Results for 'Enrico Paganuzzi'

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  1. Il problema del ritmo in nuove teorie sulla monodia liturgica ed extraliturgica medievale.Enrico Paganuzzi - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    Trust as the glue of cognitive institutions.Shaun Gallagher & Enrico Petracca - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (1):216-239.
    In this paper we consider the importance of trust, in the context of economic institutions, and specifically with respect to questions about market mechanisms and the role of social interactions. We review recent advances in institutional economics closely tied to developments in philosophy of mind and cognitive science, involving extended and enactive cognition. We argue that the analysis of different conceptions of institutional mind extension, in Denzau and North’s shared mental models, Clark’s extended mind, and a more enactive approach that (...)
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    SUSY, Spin-Statistics, and all that... On the contrast between Spin-Statistics and Wigner’s Theorem.Marco Sanchioni & Enrico Cinti - Manuscript, 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    Complexity results for preference aggregation over (m)CP-nets: Max and rank voting.Thomas Lukasiewicz & Enrico Malizia - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103636.
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    Grounding Megethology on Plural Reference.Massimiliano Carrara & Enrico Martino - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):697-711.
    In Mathematics is megethology Lewis reconstructs set theory combining mereology with plural quantification. He introduces megethology, a powerful framework in which one can formulate strong assumptions about the size of the universe of individuals. Within this framework, Lewis develops a structuralist class theory, in which the role of classes is played by individuals. Thus, if mereology and plural quantification are ontologically innocent, as Lewis maintains, he achieves an ontological reduction of classes to individuals. Lewis’work is very attractive. However, the alleged (...)
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    "Into Life." Franz Rosenzweig on Knowledge, Aesthetics, and Politics.Antonios Kalatzis & Enrico Lucca (eds.) - 2021 - Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
    The volume collects a series of groundbreaking new studies which delve into the work of Franz Rosenzweig and assess its enduring yet still unacknowledged value for Epistemology, Aesthetics, Moral and Political Philosophy, going far beyond Theology and Philosophy of Religion.
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  7. DLEAC: A Dialetheic Logic with Exclusive Assumptions and Conclusions.Massimiliano Carrara & Enrico Martino - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):379-388.
    This paper proposes a new dialetheic logic, a Dialetheic Logic with Exclusive Assumptions and Conclusions ), including classical logic as a particular case. In \, exclusivity is expressed via the speech acts of assuming and concluding. In the paper we adopt the semantics of the logic of paradox extended with a generalized notion of model and we modify its proof theory by refining the notions of assumption and conclusion. The paper starts with an explanation of the adopted philosophical perspective, then (...)
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    Duality, Underdetermination, and the Uncommon Common Core.Daniel Grimmer, Enrico Cinti & Rasmus Jaksland - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    Like giants immersed in time. Ontology, phenomenology, and Marcel Proust.Maurizio Ferraris & Enrico Terrone - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70:92-106.
    Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, raises an interesting philosophical issue, namely, how can one be in touch with past things if they no longer exist? It provides us with a way to address this issue by outlining an ontological view according to which past things still exist within a four-dimensional world. Although one cannot be in touch with past things by means of ordinary perception, one can do so by combining perception and memory. In this sense, In Search (...)
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  10. Epistemic vs Ontic Classification of quantum entangled states?Michele Caponigro & Enrico Giannetto - 2012 - Discusiones Filosóficas 13 (20):137 - 145.
    In this brief paper, starting from recent works, we analyze from conceptual point of view this basic question: can be the nature of quantum entangled states interpreted ontologically or epistemologically? According some works, the degrees of freedom of quantum systems permit us to establish a possible classification between factorizables and entangled states. We suggest, that the "choice" of degree of freedom, even if mathematically justified introduces epistemic element, not only in the systems but also in their classification. We retain, instead, (...)
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  11. AI-enhanced nudging: A Risk-factors Analysis.Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini & Enrico Panai - forthcoming - American Philosophical Quarterly.
