Results for 'F. A. Meyer'

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  1.  21
    Introduction to Ben F. Meyer's "Election-Historical Thinking in Romans 9-11, and Ourselves".Ben F. Meyer - 2004 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 7 (4):150-170.
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    Free choice and contextually permitted actions.F. Dignum, J. -J. Ch Meyer & R. J. Wieringa - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):193 - 220.
    We present a solution to the paradox of free choice permission by introducing strong and weak permission in a deontic logic of action. It is shown how counterintuitive consequences of strong permission can be avoided by limiting the contexts in which an action can be performed. This is done by introducing the only operator, which allows us to say that only is performed (and nothing else), and by introducing contextual interpretation of action terms.
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    Estrogens in human psychosexual differentiation.Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):336-337.
    There is some very limited evidence for a role of estrogens in human psychosexual masculinization; its interpretation is uncertain. Fitch & Denenberg's demonstration of a role for estrogens in the behavioral feminization of nonhuman mammals implicitly suggests an answer to a riddle posed by the syndrome of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in women.
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    Psyche as the Principle and Cause of Life in Aristotle.Martin F. Meyer - 2012 - Peitho 3 (1):115-142.
    Biology is the most extensive field in the Corpus Aristotelicum. In his fundamental work De anima, Aristotle tries to fix the borders of this life science. The term ψυχή has a twofold explanatory status. On the one hand, ψυχή is understood as a principle of all living beings. On the other hand, it is understood as a cause of the fact that all living beings are alive. The paper is divided into three sections. The first part shows why Aristotle discusses (...)
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    Platon und das Sokratische Pragma.Martin F. Meyer - 2004 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 9 (1):1-21.
    What made Socrates so special that he became the object of mockery, slander and hate? The answer in the Apology is expressed in the formula of the ‘Socratic pragma’. Plato claims that Socrates’ philosophical enterprise was a reaction to the Delphic oracle according to which no living Greek was wiser than Socrates. But does this really explain what it pretends to explain? The paper argues that this explanation tells us more about Plato’s philosophical approach than about this alleged turning point (...)
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    The nature of the organic. On the scientific significance of Aristotelian biology.Martin F. Meyer - 2008 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1):32-53.
    The core thesis of the paper is that the constitution of biological science begins with a conceptual innovation with far-reaching consequences with effect up to the present: by conceiving the parts of living beings as organs (that is, as tools), Aristotle laid the foundation stone for a functional explanation of animate nature. Comparative anatomy is thus transformed from a merely descriptive to an explanatory theory. The point of the discussion is above all that a functional explanation must not be confused (...)
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    Psychology: An Elementary Text-Book.H. Ebbinghaus & M. F. Meyer - 1908 - Dc Heath.
    Psychology has a long past, yet its real history is short. For thousands of years it has existed and has been growing older; but in the earlier part of this period it cannot boast of any continuous progress toward a riper and richer development. In the fourth century before our era that giant thinker, Aristotle, built it up into an edifice comparing very favorably with any other science of that time. But this edifice stood without undergoing any noteworthy changes or (...)
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  8.  18
    The secretion pathway of IgA protease‐type proteins in gram‐negative bacteria.Thomas Klauser, Johannes Pohlner & Thomas F. Meyer - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (12):799-805.
    The pathogenic, Gram‐negative bacteria, Neisseria gon‐orrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae, secrete immunoglobulin A1 proteases into their extracellular surroundings. An extraordinary feature in the secretory pathway of these putative virulence factors is a self‐directed outer membrane transport step allowing the proteins to be secreted autonomously, even from foreign Gram‐negative host cells like Escherichia coli. Here we summarize recent achievements in the understanding of IgA protease outer membrane translocation.
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    Closing the genotype–phenotype gap: Emerging technologies for evolutionary genetics in ecological model vertebrate systems.Claudius F. Kratochwil & Axel Meyer - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (2):213-226.
