010. We conclude first that the media simplistically represent biological bases of addiction and willpower as being mutually exclusive: behaviors are either genetically determined, or they are a choice. Second, most articles provide only cursory or no treatment of the environmental contribution. A media focus on genetics directs attention away from environmental factors. Rhetorically, (...)
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  14.  32
    Interpersonal trust in children's testimonial learning.Melissa A. Koenig, Pearl Han Li & Benjamin McMyler - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (5):955-974.
    Within the growing developmental literature on children's testimonial learning, the emphasis placed on children's evaluations of testimonial evidence has shielded from view some of the more collaborative dimensions of testimonial learning. Drawing on recent philosophical work on testimony and interpersonal trust, we argue for an alternative way of conceptualizing the social nature of testimonial learning. On this alternative, some testimonial learning is the result of a jointly collaborative epistemic activity, an activity that aims at the epistemic goal of true belief, (...)
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    Eduard Gans (1797-1839): Hegelianer, Jude, Europäer: Texte und Dokumente.Eduard Gans & Norbert Waszek - 1991
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    Eduard von Hartmann's ausgewählte werke..Eduard von Hartmann - 1885 - Leipzig,: H. Haacke.
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    How Ought Decisions That Weigh on Life and Death Be Justly Informed and Governed to Benefit More than the Privileged Few with Access to a Trusted Clinician?Barbara A. Koenig & Julia E. H. Brown - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):1-3.
    The two target articles in this issue bring into focus the struggle for governance over biomedical interventions that may offer some families more agency—the capacity to act—in the context of many...
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    What Can Anthropology Contribute to the Terri Schiavo Debate?Barbara Koenig - 2006 - Bioethics Examiner 9.
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    Wandering the Magnetosphere.Ingrid Koenig - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):97-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Wandering the Magnetosphere*Ingrid Koenig (bio)Navigation notes: These emergent drawings–excerpts from a visual essay–take up the complex network of impacts across physical forces entangled with bio-geo-political time. A key element for this work is a living cosmography to depict movement across time, and to visualize wandering on a planet, in the magnetosphere, and between the internal energy of Earth and the solar energy of the cosmos. Physicists say there are (...)
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  20. Eduard Heimann on the" revolutionary situation"[with rejoinder].Sidney Hook & Eduard Heimann - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  21. (1 other version)Selective trust in testimony: Children's evaluation of the message, the speaker, and the speech act.Melissa A. Koenig - 2005 - In Tamar Szabó Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Oxford Studies in Epistemology. Oxford University Press. pp. 3--253.
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    Attitudes toward artificial intelligence: combining three theoretical perspectives on technology acceptance.Pascal D. Koenig - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Evidence on AI acceptance comes from a diverse field comprising public opinion research and largely experimental studies from various disciplines. Differing theoretical approaches in this research, however, imply heterogeneous ways of studying AI acceptance. The present paper provides a framework for systematizing different uses. It identifies three families of theoretical perspectives informing research on AI acceptance—user acceptance, delegation acceptance, and societal adoption acceptance. These models differ in scope, each has elements specific to them, and the connotation of technology acceptance thus (...)
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  23. Bernard Bolzano: zur 200. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages am 5. Oktober 1981: dem Wirken Eduard Winters gewidmet.Eduard Winter & Heinrich Scheel (eds.) - 1982 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Philosophische Aufsätze: Eduard Zeller zu seinem fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubiläum gewidmet.Eduard Zeller - 1887 - Zentral-Antiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
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    Sublexical modality and the structure of lexical semantic representations.Jean-Pierre Koenig & Anthony R. Davis - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (1):71-124.
    This paper argues for a largely unnoted distinction between relational and modal components in the lexical semantics of verbs. Wehypothesize that many verbs encode two kinds of semantic information:a relationship among participants in a situation and a subset ofcircumstances or time indices at which this relationship isevaluated. The latter we term sublexical modality.We show that linking regularities between semantic arguments andsyntactic functions provide corroborating evidence in favor of thissemantic distinction, noting cases in which the semantic groundingof linking through participant-role properties (...)
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    Facilitation and analogical transfer in the THOG task.Cynthia Koenig & Richard Griggs - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (4):355 – 370.
    This study was concerned with Wason's THOG task, a hypothetico-deductive reasoning problem for which performance is typically very poor ( < 20% correct). Recently, however, Needham and Amado (1995) and Koenig and Griggs (2004) have observed both facilitation and spontaneous analogical transfer effects for the Pythagoras version of this task. Based on their findings, Koenig and Griggs concluded that in addition to the separation of the data (the properties of the designated THOG) from the hypotheses that need to be generated (...)
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    Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy.Eduard Zeller - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:95.
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    Beyond the Paradigm of Secularization?Matthias Koenig - 2016 - In Guido Vanheeswijck, Colin Jager & Florian Zemmin (eds.), Working with a Secular Age: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Charles Taylor's Master Narrative. De Gruyter. pp. 23-48.
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    Eidetic description of consciousness, or consciousness explained in its own right.Eduard Marbach - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):677-699.
    In the context of «reassessing the relationship between explanation and phenomenology», the paper discusses the question in what ways Husserlian phenomenology as a descriptive science of consciousness has an explanatory potential in consciousness studies. It takes a very limited approach to the wide-ranging themes that may come to mind on this topic. At the center is an exploration of consciousness as an explanandum in its own right, building on Husserl's reflective-eidetic analyses of conscious experiences. It will concentrate on explicating acts (...)
