Results for 'Eetu Manninen'

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  1.  9
    Los variados sentidos del conocimiento en las primeras obras de Agustín.Eetu Manninen - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):445-461.
    This article examines Augustine’s thought conceming the relationship between sensation and knowledge in his early dialogues. A special focus is on Augustine’s concept of cognitio per sensum. First, I determine Augustine’s epistemological starting point by examining his thought as it appears in Contra Académicos (386). Second, I study the relationship between sensation and knowledge in De quantitate animae (387-388) and observe the development in Augustine’s thought concerning sense-perception. Finally, I analyse Augustine’s concept of cognitio per sensum, which occurs in De (...)
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  2. The Semiotics of Education: A new vision in an old landscape.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1135-1144.
    In this article, I attempt to describe how certain theoretical constructions of semiotics could be applied in educational theoretical work. First I introduce meaning as a basic concept of semiotics, thus also touching on concepts such as action, competence and causality. I am then able to define learning as a change of competences, and also refer to the pedagogical concept of learning i.e. Bildung, which can be roughly defined as valuable human learning. I then take up the problem of education (...)
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    A case for justified non-voluntary active euthanasia: exploring the ethics of the groningen protocol.B. A. Manninen - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):643-651.
    One of the most recent controversies to arise in the field of bioethics concerns the ethics for the Groningen Protocol: the guidelines proposed by the Groningen Academic Hospital in The Netherlands, which would permit doctors to actively euthanise terminally ill infants who are suffering. The Groningen Protocol has been met with an intense amount of criticism, some even calling it a relapse into a Hitleresque style of eugenics, where people with disabilities are killed solely because of their handicaps. The purpose (...)
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    Adaptation, learning, Bildung.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2018 - Sign Systems Studies 46 (4):435-451.
    Learning and adaptation are central problems to both edusemiotics, or semiotics of education, and biosemiotics. Bildung, as an especially human way or form of learning, and evolution as the main form of adaptation for many biologists after Darwin are often regarded as mutually exclusive concepts even though human beings are undeniably one biological species among others. In this article I will try to build a bridge between the biosemiotical, edusemiotical and Bildung-theoretical stances. Central to this discussion is biosemiotician Kalevi Kull (...)
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    Civil Dialogue on Abortion.Bertha Alvarez Manninen & Jack Mulder - 2018 - Routledge.
    Civil Dialogue on Abortion provides a cutting-edge discussion between two philosophy scholars on each side of the abortion debate. Bertha Alvarez Manninen argues for her pro-choice view, but also urges respect for the life of the fetus, while Jack Mulder argues for his pro-life view, but recognizes that for the pro-life movement to be consistent, it must urge society to care more for the vulnerable. Coming together to discuss their views, but also to seek common ground, the two authors (...)
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    Competence as a Key Concept of Educational Theory: A Semiotic Point of View.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (4):621-636.
    In this article, the concept of competence is studied from the point of view of the semiotics of education. It will be claimed that it is a central key concept when we are trying to analyse the meaning of education. Educational action can be reasonably understood as an insecure and complicatedly mediated trial to affect another person's competence. First, the recent discussion about the concept of competence and its relatives is shortly reviewed. Then, competence is analysed and defined according to (...)
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    Feuer am Pol: zum Aufbau der Vernunft im europäischen Norden.Juha Manninen - 1996
    Gegenwartig, da ein neues Europa errichtet wird, ist es wieder aktuell, nach dem philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Erbe der kleineren Lander Europas zu fragen, die in der international dominierenden Forschung oft im Schatten geblieben sind. Fern von den Machtzentren existierten dort aber auch Freiheiten und Betatigungsrahmen, wie sie ein Zentrum nicht unbedingt gestattet hatte. Dieses Buch behandelt zumeist unerforschte und unbekannte Materialien aus Schweden, Finnland und Osterreich und zeigt diese sowohl in ihren Kontakten zu den Zentren als auch in ihren lokalen (...)
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  8. Rethinking Roe v. Wade: Defending the Abortion Right in the Face of Contemporary Opposition.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):33-46.
    In 2008, many states sought to pass Human Life Amendments, which would extend the definition of personhood to encompass newly fertilized eggs. If such an amendment were to pass, Roe v. Wade, as currently defended by the Supreme Court, may be repealed. Consequently, it is necessary to defend the right to an abortion in a manner that succeeds even if a Human Life Amendment successfully passes. J.J. Thomson's argument in “A Defense of Abortion” successfully achieves this. Her argument is especially (...)
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  9.  41
    Revisiting justified nonvoluntary euthanasia.Bertha Manninen - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):33 – 35.
