Results for 'Eugen Stamm'

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    Konstantin Frantz' Schriften und Leben.Eugen Stamm - 1907 - Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint.
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  2. On Two Approaches to Narrative Explanations.Eugen Zelenak - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (8):762-769.
    The paper deals with one of the central topics of the philosophy of history – the narrative. Two different views of narrative and consequently of narrative explanation are distinguished. According to the first position , reality itself does not have a narrative structure, but since we are familiar with the narrative form, we can explain events if we present them as a story of a particular kind. According to the second position , in order to explain, we need to capture (...)
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  3. Philosophical intuitions , heuristics , and metaphors.Eugen Fischer - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3):569-606.
    : Psychological explanations of philosophical intuitions can help us assess their evidentiary value, and our warrant for accepting them. To explain and assess conceptual or classificatory intuitions about specific situations, some philosophers have suggested explanations which invoke heuristic rules proposed by cognitive psychologists. The present paper extends this approach of intuition assessment by heuristics-based explanation, in two ways: It motivates the proposal of a new heuristic, and shows that this metaphor heuristic helps explain important but neglected intuitions: general factual intuitions (...)
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  4. A cognitive self-therapy : PI 138-97.Eugen Fischer - 2004 - In Erich Ammereller & Eugen Fisher (eds.), Wittgenstein at Work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations. New York: Routledge. pp. 86--126.
  5. Das Problem der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls.Eugen Fink - 1939 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1 (2):226-270.
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  6. An Agonistic Approach to Technological Conflict.Eugen Octav Popa, Vincent Blok & Renate Wesselink - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):717-737.
    Traditional approaches to conflict are oriented towards establishing consensus, either in the form of a resolution of the conflict or in the form of an ‘agree-to-disagree’ standstill between the stakeholders. In this paper, we criticize these traditional approaches, each for specific reasons, and we propose and develop the agonistic approach to conflict. Based on Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic democratic theory, the agonistic approach to conflict is more welcoming of dissensus, replacing discussion stoppers with discussion starters and replacing standstills with contestation. We (...)
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  7. Inappropriate stereotypical inferences? An adversarial collaboration in experimental ordinary language philosophy.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt & Justin Sytsma - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10127-10168.
    This paper trials new experimental methods for the analysis of natural language reasoning and the development of critical ordinary language philosophy in the wake of J.L. Austin. Philosophical arguments and thought experiments are strongly shaped by default pragmatic inferences, including stereotypical inferences. Austin suggested that contextually inappropriate stereotypical inferences are at the root of some philosophical paradoxes and problems, and that these can be resolved by exposing those verbal fallacies. This paper builds on recent efforts to empirically document inappropriate stereotypical (...)
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    L'ordre d'incomplètitude pour le système d'équivalence la négation et la réciprocité.Eugen Mihăilescu - 1969 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10 (4):425-451.
  9. Rationalism and Naturalism in the Age of Experimental Philosophy.Eugen Fischer & John Collins - 2015 - In Eugen Fischer & John Collins (eds.), Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method. London: Routledge. pp. 3-33.
    The paper outlines the evolution of on-going meta-philosophical debates about intuitions, explains different notions of 'intuition' employed in these debates, and argues for the philosophical relevance of intuitions in an aetiological sense taken from cognitive psychology. On this basis, it advocates a new kind of methodological naturalism which it finds implicit, for instance, in the warrant project in experimental philosophy: a meta-philosophical naturalism that promotes the use of scientific methods in meta-philosophical investigations. This 'higher-order' naturalism is consistent with both methodological (...)
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    Dasein auf Abruf: der Tod als Schicksal, Versuchung und Aufgabe.Eugen Biser - 1981 - Düsseldorf: Patmos.
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  11. Stereotypical Inferences: Philosophical Relevance and Psycholinguistic Toolkit.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2017 - Ratio 30 (4):411-442.
    Stereotypes shape inferences in philosophical thought, political discourse, and everyday life. These inferences are routinely made when thinkers engage in language comprehension or production: We make them whenever we hear, read, or formulate stories, reports, philosophical case-descriptions, or premises of arguments – on virtually any topic. These inferences are largely automatic: largely unconscious, non-intentional, and effortless. Accordingly, they shape our thought in ways we can properly understand only by complementing traditional forms of philosophical analysis with experimental methods from psycholinguistics. This (...)
