Results for 'Ernie Hill'

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  1.  22
    Noise and context-dependent memory.Paul A. Bell, Susan Hess, Ernie Hill, Shawna Lee Kukas, Ralph W. Richards & David Sargent - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):99-100.
  2.  32
    When are optimal rates of presentation optimal ?William L. Cull, Catherine A. D’Anna, Ernie J. Hill, Eugene B. Zechmeister & James W. Hall - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):48-50.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Language.Ernie Lepore & Una Stojnic (eds.) - 2024 - Oxford University Press.
    This Handbook introduces key issues in the philosophy of language as currently practised. Topics include: the nature of language; the nature and role of semantic content; the dynamics of communication and speech acts; tense and modality; discourse dynamics; and the expressive, evaluative, subjective, and social aspects of language.
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  4. Ist ein dialektischer Widerspruch im richtigen Denken möglich?Václav Černík - 1964 - In Igor Hrusovský, Magda Stítna, Frantisek Mestitz & Slovenská Akadémia Vied, Das Dialektische Gesetz. Bratislava: Vydavatel̕stvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied.
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    Slurs and Tone.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2018 - In Annalisa Coliva, Paolo Leonardi & Sebastiano Moruzzi, Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History. Londra, Regno Unito: Palgrave. pp. 205-217.
    Two claims that are hard to deny are that slurs can be offensive, and that not all uses of language are communicative. It’s therefore perplexing why no one has considered the possibility that slurs might be offensive not because of what they communicate but rather because of interpretive effects their uses might exact. In what follows, we intend to argue just that, namely, that confrontations with slurs can set in motion a kind of imaginative engagement that rouses objectionable psychological states. (...)
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  6. What is Logical Form?Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2002 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter, Logical Form and Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This paper articulates and defends a conception of logical form as semantic form revealed by a compositional meaning theory. On this conception, the logical form of a sentence is determined by the semantic types of its primitive terms and their mode of combination as it relates to determining under what conditions it is true. We develop this idea in the framework of truth-theoretic semantics. We argue that the semantic form of a declarative sentence in a language L is revealed by (...)
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    Imagination and Convention: Distinguishing Grammar and Inference in Language.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Matthew Stone.
    How do hearers manage to understand speakers? And how do speakers manage to shape hearers' understanding? Lepore and Stone show that standard views about the workings of semantics and pragmatics are unsatisfactory. They advance an alternative view which better captures what is going on in linguistic communication.
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    Convention Before Communication.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2017 - Philosophical Perspectives 31 (1):245-265.
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    Problems and Perspectives on the Limits of Pragmatics: Reply to Critics.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2016 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):117-126.
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    Inflammatory Language.Ernie Lepore - 2024 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 95:63-72.
    This is a paper is about a particular subclass of pejoratives, namely, slurs. These are epithets that denigrate a group on the basis of membership alone, e.g., on the basis of race, ethnicity, origin, religion, gender, or ideology. They carrry a characteristic sting, prone to cause outrage and even injury. As to the source of their characteristic sting, the predominant position invokes some aspect of meaning. Some of the few who reject this assumption locate the source of the sting in (...)
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    Die Leistungssteigerung des Menschlichen Gehirns: Neuro-Enhancement Im Interdisziplinären Diskurs.Nicola Erny, Matthias Herrgen & Jan C. Schmidt (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes analysieren in kritischer Weise die Breite und Tiefe des Diskurses zu Neuro-Enhancement, der sich aber nicht nur durch ethische Fragen auszeichnet. Sie zeigen, dass es darüber hinaus grundlegende philosophische, anthropologische und gesellschaftstheoretische Aspekte sind, die im Steigerungsbedürfnis spätmoderner Leistungsgesellschaften zu Tage treten. So scheint eine neue Wunschwelt vor der Tür zu stehen: Doping fürs Gehirn! Der rasante Fortschritt der Neurowissenschaften hat das menschliche Gehirn erreicht. Die Möglichkeiten der Leistungssteigerung könnten bald auch das „Innerste“ des (...)
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    David Lewis on Convention.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer, A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 313–327.
