Results for 'Expertiza Tehnică de Fizica Construcţiei–Grupul'

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  1. statuar Matia Corvinul, Piaţa Unirii Cluj-Napoca.K. Magyari & Expertiza Tehnică de Fizica Construcţiei–Grupul - forthcoming - Utilitas.
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  2. Corectitudine tehnică.Magdalena Boiangiu - 2003 - Dilema 537:5.
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    Ordo ab chao: structuri de ordine în fizică și societate : eseuri.Ionel I. Purica - 1996 - București: Editura Tehnică.
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  4. Fondarea Uniunii Europene și evoluția tratatelor comunității europene.Cristian Alexandru - manuscript
    De ce a fost fondată Uniunea Europeană? Un prim răspuns ar fi dorinţa de pace după un război devastator şi umilitor. Un al doilea răspuns ar fi realizarea importanţei unităţii. O unitate care se va caracteriza printr-o diversitate a culturilor şi a limbilor. Statele europene nu au dorit să renunţe la suveranitatea lor, au vrut să devină un corp comun pentru a nu a mai putea fi călcate în picioare de iureşul istoriei. Ca orice unitate, UE avea nevoie de un (...)
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    Cosmologia carteziană [Cartesian Cosmology; in Romanian].Mihnea Dobre - 2021 - Bucharest: Bucharest University Press.
    Lucrarea de față explorează receptarea cosmologiei lui René Descartes ca “fizică mozaică”. În mod tradițional, teoria lui Descartes despre formarea și structura lumii a fost citită în lumina unei explicații mecanice bazate pe teoria vârtejurilor. La un nivel mai general, problemele discutate în lucrarea de față se circumscriu unui cadru mai amplu de dezbateri, specifice cosmologiei filosofice.
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  6. DESPRE BOALĂ ȘI VINDECARE ÎN RELIGIILE ANTICE.Adrian Boldisor - 2024 - Pastoraţia Și Îngrijirea Celor Bolnavi 9 (1):87-77.
    O privire fugitivă asupra unora dintre religiile lumii antice scoate la iveală faptul că, indiferent de structura sa și de teritoriul în care s-a răspândit, credința într-o viață fără boli și suferințe a fost idealul permanent al omului. Astfel că, alături de nădejdea în viața de apoi, încrederea într-un trai mai bun încă de pe pământ a reprezentat o constată a vieții private și publice. În acest sens, au existat divinități, dar și specialiști, care s-au îngrijit de întreținerea speranțelor oamenilor. (...)
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    Ethical Expertise and Bioethics.Abrudan Elena - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):397-402.
    800x600 Normal 0 21 false false false RO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Review of Mihaela Frunză, Expertiza etică și bioetica. Studii de caz (Ethical Expertise and Bioethics. Case Studies). Cluj-Napoca, Limes Publishing House, 2010.
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  8. Teorii si ideologii politice.Eugen Huzum (ed.) - 2013 - Iasi: Institutul European.
    Nu cu foarte mult timp în urmă, grupul de teorie socială şi politică din cadrul proiectului POSDRU 89/1.5/S/56815 „Societatea bazată pe cunoaştere-cercetări, dezbateri, perspective”, a publicat, tot la editura Institutul European, lucrarea Concepte şi teorii social-politice. Volumul de faţă reprezintă un nou pas al grupului nostru de lucru în realizarea proiectului inaugurat prin publicarea acelei lucrări. Este vorba, reamintesc, despre proiectul elaborării unor volume care să-i ajute pe cei interesaţi în iniţierea (lor sau a altora) în teoria (şi în special (...)
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    Easier to break from inside than from outside =.Florentin Smarandache - 2017 - Bruxelles, Belgium: Pons Editions. Edited by Andruşa R. Vătuiu.
    This book contains concrete examples from history, economy, biology, digital world, nuclear physics, agriculture and so on about breaking a neutrosophic dynamic system (i.e. a dynamic system that has indeterminacy) from inside. We define a neutrosophic mathematical model using a system of ordinary differential equations and the neutrosophic probability in order to approximate the process of breaking from inside a neutrosophic complex dynamic system. It shows that for breaking from inside it is needed a smaller force than for breaking from (...)
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  10. Book reviews (Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; ..., etc.). [REVIEW]Gabriel Cercel, Attila Szigeti, Cristian Ciocan, Cristina Ionescu, Mădălina Diaconu, Roxana Albu, Bogdan Mincă, Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban & Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1):319-435.
