Results for 'Exclamations'

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  1. Exclamatives, degrees and speech acts.Jessica Rett - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (5):411-442.
    The goal of this paper is an account of the semantics and pragmatics of exclamation. I focus on two key observations: first, that sentence exclamations like Wow, John bakes delicious desserts! and exclamatives like What delicious desserts John bakes! express that a particular proposition has violated the speaker’s expectations; and second, that exclamatives are semantically restricted in a way that sentence exclamations are not. In my account of these facts, I propose a characterization of illocutionary force of exclamation, (...)
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    L’exclamation en contexte.Jean-Marie Merle - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    La notion d’exclamation contient à la fois l’idée d’extériorisation et d’intensité. Une première observation aboutit à l’hypothèse suivante : l’exclamation se caractérise par un surcroît d’expressivité qui donne de la saillance à un énoncé ou à un fragment d’énoncé. La motivation de l’exclamation peut se trouver en amont, en aval, et/ou à l’intérieur d’un énoncé. L’exclamation est compatible avec tout type d’énoncé, comme modulation énonciative marquée qui s’oppose toujours à une variante non exclamative. On s’interroge sur l’affinité entre exclamation et (...)
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    L’exclamation en anglais : point de vue diachronique.Sylvie Hancil - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    L’analyse de l’exclamation d’un point de vue diachronique fait l’objet de notre étude dans cet article. Le point de départ de l’analyse est la définition de l’Oxford English Dictionary et on se propose de citer les principales formes exclamatives depuis le vieil anglais et de comprendre comment elles sont analysées à cette époque. On poursuit l’étude historique par une analyse diachronique des fonctions exclamatives des mots en wh-, en particulier what et how puis on s’intéresse aux marqueurs d’intensité so et (...)
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    La phonologie des exclamations en anglais.Stephan Wilhelm - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    À partir d’un corpus d’enregistrements de répliques de la pièce de Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire, cet article traite de la phonologie des énoncés exclamatifs. Il établit que les spécificités phonologiques essentielles des exclamations sont de nature suprasegmentale et se trouvent être observées au niveau intonatif. Après avoir identifié certaines caractéristiques récurrentes des contours mélodiques observés dans les énoncés exclamatifs et montré que celles-ci sont conditionnées par la motivation sémantique et l’iconicité de l’intonation, nous nous intéressons aux liens (...)
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    Questions et exclamations en anglais : convergences, différences et complémentarité de quelques approches théoriques.Laurence Gardelle Vincent-Durroux - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    Introduction Dans le prolongement du volume hors-série consacré à la mise en relation par la prédication et les prépositions abordées au prisme de plusieurs approches linguistiques, nous conduisons dans ce volume une réflexion sur deux domaines que nous réunissons pour les nombreuses particularités qu’ils partagent a priori : il s’agit des questions et des exclamations. En effet, questions et exclamations partagent des phénomènes syntaxiques et phonologiques, une v...
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    Point de vue pragmatique sur l’exclamation.Laure Lansari - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    Dans le cadre d’une approche pragmatique, centrée sur l’usage en contexte des formes linguistiques, nous opérons une disjonction fondamentale entre fonction d’exclamation et formes d’exclamation. Le corpus choisi illustre la grande diversité des formes d’exclamation en anglais, qui ne se réduisent pas aux exclamatives en what et how. En nous appuyant sur divers travaux pragmatiques, nous montrons que la fonction d’exclamation est éminemment complexe, liée à l’expression de la subjectivité du locuteur mais également à des paramètres intersubjectifs : elle exprime (...)
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    Exclamations in Hopkins's Poetry. Milward - 1989 - Renascence 42 (1-2):111-118.
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    Toward a grammar of exclamations.Dale E. Elliott - 1974 - Foundations of Language 11 (2):231-246.
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    Football with an Exclamation Mark (2017). Review: This is Football! Writers at the Stadium, M.: Limbus-press.A. I. Apostolov - 2018 - Sociology of Power 30 (2):259-269.
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    From words and sentences to interjections: The anatomy of exclamations in Peirce and Wittgenstein.Dinda L. Gorlée - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (205):37-86.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 205 Seiten: 37-86.
