Results for 'Emily P. Williams'

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  1.  36
    Trust, Conflicts of Interest, and Concussion Reporting in College Football Players.Christine M. Baugh, Emily Kroshus, William P. Meehan & Eric G. Campbell - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):307-314.
    Sports medicine clinicians face conflicts of interest in providing medical care to athletes. Using a survey of college football players, this study evaluates whether athletes are aware of these conflicts of interest, whether these conflicts affect athlete trust in their health care providers, or whether conflicts or athletes' trust in stakeholders are associated with athletes' injury reporting behaviors.
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    Joseph Russo.William Austin, Jonathan Clark, Emily Erickson, Judith P. Hallett & Kimberly Hunter - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):576-577.
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    “Safer to plant corn and beans”? Navigating the challenges and opportunities of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt.Rebecca Traldi, Lauren Asprooth, Emily M. Usher, Kristin Floress, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Megan Baskerville, Sarah P. Church, Ken Genskow, Seth Harden, Elizabeth T. Maynard, Aaron William Thompson, Ariana P. Torres & Linda S. Prokopy - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1687-1706.
    Agricultural diversification in the Midwestern Corn Belt has the potential to improve socioeconomic and environmental outcomes by buffering farmers from environmental and economic shocks and improving soil, water, and air quality. However, complex barriers related to agricultural markets, individual behavior, social norms, and government policy constrain diversification in this region. This study examines farmer perspectives regarding the challenges and opportunities for both corn and soybean production and agricultural diversification strategies. We analyze data from 20 focus groups with 100 participants conducted (...)
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    Case Report of Dual-Site Neurostimulation and Chronic Recording of Cortico-Striatal Circuitry in a Patient With Treatment Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.Sarah T. Olsen, Ishita Basu, Mustafa Taha Bilge, Anish Kanabar, Matthew J. Boggess, Alexander P. Rockhill, Aishwarya K. Gosai, Emily Hahn, Noam Peled, Michaela Ennis, Ilana Shiff, Katherine Fairbank-Haynes, Joshua D. Salvi, Cristina Cusin, Thilo Deckersbach, Ziv Williams, Justin T. Baker, Darin D. Dougherty & Alik S. Widge - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Findings from a mixed‐methods pragmatic cluster trial evaluating the impact of ethics education interventions on residential care‐givers.Ann Gallagher, Matthew Peacock, Emily Williams, Magdalena Zasada & Anna Cox - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12383.
    There has been little previous research regarding the effectiveness of ethics education interventions for residential care‐givers. The Researching Interventions to Promote Ethics in social care project responded to the question: Which is the most effective ethics education intervention for care‐givers in residential social care? A pragmatic cluster trial explored the impact of three ethics education interventions for: (a) interactive face‐to‐face ethics teaching; (b) reflective ethics discussion groups; and (c) an immersive simulation experience. There was also a control arm (d). 144 (...)
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    The obsession with time in 1880s–1930s American-British philosophy.Emily Thomas - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):149-160.
    ABSTRACT In American-British philosophy around the turn of the twentieth century, every philosopher and their dog had something to say on time. Thinkers worried about our experience of time, and the metaphysics of time. This introduction to the special issue, Time in American-British Philosophy 1880s-1930s, investigates that obsession, explaining how its philosophers spilled pints of ink on time, and produced the first-ever surveys of time. I historically contextualise their work and explore some of its driving causes, including experimental psychology of (...)
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    Indeterminacy and underdetermination: Are Quine's two theses consistent?P. William Bechtel - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 38 (3):309 - 320.
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    The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey by Alexander C. Loney.Emily P. Austin - 2022 - American Journal of Philology 143 (3):535-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey by Alexander C. LoneyEmily P. AustinAlexander C. Loney. The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xii +265. Hardcover, $78.00. ISBN 978-0-190-90967-3.The Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey places Odysseus' climactic act of revenge where it belongs: at the center of our interpretation of the Odyssey. (...)
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    (1 other version)Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition.P. William Hughes - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology (2):1-4.
    (2013). Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition. Philosophical Psychology. ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2012.732339.
