Results for 'Ernst Hall'

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  1.  6
    Albert Schweitzer: Ethik und Politik.Ernst Luther - 2010 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
    Als wir bei Sonnenuntergang gerade durch die Herde Nilpferde hindurchfuhren, stand urplötzlich, von mir nicht gesucht, das Wort »Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben« vor mir. Der Pfad im Dickicht war sichtbar geworden. Nun war ich zu der Idee vorgedrungen, in der Welt- und Lebensbejahung und Ethik miteinander enthalten sind. Albert Schweitzer Seit fast 100 Jahren steht der Name Albert Schweitzer für aktives humanitäres Engagement. Dank seiner Philosophie der »Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben«, die er gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Helene Bresslau im Urwaldhospital (...)
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  2. Pregnant Materialist Natural Law: Bloch and Spartacus’s Priestess of Dionysus.Joshua M. Hall - 2022 - Idealistic Studies 52 (2):111-132.
    In this article, I explore two neglected works by the twentieth-century Jewish German Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left and Natural Law and Human Dignity. Drawing on previous analyses of leftist Aristotelians and natural law, I blend Bloch’s two texts’ concepts of pregnant matter and maternal law into “pregnant materialist natural law.” More precisely, Aristotelian Left articulates a concept of matter as a dynamic, impersonal agential force, ever pregnant with possible forms delivered by artist-midwives, building Bloch’s (...)
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    Martin Buber, 1878-1978: exhibition, Jewish National and University Library, Berman Hall, Jerusalem, April 1978.Margot Cohn, Mochè Catane & Akibah Ernst Simon (eds.) - 1978 - [Jerusalem: The Library.
  4. Georg Ernst Stahl (1659-1734) in wissenschaftshistorischer Sicht.Dietrich von Engelhardt & Alfred Gierer (eds.) - 2000 - Acta Historica Leopoldina 30.
    Georg Ernst Stahl (1659-1734) was a German physician and chemist. The book (in German) documents a symposium of the Academy Leopoldina on his works and thoughts that contributed to the Enlightenment. Der weite Horizont seines Denkens und seiner Arbeiten umfasst die Phlogiston-Theorie der Verbrennung, die später mit der Entdeckung des Sauerstoffs widerlegt wurde, aber dennoch wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Reversibilität von Reaktionen und zur unsichtbaren Persistenz der beteiligten chemischen Komponenten beitrug. Seine Gedanken zur Rolle der „Anima“, die heute überholt erscheinen, (...)
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  5. Wolfram Kaiser and Arina Voelker (eds.): 1985, Ethik in der Geschichte von Medizin und Naturwissenschaften, Martin-Luther Universitaet, Halle-Wittenberg, 260 pp.; Ernst Luther (ed.): 1986, Ethik in der Medizin, VEB Verlag, Berlin, 228 pp.; Joachim Mandel and Hans Lange: 1985, Aerztliche Rechtspraxis, VEB Verlag, Berlin, 332 pp. [REVIEW]H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1987 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 12 (3):291-292.
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    Kann man lernen, mit Gedanken zu experimentieren? Ernst Machs Vorstellung des Gedankenexperiments im Kontext der zeitgenössischen Pädagogik.Julian Bauer - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (1):41-58.
    Is it Possible to Experiment with Thought? Ernst Mach’s Notion of Thought Experiment and its Pedagogical Context around 1900. The article tries to establish the crucial importance of the pedagogical dimension of Ernst Mach’s ideas on experimenting with thought. The focus on contemporary pedagogics demonstrates, first, that Mach’s didactic approach to physics is part of a much broader stream of pedagogical writings that transcends national and disciplinary borders and comprises a diversity of authors, e.g. Wilhelm Jerusalem, William James (...)
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    Francesco Paolo de Ceglia. I fari di Halle: Georg Ernst Stahl, Friedrich Hoffmann e la medicina europea del primo Settecento. 499 pp., figs., app., bibl., index. Bologna: Società Editrice il Mulino, 2009. €33. [REVIEW]Marco Bresadola - 2011 - Isis 102 (3):565-566.
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    Francesco Paolo de Ceglia. Introduzione alla fisiologia di Georg Ernst Stahl. 236 pp., bibls., index. Lecce, Italy: Pensa Multimedia, 2000. L 28,000, €14.46. [REVIEW]Ferdinando Abbri - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):309-309.
    Georg Ernst Stahl is one of the most outstanding physicians and naturalists of the so‐called Frühaufklärung in Germany. His scientific, philosophical, and ideological influence was deep and widespread in almost all the German states. As a professor at the University of Halle, the First Royal Physician in Berlin, and president of the Higher Medical Board of Prussia, he created a Stahlian school of medicine and chemistry, shaping some branches of medical thought, as well as of pure and applied chemistry. (...)