    This chapter presents an overview of Lewis's theory of convention, and explores its implications for linguistic theory, and especially for problems at the interface of the semantics and pragmatics of natural language. It discusses Lewis's understanding of coordination problems, emphasizing how coordination allows for a uniform characterization of practical activity and of signaling in communication. The chapter introduces Lewis's account of convention and shows how he uses it to make sense of the idea that a linguistic expression can come to (...)
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  13. Against Metaphorical Meaning.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2010 - Topoi 29 (2):165-180.
    The commonplace view about metaphorical interpretation is that it can be characterized in traditional semantic and pragmatic terms, thereby assimilating metaphor to other familiar uses of language. We will reject this view, and propose in its place the view that, though metaphors can issue in distinctive cognitive and discourse effects, they do so without issuing in metaphorical meaning and truth, and so, without metaphorical communication. Our inspiration derives from Donald Davidson’s critical arguments against metaphorical meaning and Richard Rorty’s exploration of (...)
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  14.  25
    The Philosophical Basis of Critical Discourse Analysis.Erni Dewi Riyanti - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):371-394.
    Critical discourse analysis has become an effective multidisciplinary approach to uncovering hidden ideologies and powers along with the changing times and the increasing prevalence of various discourses in society, both in the form of information written in text and distributed in the digital world. Discourse battles are commonplace in the context of life—as a form of dialectics and freedom to convey ideas. Researchers through this article discuss basic assumptions about the basic or main principles of critical discourse analysis developed by (...)
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    Princip dvojího účinku: zabíjení v mezích morálky.David Černý - 2016 - Praha: Academia.
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  16. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language.Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbooks series is a major new initiative in academic publishing. Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates. Oxford Handbooks provide scholars and graduate students with compelling new perspectives upon a wide range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences. Ernie Lepore and Barry Smith present the definitive reference work (...)
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    Christian Thought, Race, Blumenbach, and Historicizing.Ernie Hamm - 2019 - Zygon 54 (1):237-245.
    Terence Keel's Divine Variations: How Christian Thought Became Racial Science attributes the origins of “racial science” to Christian intellectual history. This is a bold and original argument, but it is not without deep difficulties, particularly in the early sections of the book. The concept of “race” is not sufficiently historicized and the treatment of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach needs to be more firmly grounded in the world of eighteenth‐century natural history.
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  18. (1 other version)Truth in the Theory of Meaning.Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig, Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 173–190.
    In this chapter, we defend the view that Davidson aimed not to replace the theory of meaning with the theory of truth, or to capture only certain features of the ordinary notion of meaning for certain theoretical purposes, but rather to pursue the traditional project of explaining in the broadest terms “what it is for words to mean what they do” through a clever bit of indirection, namely, by exploiting the recursive structure of a Tarskian‐style truth theory, which meets certain (...)
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  19.  8
    Práva zvířat: filozoficko-právní perspektiva.David Černý - 2016 - Praha: Středisko společných činností AV ČR.
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    Re-articulating care and carelessness in precarious times: An introduction.John Nguyet Erni - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Care is a contradictory terrain, as seen in the persistence of both socioeconomic vulnerabilities and the wide range of compassionate discourses and practices in society, including in the education landscape. The pandemic has laid bare the fault lines embedded within healthcare systems, schools, and biopolitical frameworks, unveiling important challenges that permeate the institutional, emotional, and relational dimensions of care provision and reception. Engaging in interdisciplinary thinking spanning from Education, Philosophy, Environmental Humanities, Film Studies, Literary Studies, to Cultural Studies, the collection (...)
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  21. Slurring Words.Luvell Anderson & Ernie Lepore - 2011 - Noûs 47 (1):25-48.
  22. Charakteristické rysy současné etapy všeobecné krize buržoazní filozofie.Jiří Černý - 1981 - [Prague]: Ústav pro filosofii a sociologii ČSAV. Edited by Rudolf Steindl.
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  23.  12
    Fotbal je hra.Jiří Černý - 1968 - Praha,: Čs. spis..
    Práce, byť i čerpala ze studií sociologů, psychologů, antropologů a kulturních historiků hry, není ani sportovní literaturou, ani teorií her, ani sociologií a psychologií fotbalu ani pokusem o antropologické určení podstaty.
