Results for 'Erich Vogelsang'

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  1. Umbruch des deutschen Glaubens.Erich Vogelsang - 1934 - Tübingen,:
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  2. “Saving Lives or Saving Stones?” The Ethics of Cultural Heritage Protection in War.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (1):67-84.
    In discussion surrounding the destruction of cultural heritage in armed conflict, one often hears two important claims in support of intervention to safeguard heritage. The first is that the protection of people and the protection of heritage are two sides of the same coin. The second is that the cultural heritage of any people is part of the common heritage of all humankind. In this article, I examine both of these claims, and consider the extent to which they align with (...)
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    Unifying hidden-variable problems from quantum mechanics by logics of dependence and independence.Rafael Albert & Erich Grädel - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (10):103088.
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    Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Vol. II.Michael Beaney & Erich H. Reck (eds.) - 2005 - London: Routledge.
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    Stochastic coalgebraic logic: Bisimilarity and behavioral equivalence.Ernst-Erich Doberkat - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (1):46-68.
    Bisimulations, behavioral equivalence and logical equivalence are investigated for stochastic image-coalgebras that interpret coalgebraic logic which is defined in terms of predicate liftings. We investigate the conditions for the functor under which these notions of equivalence are related by discussing congruences for the underlying stochastic relation. It is demonstrated that logics as diverse as continuous time stochastic logic and general modal logics can be usefully approached through coalgebraic methods.
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    Materialien zur ältesten Erkenntnislehre der KarmamīmāṃsāMaterialien zur altesten Erkenntnislehre der Karmamimamsa.Hartmut Scharfe & Erich Frauwallner - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):316.
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  7. The Clean Plate Club? Food Waste and Individual Responsibility.Erich Hatala Matthes & Jaclyn Hatala Matthes - 2018 - In Anne Barnhill, Mark Budolfson & Tyler Doggett (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Food Ethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 313-330.
    We offer an overview of both the empirical literature on food waste and philosophical work on the concept of waste. We use this background to argue that an overemphasis on the reduction of individual food waste is misleading at best, and pernicious at worst, in combatting the substantial problems that global food waste creates. Rather, we argue that civic engagement and political activism aimed at institutional reform will be essential in addressing these problems.
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    Nietzsche von A bis Z: ein Buch der Widersprüche.Erich Frey-Teschen - 2020 - Berlin: Lit. Edited by Roman Seidl.
    Rede und Gegenrede, pro und contra - jeweils von derselben Person zu einem bestimmten Thema? Wer kennt das nicht von sich selbst? Auch beim Philologen und Philosophen Friedrich Nietzsche finden sich solche Stellen in seinem Werk. Systematisch aufbereitet durch den Autor, umfasst das Buch 287 Schlagwörter und 5527 Zitate, geordnet nach pro und contra und ein Fundstellenverzeichnis. Das Buch will sein: Ein Zugang und Schlüssel zu Nietzsches Schriften Ein Nietzsche-Nachschlagewerk Ein Nietzsche-Brevier Eine Aufforderung an den Leser, von der Oberfläche der (...)
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  9. Wissenschaft als kulturelle Praxis, 1750-1900.Hans Erich Bodeker, Peter Hanns Reill & Jurgen Schlumbohm - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (3):410.
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  10. Hegel's Critique of Substance-Metaphysics as the Perfection of the Principle of modern Philosophy.Klaus Erich Kaehler - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    History of Philosophy as Philosophical Task.Klaus Erich Kaehler - 2003 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 3:241-253.
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    Exploratory analysis of concept and document spaces with connectionist networks.Dieter Merkl, Erich Schweighoffer & Werner Winiwarter - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (2-3):185-209.
    Exploratory analysis is an area of increasing interest in the computational linguistics arena. Pragmatically speaking, exploratory analysis may be paraphrased as natural language processing by means of analyzing large corpora of text. Concerning the analysis, appropriate means are statistics, on the one hand, and artificial neural networks, on the other hand. As a challenging application area for exploratory analysis of text corpora we may certainly identify text databases, be it information retrieval or information filtering systems. With this paper we present (...)
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  13. Philosophie. Benedikt, Erich, [From Old Catalog] & Erich Windischer (eds.) - 1972 - Wien: Österr. Bundesverl..
