Results for 'Education Political aspects.'

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  1. Moral and political aspects of education.Harry Brighouse - 2009 - In Harvey Siegel, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Privatization as an aspect of the educational politics of the new right: Critical signposts for understanding shifts in educational policy in South Africa during the eighties?Peter Kallaway - 1989 - British Journal of Educational Studies 37 (3):253-278.
  3. Politics and Transformation: critical approaches toward political aspects of education.Deborah Biss Keller & J. Gregory Keller - 2014 - Policy Futures in Education 12 (3):359-369.
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    Teacher education and its discontents: politics, knowledge, and ethics.Gunnlaugur Magnússon, Anne M. Phelan, Stephen Heimans & Ruth Unsworth (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This unique collection of essays from researchers and teacher educators from around the world presents innovative approaches to education theory, critical policy analyses, de-colonializing reformulations of teacher education, and a "standard of dissensus" for teacher education. This first volume from the International Teacher Education Research Collective (ITERC), illustrates common themes and problems in politics of education, in particular, standardization, marketization, governance of and policy in education with both country specific cases and generally formulated theoretical (...)
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    Aspects of the Relationship Between Politics, Education and Art in Plato's Laws.Christos Terezis & G. Markea - 2006 - Philosophical Inquiry 28 (3-4):57-62.
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    Performativity, Politics and Education: From Policy to Philosophy.Peter Roberts - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Performativity, Politics and Education: From Policy to Philosophy_ provides a critique of educational policies and practices underpinned by the logic of performativity and offers an alternative approach grounded in a philosophy of hope, a valuing of collegiality over competition, and an ongoing commitment to intellectual dialogue.
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    Political philosophy, educational administration and educative leadership.R. J. S. Macpherson - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this book Reynold Macpherson initiates a politically-critical theory of educative leadership as a fresh line of inquiry in the practice, research and theory of educational administration and educational leadership. Divided into four parts, the book introduces the sub-discipline of political philosophy to the field of educational administration, management and leadership. It does this by clarifying the knowledge domain of each and identifying how four political ideologies, specifically pragmatism, communitarianism, communicative rationalism and egalitarian liberalism, have primarily informed and (...)
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    The politics of parent choice in public education: the choice movement in North Carolina and the United States.Wayne D. Lewis - 2013 - New York, New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is the story of North Carolina parent choice advocates' push for the creation and expansion of choice policies in the state. The exploration of the politics, ideology, and interests surrounding parent choice in this conversation includes but also stretches beyond the most frequently discussed choice policies of charter schools, school vouchers, and tuition tax credits. Here, Lewis makes the argument that parents push for these policies are closely akin to parents' rejection of busing and redistricting policies in Charlotte-Mecklenburg and (...)
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    Deleuze & Guattari, politics and education: for a people-yet-to-come.Matthew Carlin & Jason Wallin (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Deleuze & Guattari, Politics and Education mobilizes Deleuzian-Guattarian philosophy as a revolutionary alternative to the lingering forms of transcendence, identity politics, and nihilism endemic to Western thought. Operationalizing Deleuze and Guattari's challenge to contemporary philosophy, this book presents their view as a revolutionary alternative to the lingering forms of transcendence, identity politics, and nihilism endemic to the current state of Western formal education. This book offers an experimental approach to theorizing, creating an entirely new way for educational theorists (...)
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    Religious education in high school: political decision and ways of implementation.T. Hazyr-Ogly - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:126-129.
    The issue of the Ministry of Education's introduction into the school curriculum of the Ethics of Faith course is very complex, acute and has many contradictions. We will try to address only some aspects of this problem. The call of the President of Ukraine to teach "Ethics of Faith" in secondary schools faces two major problems.
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    Between Truth and Freedom: Rousseau and Our Contemporary Political and Educational Culture.Kenneth Wain - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Engaging Political Philosophy introduces readers to the central problems of political philosophy. Presuming no prior work in the area, the book explores the fundamental philosophical questions regarding freedom, authority, justice, and democracy. More than a survey of the central figures and texts, Engaging Political Philosophy takes readers on a philosophical exploration of the core of the field, directly examining the arguments and concepts that drive the contemporary debates. Thus the fundamental issues of political philosophy are encountered (...)
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    What is Quality? The Political Debate on Education and its Implications for Pluralism and Diversity in Music Education.Eva Georgii-Hemming - 2017 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 25 (1):67.
    The quality of education is currently considered to be a concern of the highest political priority. However, quality assurances of all kinds seem to be built on and result in a number of quantitative measures. In this essay, I discuss the traditional and philosophical meaning of the concept of quality and how it is being used today, but above all how our current understanding of "quality" may influence pluralism and diversity in education and music education. The (...)