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  24. How the Iraqi Kurdistan independence debate came to die : Western IR scholars as coprotagonists of the nationalist conflicts they set out to describe.Hannes Černy - 2023 - In Hannes Černy & Janis Grzybowski, Variations on sovereignty: contestations and transformations from around the world. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  25. Karel Kosík and Martin Heidegger : from Marxism to traditionalism.Jan Černý - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart, Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill. pp. 281 – 303.
    The essay argues that while the thinking of Martin Heidegger was just one (albeit important) non-Marxist element present within the pattern of Kosík’s Dialectics of the Concrete, the later development of Kosík’s thought, especially the later phase of his work attested in the texts from the 1990’s, made the Czech philosopher a Heideggerian thinker and, in a certain sense, a traditionalist whose “critical thinking” simply incorporated some Marxist elements. The essay examines the discrepancies to be found in such an attempt (...)
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  26. K některým otázkám marxisticko-leninského zpracování dějin filosofie: zpracováno na základě jednotlivých studií a podkladových materiálů vzniklých v oddělení dějin filosofie.Jiří Černý - 1973 - [Praha]: Ústav pro filosofii a sociologii ČSAV.
  27. Myšlienkový experiment a produkcia ideí.Václav Černík - 1972 - Bratislava,: n. a t. Pravda.
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  28. Teória poznania: úvod do dialektiky ako logiky poznania.Václav Černík - 1980 - Bratislava: Nakl. Pravda. Edited by Etela Farkašová & Jozef Viceník.
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  29. Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism.Christopher S. Hill - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about sensory states and their apparent characteristics. It confronts a whole series of metaphysical and epistemological questions and presents an argument for type materialism: the view that sensory states are identical with the neural states with which they are correlated. According to type materialism, sensations are only possessed by human beings and members of related biological species; silicon-based androids cannot have sensations. The author rebuts several other rival theories, and explores a number of important issues: the (...)
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  30. Context shifting arguments.Ernie Lepore & Herman Cappelen - 2003 - Philosophical Perspectives 17 (1):25–50.
    Context Shifting Arguments (CSA) ask us to consider two utterances of an unambiguous, non-vague, non-elliptic sentence S. If the consensus intuition is that what’s said, or expressed or the truth-conditions, and so possibly the truthvalues, of these utterances differ, then CSA concludes S is context sensitive. Consider, for example, simultaneous utterances of ‘I am wearing a hat’, one by Stephen, one by Jason. Intuitively, these utterances can vary in truth-value contingent upon who is speaking the sentence, while holding hat-wearing constant, (...)
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    ” Reaching out for treasures”–Om mening och innehåll i musik; exemplet progressiv rock.Erni Gustafson - 2005 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 17 (31).
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  32. Truth and meaning redux.Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 154 (2):251-77.
    In this paper, we defend Davidson's program in truth-theoretical semantics against recent criticisms by Scott Soames. We argue that Soames has misunderstood Davidson's project, that in consequence his criticisms miss the mark, that appeal to meanings as entities in the alternative approach that Soames favors does no work, and that the approach is no advance over truth-theoretic semantics.
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  33. What Are Words? Comments on Kaplan (1990), on Hawthorne and Lepore, and on the Issue.John Hawthorne & Ernie Lepore - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy 108 (9):486-503.
    Under what conditions are two utterances utterances of the same word? What are words? That these questions have not received much attention is rather surprising: after all, philosophers and linguists frequently appeal to considerations about word and sentence identity in connection with a variety of puzzles and problems that are foundational to the very subject matter of philosophy of language and linguistics.1 Kaplan’s attention to words is thus to be applauded. And there is no doubt that his discussion contains many (...)
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  34.  27
    Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language, Volume 1.Ernie Lepore & David Sosa (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy of language has been at the center of philosophical research at least since the start of the 20th century. But till now there has been no regular forum for outstanding original work in this area. That is what Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language offers.
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    Eutanazie a dobrý život =.David Černý - 2021 - Praha: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR.
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    Von Göttern, Heroen und Menschen: Vicos Theorie der politischen Kommunikationsformen.Nicola Erny - 2006 - In Von Göttern, Heroen und Menschen: Vicos Theorie der politischen Kommunikationsformen. pp. 175-183.
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    Précis of Imagination and Convention.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):129-144.
