Results for 'Fabian Heimann'

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  1.  23
    Löwensteins Begriff von Kompetenz und Regressargumente.Fabian Heimann - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (3):384-410.
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  2. Rabern’s Semantics for Metaphysical and Epistemic Modalities and the Nesting Problem.Fabian Heimann - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (3):497-507.
    In a recent paper, Brian Rabern suggests a semantics for languages with two kinds of modality, standard Kripkean metaphysical modality as well as epistemic modality. This semantics presents an alternative to two-dimensionalism, which was developed in the last decades. Both Rabern’s semantics and two-dimensionalism are subject to a puzzle that Chalmers and Rabern, 210–224 2014) call the nesting problem. I will investigate how Rabern’s semantics answers this puzzle.
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  3. Eduard Heimann on the" revolutionary situation"[with rejoinder].Sidney Hook & Eduard Heimann - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Modeling Music-Selection Behavior in Everyday Life: A Multilevel Statistical Learning Approach and Mediation Analysis of Experience Sampling Data.Fabian Greb, Jochen Steffens & Wolff Schlotz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. The Sufficiency Proviso.Fabian Wendt - 2022 - In Matt Zwolinski & Benjamin Ferguson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism. Routledge. pp. 169-183.
    A libertarian theory of justice holds that persons are self-owners and have the Hohfeldian moral power to justly acquire property rights in initially unowned external resources. Different variants of libertarianism can be distinguished according to their stance on the famous Lockean proviso. The proviso requires, in Locke’s words, to leave ‘enough and as good’ for others, and thus specifies limits on the acquisition of property. Left-libertarians accept an egalitarian interpretation of the proviso, ‘right-libertarians’ either reject any kind of proviso or (...)
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    Taxation and the Moral Authority of Conventions.Fabian Wendt - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):118-138.
    Lockeans regard taxation as a—perhaps sometimes permissible—infringement of moral property entitlements. This essay discusses whether, or in what form, this charge is defensible. In doing so, it will explore the truth and the limits of the conventionalist reply of Murphy and Nagel to Lockean challenges to taxation. It argues that there is a moral rationale for property conventions that is independent of the question whether and how one can acquire natural, pre-conventional property rights in the state of nature, that this (...)
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    Adorno’s critique of late capitalism: Negative, explanatory and practical.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2011 - In Karin de Boer & R. Sonderegger (eds.), Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  8. Reason and Faith in Modern Society: Liberalism, Marxism and Democracy.Eduard Heimann - 1963 - Science and Society 27 (3):359-362.
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    The capital frieze and pilasters of the portail Royal, chartres.Adelheid Heimann - 1968 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 31 (1):73-102.
  10.  22
    (1 other version)Vergleich der Antithesen europäischen und indischen Denkens.Betty Heimann - 1926 - Kant Studien 31 (1-3):549-562.
  11.  25
    Kants Unterschied von Ding an sich und Erscheinung in der hegelschen Rezeption.Fabian Ott - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
  12.  31
    Spielen ist unwahrscheinlich: eine Theorie der ludischen Aktion.Fabian Arlt - 2020 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Edited by Hans-Jürgen Arlt.
    Begründet und entfaltet wird ein Begriff des Spiels, der sich um Lockungen und Drohungen des Unerwarteten dreht. Das Autorenduo ordnet seine Theorie der ludischen Aktion in klassische Konzepte des Spiels ein sowie in den aktuellen Diskurs der Game Studies. Die phänomenale Mannigfaltigkeit des Spiels wird in historischer Perspektive skizziert und in systematischer Weise gegliedert. Die Autoren erläutern medientechnische und kommunikative Voraussetzungen des Booms der Computerspiele und reflektieren die Diskussion über Eskalationen ludischer Gewalt. Kritisch ausgeleuchtet werden Instrumentalisierungen des Spiels, die sich (...)
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    Instruments of invention in Renaissance Europe: The cases of Conrad Gesner and Ulisse Aldrovandi.Fabian Kraemer & Helmut Zedelmaier - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (3):321-341.
    The measure of what can be considered “new” is what is already known. What is “new” – be it a (technical) invention, a new method, or a newly discovered natural phenomenon – must distinguish itself...
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    What is Orthodox Critical Theory?Fabian Freyenhagen - unknown
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    (1 other version)Mechanism and Materialism: British Natural Philosophy in the Age of Reason.P. M. Heimann - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (3):297-306.
  16. Distinguishing basic needs and fundamental interests.Fabian Schuppert - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (1):24-44.
    Need-claims are ubiquitous within moral and political theory. However, need-based theories are often criticized for being too narrow in scope and too focused on the material preconditions for leading a decent life for grounding a substantial theory of social justice. The aim of this paper is threefold. Firstly, it will investigate the nature and scope of needs by analysing existing conceptualizations of the idea of needs. In so doing, we will get a better understanding of needs, which will help us (...)