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  10. (1 other version)Reflections on dealing with epistemically vicious students [Reflexiones sobre lidiar con estudiantes con vicios epistémicos].Tuomas Manninen - 2020 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 9 (13).
    As a philosophy instructor, I strive to get my students to think critically about the subject matter. However, over the years I have encountered many students who seem to deliberately want to avoid thinking critically. I am talking particularly about some students in my “Science and Religion” course, who subscribe to scientific creationism and endorse anti–scientific beliefs which seem to be irrational. In this essay, I will offer reflections of my experiences from these classes, and argue that individuals who subscribe (...)
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  11. Pleading Men and Virtuous Women: Considering the Role of the Father in the Abortion Debate.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2007 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (1):1-24.
    Far too often in our society, the input of a potential father is not deemed relevant in a woman’s abortion decision. Men, however, can suffer emotional strains due to the abortion of their potential child, and given this harm it seems that morality must make room for a potential father’s voice in the abortion decision. I will argue that a man cannot have the right to veto a woman’s decision to procure an abortion, yet there may be times where a (...)
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  12.  45
    Undocumented Immigrants, Healthcare, and the Language of Desert.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):19-30.
    Arguments both in favor and against including undocumented immigrants in healthcare reform abound. However, many of these arguments, including ones that are favorable towards immigrants, are ethically problematic, and for the same reason; namely, that they either support or deny the inclusion of undocumented immigrants in healthcare reform based on their perceived level of desert, due to their alleged contribution to our social utility, or lack thereof. This encourages gauging the lives and worth of undocumented immigrants in terms of their (...)
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  13.  42
    A Metaphysical and Ethical Defense of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (4):209-225.
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    Interesting viewpoints on Laestadianism in Finland.Eetu Kejonen - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (1).
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    Aufklärung und französische Revolution I: ein Symposion zur Ideen- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Oulu 29.11.1985.Juha Manninen - 1986
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    David DeGrazia, human identity and bioethics.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (4):537-546.
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    Documents From the Archives: Friedrich Waismann.Juha Manninen - 2023 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle: 100 Years After the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Springer Verlag. pp. 315-519.
    Die Philosophie ist keine Lehre sondern ein Tun. Das Ergebnis der Philosophie sind nicht Sätze, sondern das richtige Verstehen von Sätzen. Ihr Ziel ist logische Klärung unserer Gedanken. Hat die Philosophie ihr Ziel erreicht, so wird sie überflüssig. Nicht Vermehrung der Erkenntnisse ist das Ziel der Philosophie, sondern Reinigung der vorhandenen Erkenntnisse. – Eine Führerin, die wir nur so lange gebrauchen als wir irren. – Es gibt keine philosophischen Tatsachen. In der Wissenschaft handelt es sich um den Gegensatz von wahr (...)
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  18. Eino Kaila's political views: A comment on Sven ove Hansson's "a history of theoria".Juha Manninen & Johan Strang - 2010 - Theoria 76 (2):108-111.
    This comment on Sven Ove Hansson's article on the history of the journal Theoria elaborates and corrects Hansson's characterisation of the political standpoint of the Finnish philosopher Eino Kaila as "sympathetic towards the German regime". Although not an easy question, particularly considering Kaila's unfortunate publications during the Second World War, it is argued that the characterisation is plainly wrong if it refers to the mid-1930s.
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  19.  27
    Expressions of Preference and Other Morally Problematic Instances of Prayer.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):679-695.
    When considering the role of prayer in the lives of believers, most theists agree that one important effect is the psychological impact on the person who is praying. Nevertheless, the way many of us pray, by primarily or solely focusing on our welfare and the welfare of our loved ones, agitates the human tendency towards exclusion. If we take seriously God’s commandment to love the neighbor as the self, we should use prayer, instead, as a prime opportunity to help cultivate (...)
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  20. El Regreso a sí mismo en Casiciaco.Eeto B. Manninen - 2024 - Augustinus 69 (2):427-459.
    The article considers the Augustinian notion of ‘return’ and its underlying philosophical presuppositions from different points of view. In order to do so, we first investigate Augustine’s use of the terminology of return as a way of conceptualising the relation of the soul with the sensible and intelligible realities. This is followed by a review of Augustine’s Platonic epistemological thought on sense perception and sensible reality itself. Thirdly, Augustine’s thought on the role of the ‘double way’ of authority and reason (...)
