Results for 'Elena Băltuță'

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  1.  10
    Roger Bacon’s indirect realism of quantity perception.Elena Băltuță - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-17.
    My goal in this paper is to contribute to the literature on Roger Bacon's epistemology by focusing on the issue of perception of quantity. The reading I aim to substantiate is that Bacon's account is best understood in terms of indirect realism. I call it indirect realism because although we have access to quantities as they exist in nature, the account is mediated by the use of a quasi-syllogism. The quasi-syllogism is constructed based on three inputs, the species of the (...)
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  2. Aquinas on Intellectual Cognition: The Case of Intelligible Species.Elena Baltuta - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):589-602.
    The paper argues in favour of a direct realist reading of Aquinas’s theory of intelligible species, in opposition to the recent representationalist challenges. In order to secure the direct realist reading, the paper follows three steps: a short description of Aquinas’s process of cognition, a survey of the direct realist arguments and the analysis of the representationalist interpretation. The final step consists of investigating the representationalist reading as it is suggested by two scholars, Claude Panaccio in Aquinas on Intellectual Representation (...)
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  3. Études de Philosophie Antique et Médiévale. Dossier Thomas d'Aquin.Elena Băltuţă - 2009 - Chôra 7:315-332.
    Im Folgenden werde ich einige der möglichen Interpretationen der thomistischen Intentionalitätstheorie darstellen. Zuerst werde ich die Mechanismen der menschlichen Erkenntnis und der Beziehung zwischen phantasmata, species sensibile und species intelligibile bei Thomas von Aquin beschreiben. Danachwerde ich die verschiedenen Interpretationen des Problems der Intentionalität bei Thomas darstellen; genauer gesagt geht es um drei reduktive Interpretationenund eine nicht-reduktive. Am Ende dieses Beitrags werde ich mich für eine dieser Interpretationen entscheiden und meine Gründe dafür angeben.
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  4.  18
    Does Bodily Pain Have an Intentional Character? Robert Kilwardby’s Answer.Elena Băltuță - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.), Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 255-265.
    The main claim I defend in this paper is that Robert Kilwardby, a thirteenth-century Dominican philosopher, construed bodily pain as a fully-fledged intentional state of the sensory soul. To prove this, I first examine Kilwarby’s account of how pain comes to be and how the sensory soul experiences it. I then show that pain cannot be reduced to a feeling the sensory soul experiences for the simple reason that pain has representational content, and is thus also directed at something.
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  5. Reabilitarea fenomenologică a olfacţiei. Cu nările larg deschise. [REVIEW]Elena Baltuta - 2008 - Hermeneia 8:95-97.
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    Monica Brînzei and Christopher D. Schabel. Eds. Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022. [REVIEW]Elena Baltuta - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (1):267-271.
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    Elena Băltuţă, ed., Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries. (Investigating Medieval Philosophy 13.) Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020. Pp. ix, 397; 2 charts. $166. ISBN: 978-9-0044-0847-0. [REVIEW]Pekka Kärkkäinen - 2021 - Speculum 96 (1):177-178.
  8. Structural Trauma.Elena Ruíz - 2024 - Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 23 (1):29-50.
    This paper addresses the phenomenological experience of precarity and vulnerability in racialized gender-based violence from a structural perspective. Informed by Indigenous social theory and anti-colonial approaches to intergenerational trauma that link settler colonial violence to the modalities of stress-inducing social, institutional, and cultural violences in marginalized women’s lives, I argue that philosophical failures to understand trauma as a functional, organizational tool of settler colonial violence amplify the impact of traumatic experience on specific populations. It is trauma by design. I explore (...)
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  9.  49
    Injustice by Design.Elena Ruíz & Ezgi Sertler - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Systemic epistemic failings in institutions are often explained through settler epistemologies and settler colonial frameworks that both obscure and reproduce the conditions necessary for those failings to endure. What is never questioned in the standard picture of institutional epistemic injustice is the implicit origin myth of an ‘institutional big bang’ that spawned many modern social institutions out of presumably noble orienting goals for a well-functioning society in democratic nation-states. We are concerned with the functional outcomes of institutions in settler colonial (...)