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  11. Inspiration and Originality: Philo's Distinctive Exclamations.A. Terian - 1995 - The Studia Philonica Annual 7:56-84.
  12.  8
    THE STRUCTURE OF GREEK WH-CLAUSES - (R.) Faure The Syntax and Semantics of Wh-Clauses in Classical Greek. Relatives, Interrogatives, Exclamatives. (The Language of Classical Literature 34.) Pp. xiv + 278, figs. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021. Cased, €99, US$120. ISBN: 978-90-04-46752-1. [REVIEW]Dagmar Muchnová - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):379-381.
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    Texting!!!Elena Nicoladis, Amen Duggal & Alexandra Besoi Setzer - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (3):422-436.
    Previous research shows that females use more exclamation marks than males, often to establish rapport. The purpose of the present studies was to test whether people associate texters’ use of exclamation marks with friendliness and femaleness. If this association is due to normative expectations, we hypothesized that females would appear less friendly if they did not use an exclamation mark in texting. In Study 1, participants rated a texter using an exclamation mark to be highly female and highly friendly. The (...)
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  14. Semantics for Non-Declaratives.Kirk Ludwig & Dan Boisvert - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This article begins by distinguishing force and mood. Then it lays out desiderata on a successful account. It sketches as background the program of truth-theoretic semantics. Next, it surveys assimilation approaches and argues that they are inadequate. Then it shows how the fulfillment-conditional approach can be applied to imperatives, interrogatives, molecular sentences containing them, and quantification into mood markers. Next, it considers briefly the recent set of propositions approach to the semantics of interrogatives and exclamatives. Finally, it shows how to (...)
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  15. The Idea of Biodiversity: Philosophies of Paradise.David Takacs - 1996 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    "At places distant from where you are, but also uncomfortably close," writes David Takacs, "a holocaust is under way. People are slashing, hacking, bulldozing, burning, poisoning, and otherwise destroying huge swaths of life on Earth at a furious pace." And a cadre of ecologists and conservation biologists has responded, vigorously promoting a new definition of nature: biodiversity --advocating it in Congress and on the Tonight Show; whispering it into the ears of foreign leaders redefining the boundaries of science and politics, (...)
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    Can a question be a lie? An empirical investigation.Emanuel Viebahn, Alex Wiegmann, Neele Engelmann & Pascale Willemsen - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8 (7).
    In several recent papers and a monograph, Andreas Stokke argues that questions can be misleading, but that they cannot be lies. The aim of this paper is to show that ordinary speakers disagree. We show that ordinary speakers judge certain kinds of insincere questions to be lies, namely questions carrying a believed-false presupposition the speaker intends to convey. These judgements are robust and remain so when the participants are given the possibility of classifying the utterances as misleading or as deceiving. (...)
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    The Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Sport From Mixed Methods Strategy: The Integration of Qualitative-Quantitative Elements Using Systematic Observation.Conrad Izquierdo & M. Teresa Anguera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective to which this manuscript is oriented to is focused on the analysis of interpersonal communication in sport. The multimodal essence of human nature adopts special characteristics in individual and team sports, given the roles that athletes adopt in different circumstances, depending on the contingencies that characterize each competition or each training session. Themixed methodsframework allows us to advance in the ways of integration between qualitative and quantitative elements, taking advantage of the proven possibilities of systematic observation, which we (...)
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  18. What the F***?Steven Pinker - unknown
    ucking became the subject of congressional debate in 2003, after NBC broadcast the Golden Globe Awards. Bono, lead singer of the mega-band U2, was accepting a prize on behalf of the group and in his euphoria exclaimed, "This is really, really, fucking brilliant" on the air. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is charged with monitoring the nation's airwaves for indecency, decided somewhat surprisingly not to sanction the network for failing to bleep out the word. Explaining its decision, the FCC (...)
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  19.  50
    From Argument Schemes to Argumentative Relations in the Wild: A Variety of Contributions to Argumentation Theory.Bart Garssen & Frans van Eemeren (eds.) - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This volume comprises a selection of contributions to the theorizing about argumentation that have been presented at the 9th conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, held in Amsterdam in July 2018. The chapters included provide a general theoretical perspective on central topics in argumentation theory, such as argument schemes and the fallacies. Some contributions concentrate on the treatment of the concept of conductive argument. Other contributions are dedicated to specific issues such as the justification of questions, (...)