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    (1 other version)Observationality: Quine and the Epistemological Nihilists.P. William Bechtel & Eric Stiffler - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:93 - 108.
    Quine has proposed an alternative criterion for identifying observation sentences which has not yet received serious evaluation. We investigate this new criterion, showing how it differs from more traditional criteria and measuring it against the major objections to traditional criteria. Our judgment is that it meets Suppe's and Achinstein's objections and one version of the theory-ladenness objection offered by Hanson, Feyerabend, and Kuhn. We suggest how it might also provide an answer to the more serious version of the theory-ladenness objection. (...)
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  11. Indeterminacy and intentionality: Quine's purported elimination of propositions.P. William Bechtel - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (November):649-661.
  12.  19
    Aldo Fasolo, ed. , The Theory of Evolution and Its Impact . Reviewed by.P. William Hughes - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (6):455-457.
  13.  9
    Knowing chops from chuck: roasting MyoD redundancy.Charles P. Ordahl & Brian A. Williams - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (5):357-362.
    The myf5 and myoD genes are implicated in the specification of vertebrate skeletal muscle. These genes have been thought to be functionally redundant because neonatal mice bearing homozygous null mutations in either gene show grossly normal muscle development. By analyzing the early embryonic development of the mutants, Michael Rudnicki and coworkers show that trunk muscle development is retarded in embryos bearing myf5 null mutations, while early limb and branchial arch muscle development is retarded by myoD null mutations.1 These results indicate (...)
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    Social motivation: Introduction and overview.J. P. Forgas, K. D. Williams & S. M. Laham - 2004 - In Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. Williams & Simon M. Laham (eds.), Social Motivation: Conscious and Unconscious Processes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--20.
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    A Guide to the Wen-yüan Pavilion Ssu-k'u Ch'üan-shu 文淵閣四庫全書指南A Guide to the Wen-yuan Pavilion Ssu-k'u Ch'uan-shu.Alvin P. Cohen, William Y. Chen 陳有方 & William Y. Chen Youfang) - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):216.
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    Comparison of associative strength effects in two different paired-associate transfer paradigms.Irwin P. Levin & Jeral R. Williams - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):203.
  17.  23
    The Embodiment of Vulnerability: A Case Study of the Life and Love of Leoš Janáček and his Opera The Makropulos Case.Steven P. Wainwright & Clare Williams - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (3):27-41.
    In this article we focus upon the embodiment of vulnerability as an area in which medicine, society and the humanities can be profitably conjoined. We illustrate our argument with two interrelated case studies of narratives of the embodiment of ageing and longevity. First, we draw upon Leoš Janáček’s opera The Makropulos Case (1926) as a locus for debates about human longevity. Second, we discuss 70-year-old Janáček’s decade of unrequited love for a woman 37 years younger than himself, through an examination (...)
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  18. Natural taxonomy in light of horizontal gene transfer.Cheryl P. Andam, David Williams & J. Peter Gogarten - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (4):589-602.
    We discuss the impact of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) on phylogenetic reconstruction and taxonomy. We review the power of HGT as a creative force in assembling new metabolic pathways, and we discuss the impact that HGT has on phylogenetic reconstruction. On one hand, shared derived characters are created through transferred genes that persist in the recipient lineage, either because they were adaptive in the recipient lineage or because they resulted in a functional replacement. On the other hand, taxonomic patterns in (...)
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  19.  29
    Christian J. Emden, Nietzsche’s Naturalism: Philosophy and the Life Sciences in the Nineteenth Century. Reviewed by.A. L. Feeney & P. William Hughes - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (5):252-255.
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  20. Are there Characteristics of Infectious Diseases that Raise Special Ethical Issues? 1.Charles B. Smith, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Leslie P. Francis, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Emily P. Asplund, Gretchen J. Domek & Beverly Hawkins - 2004 - Developing World Bioethics 4 (1):1-16.