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    A Step Forward in the Conceptualization and Measurement of Parental Burnout: The Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA).Isabelle Roskam, Maria-Elena Brianda & Moïra Mikolajczak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:350462.
    So far, the conceptualization and measurement of parental burnout have been deduced from those of job burnout. As a result, it is unclear whether current measures of parental burnout constitute the best representation of the parental burnout construct/syndrome: the possibility cannot be excluded that some dimensions ought to be added, which would change the structure and definition of parental burnout. In this study, the conceptualization and measurement of parental burnout were approached using an inductive method, in which the parental burnout (...)
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  11.  18
    What is fair? Ethical analysis of triage criteria and disability rights during the COVID-19 pandemic and the German legislation.Elena Ana Francesca Göttert - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):139-143.
    This essay discusses the ethical challenges and dilemmas in allocating scarce medical resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, using the German legislative process as a starting point. It is guided by the right to non-discrimination of people with disability and generally contrasts utilitarian and rights-based principles of allocation. Three approaches that were suggested in the German discussion, are presented, the lottery principle, the first come first served principle and the probability to survive principle. Arguments in favour and against each principle are (...)
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  12. A Confucian-Inspired Perspective on East Asia’s Future: Examining Social Cohesion and Meritocracy.Elena Ziliotti - 2024 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 41:85-109.
    East Asia’s economy is leading the world into the new Asian century. While meritocratic practices in the educational and private sectors are often considered pivotal conditions for East Asia’s economic success, experts have pointed out that the path ahead requires new approaches to ensure social cohesion and stability, which depend on the quality of relations across social divides. These considerations raise multiple questions for philosophers: What forms of social meritocracy are necessary to sustain social cohesion? Moreover, how can the detrimental (...)
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  13. Ibn Sīnā, “Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ 6–10”.Elena Comay del Junco - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1).
    This is the first English translation of Ibn Sīnā's (Avicenna) Commentary on Chapters 6-10 of Aristotle's Metaphysics Λ. It is significant as it is one of only a small number of surviving commentaries by Ibn Sīnā and offers crucial insights into not only his attitudes towards his predecessors, but also his own philosophical positions — especially with regard to the human intellect's connections to God and the cosmos — and his attempt to develop a distinctive mode of commentary.
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  14.  21
    Children's understanding of the agent-patient relations in the transitive construction: Cross-linguistic comparisons between Cantonese, German, and English.Angel Chan, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (2).
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  15.  23
    Institutions of higher education: Cornerstones in building ethical organizations.Elena G. Procario-Foley & David F. Bean - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (1):101-116.
  16.  61
    Logic and Discrimination.Elena Ficara - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):46-57.
    The paper is about the connection between logic and discrimination, with special focus on Plumwood’s ideas in her groundbreaking article ‘The Politics of Reason. Towards a Feminist Logic’ (1993). Although Plumwood’s paper is not focused on the notion of discrimination, what she writes is useful for illuminating some basic mechanisms of thought that are at the basis of discriminatory practices. After an introductory section about the concepts of logic and discrimination and their possible interconnections, I present Plumwood’s ideas in 1993 (...)
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  17.  32
    Hegel, Beall, and the logic of Vereinigung.Elena Ficara - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-13.
    In 2023, Beall and Ficara present what they call Hegelian conjunctions. A Hegelian conjunction is a true conjunction of contradictory opposites in which the conjuncts, separately taken, are untrue and for which simplification fails. The analysis in Beall & Ficara History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2) 119-131, 2023 is important for various reasons. First, for overcoming the deleterious state of estrangement between two ways of conceiving and practicing logic, the “dialectical” or “continental” and the “analytical” one. Second, for strengthening (...)
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  18.  28
    Convergence strategies for theory assessment.Elena Castellani - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 104 (C):78-87.
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  19.  39
    Expression of concern.Silvia Bulfone-Paus, Elena Bulanova, Vadim Budagian & Ralf Paus - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):647-647.