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    Tense Arguments.Christian Plantin - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (4):347-371.
    Tension is a major issue in the analysis of argumentative discourse in ordinary language. Tension is an operator showing that the speaker is highly involved in her speech, and wants to share her commitments, that is, wants to persuade her audience. This paper proposes a case study of an extremely tense and controversial argument with strong anti-Semitic undertones. The following sections examine the main components of tension: radicalization of arguments; exclamations; rhetorical questions; emotions. Tension is interpreted as a verdictive (...)
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  21. Ayer's Ethical Theory: Emotivism or Subjectivism?David Wiggins - 1991 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 30:181-196.
    In 1936, in a chapter of Language, Truth and Logic clearly influenced by Hume and influenced also by Ogden's and Richards's The Meaning of Meaning, Ayer claimed that judgments of value, in so far as they are not scientific statements, are not in the literal sense significant but are simply expressions of emotion which can be neither true nor false. To say ‘You acted wrongly in stealing that money’ is not to state any more than one would have stated by (...)
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    Behaviorism and Deconstruction: A Comment on Morse Peckham's "The Infinitude of Pluralism".M. H. Abrams - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 4 (1):181-193.
    Peckham claims that my "behavior" in dealing with the quotations in Natural Supernaturalism is the same, in methodology and validity, as the interpretative behavior of Booth's waiter. But the great bulk of the utterances in my quotations—and no less, of the utterances constituting Peckham's own essay—do not consist of orders, requests, or commands. Instead, they consist of assertions, descriptions, judgments, exclamations, approbations, condemnations, and many other kinds of speech-acts, the meanings of which are not related to my interpretative behavior, (...)
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    Strange contrarieties: Pascal in England during the Age of Reason.John Barker - 1975 - Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Each chapter heading bears a phrase from a contemporary author, held to incorporate the character of that section of the study under consideration. Chapter 1 carries the title given to early English translations of the Lettres provinciales; chapter 2 recalls the description of Pascall by Boyle and other English scientists; and chapter 3 draws from Kennett's preface to his version of the Pensees. The heading of chapter 4 is from Pope's Essay on Man. The exclamation which introduces chapter 5 concludes (...)
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    The Ecology of the Mind.Harry Berger - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):109-134.
    The next major move is to ascribe to the mind of our first statement the blessed rage for order of our second. We may then bring the exclamation and the warning into immediate play in the following manner: We assume that--at least so far as western civilization is concerned--all periods of human culture arise as responses to a single perennial human need, namely, the mind's desire for order. But we remember that this desire is problematical. It is always threatened from (...)
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    Freedom: Reassessments and Rephrasings.Jose V. Ciprut (ed.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Some philosophers conceive freedom as a state; others view it as an ideal. A songwriter sees it as a way of life: "Like a bird on a wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way to be free." The embattled statesman and the political idealist perceive causal links among personal freedoms, societal democracy, and global peace. In this cross-disciplinary volume, the contributors reassess and rephrase the conceptualizations and theorizations of freedom and their applicability to (...)
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    Philosophie de la Pratique: Économie Et Éthique (Classic Reprint).Benedetto Croce & Henri Buriot - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Philosophie de la Pratique: Économie Et Éthique En décrivant cette façon de procéder de la réflexion ordi naire en présence de la réalité, et en en montrant l'impuis sance philosophique, nous avons, en mémé temps, 'montré déjà le caractère et l'impuissance de la méthode psychologique, appliquée aux problèmes philosophiques. En effet, la philo sophie psychologique, bien qu'elle ait été exposée en 'de pesants traités et en de solennelles conférences académiques, ne fait ni plus ni moins que ce que (...)
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    The Supplement of the Copula: Linguistic Light on an Old Logical Problem.John Deely - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (2):251 - 277.
    ASSERTIONS ARE A SYMBOLIC FORM that exists only within species--specifically human language. Language, of course, allows for many other conventions of symbolic expression: greetings, exclamations, commands, exhortations, imprecations, interrogatives, and so forth. But assertions are unique in possessing, of themselves, a truth-value--that is to say, in being adjudicable as true or false. All other varieties of discourse are adjudicable as true or false by reason of assertions they presuppose, contain, or imply. But the assertion as such is what is (...)
