Results for 'Eva Schlotheuber'

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  1.  14
    Eva Schlotheuber and Anne Liewert, eds., Musik aus Paradiese: Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Dominikanerinnen aus Paradiese bei Soest. Munich: Aschendorff, 2019. Pp. 40; many color figures and 1 CD-ROM. €24.80. ISBN: 978-3-4022-4615-3. Table of contents available online at [REVIEW]Cynthia J. Cyrus - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):559-561.
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    Facts about incoherence as non-evidential epistemic reasons.Eva Schmidt - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1-22.
    This paper presents a counterexample to the principle that all epistemic reasons for doxastic attitudes towards p are provided by evidence concerning p. I begin by motivating and clarifying the principle and the associated picture of epistemic reasons, including the notion of evidence concerning a proposition, which comprises both first- and second-order evidence. I then introduce the counterexample from incoherent doxastic attitudes by presenting three example cases. In each case, the fact that the subject’s doxastic attitudes are incoherent is an (...)
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  3. The Ethics of Care, Dependence, and Disability.Eva Feder Kittay - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (1):49-58.
    According to the most important theories of justice, personal dignity is closely related to independence, and the care that people with disabilities receive is seen as a way for them to achieve the greatest possible autonomy. However, human beings are naturally subject to periods of dependency, and people without disabilities are only “temporarily abled.” Instead of seeing assistance as a limitation, we consider it to be a resource at the basis of a vision of society that is able to account (...)
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  4. Learning from Conditionals.Benjamin Eva, Stephan Hartmann & Soroush Rafiee Rad - 2020 - Mind 129 (514):461-508.
    In this article, we address a major outstanding question of probabilistic Bayesian epistemology: how should a rational Bayesian agent update their beliefs upon learning an indicative conditional? A number of authors have recently contended that this question is fundamentally underdetermined by Bayesian norms, and hence that there is no single update procedure that rational agents are obliged to follow upon learning an indicative conditional. Here we resist this trend and argue that a core set of widely accepted Bayesian norms is (...)
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  5. Inheritance Systems and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.Eva Jablonka & Marion J. Lamb - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Current knowledge of the genetic, epigenetic, behavioural and symbolic systems of inheritance requires a revision and extension of the mid-twentieth-century, gene-based, 'Modern Synthesis' version of Darwinian evolutionary theory. We present the case for this by first outlining the history that led to the neo-Darwinian view of evolution. In the second section we describe and compare different types of inheritance, and in the third discuss the implications of a broad view of heredity for various aspects of evolutionary theory. We end with (...)
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  6. Three Failed Charges against Ideal Theory.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (1):19-44.
    An intensified discussion on the role of normative ideals has re-emerged in several debates in political philosophy. What is often referred to as “ideal theory,” represented by liberal egalitarians such as John Rawls, is under attack from those that stress that political philosophy at large should take much more seriously the nonideal circumstances consisting of relations of domination and power under which normative ideals, principles, and ideas are supposed to be applied. While the debate so far has mainly been preoccupied (...)
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    (1 other version)Values that create value: Socially responsible business practices in SMEs – empirical evidence from German companies.Eva-Maria Hammann, André Habisch & Harald Pechlaner - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (1):37-51.
    Socially responsible business and ethical behaviour of companies have been of interest to academia and practice for decades. But the focus has almost exclusively been on large corporations while small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) have not received as much attention. Thus, this paper focuses on socially responsible business practices of SME entrepreneurs or owner–managers in Germany. Based on the assumption that decision-makers in SMEs are the central point where all business activities start, members of a German entrepreneurs association were approached (...)
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  8. On the Origins of Old Evidence.Benjamin Eva & Stephan Hartmann - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):481-494.
    The problem of old evidence, first described by Glymour [1980], is still widely regarded as one of the most pressing foundational challenges to the Bayesian account of scientific reasoning. Many solutions have been proposed, but all of them have drawbacks and none is considered to be definitive. Here, we introduce and defend a new kind of solution, according to which hypotheses are confirmed when we become more confident that they provide the only way of accounting for the known evidence.