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    Briefwechsel zwischen Christian Wolff und Ernst Christoph von Manteuffel, 1738-1748: historisch-kritische Edition in 3 Bänden.Christian Wolff - 2019 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Ernst Christoph Manteuffel, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Hanns-Peter Neumann & Katharina Middell.
    Die Überlieferung des Briefwechsels zwischen Christian Wolff (1679–1754) und Ernst Christoph von Manteuffel (1676–1749) ist ein singulärer Glücksfall. Die in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig aufbewahrten Bände enthalten den nahezu geschlossen und damit am umfangreichsten erhaltenen Briefwechsel in der Gesamtkorrespondenz Christian Wolffs. Die historisch-kritische Edition des Briefwechsels stellt Materialien bereit, die die Wolff- und Aufklärungsforschung auf eine neue Grundlage stellen. Der Briefwechsel erlaubt neben bisher unbekannten biographischen Details aus Wolffs Marburger Zeit und den ersten Jahren seines Wirkens nach der Rückkehr an (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Erkenntnis und Irrthum.Ernst Mach - 1906 - The Monist 16:319.
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    (1 other version)Vorlesungen über die algebra der logik.Ernst Schröder, Jakob Lüroth & Karl Eugen Müller - 1890 - Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. Edited by Jakob Lüroth & Karl Eugen Müller.
    Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1890. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch für die (...)
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  12. Die Analyse der Empfindungen.Ernst Mach - 1900
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    Essay Review: The Tormenting Desire for Unity.Ernst Mayr & Edward O. Wilson - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (2):385-394.
  14. Commentary on Romans.Ernst Käsemann - 1980
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    The ontological status of species: Scientific progress and philosophical terminology.Ernst Mayr - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (2):145-66.
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    Kommentar zu The Normativity of Rationality.Gerhard Ernst - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (4):565-570.
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    Human Rights, Legitimacy, Political Judgement.Edward Hall & Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (2):171-185.
    This paper grapples with Bernard Williams’s prima vista enigmatic assertion that ‘[w]hether it is a matter of good philosophical sense to treat a practice as a violation of human rights, and whether it is politically good sense, cannot ultimately constitute two separate questions’. Though Williams’s approach to thinking about human rights has a number of affinities with other ‘political’ and ‘minimalist’ understandings, we highlight its distinctive features and argue that it has significant implications for our understanding of human rights along (...)
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    Preliminary material.Dale Hall - 1982 - Polis 4 (2):fm1-i.
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    Report of Council for the Year 1978–79.A. R. Hall - 1979 - British Journal for the History of Science 12 (3):346-349.
  20. Some questions of psycho-physics. Sensations and the elements of reality.Ernst Mach - 1891 - The Monist 1 (3):393 - 400.
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    A Plea for Asymetric Games.Zachary Ernst - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):109-125.
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    Interkulturalität und Inter-Intentionalität. Zu Husserls Ethos der Erneuerung in seinen japanischen Kaizo-Artikeln.Ernst Wolfgang Orth - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 47 (3):333-351.
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    Alternative Medicine: A Critical Assessment of 150 Modalities.Edzard Ernst - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Alternative medicine is hugely popular; about 40% of the US general population have used at least one type of alternative treatment in the past year, and in Germany this figure is around 70%. The money spent on AM is considerable: the global market is expected to reach nearly US $ 200 billion by 2025, with most of these funds coming directly out of consumers’ pockets. The reasons for this popularity are complex, but misinformation is certainly a prominent factor. The media (...)
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  24. Philosophie der symbolischen formen.Ernst Cassirer - 1931 - Berlin,: B. Cassirer.
    1.t. Die Sprache. --2.t. Das mythische Denken. --3.t. Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis.
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    Natural Law and Human Dignity.Ernst Bloch - 1986 - MIT Press.
    This book represents a unique attempt to reconcile the traditional oppositions of the natural law and social utopian traditions, providing basic insights into the meaning of human rights in a socialist society.
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    Newton on the calculation of central forces.A. Rupert Hall - 1957 - Annals of Science 13 (1):62-71.
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    Psychoanalytic Explorations in Art.Ernst Kris - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (2):269-271.
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    Answers to these comments.Ernst Mayr - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (2):212-225.
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    Natural Perception: Environmental Images and Aesthetics in International Law.Nicole A. Hall - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
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  30. Understanding the critical philosophy through the Opus postumum.Bryan Hall - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture (review).Michael L. Hall - 1991 - Philosophy and Literature 15 (2):326-327.
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    El descubrimiento del valor emocional en la historia conceptual.Ernst Müller - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (1):19.
