Results for 'Felix Eberty'

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  1.  13
    Zwischen den Sternen: Lichtbildarchive / Felix Eberty: Die Gestirne Und Die Weltgeschichte: Was Einstein Und Uexküll, Benjamin Und Das Kino der Astronomie des 19. Jahrhunderts Verdanken.Karl Clausberg - 2006 - Akademie Verlag.
    Um 1840 hatten präzise Messungen von Fixsternentfernungen erste gedankliche Landepunkte im Weltraum geliefert. Von diesen ausgehend reflektierte der Astronomieliebhaber und Jurist Felix Eberty (1812-1884), inwiefern die Erde von den Lichtjahre entfernten Fixsternen aus betrachtet in jeweils verschiedenen Stadien ihrer Vergangenheit zu sehen sein würde. Seine Überlegungen umriss er in einer schmalen Broschüre mit dem Titel "Die Gestirne und die Weltgeschichte. Gedanken über Raum, Zeit und Ewigkeit". Ebertys Beschreibung eines zeitlich zerdehnten Weltanschauungsbildes fand in Raubdrucken und Plagiaten weltweite Verbreitung (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Eberty, Felix, Die Gestirne und die Weltgeschichte. [REVIEW]Paul Feldkeller - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:198.
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  3. On The Necessity of a Pluralist Theory of Reparations for Historical Injustice.Felix Lambrecht - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 1 (1):1-21.
    Philosophers have offered many arguments to explain why historical injustices require reparations. This paper raises an unnoticed challenge for almost all of them. Most theories of reparations attempt to meet two intuitions: (1) Reparations are owed for a past wrong and (2) the content of reparations must reflect the historical injustice. I argue that necessarily no monistic theory can meet both intuitions. I do this by showing that any theory that can meet intuition (1) necessarily cannot also meet intuition (2). (...)
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    Pluralism, Structural Injustice, and Reparations for Historical Injustice: A Reply to Daniel Butt.Felix Lambrecht - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (2):269-275.
    This paper discusses the pluralist theory of reparations for historical injustice offered by Daniel Butt (Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24(5):1161–75, 2021). Butt attempts to vindicate purely past-regarding corrective duties in response to Alasia Nuti’s historical-structural model of reparations. I agree with Butt that reparative justice requires both past-regarding and future-looking structural duties. And I agree with him that Nuti’s model leaves out purely past-regarding duties. I argue, however, that Butt does not offer a genuinely pluralist account. I present minimal (...)
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  5. Inconsistent belief aggregation in diverse and polarised groups.Felix Kopecky & Gregor Betz - 2025 - Philosophy of Science 92 (1):40-58.
    How do opinion diversity and belief polarisation affect epistemic group decision-making, particularly if decisions must be made without delay and on the basis of permissive evidence? In an agent-based model, we track the consistency of group opinions aggregated through sentence-wise majority voting. Simulations on the model reveal that high opinion diversity, but not polarisation, incurs a significant inconsistency risk. These results indicate that epistemic group decisions based on permissive evidence can be particularly difficult for diverse groups. The results also improve (...)
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  6. Care of the older person and the value of human dignity.Félix Pageau, Gaëlle Fiasse, Lennart Nordenfelt & Emilian Mihailov - 2023 - Bioethics 2023 (1):1-8.
    As the world population is rapidly aging, stakeholders must address the care of the elderly with great concern. Also, loss of dignity is often associated with aging due to dementia, mobility problems and diminished functional autonomy. However, dignity is a polysemic term that is deemed useless by some ethicists. To counter this claim, we propose four concepts to define it better and make use accurately of this notion. These are human dignity, dignity of identity, dignities of excellence and attributed dignities. (...)
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    Now you feel it--now you don't: ERP correlates of somatosensory awareness.Ruth Schubert, Felix Blankenburg, Steven Lemm, Arno Villringer & Gabriel Curio - 2006 - Psychophysiology 43 (1):31-40.