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    Evidentiary Convincing and Evidentiary Fallacies.Eugen Octav Popa & Alexandru I. Cârlan - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (3):349-367.
    A convincing argument can change a discussant’s commitment regarding the acceptability of a claim, but the same effect can be achieved by examining evidence. Observing objects or events that count as evidence for or against the acceptability of a statement can change one’s commitment regarding that statement. If we speak of fallacies in the realm of convincing through argumentation, can we speak of fallacies in the realm of convincing through evidence? In this paper, we defend an affirmative answer. We introduce (...)
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    Sixth Cartesian Meditation: The Idea of a Transcendental Theory of Method.Eugen Fink - 1995 - Indiana University Press.
    "Ronald Bruzina’s superb translation... makes available in English a text of singular historical and systematic importance for phenomenology." —Husserl Studies "... a pivotal document in the development of phenomenology... essential reading for students of phenomenology twentieth-century thought." —Word Trade "... an invaluable addition to the corpus of Husserl scholarship. More than simply a scholarly treatise, however, it is the result of Fink’s collaboration with Husserl during the last ten years of Husserl’s life.... This truly essential work in phenomenology should find (...)
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  14. Path creation as a discursive process: A study of discussion starters in the field of solar fuels.Eugen Popa & Vincent Blok - 2024 - Social Studies of Science 11 (1).
    When a technology is seen as the right solution to a recognized problem, the development of alternative technologies comes under threat. To secure much-needed resources, proponents of alternative technologies must, in these conditions, restart societal discussion on the status quo, a process at once technological and discursive known as ‘path creation’. In this article, we investigate discussion-restarting strategies employed by supporters of emerging technologies in the field of solar fuels, particularly the advocates of a technology referred to as ‘artificial photosynthesis’. (...)
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    Medical Semiotics.Eugen Baer - 1988 - University Press of Amer.
  16.  21
    The Golem and The Leviathan: Two Guiding Images of Irresponsible Technology.Eugen Octav Popa - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (4):1-17.
    What does it mean to be irresponsible in developing or using a technology? There are two fundamentally different answers to this question and they each generate research strands that differ in scope, style and applicability. To capture this difference, I make use of two mythical creatures of Jewish origin that have been employed in the past to represent relationships between man and man-made entities: the Golem (Collins and Pinch, 2002, 2005 ) and the Leviathan (Hobbes, 1994 ). The Golem is (...)
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  17. Vergegenwärtigung und Bild.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:239.
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    Studien zur Phänomenologie, 1930-1939.Eugen Fink - 1966 - Den Haag: Nijoff.
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    Podoby a kritika holizmu V metodológii vied.Eugen Andreanský - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (8).
  20. The Fortunes of Modal Realism.Eugen Andreansky - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (6):535-544.
    There are several difficulties in understanding the concept of modal realism in our philosophical context. The author shows various types of modal realism as a theory. The analyses of the main theories of modal worlds and modal individuals show the problems of identity and identification as the fundamental questions. One of the key problems is the place of individuals in modals worlds.
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  21. Die Eigenart der phänomenologischen Analyse.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:253.
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  22. El analisis intencional Y el problema Del pensamiento especulativo.Eugen Fink - 1953 - Ideas Y Valores 2 (7-8):596.
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  23. Vorläufige Analyse des Bildbewusstseins: Schwierigkeiten der Gewinnung des reinen Bildphänomens.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:303.
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  24. Vorläufige Analyse des Bildbewusstseins: Bild als "Fenster" in die Bildwelt.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:308.
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  25. Vorläufige Analyse der Vergegenwärtigungen: Die wesenhafte Vollzugsrichtung der Erinnerung.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:271.
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  26. Vorläufige Analyse der Vergegenwärtigungen: Phantasie.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:279.
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  27. Vorläufige Analyse der Vergegenwärtigungen: Das allgemeine intentionale Wesen der Wiedererinnerung.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:263.
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  28. Intuitions and illusions: From explanation and experiment to assessment.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt & Aurelie Herbelot - 2015 - In Eugen Fischer & John Collins (eds.), Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method. London: Routledge. pp. 259-292.