    The discovery of emotional value in conceptual history Resumen: Este artículo aborda histórica y metodológicamente la cuestión del papel atribuido a las emociones en la investigación de la historia conceptual. No se trata, por tanto, de la historia de la metaconceptualización de las emociones ni de la historia de las propias emociones. Me gustaría rastrear una vertiente conceptual de la larga prehistoria de la historia de los conceptos y la semántica histórica, a saber, la del concepto de valor emocional. Junto (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Greek Foundations of Traditional Logic.Ernst Kapp Kapp - 1942 - Philosophy 20 (77):278-279.
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    Chemistry and Industry: A Tale of Two Moving Targets.Ernst Homburg - 2018 - Isis 109 (3):565-576.
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    Ovidius urbanus.Ernst Doblhofer - 1960 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 104 (1-2):63-91.
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    Facing Wicked Problems in an Age Dominated by Technology: Questioning the Dominant Split between Heaven and Earth.Ernst M. Conradie & Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (2):115-118.
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    The Place of Max Weber in Ricœur’s Philosophy: Power, Ideology, Explanation.Ernst Wolff - 2020 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 28 (2).
    This article offers an encompassing interpretation of Paul Ricœur’s reception of Max Weber’s sociology. Three main domains in which Ricœur redeployed and revised insights from Weber are examined: political responsibility and the definition of the state, significant categories for understanding social interaction and the social ontology implied by this view on action and, finally, the role of explanation in the interpretive social sciences. As a whole, this article argues that Weber was a significant interlocutor of Ricœur on a number of (...)
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    Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter.Ernst Robert Curtius - 1993 - A. Francke.
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    Die Anfänge der Kirchengeschichte im Spiegel der jüdischen Quellen.Ernst Bammel - 1988 - Augustinianum 28 (1-2):367-379.
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    58. Friedridi Nietzsdie.Paul Ernst - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 126-127.
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    Die angebliche „Doppelbestattung“ des Antoninus Pius.Ernst Hohl - 1938 - Klio 31 (1):169-185.
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    (1 other version)The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Volume 2: Mythical Thought.Ernst Cassirer - 1955 - Yale University Press.
    The _Symbolic Forms_ has long been considered the greatest of Cassirer’s works. Into it he poured all the resources of his vast learning about language and myth, religion, art, and science—the various creative symbolizing activities and constructions through which man has expressed himself and given intelligible objective form to this experience. “These three volumes alone make an outstanding contribution to epistemology and to the human power of abstraction. It is rather as if ‘The Golden Bough’ had been written in philosophical (...)
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  43. Newton, his Friends and his Foes.A. Rupert Hall & D. Bertoloni Meli - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (2):199-199.
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  44. (1 other version)Nietzsche.Ernst Bertram - 1918 - Berlin,: G. Bondi.
  45. Biology without mysticism: a biophysicist's reflections.E. Ernst - 1976 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Der Ursprung der Logik bei den Griechen.Ernst Kapp - 1955 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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  47. Addiction, neuroscience and ethics.Wayne Hall - 2003 - Addiction 98 (7):867-870.
    If one believes that the brain is, in some as yet unspecified way, the organ of mind and behaviour, then all human behaviour has a neurobiological basis. Neuroscience research over the past several decades has provided more specific reasons for believing that many addictive phenomena have a neurobiological basis. The major psychoactive drugs of dependence have been shown to act on neurotransmitter systems in the brain (Nutt 1997; Koob 2000); common neurochemical mechanisms underlie many of the rewarding effects of these (...)
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  48. On the Principle of the Conservation of Energy.Ernst Mach - 1894 - The Monist 5 (1):22-54.
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    Indeterminacy.Prentice Hall - unknown
    It is well known that, for example, the Continuum Hypothesis can’t be proved or disproved from the standard axioms of set theory or their familiar extensions. Some think it follows that CH has no determinate truth value; others insist that this conclusion is false, not because there is some objective world of sets in which CH is either true or false, but on logical grounds. Claims of indeterminacy have also been made on the basis of such considerations as the existence (...)
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    Kierkegaarad and the Paradoxical Logic of Worldly Faith.Ronald L. Hall - 1995 - Faith and Philosophy 12 (1):40-53.
    I argue here that Kierkegaardian faith is essentially, albeit paradoxically, worldly---that Kierkegaardian faith is a form of world-affirmation. A correlate of this claim is that faithlessness of any kind is ultimately a form of aesthetic resignation grounded in a deep seated world-alienation. The paradox of faith’s worldliness is found in the fact that, for Kierkegaard, faith both excludes and includes resignation in itself. I make sense of this paradox by appealing to Kierkegaard’s idea of “an annulled possibility,” and conclude that (...)
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