Results for 'Fabio Chizzolini'

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  1.  28
    Misconceptions of Synthetic Biology: Lessons from an Interdisciplinary Summer School.Cyprien Verseux, Carlos G. Acevedo-Rocha, Fabio Chizzolini & Lynn J. Rothschild - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):327-336.
    In 2014, an international group of scholars from various fields analysed the “societal dimensions” of synthetic biology in an interdisciplinary summer school. Here, we report and discuss the biologists’ observations on the general perception of synthetic biology by non-biologists who took part in this event. Most attendees mainly associated synthetic biology with contributions from the best-known public figures of the field, rarely mentioning other scientists. Media extrapolations of those contributions appeared to have created unrealistic expectations and irrelevant fears that were (...)
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  2. The Fake, the Flimsy, and the Fallacious: Demarcating Arguments in Real Life.Maarten Boudry, Fabio Paglieri & Massimo Pigliucci - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (4):10.1007/s10503-015-9359-1.
    Philosophers of science have given up on the quest for a silver bullet to put an end to all pseudoscience, as such a neat formal criterion to separate good science from its contenders has proven elusive. In the literature on critical thinking and in some philosophical quarters, however, this search for silver bullets lives on in the taxonomies of fallacies. The attractive idea is to have a handy list of abstract definitions or argumentation schemes, on the basis of which one (...)
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  3. Gentrification and occupancy rights.Jakob Huber & Fabio Wolkenstein - 2018 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 17 (4):378-397.
    What, if anything, is problematic about gentrification? This article addresses this question from the perspective of normative political theory. We argue that gentrification is problematic insofar as it involves a violation of city-dwellers’ occupancy rights. We distinguish these rights from other forms of territorial rights and discuss the different implications of the argument for urban governance. If we agree on the ultimate importance of being able to pursue one’s located life plans, the argument goes, we must also agree on limiting (...)
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  4. The origin of the Everettian heresy.Stefano Osnaghi, Fábio Freitas & Olival Freire - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (2):97-123.
  5. The puzzle of the changing past.Luca Barlassina & Fabio Del Prete - 2015 - Analysis 75 (1):59-67.
    If you utter sentence ‘Obama was born in 1961’ now, you say something true about the past. Since the past will always be such that the year 1961 has the property of being a time in which Obama was born, it seems impossible that could ever be false in a future context of utterance. We shall consider the case of a sentence about the past exactly like , but which was true when uttered a few years ago and is no (...)
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    How Computational Models Predict the Behavior of Complex Systems.John Symons & Fabio Boschetti - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (4):809-821.
    In this paper, we argue for the centrality of prediction in the use of computational models in science. We focus on the consequences of the irreversibility of computational models and on the conditional or ceteris paribus, nature of the kinds of their predictions. By irreversibility, we mean the fact that computational models can generally arrive at the same state via many possible sequences of previous states. Thus, while in the natural world, it is generally assumed that physical states have a (...)
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  7. Fusion, fission, and Ackermann’s truth constant in relevant logics: A proof-theoretic investigation.Fabio De Martin Polo - 2025 - In Andrew Tedder, Shawn Standefer & Igor Sedlar, New Directions in Relevant Logic. Springer.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a proof-theoretic characterization of relevant logics including fusion and fission connectives, as well as Ackermann’s truth constant. We achieve this by employing the well-established methodology of labelled sequent calculi. After having introduced several systems, we will conduct a detailed proof-theoretic analysis, show a cut-admissibility theorem, and establish soundness and completeness. The paper ends with a discussion that contextualizes our current work within the broader landscape of the proof theory of relevant logics.
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    Social Interaction, Envy, and the Basic Income: Do Remedies to Technological Unemployment Reduce Well-being?Fabio D’Orlando - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):53-93.
    The present article aims to utilize some insights from behavioral and happiness economics to discuss the consequences that the introduction of an unconditional basic income to cope with technological unemployment may hold for well-being. The impact of 21st-century technological progress on employment has only just begun to make itself felt and it will take time to realize its full extent. However, the main innovation is already common knowledge: robots are finding their way into the production process. According to several recent (...)
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    The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal War and the Crisis of Global Order.Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Presenting the first critical analysis of Carl Schmitt's _The Nomos of the Earth_ and how it relates to the epochal changes in the international system that have risen from the collapse of the ‘Westphalian’ international order. There is an emerging recognition in political theory circles that core issues, such as order, social justice, rights, need to be studied in their global context. Schmitt’s international political thought provides a stepping stone in these related paths, offering an alternative history of international relations, (...)
