Results for 'Ferenc Takács'

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  1.  12
    Kerekes Ferenc.Ferenc Kerekes, Katalin Fehâer & Orszâagos Pedagâogiai Kèonyvtâar âes Mâuzeum - 2001 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógiai Könyvtár és Múzeum. Edited by Katalin Fehér.
  2. The Idea of Biodiversity: Philosophies of Paradise.David Takacs - 1996 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    "At places distant from where you are, but also uncomfortably close," writes David Takacs, "a holocaust is under way. People are slashing, hacking, bulldozing, burning, poisoning, and otherwise destroying huge swaths of life on Earth at a furious pace." And a cadre of ecologists and conservation biologists has responded, vigorously promoting a new definition of nature: biodiversity --advocating it in Congress and on the Tonight Show; whispering it into the ears of foreign leaders redefining the boundaries of science and politics, (...)
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    Learning and Awareness.Ference Marton & Shirley A. Booth - 1997 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    This book presents the psychological basis, methodology, and application of Marton's phenomenographic approach to the theory of learning.
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    Freedom of the Will: A Conditional Analysis.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    _Freedom of the Will_ provides a novel interpretation of G. E. Moore’s famous conditional analysis of free will and discusses several questions about the meaning of free will and its significance for moral responsibility. Although Moore’ theory has a strong initial appeal, most metaphysicians believe that there are conclusive arguments against it. Huoranszki argues that the importance of conditional analysis must be reevaluated in light of some recent developments in the theory of dispositions. The original analysis can be amended so (...)
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    Context Matters: A Response to Autzen and Okasha’s Reply to Takacs and Bourrat.Peter Takacs & Pierrick Bourrat - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (3):170-176.
    In a recent reply to Takacs and Bourrat’s article (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022), Autzen and Okasha (Biol Philos 37:37, 2022) question our characterization of the relationship between the geometric mean and arithmetic mean measures of fitness. We here take issue with the claim that our characterization falls prey to the mistakes they highlight. Briefly revisiting what Takacs and Bourrat (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022) accomplished reveals that the key issue of difference concerns cases of deterministic but nonconstant growth. Restricting focus to (...)
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  6. Aspects of the Enlightenment: Aesthetics, Politics and Religion, eds. Ferenc Hörcher and Endre Szécsényi.Endre Szécsényi & Ferenc Hörcher (eds.) - 2004 - Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó.
    Introductory essay / Peter Jones -- The usefulness of the arts and the humanities : the case of Descartes / Gábor Boros -- Roads of remembrance : the treatment of imagination and memory in Gerard's Essay on genius / Zsolt Komáromy -- Diderot's untimeliness / László Kisbali ; transl. Márton Dornbach -- Melody vs. harmony : Rousseau, or, The aesthetics of vowels / Mária Ludassy ; transl. Zsolt Komáromy -- Judgement and taste : from Shakespeare to Shaftesbury / Ferenc (...)
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  7. The complexity of the collection of countable linear orders of the form I + I.Ferenc Beleznay - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1519-1526.
    First we prove that the set of countable linear orders of the form I + I form a complete analytic set. As a consequence of this we improve a result of Humke and Laczkovich, who showed in [HL] that the set of functions of the form f ⚬ f form a true analytic set in C[0, 1]. We show that these functions form a complete analytic set, solving a problem mentioned on p. 215 of [K1] and on p. 4 of (...)
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    Észérvek az európai filozófiai hagyományban.Ferenc Altrichter - 1993 - Budapest: Atlantisz.
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    Marie T. Hoffman: Toward mutual recognition: relational psychoanalysis and Christian narrative: Routledge, London, New York, 2011, xix + 256 pp.Ferenc Erős - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):149-152.
  10.  26
    Is the Novel Problematic? A Contribution To the Theory of the Novel.Ferenc Féher - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (15):47-74.
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    Karl Marx and Some Problems in the Theory of the State.Ferenc Gergenyi - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):6-22.