    "Gabriel Cercel: Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; Attila Szigeti: Emmanuel LEVINAS, Positivité et transcendance. Suivi de Lévinas et la phenomenology; Cristian Ciocan: Jean-Luc MARION, Crucea vizibilului; Gabriel Cercel: Mădălina DIACONU, Blickumkehr. Mit Martin Heidegger zu einer relationalen ästhetik; Cristina Ionescu: Mark WRATHALL, Jeff MALPAS, Essays in Honour of Hubert L. Dreyfus; Cristian Ciocan: Ion COPOERU, Aparenţă şi sens. Repere ale fenomenologiei constitutive; Cristian Ciocan: Michael INWOOD, A Heidegger Dictionary; Cristian Ciocan: Linda FISCHER, Lester EMBREE, Feminist Phenomenology; Mădălina (...)
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  11. Intervención con adolescentes consumidores de droga.José Luis Sancho Acero - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (967):74-77.
    Hablar de adolescentes consumidores de drogas supone deducir automáticamente conductas delictivas, violentas, faltas de respeto en la escuela, marginalidad, etc. Todo ello haciéndonos eco de la experiencia social que relaciona consumo y conductas desadaptadas. Esto si no nos ponemos a generalizar y clasificamos a todos los adolescentes como realizadores de estas conductas inadecuadas. Es como si de repente hubiésemos perdido a toda una generación, de hecho hemos llegado a inventarnos un nombre en función de los que no saben hacer y (...)
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    Una cuestión de humanidad.Juan Acerbi - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
    The question of the trait that would distinguish human beings from the rest of the animals has kept humanity awake for centuries. Their ability to express themselves through words, their use of reason, their self-awareness of their finiteness or their capacity to produce and appreciate the art have been some of the faculties that, over the centuries, have come to give humanity a justification for its position in the world. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, many of these attributes came (...)
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    Postface. Le texte est-il soluble dans le textiel?Jean-Michel Adam - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Il est […] illusoire de vouloir affronter seul des problèmes qui appellent le dépassement des limites liées aux spécialisations disciplinaires et aux enjeux institutionnels. Après avoir lu l’ensemble des contributions au présent volume de Corela et m’être plongé dans un certain nombre de travaux cités dans ces articles, profitant du fait qu’Ingrid Mayeur et Marie-Anne Paveau ont eu l’élégance de me convier à un dialogue critique, je répondrai brièvement à cert...
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    Comentário a “Liberalismo e republicanismo: avanços e contradições sobre o espaço público no pensamento de Hannah Arendt”: liberalismo e republicanismo em Hannah Arendt.Odilio Alves Aguiar - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400323.
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    Causação e Física Clássica: existe possibilidade de conciliação?Túlio Roberto Xavier de Aguiar - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (3):353-364.
    In this work, I analyze our concept of cause in the face of criticism of Bertrand Russell in his article “On the Notion of Cause”. For Russell, there is an estrangement between the notion of cause and mature science of physics. The word cause (and its correlates) would not be used in physics, thus eliminating the main justification of philosophy for his job—the foundation of science. Thus, the various causal notions and the principle of causality should be abandoned by philosophers (...)
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    Continuidades e transformações nas manifestações rupestres da tradição planalto em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. O caso das pinturas rupestres do município de Rio Negro.Rodrigo Luiz Simas de Aguiar, Keny Marques Lima & Laio Guimarães Freitas - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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    Crescenciano Grave: Metafísica y tragedia. Un ensayo sobre Schelling, México: Ediciones sin nombre 2008.Edgar F. Rodríguez Aguilar - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 36 (1):189-196.
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    Claroscuros: logros y pendientes del Estado mexicano a 100 años de su constitución de 1917 = Chiaroscuro: achievements and outstanding of the state Mexican to 100 years of its constitution of 1917. [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Blancas Aguilar - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política:37-67.
    RESUMEN: A lo largo de 100 años, la constitución mexicana de 1917, se ha ido adecuando a los nuevos tiempos, circunstancias y exigencias de la sociedad, ampliándose sus derechos fundamentales, fortaleciéndose los mecanismos para su defensa, y ajustándose la relación entre el Estado y una sociedad plural, diversa y compleja. Sin embargo, en esta trayectoria el texto constitucional no ha estado exento de claroscuros motivados por las constantes reformas que ha sufrido en las últimas dos décadas. Esta conmemoración es una (...)