    The analysis of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of the genotype–phenotypic connection has, so far, only been possible in a handful of genetic model systems. Recent technological advances, including next‐generation sequencing methods such as RNA‐seq, ChIP‐seq and RAD‐seq, and genome‐editing approaches including CRISPR‐Cas, now permit to address these fundamental questions of biology also in organisms that have been studied in their natural habitats. We provide an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of these novel techniques and experimental approaches that can now (...)
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  10.  34
    Rules and reasoning: essays in honour of Fred Schauer.Frederick F. Schauer & Linda Meyer (eds.) - 1999 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    The essays in this volume are all concerned with the arguments about law as a system of rule-based decision-making,particularly the ideas advanced by legal philosopher Frederick Schauer. Schauer's work has not only helped revive interest in legal formalism but has also helped relocate arguments about the relationship between posited rules and morality. The contributors to this volume, themselves distinguished theorists, have concentrated on three aspects of Schauer's work: the nature of jurisprudential description; his theory of presumptive positivism; and the application (...)
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  11. Ai, Me and Lewis (Abelian Implication, Material Equivalence and C I Lewis 1920).Robert K. Meyer - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (2):169-181.
    C I Lewis showed up Down Under in 2005, in e-mails initiated by Allen Hazen of Melbourne. Their topic was the system Hazen called FL (a Funny Logic), axiomatized in passing in Lewis 1921. I show that FL is the system MEN of material equivalence with negation. But negation plays no special role in MEN. Symbolizing equivalence with → and defining ∼A inferentially as A→f, the theorems of MEN are just those of the underlying theory ME of pure material equivalence. (...)
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  12. Time and Modality.Ulrich Meyer - 2011 - In Craig Callender, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 91--121.
    With the rigorous development of modal logic in the first half of the twentieth century, it became custom amongst philosophers to characterize different views about necessity and possibility in terms of rival axiomatic systems for the modal operators ‘ ’ (‘possibly’) and ‘ ’ (‘necessarily’). From the late 1950s onwards, Arthur Prior began to argue that temporal distinctions ought to be given a similar treatment, in terms of axiomatic systems for sentential tense operators, such as ‘P’ (‘it was the case (...)
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  13.  66
    (1 other version)Hypocrisy, NIMBY, and the Politics of Everybody's Backyard.John M. Meyer - 2010 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 13 (3):325-327.
    Feldman and Turner defend the making of so-called ‘NIMBY’ claims as ethically justifiable. They do so while confronting a case—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s opposition to the Cape Wind Project in Nantuck...
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  14.  8
    Fundamental studies on Jean Bodin.Jacob Peter Meyer (ed.) - 1914 - New York: Arno Press.
    Hauser, H. La response de Jean Bodin à M. de Malestroit.--Levron, J. Jean Bodin et sa famille.--Kamp, M. E. Die Staatswirtschaftslehre Jean Bodins.--Mesnard, P. La pensée religieuse de Bodin.--Bezold, F. von, Jean Bodin als Occultist und seine Démonomanie.--Bezold, F. von. Jean Bodins Colloquium Heptaplomeres und der Altheismus des 16.--Feist, E. Weltbild und Staatsidee bei Jean Bodin.--Mayer, J. P. Jefferson as reader of Bodin.
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    Questioning Martin Heidegger: On Western Metaphysics, Bhuddhist Ethics, and the Fate of the Sentient Earth.Eric D. Meyer - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
    In Questioning Martin Heidegger, Martin Heidegger’s “Overcoming Metaphysics” provides the jumping-off point for a wide-ranging critique and deconstruction of Western philosophy. This book also addresses Martin Heidegger’s controversial relationship with German National Socialism and the Holocaust, as well as with contemporary philosophers like J. F. Lyotard and Jacques Derrida.
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  16.  35
    Sentential constants in relevance implication.Robert K. Meyer - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (1):33-36.
