Results for 'Employment at will'

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  1. Employment-at-Will, Employee Rights, and Future Directions for Employment.Patricia H. Werhane - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (2):113-130.
    Abstract:During recent years, the principle and practice of employment-at-will have been under attack. While progress has been made in eroding the practice, the principle still governs the philosophical assumptions underlying employment practices in the United States, and, indeed, EAW has been promulgated as one of the ways to address economic ills in other countries. This paper will briefly review the major critiques of EAW. Given the failure of these arguments to erode the underpinnings of EAW, we (...)
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  2.  53
    The Employment At-Will Doctrine: Second Level Ethical Issues and Analysis. [REVIEW]Mark V. Roehling - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (2):115 - 124.
    There is an ongoing debate over the ethical status of policies that give an employer the right to discharge an employee without a good reason or notice (i.e., employment at-will policies). This article moves beyond the question of whether the adoption of such a policy is unethical per se under all circumstances, focusing instead on the following question: Assuming that an at-will policy is not unethical per se in all circumstances, what are the ethical issues associated with (...)
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  3. Employment at will and employee rights.John J. McCall & Patricia H. Werhane - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp (eds.), The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  4.  71
    Distributive Justice, Employment-at-Will and Just-Cause Dismissal.Mark Harcourt, Maureen Hannay & Helen Lam - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (2):311-325.
    Dismissal is a major issue for distributive justice at work, because it normally has a drastic impact on an employee’s livelihood, self-esteem and future career. This article examines distributive justice under the US’s employment-at-will (EAW) system and New Zealand’s just-cause dismissal system, focusing on the three main categories of dismissal, namely misconduct, poor performance and redundancy. Under EAW, employees have limited protection from dismissal and remedies are restricted to just a few so-called exceptions. Comparatively, New Zealand’s just-cause system (...)
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  5.  44
    Employment-at-Will in the Context of Catholic Higher Education.Janette M. Blandford - 2002 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 76:275-286.
    The principle of employment-at-will (EAW) holds that in the absence of an explicit agreement of contractually binding terms of employment, the employment relationship exists so long as both parties will it to continue. In practice, this means that the employer may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, thus giving rise to cases of wrongful termination. Just cause policies, on the other hand, require that employers follow both substantive and procedural due (...)
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    The Ethics of Employment-at-Will: An Institutional Complementarities Approach.Vikram R. Bhargava & Carson Young - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (4):519-545.
    Employment-at-will (EAW) is the legal presumption that employers and employees may terminate an employment relationship for any or no reason. Defenders of EAW have argued that it promotes autonomy and efficiency. Critics have argued that it allows for the domination, subordination, and arbitrary treatment of employees. We intervene in this debate by arguing that the case for EAW is contextual in a way that existing business ethics scholarship has not considered. In particular, we argue that the justifiability (...)
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  7. Xiaodan Dong Assignment 2–Employment at Will Business Ethics April 30, 2008.Xiaodan Dong - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    Fairness and employment-at-will.Joseph Des Jardins - 1985 - Journal of Social Philosophy 16 (2):31-38.
  9.  60
    Lord Acton and Employment Doctrines: Absolute Power and the Spread of At-Will Employment.James S. Bowman & Jonathan P. West - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (2):119-130.
    This study analyzes the at-will employment doctrine using a tool that encompasses the complementarity of results-based utilitarian ethics, rule-based duty ethics, and virtue-based character ethics. The paper begins with a discussion of the importance of the problem followed by its evolution and current status. After describing the method of analysis, the central section evaluates the employment at-will doctrine, and is informed by Lord Acton's dictum, "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The conclusion explores (...)
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  10.  15
    A Study on the Ethical Problems of Employment At Will. 윤혜진 - 2023 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 103:201-223.
    이 논문은 회사에서 고용인에 대한 승진이나 강등, 심지어 해고까지 고용주 임의대로 해도 된다는 전통적 사고방식, 즉 임의 고용 신념의 윤리적 문제점을 지적한다. 각국에서 법정 공방이 계속 이어지는 가운데, 미국에서는 공공 분야의 경영 효율성 등을 이유로 임 의 고용이 다시 확산되는 추세에 있으며, 개발도상국이나 저개발국 같은 법률적 구조가 취 약한 나라에서는 어떤 판결이 이루어지는가와 상관없이 곳곳에서 무단 해고가 성행하고 있다. 임의 고용을 부정적으로 인식하는 우리나라 역시 관련 법령의 명시적 규정에도 불구 하고 여러 중소기업이나 개인회사에서는 암암리 구두 고용 계약 체결이나 그에 따른 (...)