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    Aesthetics, politics, and educational inquiry: essays and examples.Tom Barone - 2000 - New York: P. Lang.
    This collection of essays explores the possibilities of studying educational matters with the tools of narrative and literature. Written over the course of the 1980s and 1990s, these essays trace the literary turn in educational research toward forms of literary journalism, critical storytelling, and postmodern narrative. The articles are presented as biographical evidence of the author's ongoing quest for forms of educational research that are well-suited to the enormously complex nature of educational encounters. This collection includes both theoretical dissertations and (...)
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    The "Political Literati" and "Educational Literati": Dual Roles of Ancient Intellectuals.Yang Nianqun - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (3):39-63.
    Most scholars are fond of using the appellation "gentry scholar" as an allinclusive term for "intellectuals" in ancient China. In relation to the socially stipulated role of the "gentry-scholar" stratum there are currently many different theories worthy of consultation. The following two are fairly representative. One has its foundations in the explanation of the concept of modern Western intellectuals, which can be compared with the spiritual evolution of the "gentry-scholar" stratum, "reacting against power with the Way," stressing the transcendent side (...)
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    Semiotics of Identity: Politics and Education.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):113-125.
    In this text I concentrate on semiotic aspects of the theory of political identity in the work of Ernesto Laclau, and especially on the connection between metaphors, metonymies, catachreses and synecdoches. Those tropes are of ontological status, and therefore they are of key importance in understanding the discursive “production” of identity in political and educational practices. I use the conceptions of both Laclau and Eco to elucidate the operation of this structure, and illustrate it with an example of (...)
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    Political Poverty, Justice, and Citizenship Education.Raṣit Çelik - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (2):1-13.
    Poverty is a fundamental problem of contemporary societies including both developed and developing democracies. Although the literature on poverty is heavy concentrated on the material well-being of individuals and societies, some other aspects of poverty are to be considered as significant for democratic societies, especially for the discussions of justice and democratic order. In this regard, this work discusses a conception of political poverty based on the idea of free and equal citizenship in a pluralistic democracy in the light (...)
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    ‘The politics of faith and the politics of scepticism’: Michael Oakeshott, education and extremism.Ian Frowe - 2007 - British Journal of Educational Studies 55 (3):264-285.
    This paper considers a distinction between two types of politics developed by Michael Oakeshott in his book The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Scepticism and argues that the theoretical framework proposed supplies an illuminating and productive perspective for examining the notion of political extremism. These positions are linked to two other important aspects of his work, namely his account of 'enterprise' and 'civil' association and his differentiation between abstract philosophical entities and concrete political situations. There is (...)
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    (1 other version)Border crossings: cultural workers and the politics of education.Henry A. Giroux - 1992 - London: Routledge.
    Schooling and cultural politics - Cultural workers and cultural pedagogy_.
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    Entschiedene Schulreform: Schriften e. polit. Pädagogen.Paul Hermann August Oestreich - 1978 - Berlin: Volk und Wissen, VEB. Edited by Helmut König & Manfred Radtke.
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    Citizenship education as a response to Colombia’s social and political context.Rosario Jaramillo & José A. Mesa - 2009 - Journal of Moral Education 38 (4):467-487.
    In response to the difficult social, economic and political problems that Colombia faces, such as inequality, discrimination, weak civil society—fuelled by illegality and drug trafficking—the Colombian Ministry of Education has embarked on an ambitious citizenship education program, with the hope of strengthening the role of education by establishing alternative solutions. This innovative program attempts to counteract Colombians' recourse to violence as a means of solving the country's endemic problems by developing the competencies of students, teachers and (...)
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    Evolution education in the American South: culture, politics, and resources in and around Alabama.Christopher D. Lynn, Amanda L. Glaze, William A. Evans & Laura K. Reed (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume reaches beyond the controversy surrounding the teaching and learning of evolution in the United States, specifically in regard to the culture, politics, and beliefs found in the Southeast. The editors argue that despite a deep history of conflict in the region surrounding evolution, there is a wealth of evolution research taking place—from biodiversity in species to cultural evolution and human development. In fact, scientists, educators, and researchers from around the United States have found their niche in the South, (...)