    This paper examines the characteristics of infectious diseases that raise special medical and social ethical issues, and explores ways of integrating both current bioethical and classical public health ethics concerns. Many of the ethical issues raised by infectious diseases are related to these diseases’ powerful ability to engender fear in individuals and panic in populations. We address the association of some infectious diseases with high morbidity and mortality rates, the sense that infectious diseases are caused by invasion or attack on (...)
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  21. COVID-19 vaccine boosters for all adults: An optimal U.s. approach?Ameet Sarpatwari, Ankur Pandya, Emily P. Hyle & Govind Persad - 2022 - Annals of Internal Medicine 175 (2):280-282.
    By 20 October 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had amended its Emergency Use Authorizations for immunocompetent adults who previously received the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines. For the 2-dose Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, the FDA permitted a single booster dose for adults aged 65 years or older and adults aged 18 to 64 years at high-risk for severe COVID-19 or at high risk for occupational or institutional COVID-19 exposure. For the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (...)
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  22.  26
    Effects of associative strength in a multiple-choice verbal transfer task.Irwin P. Levin & Jeral R. Williams - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (4p1):530.
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    Social Motivation: Conscious and Unconscious Processes.Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. Williams & Simon M. Laham (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Ground-breaking research by leading international researchers on the nature, functions and characteristics of social motivation.
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  24. Pharmacogenetics: the bioethical problem of DNA investment banking.Oonagh P. Corrigan & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (3):550-565.
    Concern about the ethics of clinical drug trials research on patients and healthy volunteers has been the subject of significant ethical analysis and policy development—protocols are reviewed by Research Ethics Committees and subjects are protected by informed consent procedures. More recently attention has begun to be focused on DNA banking for clinical and pharmacogenetics research. It is, however, surprising how little attention has been paid to the commercial nature of such research, or the unique issues that present when subjects are (...)
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    Limitations of the Western Scientific Worldview for the Study of Metaphysically Inclusive Peoples.Gerhard P. Shipley & Deborah H. Williams - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):295-317.
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    Justice and the way of Jesus: Christian ethics and the incarnational discipleship of Glen Stassen.Glen Harold Stassen, David P. Gushee & Reggie L. Williams (eds.) - 2020 - Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
    Eighteen Christian theologians and ethicists offer a rich engagement with the theological ethics of Glen Stassen (1936-2014).
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  27.  63
    Berkeley's Master Argument: Its Form and Implications.Reginald Williams - unknown
  28.  19
    Factors affecting learning and intrusion rates in a multiple-choice verbal transfer task.Irwin P. Levin & Jeral R. Williams - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (4p1):689.
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    Performance in a verbal transfer task as a function of preshift and postshift response dominance levels and method of presentation.Irwin P. Levin, Jeral R. Williams, Corinne S. Dulberg & Kent L. Norman - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (3):469.
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    (1 other version)The Generality of Theory and the Specificity of Social Behavior: Contrasting Experimental and Hermeneutic Social Science.Edwin E. Gantt, Jeffrey P. Lindstrom & Richard N. Williams - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4).
    Since its inception, experimental social psychology has arguably been of two minds about the nature and role of theory. Contemporary social psychology's experimental approach has been strongly informed by the “nomological-deductive” approach of Carl Hempel in tandem with the “hypothetico-deducive” approach of Karl Popper. Social psychology's commitment to this hybrid model of science has produced at least two serious obstacles to more fruitful theorizing about human experience: the problem of situational specificity, and the manifest impossibility of formulating meaningful general laws (...)
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  31. Moore’s Paradox in Speech: A Critical Survey.John N. Williams - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (1):10-23.
    It is raining but you don’t believe that it is raining. Imagine accepting this claim. Then you are committed to saying ‘It is raining but I don’t believe that it is raining’. This would be an ‘absurd’ thing to claim or assert, yet what you say might be true. It might be raining, while at the same time, you are completely ignorant of the state of the weather. But how can it be absurd of you to assert something about yourself (...)
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  32. Wittgensteinian accounts of Moorean absurdity.John N. Williams - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):283-306.