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    Employee Rights and the Doctrine of At Will Employment.David R. Hiley - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (1):1-10.
  12.  34
    Commentary on at Will Employment: A Devil’s Advocate.Dan R. Dalton & Idalene F. Kesner - 1986 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 5 (1):73-74.
  13.  26
    Algorithmic decision-making employing profiling: will trade secrecy protection render the right to explanation toothless?Paul B. de Laat - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (2).
    Algorithmic decision-making based on profiling may significantly affect people’s destinies. As a rule, however, explanations for such decisions are lacking. What are the chances for a “right to explanation” to be realized soon? After an exploration of the regulatory efforts that are currently pushing for such a right it is concluded that, at the moment, the GDPR stands out as the main force to be reckoned with. In cases of profiling, data subjects are granted the right to receive meaningful information (...)
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  14.  66
    Hazardous Employment and Regulatory Regimes in the South African Mining Industry: Arguments for Corporate Ethics at Workplace.Gabriel Eweje - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (2):163-183.
    This study examines the ethical position and behaviour of multinational mining companies regarding hazardous employment and health and safety of employees in the South African mining industry. Mining companies have long had a reputation for being unethical on health and safety issues. Too often there are occurrences of fatal accidents, which bring the ethical behaviour of multinational mining companies into question. The litmus test for the mining companies is to devise benchmark standards that will reduce accidents tremendously at (...)
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  15.  76
    The Shape of Ancient Thought (review). [REVIEW]Will S. Rasmussen - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):182-191.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Shape of Ancient ThoughtWill S. RasmussenThe Shape of Ancient Thought. By Thomas McEvilley. New York: Allworth Press, 2002. Pp. xxxvi + 732. $35.00.The Shape of Ancient Thought, Thomas McEvilley's magnum opus of over thirty years' preparation, draws together an encyclopedic array of texts and archaeological evidence from Greece and India, which he employs in clearly written arguments toward an answer to a volatile question: just how indebted (...)
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    Occupational Safety and Paternalism: Machan Revisited.Earl W. Spurgin - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (2):155-173.
    In 1987, Machan provided a libertarian case against the right to occupational safety. Since before Machan’s essay appeared, many business ethicists and legal scholars have given considerable attention to the overall position Machan endorses: the acceptance of employment at will and the rejection of employee rights. No one yet has given adequate attention, however, to the fact that Machan’s argument against the right to occupational safety actually stands or falls independently of his overall position on employee rights. His (...)
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  17.  91
    The Will at the Crossroads: A Reconstruction of Kant's Moral Philosophy.J. Gray Cox - 1984
    This work systematically explicates and defends four key claims in Kant's moral philosophy: The human will is some form of practical reason. The supreme criterion for determining the morality of our choices is provided by an a priori moral law. We find this law to be a source of felt value; it commands unqualified respect. We must suppose the human will is free. ;Traditionally, Kant has been read as holding that these claims imply that the responsible moral agent (...)
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  18. Firm Responses to Mass Outrage: Technology, Blame, and Employment.Vikram R. Bhargava - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):379-400.
    When an employee’s off-duty conduct generates mass social media outrage, managers commonly respond by firing the employee. This, I argue, can be a mistake. The thesis I defend is the following: the fact that a firing would occur in a mass social media outrage context brought about by the employee’s off-duty conduct generates a strong ethical reason weighing against the act. In particular, it contributes to the firing constituting an inappropriate act of blame. Scholars who caution against firing an employee (...)
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  19.  82
    Will to Power in Nietzsche's Published Works and the Nachlass.Linda L. Williams - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (3):447-463.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Will to Power in Nietzsche’s Published Works and the NachlassLinda L. WilliamsIt is universally acknowledged by scholars of Nietzsche’s work that will to power is one of the most important notions in Nietzsche’s writings, but strangely, like the other “central” notions of eternal recurrence and the Übermensch, there are relatively few aphorisms in either the published or unpublished material that include the term. In the case of (...)
