Results for 'Finn Butler'

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  1. Neonatal incubator or artificial womb? Distinguishing ectogestation and ectogenesis using the metaphysics of pregnancy.Elselijn Kingma & Suki Finn - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):354-363.
    A 2017 Nature report was widely touted as hailing the arrival of the artificial womb. But the scientists involved claim their technology is merely an improvement in neonatal care. This raises an under-considered question: what differentiates neonatal incubation from artificial womb technology? Considering the nature of gestation—or metaphysics of pregnancy—(a) identifies more profound differences between fetuses and neonates/babies than their location (in or outside the maternal body) alone: fetuses and neonates have different physiological and physical characteristics; (b) characterizes birth as (...)
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  2. Rethinking vulnerability and resistance.Judith Butler - 2016 - In Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti & Leticia Sabsay (eds.), Vulnerability in Resistance. Durham: Duke University Press.
  3. A Livable Life? An Inhabitable World? Scheler on the Tragic.Judith Butler - 2022 - Puncta 5 (2):8-27.
    The question of what makes a life livable is linked with the question, what makes for an inhabitable world. This last was not Scheler’s question, but it follows from the world that he describes, the world that he claims is exhibited through the tragic. When the world is an object immersed in sorrow, how is it possible to inhabit such a world? What about the persistence of uninhabitable sorrow? The answer lies less in individual conduct or practice than in the (...)
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    Editorial: Mental practice: clinical and experimental research in imagery and action observation.Magdalena Ietswaart, Andrew J. Butler, Philip L. Jackson & Martin G. Edwards - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    (1 other version)Foucault and the Paradox of Bodily Inscriptions in Eighty-sixth Annual Meeting American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division.Judith Butler - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (11):601-607.
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    Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel and: A Dissertationn Upon the Nature of Virtue.Joseph Butler & W. R. Matthews - 1964 - Bell.
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    Picture This: A Review of Research Relating to Narrative Processing by Moving Image Versus Language.Elspeth Jajdelska, Miranda Anderson, Christopher Butler, Nigel Fabb, Elizabeth Finnigan, Ian Garwood, Stephen Kelly, Wendy Kirk, Karin Kukkonen, Sinead Mullally & Stephan Schwan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Reading fiction for pleasurable is robustly correlated with improved cognitive attainment and other benefits. It is also in decline among young people in developed nations, in part because of competition from moving image fiction. We review existing research on the differences between reading/hearing verbal fiction and watching moving image fiction, as well as looking more broadly at research on image/text interactions and visual versus verbal processing. We conclude that verbal narrative generates more diverse responses than moving image narrative., We note (...)
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    Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy.James Bennett-Levy, Gillian Butler, Melanie Fennell, Ann Hackmann, Martina Mueller & David Westbrook (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Behavioural experiments are one of the central and most powerful methods of intervention in cognitive therapy. Yet until now, there has been no volume specifically dedicated to guiding physicians who wish to design and implement behavioural experiments across a wide range of clinical problems.The Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy fills this gap. It is written by clinicians for clinicians. It is a practical, easy to read handbook, which is relevant for practising clinicians at every level, from trainees (...)
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    Recent Periodicals.E. E. Klimoff, W. E. Butler, Artist Keith Vaughan & R. McKitterick - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (1):1.
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    Reality, Attention, and Sociality.Ian Werkheiser & Michael Butler - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):149-152.
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  11. The Henadic Origin of Procession in Damascius.Edward P. Butler - 2013 - Dionysius 31.
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    God: Anticipation and affirmation.O. S. B. B. C. Butler - 1979 - Heythrop Journal 20 (4):365–379.
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    European Portuguese-Learning Infants Look Longer at Iambic Stress: New Data on Language Specificity in Early Stress Perception.Sónia Frota, Joseph Butler, Ertugrul Uysal, Cátia Severino & Marina Vigário - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Apulei Apologia.Kirby Flower Smith, H. E. Butler & A. S. Owen - 1917 - American Journal of Philology 38 (2):204.