  20.  32
    Structure, shape, topology: entangled concepts in molecular chemistry.Elena Ghibaudi, Luigi Cerruti & Giovanni Villani - 2019 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (2):279-307.
    The concepts of molecular structure and molecular shape are ubiquitous in the chemical literature, where they are often taken as synonyms, with unavoidable drawbacks in chemistry teaching. A third concept, molecular topology, is less frequent but it is a reference term in molecular research domains such as Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships. The present paper proposes an epistemological analysis of these three notions, aimed at clarifying the nature of their relationship, as well as the contiguities and differences between them. At first, we (...)
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  21.  31
    The cultural code of the Shtetl in Grigory Gorin's play "Memorial Prayer".Elena Romanovna Kotliar, Natal'ya Anatol'evna Zolotuhina & Arina Yur'evna Zolotuhina - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of our article is the identification of cultural codes of Eastern European shtetl towns in the play by Grigory Gorin "Memorial Prayer", the libretto of which was written by the author based on the works of the famous Yiddish writer Sholom Aleichem. The author of the article describes the history and conditions of localization of Jewish culture in Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire, the peculiarities of its transformation, the tragic history of the Jewish theater in the first (...)
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  22.  33
    Development of the Phonetic Skills in German as the Second Foreign Language on the Basis of the English Language.Liliya Ponomaryova & Elena Osadcha - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 70:62-69.
    Source: Author: Liliya Ponomaryova, Elena Osadcha The problems of forming phonetic skills of the German language which is studied on the basis of the English language have been considered. The aim of this research is to make the comparative analysis of the phonetic aspects of the foreign languages that are taught one after another. There has been the attempt to analyze, generalize and systematize the material on the given topic which is presented in works in German, English, Ukrainian and (...)
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  23.  42
    About the oxford symmetry workshop and the papers posted under that heading.Katherine A. Brading & Elena Castellani - unknown
    The papers posted under the heading 'Symmetries in Physics, New Reflections: Oxford Workshop, January 2001' were presented and discussed at the corresponding workshop. As the organisers, we give a brief summary of the purpose of the workshop, and list the talks and the participants.
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  24.  12
    Atheism and spirituality in the USSR: Can atheists be spiritual?Elena Fell - 2023 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 14 (1):43-60.
    Is atheist spirituality an oxymoron and, if so, did Soviet citizens brought up in a definitively atheist environment have no spiritual pursuits? The author asks this question, drawing on Dostoyevsky’s dark prophecy and interrogating Yuri Levada’s model of a Soviet simple person as a distinct anthropological type. Taking on board Riegel’s concept of political religion and testing Marxism–Leninism as a source of wisdom for the Soviet nonbelievers, the author seeks to uncover a version of spirituality compatible with Soviet-style atheism. The (...)
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  25.  7
    Consentimiento Informado Desde la Filosofía Del Derecho.Elena Pernas Ciudad - 2023 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 57:309-314.
    Reseña al libro Martínez Doallo, Noelia. El derecho al consentimiento informado del paciente. Una perspectiva iusfundamental. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2021, 164 páginas.
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  26. Rethinking the History of Logic, Mathematics, and Exact Sciences.Elena Ficara, Andrea Reichenberger & Anna-Sophie Heinemann (eds.) - forthcoming - Rickmansworth (Herts): College Publications.
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  27.  58
    Structural Violence.Elena Ruíz - 2024 - Oxford University Press.
    Enduring social inequalities in settler colonial societies are not an accident. They are produced and maintained by the self-repairing structural features and dynastic character of systemic racism and its intersecting oppressions. Using methods from diverse anticolonial liberation movements and systems theory, Structural Violence theorizes the existence of adaptive and self-replicating historical formations that underwrite cultures of violence in settler colonial societies. Corresponding epistemic forces tied to profit and wealth accumulation for beneficiary groups often go untracked. The account offered here argues (...)
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  28.  8
    Are there distinct views of chemistry behind the old and the new definition of mole?Elena Ghibaudi, Marco Ghirardi & Alberto Regis - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (3):385-398.