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  20.  69
    Aging, Economic Insecurity, and Employment: Which Measures Would Encourage Older Workers to Stay Longer in the Labour Market?Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay & Émilie Genin - 2009 - Studies in Social Justice 3 (2):173-190.
    In the present context of aging populations, the question of how to support older workers who want to stay in employment longer is of particular importance, especially from a social justice perspective with regards to income. The challenges faced by organizations and governments are unprecedented. Interesting conclusions can be drawn from our research with regard to these challenges. First of all, the perception of retirement appears more or less unchanged over the years and remains very positive. Consequently, one of (...)
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  21.  25
    Good faith in employment.Sabine Tsuruda - 2023 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 24 (1):206-228.
    This Article argues that the duty of good faith in contractual performance offers powerful but neglected resources to empower workers to pursue their legitimate interests and resist mistreatment by employers. The duty of good faith creates a joint authority structure within contractual relationships, vesting co-contractors with equal and joint authority over the meaning, purposes, and, hence, the requirements of their contract. Implementing such an authority structure requires ensuring that the parties to a contract have the communicative space and epistemic resources (...)
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    Education and Employment Issues for Indigenous Australians in Remote Regions.Cecil A. L. Pearson & Sandra Daff - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (1):21-35.
    Despite government policy and initiatives for remote areas, indigenous people are amongst the most disadvantaged and do exhibit higher levels of unemployment in the Australian community. A number of commentators have suggested that better educational opportunities for this minority group will considerably improve their socio-economic status and employment opportunities. This myth is exposed in this article, which reports evidence from an educational–vocational programme for Yolngu who are the indigenous people of East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of (...)
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    The 'will to believe' in science and religion.William J. Gavin - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):139 - 148.
    “The Will to Believe” defines the religious question as forced, living and momentous, but even in this article James asserts that more objective factors are involved. The competing religious hypotheses must both be equally coherent and correspond to experimental data to an equal degree. Otherwise the option is not a live one. “If I say to you ‘Be a theosophist or be a Mohammedan’, it is probably a dead option, because for you neither hypothesis is likely to be alive.” (...)
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  24. Why "All Joy Wills Eternity" for Nietzsche.Richard Elliott - 2022 - In Michael McNeal & Paul Kirkland (eds.), Joy and Laughter in Nietzsche's Philosophy. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 85 - 102.
    Joy of a certain kind has an important affective role in demonstrating the overcoming of nihilism for Nietzsche. In this chapter I explore how one might arrive at a point where they too can give voice to Zarathustra’s proclamation that “all joy wills eternity.” There are consistent references to eternity and infinitude in passages of Nietzsche’s discussing nihilism. This is most obviously borne out in Nietzsche scholarship with reference to discussions of eternal recurrence. But eternal recurrence does not have a (...)
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    An interdisciplinary proposal for employing film to release the imaginations of preservice teachers.Haroldo Abraam Fontaine - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1):pp. 58-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:An Interdisciplinary Proposal for Employing Film to Release the Imaginations of Preservice TeachersHaroldo Abraam Fontaine (bio)IntroductionQuestions regarding the proper role of the arts in education have occupied many thinkers throughout the ages, no less than the likes of Plato and Rousseau. Like them, several have argued that paintings, for example, are mere re-presentations of and certainly not, to borrow a term from Kant, the "thing-in-itself." From a Platonic and (...)
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    I Will Tell A Double Tale.Jessica Elbert Decker - 2021 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):237-248.
    Double speak refers to two parallel devices that are often deployed together: simple repetition, which is frequently used as both emphasis and as an indicator of double speak, and ambiguous syntax such that the phrase uttered may have multiple meanings at once. This paper explores the use of double speak in early Ancient Greek poetic texts, beginning with Homer and tracing its use through the texts of Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Empedocles. Double speak seems to be employed in order to mediate (...)
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    The “black box” at work.Ifeoma Ajunwa - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    An oversized reliance on big data-driven algorithmic decision-making systems, coupled with a lack of critical inquiry regarding such systems, combine to create the paradoxical “black box” at work. The “black box” simultaneously demands a higher level of transparency from the worker in regard to data collection, while shrouding the decision-making in secrecy, making employer decisions even more opaque to the worker. To access employment, the worker is commanded to divulge highly personal information, and when hired, must submit further still (...)
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  28.  19
    Ethics at war: how should military personnel make ethical decisions?Deane-Peter Baker - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Rufus Black, Roger G. Herbert & Iain King.