    We give an overview of the arguments of our book Imagination and Convention, and explain how ideas from the book continue to inform our ongoing work. One theme is the challenge of fully accounting for the linguistic rules that guide interpretation. By attending to principles of discourse coherence and the many aspects of meaning that are linguistically encoded but are not truth conditional in nature, we get a much more constrained picture of context sensitivity in language than philosophers have typically (...)
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    Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain.Christopher S. Hill & Patricia Smith Churchland - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (4):573.
  39. Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory.Thomas E. Hill - 1992 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  40. Imaginability, conceivability, possibility and the mind-body problem.Christopher S. Hill - 1997 - Philosophical Studies 87 (1):61-85.
  41. Perbandingan komitmen berpacaran berdasarkan self-monitoring. Erny, Fransisca Iriani R. D. & Lianawati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (1).
    : Commitment is the strongest predicator of persistence in an intimate relationship. The aim of this research is to find out the difference about commitment in courtship relationship between high self-monitoring individuals and low self-monitoring individuals. The whole subjects for this research are 127 individuals, which consists of 26 self-monitoring individuals and 21 high self-monitoring individuals. The result indicates that there is not no difference of young adulthood’s commitment between high self-monitoring individuals and low self-monitoring individuals in courtship relationship.  .
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    The Heresy of Paraphrase: When the Medium Really Is the Message.Ernie Lepore - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):177-197.
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  43. Autonomy and self-respect.Thomas Hill - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This stimulating collection of essays in ethics eschews the simple exposition and refinement of abstract theories. Rather, the author focuses on everyday moral issues, often neglected by philosophers, and explores the deeper theoretical questions which they raise. Such issues are: Is it wrong to tell a lie to protect someone from a painful truth? Should one commit a lesser evil to prevent another from doing something worse? Can one be both autonomous and compassionate? Other topics discussed are servility, weakness of (...)
  44. What Did You Call Me? Slurs as Prohibited Words.Luvell Anderson & Ernie Lepore - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (3):350-363.
  45.  19
    Meaning, Mind, and Matter: Philosophical Essays.Ernie Lepore & Barry Loewer - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Barry Loewer.
    Ernie Lepore and Barry Loewer present a series of papers on three key ideas of contemporary philosophy: that a theory of meaning for a language is best understood as a theory of truth for that language; that thought and language are best understood together via a theory of interpretation; and that the mental is irreducible to the physical.
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    Change Don’t Come Easy: Nonnegotiable Meanings.Una Stojnić & Ernie Lepore - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 103 (1):157-177.
    We often use language creatively, introducing new expressions on the fly. That we can successfully communicate with novel expressions without antecedent semantic knowledge has led many to a dynamic meaning hypothesis: namely, we can actively renegotiate extant semantic conventions to better suit our communicative, practical, and even normative concerns. We argue that this hypothesis is a mistake: meanings are non-negotiable, and so, lexical innovation cannot proceed by way of meaning-negotiation.
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  47. Morphemes matter; the continuing case against lexical decomposition (Or: Please don't play that again, Sam).Jerry Fodor & Ernie Lepore - unknown
    The idea that quotidian, middle-level concepts typically have internal structure -- definitional, statistical, or whatever -- plays a central role in practically every current approach to cognition. Correspondingly, the idea that words that express quotidian, middle-level concepts have complex representations "at the semantic level" is recurrent in linguistics; it's the defining thesis of what is often called "lexical semantics," and it unites the generative and interpretive traditions of grammatical analysis. Recently, Hale and Keyser (1993) have provided a budget of sophisticated (...)
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  48. What an Algorithm Is.Robin K. Hill - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (1):35-59.
    The algorithm, a building block of computer science, is defined from an intuitive and pragmatic point of view, through a methodological lens of philosophy rather than that of formal computation. The treatment extracts properties of abstraction, control, structure, finiteness, effective mechanism, and imperativity, and intentional aspects of goal and preconditions. The focus on the algorithm as a robust conceptual object obviates issues of correctness and minimality. Neither the articulation of an algorithm nor the dynamic process constitute the algorithm itself. Analysis (...)
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  49. Dialektický vedecký zákon.Václav Černík - 1964 - Bratislava: Vydavatelʹstvo politickej literatúry.
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    Jevení a spása: subjektivita v materiální fenomenologii Michela Henryho.Jan Černý - 2019 - Praha: Filosofia.
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