Results for 'Emily Robbins'

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  1.  22
    An Art-based Case Study: Reflections on End of Life from a Husband, Artist and Caregiver.Regina Emily Robbins & Mark Gilbert - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (3):437-448.
    This study explores the reflective processes of Scottish artist, Norman Gilbert, as he created twenty-five drawings depicting his wife, Pat Gilbert, as she lay dying following an Alzheimer’s-related stroke. Norman, ninety-one, had drawn Pat regularly over their sixty-five-year marriage. One week after Pat died, Norman was interviewed by a family friend to chronicle his reflections on the drawings. The drawings along with the interview transcript are analyzed qualitatively as a case study. Norman’s Hospital Drawings of Pat transform what was initially (...)
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    Which benefits of research participation count as 'direct'?Alexander Friedman, Emily Robbins & David Wendler - 2010 - Bioethics 26 (2):60-67.
    It is widely held that individuals who are unable to provide informed consent should be enrolled in clinical research only when the risks are low, or the research offers them the prospect of direct benefit. There is now a rich literature on when the risks of clinical research are low enough to enroll individuals who cannot consent. Much less attention has focused on which benefits of research participation count as ‘direct’, and the few existing accounts disagree over how this crucial (...)
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  3. A short primer on situated cognition.Philip Robbins & Murat Aydede - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--10.
    Introductory Chapter to the _Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition_ (CUP, 2009).
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  4. Aesthetics of the natural environment.Emily Brady - 2003 - Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
    Emily Brady provides a systematic account of aesthetics in relation to the natural environment, offering a critical understanding of what aesthetic appreciation ...
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    Altered Reading: Levinas and Literature.Jill Robbins - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    Altered Reading will interest philosophers, literary critics, scholars of religion, and others drawn to Levinas's work.
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    Neurocognitive endophenotypes of impulsivity and compulsivity: towards dimensional psychiatry.Trevor W. Robbins, Claire M. Gillan, Dana G. Smith, Sanne de Wit & Karen D. Ersche - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):81-91.
  7.  34
    No face-like processing for objects-of-expertise in three behavioural tasks.Rachel Robbins & Elinor McKone - 2007 - Cognition 103 (1):34-79.
  8. How to Blunt the Sword of compositionality.Philip Robbins - 2002 - Noûs 36 (2):313-334.
  9. The Myth of Reverse Compositionality.Philip Robbins - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 125 (2):251-275.
    In the context of debates about what form a theory of meaning should take, it is sometimes claimed that one cannot understand an intersective modifier-head construction (e.g., ‘pet fish’) without understanding its lexical parts. Neo-Russellians like Fodor and Lepore contend that non-denotationalist theories of meaning, such as prototype theory and theory theory, cannot explain why this is so, because they cannot provide for the ‘reverse compositional’ character of meaning. I argue that reverse compositionality is a red herring in these debates. (...)
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    Modularity and Mental Architecture.Philip Robbins - 2013 - WIREs Cognitive Science 4 (6):641-648.
    Debates about the modularity of cognitive architecture have been ongoing for at least the past three decades, since the publication of Fodor’s landmark book The Modularity of Mind (1983). According to Fodor, modularity is essentially tied to informational encapsulation, and as such is only found in the relatively low-level cognitive systems responsible for perception and language. According to Fodor’s critics in the evolutionary psychology camp, modularity simply reflects the fine-grained functional specialization dictated by natural selection, and it characterizes virtually all (...)
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  11.  72
    On time, memory and dynamic form.Stephen E. Robbins - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):762-788.
    A common approach to explaining the perception of form is through the use of static features. The weakness of this approach points naturally to dynamic definitions of form. Considering dynamical form, however, leads inevitably to the need to explain how events are perceived as time-extended—a problem with primacy over that even of qualia. Optic flow models, energy models, models reliant on a rigidity constraint are examined. The reliance of these models on the instantaneous specification of form at an instant, t, (...)
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  12.  96
    The ins and outs of introspection.Philip Robbins - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (6):617–630.
    Introspection admits of several varieties, depending on which types of mental events are introspected. I distinguish three kinds of introspection (primary, secondary, and tertiary) and three explanations of the general capacity: the inside access view, the outside access view, and the hybrid view. Drawing on recent evidence from clinical and developmental psychology, I argue that the inside view offers the most promising account of primary and secondary introspection.