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    Die endogene Krisis der Absoluten Metaphysik als philosophischer Ursprung der Moderne.Klaus Erich Kaehler - 2012 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2012 (1):54-61.
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  15. Jay Newman, Religion and Technology: A Study in the Philosophy of Culture Reviewed by.Erich von Dietze - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (6):432-434.
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    Der Untergang des Judentums. [REVIEW]Erich Fromm - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (3):438-439.
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    (1 other version)Becher, Erich. Die Grundfrage der Ethik. Versuch einer Begründung des Prinzips der grössten allgemeinen Glückseligkeitsförderuug.Erich Becher - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Erich Frauwallner's posthumous essays.Erich Frauwallner - 1994 - New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan.
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  19. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Erich Przywara und Gertrud von le Fort.Erich Przywara & Manfred Lochbrunner - 2022 - Würzburg: Echter.
    Der Jesuit Erich Przywara (1889-1972) und Gertrud von le Fort (1876-1971) lernten sich Mitte der 1920-er Jahre kennen, zur Zeit der Konversion le Forts zum katholischen Glauben. Seither standen sie in einem durchgehenden, wenn auch losen Briefwechsel, vor allem in den beiden Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die von Manfred Lochbrunner herausgegebene Korrespondenz ist das berührende Dokument einer freundschaftlichen Beziehung zwischen der angesehenen Dichterin und dem nicht minder bedeutenden Religionsphilosophen und Theologen mit eigenen dichterischen Ambitionen. In einem Einführungsessay werden (...)
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  20. Das menschliche Sein als Ursprung des Sollens?F. Vogelsang - 2003 - Synthesis Philosophica 18 (1-2):115-136.
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    Die Rede von Gott in einer offenen Wirklichkeit: phänomenologisch-hermeneutische Untersuchungen nach Merleau-Ponty, Ricœur und Waldenfels.Frank Vogelsang - 2016 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Die Rede von Gott ist eine Weise, Wirklichkeit zu erschliessen. Diese Aussage erscheint in einer Zeit verwunderlich, in der die Naturwissenschaften zu der massgebenden Autoritat der Wirklichkeitsdeutung avanciert sind. In weit verbreiteten Reaktionen auf deren Erfolg wird der Aussagebereich einer Rede von Gott eher auf ein unspezifisches Jenseits oder auf das subjektive Empfinden und moralische Handeln von Individuen eingeschrankt. Die phanomenologische Analyse weist aber auf, dass die Wirklichkeit, mit der der leiblich existierende Mensch immer schon verbunden ist, weiter ist als (...)
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    Identität in einer offenen Wirklichkeit: eine Spurensuche im Anschluss an Merleau-Ponty, Ricoeur und Waldenfels.Frank Vogelsang - 2014 - Freiburg [im Breisgau]: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Preschoolers are sensitive to free riding in a public goods game.Martina Vogelsang, Keith Jensen, Sebastian Kirschner, Claudio Tennie & Michael Tomasello - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Unseating Mastery: The University and the Promise of the New.Erich Hörl & Premesh Lalu - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):219-238.
    The conversation between Erich Hörl and Premesh Lalu draws on their extended conversation on efforts to link discordant temporal and spatial encounters with the idea of the university and how, more importantly, to care for the future of its educational responsibilities. While much of the debate on the university is focused on how it is affected by large-scale geopolitical shifts and the rapid expansion of technological resources, Hörl and Lalu bring into view a language of the university that holds (...)
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  25. Dedekind's structuralism: An interpretation and partial defense.Erich H. Reck - 2003 - Synthese 137 (3):369 - 419.
    Various contributors to recent philosophy of mathematics havetaken Richard Dedekind to be the founder of structuralismin mathematics. In this paper I examine whether Dedekind did, in fact, hold structuralist views and, insofar as that is the case, how they relate to the main contemporary variants. In addition, I argue that his writings contain philosophical insights that are worth reexamining and reviving. The discussion focusses on Dedekind''s classic essay Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?, supplemented by evidence from Stetigkeit und (...)