    Artificial intelligent technologies are utilized to provide online personalized recommendations, suggestions, or prompts that can influence people's decision-making processes. We call this AI-enhanced nudging (or AI-nudging for short). Contrary to the received wisdom we claim that AI-enhanced nudging is not necessarily morally problematic. To start assessing the risks and moral import of AI-nudging we believe that we should adopt a risk-factor analysis: we show that both the level of risk and possibly the moral value of adopting AI-nudging ultimately depend on (...)
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    Individual and Collective Intentionality: Elaborating the Fundamentality-Question.Patrizio Ulf Enrico Lo Presti - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1977-1997.
    This is a contribution to the controversy which of individual or collective intentionality is more fundamental. I call it the fundamentality-question. In a first step, I argue that it is really two questions. One is about sense and one about reference. The first is: Can one grasp or understand the concept individual intentionality and, correspondingly, individuality, on the one hand, without grasping or understanding the concept collective intentionality and, correspondingly, collectivity, on the other? The second is: Can the concept individual (...)
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    A Note on Gödel, Priest and Naïve Proof.Massimiliano Carrara & Enrico Martino - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (1):79-96.
    In the 1951 Gibbs lecture, Gödel asserted his famous dichotomy, where the notion of informal proof is at work. G. Priest developed an argument, grounded on the notion of naïve proof, to the effect that Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem suggests the presence of dialetheias. In this paper, we adopt a plausible ideal notion of naïve proof, in agreement with Gödel’s conception, superseding the criticisms against the usual notion of naïve proof used by real working mathematicians. We explore the connection between (...)
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    Ohnmacht des Subjekts--Macht der Persönlichkeit.Christian Benne & Enrico Müller (eds.) - 2014 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
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    Problemi di etica: fondazione, norme, orientamenti.Giuseppe Angelini, Enrico Berti & Paolo Zecchinato (eds.) - 1990 - Padova: Gegoriana libreria editrice.
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  16. Seminar on science and its ancient tradition.Annalisa Arci & Enrico Rini - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):809-811.
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    Cortical Inhibitory Imbalance in Functional Paralysis.Alberto Benussi, Enrico Premi, Valentina Cantoni, Silvia Compostella, Eugenio Magni, Nicola Gilberti, Veronica Vergani, Ilenia Delrio, Massimo Gamba, Raffaella Spezi, Angelo Costa, Michele Tinazzi, Alessandro Padovani, Barbara Borroni & Mauro Magoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18. La forme del bello.Remo Bodei, Enrico Fubini & Elio Franzini - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (3):364-365.
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    Linguistic Justice and Analytic Philosophy.Filippo Contesi & Enrico Terrone (eds.) - 2018
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    Effect of Long-Term Music Training on Emotion Perception From Drumming Improvisation.Martina Di Mauro, Enrico Toffalini, Massimo Grassi & Karin Petrini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Modelli nella filosofia del diritto.Enrico Di Robilant - 1968 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    Edizione Nazionale delle opere edite e inedite di Vincenzo Gioberti: Del bello - 1939.Vincenzo Gioberti & Enrico Castelli - 1939 - Bocca.
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    Overlapping Consensus Thin and Thick: John Rawls and Simone Weil.Aviad Heifetz & Enrico Minelli - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (4):362-384.
    John Rawls and Simone Weil presented two distinct conceptions of political justice, aimed at articulating a common ethos in an inherently heterogeneous society. The terms of the former, chiefly concerned with the distribution of primary goods, underwrite much of today's Western democracies political liberalism. The terms of the latter, chiefly concerned with the way interaction is organised in social activities in view of the body and soul's balancing pairs of needs, are less well known. We explain the sense in which (...)
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    PhiloSURFical: Browse Wittgenstein’s World with the Semantic Web.Milton Keynes, Enrico Motta & Michele Pasin - 2008 - In Herbert Hrachovec & Alois Pichler, Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information: Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007. De Gruyter. pp. 319-331.
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  25. Rule of Law Political and Legal Systems in Transition.Werner Krawietz, Enrico Pattaro & Alice Erh-Soon Tay - 1997
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    Exchange-Rate Management In Eastern Europe: A Public Choice Perspective.Jonathan Macey & Enrico Colombatto - 1995 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 6 (2-3):259-276.