    Sentential constants have been part of the R environment since Church [1]. They have had diverse uses in explicating relevant ideas and in sim- plifying them technically. Of most interest have been the Ackermann pair of constants t; f, functioning conceptually as a least truth, and as a greatest , under the ordering of propositions under true impli- cation. Also interesting have been the Church constants F; T, functioning similarly as least greatest propositions.
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  17.  71
    Automatic Behavior and Moral Agency: Defending the Concept of Personhood from Empirically Based Skepticism.C. D. Meyers - 2015 - Acta Analytica 30 (2):193-209.
    Empirical evidence indicates that much of human behavior is unconscious and automatic. This has led some philosophers to be skeptical of responsible agency or personhood in the moral sense. I present two arguments defending agency from these skeptical concerns. My first argument, the “margin of error” argument, is that the empirical evidence is consistent with the possibility that our automatic behavior deviates only slightly from what we would do if we were in full conscious control. Responsible agency requires only that (...)
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  18. The knowledge argument, abilities, and metalinguistic beliefs.Uwe Meyer - 2001 - Erkenntnis 55 (3):325-347.
    In this paper I discuss a variant of the knowledge argument which is based upon Frank Jackson's Mary thought experiment. Using this argument, Jackson tries to support the thesis that a purely physical – or, put generally: an objectively scientific – perspective upon the world excludes the important domain of `phenomenal' facts, which are only accessible introspectively. Martine Nida-Rümelinhas formulated the epistemological challenge behind the case of Mary especially clearly. I take her formulation of the problem as a starting-point and (...)
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  19. The Expiation Motif in the Eucharistic Words: A Key to the History of Jesus.Ben F. Meyer - 1988 - Gregorianum 69 (3):461-487.
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  20.  33
    Inferring common cognitive mechanisms from brain blood-flow lateralization data: a new methodology for fTCD analysis.Georg F. Meyer, Amy Spray, Jo E. Fairlie & Natalie T. Uomini - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:81044.
    Current neuroimaging techniques with high spatial resolution constrain participant motion so that many natural tasks cannot be carried out. The aim of this paper is to show how a time-locked correlation-analysis of cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) lateralization data, obtained with functional TransCranial Doppler (fTCD) ultrasound, can be used to infer cerebral activation patterns across tasks. In a first experiment we demonstrate that the proposed analysis method results in data that are comparable with the standard Lateralization Index (LI) for within-task (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Using wearable cameras to investigate health-related daily life experiences: A literature review of precautions and risks in empirical studies.Laurel E. Meyer, Lauren Porter, Meghan E. Reilly, Caroline Johnson, Salman Safir, Shelly F. Greenfield, Benjamin C. Silverman, James I. Hudson & Kristin N. Javaras - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Research Ethics 18 (1):64-83.
    Research Ethics, Volume 18, Issue 1, Page 64-83, January 2022. Automated, wearable cameras can benefit health-related research by capturing accurate and objective information about individuals’ daily experiences. However, wearable cameras present unique privacy- and confidentiality-related risks due to the possibility of the images capturing identifying or sensitive information from participants and third parties. Although best practice guidelines for ethical research with wearable cameras have been published, limited information exists on the risks of studies using wearable cameras. The aim of this (...)
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  22.  36
    Philosophical psychology in historical perspective: Review essay of J.‐C. Smith ,Historical foundations of cognitive science. [REVIEW]T. C. Meyering - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (3):381 – 390.
    Historiography of science faces a preliminary question of strategy. A continuist conception of the history of science poses research problems different from those of a dynamic conception, which acknowledges that not only our theoretical knowledge but also the explananda themselves may change under the influence of new scientific insights. Whereas continuist historiography may advance our understanding of (the historical background of) current theoretical problems, dynamic historiography may also make a creative contribution to the progress of present-day research. This f act (...)