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    Some Types of Abnormal Word-Order in Attic Comedy.K. J. Dover - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):324-.
    On the analogy of the colloquial register in some modern languages, where narrative and argument may be punctuated by oaths and exclamations in order to maintain a high affective level and compel the hearer's attention, it is reasonable to postulate that Attic conversation also was punctuated by oaths, that this ingredient in comic language was drawn from life, and that the comparative frequency of ║ M M Δ in comedy is sufficiently explained thereby. There are obvious affinities between some (...)
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    The divine and artistic ideal: Ideas and insights for cross-cultural aesthetic education.Ming Dong Gu - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 88-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Divine and Artistic Ideal:Ideas and Insights for Cross-Cultural Aesthetic EducationMing Dong Gu (bio)IntroductionPeople in different cultural traditions would praise an excellent work of art as a masterpiece that has attained the status of the divine. This is a practice inherited from the ancient past. In high antiquity, when people did not have sufficient knowledge of artistic creation, they attributed creative inspirations and superb art to gods. In ancient (...)
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  30. Getting under my skin: William James on the emotions, sociality, and transcendence.John Kaag - 2009 - Zygon 44 (2):433-450.
    "You are really getting under my skin!" This exclamation suggests a series of psychological, philosophical, and metaphysical questions: What is the nature and development of human emotion? How does emotion arise in social interaction? To what extent can interactive situations shape our embodied selves and intensify particular affective states? With these questions in mind, William James begins to investigate the character of emotions and to develop a model of what he terms the social self. James's studies of mimicry and his (...)
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    This Is Not Here.Katherine J. Morris - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (3):281-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.3 (2002) 281-283 [Access article in PDF] This Is Not Here Katherine Morris How, if at all, are we to characterize psychiatric patients' (and others') descriptions of so-called depersonalization experiences? What exactly are they saying when they say, for example, "I have no self" or "I feel as if I don't belong to my own body" or "Nothing seems real"? Filip and Susanna Radovic attempt (...)
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  32. L'autrement-gradué: épistémé linguistique: essai.Boris Lobatchev - 2023 - Paris: Les impliqués éditeur.
    Tout dépend de ce que l'on prend pour l'idéal. Où le situe-t-on sur l'échelle allant du silence à la parole et, inversement, de la parole au silence? Qu'est-ce qu'un idéal? Dire ou ne pas dire? Et si c'est dire, dire le moins ou le plus possible? Dire le plus brièvement ou le plus longuement possible? Dire le plus ouvertement ou ne jamais parler à découvert? Et si l'on se fiait, dans ces choix difficiles à faire, à la langue, devrait-on partir (...)
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    L'amour-refus.René Passeron - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre fait suite à Exclamations philosophiques, suivi de Thèmes, publié en 2003, par les soins de l'Université de Paris-1. Fondée sur de nombreux récits, l'exclamation propose ici l'éthique d'un Amour-Refus dont la devise est : "Tu souffres donc je t'aime et je ne tolère pas que tu souffres, donc je prends les moyens de te libérer de ta souffrance". Attitude qui implique une liberté d'esprit, appelée par les problèmes de notre temps. C'est dire qu'allant du conflit entre la (...)
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    Alteración y oscilación en la filosofía de los binomios de Gabriel Marcel.Iolanda Poma - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (82):475-494.
    The intrinsic dialectic in Gabriel Marcel’s thought seems to be describable in terms of alteration and doubling. That dialectic arises from the experience of wonder and of emotion; it articulates itself within a doubled consciousness which is both exclamative and interrogative. This consciousness perpetuates the original moment of alteration and doubling in the pairs characterizing Marcel’s speculative proposal: being-having, mystery-problem, transcendence-immanence, infinite-finite.
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    Using feature films in language classes.Gölge Seferoğlu - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (1):1-9.
    This study aimed at finding students? perspectives on integrating feature films on digital versatile discs (DVDs) in oral communication classes of advanced English as foreign language (EFL) learners. A total of 29 students being trained as teachers of English participated in the study. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire. All participants unanimously agreed that through films they had the opportunity to learn about how people initiate and sustain a conversational exchange, and how they negotiate meaning; types of exclamation and (...)