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    For the Patient's Good: The Restoration of Beneficence in Health Care.Erich H. Loewy, Edmund D. Pellegrino & David C. Thomasma - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (1):42.
    Book reviewed in this article: For the Patient's Good: The Restoration of Beneficence in Health Care. By Edmund D. Pellegrino and David C. Thomasma.
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    The Creative Loop: How the Brain Makes a Mind.Erich Harth - 1993 - Addison Wesley.
    Discusses how the conscious self is created by the brain, explains brain structure, and explores the mind-body connection.
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    The self-organizing universe: scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm of evolution.Erich Jantsch - 1980 - New York: Pergamon Press.
    The book, with its emphasis on the interaction of microstructures with the entire biosphere, ecosystems etc., and on how micro- and macrocosmos mutually create the conditions for their further evolution, provides a comprehensive framework for a deeper understanding of human creativity in a time of transition.
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  29. Drawing the Line: What to Do with the Work of Immoral Artists from Museums to the Movies.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Can we still watch Woody Allen's movies? Can we still laugh at Bill Cosby's jokes? Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Dave Chappelle, Louis C. K., J.K. Rowling, Michael Jackson, Roseanne Barr. Recent years have proven rife with revelations about the misdeeds, objectional views, and, in some instances, crimes of popular artists.
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    The dogma of Christ.Erich Fromm - 1963 - New York: H. Holt.
    In the title essay, Erich Fromm uses the tools of psychoanalysis to examine the development of the dogma of Christ in the context of social history. The remaining essays examine psychological and cultural problems with keen insight and humanistic sympathies.
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  31. The Sane Society.ERICH FROMM - 1955 - Ethics 66 (4):289-292.
  32. Escape from Freedom.Erich Fromm - 1941 - Science and Society 6 (2):187-190.
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    Appians klio dichtet.Erich Potz - 1998 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 142 (2):293-299.
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    Offene Wirklichkeit: Ansatz eines phänomenologischen Realismus nach Merleau-Ponty.Frank Vogelsang - 2011 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  35. Beiträge Zur Geistesgechichte Indiens Festschrift Für Erich Frauwallner.Erich Frauwallner & Gerhard Oberhammer - 1968 - E.J. Brill.
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  36. Man for himself: an inquiry into the psychology of ethics.Erich Fromm - 1947 - New York: H. Holt. Edited by Alan Haemer.
    In Man for Himself , Erich Fromm examines the confusion of modern women and men who, because they lack faith in any principle by which life ought to be guided, become the helpless prey forces both within and without. From the broad, interdisciplinary perspective that marks Fromm’s distinguished oeuvre, he shows that psychology cannot divorce itself from the problems of philosophy and ethics, and that human nature cannot be understood without understanding the values and moral conflicts that confront us (...)
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  37. Amalavijñānam und Ālayavijñānam.Erich Frauwallner - 1982 - In Erich Frauwallner, Gerhard Oberhammer & Ernst Steinkellner (eds.), Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  38. Frege on truth, judgment, and objectivity.Erich H. Reck - 2007 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 75 (1):149-173.
    In Frege's writings, the notions of truth, judgment, and objectivity are all prominent and important. This paper explores the close connections between them, together with their ties to further cognate notions, such as those of thought, assertion, inference, logical law, and reason. It is argued that, according to Frege, these notions can only be understood properly together, in their inter-relations. Along the way, interpretations of some especially cryptic Fregean remarks, about objectivity, laws of truth, and reason, are offered, and seemingly (...)
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    Appendix II. Bibliographie der Schriften Erich Frauwallners.Erich Frauwallner - 2010 - In Die Philosophie des Buddhismus: Mit Einem Vorwort von Eli Franco Und Karin Preisendanz. Akademie Verlag.
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    (1 other version)Die Philosophie des Buddhismus.Erich Frauwallner - 1956 - Berlin,: Akademie Verlag.