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    Conversion of Forces and the Conservation of Energy.P. M. Heimann - 1974 - Centaurus 18 (2):147-161.
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  18. Slaves, Prisoners, and Republican Freedom.Fabian Wendt - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (2):175-192.
    Philip Pettit’s republican conception of freedom is presented as an alternative both to negative and positive conceptions of freedom. The basic idea is to conceptualize freedom as non-domination, not as non-interference or self-mastery. When compared to negative freedom, Pettit’s republican conception comprises two controversial claims: the claim that we are unfree if we are dominated without actual interference, and the claim that we are free if we face interference without domination. Because the slave is a widely accepted paradigm of the (...)
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    Categorization training increases the perceptual separability of novel dimensions.Fabian A. Soto & F. Gregory Ashby - 2015 - Cognition 139 (C):105-129.
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  20. (1 other version)Adorno's practical philosophy: Living Less Wrongly.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Adorno notoriously asserted that there is no 'right' life in our current social world. This assertion has contributed to the widespread perception that his philosophy has no practical import or coherent ethics, and he is often accused of being too negative. Fabian Freyenhagen reconstructs and defends Adorno's practical philosophy in response to these charges. He argues that Adorno's deep pessimism about the contemporary social world is coupled with a strong optimism about human potential, and that this optimism explains his (...)
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    Mario Becomes Cognitive.Fabian Schrodt, Jan Kneissler, Stephan Ehrenfeld & Martin V. Butz - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):343-373.
    In line with Allen Newell's challenge to develop complete cognitive architectures, and motivated by a recent proposal for a unifying subsymbolic computational theory of cognition, we introduce the cognitive control architecture SEMLINCS. SEMLINCS models the development of an embodied cognitive agent that learns discrete production rule-like structures from its own, autonomously gathered, continuous sensorimotor experiences. Moreover, the agent uses the developing knowledge to plan and control environmental interactions in a versatile, goal-directed, and self-motivated manner. Thus, in contrast to several well-known (...)
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    Crinuitorul veşniciilor: zbaterile, stările şi revelaţiile unui ucenic.Nicolae Fabian - 2015 - Chisinau: Pontos.
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  23. Classical and Quantum Theories of Spin.Fabián H. Gaioli & Edgardo T. Garcia Alvarez - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (10):1539-1550.
    A great effort has been devoted to formulating a classical relativistic theory of spin compatible with quantum relativistic wave equations. The main difficulty in connecting classical and quantum theories rests in finding a parameter that plays the role of proper time at a purely quantum level. We present a partial review of several proposals of classical and quantum spin theories from the pioneering works of Thomas and Frenkel, revisited in the classical BMT work, to the semiclassical model of Barut and (...)
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    Faraday as a Natural Philosopher. Joseph Agassi.P. Heimann - 1972 - Isis 63 (3):448-449.
  25. Metanoia in the sermon on the mount - a philosophical approach.Raul Heimann - 2022 - In Athanasios Despotis & Hermut Löhr (eds.), Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Boston: Ancient Philosophy & Religion.
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  26. Auge und Atem. Ist ein weicher Weg der Modernisierung möglich?Fabian Heubel - 2024 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 7 (1):203-236.
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  27. Helio Jaguaribe e o PSDB: possibilidades e limites da ação intelectual na política partidária.Fabiane Costa Oliveira - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes (eds.), Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
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    Comment on Michael Schefczyk: In Search of a Just Political Economy: Why We Should Go beyond Rawls’s POD and Schefczvk’s RUWS.Fabian Schuppert - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (1):213-218.
    This commentary challenges Michael Scliefczyk’s proposal for a realistically utopian welfare state (RUWS). As it stands, RUWS says too little about the concrete measures it will offer to avoid political domination and harmful inequalities. Moreover, RUWS follows Rawlsian Property-Owning Democracy (POD) by being silent on crucial issues such as banking regulation, the governance of investments and the issue of actual control over capital. Ultimately, it therefore seems that RUWS does not present an attractive alternative to POD since it suffers from (...)
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    Set Voronoi diagrams of 3D assemblies of aspherical particles.Fabian M. Schaller, Sebastian C. Kapfer, Myfanwy E. Evans, Matthias J. F. Hoffmann, Tomaso Aste, Mohammad Saadatfar, Klaus Mecke, Gary W. Delaney & Gerd E. Schröder-Turk - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (31-33):3993-4017.
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    Testing Separability and Independence of Perceptual Dimensions with General Recognition Theory: A Tutorial and New R Package.Fabian A. Soto, Emily Zheng, Johnny Fonseca & F. Gregory Ashby - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  31. Political Authority and the Minimal State.Fabian Wendt - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (1):97-122.