    This book debates competing approaches to ethical decision-making for members of the armed forces of liberal-democratic states. In this volume, four prominent thinkers propose and debate competing approaches to ethical decision-making for military personnel. Deane-Peter Baker presents and expounds the 'Ethical Triangulation' model, an ethical decision-making method he has employed through much of his career as an applied military ethicist. Rufus Black advocates for a natural law-based approach, one which has heavily influenced the framework formally adopted by the Australian Defence (...)
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    Ipseity at the Intersection of Phenomenology, Psychiatry and Philosophy of Mind: Are we Talking about the Same Thing?Kristina Musholt - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (3):689-701.
    In recent years, phenomenologically informed philosophers, psychologists and psychiatrists have attempted to import philosophical notions associated with the self into the empirical study of pathological experience. In particular, so-called ipseity disturbances have been put forward as generative of symptoms of schizophrenia, and several attempts have been made to operationalize and measure kinds and degrees of ipseity disturbances in schizophrenia. However, we find that this work faces challenges caused by the fact that the notion of ipseity is used ambiguously, both in (...)
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  30.  38
    Digitalisation and employment in manufacturing.Daniela Freddi - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (3):393-403.
    The present work tackles the issue of the effects of digitalisation on employment. This issue has been attracting a growing interest, in particular because of the anxiety generated by the idea that digital technologies could cancel a large number of jobs. Although I agree with argument put forward in opposition to the existence of a causal link between technological innovation and increased productivity at the macroeconomic level, I believe that the novelty and pervasiveness of digital technologies require more in-depth (...)
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    Conflict-of-interest policy at the national institutes of health: The pendulum swings wildly.Evan G. DeRenzo - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15.2 (2005) 199-210 [Access article in PDF] Conflict-of-Interest Policy at the National Institutes of Health: The Pendulum Swings Wildly* Evan G. DeRenzo **This article addresses the National Institutes of Health (NIH) employee conflict-of-interest (COI) policy that went into effect February 2005. It is not, however, merely an account of another poorly crafted government policy that cries out for revision. Instead, it is also a (...)
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  32.  65
    The Truth Will Set You Free, or How a Troubled Philosophical Theory May Help to Understand How People Talk About Their Addiction.Patricia A. Ross - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (3):227-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Truth Will Set You Free, or How a Troubled Philosophical Theory May Help to Understand How People Talk About Their AddictionPatricia A. Ross (bio)Keywordsveridicality of narrative, contingency of theories, belief-behavior, causal connectionConsider the following proposition: If one were to recognize the unsatisfactory implications of maintaining a certain theoretical position, one would thereby be motivated to accept a more adequate theory, which would alter one's beliefs and, in (...)
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    Trends toward part-time employment: Ethical issues. [REVIEW]Julia J. Bartkowiak - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (10):811 - 815.
    This paper addresses the current trend of hiring part-time employees for United States businesses. This common practice is one that does not consider the best interests of the employee. I argue that, at the present time, many people, especially those who are poor, have no other choice than to accept these part-time positions. As a result, the quality of life of these workers and their family members suffers. Companies typically employ part-time workers in an effort to increase profits. I argue (...)
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  34.  61
    Universal health care coverage – pitfalls and promise of an employment-based approach.Peter Budetti - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (1):21-32.
    America's patchwork quilt of health care coverage is coming apart at the seams. The system, such as it is, is built upon an inherently problematic base: employment. By definition, an employment-based approach, by itself, will not assure universal coverage of the entire population. If an employment-based approach is to be the centerpiece of a system that provides universal coverage, special attention must be paid to all the categories of individuals who are not employees – children, unemployed (...)
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    Pandemics at Work: Convergence of Epidemiology and Ethics.Michele Thornton & William “Marty” Martin - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (1):41-74.
    Like COVID-19, new infectious disease outbreaks emerge almost annually, and studies predict that this trend will continue due to a variety of factors, including an aging population, ease of travel, and globalization of the economy. In response to episodic public health crises, governments and organizations develop, implement, and enforce policies, procedures, protocols, and programs. The epidemiological triad is both a model of disease causation and fundamentally used to design and deploy such control measures. Here we adapt this model to (...)
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  36. The will as reason.Pamela Hieronymi - 2009 - Philosophical Perspectives 23 (1):201-220.