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  21. Evaluating the Free Speech Objection to Removing Tainted Political Symbols.Tuomas W. Manninen - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    In recent years, several philosophers have argued that statues which are morally tainted ought to be removed from public display. One objection to this claim is the free speech objection: removing the statues constitutes a violation of free speech rights. This objection suffers from two flaws. First, it is rarely articulated to its fullest potential. Second, the free speech objection is largely dismissed by philosophers who support the statues' removal. In this article, I will aim to rectify this situation by (...)
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  22.  24
    Sustaining a Pregnant Cadaver for the Purpose of Gestating a Fetus: A Limited Defense.Bertha A. Manninen - 2016 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 26 (4):399-430.
    Marlise Muñoz had told her husband, Erik, that if it were ever necessary, she opposed being kept alive through the use of artificial sustenance. Two days before Thanksgiving in 2013, Erik found his wife unconscious on their kitchen floor; she had, by that point, suffered from oxygen deprivation for about an hour. When she arrived at John Peter Smith Hospital, Muñoz was put on a ventilator as hospital workers sought to revive her. They did not succeed. She was declared brain-dead, (...)
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  23. The metaphysical foundations of reproductive ethics.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):190-204.
    Many bioethicists working in reproductive ethics tacitly assume some theory of diachronic personal identity. For example, Peter Singer argues that there is no identity relation between a foetus and a future individual because the former shares no robust mental connections with the latter. Consequently, abortion prevents the existence of an individual; it does not destroy an already existing individual. Singer's argument implicitly appeals to the psychological account of personal identity, which, although endorsed by many philosophers such as Derek Parfit, is (...)
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  24.  5
    8 The Pro- Choice Pro- Lifer: Battling the False Dichoto.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2013 - In Sarah LaChance Adams & Caroline R. Lundquist (eds.), Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering. Fordham University Press. pp. 169-192.
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  25.  37
    Waismann’s Testimony of Wittgenstein’s Fresh Starts in 1931–35.Juha Manninen - 2011 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 15:243-265.
    In the Vienna Circle archives in Haarlem, NL, there are a great number of protocols connected with Moritz Schlick’s philosophical chair – manuscripts, typescripts and shorthand manuscripts. They contain extensive and detailed information about Schlick’s seminars and also about the elementary seminars, so-called proseminars, which were held, as the documents explain: “bei Prof. Schlick”, but actually after 1929 not by him. Since his arrival in Vienna, Schlick was responsible for these both types of seminars and they were under his supervision. (...)
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  26.  14
    Merkityksen ongelma kasvatustieteessä: Lähtökohtia pedagogisen toiminnan perusrakenteen semioottiseen analyysiin.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Oulu
    This study is about the meaning of education and the concept of meaning. The main aim is to develop a meta-theoretical object theory of education i.e. a theory about the research object of science of education, one which would be a valid reflection basis both for methodological and meta-theoretical questions of educational scientific research and for general pedagogical discussions. The development is based on the continental tradition of general pedagogy which acknowledges the pedagogical paradox by distinguishing between the concepts of (...)
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  27.  23
    Signs as functions: Edusemiotic and ontological foundations for a semiotic concept of a sign.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (212):27-44.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 212 Seiten: 27-44.
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  28.  48
    The Vienna Circle in the Nordic Countries: networks and transformations of logical empiricism.Juha Manninen & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Springer Science + Business Media.
    One of the key events in the relations between the Central European philosophers and those of the Nordic countries was the Second International Congress for the ...
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    Defending My “Rethinking” of Roe.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):W3-W5.
    In 2008, many states sought to pass Human Life Amendments, which would extend the definition of personhood to encompass newly fertilized eggs. If such an amendment were to pass, Roe v. Wade, as currently defended by the Supreme Court, may be repealed. Consequently, it is necessary to defend the right to an abortion in a manner that succeeds even if a Human Life Amendment successfully passes. J.J. Thomson's argument in “A Defense of Abortion” successfully achieves this. Her argument is especially (...)
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  30.  14
    Wittgensteins virtuelle Präsenz im Wiener Kreis, 1931–35.Juha Manninen - 2023 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle: 100 Years After the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Springer Verlag. pp. 269-314.
    Im Wiener-Kreis-Archiv in Haarlem/NL befinden sich zahlreiche Protokolle, die mit Moritz Schlicks Lehrstuhl für Philosophie in Zusammenhang stehen – Manuskripte, Typoskripte und stenografische Manuskripte. Diese enthalten umfangreiche und ausführliche Informationen über Schlicks Seminare und auch über die sogenannten Proseminare, die den Dokumenten zufolge „bei Prof. Schlick“ stattfanden, nach 1929 jedoch de facto nicht von ihm gehalten wurden. Seit seiner Ankunft in Wien war Schlick für diese beiden Arten von Seminaren verantwortlich, die unter seiner Aufsicht standen und hauptsächlich von Studenten dokumentiert (...)