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    Education, Play, and the Political Valence of Art: Revisiting the Hermeneutic Interpretation of Schiller.Haley Irene Burke - 2024 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 58 (3):20-39.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer criticizes Friedrich Schiller for inaugurating a merely aesthetic disposition toward reality. Such an aesthetic disposition, on Gadamer's account, is overly subjective. It also robs one of a genuine encounter with beauty that contributes to one's understanding. In my view, Schiller's position is not reducible to Gadamer's critique of it. Indeed, following scholars like John Pizer and Nathan Ross, I affirm that Gadamer does not fully appreciate the practical, political, and theoretical aspects of Schiller's aesthetics. In the following, (...)
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  23. Civility in Politics and Education.Deborah Mower & Wade L. Robison (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    This book examines the concept of civility and the conditions of civil disagreement in politics and education. Although many assume that civility is merely polite behavior, it functions to aid rational discourse. Building on this basic assumption, the book offers multiple accounts of civility and its contribution to citizenship, deliberative democracy, and education from Eastern and Western as well as classic and modern perspectives. Given that civility is essential to all aspects of public life, it is important to (...)
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    Educational leadership and Hannah Arendt.Helen Gunter - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The relationship between education and democratic development has been a growing theme in debates focussed upon public education, but there has been little work that has directly related educational leadership to wider issues of freedom, politics and practice. Engaging with ELMA through the work of Hannah Arendt enables these issues of power to be directly confronted. Arendt produced texts that challenged notions of freedom and politics, and notably examined the lives of people, ideas and historical events in ways (...)
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    Iris Marion young and political education.Elizabeth Frazer - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (1):39–55.
    This paper will focus on Young's theories of heterogeneity, as they have developed from the essays in Throwing Like a Girl to those in Inclusion and Democracy . Reading her theories of heterogeneity together with recent developments in political theory which seek to reclaim the agonistic and frictional aspects of polity and political democracy, the paper will argue that attempts to promote ‘citizenship education’ are less pressing than attempts to develop and promote political education.
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    Cultural diversity, liberal pluralism and schools: Isaiah Berlin and education.Neil Burtonwood - 2006 - London ;: Routledge.
    Culturally diverse liberal democracies on both sides of the Atlantic are currently faced with serious questions about the education of their future citizens. What is the balance between the need for social cohesion, and at the same time dealing justly with the demands for exemptions and accommodations from cultural and religious minorities? In contemporary Britain, the importance of this question has been recently highlighted by the concern to develop political and educational strategies capable of countering the influence of (...)
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    Aspects of Universal Importance of Korczak’s Education.Volker Edlinger - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):169-170.
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    A New, Objective, Pro-Objectivity Normative Theory: An Objective Basis for Morality, Society, Politics, Law, Education, Etc.-And for Liberty and Peace.Frederick Farrand - 2010 - Lanham, Md.: Upa.
    This book tries to solve fundamental normative moral, social, political, educational, legal, etc. problems. It defends a uniquely evidence-based, objective theory. Part I mainly explains and defends the theory's foundation and general guidelines. Part II discusses specific practical applications at length.
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    Educating Beyond Cultural Diversity: Redrawing the Boundaries of a Democratic Plurality.Sharon Todd - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):101-111.
    In this paper I draw some distinctions between the terms “cultural diversity” and “plurality” and argue that a radical conception of plurality is needed in order both to re-imagine the boundaries of democratic education and to address more fully the political aspects of conflict that plurality gives rise to. This paper begins with a brief exploration of the usages of the term diversity in European documents that promote intercultural education as a democratic vehicle for overcoming social conflict (...)
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    Wonder and education: on the educational importance of contemplative wonder.Anders Schinkel - 2020 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Wonder is commonly perceived as akin to curiosity, as stimulating inquiry, and as something that enhances pleasure in learning, but there are many experiences of wonder that have a less obvious place in education. In Wonder and Education, Anders Schinkel theorises a kind of wonder which he calls 'contemplative wonder'. Contemplative wonder opens up space for the consideration of (radical) alternatives wherever it occurs, and in many cases is linked with deep experiences of value; therefore, it is not (...)
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    Kids in the Middle: The Micro Politics of Special Education.Marshall Strax, Carol Strax, Bruce S. Cooper & Nel Noddings - 2012 - R&L Education.
    Kids in the Middle: The Micro-Politics of Special Education takes the reader on a fascinating journey through special education in the past, present, and future. On this journey, the micro-politics of special education are seen through the eyes and experiences of children with disabilities, their parents and advocates, adult educators, and school administrators. Supplementing these perspectives to develop an understanding of special education that goes beyond its administrative and political aspects, such as the Individuals with (...)