    This paper pioneers the use of methods and findings from psycholinguistics in experimental philosophy’s ‘sources project’. On this basis, it clarifies the epistemological relevance of empirical findings about intuitions – a key methodological challenge to experimental philosophy. The sources project (aka ‘cognitive epistemology of intuitions’) seeks to develop psychological explanations of philosophically relevant intuitions, which help us assess their evidentiary value. One approach seeks explanations which trace relevant intuitions back to automatic cognitive processes that are generally reliable but predictably generate (...)
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    The use of digital twins in healthcare : socio-ethical benefits and socio-ethical risks.Eugen Octav Popa, Mireille Hilten, Elsje Oosterkamp & Marc Jeroen Bogaardt - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1).
    Anticipating the ethical impact of emerging technologies is an essential part of responsible innovation. One such emergent technology is the digital twin which we define here as a living replica of a physical system. A digital twin combines various emerging technologies such as AI, Internet of Things, big data and robotics, each component bringing its own socio-ethical issues to the resulting artefacts. The question thus arises which of these socio-ethical themes surface in the process and how they are perceived by (...)
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  30. Die phänomenologische Reduktion.Eugen Fink - 1930 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 11:248.
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    Existenz und Coexistenz: Grundprobleme der menschlichen Gemeinschaft.Eugen Fink & Franz-Anton Schwarz - 1987 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. Edited by Franz-Anton Schwarz.
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  32. Die angebliche Mangelhaftigkeit der aristotelischen Gotteslehre.Eugen Rolfes - 1897 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 11:129.
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  33. F. Mitzka S. J.:Die Glaubenskrise.Eugen Rolfes - 1895 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 9:355.
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  34. Conceptual control: On the feasibility of conceptual engineering.Eugen Fischer - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-29.
    This paper empirically raises and examines the question of ‘conceptual control’: To what extent are competent thinkers able to reason properly with new senses of words? This question is crucial for conceptual engineering. This prominently discussed philosophical project seeks to improve our representational devices to help us reason better. It frequently involves giving new senses to familiar words, through normative explanations. Such efforts enhance, rather than reduce, our ability to reason properly, only if competent language users are able to abide (...)
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    VI. cartesianische Meditation: Die Idee einer transzendentalen Methodenlehre.Eugen Fink, Hans Ebeling, Jann Holl, Edmund Husserl & Guy van Kerckhoven - 1988 - Springer.
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    Sein, Wahrheit, Welt.Eugen Fink - 1958 - Den Haag,: M. Nijhoff.
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    ‘Experience’, ordinary and philosophical: a corpus study.Eugen Fischer & Justin Sytsma - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-30.
    Common arguments for realism about phenomenal consciousness contend that this is a folk concept, with proponents expecting it to be lexicalised in ordinary language. In English, the word ‘experience’ is typically regarded as the best candidate. This predicts that ‘experience’ will be used to refer to mental states and episodes, not only in philosophical but also in ordinary discourse. We conduct a corpus study in order to assess this claim and to understand the actual use of the word in non-academic, (...)
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  38. Responsible innovation in the age of science conspiracism.Eugen O. Popa & Vincent Blok - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 ( 1):1.
    Responsible innovation is centered around the ideal that societal stakeholders are entitled to participate in scientific and technological decision-making by voicing their needs and worries. Individuals who believe in science conspiracies (referred to here as ‘science conspiracists’) pose a challenge to implementing this ideal because it is not clear under what conditions their inclusion in responsible innovation exercises is possible and advisable. Yet precisely because of this uncertain status, science conspiracists constitute an instructive case in point to travel towards the (...)
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    XVI. Zum text des Sextus Empiricus.Eugen Pappenheim - 1877 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 36 (1-4):415-427.
  40. Zombie intuitions.Eugen Fischer & Justin Sytsma - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104807.
    In philosophical thought experiments, as in ordinary discourse, our understanding of verbal case descriptions is enriched by automatic comprehension inferences. Such inferences have us routinely infer what else is also true of the cases described. We consider how such routine inferences from polysemous words can generate zombie intuitions: intuitions that are ‘killed’ (defeated) by contextual information but kept cognitively alive by the psycholinguistic phenomenon of linguistic salience bias. Extending ‘evidentiary’ experimental philosophy, this paper examines whether the ‘zombie argument’ against materialism (...)