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  9. Equality, Dignity, and Disability.Eva Feder Kittay - 2005 - In Mary Ann Lyons & Fionnuala Waldron, (2005) Perspectives on Equality The Second Seamus Heaney Lectures. Dublin:. The Liffey Press,.
  10.  50
    Emerging (In)Determinacy.Benjamin Eva - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):31-39.
    In recent years, a number of authors have defended the coherence and philosophical utility of the notion of metaphysical indeterminacy. Concurrently, the idea that reality can be stratified into more or less fundamental ‘levels’ has gained significant traction in the literature. Here, I examine the relationship between these two notions. Specifically, I consider the question of what metaphysical determinacy at one level of reality tells us about the possibility of metaphysical determinacy at other more or less fundamental levels. Towards this (...)
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    Signs of Consciousness?Eva Jablonka - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):25-29.
    In this commentary I expand on the first of Noble’s illusions, the selection metaphor. Building on my work with Simona Ginsburg on the evolution of minimal consciousness, I argue that the existence of some complex sensory and motor patterns in the living world can be accounted for only through the evolution of conscious choice.
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  12. Metaphor, its cognitive force and linguistic structure.Eva Feder Kittay - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):636-636.
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  13. The World of the Imagination: Sum and Substance.Eva T. H. BRANN - 1991 - Utopian Studies 7 (2):222-224.
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    Conscientious objection to referrals for abortion: pragmatic solution or threat to women’s rights?Eva M. K. Nordberg, Helge Skirbekk & Morten Magelssen - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):15.
    Conscientious objection has spurred impassioned debate in many Western countries. Some Norwegian general practitioners (GPs) refuse to refer for abortion. Little is know about how the GPs carry out their refusals in practice, how they perceive their refusal to fit with their role as professionals, and how refusals impact patients. Empirical data can inform subsequent normative analysis.
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  15. Bare statistical evidence and the legitimacy of software-based judicial decisions.Eva Schmidt, Maximilian Köhl & Andreas Sesing-Wagenpfeil - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-27.
    Can the evidence provided by software systems meet the standard of proof for civil or criminal cases, and is it individualized evidence? Or, to the contrary, do software systems exclusively provide bare statistical evidence? In this paper, we argue that there are cases in which evidence in the form of probabilities computed by software systems is not bare statistical evidence, and is thus able to meet the standard of proof. First, based on the case of State v. Loomis, we investigate (...)
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    Living and Experiencing: Response to Commentaries.Eva Jablonka & Simona Ginsburg - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (1):111-130.
    In our target article, “Learning and the evolution of conscious agents” we outlined an evolutionary approach to consciousness, arguing that the evolution of a form of open-ended, representational, and generative learning (unlimited associative learning, UAL) drove the evolution of consciousness. Our view highlights the dynamics and functions of consciousness, delineates its taxonomic distribution and suggests a framework for exploring its developmental and evolutionary modifications. The approach we offer resonates with biosemioticians’ views, but as the responses to our target article show, (...)
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    Strengthening moral competence: A 'train the Trainer' course on military ethics.Eva Wortel & Jolanda Bosch - 2011 - Journal of Military Ethics 10 (1):17-35.
    If one of the most important aims of education on military ethics is to strengthen moral competence, we argue that it is important to base ethics education on virtue ethics, the Socratic attitude and the process of ?living learning?. This article illustrates this position by means of the example of a ?train the trainer? course on military ethics for Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs), which is developed at the Netherlands Defence Academy, and uses a number of examples both from its structure and (...)
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  18. New Trouble for “Reasons as Evidence”: Means That Don’t Justify the Ends.Eva Schmidt - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):708-718.
    In this article, I argue against Kearns and Star’s reasons-as-evidence view, which identifies normative reasons to ɸ with evidence that one ought to ɸ. I provide a new counterexample to their view, the student case, which involves an inference to the best explanation from means to end or, more generally, from a derivative to a more foundational “ought” proposition. It shows that evidence that one ought to act a certain way is not in all cases a reason so to act. (...)