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  10. Beyond semantic pollution: Towards a practice-based philosophical analysis of labelled calculi.Fabio De Martin Polo - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-30.
    This paper challenges the negative attitudes towards labelled proof systems, usually referred to as semantic pollution, by arguing that such critiques overlook the full potential of labelled calculi. The overarching objective is to develop a practice-based philosophical analysis of labelled calculi to provide insightful considerations regarding their proof-theoretic and philosophical value. To achieve this, successful applications of labelled calculi and related results will be showcased, and comparisons with other relevant works will be discussed. The paper ends by advocating for a (...)
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  11. Models and Inferences in Science.Emiliano Ippoliti, Fabio Sterpetti & Thomas Nickles (eds.) - 1st ed. 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The book answers long-standing questions on scientific modeling and inference across multiple perspectives and disciplines, including logic, mathematics, physics and medicine. The different chapters cover a variety of issues, such as the role models play in scientific practice; the way science shapes our concept of models; ways of modeling the pursuit of scientific knowledge; the relationship between our concept of models and our concept of science. The book also discusses models and scientific explanations; models in the semantic view of theories; (...)
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    Coloniality and the State: Race, Nation and Dependency.Walter D. Mignolo & Fábio Santino Bussmann - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (6):3-18.
    It is of concern that, until now, Western and Southern theories have not been able to provide a full conceptual understanding of the complicity of the elites and states of former colonies outside the West with the political domination they suffer from their Western counterparts. Decolonial thought, by exploring global epistemic designs, can fully explain such political dependency, which, for Aníbal Quijano, results from the local elites’ goal to racially identify with their Western peers (self-humanization), obstructing local nationalization. We explore (...)
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    A principle-based approach to AI: the case for European Union and Italy.Francesco Corea, Fabio Fossa, Andrea Loreggia, Stefano Quintarelli & Salvatore Sapienza - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):521-535.
    As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more and more pervasive in our everyday life, new questions arise about its ethical and social impacts. Such issues concern all stakeholders involved in or committed to the design, implementation, deployment, and use of the technology. The present document addresses these preoccupations by introducing and discussing a set of practical obligations and recommendations for the development of applications and systems based on AI techniques. With this work we hope to contribute to spreading awareness on the (...)
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  14. Temporal location of events in language and (non) persistence of the past.Fabio Del Prete - 2020 - Critical Hermeneutics 4 (II):25-68.
    The article reviews some analyses of temporal language in logical approaches to natural language semantics. It considers some asymmetries between past and future, manifested in language, which motivate the “standard view” of the non-reversibility of time and the persistence of the past. It concludes with a puzzle about the changing past which challenges the standard view.
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    Responsibility Gaps and Technology: Old Wine in New Bottles?Ann-Katrien Oimann & Fabio Tollon - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):337-356.
    Recent work in philosophy of technology has come to bear on the question of responsibility gaps. Some authors argue that the increase in the autonomous capabilities of decision-making systems makes it impossible to properly attribute responsibility for AI-based outcomes. In this article we argue that one important, and often neglected, feature of recent debates on responsibility gaps is how this debate maps on to old debates in responsibility theory. More specifically, we suggest that one of the key questions that is (...)
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  16. Evaluating future-tensed sentences in changing contexts.Andrea Bonomi & Fabio Del Prete - manuscript
    According to the actualist view, what is essential to the truth conditions of a future-tensed sentence ‘it will be the case that ϕ’ is reference to the unique course of events that will become actual. On the other hand, the modal view has it that the truth conditions of such a sentence require that the truth of ϕ be already “settled” at the time of utterance, where “being settled at time t” is defined by universal quantification over a domain of (...)
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    Clever Hans and his effects: Karl Krall and the origins of experimental parapsychology in Germany.Fabio De Sio & Chantal Marazia - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:94-102.
  18. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma análise (...)
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    The Obvious in a Nutshell: Science, Medicine, Knowledge, and History.Fabio De Sio & Heiner Fangerau - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):167-185.
    The scope and mission of the history of science have been constant objects of reflection and debate within the profession. Recently, Lorraine Daston has called for a shift of focus: from the history of science to the history of knowledge. Such a move is an attempt at broadening the field and ridding it of the contradictions deriving from its modernist myth of origin and principle of demarcation. Taking the move from a pluralistic concept of medicine, the present paper explores the (...)