    (A) I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I don’t believe that I did (1942, p. 543) or (B) I believe that he has gone out. But he has not (1944, p. 204) would be “absurd” (1942, p. 543; 1944, p. 204). Wittgenstein’s letters to Moore show that he was intensely interested in this discovery of a class of possibly true yet absurd assertions. Wittgenstein thought that the absurdity is important because it is “something similar to a contradiction, thought (...)
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  33. Moore's Paradox, Defective Interpretation, Justified Belief and Conscious Belieftheo_1073 221..248.John N. Williams - unknown
    In this journal, Hamid Vahid argues against three families of explanation of Mooreparadoxicality. The first is the Wittgensteinian approach; I assert that p just in case I assert that I believe that p. So making a Moore-paradoxical assertion involves contradictory assertions. The second is the epistemic approach, one committed to: if I am justified in believing that p then I am justified in believing that I believe that p. So it is impossible to have a justified omissive Mooreparadoxical belief. The (...)
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  34. Justifying circumstances and Moore-paradoxical beliefs: A response to Brueckner.John N. Williams - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):490-496.
    In 2004, I explained the absurdity of Moore-paradoxical belief via the syllogism (Williams 2004): (1) All circumstances that justify me in believing that p are circumstances that tend to make me believe that p. (2) All circumstances that tend to make me believe that p are circumstances that justify me in believing that I believe that p. (3) All circumstances that justify me in believing that p are circumstances that justify me in believing that I believe that p. I (...)
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  35. Moorean absurdities and the nature of assertion.John N. Williams - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (1):135 – 149.
    I argue that Moore's propositions, for example, 'I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I don't believe that I did' cannot be rationally believed. Their assertors either cannot be rationally believed or cannot be believed to be rational. This analysis is extended to Moorean propositions such as God knows that I am an atheist and I believe that this proposition is false. I then defend the following definition of assertion: anyone asserts that p iff that person expresses a belief (...)
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    Plato and the mythic tradition in political thought.P. E. Digeser, Rebecca LeMoine, Jill Frank, David Lay Williams, Jacob Abolafia & Tae-Yeoun Keum - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):611-639.
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    (How) Does Affect Influence the Formation of Habits in Exercise?Susanne Weyland, Emily Finne, Janina Krell-Roesch & Darko Jekauc - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objectives: Habitually instigated exercise is thought to increase health behavior maintenance. Previous research has explored several aspects of habit formation. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research investigating affective determinants, especially post-exercise affective states. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate a) if behavior frequency will enhance automaticity, b) if positive affect will enhance automaticity, and c) if positive affect will moderate the relationship between behavior frequency and automaticity. Methods: 226 participants (64% females, mean age 24 years) who attended (...)
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  38. (1 other version)In defence of an argument for Evans's principle: a rejoinder to Vahid.John N. Williams - 2006 - Analysis 66 (2):167-170.
    In (2004) I gave an argument for Evans’s principle -/- Whatever justifies me in believing that p also justifies me in believing that I believe that p -/- Hamid Vahid (2005) raises two objections against this argument. I show that the first is harmless and that the second is a non sequitur.
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  39. Mr. Strawson on Individuals.B. A. O. Williams - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (138):309 - 332.
    Mr P. F. Strawson's book Individuals is subtitled An Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics. ‘Descriptive metaphysics’, he writes, ‘is content to describe the actual structure of our thought about the world’, whereas ‘revisionary metaphysics is concerned to produce a better structure’; it is distinguished from logical or conceptual analysis in scope and generality, rather than in fundamental intention. The book is divided into two parts; in Strawson's words, ‘the first part aims at establishing the central position which material bodies and persons (...)
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  40. Moore's paradoxes, Evans's principle and self-knowledge.John N. Williams - 2004 - Analysis 64 (4):348-353.
    I supply an argument for Evans's principle that whatever justifies me in believing that p also justifies me in believing that I believe that p. I show how this principle helps explain how I come to know my own beliefs in a way that normally makes me the best authority on them. Then I show how the principle helps to solve Moore's paradoxes.