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  31.  85
    Yes, the baby should live: a pro-choice response to Giubilini and Minerva.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):330-335.
    In their paper 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?' Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva argue that because there are no significant differences between a fetus and a neonate, in that neither possess sufficiently robust mental traits to qualify as persons, a neonate may be justifiably killed for any reason that also justifies abortion. To further emphasise their view that a newly born infant is more on a par with a fetus rather than a more developed baby, Giubilini and Minerva (...)
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  32. Education, Values and Authority: a Semiotic View.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2014 - In Inna Semetsky & Andrew Stables (eds.), Pedagogy and Edusemiotics: Theoretical Challenges / Practical Opportunities. Sense Publisher. pp. 91-105.
    How can we theoretically and philosophically study the problem of values and authority in the context of education? The chapter uses the framework of action theoretical semiotics developed mainly on the conceptual structures of Greimassian semiotic theory. This detailed and elaborated theory of human discourse (utilized usually in terms of literary and “cultural” texts) will be expanded by biosemiotic and Peircean points of view to fit in the special problem area of education as transformation or extension from the biosemiotic and (...)
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  33.  46
    Education, Consciousness and Negative Feedback: Towards the Renewal of Modern Philosophy of Education.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):25.
    Among the biggest challenges facing the contemporary human condition, and therefore also education, is responding to the climate crisis. One of the sources of the crisis is assumed to be _absent-mindedness_, presented by Leslie Dewart as a distortion of the development of human consciousness. Dewart’s poorly-known philosophical consciousness study is presented in this paper in broad outline. The problems in the study of consciousness, the most important of which are the qualitative representations—qualia—and the question of free will, are also briefly (...)
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  34. A Kantian Defense of Abortion Rights with Respect for Intrauterine Life.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2014 - Diametros 39:70-92.
    In this paper, I appeal to two aspects of Immanuel Kant’s philosophy – his metaphysics and ethics – in defense of abortion rights. Many Kantian pro-life philosophers argue that Kant’s second principle formulation of the categorical imperative, which proscribes treating persons as mere means, applies to human embryos and fetuses. Kant is clear, however, that he means his imperatives to apply to persons, individuals of a rational nature. It is important to determine, therefore, whether there is anything in Kant’s philosophy (...)
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  35. Respecting human embryos within stem cell research: Seeking harmony.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (2-3):226-244.
    Many medical‐ethics advisory boards have concluded that human embryonic stem cell research can be conducted in an ethical manner. Yet, almost all the recommendations of the ethics advisory boards have included a rather obscure requirement: the embryos that are to be destroyed for stem cell research must be treated with profound respect. In none of these recommendations, however, do we see an adequate explanation of what proper respect for human embryos actually entails. In this essay I argue that showing proper (...)
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  36. Signs of Reality - the Idea of General Bildung by J. A. Comenius.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2012 - In Pauli Siljander, Ari Kivelä & Ari Sutinen (eds.), Theories of Bildung and Growth: Connections and Controversies between Continental Educational Thinking and American Pragmatism. Sense Publishers. pp. 19-30.
    Eetu Pikkarainen describes the educational thinking of Johann AmosComenius (1592-1670) from a perspective of Bildung -theoretical problems. Comenius has had a remarkable influence on modern education, particularly through his language-learning and general didactical methods and principles. However, Comenius’ broader pansophic views have had somewhat more benign later effects. Comenius developed a reformation programme concerning the ‘main areas’ of reality, from theology and education to philosophy and language to social questions and world peace. This program has important connections to the (...)
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    Medicating the mind: a Kantian analysis of overprescribing psychoactive drugs.B. A. Manninen - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):100-105.
    Psychoactive drugs are being prescribed to millions of Americans at an increasing rate. In many cases these drugs are necessary in order to overcome debilitating emotional problems. Yet in other instances, these drugs are used to supplant, not supplement, interpersonal therapy. The process of overcoming emotional obstacles by introspection and the attainment of self knowledge is gradually being eroded via the gratuitous use of psychoactive medication in order to rapidly attain a release from the common problems that life inevitably presents (...)
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  38. The Value of Choice and the Choice to Value: Expanding the Discussion about Fetal Life within Prochoice Advocacy.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):663-683.
    In this essay, I provide evidence that a new generation of prochoice advocates wishes to move away from defending abortion rights via the view that fetal life has little or no value and toward a more complex view of abortion rights. This newer view simultaneously grants that fetuses are more than simply “clumps of cells,” that they are, to some extent, entities that possess some degree of value, and also that women still have the right to decide whether they wish (...)