    Erich Frauwallners Buch "Die Philosophie des Buddhismus" ist längst zu einem,Klassiker' geworden. Die Form der Darstellung ist glücklich gewählt; sie verknüpft allgemeine Überblicke, Einführungen in das Denken individueller buddhistischer Philosophen und lange Exzerpte aus philosophischen Werken des südasiatischen Buddhismus in wörtlicher Übersetzung. Das Buch bewegt sich also zwischen einem Einführungswerk und einer Anthologie. Die knappen Einleitungen zu den repräsentativen Texten sind informativ und klar und rücken die philosophischen Inhalte in das Licht ihrer historischen Entwicklung; die Übersetzungen aus den relevanten (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant als Naturforscher.Erich Adickes - 1924 - De Gruyter.
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  42. Dedekind, structural reasoning, and mathematical understanding.Erich H. Reck - 2009 - In Bart Van Kerkhove (ed.), New Perspectives on Mathematical Practices: Essays in Philosophy and History of Mathematics. World Scientific. pp. 150--173.
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    The Multidimensional Structure of ‘better than’.Erich H. Rast - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):291-319.
    According to the mixed lexicographic/additive account of ‘better than’ and similar aggregative value comparatives like ‘healthier than’, values are multidimensional and different aspects of a value are aggregated into an overall assessment in a lexicographic way, based on an ordering of value aspects. It is argued that this theory can account for an acceptable definition of Chang’s notion of parity and that it also offers a solution to Temkin’s and Rachels’s Spectrum Cases without giving up the transitivity of overall betterness. (...)
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    Le nouveau paradigme écologique.Erich Hörl - 2012 - Multitudes 51 (4):74-85.
    Résumé Notre rapport aux technologies médiatiques ne nous met pas tant en présence de nouveaux objets que de nouveaux environnements. C’est donc à partir d’une écologie générale qu’il nous faut tenter de comprendre les médias, nouveaux et anciens. Les réflexions de Félix Guattari, Gilbert Simondon, mais aussi l’agentivité environnementale de Mark Hansen ou la « struction » de Jean-Luc Nancy sont convoqués ici comme autant de pistes fécondes en direction d’une techno-écologie du sens.
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    Reconstructing Recent Work on Macrosocial Stress as a Research Program.Erich H. Witte & Frank Zenker - 2016 - Basic and Applied Social Psychology 38 (6):301-307.
    We reconstruct recent work on macrosocial stress as if it were an instance of a research strategy that tests point-alternative hypotheses within a full-fledged research program. Because this strategy is free of various deficits that beset dominant strategies, our article demonstrates one way in which the confidence crisis may be overcome.
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  46. Cultural appropriation and oppression.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):1003-1013.
    In this paper, I present an outline of the oppression account of cultural appropriation and argue that it offers the best explanation for the wrongfulness of the varied and complex cases of appropriation to which people often object. I then compare the oppression account with the intimacy account defended by C. Thi Nguyen and Matt Strohl. Though I believe that Nguyen and Strohl’s account offers important insight into an essential dimension of the cultural appropriation debate, I argue that justified objections (...)
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    Logik Und Systematik der Geisteswissenschaften.Erich Rothacker - 1927 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Logik und Systematik der Geisteswissenschaften" verfügbar.
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    Philosophische Kunstwissenschaft.Erich Bernheimer - 1913 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
    Erich Bernheimer verfolgt mit dem hier vorliegenden Werk - anknüpfend an die Ästhetik des Naturphilosophen Gustav Fechner - "die analytische Durchforschung der Faktoren des ästhetischen Genusses, die Fechner in seiner `Vorschule der Ästhetik' begonnen hatte... fortzusetzen und die Faktoren brauchbar zu kategorisieren" (Vorwort) anhand der beiden Teile "die Kunstbetrachtung" und "Das Kunstschaffen", untersucht dabei z. B. die Arten der Kunstbetrachtung, Normen und Werte für den Betrachtenden, die Dynamik des Kunstschaffens, Werte und Normen des Schaffens und noch weitere Gesichtspunkte. Nachdruck (...)
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    The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy.Erich H. Reck (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    During the last 25 years, a large number of publications on the history of analytic philosophy have appeared, significantly more than in the preceding period. As most of these works are by analytically trained authors, it is tempting to speak of a 'historical turn' in analytic philosophy. The present volume constitutes both a contribution to this body of work and a reflection on what is, or might be, achieved in it. The twelve new essays, by an international group of contributors, (...)
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    The Disinherited Mind.Erich Heller - 2021 - Hassell Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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