Results for 'Femininity (Philosophy) '

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  1.  33
    The Undercurrent of Feminine Philosophy in Eastern and Western Thought.Sandra A. Wawrytko - 1983 - Philosophy East and West 33 (2):199-201.
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    Birth, Death, and Femininity: Philosophies of Embodiment.Robin May Schott (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Issues surrounding birth and death have been fundamental for Western philosophy as well as for individual existence. The contributors to this volume unravel the gendered aspects of the classical philosophical discourses on death, bringing in discussions about birth, creativity, and the entire chain of human activity. By linking their work to major thinkers such as Heidegger, Nietzsche, Beauvoir, and Arendt, and to major philosophical currents such as ancient philosophy, existentialism, phenomenology, and social and political philosophy, they challenge (...)
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  3. Abel, Elizabeth, and Emily K. Abel, eds., The Signs Reader: Women, Gender and Scholarship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1983. Allen, Jeffner, Lesbian Philosophy: Explorations. Palo Alto: Institute of Lesbi-an Studies 1986. [REVIEW]Sally Allen, Joanna Hubbs, Outrunning Atalanta, Feminine Destiny, Rita Arditti, Renate Dueli Klein & Shelley Minden - 1987 - In Marsha P. Hanen & Kai Nielsen, Science, Morality and Feminist Theory. University of Calgary Press. pp. 423.
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    Indigenous, feminine and technologist relational philosophies in the time of machine learning.Troy A. Richardson - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):6-22.
    Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are for many the defining features of the early twenty-first century. With such a provocation, this essay considers how one might understand the relational philosophies articulated by Indigenous learning scientists, Indigenous technologists and feminine philosophers of education as co-constitutive of an ensemble mediating or regulating an educative philosophy interfacing with ML/AI. In these mediations, differing vocabularies – kin, the one caring, cooperative – are recognized for their ethical commitments, yet challenging epistemic claims (...)
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    From Philosophy of the Feminine to Clinical Philosophy.Yoshiko Kanai - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (3):77-87.
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    Plato and the metaphysical feminine: one hundred and one nights.Irene Han - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine offers a new interpretation of the role of the female and the feminine in Plato's political dialogues--the Republic, Laws, and Timaeus--informed by Deleuze's film theory and Irigaray's psychoanalytic feminism. Irene Han reads Plato against the grain in order to close the gap between the vitalists and Plato, instead of magnifying their differences. Han explores the ambivalence that the vitalist tradition, Irigaray, and Derrida have towards Platonism. The application of Deleuzian and Irigarayan concepts to the ancient (...)
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    The feminine Love of Truth in Nietzsche's Philosophy.Sun Lee - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 90:353-377.
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  8. Luce Irigaray: philosophy in the feminine.Margaret Whitford - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Margaret Whitford's study provides the ideal introduction to Irigaray's thought, offering a sustained interpretation of her whole corpus, including previously untranslated French texts. Whitford suggests that Irigaray's work should be seen as "philosophy in the feminine," actively opposing the complicity of philosophy with other social practices which exclude or marginalize women.
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  9. The Feminine and The Question of Troth In Nietzsche's Philosophy.A. Koshy - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (1):89-108.
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  10. Womanizing Nietzsche: Philosophy's Relation to the "Feminine".Kelly Oliver - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Womanizing Nietzsche,__ Kelly Oliver uses an analysis of the position of woman in Nietzsche's texts to open onto the larger question of philosophy's relation to the feminine and the maternal. Offering readings from Nietzsche, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, Freud and Lacan, Oliver builds an innovative foundation for an ontology of intersubjective relationships that suggests a new approach to ethics.
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    Feminine Origin in the Cosmogonic ideas of the Slavic and Eastern Philosophy: a Comparative Analysis.Oksana Petinova & Violeta Svitlytska - 2023 - Philosophy and Cosmology 31:96-107.
    The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the role of the feminine principle in the cosmogonic ideas of the Slavic peoples and the philosophy of the Ancient East, in particular, India and China, to the establishment of common and distinctive features of female personification. The authors conclude that the ancient tribal culture, which was based on the logic of nature, the maintenance of the world in unity and the balance of opposites, was much more favorable to women (...)
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  12. Paradoxes of femininity in the philosophy of Simone de beauvoir.Ulrika Björk - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (1):39-60.
    This article explicates the meaning of the paradox from the perspective of sexual difference, as articulated by Simone de Beauvoir. I claim that the self, the other, and their becoming are sexed in Beauvoir’s early literary writing before the question of sexual difference is posed in The Second Sex (1949). In particular, Beauvoir’s description of Françoise’s subjective becoming in the novel She Came to Stay (1943) anticipates her later systematic description of ‘the woman in love’. In addition, I argue that (...)