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  27. La cronologia dell'episcopato di Giovanni Battista Montini a Milano.Gian Enrico Manzoni - 2002 - Studium 98 (4):559-563.
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  28. Matteo Perrini.Gian Enrico Manzoni - 2007 - Studium 103 (1):113-116.
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  29. Nuove tensioni culturali intorno alla lingua latina.Gian Enrico Manzoni - 2005 - Studium 101 (5):771-775.
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    Nietzsche und die Worte des Avestā. Lektürespuren parsischer Texte in Also sprach Zarathustra.Emanuele Enrico Mariani - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):276-291.
    The presence of Persian sources in Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra has been a topic of debate for decades. This paper summarizes the main results of a comparative study of Nietzsche and the ancient Persian scripture Avestā. In addition to several secondary sources Nietzsche repeatedly encountered, there is strong evidence that he read Johann Friedrich Kleuker’s German translation of the Avestā texts reconstructed by Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron. Analyzing Nietzsche’s diverse sources of Zoroastrianism as well as his knowledge of this religion, this (...)
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    Zur Einführung: Johann Heinrich Lambert und die Mathematisierung der Aufklärung.Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Enrico Passini, Paola Rumore & Gideon Stiening - 2022 - In Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Enrico Pasini, Paola Rumore & Gideon Stiening, Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777): Wege Zur Mathematisierung der Aufklärung. De Gruyter. pp. 1-10.
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  32. La providencia y la ubicación de Vico en la historia del pensamiento.Enrico Pascucci de Ponte - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 5:313-321.
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  33. L'atto Aristotelico E le Sue Ermeneutiche [Atti Del Colloquio Internazionale ... Laterano, 17-18-19 Gennaio, 1989].Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo & Enrico Berti - 1990 - Herder Università Lateranense.
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    Review of Ivan Moscati’s Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019, 326 pp. [REVIEW]Annalisa Costella & Enrico Mattia Salonia - 2020 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (1).
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  35. Cultura e promozione umana: la cura del corpo e dello spirito dai primi secoli cristiani al Medioevo: contributi e attualizzazioni ulteriori: convegno internazionale di studi, Oasi Maria Santissima di Troina, 29 ottobre-1 novembre 1999.Enrico Dal Covolo & I. Giannetto (eds.) - 2000 - Troina (Enna): Oasi.
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    Aristotle: metaphysics and practical philosophy: essays in honour of Enrico Berti.Enrico Berti & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 2011 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    Enrico Berti has had a profound influence on the birth and development of Italian studies in ancient philosophy. His sizable work has shaped a great part of Italian studies on Aristotle and other ancient philosophers. To celebrate him and express their gratitude for his work, some of his disciples, under the impulse of the late Franco Volpi, have brought together a volume in his honour, requesting the participation of some foreign scholars particularly close to him. The volume comprises essays (...)
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    Le Temps harcelant: par Enrico Castelli. [Traduit de l'italien.] Préface de René Le Senne,..Enrico Castelli - 1952 - Presses universitaires de France.
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  38. Esistenza, mito, ermeneutica: scritti per Enrico Castelli.Enrico Castelli (ed.) - 1980 - Padova: CEDAM.
    v. 1. Demoniaco e problema del male. Umanesimo e pensiero simbolico. Tempo e temporalità -- v. 2. Ermeneutica e demitizzazione. Storia della filosofia. Filosofia della religione.
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    Le démoniaque dans l'art Par Enrico castelli.Enrico Castelli & Jeanne Parain-Vial - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):131 - 132.
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  40. Peter Sloterdijk e le catastrofi timotiche: Interventi di Enrico Donaggio e Dimitri D’Andrea.Enrico Donaggio & Dimitri D’Andrea - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 33:175-182.
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  41. Gli Illuministi E la Musica. Scritti Scelti. Traduzione, Introduzione E Note a Cura di Enrico Fubini.Enrico Fubini - 1969 - Principato.
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    Die Griechen im Denken Nietzsches.Enrico Müller - 2005 - De Gruyter.