    Marxist philosophers have always given great attention to theoretical questions concerning the historical role and significance of the state and to the processes by which the types and political forms of states have changed. As we know, historical materialism demands both concrete analysis of the political organization of the society of a given socioeconomic system and the discovery of certain general patterns that manifest themselves in the course of world history. Marx's thesis that reality can truly be understood only on (...)
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    Is a Universal Morality possible?Ferenc Horcher (ed.) - 2015 - L’Harmattan Publishing.
    This volume - the joint effort of the research groups on practical philosophy and the history of political thought of the Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - brings together scholarly essays that attempt to face the challenges of the contemporary situation. The authors come from rather divergent disciplinary backgrounds, including philosophy, law, history, literature and the social sciences, from different cultural and political contexts, including Central, Eastern and Western Europe, (...)
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  13.  15
    The Political Philosophy of the European City: From Polis, through City-State, to Megalopolis?Ferenc Hörcher - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    The Political Philosophy of the European City offers a wide-ranging panorama of urban political culture in Europe. Its historical scope ranges from the ancient polis through Italian city-states to the ideal of “small is beautiful” in the 20th century. As a political theory, it offers an analysis of conservative, urban republicanism.
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  14.  18
    Hungarian General Linguistics.Ferenc Kiefer (ed.) - 1982 - Benjamins.
    I n t r o d u c t i o n This volume contains papers on general linguistics written by Hungarian scholars. The term 'general linguistics' is not easy to define. Is a paper on Hungarian at the same time a study in general linguistics? Certainly not.
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  15. Az új világnézlet.Ferenc Mentovich - 1974 - Bukarest: Kriterion.
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    Structure and Authorship of the KusumÀ·jali.Ferenc Ruzsa - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (5):803-819.
    This paper suggests that the classic of Indian theology, the Nyāya-kusumâñjali is in fact two texts: an earlier treatise in 65 ślokas, and Udayana’s commentary on it. Internal evidence consists in: the ślokas read as a continuous text; there are extremely long prose passages without verses; Udayana does not comment on his own verses, only on the ślokas; the basic plan of the two texts are markedly different; different content of some chapters: ch. 1 about karma vs. rituals to reach (...)
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    Benedetto Croce mʺuvészetelméleti nézetei.József Takács - 1981 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Workshop: Hot Topic.Helen Takacs, Jerry Calton & Nancy Kurland - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:544-554.
    This workshop was designed for faculty teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels who incorporate or wish to incorporate climate change and sustainability into their teaching repertoire. Following an introduction, the workshop addressed challenges, frameworks, and models for teaching about climate change and sustainability. Breakout sessions then focused on these three aspects of our teaching. The workshop concluded with a sharing of ideas from the breakout sessions and thoughts on moving forward. A resource list for teaching about climate change (...)
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  19. Belief and Possibility.Ferenc Altrichter - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (7):364.
  20.  15
    13. On the Pragmatics of Answers.Ferenc Kiefer - 1988 - In Michel Meyer (ed.), Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 255.
  21.  10
    A társadalom aspektusai: társadalomelméleti tanulmányok Lendvai L. Ferenc köszöntésére.L. Ferenc Lendvai, Tamás Demeter & Judit Hell (eds.) - 2000 - Budapest: Áron Kiadó.
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    Kínai filozófia: válogatta, fordította a bevezetéseket és jegyzeteket írta Tőkei Ferenc.Ferenc Tőkei - 1964 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Fate, freedom and contingency.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2002 - Acta Analytica 17 (1):79-102.
    Argument for fatalism attempts to prove that free choice is a logical or conceptual impossibility. The paper argues that the first two premises of the argument are sound: propositions are either true or false and they have their truth-value eternally. But the claim that from the fatalistic premises with the introduction of some innocent further premise dire consequences follow as regards to the possibility of free choice is false. The introduced premise, which establishes the connection between the first two premises (...)
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  24. Weakness and compulsion: the essential difference.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (1):81-97.