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    Introduction to Rethinking the Just War Tradition.Harry van der Linden, Michael W. Brough & John W. Lango - unknown
    In studying the history of the ethics of war, the just war tradition may be interpreted as a historically evolving body of tenets about just war principles. Instead of a single just war theory, there have been many just war theories—for example, those of Augustine, Aquinas, Vitoria, and Grotius—theories that have various commonalities and differences. A comprehensive history of the evolving just war tradition should feature a thorough study of how these just war theories were rethought. For example, in his (...)
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    Insincerity and disloyalty.Gabriel Falkenberg - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (1):89-97.
    Insincerity is the intentional conflict between a state of mind and a synchronic linguistic act. Three cases have to be distinguished: lying, as the opposition of belief and assertion (the act is untruthful); dishonesty, as the opposition of will and declaration of will (act empty); and simulation, as the opposition of emotion and exclamation (act ungenuine). One of the problems arising is: Are there insincere commands, and if not, why?Disloyalty, on the other hand, is a diachronic inconsequence, the breach of (...)
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    Nietzsche on Nausea.Gudrun Von Tevenar - 2019 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 50 (1):58-78.
    Reading Nietzsche's work, one can be struck and sometimes even offended by his emphatic, occasionally aggressive use of the term "nausea". Not only does Nietzsche use the term frequently in a triple exclamation,1 he also uses it in places where one would expect more differentiated and, arguably, more precise terms, such as "disgust," "disdain," "aversion," "repugnance," "revulsion," "loathing," and the like. Obviously, Nietzsche, that superb master of language, was not lacking an appropriate vocabulary; hence, an explanation for this fact is (...)
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    Performative updates and the modeling of speech acts.Manfred Krifka - 2024 - Synthese 203 (1):1-31.
    This paper develops a way to model performative speech acts within a framework of dynamic semantics. It introduces a distinction between performative and informative updates, where informative updates filter out indices of context sets (cf. Stalnaker, Cole (ed), Pragmatics, Academic Press, 1978), whereas performative updates change their indices (cf. Szabolcsi, Kiefer (ed), Hungarian linguistics, John Benjamins, 1982). The notion of index change is investigated in detail, identifying implementations by a function or by a relation. Declarations like _the meeting is (hereby) (...)
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    Voicing temptations.Stelios Gadris - 2024 - Wittgenstein-Studien 15 (1):57-77.
    In what follows I will try to show that hinge propositions do not constitute the ultimate ground upon which we stand fast, but rather voice a metaphysical temptation, the temptation to offer an ultimate and undoubtable foundation of which we can be absolutely certain. After a brief sketch of what hinge propositions are, I propose that we read them as exclamations pointing to nonsense, a limit to intelligibility. Interpreted thus, hinge propositions, either ascertained or doubted, show what nonsense in (...)
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    Hyperbolic Feature-based Sarcasm Detection in Telugu Conversation Sentences.Korra Sathya Babu, Reddy Naidu & Santosh Kumar Bharti - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):73-89.
    Recognition of sarcastic statements has been a challenge in the process of sentiment analysis. A sarcastic sentence contains only positive words conveying a negative sentiment. Therefore, it is tough for any automated machine to identify the exact sentiment of the text in the presence of sarcasm. The existing systems for sarcastic sentiment detection are limited to the text scripted in English. Nowadays, researchers have shown greater interest in low resourced languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Indonesian, etc. (...)
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    A New Emendation for matavitatau in Petronius’ Satyricon.Tiziano Boggio - 2022 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 166 (1):99-117.
    In this paper I propose an emendation for a long-standing textual problem in the Satyricon. In the Cena Trimalchionis one of the freedmen, Niceros, recounts a bizarre story, culminating in a frightening encounter between him and a werewolf. In a desperate attempt to escape peril, Niceros draws his sword to repel horrific shadows and utters a sequence of eleven letters which has puzzled scholars for more than a century: matavitatau. I propose a correction which hypothesizes the presence of a verb (...)
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    The (en)rich(ed) meaning of expletive negation.Denis Delfitto, Chiara Melloni & Maria Vender - 2019 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 1 (1):57-89.