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    Item-Score Reliability as a Selection Tool in Test Construction.Eva A. O. Zijlmans, Jesper Tijmstra, L. Andries van der Ark & Klaas Sijtsma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Concepts of Originality in the Natural Science, Medical, and Engineering Disciplines: An Analysis of Research Proposals.Eva Barlösius - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (6):915-937.
    Science is fundamentally devoted to generating original knowledge, and therefore concepts of scientific originality are keys to understanding its very essence. Scientific originality has long been thought of as discovery, but new studies of the humanities and social sciences have shown that other, discipline-specific concepts of originality are used in these fields of study. Does this finding also hold for disciplines in the natural science, medicine, and engineering? Are concepts of originality scientifically grounded or do they instead reflect extrascientific modes (...)
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    A Note on Dummett and Frege on Sense‐Identity.Eva Picard - 1993 - European Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):69-80.
  22.  53
    Association Between Fear and Beauty Evaluation of Snakes: Cross-Cultural Findings.Eva Landová, Natavan Bakhshaliyeva, Markéta Janovcová, Šárka Peléšková, Mesma Suleymanova, Jakub Polák, Akif Guliev & Daniel Frynta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:307083.
    According to the fear module theory, humans are evolutionarily predisposed to perceive snakes as prioritized stimuli and exhibit a fast emotional and behavioral response toward them. In Europe, highly dangerous snake species are distributed almost exclusively in the Mediterranean and Caspian areas. While the risk of a snakebite is relatively low in Central Europe, Azerbaijan, on the other hand, has a high occurrence of the deadly venomous Levant viper ( Macrovipera lebetina ). We hypothesize that co-habitation with this dangerous snake (...)
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  23. The reading of scientific texts: questions on interpretation and evaluation, with special reference to the scientific writings of Ludwik Fleck.Eva Hedfors - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):136-158.
    Ludwik Fleck is remembered for his monograph published in German in 1935. Reissued in 1979 as Genesis and development of a scientific fact Fleck’s monograph has been claimed to expound relativistic views of science. Fleck has also been portrayed as a prominent scientist. The description of his production of a vaccine against typhus during World War II, when imprisoned in Buchenwald, is legendary in the scholarly literature. The claims about Fleck’s scientific achievements have been justified by referring to his numerous (...)
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  24. Kant's Schematism Reconsidered.Eva Schaper - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):267 - 292.
    The easiest and most tempting solution of these problems is to dissolve them by pointing out the artificiality of the issues leading to these "third things." Though tempted, I am not convinced that Kant's philosophy can be treated thus as an exercise in a complicated solution of pseudo-problems. Also, I would thereby deprive myself of the uncomfortable and nagging sense of obscure importance which assails me—and many Kant students share this feeling—whenever I consider these points. I am prepared to admit (...)
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  25.  97
    Ist ein Therapieverzicht gegen den Willen des Patienten ethisch begründbar?Eva C. Winkler - 2010 - Ethik in der Medizin 22 (2):89-102.
    ZusammenfassungBei den meisten Patienten, die heute erwartet an einer unheilbaren Krankheit versterben, wird vor ihrem Tod eine bewusste Entscheidung zum Therapieverzicht getroffen. Während dem Therapieverzicht auf Wunsch des Patienten ein wichtiger Stellenwert in der medizinethischen Diskussion zukommt, hat der Umgang mit Forderung nach „unangemessener“ Maximaltherapie bislang weniger Beachtung gefunden. In einer empirischen Studie zur Einbeziehung von Patienten in Entscheidungen zum Therapieverzicht konnten wir zeigen, dass etwa ein Drittel der Patienten auch bei infauster Prognose Lebenszeit durch Maximaltherapie gewinnen möchte. Diese Patienten (...)
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  26. Pragmatism and Epistemic Democracy.Eva Erman - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen, The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
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    Open Science por defecto. La nueva normalidad para la investigación.Eva Méndez - 2021 - Arbor 197 (799):a587.
