Results for 'Ewa Kowalewska-Borys'

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  1. Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej.Katarzyna Baczyńska-Koc, Magdalena Borys, Andrzej Klimczuk, Iwona Pietrzak, Bogusław Plawgo, Katarzyna Radziewicz, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska & Justyna Żynel-Etel - 2015 - Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy W Białymstoku.
    Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej Katarzyna Baczyńska-Koc, Magdalena Borys, Andrzej Klimczuk, Iwona Pietrzak, Bogusław Plawgo, Katarzyna Radziewicz, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska & Justyna Żynel-Etel .
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    An ethics of dissensus: postmodernity, feminism, and the politics of radical democracy.Ewa Płonowska Ziarek - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    What kind of challenge does sexual and racial difference pose for postmodern ethics? What is the relation between ethical obligation and feminist interpretations of embodiment, passion, and eros? How can we negotiate between ethical responsibility for the Other and democratic struggles against domination, injustice, and equality, on the one hand, and internal conflicts within the subject, on the other? We cannot address such questions, Ziarek argues, without putting into dialogue discourses that have hitherto been segregated: postmodern ethics, feminism, race theory, (...)
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    The phenomenon of religion.Borys Lobovyk - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 2:45-46.
    "PHENOMENON OF RELIGION" - under this name on June 20-21, 1996, the All-Ukrainian Colloquium, convened by the Department of Religious Studies and the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies took place at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The purpose of the colloquium is to discuss the topical issues of Ukrainian religious studies concerning the nature, essence and functionality of religion as a social and historical phenomenon.
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  4. The creation of the Moscow Patriarchate: a prelude to patriarchal reforms in the Kyivan Metropolitanate preceding the Union of Brest (1595–1596). [REVIEW]Borys A. Gudziak - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 37:219-71.
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    Bronisław F. Trentowski - \"polski Hegel\", \"polski Schelling\" czy \"polski Krause\"?Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (5):125-138.
    Author: Starzyńska-Kościuszko Ewa Title: BRONISŁAW F. TRENTOWSKI – “POLISH HEGEL”, “POLISH SCHELLING” OR “POLISH KRAUSE” (Bronisław F. Trentowski – „polski Hegel”, „polski Schelling”, „polski Krause”) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 125-138 Keywords: TRENTOWSKI, HEGEL, SCHELING, KRAUSE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In this article author wanted to answer a question: Is Trentowski an original thinker or Polish imitator of Hegel’s, Schelling’s and Krause’s philosophy? Referring to existing settlements (...)
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    Dialektyka twórczości-dynamizm a wartość.Ewa Bogusz-Bołtuć - 2003 - Estetyka I Krytyka 2 (5):174-181.
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    A hierarchy of modal logics with relative accessibility relations.Philippe Balbiani & Ewa Orlowska - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):303-328.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we introduce and investigate various classes of multimodal logics based on frames with relative accessibility relations. We discuss their applicability to representation and analysis of incomplete information. We provide axiom systems for these logics and we prove their completeness.
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  8. Explicit but Not Implicit Memory Predicts Ultimate Attainment in the Native Language.Miquel Llompart & Ewa Dąbrowska - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present paper examines the relationship between explicit and implicit memory and ultimate attainment in the native language. Two groups of native speakers of English with different levels of academic attainment (i.e., high vs. low) took part in three language tasks which assessed grammar, vocabulary and collocational knowledge, as well as phonological short-term memory (assessed using a forward digit-span task), explicit associative memory (assessed using a paired-associates task) and implicit memory (assessed using a deterministic serial reaction time task). Results revealed (...)
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  9. Persistence and Change in Morality Policy: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Politics of Abortion in Ireland and Poland.Monika Ewa Kaminska & Sydney Calkin - 2020 - Feminist Review 124 (1):86-102.