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    Altérité et éthique de responsabilité chez Emmanuel Levinas.Théophile B. Akoha - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Face à la tendance ordinaire de l'homme à l'égoïsme, à la recherche d'intérêts personnels et aux confits variés où la raison du plus fort est la meilleure, il faut des pensées fortes qui montrent la voie d'une humanité retrouvée. La pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas en est une. Des commentateurs en parlent en termes d'une nouvelle sagesse d'amour au profit d'une altérité vivifiée. Cette pensée décrit en effet ce qui doit normalement meubler toute approche relationnelle : la responsabilité du Moi pour autrui. (...)
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    Introduction: Quis dixit? The Vicissitudes of Authority in Early Modern Cosmology.Ovanes Akopyan & Pietro Daniel Omodeo - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (5):819-825.
    Naturae vero rerum vis atque majestas in omnibus momentis fide caret, si quis modo partes ejus ac non totam coplectatur animo.1In the De natura deorum, Cicero recalls that followers of Pythagoras often justified justified their acceptance of a statement by appealing to the authority of their teacher. For them, inasmuch as Pythagoras “himself said it,” his words should be accepted unreservedly and there was no reason to argue further.2 Since antiquity, “ipse dixit” has been considered the most straightforward summary of (...)
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    La philosophie du développement humain: réflexions autour de l'œuvre de Claver Boundja.François-Xavier Akono & Nathasha Pemba (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Qui n'a souvenir de la grande palabre sur la philosophie africaine? Paulin Houtondji, Marcien Towa, Eboussi Boulaga, Niamkey Koffi et bien d'autres y ont valablement laissé du leur au point de s'imposer aujourd'hui comme des références incontournables de la philosophie d'Afrique. On est parfois tenté de songer à la fin de l'activité philosophique chez les Africains avec ceux-là. C'est justement à cette éventuelle fin que refusent de souscrire aussi bien le philosophe congolais Claver Boundja que l'équipe de jeunes philosophes ayant (...)
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    Experiencia de Hacer Filosofía Con Niños Desde Las Voces de Los Docentes.Julia Alcain, Norma Letica Vázquez & Andrea Beatriz Pac - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-15.
    En el presente escrito indagamos en representaciones de docentes en torno a la experiencia de llevar adelante propuestas de filosofía con niños. Para ello, proponemos, primero, precisar las implicancias de lo que denominamos escenas filosóficas, definimos a la enseñanza de la filosofía como un problema filosófico y caracterizamos, luego, la práctica a partir de una polémica sobre su denominación de filosofía para niños o filosofía con niños. Para relevar estas representaciones, realizamos seis entrevistas en profundidad a docentes que tienen amplia (...)
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  23. Liberty and Democracy.[author unknown] - 1919 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 87:160-162.
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  24. Los Departamentos de Comunicación de las ONG: investigación comparativa entre Argentina y España.Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz, Rebeca Martín Nieto & Lilia Ivana Mamic - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 85:130-143.
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    Aventuras en el Mundo de la Lógica: Ensayos en Honor a María Manzano.Enrique Alonso, Antonia Huertas & Andrei Moldovan (eds.) - 2019 - College Publications.
    Este libro es un compendio de diversos artículos del ámbito de la Lógica que cubren un amplio abanico de temas ofreciendo una panorámica sobre esta disciplina. Encontraremos artículos sobre aspectos históricos y sobe el desarrollo de la lógica en la filosofía, la informática y las matemáticas actuales; otros sobre cuestiones de metalógica, y otros sobre diferentes tipos de lógicas: intuicionista, híbridas e intensionales, y sus lenguajes, semánticas y aplicaciones. El resultado en su conjunto es, además, una reflexión sobre el papel (...)
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    Les Problèmes de l'induction. [REVIEW]P. D. M. A. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):172-172.
    This little volume shows a remarkable familiarity with both continental and Anglo-American literature on the subjects of probability and induction. Discussion is both expository and critical. The author argues in favor of a psychological-pragmatic interpretation of the principle of induction and the theory of confirmation.--A. P. D. M.
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    Psicologiá y literatura.Rafael Altamira - 1905 - Barcelona,: Henrich y ca.