    Este trabajo aborda el nuevo paradigma de la Open Science o ciencia en abierto desde la perspectiva europea, pero destacando su necesario alcance global. Se analiza el concepto, origen y evolución de la Open Science y se discuten sus retos y la demora de su completa implementación. Se parte de la hipótesis de que la Open Science debería de ser el paradigma de comunicación científico por defecto en el siglo XXI. En primer lugar, se revisa el concepto y alcance de (...)
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    Pleasure, preference, and value: studies in philosophical aesthetics.Eva Schaper (ed.) - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophical aesthetics is an area in which many strands of contemporary philosophical thinking meet. The contributors to this volume are aware of the wider logical, epistemological, moral and metaphysical implications raised by conceptual problems specific to aesthetics. Three themes recur and are taken up from different angles in several of the papers: pleasure – its nature and role in the experience of art and beauty; preference – figuring prominently in aesthetic appraising, appreciating and judging; and value – aesthetic value in (...)
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    We Have Seen the Mutants—and They Are Us: Gifts and Burdens of a Genetic Diagnosis.Eva Feder Kittay - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (S1):44-53.
    In this essay, I recount and examine my response to a genetic diagnosis of my disabled daughter. My daughter was forty‐nine before the diagnosis came. All her disabilities were traceable to a de novo single gene variant on the PURA gene that was discovered only in 2014. I speak of the jolt and the recalibration that this discovery engendered, concluding that, while it seemed that everything had changed, nothing had changed. But my family did discover a community in which Sesha (...)
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  30. Sigwart, Husserl and Frege on truth and logic, or is psychologism still a threat?Eva Picardi - 1997 - European Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):162–182.
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    Prolonged Grief Disorder and the Cultural Crisis.Eva-Maria Stelzer, Ningning Zhou, Andreas Maercker, Mary-Frances O’Connor & Clare Killikelly - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  32. Free and dependent beauty.Eva Schaper - 2003 - Kant Studien 65:247-62.
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    Loneliness, Resilience, Mental Health, and Quality of Life in Old Age: A Structural Equation Model.Eva Gerino, Luca Rollè, Cristina Sechi & Piera Brustia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  34.  12
    Authorities' Coercive and Legitimate Power: The Impact on Cognitions Underlying Cooperation.Eva Hofmann, Barbara Hartl, Katharina Gangl, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler & Erich Kirchler - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Friendship and Love, Ethics and Politics: Studies in Mediaeval and Early Modern History.Eva Österberg - 2010 - Central European University Press.
    Today, friendship, love and sexuality are mostly viewed as private, personal and informal relations. In the mediaeval and early modern period, just like in ancient times, this was different. The classical philosophy of friendship included both friendship and love in the concept of philia. It was also linked to an argument about the virtues needed to become an excellent member of the city state. Thus, close relations were not only thought to be a matter of pleasant gatherings in privacy, but (...)
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    The Right to Justification : Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice.Eva Erman - 2012 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 40.
    The Right to Justification : Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice.
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    Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender, and Politics.Eva Kit Wah Man - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Bodies in China uses Chinese philosophy to reframe Western scholarship on gender, body, and aesthetics. Does Confucianism rule out the capacity of women as moral subjects and hence as aesthetic subjects? Do forms of Chinese philosophy contribute or correspond to patriarchal Confucian culture? Can Chinese philosophy provide alternative perspectives for Western feminist scholars? The first section considers theoretical and philosophical discussions of Western traditions and how the ideas offered by Confucians and Daoists can provide alternative body ontologies for critical feminist (...)
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    Take a stand on understanding: electrophysiological evidence for stem access in German complex verbs.Eva Smolka, Matthias Gondan & Frank Rã¶Sler - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  39.  23
    Public Maternalism Goes to Market: Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion in Postsocialist Hungary.Éva Fodor & Christy Glass - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (1):5-26.