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  32. Democracy and Music Education: Liberalism, Ethics, and the Politics of Practice (review).Heidi Westerlund - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):235-240.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Democracy and Music Education: Liberalism, Ethics, and the Politics of PracticeHeidi WesterlundPaul G. Woodford, Democracy and Music Education: Liberalism, Ethics, and the Politics of Practice ( Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2005)Paul G. Woodford's Democracy and Music Education needs to be warmly welcomed in the field of philosophy of music education. It contributes to the discussion centering on ethics and music education—a discussion that (...)
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    Wheels in the head: educational philosophies of authority, freedom, and culture from Socrates to human rights.Joel H. Spring - 2006 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
    In this popular text, Joel Spring provocatively analyzes the ideas of traditional and non-traditional philosophers, from Plato to Paulo Freire, regarding the contribution of education to the creation of a democratic society. Each section focuses on an important theme: “Autocratic and Democratic Forms of Education;” “Dissenting Traditions in Education;” “The Politics of Culture;” “The Politics of Gender;” and “Education and Human Rights.” This edition features a special emphasis on human rights education. Spring advocates a legally (...)
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  34. Projeto político-pedagógico: possíveis articulações com aspectos culturais locais e educação do campo // Pedagogical political project: possible joints with cultural and local aspects and education of the field.Rerlen Ricardo Silva Paglia & Pillotto - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (1):126-143.
    O presente artigo é fruto de uma pesquisa realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação – Mestrado em Educação e de uma demanda da Escola Agrícola Municipal Carlos Heins Funke, que temos atuado em projetos de extensão desde 2014. A referida Escola tem se preocupado em ressignificar seu Projeto Político Pedagógico – PPP, tentando articular aspectos culturais locais ao currículo, sobretudo, em suas práticas. Desta forma, a pesquisa centrou seus estudos e ações educativas/investigativas nas seguintes indagações: como realizar ações a partir das (...)
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    Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations.James Page - 2008 - Information Age Publishing.
    Peace education is now well recognized within international legal instruments and within critical educational literature as an important aspect of education. Despite this, little attention has been given in the critical literature to the philosophical foundations for peace education and the rationale for peace education thus remains substantially an assumed one. This investigation explores some possible ethico-philosophical foundations for peace education, through an examination of five specific ethical traditions: 1) virtue ethics, whereby peace may be (...)
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    New perspectives in philosophy of education: ethics, politics and religion.David Lewin (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education seeks to build a bridge between philosophical reflection and socio-political action by developing a range of critical discussions in the areas of ethics, politics and religion. This volume brings together established authorities and a new generation of scholars to ask whether philosophy of education can contribute to political and social discourse, or whether it is destined to remain the marginal gadfly of mainstream ideology. The philosophy of education stands in (...)
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    Defending a Common World: Hannah Arendt on the State, the Nation and Political Education.Peter Lilja - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):537-552.
    For a long time, one of the most important tasks for education in liberal democracies has been to foster the next generation in core democratic values in order to prepare them for future political responsibilities. In spite of this, general trust in the liberal democratic system is in rapid decline. In this paper, the tension between the ambitions of liberal-democratic educational systems and contemporary challenges to central democratic ideas is approached by reconsidering Hannah Arendt’s critique of political (...)
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    The Politics of Teacher Professional Development: Policy, Research and Practice.Ian Hardy - 2012 - Routledge.
    Rather than providing a list of "how-tos" and "must dos," this volume is premised on the understanding that by learning more about the current conditions under which teachers and other educators work and learn, it is possible to understand, ...
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    Plato 's Metaphysics of Education.Samuel Scolnicov - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume provides a comprehensive, learned and lively presentation of the whole range of Plato’s thought but with a particular emphasis upon how Plato developed his metaphysics with a view to supporting his deepest educational convictions. The author explores the relation of Plato’s metaphysics to the epistemological, ethical and political aspects of Plato’s theory of education and shows how Plato’s basic positions bear directly on the most fundamental questions faced by contemporary education.
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    (1 other version)The Revolutionary Party in Gramsci's Pre‐Prison Educational and Political Theory and Practice.John D. Holst - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (6):622-639.
    While most of Gramsci's party work is well known to education scholars of Gramsci, and the educational aspects of his writings have been repeatedly analyzed, what remains a constant in education‐based Gramsci studies is the nearly universal minimization of this work for what it was, namely party work. For Gramsci, it would have been unthinkable to consider this work outside the framework of a revolutionary party. Yet, for contemporary educational scholars it seems unthinkable to consider Gramsci's work within (...)
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    The ethics of educational management: personal, social, and political perspectives on school organization.Mike Bottery - 1992 - New York: Cassell.
  42. Pedagogy of non-domination: Neo-republican political theory and critical education.Itay Snir & Yuval Eylon - 2016 - Policy Futures in Education 14 (6):759-774.
