Results for 'Ellen Taylor'

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  1.  31
    Ethical Implications of Social Media in Health Care Research.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (10):58-59.
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    Protecting Research Subject Welfare in Preventive Trials for Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):83-84.
  3.  39
    Is It Ethical to Enroll Cognitively Impaired Adults in Research That Is More Than Minimal Risk With No Prospect of Benefit?Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):64-65.
  4.  34
    Recontact and Recruitment of Young Adults Previously Enrolled in Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Research.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):56-57.
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    Ethics of Continuing to Provide a Drug on an Open-Label Extension Study for an “Unapproved Indication”.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):56-56.
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    (3 other versions)Challenging Cases in Research Ethics.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):60 - 60.
  7.  32
    Navigating Parental Permission for Neonatal Research.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):76-76.
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    The Ethics of Disclosing to Research Subjects the Availability of Off-Label Marketed Drugs.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):51-51.
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    The Obligations to Report Statutory Sexual Abuse Disclosed in a Research Study.Holly A. Taylor, Ellen Kuwana & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (10):50-50.
  10.  30
    III jsp.Doug Anderson, James Campbell, Ellen Kappy Suckiel & Eugene Taylor - 2003 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (4).
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    Sensory cue combination in children under 10 years of age.James Negen, Brittney Chere, Laura-Ashleigh Bird, Ellen Taylor, Hannah E. Roome, Samantha Keenaghan, Lore Thaler & Marko Nardini - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104014.
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  12. The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill.Jo Ellen Jacobs (ed.) - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    For 170 years, Harriet Taylor Mill has been presented as a footnote in John Stuart Mill’s life. This volume gives her a separate voice. Readers may assess for themselves the importance and influence of her ideas on "women’s" issues such as marriage and divorce, education, domestic violence, and suffrage. And they will note the overlap of her ideas on ethics, religion, arts, and socialism, written in the 1830s, with her more famous husband’s works, published 25 years later.
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    Ellen K. Feder's Family Bonds: Genealogies of Race and Gender.Chloë Taylor - 2010 - PhaenEx 5 (1):118-128.
  14.  88
    “The Lot of Gifted Ladies Is Hard”: A Study of Harriet Taylor Mill Criticism.Jo Ellen Jacobs - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):132-162.
    The question, “Why has Harriet Taylor MM appeared in the history of philosophy as she has?” has several answers. The answers intertwine the personality and polities of Harriet, the sexism of those who wrote of her, misunderstandings of the means and meaning of her collaboration with John Stuart Mill, and the disturbing challenge of her questioning.
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    Book Review: The Essential Ellen Willis Edited by Nona Willis Aronowitz. [REVIEW]Judith Taylor - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):854-856.
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    The feminist imagination.Jan Ellen Lewis - 2004 - Modern Intellectual History 1 (3):411-425.
    Barbara Taylor, Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Imagination Ruth H. Bloch, Gender and Morality in Anglo-American Culture, 1650–1800 Barbara Taylor entitles her new book Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Imagination. The imagination in question is Wollstonecraft's, but, like Wollstonecraft, Taylor is interested in the imagination more generally, both the problems that the imagination gets women into and the ways in which the feminist imagination can get women out of those problems and help them imagine a more just (...)
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  17. The Problem of Colorblindness in Us Education Es V38/2.Sue Ellen Henry & Gretchen Givens Generett - 2005 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill; Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill.R. Manning - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (3):317-321.
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  19. Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill. [REVIEW]Annabelle Lever - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24:118-119.
  20. Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill , pp. xxxv + 587 Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill , pp. xxi + 270. [REVIEW]Rita Manning - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (3):317.
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    Categories and induction in young children.Susan A. Gelman & Ellen M. Markman - 1986 - Cognition 23 (3):183-209.