  8. Argumentation-induced rational issue polarisation.Felix Kopecky - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):83-107.
    Computational models have shown how polarisation can rise among deliberating agents as they approximate epistemic rationality. This paper provides further support for the thesis that polarisation can rise under condition of epistemic rationality, but it does not depend on limitations that extant models rely on, such as memory restrictions or biased evaluation of other agents’ testimony. Instead, deliberation is modelled through agents’ purposeful introduction of arguments and their rational reactions to introductions of others. This process induces polarisation dynamics on its (...)
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    Les Trois Premiers Principes De L’espace Charnel.Guy-Félix Duportail - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):125-140.
    A travers la lecture du Visible et de l ‘Invisible, Guy-Félix Duportail se propose de montrer que la notion de chair connaît une structure topologique que l’on peut expliciter sous la forme de trois principes élémentaires : indivision, division, et réversibilité. Ceux-ci constituent l’infrastructure oubliée de la conscience et forment un inconscient phénoménologique (l’invisible- du visible). De plus, ces trois principes de la chair possèdent une signification· ontologique_ Dire que ľêtre est charnel, c’est ipso facto reconnaître la médiation nécessaire d’ (...)
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    What is AI Ethics?Felix Lambrecht & Marina Moreno - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):387-401.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, and AI ethics is booming with it. Yet there is surprisingly little attention paid to what the discipline of AI ethics is and what it ought to be. This paper offers an ameliorative definition of AI ethics to fill this gap. We introduce and defend an original distinction between novel and applied research questions. A research question should count as AI ethics if and only if (i) it is novel or (ii) it is applied and (...)
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  11. L'Éducation de la Sensibilité.P. Félix Thomas - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 47:211-213.
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    Reparative justice, historical injustice, and the nonidentity problem.Felix Lambrecht - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    There is widespread intuition that historical injustices require reparations. This paper considers one philosophical problem for reparations: the Nonidentity Objection. The Objection states that present agents are not owed reparations for historical injustices because without the historical injustice they would not exist. I show the Objection only challenges the possibility of reparations for historical injustice if we adopt a particular model of reparative justice that takes someone experiencing harms to be a necessary condition for reparative justice. Instead, if we adopt (...)
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  13. The Diplomats: 1919-1939.Gordon A. Craig & Felix Gilbert - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (1):79-80.
  14. Living alone under lockdown.Felix Pinkert - 2021 - In Fay Niker & Aveek Bhattacharya (eds.), Political Philosophy in a Pandemic: Routes to a More Just Future. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 123-135.
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    (1 other version)La logique et l'expérience.Félix Le Dantec - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:46 - 69.
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  16. Quarter Truths, Half Falsities and Plain Lies.José Félix Tobar-Arbulu - 1986 - Epistemologia 9 (1):77.
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    Climate refugeehood: A counterargument.Felix Bender - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    This paper argues against the idea of climate change refugeehood. Drawing on political realism, it reconstructs the idea and function of refugeehood in international politics. Refugees are not the agencyless victims merely in search of rescue by states of the Global North, as the idea of climate refugeehood as a form of humanitarian refugeehood would have it. Nor are they simply a function of reparative justice, or of defending international state legitimacy. To liberal democracies, refugees are those fleeing political oppression. (...)
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  18. At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity, de Stuart Kauffman.J. Félix Costa - 1996 - Disputatio:44-47.
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    Constitutionalism in the Age of Terror.Michael Zuckert & Felix Valenzuela - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):72-114.
    The threat of terrorism once again raises some of the classic questions about constitutionalism: is it possible for constitutions to do what they aim to do—channel and control political power in such a way as to make it safe and beneficent for those under its rule but also competent to govern? Does not terrorism reraise the Schmittian problem of “the exception”, i.e., the situation of emergency that necessarily escapes all constitutional limitations? Although they did not face the problem of terrorism (...)