    The neo-republican political philosophy (sometimes referred to as civic republicanism) advances the idea of freedom as non-domination, in an attempt to provide democracy with a solid normative foundation upon which concrete principles and institutions can be erected so as to make freedom a reality. However, attempts to develop a republican educational theory are still hesitant, and fail to take the republican radical conception of freedom to its full conclusions. This article suggests that dialogue between neo-republicanism and critical pedagogy can (...)
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  43. Citizenship education and youth participation in democracy.Murray Print - 2007 - British Journal of Educational Studies 55 (3):325-345.
    Citizenship education in established democracies is challenged by declining youth participation in democracy. Youth disenchantment and disengagement in democracy is primarily evident in formal political behaviour, especially through voting, declining membership of political parties, assisting at elections, contacting politicians, and the like. If citizenship education is to play a major role in addressing these concerns it will need to review the impact it is making on young people in schools. This paper reviews a major national project (...)
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    The Politics of the textbook.Michael W. Apple & Linda K. Christian-Smith (eds.) - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The Politics of the Texbook analyzes the factors that shape production, distribution and reception of school texts through original essays which emphasize the double-edged quality of textbooks. Textbooks are viewed as systems of moral regulation in the struggle of powerful groups to build political and cultural accord. They are also regarded as the site of popular resistance around discloding the interest underlying schoolknowledge and incorporating alternative traditions.
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    Higher education for the people: critical contemplative methods of liberatory practice.Maryann Krikorian (ed.) - 2022 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,.
    This monograph aims to uncover value-belief-systems underlying dominant narratives in modern IHEs, impacting the lives of many multidimensional adult learners. To do so, Eurocentrism and neoliberalism are used to analyze the socio-cultural-political movements of the U.S. and its influence on higher education trends. Then, models of adult consciousness and transformative approaches to adult learning are introduced to problematize dominant narratives and make the case for more complex epistemologies. With critical contemplation, acts of compassion for interdependence, self-compassion for intentionality, (...)
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    Friendship and the Public Stage: Revisiting Hannah Arendt's Resistance to “Political Education”.Aaron Schutz & Marie G. Sandy - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (1):21-38.
    Hannah Arendt's essays about the 1957 crisis over efforts of a group of youth, the “Little Rock Nine,” to desegregate a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, reveal a tension in her vision of the “public.” In this article Aaron Schutz and Marie Sandy look closely at the experiences of the youth desegregating the school, especially those of Elizabeth Eckford, drawing upon them to trace a continuum of forms of public engagement in Arendt's work. This ranges from arenas of “deliberative (...)
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    The Trouble with Theory: The Educational Costs of Postmodernism.Gavin Kitching - 2008 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the wake of two decades in which postmodern theory has become very popular in university humanities and social science departments around the world, Gavin Kitching claims that postmodernism is causing harm to students intellectually. Postmodern theory has engaged the hearts and heads of the brightest students because of its apparent political and social radicalism. Yet Kitching writes: “At the heart of postmodernism is very poor, deeply confused, and misbegotten philosophy. As a result even the very best students who (...)
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    The sandbox investment: the preschool movement and kids-first politics.David L. Kirp - 2007 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction : before school -- Small miracles -- Life way after preschool -- The futures market -- The imprimatur of science -- Who cares for the children? -- Jump-starting a movement -- The politics of the un-dramatic -- English lessons -- Kids-first politics.
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    Becoming pedagogue: Bergson and the aesthetics, ethics and politics of early childhood education and care.Liselott Mariett Olsson - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Returning to the origins of education, Becoming Pedagogue explores its role in today's society by reuniting philosophy with pedagogy. It investigates the aesthetics, ethics and politics of childhood, education and what a teacher really does, enabling educators to define and perform their profession as per its historical and intellectual roots. Reflecting on the practice, science and knowledge-tradition of pedagogy as well as abstract and formalist discourse at all levels, Olsson's work evokes real and free aspects of educational experiences (...)
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    Theorizing aesthetic injustice in democratic education: insights from Boal and Rancière.Michalinos Zembylas - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (4):388-402.
    This article examines some aspects of the entanglement between aesthetic injustice and epistemic injustice, paying special attention to how aesthetic injustice can be resisted in the classroom. The article brings into conversation Boal’s notion of aesthetic injustice with Rancière’s work on the overlapping of aesthetics and politics to suggest that a truly democratic education must work on the level of senses, so that students learn how to identify and resist aesthetic injustice in their everyday lives. Specifically, it is argued (...)
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