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    Predictive aspects of nonverbal courtship behavior in women.Monica M. Moore & Diana L. Butler - 1989 - Semiotica 76 (3-4):205-216.
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    Le féminin et le maternel, l'angoisse face à la différence.Annie de Butler & Florence Bécar - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 169 (3):45-60.
    L’écoute d’un couple en crise qui demande à être aidé montre fréquemment que la dégradation de leur communication affective et sexuelle a débuté à la naissance d’un enfant, pas nécessairement le premier. Quelques exemples témoignent à quel point de multiples remaniements psychiques s’opèrent au sein du couple, lorsqu’une femme devient mère : retour de l’enfant en soi, réactivation des conflits œdipiens. Et, comme le souligne Winnicott, n’y aurait-il pas en chaque homme et en chaque femme la représentation d’une femme/mère toute-puissante (...)
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    The Power of Visual Approaches in Qualitative Inquiry: The Use of Collage Making and Concept Mapping in Experiential Research.Lynn Butler-Kisber & Tiiu Poldma - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M18.
    The burgeoning interest in arts-informed research and the increasing variety of visual possibilities as a result of new technologies have paved the way for researchers to explore and use visual forms of inquiry. This article investigates how collage making and concept mapping are useful visual approaches that can inform qualitative research. They are experiential ways of doing/knowing that help to get at tacit aspects of both understanding and process and to make these more explicit to the researcher and more accessible (...)
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    The anthracycline antibiotics: antitumor drugs that alter chromatin structure.Azra Rabbani, Ron M. Finn & Juan Ausió - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (1):50-56.
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  19. Polytheism and the Euthyphro.Edward P. Butler - 2016 - Walking the Worlds: A Biannual Journal of Polytheism and Spiritwork 2 (2).
    In this reading of the Euthyphro, Socrates and Euthyphro are seen less in a primordial conflict between reason and devotion, than as sincere Hellenic polytheists engaged in an inquiry based upon a common intuition that, in addition to the irreducible agency of the Gods, there is also some irreducible intelligible content to holiness. This reading is supported by the fact that Euthyphro does not claim the authority of revelation for his decision to prosecute his father, but rather submits it to (...)
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  20. O que é a crítica? Um ensaio sobre a virtude de Foucault.Judith Butler & Gustavo Hessmann Dalaqua - 2013 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 22:159-179.
    Tradução do artigo "What is Critique? An Essay on Foucault's Virtue.".
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  21. A Dworkinian right to privacy in New Zealand.Mark Bennett & Petra Butler - 2018 - In Salman Khurshid, Lokendra Malik & Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco (eds.), Dignity in the legal and political philosophy of Ronald Dworkin. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
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  22. Meditations and Moral Sketches, Tr. By John Marq. Of Ormonde.François Pierre G. Guizot & John Butler - 1855
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    Enacting classroom inquiry: Theorizing teachers' conceptions of science teaching.Scott McDonald & Nancy Butler Songer - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):973-993.
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    The measure and weight of the third man.Ronald J. Butler - 1963 - Mind 72 (285):62-78.
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  25. At anmelde i Hermes-tidsskrift for sprogforskning.Henning Bergenholtz & Finn Frandsen - 1997 - Hermes 19:169-184.
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    David P. hunt.Travis Butler - 1997 - Phronesis 42 (1).
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    Time after time.Rex Butler - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (1):1-13.
    This essay is an analysis of a series of writings by the Australian intellectual historian Ian Hunter on the subject of 'theory'. It examines the methodological issues raised by attempting to write a history of theory. The essay particularly seeks to analyse the various aporias at stake in Hunter's project: between the empirical and the transcendental, between history and the event, and between theory and 'empirical' history.
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    Hoffmannsthal's "elektra". A graeco-Freudian myth.E. M. Butler - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (2):164-175.
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  29. On Clark on systematicity and connectionism.Keith Butler - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (1):37-44.
  30. Representation and computation in a deflationary assessment of connectionist cognitive science.Keith Butler - 1995 - Synthese 104 (1):71-97.