    Enrico Müller legt hier die erste philosophische Gesamtdarstellung zur Bedeutung der Griechen für Nietzsches Denken vor. Er zeigt, wie sich in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Griechentum Nietzsches eigene Philosophie entwickelte, und problematisiert deren Abgrenzungen von der Logosphilosophie der griechischen Klassik. Müller kommt dabei zu dem Schluss, dass auch Nietzsches Philosophie letztlich auf die Vorgaben der sokratisch-platonischen Dialektik angewiesen bleibt.
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  43. A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence.Enrico Pattaro - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (4):489-500.
    . “The Notebook Corner,” edited by Enrico Pattaro, makes its first appearance here as a new section of Ratio Juris. This new section can be described in a sense as an offshoot of the project for A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, a work still in progress composed of five theoretical volumes and six historical ones. The theoretical volumes receive a brief presentation in the paper immediately below, with a specific focus on Volume 1, entitled The Law (...)
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  44. Science Fiction as a Genre.Enrico Terrone - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1):16-29.
    Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with Stacie Friend’s claim that fiction is a genre, her notion of genre can be fruitfully applied to a paradigmatic genre such as science fiction. This article deploys Friend’s notion of genre in order to improve the influential characterization of science fiction proposed by Darko Suvin and to defend it from a criticism recently raised by Simon Evnine. According to Suvin, a work of science fiction must concern “a fictional ‘novum’ validated by cognitive (...)
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    Are Works of Art Affective Artifacts? If Not, What Sort of Artifacts Are They?Enrico Terrone - forthcoming - Topoi:1-10.
    Works of art are usually meant to elicit psychological effects from their audiences whereas paradigmatic technical artifacts such as hammers or cars are rather meant to produce physical effects when used. This suggests that works of art and technical artifacts are sharply different entities. However, recent developments in the cognitive sciences and the philosophy of technology have individuated special artifacts, namely cognitive and affective artifacts, which also generate psychological effects. In particular, affective artifacts, which have the capacity to alter the (...)
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  46. The Standard of Correctness and the Ontology of Depiction.Enrico Terrone - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (4):399-412.
    This paper develops Richard Wollheim’s claim that the proper appreciation of a picture involves not only enjoying a seeing-in experience but also abiding by a standard of correctness. While scholars have so far focused on what fixes the standard, thereby discussing the alternative between intentions and causal mechanisms, the paper focuses on what the standard does, that is, establishing which kinds, individuals, features and standpoints are relevant to the understanding of pictures. It is argued that, while standards concerning kinds, individuals (...)
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  47. Twofileness. A Functionalist Approach to Fictional Characters and Mental Files.Enrico Terrone - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (1):129-147.
    This paper considers two issues raised by the claim that fictional characters are abstract artifacts. First, given that artifacts normally have functions, what is the function of a fictional character? Second, given that, in experiencing works of fictions, we usually treat fictional characters as concrete individuals, how can such a phenomenology fit with an ontology according to which fictional characters are abstract artifacts? I will indirectly address the second issue by directly addressing the first one. For this purpose, I will (...)
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  48. On Fictional Characters as Types.Enrico Terrone - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):161-176.
    Conceiving of fictional characters as types allows us to reconcile intuitions of sameness and difference about characters such as Batman that appear in different fictional worlds. Sameness occurs at the type level while difference occurs at the token level. Yet, the claim that fictional characters are types raises three main issues. Firstly, types seem to be eternal forms whereas fictional characters seem to be the outcome of a process of creation. Secondly, the tokens of a type are concrete particulars in (...)
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  49. On Inversion Principles.Enrico Moriconi & Laura Tesconi - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (2):103-113.
    The idea of an ?inversion principle?, and the name itself, originated in the work of Paul Lorenzen in the 1950s, as a method to generate new admissible rules within a certain syntactic context. Some fifteen years later, the idea was taken up by Dag Prawitz to devise a strategy of normalization for natural deduction calculi (this being an analogue of Gentzen's cut-elimination theorem for sequent calculi). Later, Prawitz used the inversion principle again, attributing it with a semantic role. Still working (...)
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    Careful with those scissors, Eugene! Against the observational indistinguishability of spacetimes.Enrico Cinti & Vincenzo Fano - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):103-113.
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