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  22. Beauty Unlimited.Peg Zeglin Brand (ed.) - 2013 - Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
    Emphasizing the human body in all of its forms, Beauty Unlimited expands the boundaries of what is meant by beauty both geographically and aesthetically. Peg Zeglin Brand and an international group of contributors interrogate the body and the meaning of physical beauty in this multidisciplinary volume. This striking and provocative book explores the history of bodily beautification; the physicality of socially or culturally determined choices of beautification; the interplay of gender, race, class, age, sexuality, and ethnicity within and on the (...)
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  23. A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality.Carol S. Dweck & Ellen L. Leggett - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (2):256-273.
  24.  38
    Hypatia's Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers (review).Sue M. Weinberg - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):164-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers ed. by Linda Lopez McAllisterSue M. WeinbergLinda Lopez McAllister, editor. Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996. Pp. xiv + 345. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $22.50.Hypatia: born in the fourth century A.D.: philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, teacher; brutally murdered in Alexandria in 415 A.D—whether for holding religious views regarded as heretical or because she (...)
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    Ethics, CSR, and Sustainability Education in the Financial Times Top 50 Global Business Schools: Baseline Data and Future Research Directions.Lisa Jones Christensen, Ellen Peirce, Laura P. Hartman, W. Michael Hoffman & Jamie Carrier - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (4):347-368.
    This paper investigates how deans and directors at the top 50 global MBA programs (as rated by the "Financial Times" in their 2006 Global MBA rankings) respond to questions about the inclusion and coverage of the topics of ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability at their respective institutions. This work purposely investigates each of the three topics separately. Our findings reveal that: (1) a majority of the schools require that one or more of these topics be covered in their MBA (...)
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  26. Philosophical expertise and scientific expertise.Jennifer Ellen Nado - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (7):1026-1044.
    The “expertise defense” is the claim that philosophers have special expertise that allows them to resist the biases suggested by the findings of experimental philosophers. Typically, this defense is backed up by an analogy with expertise in science or other academic fields. Recently, however, studies have begun to suggest that philosophers' intuitions may be just as subject to inappropriate variation as those of the folk. Should we conclude that the expertise defense has been debunked? I'll argue that the analogy with (...)
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  27. Hypocrisy: What Counts?Mark Alicke, Ellen Gordon & David Rose - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology (5):1-29.
    Hypocrisy is a multi-faceted concept that has been studied empirically by psychologists and discussed logically by philosophers. In this study, we pose various behavioral scenarios to research participants and ask them to indicate whether the actor in the scenario behaved hypocritically. We assess many of the components that have been considered to be necessary for hypocrisy (e.g., the intent to deceive, self-deception), factors that may or may not be distinguished from hypocrisy (e.g., weakness of will), and factors that may moderate (...)
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    Recognition memory for a rapid sequence of pictures.Mary C. Potter & Ellen I. Levy - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):10.
  29.  40
    Damage compounded: Disparities, distrust, and disparate impact in end-of-life conflict resolution policies.Mary Ellen Wojtasiewicz - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):8 – 12.
    For a little more than a decade, professional organizations and healthcare institutions have attempted to develop guidelines and policies to deal with seemingly intractable conflicts that arise between clinicians and patients (or their proxies) over appropriate use of aggressive life-sustaining therapies in the face of low expectations of medical benefit. This article suggests that, although such efforts at conflict resolution are commendable on many levels, inadequate attention has been given to their potential negative effects upon particular groups of patients/proxies. Based (...)
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    Operationalizing the role of the nurse ethicist: More than a job.Georgina Morley, Ellen M. Robinson & Lucia D. Wocial - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (5):688-700.
    The idea of a role in nursing that includes expertise in ethics has been around for more than 30 years. Whether or not one subscribes to the idea that nursing ethics is separate and distinct from bioethics, nursing practice has much to contribute to the ethical practice of healthcare, and with the strong grounding in ethics and aspiration for social justice considerations in nursing, there is no wonder that the specific role of the nurse ethicist has emerged. Nurse ethicists, expert (...)
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  31. Addiction and embodiment.Corinde E. Wiers & Ellen Fridland - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):15-42.