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  13. (2 other versions)Political ecology: a critical introduction.Paul Robbins - 2004 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    The hatchet and the seed -- A tree with deep roots -- The critical tools -- A field crystallizes -- Destruction of nature -- Construction of nature -- Degradation and marginalization -- Conservation and control -- Environmental conflict -- Environmental identity and social movement -- Where to now?
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  14. Bergson and the holographic theory of mind.Stephen E. Robbins - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (3-4):365-394.
    Bergson’s model of time (1889) is perhaps the proto-phenomenological theory. It is part of a larger model of mind (1896) which can be seen in modern light as describing the brain as supporting a modulated wave within a holographic field, specifying the external image of the world, and wherein subject and object are differentiated not in terms of space, but of time. Bergson’s very concrete model is developed and deepened with Gibson’s ecological model of perception. It is applied to the (...)
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  15. Shifting and stopping: fronto-striatal substrates, neurochemical modulations and clinical implications.Trevor W. Robbins - 2008 - In Jon Driver, Patrick Haggard & Tim Shallice, Mental Processes in the Human Brain. Oxford University Press.
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  16.  62
    Semantic redintegration: Ecological invariance.Stephen E. Robbins - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):726-727.
    In proposing that their model can operate in the concrete, perceptual world, Rogers & McClelland (R&M) have not done justice to the complexities of the ecological sphere and its invariance laws. The structure of concrete events forces a different framework, both for retrieval of events and concepts defined across events, than that upon which the proposed model, rooted in essence in the verbal learning tradition, implicitly rests.
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  17.  56
    The cost of explicit memory.Stephen E. Robbins - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):33-66.
    Within Piaget there is an implicit theory of the development of explicit memory. It rests in the dynamical trajectory underlying the development of causality, object, space and time – a complex (COST) supporting a symbolic relationship integral to the explicit. Cassirer noted the same dependency in the phenomena of aphasias, insisting that a symbolic function is being undermined in these deficits. This is particularly critical given the reassessment of Piaget’s stages as the natural bifurcations of a self-organizing dynamic system. The (...)
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  18. Modularity of Mind.Philip Robbins - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The concept of modularity has loomed large in philosophy of psychology since the early 1980s, following the publication of Fodor’s landmark book The Modularity of Mind (1983). In the decades since the term ‘module’ and its cognates first entered the lexicon of cognitive science, the conceptual and theoretical landscape in this area has changed dramatically. Especially noteworthy in this respect has been the development of evolutionary psychology, whose proponents adopt a less stringent conception of modularity than the one advanced by (...)
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  19.  90
    Bergson, perception and Gibson.Stephen E. Robbins - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (5):23-45.
    Bergson's 1896 theory of perception/memory assumed a framework anticipating the quantum revolution in physics, the still unrealized implications of this framework contributing to the large neglect of Bergson today. The basics of his model are explored, including the physical concepts he advanced before the crisis in classical physics, his concept of perception as ‘virtual action’ with its relativistic implications, and his unique explication of the subject/object relationship. All form the basis for his solution to the ‘hard’ problem. The relation between (...)
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  20.  26
    Can holistic processing be learned for inverted faces?Rachel Robbins & Elinor McKone - 2003 - Cognition 88 (1):79-107.
  21.  23
    Sport, Hegemony and the Middle Class: The Victorian Mountaineers.David Robbins - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (4):579-601.
  22.  53
    Analogical reminding and the storage of experience: the paradox of Hofstadter-Sander.Stephen E. Robbins - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):355-385.
    In their exhaustive study of the cognitive operation of analogy, Hofstadter and Sander arrive at a paradox: the creative and inexhaustible production of analogies in our thought must derive from a “reminding” operation based upon the availability of the detailed totality of our experience. Yet the authors see no way that our experience can be stored in the brain in such detail nor do they see how such detail could be accessed or retrieved such that the innumerable analogical remindings we (...)
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  23. Knowing me, knowing you: Theory of mind and the machinery of introspection.Philip Robbins - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (7-8):129-143.