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  41. Vergegenwärtigung und Bild Beiträge zur Phänomenologie der Unwirklichkeit.Eugen Fink - 2001 - Kainós.
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    ‚Wohl dem, der keine Heimat hat.‘ Nietzsches Gedicht Der Freigeist im Lichte seiner Philosophie betrachtet.Eugen Wenzel - 2015 - Nietzscheforschung 22 (1):201-212.
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  43. Intuitions' Linguistic Sources: Stereotypes, Intuitions and Illusions.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (1):67-103.
    Intuitive judgments elicited by verbal case-descriptions play key roles in philosophical problem-setting and argument. Experimental philosophy's ‘sources project’ seeks to develop psychological explanations of philosophically relevant intuitions which help us assess our warrant for accepting them. This article develops a psycholinguistic explanation of intuitions prompted by philosophical case-descriptions. For proof of concept, we target intuitions underlying a classic paradox about perception, trace them to stereotype-driven inferences automatically executed in verb comprehension, and employ a forced-choice plausibility-ranking task to elicit the relevant (...)
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    Linguistic Creativity: Exercises in 'Philosophical Therapy'.Eugen Johannes Daniel Fischer - 2000 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    How is it that speakers can get to know the meaning of any of indefinitely many sentences they have never encountered before? - the 'problem of linguistic creativity' posed by this question is a core problem of both philosophy of language and theoretical linguistics, and has sparked off a considerable amount of work in the philosophy of mind. The book establishes the failure of the familiar - compositional - approach to this problem, and then takes a radically new start: It (...)
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    Modulation of sensorimotor cortex by repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Eugen Gallasch, Monica Christova, Alexander Kunz, Dietmar Rafolt & Stefan Golaszewski - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  46. Critical ordinary language philosophy: A new project in experimental philosophy.Eugen Fischer - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-34.
    Several important philosophical problems (including the problems of perception, free will, and scepticism) arise from antinomies that are developed through philosophical paradoxes. The critical strand of ordinary language philosophy (OLP), as practiced by J.L. Austin, provides an approach to such ‘antinomic problems’ that proceeds from an examination of ‘ordinary language’ (how people ordinarily talk about the phenomenon of interest) and ‘common sense’ (what they commonly think about it), and deploys findings to show that the problems at issue are artefacts of (...)
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  47. Egalitarianismul.Eugen Huzum - 2013 - In Teorii si ideologii politice. Iasi: Institutul European. pp. 49-88.
    În acest capitol îmi revine sarcina de a prezenta unul dintre cele mai influente și mai dinamice curente din filosofia politică actuală. Este vorba, desigur, despre curentul care dă titlul acestui capitol: egalitarianismul.
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    Der angebliche Heraklitismus des Skeptikers Ainesidemos.Eugen Pappenheim - 1889 - R. Gaertners Verlagsbuchhandlung.
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  49. Experimental ordinary language philosophy: a cross-linguistic study of defeasible default inferences.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt, Joachim Horvath & Hiroshi Ohtani - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1029-1070.
    This paper provides new tools for philosophical argument analysis and fresh empirical foundations for ‘critical’ ordinary language philosophy. Language comprehension routinely involves stereotypical inferences with contextual defeaters. J.L. Austin’s Sense and Sensibilia first mooted the idea that contextually inappropriate stereotypical inferences from verbal case-descriptions drive some philosophical paradoxes; these engender philosophical problems that can be resolved by exposing the underlying fallacies. We build on psycholinguistic research on salience effects to explain when and why even perfectly competent speakers cannot help making (...)
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  50. Dreptatea socială.Eugen Huzum - 2011 - In Concepte și teorii social-politice. Iasi: Institutul European. pp. 59-83.
    Conceptul de dreptate socială este unul dintre cele mai controversate concepte ale filosofiei politice. Foarte puține aspecte legate de acest concept nu sunt înconjurate de controverse și dezbateri argumentative. Unele dintre cele mai importante astfel de controverse sunt cele legate de definirea, de specificarea și de legitimitatea lui. Prima este, în esență, o controversă în privința răspunsului la următoarea întrebare: care este conceptul care surprinde cel mai bine trăsătura fundamentală a dreptății și nedreptății sociale? A doua este o controversă în (...)
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