    In recent years, the definition of mole, the unit of the amount of substance, has changed to have the base units of the International System defined by “explicit-constant” formulations. The old definition, by referring explicitly to both mass and elementary units, suggests that the mole is a bridge between the macroscopic and microscopic registers. Conversely, the new definition emphasizes the aspect of counting, referred to any kind of elementary unit. Paradoxically, this results in the disappearance of the notion of substance (...)
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  29.  20
    Towards a Sociopolitical Aesthetics of Smell.Elena Mancioppi - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 78:131-152.
    The relationship between smell and politics could appear obscure; and yet, when it comes to smell, questions about freedom and constriction, social and ontological mingling or distinctions, clearly arise. In this paper, I will especially focus on the domain of food as a clear example for describing some of the political ambivalences characterizing the sense of smell. The aim is to pave the way for a more detailed ‘sociopolitical aesthetics of smell’ to come. I will stress epistemological and social features (...)
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  30. Solidarietà.Léon Bourgeois & Elena Antonetti - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 3.
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  31. Usos políticos da leucopenia e diferença racial no Brasil contemporâneo.Elena Calvo-Gonzáles - 2012 - In Ricardo Ventura Santos, Sahra Gibbon & Jane Felipe Beltrão (eds.), Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz.
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    Sandu Frunza (coord.), Philosophy and Religion – A Multidisciplinary Approach.Ana Elena Ilinca - 2001 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (1):146-148.
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    Mediologija virtualios tikrovės akivaizdoje: nuo filosofijos ir sociologijos remikso iki augmentuotos tikrovės žemėlapiavimo.Agnieška Juzefovič & Elena Sakalauskaitė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (3).
    Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos filosofijos ir sociologijos perspektyvos skaitmeninių medijų akivaizdoje, atskleidžiama, kaip skaitmeninių medijų raida prisideda prie naujųjų disciplinų atsiradimo, sėkmingai jungiančių tiek filosofines, tiek sociologines prieigas. Remiantis garsaus medijų filosofo Michaelio Heimo tyrimais, nagrinėjamos sąsajos tarp kibernetinės erdvės ir technologijų raidos, išryškinamas jų poveikis transformacijoms, vykstančioms kibernetinės erdvės „žemėlapiavime“. Svarstant filosofijos ir sociologijos perspektyvas medijuotoje kultūroje pristatomi Franko Hartmanno tyrimai, skirti mediologijos problematikai, parodoma, kaip mediologijos rėmuose „žemėlapiuojama“ virtualioji tikrovė. Galiausiai, taikant mediologijos metodinę prieigą, nagrinėjami konk­retūs virtualios (augmentuotos) tikrovės pavyzdžiai. (...)
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    Formación posgraduada en Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad en el sector de la salud. Resultados de una capacitación a profesores.María Elena Macías Llanes - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (3):1-21.
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  35. (1 other version)Aristotle on the Affective Powers of Colours and Pictures.Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.), Colour Psychology in the Graeco-Roman World. pp. 43-80.
    Aristotle’s works on natural science show that he was aware of the affective powers of colour. At De an. 421a13, for example, he writes that hard-eyed animals can only discriminate between frightening and non-frightening colours. In the Nicomachean Ethics, furthermore, colours are the source of pleasures and delight. These pleasures, unlike the pleasures of touch and taste, neither corrupt us nor make us wiser. Aristotle’s views on the affective powers of colours raise a question about the limits he seems to (...)
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  36.  15
    Heroicidad epistémica y conciencia feminista. Una reflexión a partir de los casos de Christine de Pizan y sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.Elena Nájera - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e15.
    El presente trabajo lleva a cabo una reflexión sobre el proceso de incorporación de la conciencia feminista en el imaginario occidental a partir de los casos de Christine de Pizan y sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, que permiten ejemplificar el concepto de heroicidad epistémica propuesto por José Medina. Para ello se expondrán las posiciones críticas de ambas autoras y se valorará el efecto que tuvieron en sus respectivos contextos, así como el rastro que dejaron en momentos posteriores. Este recorrido (...)
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  37.  4
    Sustainability in the Professional Practice of an Engineer.Elena Gabriela Cabral Velázquez, José Luis Castro González & Luis Alberto Mejía-Manzano - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1090-1097.