    Does the ability to know one's own mind depend on the ability to know the minds of others? According to the 'theory theory' of first-person mentalizing, the answer is yes. Recent alternative accounts of this ability, such as the 'monitoring theory', suggest otherwise. Focusing on the issue of introspective access to propositional attitudes , I argue that a better account of first-person mentalizing can be devised by combining these two theories. After sketching a hybrid account, I show how it can (...)
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  24.  11
    The British Hegelians, 1875-1925.Peter Robbins - 1982 - New York: Garland.
  25. Enchantment? No, Thank You!Bruce Robbins - 2011 - In George Levine, The Joy of Secularism: 11 Essays for How We Live Now. Princeton University Press. pp. 74--94.
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  26. A Misdirected Principle with a Catch: Explicability for AI.Scott Robbins - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):495-514.
    There is widespread agreement that there should be a principle requiring that artificial intelligence be ‘explicable’. Microsoft, Google, the World Economic Forum, the draft AI ethics guidelines for the EU commission, etc. all include a principle for AI that falls under the umbrella of ‘explicability’. Roughly, the principle states that “for AI to promote and not constrain human autonomy, our ‘decision about who should decide’ must be informed by knowledge of how AI would act instead of us” :689–707, 2018). There (...)
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  27. Seriously, but not literally: Pragmatism and realism in religion and science.J. Wesley Robbins - 1988 - Zygon 23 (3):229-245.
    Critical realists would have us believe that representations have a connection to the world, that of truth or reference for example, which is independent of their usefulness to us. They would have us believe further that knowledge about this connection serves to put religion and science in their proper places with respect to one another. This essay raises pragmatic objections to these belief's.
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  28. What compositionality still can do.Philip Robbins - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (204):328-336.
    Proponents of deflationism about meaning often claim that the principle of compositionality, when properly understood, places no constraint whatsoever on the nature of lexical meaning. This deflationary thesis admits of both strong and weak readings. On the strong reading, the principle does not rule out any theory of lexical meaning either alone or in conjunction with other independently plausible semantic assumptions. On the weak reading, the principle alone does not rule out any such theory. I argue that, though weak deflationism (...)
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  29.  24
    After the Death of God.Jeffrey W. Robbins (ed.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    It has long been assumed that the more modern we become, the less religious we will be. Yet a recent resurrection in faith has challenged the certainty of this belief. In these original essays and interviews, leading hermeneutical philosophers and postmodern theorists John D. Caputo and Gianni Vattimo engage with each other's past and present work on the subject and reflect on our transition from secularism to postsecularism. As two of the figures who have contributed the most to the theoretical (...)
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  30.  30
    Response to Simon Susen’s “Bourdieusian Reflections on Language: Unavoidable Conditions of the Real Speech Situation”.Derek Robbins - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (3-4):261-274.
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    Sociology as Reflexive Science.Derek Robbins - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (5):77-98.
    The article focuses on the fact that the consequence of Bourdieu’s death is that we now have to respond specifically to the texts that he produced between 1958 and 2002, rather than to the impact of writing and political action in combination, which was his goal during his life. The article raises general questions about the status of social texts in relation to the practices of philosophy and social scientific enquiry to which Bourdieu must have returned in preparing his final (...)
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  32. Meditation on a mousetrap: On consciousness and cognition, evolution, and time.Stephen E. Robbins - 2012 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 33 (1):69.
    Evolutionary theory has yet to offer a detailed model of the complex transitions from a living system of one design to another of more advanced, or simply different, design. Hidden within the writings of evolution's expositors is an implicit appeal to AI-like processes operating within the "cosmic machine" that has hitherto been evolving the plethora of functional living systems we observe. In these writings, there is disturbingly little understanding of the deep problems involved, resting as they do in the very (...)
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  33. Is Experience Stored in the Brain? A Current Model of Memory and the Temporal Metaphysic of Bergson.Stephen E. Robbins - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (1):15-43.
    In discussion on consciousness and the hard problem, there is an unquestioned background assumption, namely, our experience is stored in the brain. Yet Bergson argued that this very question, “Is experience stored in the brain?” is the critical issue in the problem of consciousness. His examination of then-current memory research led him, save for motor or procedural memory, to a “no” answer. Others, for example Sheldrake, have continued this negative assessment of the research findings. So, has this assumption actually been (...)