    Under what conditions do motherhood penalties emerge in countries undergoing transition from state socialism to capitalism? This analysis identifies the ways managers in global financial firms employ gendered assumptions in constructing and implementing labor practices among highly skilled professional workers in Hungary. Relying on 33 in-depth interviews with employers as well as interviews with headhunting firms, labor and employment lawyers, and analysis of antidiscrimination cases brought before Hungary’s Equal Treatment Authority between 2004 and 2008, we identify several strategies global employers (...)
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    A phenomenological study of nurses' understanding of honesty in palliative care.Eva Erichsen, Elisabeth Hadd Danielsson & Maria Friedrichsen - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):39-50.
    Honesty is essential for the care of seriously ill and dying patients. The current study aimed to describe how nurses experience honesty in their work with patients receiving palliative care at home. The interviews in this phenomenological study were conducted with 16 nurses working with children and adults in palliative home-based care. Three categories emerged from analyses of the interviews: the meaning of honesty, the reason for being honest and, finally, moral conflict when dealing with honesty. The essence of these (...)
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  41. II Elements of the Philosophy of Right.Eva Bockenheimer - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Woman as Metaphor.Eva Feder Kittay - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):63-86.
    Women's activities and relations to men are persistent metaphors for man's projects. I query the prominence of these and the lack of equivalent metaphors where men are the metaphoric vehicle for women and women's activities. Women's role as metaphor results from her otherness and her relational and mediational importance in men's lives. Otherness, mediation, and relation characterize the role of metaphor in language and thought. This congruence between metaphor and women makes the metaphor of woman especially potent in man's conceptual (...)
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    Vulnerability in health care – reflections on encounters in every day practice.Eva Gjengedal, Else Mari Ekra, Hege Hol, Marianne Kjelsvik, Else Lykkeslet, Ragnhild Michaelsen, Aud Orøy, Torill Skrondal, Hildegunn Sundal, Solfrid Vatne & Kjersti Wogn-Henriksen - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (2):127-138.
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  44. Do we only dream in colour? A comparison of reported dream colour in younger and older adults with different experiences of black and white media.Eva Murzyn - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1228-1237.
    This study aimed to find out whether differences in the reported colour of dreams can be attributed to the influence of black and white media or to methodological issues. Two age groups, with different media experience, were compared on questionnaire and diary measures of dream colour. Analysis revealed that people who had access to black and white media before colour media experienced more greyscale dreams than people with no such exposure, and there were no differences between diary and questionnaire measures (...)
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  45. Pleased and Afflicted: Hume on the Paradox of Tragic Pleasure.Eva M. Dadlez - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (2):213-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 30, Number 2, November 2004, pp. 213-236 Pleased and Afflicted: Hume on the Paradox of Tragic Pleasure E. M. DADLEZ How fast can you run? As fast as a leopard. How fast are you going to run? A whistle sounds the order that sends Archie Hamilton and his comrades over the top of the trench to certain death. Racing to circumvent that order and arriving seconds (...)
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  46. Prelude to Aesthetics.Eva Schaper - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (170):351-352.
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  47. Pragmatism as anti-representationalism?Eva Picardi - 2011 - In Rosa Maria Calcaterra, New Perspectives on Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy. New York: Editions Rodopi.
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  48. The Offense of Socrates: A Re-reading of Plato's Apology.Eva Brann - 1978 - Interpretation 7 (2):1-21.
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  49. Questioning the Value of Literacy: A phenomenology of speaking and reading in children.Eva M. Simms - 2010 - In K. Coats, Handbook of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Routledge.
    The intent of this chapter is to suspend the belief in the goodness of literacy -- our chirographic bias -- in order to gain a deeper understanding of how the engagement with texts structures human consciousness, and particularly the minds of children. In the following pages literacy (a term which in this chapter refers to the ability to read and produce written text) is discussed as a consciousness altering technology. A phenomenological analysis of the act of reading shows the child’s (...)
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    Territories of Citizenship.Eva Erman & Ludvig Beckman - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A comprehensive exploration of theories of citizenship and inclusiveness in an age of globalization. The authors analyze democracy and the political community in a transnational context, using new critical, conceptual and normative perspectives on the borders, territories and political agents of the state.
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