    This contribution addresses the issue of one of the instances of non-standard negation, the so-called expletive negation (EN). Though it discusses data from a variety of languages, it mainly concentrates on Italian, proposing that the behavior of EN in comparative, exclamative and temporal clauses warrants an analysis of EN in terms of an operator of implicature denial. This approach derives the fact that EN is truth-conditionally irrelevant from the fact that the semantics of negation as a truth-value reversal operator is (...)
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  44. Representations, Attitudes, and Factivity Evaluations: An Epistemically-Based Analysis of Lexical Selection.Daniel Dor - 1996 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    The thesis concerns itself with the selection constraints governing the basic distributional patterns of five complement constructions in English--the bare clause, the that-clause, the interrogative, the concealed question construction and the exclamative complement--across a wide array of knowledge, belief and communication predicates. The relevant distributional phenomena--which predicates are capable of embedding which complement types--have traditionally been captured by stipulative grammatical markings such as subcategorization frames, semantic selection frames and case-theoretic lexical markings. These theoretical tools, even to the extent that they (...)
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    If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell.Francesco Garibaldo & Emilio Rebecchi - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (5):1945-1948.
    Freud puts the verse of Virgil as an epigraph to his book on the interpretation of dreams. It is the exclamation of Juno who, after having tried in every way to defeat Aeneas, witnesses his landing on the coast of Lazio and the birth of Rome. She cannot give a reason for her defeat and then:_she sought the earth: and summoned Allecto, the grief-bringer, from the house of the Fatal Furies, from the infernal shadows: in whose mind are sad wars, (...)
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    (3 other versions)Recherches de facture chez Rimbaud et Cézanne – 2.Yves Letournel - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Section précédente Deuxieme section – L'indétermination L'informe, est au cœur de leur recherche plastique. Telle, au sein des « Vers nouveaux », cette exclamation de Mémoire : Regret des bras épais et jeunes d'herbe pure! Qui regrette? Génitif objectif ou subjectif? Quand? Quels bras? De quels corps? Ceux d'un enfant ou d'une rivière? La nominalisation délivre de toute référence événementielle et temporelle ; la modalité exclamative fait surgir radieusement le - Poétique et Études littéraires – GALERIE – Nouvel article.
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  47. THIS IS NICE OF YOU. Introduction by Ben Segal.Gary Lutz - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):43-51.
    Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Currently available in the collection I Looked Alive . © 2010 The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions | ISBN 978-1934029-07-7 Originally published 2003 Four Walls Eight Windows. continent. 1.1 (2011): 43-51. Introduction Ben Segal What interests me is instigated language, language dishabituated from its ordinary doings, language startled by itself. I don't know where that sort of interest locates me, or leaves me, but a lot of the books I see in the stores (...)
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    Ethical Naturalism in the Thought of Edward O. Wilson A Critical Review of His Major Works.John-Henry Morgan - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):175-202.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} One of the most celebrated biologists of the past century, Edward O. Wilson has received virtually every scientific award and recognition for his provocative and innovative enquiry into the nature of the relationship between moral behavior and biology which the scientific community can offer. For over twenty-five years, (...)
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  49. Lying and Insincerity.Eliot Michaelson & Andreas Stokke - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Andreas Stokke presents a comprehensive study of lying and insincere language use. He investigates how lying relates to other forms of insincerity and explores the kinds of attitudes that go with insincere uses of language. -/- Part I develops an account of insincerity as a linguistic phenomenon. Stokke provides a detailed theory of the distinction between lying and speaking insincerely, and accounts for the relationship between lying and deceiving. A novel framework of assertion underpins the analysis of various kinds of (...)
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    Titles of mass media interview in aspect of linguistic pragmatics.N. V. Bychkovskaya - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):58.
    Titles of modern interviews are studied on the material of German mass media texts. Leading syntactic structures, communicative signs and pragmatical aspects of titles are analyzed. The most attention is paid to titles in form of questions or exclamation, which have the strongest communicative pragmatical effect. Exclamation and questions in the position of titles lose value of incentive and interrogative, incentive or interrogative remain only formally, which makes them quasi-incentive and quasi-interrogative. Exclamation and question functions go by the wayside, in (...)
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