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    Introduction.Derek Robbins - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (6):1-24.
  35.  94
    Is belief in God properly basic?J. Wesley Robbins - 1983 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):241 - 248.
  36.  66
    New Organs of Perception.Brent Dean Robbins - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (1):113-126.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's approach to science is a radical departure from the Cartesian-Newtonian scientific framework and offers contemporary science a pathway toward the cultivation of an alternative approach to the study of the natural world. This paper argues that the Cartesian-Newtonian pathway is pathological because it has as its premise humanity's alienation from the natural world, which sets up a host of consequences that terminate in nihilism. As an alternative approach to science, Goethe's "delicate empiricism" begins with the premise (...)
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  37.  41
    The aesthetics of Thomas Reid.David O. Robbins - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (5):30-41.
  38.  28
    The spacing effect and the A-B, A-C paradigm: Evidence for retroactive facilitation.Donald Robbins & James F. Bray - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (3):420.
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    Three Perspectives on Pindar.E. Robbins - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (01):10-.
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  40. Common Sense and the Foundations of Economic Theory.Duhem Versus Robbins - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (1):64-71.
  41. Anatomy of a Hoax.Bruce Robbins - unknown
    But which weaknesses? Even people who followed the story with some interest and amusement may still be wondering what, exactly, the hoax proved. As one of the editors of Social Text, I freely confess what I think it proved about us: that some scientific ignorance and some absentmindedness could combine with much enthusiasm for a supposed political ally to produce a case of temporary blindness. It remains to be seen, however, whether our editorial failure is really symptomatic of a larger (...)
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    Ghost Story; Carolina Horror Story; Honey.Emily Zhang - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):656.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:656 Feminist Studies 43, no. 3. © 2017 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Ghost Story The day our house burned, Mama dumped it in the river. Palms on the shore, finch in place of bruises. A hollowed tusk birthing pockets of gray glowing some kind of holy, salt-spittle and rattling. Carolina Horror Story Sandra, softest face south of the Mason Dixon line, got eggshells under her toes, eyes made of (...)
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  43. Emily Cheng with Robert C. Morgan.Emily Cheng, Robert C. Morgan, Gerry Snyder, Michael St John & Ted Flaxman - 1996 - Mass Productions.
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    Not without Reason: A Response to Akeel Bilgrami.Bruce Robbins - 2007 - Critical Inquiry 33 (3):632.
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  45. Pragmatism, Critical Realism, and the Cognitive Value of Religion and Science.J. Wesley Robbins - 1999 - Zygon 34 (4):655-666.
    Pragmatism and critical realism are different vocabularies for talking about the cognitive value of religion and science. Each can be, and has been, used to make the case for cognitive parity between religious and scientific discourse. Critical realism presupposes a particular form of cognitive psychology that entails general skepticism about the external world and forecloses scientific inquiry in the name of a preconceived idea of what the nature of human cognition must be. Thus, of the two, pragmatism is the better (...)
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  46.  12
    Religion and humanism: papers read at the Eighteenth Summer Meeting and the Nineteenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society.Keith Robbins (ed.) - 1981 - Oxford: Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by Basil Blackwell.
  47.  64
    If our genes are for us, who can be against us? Thoughts of a pragmatist on science and morality.J. Wesley Robbins - 1995 - Zygon 30 (3):357-367.
    The philosopher Michael Ruse accounts for the difference between hypothetical and categorical imperatives, and thus the origin of distinctively moral obligations like that of altruism, in genetic terms. This is part of an attempt to develop a philosophy that takes Darwin seriously by substituting respectable scientific entities, specifically those of evolutionary biology, for suspect theological or philosophical ones, like God or the transcendental ego, as a basis for addressing philosophical questions. Pragmatists take Darwin seriously, but in a very different way (...)
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  48.  35
    Memorial strategy and rated imagery value in recognition and free recall.Donald Robbins, James F. Bray & James R. Irvin - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (4):280-282.
  49.  90
    On Synonymy of Word-Events.Beverly Levin Robbins - 1951 - Analysis 12 (4):98 - 100.
  50.  34
    Repetition effects and retroactive facilitation: Immediate and delayed recall performance.Donald Robbins & James F. Bray - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):347-349.
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