    On the issue of abortion, Ireland and Poland have been among the most conservative countries in Europe. Their legal and cultural approaches to this issue have been deeply influenced by the institution of the Catholic Church and its purported role as a defender of an authentic national identity. However, their political climates for abortion reform are increasingly divergent: Ireland has liberalised its abortion law substantially since 2018, while Poland is moving towards further criminalisation with the repeated introduction of restrictive laws (...)
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  10. Incomplete Information: Structure, Inference, Complexity.Stéphane P. Demri & Ewa S. Orłowska - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (3):469-475.
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    Machine Meets Man: Evaluating the Psychological Reality of Corpus-based Probabilistic Models.Dagmar Divjak, Ewa Dąbrowska & Antti Arppe - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (1):1-33.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 1 Seiten: 1-33.
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    A note on deduction theorem for Gödel's propositional calculus G4.Ewa Żarnecka-Biaŀy - 1968 - Studia Logica 23 (1):35-40.
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    Psychometric evaluation of the post‐discharge surgical recovery scale.Katarina Berg, Ewa Idvall, Ulrica Nilsson, Kristofer Franzén Årestedt & Mitra Unosson - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):794-801.
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    Autism limits strategic thinking after all: A process tracing study of the beauty contest game.Michał Król & Magdalena Ewa Król - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (4):615-626.
    The beauty contest game is widely used to study the determinants of strategic thinking. Here, we examine the role of theory of mind in strategic reasoning by comparing both performance and the reas...
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  15. Ethics.Ryszard Moń & Ewa Podresz - 2020 - In Piotr Stanisław Mazur, Piotr Duchliński & Paweł Skrzydlewski (eds.), A companion to Polish Christian philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries. Krakow: Ignatianum University Press.
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  16. Violation of ethical principles in clinical research. Influences and possible solutions for Latin America.Moreno Borys Alberto Cornejo & Arteaga Gress Marissell Gómez - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):35.
    Background Even though we are now well into the 21st century and notwithstanding all the abuse to individuals involved in clinical studies that has been documented throughout History, fundamental ethical principles continue to be violated in one way or another. Discussion Here are some of the main factors that contribute to the abuse of subjects participating in clinical trials: paternalism, improper use of informed consent, lack of strict ethical supervision, pressure exerted by health institutions to increase the production of scientific (...)
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  17. Katehorii︠a︡ dovirʹi︠a︡ v marksystsʹkiĭ etytsi.Borys Oleksandrovych Rutkovsʹkyĭ - 1970
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  18. Botanika jako źródło naukowej i osobistej refleksji.Ewa Sadurska-Duffy - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):259-271.
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  19. Koncepcja poznania zmysłowego B. F. Trentowskiego.Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    Kantian moral education for the future of humanity: The climate change challenge.Ewa Wyrębska-Đermanović - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):1045-1056.
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    The Demarkation of Creativity, Talent and Genius in Humans: a Systemic Aspect.Alla Nerubasska & Borys Maksymchuk - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2):240-255.
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  22. IPS – indukowalne pluripotencjalne komórki macierzyste – przyszłość medycyny?Ewa Bartnik - 2009 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 71.
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  23. Praktyka laboratoryjna i warunki jej stabilności. Wokół stanowisk Pawła Zeidlera oraz Iana Hackinga.Ewa Bińczyk - 2012 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa (3 (193)).
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  24. Idea pojęciowego odwrócenia Chrisa Lorenza.Ewa Domańska - 2013 - Ruch Filozoficzny 70 (3).
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    ,,Solidarność" i solidarność w perspektywie feministycznej. Od post-mieszczańskiej sfery publicznej do solidarności globalnej.Ewa Majewska - 2014 - Etyka 48:43-57.
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    Is “The Presumption of Atheism” in Fact a Neutral Procedure? A Critical Examination of Antony Flew’s Position.Ewa Odoj - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (2):115-132.
    This article examines the concept of “The Presumption of Atheism” by Antony Flew. Flew claims that at the beginning of a debate on the existence of God we should adopt a standpoint of atheism and the opus of proof lies on the theists. I question different requirements that Flew puts on the representatives of theism and atheism. In responding, I raise an epistemological issue concerning how strong evidence for a particular belief should be in order for one to hold that (...)