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    Putting first things first: Ordering DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) in light of subsidiarity.Emery Koenig & Michael Naughton - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (S1):721-740.
    As with any proposal for institutional reform, and especially one that has gained so much ground in such a short amount of time, this paper asks whether diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) movement is good for corporations. Are businesses stronger with DEI practices and ideas or weaker? We believe that the DEI movement is asking the right questions: How do we create more just and equitable institutions? The challenge, however, is whether this movement is giving the right answers to such (...)
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    Types of men.Eduard Spranger - 1928 - Halle (Saale),: M. Niemeyer. Edited by Paul Pigors.
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    Debating cosmopolitics.Daniele Archibugi & Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (eds.) - 2003 - New York: VERSO.
    Cosmopolitics, the concept of a world politics based on shared democratic values, is in an increasingly fragile state.
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    On bringing consciousness into the house of science - with the help of Husserlian phenomenology.Eduard Marbach - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (1):145-162.
    (2005). On Bringing Consciousness into the House of Science – with the Help of Husserlian Phenomenology. Angelaki: Vol. 10, continental philosophy and the sciences the german traditionissue editor: damian veal, pp. 145-162.
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    John Locke.Eduard Fechtner - 1898 - Stuttgart,: F. Frommann.
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    The Stars in the Prologue of the Rudens.Eduard Fraenkel - 1942 - Classical Quarterly 36 (1-2):10-.
    Arcturus is a very suitable person to tell us the ποκεíμενα of the play. During the night preceding the action he has produced the storm which is to bring about the dénouement of the plot : illorum navis longe in altum abscesserat. ego quoniam video virginem asportarier, tetuli ei auxilium et lenoni exitium simul: increpui hibernum et fluctus movi maritimos. nam Arcturus signum sum omnium acerrimum: vehemens sum exoriens, cum occido vehementior.
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    An introduction to ethics.Thomas Koenig - 1974 - New York,: MSS Information.
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    Art Matters: Art of Knowledge/Knowledge of Art.Bernard Koenig - 2009 - Academica Press.
    A comprehensive overview of art criticism as it relates to art value and aesthetics argues that art can impart insights into the natural and human world in ways akin to those of philosophy and science. Reprint.
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  38. Émile Durkheim and the sociology of religion.Matthias Koenig - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  39. International organizations and democracy : an assessment.Mathias Koenig-Archibugi - 2018 - In Luis Cabrera (ed.), Institutional cosmopolitanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Lifelong Planning A∗.Sven Koenig, Maxim Likhachev & David Furcy - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 155 (1-2):93-146.
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  41. Magicking madness : secret workings and public narratives of disordered minds in late medieval Germany.Anne M. Koenig - 2019 - In David J. Collins (ed.), The sacred and the sinister: studies in medieval religion and magic. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Performance bounds for planning in unknown terrain.Sven Koenig, Craig Tovey & Yuri Smirnov - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 147 (1-2):253-279.
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    The Philosophy of Georges Bastide: A Study Tracing the Origins and Development of a French Value Philosophy and a French Personalism against the Background of French Idealism.Thomas Koenig - 2011 - The Hague,: Springer.
    The axiological idealism of Georges Bastide, which is itself an attempt to come to grips with basic philosophical problems in a form wholly in accord with the preoccupations of our times, offered a unique opportunity for coming into contact with two new horizons - critical idealism and axiological personalism. An examination of the intimate relationship between these two viewpoints promised to be of special interest and worthy of research. A similar theme is encountered in the philosophy of R. Le Senne (...)
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  44. The Spiritual Foundations of Europe.F. C. Koenig - 1998 - Common Knowledge 7:56-62.
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    Voyages d'un philosophe aux pays des libertés.Gaspard Koenig - 2018 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire.
    "Et toutes ces belles idées sur la liberté, elles sont appliquées quelque part? - Ensemble, non. Mais par petits bouts, oui. Enfin, je crois. - Hé bien, tu n'as qu'à aller voir." C'est ainsi que je fus arraché à la torpeur de ma bibliothèque. Depuis lors, je voyage à travers le monde avec une ambition simple : étudier les thèmes de philosophie politique qui me sont chers là où ils sont mis en oeuvre. Faire apparaître derrière les concepts des histoires, (...)
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    Why Not Grant Primacy to the Family?Barbara A. Koenig - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):33-34.
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    On depicting.Eduard Marbach - 2000 - Facta Philosophica 2 (2):291-308.
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    Time-energy uncertainty and relativistic canonical commutation relations in quantum spacetime.Eduard Prugovečki - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (6):555-564.
    It is shown that the time operatorQ 0 appearing in the realization of the RCCR's [Qμ,Pv]=−jhgμv, on Minkowski quantum spacetime is a self adjoint operator on Hilbert space of square integrable functions over Σ m =σ×v m , where σ is a timelike hyperplane. This result leads to time-energy uncertainty relations that match their space-momentum counterparts. The operators Qμ appearing in Born's metric operator in quantum spacetime emerge as internal spacetime operators for exciton states, and the condition that the metric (...)
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    Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality.Bernie Koenig - 2004 - Upa.
    Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality looks at changes in knowledge and the relationship to values from the modern era to today. Author Bernie Koenig examines Newton's influence on Locke and Kant, how Kant influenced Darwin and Freud, and the implications of their work for both anthropology and moral theory.
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  50. Plato and the older Academy.Eduard Zeller & Sarah Frances Alleyne - 1962 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
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