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    A Pro-Choice Response to New York’s Reproductive Health Act.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (1):15.
    On 22 January 2019, New York state passed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), which specifies three circumstances under which a healthcare provider may perform an abortion in New York: (1) the patient is within twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, (2) the fetus is non-viable, or (3) the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health. The first one, that of abortion being accessible within the first twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, is not unique to New York, as many other states (...)
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    Benjamin Höijer und J.G. Fichte: eine Studie zum Fortschritt der Aufklärung.Juha Manninen - 1987
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    Cloning and individuality: Why Kass and Callahan are wrong.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2012 - Monash Bioethics Review 30 (1):65-88.
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    Deadpool’s Killogy as Philosophy: The Metaphysics of a Homicidal Journey Through Possible Worlds.Tuomas W. Manninen - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 2025-2042.
    What if the Merc with a Mouth was sent to a psychiatric institution with the intent of helping him, but what came out was something even more disturbing? This is the basic plotline of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe where Deadpool, well, kills all the characters who make up the Marvel Universe in order to save them from a fate worse than death. Under the gory surface of this story are substantive philosophical questions about the nature of reality, the place (...)
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  43.  64
    David's Need for Mutual Recognition: A Social Personhood Defense of Steven Spielberg's A. I. Artificial Intelligence.Tuomas William Manninen & Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (2-3):339-356.
    In Steven Spielberg's A.I. Artificial Intelligence a company called Cybertronics is responsible for creating, building, and disseminating a large number of ‘mechas’ – androids built specifically to address a multitude of human needs, including the desire to have children. David, an android mecha-child, has the capacity to genuinely love on whomever he ‘imprints.’ The first of this kind of mecha, he is ultimately abandoned by his ‘mother’ Monica, and David spends the rest of the film searching for Pinocchio's Blue Fairy (...)
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  44.  29
    Reflections on Teaching Philosophy of Censorship.Tuomas Manninen - 2020 - Teaching Ethics 20 (1-2):127-138.
    This paper describes a newly-developed course titled Philosophy of Censorship. Developed out of materials covered in an applied ethics course, this course seeks to improve the students’ understanding about the rights to free expression, and the ways in which these rights are—sometimes necessarily—curtailed in the contemporary society. In studying J. S. Mill’s prominent argument for freedom of thought and expression, the course analyzes the argument for its strength and applicability, when it comes to frequently challenged forms of expression, such as (...)
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    Realismus und Dialektik, oder, Was können wir wissen?Juha Manninen - 1984
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  46. Stephen King and Aristotelian Friendship: An Analysis of The Body and Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2016 - In Jacob M. Held (ed.), Stephen King and Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Virtue ethics, sex, and reality tv: If Aristotle had watched snooki.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2016 - Think 15 (44):47-68.
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    Educational Semiotics, Greimas, and Theory of Action.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2015 - Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    This entry addresses the action theoretical semiotics derived from A. J. Greimas’s theory and positions it in the context of edusemiotics. Greimas’s narratological theory is discussed and investigated in terms of its fruitfulness for education. The entry focuses on the major features of Greimas’s theory such as his famous actantial model as well as the anthropomorphic, or human- and subject-centered, approach in general. According to Greimas, at the core of the meaning of every significant discourse, there lies a typical human (...)
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  49. From Ontology of Interaction to Semiotics of Education.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2013 - In Kirsi Tirri & Elina Kuusisto (eds.), Interaction in Educational Domains. Sense Publishers. pp. 51-62.
    In this article I try to show that the most deep level ontology can have rich meaning for our understanding of such practical and everyday phenomena as education and interaction. With this deep level ontology I mean the problem of universals. Starting from famous traditional stances of realism and nominalism, which both are for the modern theories of growth and Bildung, I continue to the third and more recently developed ontological theory, trope theory according to which the properties (qualities, relations (...)
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  50. Signs of Reality - the Idea of General Bildung by J. A. Comenius.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2012 - In Pauli Siljander, Ari Kivelä & Ari Sutinen (eds.), Theories of Bildung and Growth: Connections and Controversies between Continental Educational Thinking and American Pragmatism. Sense Publishers. pp. 19-30.
    Eetu Pikkarainen describes the educational thinking of Johann AmosComenius (1592-1670) from a perspective of Bildung -theoretical problems. Comenius has had a remarkable influence on modern education, particularly through his language-learning and general didactical methods and principles. However, Comenius’ broader pansophic views have had somewhat more benign later effects. Comenius developed a reformation programme concerning the ‘main areas’ of reality, from theology and education to philosophy and language to social questions and world peace. This program has important connections to the (...)
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