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  20. Desarrollo de competencias en el ámbito de la filosofía aplicada.Fabio Morandin-Ahuerma - 2012 - In Héctor Julián Vargas Rubín & María de Lourdes Watty Urquidi, Innovación educativa, experiencias desde el ámbito del proyecto aula. Xalapa, Veracruz: Universidad Veracruzana. pp. 1033-1035.
    En este trabajo se aborda el problema del diseño instruccional a través del estudio por competencias dentro de las humanidades, especialmente de la filosofía. Se concluye que es posible un abordaje metodológico enfocado al cumplimiento de metas específicas en el educando en el desarrollo de competencias genéricas y profesionales.
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    A Repetição de Uma Singularidade: Fenomenologia Do Déjà Vu.Stefano Micali & Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2024 - Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences 6 (1):212-223.
    A fenomenologia tem como objetivo analisar os momentos constitutivos de diferentes experiências, fazendo justiça às suas formas específicas de aparecimento. Ao fazer isso, ela pode tornar visíveis (e, portanto, corrigir) as suposições problemáticas consideradas válidas desde o início. Estas suposições distorcem e manipulam coerentemente os fenômenos de tal forma que os fenômenos são transformados em algo radicalmente diferente. O fenômeno do déjà vu é muito interessante, nesse sentido, por duas diferentes razões. O déjà vu é transformado em um fenômeno diferente (...)
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  22. Gender in conditionals.Fabio Del Prete & Alessandro Zucchi - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):953–980.
    The 3sg pronouns “he” and “she” impose descriptive gender conditions on their referents. These conditions are standardly analysed as presuppositions. Cooper argues that, when 3sg pronouns occur free, they have indexical presuppositions: the gender condition must be satisfied by the pronoun’s referent in the actual world. In this paper, we consider the behaviour of free 3sg pronouns in conditionals and focus on cases in which the pronouns’ gender presuppositions no longer seem to be indexical and project locally instead. We compare (...)
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    Sequential decision making with partially ordered preferences.Daniel Kikuti, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman & Ricardo Shirota Filho - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1346-1365.
  24. On truth unpersistence: At the crossroads of epistemic modality and discourse.Patrícia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2016 - Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 34.
    We propose a semantic analysis of the particles afinal (European Portuguese) and alla fine (Italian) in terms of the notion of truth unpersistence, which combines both epistemic modality and constraints on discourse structure. We argue that the felicitous use of these modal particles requires that the truth of a proposition p* fail to persist through a temporal succession of epistemic states, where p* is incompatible with the proposition modified by afinal/alla fine, and that the interlocutors share knowledge of a previous (...)
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  25. The interpretation of indefinites in future tense sentences. A novel argument for the modality of will?Fabio Del Prete - 2014 - In Mikhail Kissine, Philippe de Brabanter & Saghie Sharifzadeh, Oxford Studies of Time in Language and Thought.
    The chapter considers two semantic issues concerning will-sentences: Stalnaker’s Asymmetry and modal subordination in Karttunen-type discourses. The former points to a distinction between will and modal verbs, seeming to show that will does not license non-specific indefinites. The latter, conversely, suggests that will-sentences involve some kind of modality. To account for the data, the chapter proposes that will is semantically a tense, hence it doesn’t contribute a quantifier over modal alternatives; a modal feature, however, is introduced in the interpretation of (...)
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  26. On truth persistence. A comparison between European Portuguese and Italian in relation to sempre.Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2014 - In Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete, Variation within and across Romance Languages. Selected papers from the 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages.
    This paper analyzes a non-temporal interpretation of the adverb sempre “always” in European Portuguese and Italian, in which the adverb expresses persistence of the truth of a proposition over time and displays specific contextual constraints (TP-sempre). Despite an overlap in the contexts in which TP-sempre may occur in both languages, we provide data showing that its distribution is not exactly the same in European Portuguese and Italian. In view of these data, we propose that TP-sempre is a modal operator of (...)
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    Counter-Denunciations: How Suspects Blame Victims in Police Interviews for Low-Level Crimes.Fabio Ferraz de Almeida - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):119-137.
    This article explores the ways in which suspects attempt to make putative victims/complainants at least partially responsible for the incidents for which they are investigated, transforming themselves into the victim and the other into the perpetrator. Drawing upon conversation analysis, I examine audio-recorded police interviews for low-level crimes in England and in which suspects have constructed what I refer as counter-denunciations. I argue that suspects accomplish these counter-denunciations through discursive practices that involve, for example (a) contrasting the complainant’s actions with (...)