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  20.  11
    Ética empresarial republicana. La aportación de la ética del diálogo de la escuela de Erlangen.J. Félix Lozano Aguilar - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 3 (3):111-124.
    El presente artículo pretende acercarse a la propuesta de una concepción republicana de la ética empresarial realizada por la Escuela de Erlangen que se ha convertido en una referencia ineludible a nivel europeo. Esta propuesta, fundamentada en el constructivismo de la Escuela de Erlangen y la ética del discurso de la Escuela de Frankfurt, empezó a fraguarse a finales de los años ochenta en Alemania y define a la empresa como una institución con responsabilidades y deberes públicos. Con este artículo (...)
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    « Mauvais réflexe », de Zidane à Canguilhem.Bernard Andrieu & François Félix - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 156 (2):121-136.
    Le réflexe est un mouvement naturel et spontané qui semble dépourvu de teneur morale car il ne relèverait pas de la responsabilité du sujet. Il est ce qui échappe à la maitrise du corps et à la civilité des mœurs. Le mauvais réflexe se produit lorsque le corps réagit trop vite, emporté par la colère ou la situation dans un temps plus rapide que celui de la conscience réfléchie : le temps du corps vivant est en avance, par anticipation motrice, (...)
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    Carimbos na Pré-escola: uma experiência.Elfrida Félix de Sousa Gomide - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 2 (3):89-91.
    A sala de aula era clara, arejada, ampla e comportava vinte e cinco crianças de 6 anos de idade. Elas moravam num bairro da periferia da cidade, onde estava localizada a escota. Eram, portanto, crianças filhas de famílias de baixa renda. A professora era jovem, entusiasmada, democrática, residia perto da escola, fazendo parte da mesma comunidade das crianças. Ela estava fortemente incorporada pelo trabalho pedagógico fundamentado em Freinet. A classe era dividida em "ateliers", que as crianças chamavam de "caninhos", distribuídos (...)
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  23. Neuere Deutungen von Aristoteles' de anima III 5.Michael Felix Köck - 1996 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 41:71-95.
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    La diplomacia de defensa: una aproximación desde España.Félix Sanz Roldán - 2000 - Arbor 165 (651):519-527.
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    Data Figleaves: Statistics and their Power to Conceal Racism.Felix Bräuer - 2025 - Open for Debate.
  26.  3
    Aging and Limit Situation. A Study of Existential Dynamics in Psychotherapy with Older Adults.Felix Schmidt - 2025 - Phenomenology and Mind 28:8.
    This contribution examines the relevance of the concept “limit situation” in relation to aging and old age in a geriatric psychotherapy setting. The idea is to bring together concepts from phenomenology and the philosophy of age with methods from the field of qualitative social research. Experiences of groundlessness are viewed through the lens of Karl Jaspers’ terminology, leading to conceptualizing a dynamic of stabilizing beliefs yielding in the context of aging and old age. The results promise to contribute to psychotherapy (...)
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  27.  14
    “The New Superstition, the New Tyranny”: The Ethics and Contexts of John Cowper Powys's Antivivisection.Felix Taylor - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (2):135-141.
    This article examines the antivivisectionist writings of British novelist and philosopher John Cowper Powys (1872–1963) during the 1930s and 1940s. Powys's opposition to the widespread practice of animal experimentation, both in his fiction and his contributions to activist newspapers, has been noted by critics to have prefigured the modern animal rights movement. On the surface, his writings on the subject display an unnuanced and impassioned outrage, yet on closer inspection, they form a logical piece of Powys's idiosyncratic worldview and to (...)
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  28. Immortality.Felix Adler - 1904 - New York,: New York society for ethical culture.
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  29. Le mouvement vivant. Critique du corps machine.François Félix - 2025 - Praxis Filosófica 61:e20814703.