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    Revolt, Affect, Collectivity: The Unstable Boundaries of Kristeva's Polis.Tina Chanter & Ewa Plonowska Ziarek (eds.) - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores how the concept of revolution permeates and unifies Kristeva’s body of work.
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  28. Patriotism in democracy: what we learn from Tocqueville.Ewa Atanassow - 2014 - In Zbigniew Rau & Marek Tracz-Tryniecki (eds.), Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
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    How much does it cost to rear children in Poland?Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (2):200-216.
    This article analyses the cost of motherhood borne by Polish women. The cost of motherhood is defined as a drop in earnings caused by the presence of children. The findings show that motherhood in Poland is associated with a drop in women’s net monthly earnings of around 13–19%. The results also show that the cost of motherhood varies with the number of children and the drop in wages is particularly high for mothers of three or more children. The investigation of (...)
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    The Influence of Emotional and Non-emotional Concepts Activation on Information Processing and Unintentional Memorizing.Ewa Magier-Łakomy & Monika Pawłowska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):150-159.
    The Influence of Emotional and Non-emotional Concepts Activation on Information Processing and Unintentional Memorizing The aim of the work is to compare mechanisms of semantic and emotional processing and memory. Targets were primed by category name. The congruency of prime and target was manipulated. The reaction time of lexical decisions and the effects of unintentional memorizing of word targets were measured. Activation of semantic and emotional nodes leads to faster processing of related concepts: congruent targets are processed faster than incongruent. (...)
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    Plantinga’s Interpretation of Epistemological Deontologism.Ewa Odoj - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (4):437-453.
    Alvin Plantinga challenges the rooted tradition of thinking about justification as the subject’s fulfillment of his or her epistemic duty. I try to show that, in several respects, Plantinga misinterprets the idea of epistemic duties and that, consequently, his argument against deontologism is not sound. I begin by summarizing Plantinga’s understanding of epistemological deontologism and then offer my own critique of this interpretation, which focuses on five issues: the problem of recognizability of epistemic duty, describing epistemic duty as subjective, Plantinga’s (...)
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  32. General introduction.Henk Oosterling & Ewa Plonowska Ziarek - 2010 - In Henk Oosterling & Ewa Płonowska Ziarek (eds.), Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
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  33. Związek przyrody, dziejów i moralności w filozofii przyrody Johanna Gottfrieda Herdera.Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko - 2001 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 7.
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    On the psychology of extremism: How motivational imbalance breeds intemperance.Arie W. Kruglanski, Ewa Szumowska, Catalina H. Kopetz, Robert J. Vallerand & Antonio Pierro - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (2):264-289.
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    Performance anxiety: the need for an integrative approach.Joanna Kantor-Martynuska & Ewa Domaradzka - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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  36. 21. Vorlesung: Der Trieb als Grund des Bildes (171-174,10).Ewa Nowak-Juchacz - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 26:119-122.
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    Editorial - On the Road to Adulthood.Alicja Senejko & Ewa Gurba - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (3):108-110.
    Editorial - On the Road to Adulthood Although the picture of adolescence G. Stanley Hall drew over a hundred years ago is no longer accepted, most contemporary researchers agree that the period between childhood and adulthood poses a serious challenge to the developing individual. The developmental achievements typical of this age, such as radical changes in appearance and behaviour, severe criticism of existing reality brought about by the recent acquisition of formal thinking, first intimate relations and sexual experiences and the (...)
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  38. Koncepcja filozofii i pedagogiki narodowej Bronisława F. Trentowskiego (z dziejów polskiej myśli filozoficznej epoki romantyzmu).Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko - 2003 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 9.
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    Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics: Toward Democratic Plurality and Reproductive Justice.Rosalyn Diprose & Ewa Płonowska Ziarek - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Ewa Płonowska Ziarek.
    A literary, historical and philosophical discussion of attitudes to blindness by the sighted, and what the blind 'see'.