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  41. Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience.William P. Alston - 1991 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    In this clear and provocative account of the epistemology of religious experience, William P. Alston argues that the perception of God—his term for direct experiential awareness of God—makes a major contribution to the grounds of religious belief. Surveying the variety of reported direct experiences of God, Alston demonstrates that a person can be justified in holding certain beliefs about God on the basis of mystical experience.
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    Williams on What the President Knew.Thomas P. Flint - 1988 - Analysis 48 (1):61 - 63.
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    Characterizing Pelvic Floor Muscle Activity During Walking and Jogging in Continent Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study.Alison M. M. Williams, Maya Sato-Klemm, Emily G. Deegan, Gevorg Eginyan & Tania Lam - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionThe pelvic floor muscles are active during motor tasks that increase intra-abdominal pressure, but little is known about how the PFM respond to dynamic activities, such as gait. The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare PFM activity during walking and jogging in continent adults across the entire gait cycle.Methods17 able-bodied individuals with no history of incontinence participated in this study. We recorded electromyography from the abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, and PFM while participants performed attempted maximum voluntary contractions (...)
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    Bernard Williams.Mark P. Jenkins - 2006 - Routledge.
    From his earliest work on personal identity to his last on the value of truthfulness, the ideas and arguments of Bernard Williams - in the metaphysics of personhood, in the history of philosophy, but especially in ethics and moral psychology - have proved sometimes controversial, often influential, and always worth studying. This book provides a comprehensive account of Williams's many significant contributions to contemporary philosophy. Topics include personal identity, various critiques of moral theory, practical reasoning and moral motivation, (...)
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  45. The Cognitive Role of Fictionality.J. Robert G. Williams & Richard Woodward - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    The question of the cognitive role of fictionality is this: what is the correct cognitive attitude to take to p, when it is fictional that p? We began by considering one answer to this question, implicit in the work of Kendall Walton, that the correct response to a fictional proposition is to imagine that proposition. However, this approach is silent in cases of fictional incompleteness, where neither p nor its negation are fictional. We argue that that Waltonians should embrace a (...)
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    Systematic track distortion in a 10 in. diameter liquid hydrogen bubble chamber.D. C. Cundy, W. H. Evans, D. W. Hadley, P. Mason, R. W. Newport, J. R. Smith & P. R. Williams - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (50):154-160.
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    Self-interest, compassion, and consistency in an environmental ethics class: would students give up their retirement to stop the coronavirus?Emily A. Davis, Thomas P. Wilson & Bradley R. Reynolds - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (2):311-321.
    During spring of 2020, environmental ethics students at a medium sized metropolitan university in the Southeastern United States were asked to read and comment on classic essays from Robert Heilbroner and Garrett Hardin, essays regarding our responsibilities towards future generations. In general, students seemed to hold more with Heilbroner’s stance, which left room for compassion, while condemning Hardin’s harshness. Students were then asked to provide written responses stating whether they would personally sacrifice their eventual retirement in order to stop COVID-19 (...)
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    The Chamber of Maiden Thought : Literary Origins of the Psychoanalytic Model of the Mind.Meg Harris Williams & Margot Waddell - 2013 - Routledge.
    Literature is recognised as having significantly influenced the development of modern psychoanalytic thought. In recent years psychoanalysis has drawn increasingly on the literary and artistic traditions of western culture and moved away from its original medical–scientific context. Originally published in 1991 _The Chamber of Maiden Thought _ is an original and revealing exploration of the seminal role of literature in forming the modern psychoanalytic model of the mind. The crux of the 'post-Kleinian' psychoanalytic view of personality development lies in the (...)
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  49. The reliability of sense perception.William P. Alston - 1993 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Chapter INTRODUCTION i. The Problem Why suppose that sense perception is, by and large, an accurate source of information about the physical environment? ...
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  50. Publicity and Common Commitment to Believe.J. R. G. Williams - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1059-1080.
    Information can be public among a group. Whether or not information is public matters, for example, for accounts of interdependent rational choice, of communication, and of joint intention. A standard analysis of public information identifies it with (some variant of) common belief. The latter notion is stipulatively defined as an infinite conjunction: for p to be commonly believed is for it to believed by all members of a group, for all members to believe that all members believe it, and so (...)
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