    Les modèles théoriques, on le sait, sont parfois de véritables obstacles épistémologiques. Tel a particulièrement été le cas de l’arc réflexe. Destiné tout d’abord à rendre compte des mouvements involontaires, il a peu à peu été élevé au rang de modèle explicatif du mouvement en général, animal et humain. Les problèmes que ce schéma théorique rencontre sont cependant nombreux : en dissociant comme il le fait l’occasion du mouvement d’avec sa réalisation, en réduisant l’organisme à une série de processus spécifiques (...)
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  30. Reparations, historical injustice, and the nonidentity problem.Felix Lambrecht - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    There is widespread intuition that historical injustices require reparations. This paper considers one philosophical problem for reparations: the Nonidentity Objection. The Objection states that present agents are not owed reparations for historical injustices because without the historical injustice they would not exist. I show the Objection only challenges the possibility of reparations for historical injustice if we adopt a particular model of reparative justice that takes someone experiencing harms to be a necessary condition for reparative justice. Instead, if we adopt (...)
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    Constant ‘physicality – agonistic’ base of human existence and its cultural derivations and inversions.Felix Lebed - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-17.
    In this article, I examine the inversion of essential cultural values, such as physical perfection and the sports spirit, in 20th-century Europe. Periods emerged when physical perfection, once celebrated, morphed into tools for eugenics, racial theories, and ideological segregation. Similarly, the sports spirit became entangled in political and ideological conflicts. I approach this through the Marxist lens of ‘base—superstructure’ relations, focusing on the biological ‘base’, often misinterpreted through social Darwinism. This base is not subject to dialectical changes, does not develop (...)
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  32.  27
    Un autre retour à Freud : à Propos de Force-Pulsion-Désir de Rudolf Bernet.Guy-Félix Duportail - 2014 - Chiasmi International 16:335-342.
    In his latest work, Force-Pulsion-Désir, Rudolf Bernet seeks to clarify one of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis, that of “drive.” He engages such authorsas Aristotle, Leibniz, Schopenhauer, Freud, Husserl, Nietzsche and Lacan to better elucidate philosophically the sense of the concept of drive. The work’s argument thushighlights a kind of destiny of drive: the first moment concerns the dynamic aspect of the drive, that of force; the second is that of drive taken in its essence and truth;the third is that (...)
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  33.  16
    Le mécanisme de l'imitation.Félix Le Dantec - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 48:337-382.
  34. (1 other version)Traité de biologie.Félix le Dantec - 1903 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 56 (2):394-399.
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    Los escudos de armas del Castillo de Portillo: una interpretación.Félix Martínez Llorente - 2005 - Arbor 181 (714):171-178.
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  36. Relativitäts-Prinzip und Gravitations-Problem.Victor Felix Schiffner - 1931 - Leipzig,: R. Voigtländer.
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    Alexandra C. J. von Miller, Archaische Siedlungsbefunde in Ephesos. Mit Beiträgen von Michael Kerschner und Lisa Betina, Wien (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) 2019 (Forschungen in Ephesos XIII.3), 2 Bde., 531 und 406 S., ISBN 978-3-7001-7895-8 (geb.), € 239,–Archaische Siedlungsbefunde in Ephesos. Mit Beiträgen von Michael Kerschner und Lisa Betina (Forschungen in Ephesos XIII.3), 2 Bde., 531 und 406 S. [REVIEW]Maximilian Felix Rönnberg - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):730-734.
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    [Book review] London jews and british communism, 1935-1945. [REVIEW]Henry Felix Srebrnik - 1997 - Science and Society 61 (1):140-143.
  39.  20
    Limits of data anonymity: lack of public awareness risks trust in health system activities. [REVIEW]Caroline Brall & Felix Gille - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-8.
    Public trust is paramount for the well functioning of data driven healthcare activities such as digital health interventions, contact tracing or the build-up of electronic health records. As the use of personal data is the common denominator for these healthcare activities, healthcare actors have an interest to ensure privacy and anonymity of the personal data they depend on. Maintaining privacy and anonymity of personal data contribute to the trustworthiness of these healthcare activities and are associated with the public willingness to (...)