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    Changing difference: the feminine and the question of philosophy.Catherine Malabou - 2011 - Malden, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Carolyn P. T. Shread.
    In the post-feminist age the fact that 'woman' finds herself deprived of her 'essence' only confirms, paradoxically, a very ancient state of affairs: 'woman' has never been able to define herself in any other way than in terms of the violence done to her. Violence alone confers her being - whether it is domestic and social violence or theoretical violence. The critique of 'essentialism' (i.e. there is no specifically feminine essence) proposed by both gender theory and deconstruction is just one (...)
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  14.  20
    Between femininity and feminism: colonial and postcolonial perspectives on care.Kanchana Mahadevan - 2014 - New Delhi: Published by Indian Council of Philosophical Research and D.K. Printworld.
    "Although the feminist debate on the ethics of care has demonstrated that philosophical concepts are gender-laden, the relation of care to justice and autonomy is not self- explanatory. Moreover, given its Western context, the normative relevance of the care debate to non-Western feminisms remains problematic. This book addresses this debate and investigates the extent to which notions of justice and autonomy can be reformulated without Eurocentrism from the perspective of care. In this endeavour, this book maps the shifts in feminist (...)
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  15.  11
    "The Feminine" as Metaphor of the Other in E. Levinas' Philosophy. 김애령 - 2008 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 9 (9):77-102.
    레비나스는 타자를 자신의 철학적 사유의 중심에 둔다. 그의 철학에서 타자는 도달할 수 없는 초월성이자, 규정이 불가능한 무한성이며, 자아에로의 통합을 거부하는 절대적인 다름이다. 레비나스는 절대적 다름을 ‘여성’, ‘여성적인 것’으로 은유화한다. 레비나스 철학에서 남성 중심적 동일성 철학을 극복할 수 있는 가능성의 단초를 발견하고자 하는 여성철학자들에게 레비나스의 이 은유는 불편한 걸림돌이 되어 왔다. 본 논문은 레비나스의 여성 은유가 그의 철학적 체계 안에서 어떠한 위치를 차지하고 있으며, 어떠한 의미를 지니고 있는지 비판적으로 분석한다. 비판적 분석을 통해 레비나스의 여성 은유가 그의 타자 윤리학의 함정이 될 수 (...)
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    Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy.Alex Dressler - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    While the central ideal of Roman philosophy exemplified by Lucretius, Cicero and Seneca appears to be the masculine values of self-sufficiency and domination, this book argues, through close attention to metaphor and figures, that the Romans also recognized, as constitutive parts of human experience, what for them were feminine concepts such as embodiment, vulnerability and dependency. Expressed especially in the personification of grammatically feminine nouns such as Nature and Philosophy 'herself', the Roman's recognition of this private 'feminine' part (...)
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  17. Slave, Sister, Sexborg, Sphinx: Feminine Figurations in Nick Land's Philosophy.Vincent Le - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (2):329-347.
    Given that Nick Land is one of the central influences on certain strands of accelerationism, xenofeminism, and inhumanism, it is important to understand how he himself first developed and deployed the concepts of acceleration, the feminine, and the inhuman, which others would go on to appropriate for their own purposes. This article will trace the four feminine figures throughout Land's philosophical trajectory, which he sees as agents for accelerating the transcendental critique of both anthropocentrism and phallocentrism: the slave turned lesbian; (...)
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    The Vegetative Soul: From Philosophy of Nature to Subjectivity in the Feminine.Elaine Miller - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    Rethinks the soul in plant-like terms rather than animal, drawing from nineteenth-century philosophy of nature.
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    Philosophy, femininity and feminism.Marjorie Weinzweig - 1983 - Philosophical Books 24 (3):129-136.
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    Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy by Alex Dressler.Harriet Fertik - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (2):111-113.
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    Time, Death, and the Feminine: Levinas with Heidegger.Tina Chanter - 2001 - Stanford: Stanford University Press.
    Examining Levinas’s critique of the Heideggerian conception of temporality, this book shows how the notion of the feminine both enables and prohibits the most fertile territory of Levinas’s thought. According to Heidegger, the traditional notion of time, which stretches from Aristotle to Bergson, is incoherent because it rests on an inability to think together two assumptions: that the present is the most real aspect of time, and that the scientific model of time is infinite, continuous, and constituted by a series (...)
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  22.  26
    (1 other version)De la philosophie du féminin à la philosophie clinique.Yoshiko Kanai - 2009 - Diogène 227 (3):106-.
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    Cat call: reclaiming the feral feminine.Kristen J. Sollée - 2019 - Newburyport, MA: Weiser Books.