    Este libro es una exploracion profunda sobre la relacion entre la psicologia y la literatura. El autor Rafael Altamira analiza como los personajes literarios reflejan y dan forma a nuestras propias experiencias de la vida y la mente humana, y demuestra como la literatura puede ser una herramienta poderosa para comprender el mundo que nos rodea. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This (...)
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    Siglen.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter.
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  29. Schopenhauers Ausserungen über Musik: beim Wort genommen.Efw Altwein - 1984 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 65:175-178.
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  30. Machismo estrutural e suas manifestações cotidianas: um estudo sobre microagressões em espaços públicos e institucionais. (13th edition).Fabiana Brito - 2024 - Contribuiciones a Las Ciencias Sociales 17.
    O machismo estrutural, manifestado por microagressões no cotidiano, é um dos principais fatores que perpetuam a desigualdade de gênero. Essas microagressões, embora aparentemente inofensivas, reforçam estereótipos sexistas e consolidam uma hierarquia de poder entre os gêneros. O estudo, através da metodologia fundamentada em análise bibliográfica comparativa, aponta que, por serem naturalizadas, essas práticas afetam o bem-estar psicológico e social das mulheres e dificultam mudanças estruturais em prol da equidade. A cultura histórica de submissão feminina contribui para a segregação ocupacional e (...)
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  31. Antropología filosófica.Gabriel Amengual - 2007 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
    Se ha discutido si la antropología en la modernidad se ha convertido en el centro de la filosofía. De hecho, la antropología es como un cruce de caminos en el que confluyen muchas cuestiones filosóficas. El hombre mismo es una cuestión cuya complejidad extiende sus hilos a todo el campo de la filosofía. La realidad toda se entreteje en sus fibras, de ahí la caracterización renacentista del hombre como microcosmos. El carácter corporal y social, la afectividad, el lenguaje y, especialmente, (...)
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    Identité de genre et violence subie : du non-dit au « ça-voir ».Wafa Ammar & Samia Smida - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):137-150.
    Bien que la Tunisie lutte pour les droits humains, la diversité sexuelle et de l’identité de genre reste frappée par l’exclusion et les discours stigmatisants. Les personnes appartenant à la communauté lgbt continuent à subir un traitement dégradant. Elles sont exposées à un système rejetant qui les place dans les marges et justifie leur maintien dans l’invisibilité et l’illégitimité sociales. Sur la base d’une analyse qualitative de discours de personnes concernées par la diversité de genre, bénéficiant d’une prise en charge (...)
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  33. Cicero in the German Enlightenment.Hahmann Andree & Michael Vazquez - 2024 - In Andree Hahmann & Michael Vazquez, Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on His Philosophy and Its Legacy. De Gruyter. pp. 391-408.
    This chapter explores Cicero’s reception in the German Enlightenment, a topic that has garnered less scholarly attention compared to his influence in the Anglosphere. Focusing on Johann Joachim Spalding and Christian Garve as case studies, we highlight Cicero’s profound and often underappreciated impact on German intellectual thought, particularly in shaping ideas about the human vocation (Bestimmung des Menschen)—a legacy that extends even to the towering figure of the German Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant.
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    De grenzen van het denken van Nussbaum.Christophe Andrades - 2007 - Krisis 8 (2):82-88.
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  35. Evans' Varieties of Reference and the anchoring problem.Michael L. Anderson - unknown
    To think about how to anchor abstract symbols to objects in the world is to become part of a tradition in philosophy with a long history, and an especially rich recent past. It is to ask, with Wittgenstein, “What makes my thought about him, a thought about him?” and thus it is to wonder not just about the nature of referring expressions or singular terms, but about the nature of referring beings. With this in mind I hereby endeavor—briefly, incompletely, but (...)
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  36. Las "deudas metafísicas": Kant y Hume o los "balseros" de la metafísica.Bernardo Pérez Andreo - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (168):347-360.
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    Self y creatividad en el pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce: "la incidencia del instante presente en la conducta".Fernando Andacht - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):39-65.
    The article discusses the theoretical and analytical relevance of spontaneity, the basis of creativity, considered as a central aspect of the semiotic model of C. S. Peirce, through the study of its incidence on human identity, on the self. To do so, I work with a series of technical concepts ..