    Robert Nozick and Eric Mack have tried to show that a minimal state could be just. A minimal state, they claim, could help to protect people’s moral rights without violating moral rights itself. In this article, I will discuss two challenges for defenders of a minimal state. The first challenge is to show that the just minimal state does not violate moral rights when taxing people and when maintaining a monopoly on the use of force. I argue that this challenge (...)
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    Acerca del alma.Fabián Mié - 2013 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 39 (2):279-283.
    En el presente artículo me ocupo de la discusión acerca de cuán exigentes son nuestras obligaciones de contribuir con dinero y tiempo a las agencias humanitarias que asisten a personas en situación de pobreza extrema en el mundo. Defiendo una posición intermedia, moderada, frente a la posición extrema formulada por Peter Singer y frente a la posición según la cual nuestras obligaciones son mínimas. La objeción principal contra esas dos posiciones es que, cuando analizan la situación en que los potenciales (...)
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  33.  92
    Authority.Fabian Wendt - 2018 - Cambridge: Polity Press.
    From citizens paying taxes to employees following their bosses’ orders and kids obeying their parents, we take it for granted that a whole range of authorities have the power to impose duties on others. However, although authority is often accepted in practice, it looks philosophically problematic if we conceive persons as free and as equals. -/- In this short and accessible book, Fabian Wendt examines the basis of authority, discussing five prominent theories that try to explain how claims to (...)
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    Voluntarism and Immanence: Conceptions of Nature in Eighteenth-Century Thought.P. M. Heimann - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (2):271.
  35.  31
    Imagination.Fabian Dorsch - 2017 - Routledge.
    The imagination poses fascinating philosophical questions across a range of subjects including philosophy of mind, aesthetics and epistemology. However, until now it has been a relatively neglected topic. How do acts of imagining differ from other mental episodes, such as perceptions or judgements? What kind of awareness is involved in imagining? Can imagining ground knowledge and if so, how reliable is it? Is there some unity to the various forms of imagining? In this book Fabian Dorsch considers these questions, (...)
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    The Keys to the Future? An Examination of Statistical Versus Discriminative Accounts of Serial Pattern Learning.Fabian Tomaschek, Michael Ramscar & Jessie S. Nixon - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13404.
    Sequence learning is fundamental to a wide range of cognitive functions. Explaining how sequences—and the relations between the elements they comprise—are learned is a fundamental challenge to cognitive science. However, although hundreds of articles addressing this question are published each year, the actual learning mechanisms involved in the learning of sequences are rarely investigated. We present three experiments that seek to examine these mechanisms during a typing task. Experiments 1 and 2 tested learning during typing single letters on each trial. (...)
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    The Role of Mental Powers in Panpsychism.Fabian Klinge - 2020 - Topoi 39 (5):1103-1112.
    Constitutive Russellian panpsychism seems to combine the strengths of its rivals, physicalism and dualism, while avoiding their weaknesses: by acknowledging the irreducibility of phenomenal properties yet grounding macro- in microphenomenality, the view can avoid both anti-physicalist arguments and the causal exclusion problem for dualism. However, two severe objections have been raised: the combination problem for phenomenal constitution, and the structural exclusion problem for the position’s account of microphenomenal causation. It is currently hotly debated whether the combination problem can be overcome. (...)
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    Nocebo effects by providing informed consent in shared decision making? Not necessarily: a randomized pilot-trial using an open-label placebo approach.Fabian Holzhüter & Johannes Hamann - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-4.
    Background Thorough information of the patient is an integral part of the process of shared decision making. We aimed to investigate if detailed information about medication may induce nocebo effects. Methods We conducted a randomized, single-blind, pilot-study including n = 51 psychiatric in-patients aged between 18 and 80 years with a depressive disorder and accompanying sleeping disorders. In the intervention group we provided thorough information about adverse effects, while the control group received only a simple consent procedure. In both groups, (...)
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  39. Hat hier jemand gesagt, der Kaiser sei nackt? Eine Verteidigung der Geussschen Kritik an Rawls′ idealtheoretischem Ansatz.Fabian Freyenhagen & Jörg Schaub - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (3):457-477.
    In this paper, we take up two objections Raymond Geuss levels against John Rawls′ ideal theory in Philosophy and Real Politics. We show that, despite their fundamental disagreements, the two theorists share a common starting point: they both reject doing political philosophy by way of applying an independently derived moral theory; and grapple with the danger of unduly privileging the status quo. However, neither Rawls′ characterization of politics nor his ideal theoretical approach as response to the aforementioned danger is adequate (...)
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    How Playfulness Motivates – Putative Looping Effects of Autonomy and Surprise Revealed by Micro-Phenomenological Investigations.Katrin S. Heimann & Andreas Roepstorff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  41.  62
    Peace beyond Compromise.Fabian Wendt - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (4):573-593.