    Recent experiments have shown that when individuals with a substance use disorder are confronted with drug-related cues, they exhibit an automatically activated tendency to approach these cues. The strength of the drug approach bias has been associated with clinically relevant measures, such as increased drug craving and relapse, and activations in brain reward areas. Retraining the approach bias by means of cognitive bias modification has been demonstrated to decrease relapse rates in patients with an alcohol use disorder and to reduce (...)
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    Hyper-active gap filling.Akira Omaki, Ellen F. Lau, Imogen Davidson White, Myles L. Dakan, Aaron Apple & Colin Phillips - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  33. Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching: A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Texts.Robert G. Henricks, Ellen M. Chen & Victor H. Mair - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):397-405.
  34.  26
    Walking Our Talk: Business Schools, Legitimacy, and Citizenship.Mary-Ellen Boyle - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (1):37-68.
    Business and society scholars have analyzed the citizenship activities of private firms, but what of their own institutions? This article introduces the concept of business school citizenship (BSC), examining it as a response to the legitimacy pressures created by competing corporate and university interests in the U.S. management-education context. Theories of corporate and of university social responsibility are used to explain BSC, and these theories form the basis of the argument that such activities can be justified and should be increased.
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    The Relationship Between Supervisor Personality, Supervisors’ Perceived Stress and Workplace Bullying.Gro Ellen Mathisen, Ståle Einarsen & Reidar Mykletun - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):637-651.
    This study investigated the relationship between supervisor personality and subordinate reports of exposure to bullying and harassment at work. Three research questions were examined: Is there a direct relationship between supervisor personality and reports of workplace bullying? Is there an interaction between supervisor personality and supervisors’ perceived stress as predictors of workplace bullying? Will subordinates who experience bullying at their workplace rate their supervisor’s personality more negatively? The sample consisted of 207 supervisors and employees within 70 Norwegian restaurants. Supervisors low (...)
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  36.  21
    Working Memory and Its Mediating Role on the Relationship of Math Anxiety and Math Performance: A Meta-Analysis.Jonatan Finell, Ellen Sammallahti, Johan Korhonen, Hanna Eklöf & Bert Jonsson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is well established that math anxiety has a negative relationship with math performance. A few theories have provided explanations for this relationship. One of them, the Attentional Control Theory, suggests that anxiety can negatively impact the attentional control system and increase one's attention to threat-related stimuli. Within the ACT framework, the math anxiety —working memory relationship is argued to be critical for math performance. The present meta-analyses provides insights into the mechanisms of the MA—MP relation and the mediating role (...)
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    Dequantifying diversity: affirmative action and admissions at the University of Michigan.Fiona Rose-Greenland, Ellen Berrey & Daniel Hirschman - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (3):265-301.
    To explore the limits of quantification as a form of rationalization, we examine a rare case of dequantification: race-based affirmative action in undergraduate admissions at the University of Michigan. Michigan adopted a policy of holistically reviewing undergraduate applications in 2003, after the US Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional its points-based admissions policy. Using archival and ethnographic data, we trace the adoption, evolution, and undoing of Michigan’s quantified system of admissions decision-making between 1964 and 2004. In a context in which opponents of (...)
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  38.  60
    The ethical dimensions of the biological and health sciences.Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Heitman & Stanley Joel Reiser (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the second edition of a highly successful and well-received textbook on the responsible conduct of biomedical and health science research. It is aimed at faculty and graduate students in health science and biomedical science programs. In addition those on National Institute of Health research grants, administrators at universities, academic health centers, and medical and graduate schools will find the book a useful resource. The structure of the book remains the same as the first edition. Each chapter offers an (...)
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    The Ethical dimensions of the biological sciences.Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Heitman & Stanley Joel Reiser (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first systematically organized anthology on responsible conduct in scientific research aimed at students and practicing researchers in the biological sciences. It has been designed in response to the increasing concern to teach graduate students about ethical issues in the biological sciences. The book contains classic essays and other published material and is carefully structured to explore a range of subjects: the qualifications for authorship; plagiarism; the use of human beings and animals in research; the norms of ethical (...)