    I here defend an account of the will as practical reason —or, using Kant's phrase, as " reason in its practical employment"—as against a view of the will as a capacity for choice, in addition to reason, by which we execute practical judgments in action. Certain commonplaces show distance between judgment and action and thus seem to reveal the need for a capacity, in addition to reason, by which we execute judgment in action. However, another ordinary fact (...)
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  37.  14
    Theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation of in a single-industry town.Olga Antonova, Elena Kolesnik & Elena Maslennikova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 3:25-45.
    Introduction. On the territory of the Chelyabinsk region there are 16 single-industry towns, the labor market and employment of which depend on the socio-economic situation of the single-industry enterprise. This state of matters results in the growth of unemployment, decrease in the level of human capital, the population’s life quality, and the loss of scientific and production potential. According to the authors, developing the theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation in a single-industry town (...) make it possible to find alternative ways of employing the population in order to improve regional policy on the labor and employment market. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation in a monotown. Methods. The authors use the following scientific methods: system analysis, comparison, description, generalization, systematization, formalization, analysis of sources, etc. The scientific novelty of the research consists in defining the concepts «digital transformation of the labor market of a monotown», «digital platform of the labor market»; in determining changes in the elements of a monotown labor market structure in the processes of digital transformation; in determining the subjects, objects of the labor market digital transformation; in developing a comparative characteristic of the traditional labor market and the labor market of Industry 4.0 monocity; in developing recommendations for the digital transformation of the labor market of a monotown in order to improve the regional employment policy. Results and conclusions. As a result of analyzing the structure of the population’s employment in single-industry towns of the Chelyabinsk region, the authors determine quantitative transformations in the number of the residing population, the average number of employees towards its reduction; the authors characterize the average monthly salary of workers in organizations of single-industry towns as unstable. The analysis of unemployment shows that there is a tendency for the number of youth among the unemployed to grow, at the same time, hidden unemployment is decreasing; in general, the unemployment rate in single-industry towns is higher than in the Chelyabinsk region for the entire study period. The analysis shows that it is necessary to search for alternative ways of employing the population, of decreasing the unemployment rate, which made it possible to develop theoretical foundations for transforming the labor market and employment of a single-industry town. (shrink)
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    Securing privacy at work: The importance of contextualized consent. [REVIEW]Elin Palm - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (4):233-241.
    The starting point of this article is that employees’ chances of securing reasonable expectations of privacy at work must be better protected. A dependency asymmetry between employer and job-applicant implies that prospective employees are in a disadvantaged position vis à vis the employer regarding the chances of defending their reasonable interests. Since an increased usage of work related surveillance will, to a larger extent, require of job-applicants that they negotiate their privacy interests in employment contracting, it is important (...)
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    Van Dyck at the English Court: The Relations of Portraiture and Allegory.Mark Roskill - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 14 (1):173-199.
    Anthony van Dyck’s period of service to the Stuart court stretches from 1632, when he was appointed “principalle Paynter in ordinary to their Majesties” and knighted, to his death at the end of 1641. After an earlier visit of a few months, beginning in December 160, van Dyck had gone to Italy to improve himself; there he had defected from the service of James I. On his return to England this was forgiven, and in the early years he was mainly (...)
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    Transient Natures at the Edges of Human Life: A Thomistic Exploration.Philip Smith - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):191-227.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TRANSIENT NATURES AT THE EDGES OF HUMAN LIFE: A THOMISTIC EXPLORATION PHILIP SMITH, O.P. Providence College Providence, R.I. T:HE CONCEPT OF human nature as the intrinsic and wdical source of characteristic human a;ctivity has great mportanoe for natural law ethics. But olosely allied to the concept of human nature is the possibility of there being tmnsient natures in humans, and this rpossirbility has implications for human life at its (...)
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    Gender Equality in Employment Perquisites with Reference to Sweden, GCC and India.Rajeev Kumar Meera & Aksa Sam - 2020 - SOCRATES 8 (2spl):93-102.
    The scope of social policy today is extensive. With the changing global scenario, there is a rediscovery of “social” in it. Indubitably, there is a gender perspective on social policy globally. The world Economic Forum states that there are only six countries in the world (Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden) where women have equal work rights to men. It is noted that the situation in different countries varies when it comes to the working benefits of different genders whether (...)