    An exploration of the untamed crossroads where 'the feline' and 'the feminine' mingle and make magic. From ancient Egypt to early modern Venice to Edo Japan, the witch trials to the Women's March, Catwoman to cat ladies, kitten play to cat conventions, this book tracks the cat's circuitous connection to women and femininity through a magical lens. By combining historical research, pop culture and art analyses, and original interviews, this book uncovers what the 'feral feminine' might mean to witches, (...)
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    Nietzsche and the feminine.Peter J. Burgard (ed.) - 1994 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    Now, in an innovative and wide-ranging volume, Peter Burgard has brought together new studies by outstanding scholars in philosophy, feminism, comparative ...
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  25. Feminism against'the feminine'.Stella Sandford - 2001 - Radical Philosophy 105:6-14.
    Whilst the distinction between French and Anglo-American feminism was always rather dubious two specific linguistic differences between French and English have nevertheless determined two streams of feminist thought, and complicated the relation between them. Since the 1960s, English-language feminisms, in so far as they are distinctive, have centrally either presupposed or explicitly theorized the category of gender, for which there is no linguistic equivalent in French. At the same time, much (although not all) that came to be categorized as ʻFrenchʼ (...)
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    The Feminine Symptom: Aleatory Matter in the Aristotelian Cosmos.Emanuela Bianchi - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Analyzes Aristotle's natural philosophy and metaphysics from a feminist, deconstructive, psychoanalytic perspective, showing that Aristotelian teleology relies on the disparagement of chance and the feminine simultaneously and finding resources therein for contemporary feminist thought.
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    Educating the Feminine Voice in Philosophy.Naoko Saito - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:122-136.
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    Levinas, Judaism, and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca.Claire Elise Katz - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    Challenging previous interpretations of Levinas that gloss over his use of the feminine or show how he overlooks questions raised by feminists, Claire Elise Katz explores the powerful and productive links between the feminine and religion in Levinas’s work. Rather than viewing the feminine as a metaphor with no significance for women or as a means to reinforce traditional stereotypes, Katz goes beyond questions of sexual difference to reach a more profound understanding of the role of the feminine in Levinas’s (...)
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  29. An Introduction to Organic Philosophy an Essay on the Reconciliation of the Masculine and the Feminine Principles.LAWRENCE HYDE - 1955 - Omega Press.
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    Femininity and Feminism: Chinese and Contemporary [A Special Issue of the Journal of Chinese Philosophy ]. Edited by LINYU GU. Volume 36, Number 2, June 2009. [REVIEW]Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):449-455.
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    The Feminine Firm.John Dobson - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):227-232.
    In this comment Ichallenge two of the arguments made in the paper, “Toward the Feminine Firm.” First I challenge the claim that Gilligan’swork on gender differences in moral orientation provides a logically and empirically sound foundation for an alternative theory of the firm. I cite recent work that discredits any concise notion of a feminine ethic. Second I challenge the claim that, if such a firm were to exist, it would flourish in a competitive market economy. I suggest that, far (...)
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  32.  52
    The feminine principle in the Sikh vision of the transcendent.Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh, Singh & Singh Nikky-Guninder Kaur - 1993 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    A critical interpretation of Sikh literature from a feminist perspective.
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    Les personnages féminins et masculins à l’épreuve du mentir-vrai dans L’Invitée de Beauvoir et L’Âge de raison de Sartre.Justine Muller - 2022 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 32 (2):247-264.
    Résumé La lecture croisée des personnages féminins et masculins de L’Âge de raison et de L’Invitée permet de mettre en lumière la transformation que subit le matériau biographique dans ces romans de Sartre et de Beauvoir. La transposition fictionnelle du couple donne notamment lieu à des personnages stéréotypés s’offrant comme des caricatures de l’un et de l’autre qui viseraient à dénoncer certains de leurs travers. Loin d’être prisonniers des stéréotypes, les auteurs en joueraient, leurs œuvres fictionnelles rejoignant par là leur (...)
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  34. Re-situating the feminine in contemporary French philosophy.Louise Burchill - 2006 - In Deborah Orr, Belief, bodies, and being: feminist reflections on embodiment. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy by Alex Dressler.G. Reydams-Schils - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (3):568-571.
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    The female drama: the philosophical feminine in the soul of Plato's Republic.Charlotte C. S. Thomas - 2020 - Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
    Plato's most magisterial dialogue, the Republic, takes up the question "what is justice," and its central image is an imaginary city constructed in speech designed to aid in this inquiry. In Book V of the Republic, Socrates tells his interlocutors that they have completed the "Male Drama," of the city in speech and that it is now time for them to take up the "Female." The "Female Drama" is Socrates name for the action of the central books of the Republic: (...)