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    Dignity of older home-dwelling women nearing end-of-life: Informal caregivers’ perception.Katrine Staats, Ellen Karine Grov, Bettina S. Husebø & Oscar Tranvåg - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (3):444-456.
    Background: Most older people wish to live in the familiar surroundings of their own home until they die. Knowledge concerning dignity and dignity loss of home-dwelling older women living with incurable cancer should be a foundation for quality of care within municipal healthcare services. The informal caregivers of these women can help increase the understanding of sources related to dignity and dignity loss Aim: The aim of this study was to explore informal caregivers’ perceptions of sources related to dignity and (...)
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    Knowledges: historical and critical studies in disciplinarity.Ellen Messer-Davidow, David R. Shumway & David Sylvan (eds.) - 1993 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    The editors of this volume have brought together a distinguished and truly diverse group of contributors to examine how all sorts of knowledges have been ...
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    Learning to neighbor? Service-learning in context.Mary-Ellen Boyle - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1):85-104.
    Service-learning has received a great deal of attention in the management education literature over the past decade, as a method by which students can acquire moral and civic values as well as gain academic knowledge and practice real-world skills. Scholars focus on student and community impact, curricular design, and rationale. However, the educational environment (“context”) in which service-learning occurs has been given less attention, although experienced educators know that the classroom is hardly a vacuum and that students learn a great (...)
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  43.  30
    Interaction of physical activity and interoception in children.Eleana Georgiou, Ellen Matthias, Susanne Kobel, Sarah Kettner, Jens Dreyhaupt, Jürgen M. Steinacker & Olga Pollatos - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  44.  25
    Society's choices: social and ethical decision making in biomedicine.Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby & Harvey V. Fineberg (eds.) - 1995 - Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
    This book discusses ways for people to handle today's bioethical issues in the context of America's history and culture--and from the perspective of various ...
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    Process for obtaining informed consent: Women’s opinions.Silvana Ferreira Bento, Ellen Hardy & Maria José Duarte Osis - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (3):197-206.
    In Brazil, every study involving human beings is required to produce an informed consent form that must be signed by study participants: this is stated in Resolution 196/96. 1 Consent must be obtained through a specific structured process. Objective: To present the opinions of women regarding how the process of obtaining informed consent should be conducted when women are invited to participate in studies on contraceptive methods. Subjects and Methods: Eight focus groups were conducted, involving a total of 51 women (...)
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    When a “Replication” Is Not a Replication. Commentary: Sequential Congruency Effects in Monolingual and Bilingual Adults.John G. Grundy & Ellen Bialystok - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  47. Studied Abroad for 400 Years: Oliva Sabuco's New Philosophy of Human Nature.Mary Ellen Waithe - manuscript
    Oliva Sabuco's New Philosophy of Human nature (1587) is an early modern philosophy of medicine that challenged the views of the successors to Aristotle, especially Galen and Ibn Sina (Avicenna). It also challenged the paradigm of the male as the epitome of the human and instead offers a gender-neutral philosophy of human nature. Now largely forgotten, it was widely read and influential amongst philosophers of medicine including DeClave, LePois, Harvey,Southey and others, particularly for its account of the role of the (...)
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    Cognitive dissonance: Physiological arousal in the performance expectancy paradigm.Michael P. Etgen & Ellen F. Rosen - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (3):229-231.
  49.  36
    Commercial Interests, the Technological Imperative, and Advocates: Three Forces Driving Genomic Sequencing in Newborns.Stacey Pereira & Ellen Wright Clayton - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S2):43-44.
    While the NSIGHT program was driven by a desire to define and gather data about both the benefits and harms of introducing genomic sequencing into the care of newborns, it remains to be seen how much influence these data will have in shaping the use of this technology in newborns. Ultimately, three additional forces—commercial interests, the technological imperative, and advocates—may play a significant role in shaping the use of sequencing in newborns. Policy‐makers and clinicians should be aware of the effects (...)
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  50.  42
    Use of Digital Health Records Raises Ethics Concerns.Beverly Kopala & Mary Ellen Mitchell - 2011 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 13 (3):84-89.
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