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    Is the Foucauldian Conception of Disciplinary Power still at Work in Contemporary forms of Imprisonment?Craig W. J. Minogue - 2011 - Foucault Studies 11:179-193.
    In this article I will identify the position from which I write and the methodology I will employ, and then I will ask: ”Is the Foucauldian conception of disciplinary power still at work in contemporary forms of imprisonment?” I will answer this question in the affirmative and report the results of a case study of the operational philosophy of a contemporary prison in Melbourne Australia while highlighting some key comparative points from Discipline and Punish . How (...)
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  43. Will the Explosive Growth of China Continue?Leonid Grinin, Sergey Tsirel & Andrey Korotayev - 2015 - Technological Forecasting and Social Change 95:394-308.
    The role of China in the world economy is constantly growing. In particular we observe that it plays more and more important role in the support of theworld economic growth (as well as high prices of certain very important commodities). In the meantime the perspectives of the Chinese economy (as well as possible fates of the Chinese society) remain unclear, whereas respective forecasts look rather contradictory. That is why the search for new aspects and modes of analysis of possible development (...)
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    The blossoming of bioethics at NIH.Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):455-466.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Blossoming of Bioethics at NIHEzekiel J. Emanuel (bio)The establishment of the Department of Clinical Bioethics at the Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has coincided with a burgeoning of interest and activity related to bioethical issues at NIH. The department has precipitated a reexamination and revitalization of existing bioethics activities in the Clinical Center and has launched new programs especially in the (...)
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    Philosophy Looks at Chess.Benjamin Hale (ed.) - 2008 - Open Court Press.
    This book offers a collection of contemporary essays that explore philosophical themes at work in chess. This collection includes essays on the nature of a game, the appropriateness of chess as a metaphor for life, and even deigns to query whether Garry Kasparov might—just might—be a cyborg. In twelve unique essays, contributed by philosophers with a broad range of expertise in chess, this book poses both serious and playful questions about this centuries-old pastime. -/- Perhaps more interestingly, philosophers have often (...)
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  46.  63
    Justice and the General Will: Affirming Rousseau's Ancient Orientation.David Lay Williams - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):383-411.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Justice and the General Will:Affirming Rousseau's Ancient OrientationDavid Lay WilliamsThere is much confusion about how to characterize the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His thought has at various times been related to such dissimilar thinkers as Plato and Hobbes. From Plato he is said to have acquired his affinities for community and civic virtue. And one does not have to look too hard to find his praise for the (...)
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  47. Displaced Workers: America's Unpaid Debt.Edmund F. Byrne - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):31 - 41.
    The U.S. doctrine of employment-at-will, modified legislatively for protected groups, is being less harshly applied to managerial personnel. Comparable compensation is not otherwise available in the U.S. to workers displaced by technology. Nine pairs of arguments are presented to show how fundamentally management and labor disagree about a company's responsibility for its former employees. These arguments, born of years of labor-management debate, are kaleidoscopic claims about which side has what power. Ultimately, however, not even both together can solve (...)
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    Employee job rights: Foundation considerations. [REVIEW]Rick Molz - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (6):449 - 458.
    Employee job rights have become a controversial issue, with some courts ruling employees have a fundamental right in retaining their job. Employment at will and assigning the worker a property right to his job are examined from three paradigms of social interaction. An alternative model is presented, and is more consistent with each of the three paradigms.
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    Gersonides on Providence: A Jewish Chapter in the History of the General Will.Steven M. Nadler - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (1):37-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.1 (2001) 37-57 [Access article in PDF] Gersonides on Providence: A Jewish Chapter in the History of the General Will Steven Nadler The notion of the "general will" has proven to be one of the more influential and at the same time enduringly perplexing concepts in the history of ideas. Its most famous appearance is of course, in Rousseau's political philosophy (...)
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    In the zone: Work at the intersection of trade and migration.Jennifer Gordon - 2022 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 23 (2):147-183.
    Trade and immigration are generally described as separate dimensions of globalization. This Article challenges that story by focusing on settings where states and private actors are bringing the two together to achieve disparate economic and policy goals. In one of the two sets of cases analyzed here, governments in the Global South are seeking to increase trade through the use of migrant labor, attracting transnational firms to export manufacturing zones by importing lower-cost workers from other countries. In the other, policymakers (...)
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