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  23.  33
    Cognition and norms: toward a developmental account of moral agency in social dilemmas.Leandro F. F. Meyer & Marcelo J. Braga - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:117232.
    Most recent developments in the study of social dilemmas give an increasing amount of attention to cognition, belief systems, valuations, and language. However, developments in this field operate almost entirely under epistemological assumptions which only recognize the instrumental form of rationality and deny that “value judgments” or “moral questions” have cognitive content. This standpoint erodes the moral aspect of the choice situation and obstructs acknowledgment of the links connecting cognition, inner growth, and moral reasoning, and the significance of such links (...)
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  24.  22
    A History of ImmunizationH. J. Parish.K. F. Meyer - 1968 - Isis 59 (1):108-110.
  25. A Tricky Business: Ascribing New Meaning to Old Texts.B. F. Meyer - 1990 - Gregorianum 71 (4):743-761.
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  26. Learning motivated by a manipulation drive.Harry F. Harlow, Margaret Kuenne Harlow & Donald R. Meyer - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (2):228.
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    Literary Forms of Argument in Early China eds. by Joachim Gentz and Dirk Meyer.Erica F. Brindley - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (3):1-3.
    Literary Forms of Argument in Early China examines the functions of rhetorical markers and devices as well as the patterns and larger modes structuring various styles of early Chinese argumentation. The nine contributors to the volume each present tight analyses of specific compositional or literary aspects of persuasion, hoping to demonstrate how an unabashed focus on the formal elements of philosophical writing might come to the aid of, or even more drastically alter and transform, philosophical interpretation. The volume includes essays (...)
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  28.  40
    Diversity in attitudes toward farming and patterns of work among farm women: A regional comparison. [REVIEW]Peggy F. Barlett, Linda Lobao & Katherine Meyer - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (4):343-354.
    Attention to diversity in women's attitudes toward farming and in women's patterns of farm work activity expands our understanding of the linkage between agrarian structure, regional history, and the behavior and values of individual farm women. We combine several disciplinary and methodological approaches to reveal patterns in work and values in a Southern case and then verify the existence of similar patterns in the Midwest. Two divergent conceptions of women's relationship to farm and marital partnership were found in a Georgia (...)
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  29.  9
    Introduction to Ben F. Meyer's "Election-Historical Thinking in Romans 9-11, and Ourselves".John W. Martens - 2004 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 7 (4):150-170.
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    Towards a Modest Legal Moralism: Concept, Open Questions, and Potential Extension. [REVIEW]F. Meyer - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):237-244.
    The article introduces and critiques Antony Duff’s Modest Legal Moralism from a strictly analytical angle. It seeks to illuminate its core tenets and modestly addresses a number of aspects that deserve further elaboration from the author’s point of view. Notwithstanding these points of contention the main thrust of the article is the exploration of the constructive potential of Duff’s concept. It will be shown that its core elements are well-equipped to come to grips with the lacuna of theorization of supranational (...)
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  31. Entailment: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity. [REVIEW]F. K. C. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (2):335-337.
    The title of this and proposed second volume presents the basic idea which unifies the wide variety of topics developed and investigated by the principal authors, major contributing authors, J. M. Dunn and Robert K. Meyer, and eleven other contributors. The other contributors are: J. R. Chidgey, J. A. Coffa, Dorthy L. Grover, Bas van Fraassen, H. Leblanc, Storrs McCall, A. Parks, G. Pottinger, R. Routley, A. Urquhart, and R. G. Wolf. From both the useful analytic table of contents (...)
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  32.  27
    A verification framework for agent programming with declarative goals.F. S. de Boer, K. V. Hindriks, W. van der Hoek & J. -J. Ch Meyer - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (2):277-302.
  33. A Referate uber deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen-Physis und Ethos.Jorn Muller & Martin F. Meyer - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):211.
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  34.  51
    Intuitionistic propositional logic without 'contraction' but with 'reductio'.J. M. Méndez & F. Salto - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (3):409-418.