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    Optimizing pathfinding for goal legibility and recognition in cooperative partially observable environments.Sara Bernardini, Fabio Fagnani, Alexandra Neacsu & Santiago Franco - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 333 (C):104148.
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    Medial orbital gyrus modulation during spatial perspective changes: Pre- vs. post-8weeks mindfulness meditation.Barbara Tomasino, Fabio Campanella & Franco Fabbro - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 40:147-158.
  30.  41
    Aristotle on placing gnomons round.Monica Ugaglia & Fabio Acerbi - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):587-608.
    The passage has been an object of scholarly debate: the lack of independent sources on the mathematical construction described by Aristotle, the terseness of the formulation and the resulting syntactical ambiguities make the exact interpretation of the text quite difficult, as already noted by Philoponus. What does it mean that the gnomons are ‘placed round the one and without’ (περὶ τὸ ἓν καὶ χωρίς)? And in what sense is this an indication of the even being ‘cut off, enclosed (ἐναπολαμβανόμενον), and (...)
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  31.  26
    A fundamentação moral do direito em Kant.João Carneiro Correia, Fábio Caires Correia & Italo Schelive Correia - 2020 - Perspectivas 4 (2):4-22.
    O presente trabalho busca evidenciar a concepção moral do Direito na doutrina do Direito de Kant, distinguindo as ideias que conceituam a diferença entre leis jurídicas e leis éticas, a partir das leis morais para tratar da concepção e o reconhecimento dos direitos de equidade e o de necessidade, por um lado, e a não realização desses direitos, por outro. O intuito do presente trabalho é mostrar a efetivação e validade do direito, tendo a base em Kant. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito. Moral. (...)
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    David Schmeidler’s contributions to decision theory.Edi Karni, Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci - 2022 - Theory and Decision 93 (2):219-235.
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    The radical Machiavelli: politics, philosophy and language.Filippo Del Lucchese, Fabio Frosini & Vittorio Morfino (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    The Radical Machiavelli: Politics, Philosophy and Languageoffers a partial and even partisan reading of Machiavelli, whose thought continues to divide interpreters, forcing them to confront their responsibility as contemporary thinkers in a global society.
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  34. Variation within and across Romance Languages. Selected papers from the 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages.Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2014
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    Isolamento solidário em tempos de pandemia: diálogos entre a saúde e a hermenêutica filosófica.Gustavo Silvano Batista & Fábio Solon Tajra - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e15.
    A covid-19 tem gerado grande mobilização por parte das sociedades contemporâneas. Como forma de prevenção e controle da doença, o isolamento social tem sido uma medida eficaz, recomendada por diversos órgãos da saúde. Por isso, pensar o isolamento social como prática solidária tem sido fundamental. Nesta perspectiva, o presente artigo busca problematizar o isolamento social enquanto isolamento solidário. Para isso, partimos da tematização da enfermidade, até agora conhecida, seus modos de prevenção e controle e, por conseguinte, o diálogo entre a (...)
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    Historicité et spatialité: recherches sur le problème de l'espace dans la pensée contemporaine.Jocelyn Benoist & Fabio Merlini (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: Vrin.
    L'époque, selon certains, serait celle de l'espace, après l'effondrement des grandes eschatologies historiques. L'espace a, on l'oublie, une histoire. Quant à l'histoire, elle trouverait dans sa mise en relation avec les discours de la spatialité (architecture, écologie, géographie), les moyens de s'inscrire dans l'effectivité.
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  37. Historicité et spatialité. Recherches sur le problème de l'espace dans la pensée contemporaine.Jocelyn Benoist & Fabio Merlini - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):367-367.
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    A máquina retórica de Barthes: mitologia e conotação nas redes digitais.Cristian Berrio-Zapata, Fábio Mosso Moreira & Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (2):135-157.
    This article explores the social representation of Information Technology and Network Society from Barthes' semiology, using his ideas about myth creation and the connotation of ideological discourses through naturalization. Supplemented with some concepts from Peirce and Santaella, we try to identify and understand these mystification mechanisms and how they affect the creation of an information order; in this case, a digital order. We conclude that we are before an evangelizing discursive alignment based on mythical elements arisen from our aversion to (...)
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    A unifying look at sequence submodularity.Sara Bernardini, Fabio Fagnani & Chiara Piacentini - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103486.
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    Coerção, consenso e resistência num estado autoritário: o caso da Itália Fascista.João Fábio Bertonha - 2008 - Dialogos 12 (1).