    This paper aims to defend the common-sense view that we exempt compulsive agents from responsibility to the extent that they are unable to choose what they do and hence they cannot control their actions by their choices. This view has been challenged in a seminal paper by Gary Watson, who claimed that akratic agents lack control in the same sense but they are responsible nonetheless. In the first part of the paper, I critically examine the arguments Watson advances for this (...)
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  25.  11
    A közjó az egyház társadalmi tanításában.Ferenc Beran & Péter Erdő (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
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    Argumente für und wider das Cognitive Enhancement: Eine kritische Kurzübersicht.Ferenc Biedermann - 2010 - Ethik in der Medizin 22 (4):317-329.
    Das Cognitive Enhancement, die Steigerung der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit gesunder Menschen durch Psychopharmaka und andere Interventionen, ist in jüngster Zeit verstärkt in den Fokus sowohl der Ethik als auch der breiteren Öffentlichkeit geraten. In kontrafaktischer Abstrahierung vom gegenwärtig noch sehr bescheidenen Stand der Technik wird dabei unter anderem erörtert, was grundsätzlich für und was gegen den Einsatz von markant wirksamem Cognitive Enhancement sprechen würde. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die einschlägige Diskussion. Zunächst wird der recht uneinheitlich verwendete Begriff des (...)
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    Az emberré vált ember: tanulmányok.Ferenc Buji - 1999 - Budapest: "Igen" Katolikus Kulturális Egyesület.
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    Measurement and Meaning.Ferenc Csatári - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    This book provides a critical survey of measurement theories and a clear exposition of the concerning philosophical questions. The author offers a new, constructive interpretation for measurement in both physics and the social sciences, arguing for a constructivist approach.
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    Some Remarks on the Physicalist Account of Mathematics.Ferenc Csatári - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):165.
    The paper comments on a rather uncommon approach to mathematics called physicalist formalism. According to this view, the formal systems mathematicians concern with are nothing more and nothing less than genuine physical systems. I give a brief review on the main theses, then I provide some arguments, concerning mostly with the practice of mathematics and the uniqueness of formal systems, aiming to show the implausibility of this radical view.
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  30. Dynamics of the international and national in Finnish and Hungarian higher education 1990-2020.Viktória Ferenc, Taina Saarinen & Petteri Laihonen - 2022 - In Pasi Ihalainen & Antero Holmila (eds.), Nationalism and internationalism intertwined: a European history of concepts beyond nation states. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    The End of the Economic Miracle: Appearance and Reality in Economic Development.Ferenc Jánossy - 2015 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1971, this report presents Dr Jánossy’s attempt to demonstrate that all post-war economic ‘miracles’ lasted only until production levels reached the levels they should have done had there been no war and concludes that economic development is extremely consistent. Jánossy also provides a detailed growth theory which suggests that this consistency is reached purely by the development of mankind and occupational structure rather than research or capital development. This title will be of interest to students of Business (...)
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  32.  9
    Az előfeltevések elmélete.Ferenc Kiefer - 1983 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Assessing facial attractiveness: individual decisions and evolutionary constraints.Ferenc Kocsor & Feldmann - 2013 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 3.
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    György Lukács 1902–1918: His way to Marx.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2):55 - 73.
    At the end of his life György Lukács described his intellectual career as ‘my way to Marx’ [mein Weg zu Marx]. By this he meant that his professional life can be interpreted as an attempt to get to the real Marx. In this paper I use this expression in a narrower and more direct meaning: I attempt to present the road at the end of which the young Lukács arrived at a Marxist standpoint.
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  35.  14
    The Unfinished Revolutions of 1989: The Decline of the Nation-State?Ferenc Miszlivetz - 1991 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 58:781-804.