    Routley- Meyer type relational complete semantics are constructed for intuitionistic contractionless logic with reductio. Different negation completions of positive intuitionistic logic without contraction are treated in a systematical, unified and semantically complete setting.
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  35.  23
    On problems of conditioning discriminated lever-press avoidance responses.D. R. Meyer, Chungsoo Cho & Ann F. Wesemann - 1960 - Psychological Review 67 (4):224-228.
  36.  35
    Toward a Phenomenological Theory of Learning: the Contribution of B. F. Skinner.Miles W. Meyer - 1975 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 5 (2):335-368.
  37.  35
    On programming KARO agents.J. Meyer, F. de Boer, R. van Eijk, K. Hindriks & W. van der Hoek - 2001 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (2):245-256.
    After having defined the KARO logic for specifying intelligent agents in earlier work we now turn to the question how to realise agents specified in the KARO framework. To this end we look at agent programming languages that we have defined, and investigate how programs in these languages can be linked to the KARO logic.
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  38.  70
    Two Anglo-Norman Culinary Collections Edited from British Library Manuscripts Additional 32085 and Royal 12.C.xii.Constance B. Hieatt & Robin F. Jones - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):859-882.
    The earliest English culinary recipes occur in two Anglo-Norman manuscripts, both in the British Library: Additional 32085 and Royal 12.C.xii. A transcription of the latter, with a few footnotes citing recipes in the former, was published by Paul Meyer in 1893 . Meyer proposed to publish a full version of the earlier manuscript at a later date, but he never did. No new Anglo-Norman collections have turned up since that time, although we have searched in a great number (...)
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  39.  9
    Frequency, duration and recency vs. double stimulation.M. F. Meyer - 1934 - Psychological Review 41 (2):177-183.
  40.  48
    Boekbesprekingen.F. De Meyer, P. C. Beentjes, Hanneke Reuling, Marcel Poorthuis, Martin Parmentier, G. J. Bruins, Marc Schneiders, J. Kerkhofs, Th M. Loran, W. G. Tillmans, P. Schoonenberg, Marie-José van Bolhuis, Jan Kerkhofs, Ger Groot, André Cloots, Hans Goddijn, J. Besemer & Johan G. Hahn - 1989 - Bijdragen 50 (2):210-230.
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    Boekbesprekingen.F. De Meyer, Martin Parmentier, Martien Parmentier, Carl Laga, José Declerck, Marc Schneiders, J. -J. Suurmond, J. Hahn, Silveer De Smet, Bernard Höfte, Hans Goddijn, H. J. Adriaanse, H. Bleijendaal, Louis Groen & Joh G. Hahn - 1988 - Bijdragen 49 (2):207-232.
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  42.  24
    La dimension sapientiale du psaume 62.F. de Meyer - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (4):350-365.
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  43.  14
    La sagesse psalmique et le psaume 94.F. de Meyer - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (1):22-45.
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  44.  16
    Kbd comme nom divin en éblaïte, ougaritique et hébreu.F. De Meyer - 1980 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 11 (2):225-228.
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  45.  21
    Simultaneous versus successive quantification.Leroy F. Meyers - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (2):247-249.
  46. Archaeology, the Rabbis and Early Christianity.Eric M. Meyers & James F. Strange - 1981
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  47.  3
    'Et respondeat': Studien zum deutschen Theater des Mittelalters.Christoph H. F. Meyer - 2002 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    Das 12. Jahrhundert gilt als eine Epoche gro.
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    Die Distinktionstechnik in der Kanonistik des 12. Jahrhunderts: ein Beitrag zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Hochmittelalters.Christoph H. F. Meyer - 2000 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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  49. El personaje imaginario en Unamuno y en Pirandello.M. F. Meyer - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 5:131-140.
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  50. 10. Election-Historical Thinking in Romans 9-11, and Ourselves.Ben F. Meyer - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 7 (4).
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