    To meet modern society's demands, highly qualified professionals are driving the reformulation of the teaching-learning model in universities. The framework of the Tec21, the Educative Model of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, provides the focus over the training programs on the relationship between the student and the environment for the development of personal and professional competencies through the resolution of challenges linked to real-world scenarios. In this work, we present information about a challenging experiential activity for students with an undergraduate professional (...)
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  38.  3
    The Labor Market and the Skills Needs Development Among Adults in the Republic of North Macedonia.Elena Rizova & Liljana Lazova - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):95-117.
    In the rapidly evolving global economy, aligning labor market demands withskills needs development among adults is critical for sustainable economic growth andindividual career success. This alignment ensures that the workforce remains competitive,adaptable and capable of meeting industry requirements. A significant mismatchbetween labor market demands and available skills can lead to increased unemployment,underemployment, and diminished economic productivity. Addressing this gap necessitatesa comprehensive understanding of current and future labor market trends, coupledwith targeted educational and training programs.Adult education and continuous professional development play (...)
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  39.  6
    Law Beyond the Law: Editorial Introduction.Elena Ioriatti & Mario Ricca - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (5):1459-1469.
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    Revolt and the Lettered Self.Elena Ruiz - 2017 - In Sarah K. Hansen (ed.), New forms of revolt: essays on Kristeva's intimate politics. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 67-83.
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    Decoding faces: Misalignments of gender identification in automated systems.Elena Beretta, Cristina Voto & Elena Rozera - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 19 (C):100089.
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    À la croisée de la morale, du droit et de la religion : Kant et la responsabilité.Elena Partene - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):67-82.
    Cet article se propose de retracer le parcours du concept kantien de responsabilité à travers les trois grands domaines dans lesquels il est mobilisé : la philosophie morale, qui fait de la liberté la condition de possibilité de la responsabilité ; la philosophie du droit, qui fait porter la responsabilité sur les seules actions extérieures, et non sur l’intériorité de l’intention ; la philosophie de la religion, dans laquelle Kant explore le rapport de la responsabilité au mal radical.
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    Learning a fast 3D spectral approach to object segmentation and tracking over space and time.Elena Burceanu & Marius Leordeanu - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 340 (C):104281.
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    Filosofia dell'ambiente.Elena Casetta - 2023 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  45. Materializmus a idealizmus v biologii.Elena Filová - 1962 - Bratislava,: Osveta.
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    Methods of philosophical practice (philosophical counseling and companionship) in the student audience: an educational experiment. Part III. Results.Elena Grednovskaya, Ekaterina Milyaeva, Regina Penner & Uliana Sidorova - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:121-134.
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  47. Chelovek--cheloveku..Elena Kononenko - 1962 - Moskva,: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  48. O krasote dushevnoĭ.Elena Viktorovna Kononenko - 1959
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  49. Phenomenological Analysis of Musical Meaning on the Material of Rock Music.Elena Kosilova - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):571-586.
    The article deals with the phenomenological analysis of music perception on the material of rock songs. The structure of a song is simpler than the structure of a classical piece of music, but all the results are valid for any music with appropriate complication. “Listening device”—a computer program that translates sounds into musical notation - perceives individual sounds. But the musical consciousness understands the specific musical thought. It groups sounds into motifs and phrases. F. Tagg introduces the concept of “museme”—a (...)
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  50. Decision Making, Values and Trust in Science: Two Cases from Public Health.Elena Popa - 2024 - In Michael Resch, Nico Formanek, Joshy Ammu & Andreas Kaminski (eds.), Science and the Art of Simulation: Trust in Science. Springer.
    This paper examines trust in science in relation to public health and decisions affecting different groups. I employphilosophical work on trust and distrust, particularly how the perpetuation of injustices leads to warranted distrust, andliterature on science and values to argue that trust in science can increase if justice and equity are taken into account in thedecision-making process. As illustration, I discuss the case of lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, and protectingmaternal and fetal health from metylmercury poisoning by removing fish from (...)
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