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    Le fondement selon Husserl: une idée de la phénoménalité.Ádám Takács - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'ambition de ce travail vise à donner une interprétation intégrale de la doctrine du "fondement" dans la phénoménologie husserlienne à partir des problèmes fondamentaux qui chaque fois, au cours de son développement, lui sont propres. L'auteur reconnaît ces problèmes comme ceux de la "représentation", de "l'apparition" et de la "constitution" temporelle, charnelle ainsi que monadique. La méthode choisie consiste, d'une part, dans une reconstruction interprétative du parcours de la pensée husserlienne de la publication des Recherches logiques jusqu'aux textes les plus (...)
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    Antikvitás és feudalizmus.Ferenc Tőkei - 1969 - [Budapest]: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.
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  38. Phenomenography: A research approach to investigating different understandings of reality.Ference Marton - 1986 - Journal of Thought 21 (3):28-49.
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    Practical Reason in the Revolution: Kant's Dialogue with the French Revolution.Ferenc Feher - 1989 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 56.
  40. Equality Reconsidered.Ferenc Feher & Agnes Heller - 1981 - Thesis Eleven 3 (1):23-40.
  41.  8
    Unsinn zur Unzeit: ein Dialog mit Gilles Deleuze über "Ereignis" im homiletischen und liturgischen Horizont.Ferenc Herzig - 2020 - Göttingen: Echter Verlag.
    Diese Studie führt einen Dialog mit dem französischen Philosophen Gilles Deleuze, um anhand seines Denkens die Erscheinungsweisen von Ereignis zeit- und sprachphilosophisch zu beschreiben. Ereignis, dieses Begriffswort, das sich jeder Definition naturgemäß entzieht, wird in der jüngeren Praktischen Theologie und in der Systematischen Theologie seit Karl Barth häufig gebraucht und selten bestimmt. In dieser Studie geht Ferenc Herzig dem Ereignis nach, ohne es mit einer „Was-ist“-Frage einzuzäunen. Die Konsequenzen für liturgische und homiletische Grundfragen werden daraufhin ebenso dargestellt wie der (...)
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  42.  45
    The Dictatorship Over Needs.Ferenc Feher - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (35):31-42.
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    The Metaphysics of Contingency. A Theory of Objects' Abilities and Dispositions.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2022 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Some things happen or exist only contingently: although they do happen or exist, they do not have to. Some other things do not happen or come to exist, although they could. They are contingent possibilities. Philosophers have tried to understand contingent possibilities in two different ways. According to one, possibilities should be understood with reference to worlds. A nonactual event is possible because there is a world in which it does happen. According to another, possibilities should be understood with reference (...)
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  44.  11
    Authoritarianism, Democracy and the Concept of Prejudice.Ferenc Eros - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (2):113-117.
  45.  48
    Priest attended death in medieval and early modern period: Translation and commentary on an old croatian text circa 1600.Stella Fatović-Ferenčić & Marija-Ana Dürrigl - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (4):331-337.
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    Marx és a modernitás.Ferenc Fehér & Agnes Heller - 2002
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  47. Why liberty is devoured by reason in history: Re-reading Merleau-ponty during the days of the soviet revolution.Ferenc Feher - 1992 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 18 (2):135-146.
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  48. Dynamics of the international and national in Finnish and Hungarian higher education 1990-2020.Viktória Ferenc, Taina Saarinen & Petteri Laihonen - 2022 - In Pasi Ihalainen & Antero Holmila (eds.), Nationalism and internationalism intertwined: a European history of concepts beyond nation states. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  49. Poza zasadą różnorodności, czyli czemu służy krytyka spekulatywna.Mariusz Ferenc - 2009 - Principia.
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  50.  59
    Dramatic Mimesis and Civic Education in Aristotle, Cicero and Renaissance Humanism.Hörcher Ferenc - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (1):87-96.
    This paper wants to address the Aristotelian analysis of the concept of mimesis from a social and cultural angle. It is going to show that mimesis is crucial if we want to understand why the institution of the theatre played such a crucial role in the civic educational programme of classical Athens. The paper’s argument is that the magic spell of theatrical imitation, its aesthetic machinery was exploited by the city for civic educational function. Dramas, and in particular tragedies helped (...)
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