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  38. O léxico filosófico de Aristóteles (III): Comentários a Metafísica V.18-30.Lucas Angioni - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:295-376.
    These are the commentaries (or notes) for Aristotle's Metaphysics V (Delta) 18-30. This file must be read together with the translation into Portuguese, which has been published as a different item, with a different DOI. In the Introduction, I discuss many issues about Aristotle's jargon, Aristotle's style and Aristotle's awareness of many philosophical problems that nowadays we locate within the branch Philosophy of Language.
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    Holism: A Consumer Update.Louise Anthony - 1993 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 46:135-161.
    Fodor and LePore's reconstruction of the semantic holism debate in terms of "atomism" and "anatomism" is inadequate: it fails to highlight the important issue of how intentional contents are individuated, and excludes or obscures several possible positions on the metaphysics of content. One such position, "weak sociabilism" is important because it addresses concerns of Fodor and LePore's molecularist critics about conditions for possession of concepts, without abandoning atomism about content individuation. Properties like DEMOCRACY may be "theoretical" in the following sense: (...)
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    Ying yong lun li xue de xin shi ye: 2007 "ke ji lun li yu zhi ye lun li" guo ji xue shu yan tao hui wen ji.Yanming An & Qian Wang (eds.) - 2008 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    --Fons vitae Christus: der Heilsweg des Menschen nach der Schrift De Isaac et anima des Ambrosius von Mailand.Mouchir Basile Aoun - 1996 - Altenberge [Germany]: Oros Verlag.
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  42. Language and mlndstyle ln anglophone popular.Romantlc Flctlon Under Apartheld & John A. Stotesbury - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14:18.
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    Reassessing the role of informed decision-making in cardiac xenotransplantation.Alberto Aparicio, Peyton Swanson & Daniel Aillaud De Uriarte - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (3):170-171.
    With the pressing shortage of human organs and recent breakthroughs in gene editing, xenotransplantation—using animal organs, tissues or cells for human transplants—offers new hope for patients on wait lists. The use of genome editing technologies to produce xenotransplants from pigs with reduced immunogenicity has recently brought renewed attention to the field while also raising a host of ethical dilemmas. These concerns include animal welfare, the risks of zoonotic diseases, the moral implications of crossing species boundaries and the potential inequities in (...)
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  44. Kann der postkantische Standpunkt der Moralität noch einmal in substantielle Sittlichkeit "aufgehoben" werden?Karl-Otto Apel - 1986 - In Wolfgang Kuhlmann & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Moralität und Sittlichkeit: das Problem Hegels und die Diskursethik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    De la Cognition Incarnée au Corps Cognitivisé.Patricia Apostol - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:15-24.
    From Embodied Cognition to the Cognitivised Body. The construction of meaning, before being a linguistic or neuronal phenomenon, is a sensitive phenomenon, indebted to the bodily experience of the world, the lived body. Varela’s neurophenomenological approach, which is inspired by the intertwining of the subject and the world as proposed by Merleau-Ponty, can only take in charge an ordinary production of meaning. What about when one produces a concept or a work of art? In other words, how does the body-mind (...)
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    Eλeγeia / elegien.H. G. Archilochos - 1979 - In Archilochos: Griechisch Und Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 20-28.
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    13. Family Law (First Annex).David Archard - 2016 - In Jean-Christophe Merle, Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 187-196.
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    Indirekt überliefertes.H. G. Archilochos - 1979 - In Archilochos: Griechisch Und Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 108-116.
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    Louis Néel, le magnétisme et Grenoble: Récit de la création d'un empire physicien dans la province française, 1940-1965Dominique Pestre. [REVIEW]Thomas Archibald - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):514-515.
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    La Sublime Fascinación de la Decadencia. Oswald Spengler y Ernst Jünger Entre El Milenarismo y El Modernismo Reaccionario.Luciano Arcella - 2017 - Praxis Filosófica 44:193-219.
    Mientras Spengler cree en un sistema cíclico que regula la historia de las culturas humanas y por lo tanto considera inevitable la destrucción de la civilización occidental, que dejará sus poderes (la técnica) a otras culturas que no los sabrán utilizar, Jünger, en cuanto a la Modernidad, ve la interrupción de la regularidad cíclica por la increíble aceleración de su tiempo, y por lo tanto considera posible una regeneración. Sin embargo, ambos, aunque expresen con fuerza el valor negativo de la (...)
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