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    Luce Irigaray: Philosophy in the Feminine (review).Ruth El Saffar - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):145-147.
  38. Ādi Śakti: philosophy and narratives of the feminine divine.Ramakrishna Pejathaya & Vishaka Venkat (eds.) - 2022 - Ernakulam, Kerala, India: Chinmaya International Foundation.
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    Jung, Irigaray, individuation: philosophy, analytical psychology, and the question of the feminine.Frances Gray - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    The dreaming body -- The philosophical Jung -- Locating identities : individual and collective matters -- Projection : the mirror image -- Divine reversal -- Mimesis revisited : Demeter and Persephone -- Jung, Irigaray, and essentialism : a new look at an old problem -- Speaking of the collective unconscious.
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  40. Margaret Whitford. Luce Irigaray, Philosophy in the Feminine.A. McGown - 1994 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11:117-117.
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    Feminine Icons: The Face of Early Modern Science.Londa Schiebinger - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (4):661-691.
    In early modern science, the struggle between feminine and masculine allegories of science was played out within fixed parameters. Whether science itself was to be considered masculine or feminine, there never was serious debate about the gender of nature, one the one hand, or of the scientist, on the other. From ancient to modern times, nature—the object of scientific study—has been conceived as unquestionably female.5 At the same time, it is abundantly clear that the practitioners of science, scientists, themselves, overwhelmingly (...)
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    The Feminine and Masculine as Principles of Ascent in the Itinerarium mentis in Deum.Michelle Blohm - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (1):25-42.
    Bonaventure in his Itinerarium mentis in Deum traces the mystical journey of the spiritual wayfarer from the state of man posterior to the Fall of Adam and Eveto union with the Trinity as a partaker of the inter-Trinitarian love life. This journey takes the form of an ascent characterized by a Procline and Augustinian influenced ontology. I argue that the first two levels of the three-tiered ascent are understood ontologically as feminine and masculine principles, or evaluative metaphors, and mirror the (...)
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  43. An Introduction to Organic Philosophy: An Essay on the Reconciliation of the Masculine and the Feminine Principles.LAWRENCE HYDE - 1955 - Philosophy 31 (119):376-376.
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  44. Feminine and Feminist Ethics.Rosemarie Tong - 1995 - Social Philosophy Today 10:183-205.
  45. Narcissism, Femininity and Alienation.Sandra Lee Bartky - 1982 - Social Theory and Practice 8 (2):127-143.
  46. Catherine Malabou, Changing Difference: The Feminine and the Question of Philosophy.Tamkin Hussain - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 174:42.
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    Resentment and the "Feminine" in Nietzsche's Politico-Aesthetics.Caroline Joan Picart - 1999 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Nietzsche's remarks about women and femininity have generated a great deal of debate among philosophers, some seeing them as ineradicably misogynist, others interpreting them more favorably as ironic and potentially useful for modern feminism. In this study, Kay Picart uses a genealogical approach to track the way Nietzsche's initial use of "feminine" mythological figures as symbols for modernity's regenerative powers gradually gives way to an increasingly misogynistic politics, resulting in the silencing and emasculation of his earlier configurations of the (...)
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    Releasing the feminine voice: A Cavellian epistemology for the philosophy of religion.Ludger Viefhues-Bailey - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (3):452-461.
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  49. Femme, Erôs et philosophie.Elen Dania Diotte Besnou, Daniel Proulx & Jean-Michel Counet (eds.) - 2016 - Louvain-La-Neuve: EME éditions.
    À l’heure où divers discours suggèrent un « retour du féminin », et alors que certains suggèrent que ce « féminin » de l’Être relève d’une forme spécifique d’amour érotique, la philosophie académique est amenée à se positionner. Dans quelle mesure peut-on affirmer que le rapport de la femme au monde, au corps, à l’amour, à la spiritualité, à la vérité ou à la sagesse diffère de celui de l’homme ? Et si parler d’une essence du féminin ou de la (...)
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    (1 other version)Associations féminines et syndicalisme en Loire-Atlantique des années 1930 aux années 1980.Dominique Loiseau - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:8-8.
    Redoutant leur influence négative sur les maris grévistes, les syndicats ont parfois essayé de s'attirer les bonnes grâces des « ménagères ». A partir des années 1930, de nouvelles associations, issues des courants communiste et catholique-social, tentent de regrouper ces ménagères dans le cadre de ce qui peut s'apparenter à un syndicalisme de quartier (Comité mondial des femmes, Association populaire familiale, Union des femmes françaises). Organes d'assistance, de défense et de revendication, elles deviennent interlocutrices des syndicats professionnels en même temps (...)
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