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    Gender of the expresser moderates the effect of emotional faces on the startle reflex.Andrea Paulus, Ewa Musial & Katrin Renn - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (8):1493-1501.
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    Re-Figuring Hayden White.Frank Ankersmit, Ewa Domanska & Hans Kellner (eds.) - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    Produced in honor of White's eightieth birthday, _Re-Figuring Hayden White_ testifies to the lasting importance of White's innovative work, which firmly reintegrates historical studies with literature and the humanities. The book is a major reconsideration of the historian's contributions and influence by an international group of leading scholars from a variety of disciplines. Individual essays address the key concepts of White's intellectual career, including tropes, narrative, figuralism, and the historical sublime while exploring the place of White's work in the philosophy (...)
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    Discrete Dualities for Double Stone Algebras.Ivo Düntsch & Ewa Orłowska - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):127-142.
    We present two discrete dualities for double Stone algebras. Each of these dualities involves a different class of frames and a different definition of a complex algebra. We discuss relationships between these classes of frames and show that one of them is a weakening of the other. We propose a logic based on double Stone algebras.
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  43. A proof system for contact relation algebras.Ivo Düntsch & Ewa Orłowska - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (3):241-262.
    Contact relations have been studied in the context of qualitative geometry and physics since the early 1920s, and have recently received attention in qualitative spatial reasoning. In this paper, we present a sound and complete proof system in the style of Rasiowa and Sikorski (1963) for relation algebras generated by a contact relation.
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    Boolean algebras arising from information systems.Ivo Düntsch & Ewa Orłowska - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):77-98.
    Following the theory of Boolean algebras with modal operators , in this paper we investigate Boolean algebras with sufficiency operators and mixed operators . We present results concerning representability, generation by finite members, first order axiomatisability, possession of a discriminator term etc. We generalise the classes BAO, SUA, and MIA to classes of algebras with the families of relative operators. We present examples of the discussed classes of algebras that arise in connection with reasoning with incomplete information.
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    Mixed algebras and their logics.Ivo Düntsch, Ewa Orłowska & Tinko Tinchev - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):304-320.
    We investigate complex algebras of the form arising from a frame where, and exhibit their abstract algebraic and logical counterparts.
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  46. O przyrodzie i kulturze.Ewa Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas & Adam Jezierski (eds.) - 2009 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Poznanie, Kosmos, cywilizacja.Ewa Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas & Adam Jezierski (eds.) - 2013 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Logics of similarity and their dual tableaux. A survey.Joanna Golińska-Pilarek & Ewa Orlowska - 2008 - In Giacomo Della Riccia, Didier Dubois & Hans-Joachim Lenz (eds.), Preferences and Similarities. Springer. pp. 129--159.
    We present several classes of logics for reasoning with information stored in information systems. The logics enable us to cope with the phenomena of incompleteness of information and uncertainty of knowledge derived from such an information. Relational inference systems for these logics are developed in the style of dual tableaux.
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    Transplantation is Not Enough..., or on the Concept of Xenotransplantation.Ewa M. Guzik-Makaruk & Marta M. Perkowska - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):105-116.
    The paper presents the emergence of the concept of xenotransplantation which is a relatively new issue in the literature on the subject. It is due to the fact that transplants of animal organs are currently in the experimental phase. The main current problem of transplantology is the shortage of organs; hence, the search for new solutions has become an everyday challenge. If a way for the human body to tolerate animal organs could be found, transplant medicine and humanity would be (...)
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    Liberal moments: reading liberal texts.Alan S. Kahan & Ewa Atanassow (eds.) - 2017 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Liberalism has been one of the leading incarnations of political thought for the past two centuries and it was also the first form of political theory to acquire a truly global reach. This volume examines the work of the most pivotal thinkers in the liberal tradition, starting with Montesquieu and proceeding to a wide range of authors from the French Revolution to the present. The book is distinctive in encompassing the wide spectrum of views historically encompassed by liberalism, revealing its (...)
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