    Our societies are marked not only by disagreements on the good life, but also by disagreements on justice. This motivates philosophers as divergent as John Gray and Chandran Kukathas to focus their normative political theories on peace instead of justice. In this article, I discuss how peace should be conceived if peace is to be a more realistic goal than justice, not presupposing any moral consensus. I distinguish two conceptions of peace to be found in the literature. One, ordinary peace, (...)
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    Causal models and algorithmic fairness.Fabian Beigang - unknown
    This thesis aims to clarify a number of conceptual aspects of the debate surrounding algorithmic fairness. The particular focus here is the role of causal modeling in defining criteria of algorithmic fairness. In Chapter 1, I argue that in the discussion of algorithmic fairness, two fundamentally distinct notions of fairness have been conflated. Subsequently, I propose that what is usually taken to be the problem of algorithmic fairness should be divided into two subproblems, the problem of predictive fairness, and the (...)
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    The complexity of historical time in the Latin American Marxism: Variegated social formations and structural heterogeneity in the work of René Zavaleta and Aníbal Quijano.Fabian Cabaluz & Tomás Torres López - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 182 (1):57-74.
    This article investigates the categories of variegated social formations and structural historical heterogeneity, which have been developed from Latin American Marxism as a theoretical attempt that aims to account for the complexity of the debates around historical time. For this, the work of René Zavaleta Mercado (Bolivia) and Aníbal Quijano (Peru) is analyzed, revealing their connections and divergences. It is concluded that there are important meeting points, but also disagreements.
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    Easy Solutions for a Hard Problem? The Computational Complexity of Reciprocals with Quantificational Antecedents.Fabian Schlotterbeck & Oliver Bott - 2013 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 22 (4):363-390.
    We report two experiments which tested whether cognitive capacities are limited to those functions that are computationally tractable (PTIME-Cognition Hypothesis). In particular, we investigated the semantic processing of reciprocal sentences with generalized quantifiers, i.e., sentences of the form Q dots are directly connected to each other, where Q stands for a generalized quantifier, e.g. all or most. Sentences of this type are notoriously ambiguous and it has been claimed in the semantic literature that the logically strongest reading is preferred (Strongest (...)
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  45.  15
    Indian and Western Philosophy - A Study in Contrasts.Betty Heimann - 2008 - Read Books.
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  46. Cognitive neuroenhancement: false assumptions in the ethical debate.Andreas Heinz, Roland Kipke, Hannah Heimann & Urban Wiesing - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):372-375.
    The present work critically examines two assumptions frequently stated by supporters of cognitive neuroenhancement. The first, explicitly methodological, assumption is the supposition of effective and side effect-free neuroenhancers. However, there is an evidence-based concern that the most promising drugs currently used for cognitive enhancement can be addictive. Furthermore, this work describes why the neuronal correlates of key cognitive concepts, such as learning and memory, are so deeply connected with mechanisms implicated in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviour so that (...)
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    Domain-Specific and Unspecific Reaction Times in Experienced Team Handball Goalkeepers and Novices.Fabian Helm, Mathias Reiser & Jörn Munzert - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The lived experience of remembering a ‘good’ interview: Micro-phenomenology applied to itself.Katrin Heimann, Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, Chris Allen, Martijn van Beek, Christian Suhr, Annika Lübbert & Claire Petitmengin - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):217-245.
    Micro-phenomenology is an interview and analysis method for investigating subjective experience. As a research tool, it provides detailed descriptions of brief moments of any type of subjective experience and offers techniques for systematically comparing them. In this article, we use an auto-ethnographic approach to present and explore the method. The reader is invited to observe a dialogue between two authors that illustrates and comments on the planning, conducting and analysis of a pilot series of five micro-phenomenological interviews. All these interviews (...)
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    The Project Pursuit Argument for Self-Ownership and Private Property.Fabian Wendt - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (3):583-605.
    The article argues that persons should be conceived as self-owners and entitled to acquire private property within justifiable property conventions because they should be able to live as project pursuers. This is the ‘project pursuit argument’. It leads to a conception of self-ownership that is stringent, but weaker than standard libertarian notions of self-ownership, and to an understanding of private property as a convention that has to meet a sufficientarian threshold in order to be justifiable.
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  50. The Unity of Imagining.Fabian Dorsch - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Please send me an email (fabian[email protected]) if you wish to receive a copy of the book. — 'In this highly ambitious, wide ranging, immensely impressive and ground-breaking work Fabian Dorsch surveys just about every account of the imagination that has ever been proposed. He identifies five central types of imagining that any unifying theory must accommodate and sets himself the task of determining whether any theory of what imagining consists in covers these five paradigms. Focussing on what he (...)
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