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  40. La psicología de las emociones: Félix García Moriyón entrevista a Roberto Colom.Félix García Moriyón - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:223-256.
    La psicología y los psicólogos han dedicado bastante esfuerzo para conseguir una comprensión mejor y más profundea de las emociones y los sentimientos. Roberto Colom con sus respuestas nos ofrece una visión de primera mano de todas esas aportaciones así como el punto de vista de un psicólogo sobre el valos y la importancia de las emociones, los sntimientos y la vida afectiva en general para la personalidad humana.
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    Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics: Felix Mühlhölzer in Conversation with Sebastian Grève.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2014 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 3 (2):151-180.
    Sebastian Grève interviews Felix Mühlhölzer on his work on the philosophy of mathematics.
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  42. Reflections on sea, listening and sound installations: A conversation with Félix Blume.Félix Blume & Bill Psarras - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (2):209-220.
    Both the sound and the sea are characterized by a constant fluidity and transformation, which has been considered as a creative foundation for expanded sonic practices that identify, capture and experiment with natural elements. The text aims to explore how the idea of sonification as a process of translating qualities and data into sound constitutes the departure point towards contemporary sound practices that encourage deeper listening and immersive experiences. Taking the sea-responsive sound installations of French artist Félix Blume, Rumors from (...)
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    Freedom, power, and political morality: essays for Felix Oppenheim.Felix E. Oppenheim, Ian Carter & Mario Ricciardi (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Palgrave.
    This collection of original essays on political and legal theory concentrates on themes dealt with in the work of Felix Oppenheim, including fundamental political and legal concepts and their implications for the scope of morality in politics and international relations. Among the issues addressed are the relationship between empirical and normative definitions of "freedom", "power", and "interests", whether governments are free to act against the national interest, and whether they can ever be morally obliged to do so.
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  44. (1 other version)Psychoanalyzing democracies: Antagonisms, paranoia, and the productivity of depression.Felix S. H. Yeung - 2024 - Wiley: Constellations 31 (1):32-50.
  45. Paul Felix Lazarsfeld.Paul Felix Lazarsfeld - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 275.
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    Schizoanalytic cartographies.Felix Guattari - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Schizoanalytic Cartographies represents Félix Guattari's most important later work and the most systematic and detailed account of his theoretical position and his therapeutic ideas. Guattari sets out to provide a complete account of the conditions of 'enunciation' - autonomous speech and self-expression - for subjects in the contemporary world. Over the course of eight closely argued chapters, he presents a breathtakingly new reformulation of the structures of individual and collective subjectivity. Based on research into information theory and new technologies, Guattari (...)
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    Interview: Felix Guattari.Mark D. Seem & Felix Guattari - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (3):38.
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  48. What We Together Can (Be Required to) Do.Felix Pinkert - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):187-202.
    In moral and political philosophy, collective obligations are promising “gap-stoppers” when we find that we need to assert some obligation, but can not plausibly ascribe this obligation to individual agents. Most notably, Bill Wringe and Jesse Tomalty discuss whether the obligations that correspond to socio-economic human rights are held by states or even by humankind at large. The present paper aims to provide a missing piece for these discussions, namely an account of the conditions under which obligations can apply to (...)
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    The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis.Felix Guattari - 2010 - Semiotext(E).
    An early work that lays the foundation for establishing a “polemical” dimension to psychoanalysis. We certainly have the unconscious that we deserve, an unconscious for specialists, ready-made for an institutionalized discourse. I would rather see it as something that wraps itself around us in everyday objects, something that is involved with day-to-day problems, with the world outside. It would be the possible itself, open to the socius, to the cosmos...—from The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis In his seminal solo-authored work (...)
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  50. Das Phänomen der inkongruenten Gegenstücke aus Kantischer und heutiger Sicht.Felix Mühlhölzer - 1992 - Kant Studien 83:436-453.
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