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    Indeterminacy and ritual symbol. Philosophical remarks on Ernesto De Martino’s The Land of Remorse.Sergio Fabio Berardini - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (4):332-346.
    This article analyses the Italian philosopher and anthropologist Ernesto De Martino’s The Land of Remorse from a philosophical viewpoint. After having presented the main Demartinian concepts (e.g. ‘presence’ and ‘crisis of presence’) and examined the phenomenon of ‘tarantism’ (that is a magical-religious ritual practiced in southern Italy), the author interprets ‘ritual symbols’ as useful ‘fictions,’ which permit to resolve the problem of ‘indeterminacy’ (that refers to vague objects and unknown events), and rescue the human Self from psychological and existential crisis.
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    The synapsins and the regulation of synaptic function.Martin Bähler, Fabio Benfenati, Flavia Valtorta & Paul Greengard - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):259-263.
    Synapsins I and II are a family of synaptic vesicle‐associated phosphoproteins involved in the short‐term regulation of neurotransmitter release. In this review, we discuss a working model for the molecular mechanisms by which the synapsins act. We propose that synapsin I links synaptic vesicles to actin filaments in the presynaptic nerve terminal and that these interactions are modulated by the reversible phosphorylation of synapsin I through various signal transduction pathways. The high degree of homology between the synapsins suggests that some (...)
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    The metaphysics of properties and relations.Ilaria Canavotto, Fabio Ceravolo & Maria Scarpati - 2015 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 6 (2):76-113.
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    Defesa do humano.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Luã Jung - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3):e39055.
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    Il soggetto possibile.Danilo Ciolino & Fabio Grigenti (eds.) - 2016 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    Da lógica formal enquanto antec'mara da filosofia transcendental.Fábio César Sherer - 2019 - Natureza Humana 21 (2).
    Neste artigo, pretendo explicitar o papel da lógica formal no projeto crítico kantiano. No tratamento dessa questão, abordarei a relação entre a lógica formal, frequentemente chamada por Kant de lógica geral, e a lógica transcendental. Assumirei a tese de que a lógica formal e a lógica transcendental são duas ciências racionais puras, distintas, independentes, porém, com conexões entre si, a despeito das leituras que sugerem que a lógica transcendental substitua a lógica formal ou que a lógica formal mantenha a sua (...)
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    The efficiency of crackdowns: a lab-in-the-field experiment in public transportations.Zhixin Dai, Fabio Galeotti & Marie Claire Villeval - 2017 - Theory and Decision 82 (2):249-271.
    The concentration of high-frequency controls in a limited period of time constitutes an important feature of many law-enforcement policies around the world. In this paper, we offer a comprehensive investigation on the relative efficiency and effectiveness of various crackdown policies using a lab-in-the-field experiment with real passengers of a public transport service. We introduce a novel game, the daily public transportation game, where subjects have to decide, over many periods, whether to buy or not a ticket knowing that there might (...)
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    Zacarias O livro pela pesquisa.Fabio Py Murta de Almeida - 2008 - Revista de Teologia 3.
    Com este artigo se pretende passar pelas leituras feitas sobre o texto do profeta Zacarias. Não há a intenção de se fazer uma abordagem exegética, mas antes, apenas um histórico da pesquisa do profeta - tão pouco lido no Brasil e na América Latina. Sua relevância conduz ao conhecimento das posições e propostas mais clássicas e as mais inovadoras da interpretação deste texto profético. Como também reconhecendo as últimas dificuldades encontradas na sua interpretação.
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  49. Terra da Liberdade e a construção do protocolo da consulta: a comunicação política quilombola na transformação do mundo.Fábio Fonseca de Castro & Marina Ramos Neves de Castro - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 30 (1):95-110.
    O objetivo do artigo é compreender como as metamorfoses econômicas e sociais vivenciadas e experienciadas nas comunidades quilombolas do território Terra da Liberdade, situadas no Baixo Tocantins, estado do Pará, produzem dizeres e linguagem, e, assim, formas de uma comunicação de resistência. Parte-se da reflexão de Heidegger (2001) sobre a relação entre existência e lugar para compreender o processo de construção dialogada do Protocolo de Consultas do território. A metodologia utilizada foi a observação participante com entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, num (...)
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    A limitação do élenchos E sua implicação na defesa de sócrates conforme a apologia de platão.Fábio Amorim De Matos Júnior - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 21 (42):119-153.
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