    Connectionism provides hope for unifying work in neuroscience, computer science, and cognitive psychology. This promise has met with some resistance from Classical Computionalists, which may have inspired Connectionists to retaliate with bold, inflationary claims on behalf of Connectionist models. This paper demonstrates, by examining three intimately connected issues, that these inflationary claims made on behalf of Connectionism are wrong. This should not be construed as an attack on Connectionism, however, since the inflated claims made on its behalf have the look (...)
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    Scope control and grammatical dependencies.Alastair Butler - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (3):241-264.
    This paper develops a semantics with control over scope relations using Vermeulen’s stack valued assignments as information states. This makes available a limited form of scope reuse and name switching. The goal is to have a general system that fixes available scoping effects to those that are characteristic of natural language. The resulting system is called Scope Control Theory, since it provides a theory about what scope has to be like in natural language. The theory is shown to replicate a (...)
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    How to bring the news … peak-end effects in children’s affective responses to peer assessments of their social behavior.Vincent Hoogerheide, Marleen Vink, Bridgid Finn, An K. Raes & Fred Paas - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):1114-1121.
    ABSTRACTThe retrospective evaluation of an event tends to be based on how the experience felt during the most intense moment and the last moment. Two experiments tested whether this so-called peak-end effect influences how primary school students are affected by peer assessments. In both experiments, children assessed two classmates on their behaviour in school and then received two manipulated assessments. In Experiment 1, one assessment consisted of four negative ratings and the other of four negative ratings with an extra moderately (...)
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  33. Response to Bordo's “Feminist Skepticism and the ‘Maleness’ of Philosophy”.Judith Butler - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (3):162-165.
    Bordo argues that the “theoretics of heterogeneity” taken too far prevents us from being able make generalizations or broadly conceptual statements about women. 1 argue that the political efficacy of feminism does not depend on the capacity to speak from the perspective of “women” and that the insistence on the heterogeneity of the category of women does not imply an opposition to abstraction but rather moves abstract thinking in a self-critical and democratizing direction.
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    Operant response requirements affect touching of visual reinforcement by infants.Diane C. Bailey, Richard Deni & Amy Finn-O’Connor - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (2):118-119.
  35. Data, corpora, and linguistic research.Per Anker Jensen, Finn Sørensen & Carl Vikner - 1989 - Hermes 2 (1989):179-186.
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  36.  14
    Synaesthesia and the ancient senses.Shane Butler & Alex C. Purves (eds.) - 2013 - Durham, UK: Acumen Publishing.
    A path-breaking collection launching a new series of books on the senses in antiquity. Synaesthesia and the Ancient Senses presents a radical reappraisal of antiquity's textures, flavours, and aromas, sounds and sights. It offers both a fresh look at society in the ancient world and an opportunity to deepen the reading of classical literature. The book will appeal to readers in classical society and literature, philosophy and cultural history. All Greek and Latin is translated and technical matters are explained for (...)
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  37. G.W.F. Hegel, "Faith and knowledge".Clark Butler - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (1):63.
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    Hegelian Panentheism as Joachimite Christianity.Clark Butler - 1992 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 11:131-142.
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  39. J. Robinson, "Duty and hypocrisy in Hegel's phenomenology of mind: An essay in the real and the ideal".C. Butler - 1982 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):45.
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    Psychological literature: Educational.Nicholas Murray Butler - 1894 - Psychological Review 1 (1):82-83.
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    Report of Council.F. H. C. Butler & E. Ashworth Underwood - 1963 - British Journal for the History of Science 1 (4):392-393.
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    ENPOSS 2012: The First Conference of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Copenhagen, September 21–23, 2012). [REVIEW]Julie Zahle & Finn Collin - 2013 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1):225-226.
  43. Compositionality in cognitive models: The real issue. [REVIEW]Keith Butler - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 78 (2):153-62.
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    Sara Parkin: The Positive Deviant: Sustainability Leadership in a Perverse World: Earthscan: London and Washington, DC, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-84971-118-0. $39.95 hardback. [REVIEW]Cornelia Butler Flora - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (3):727-728.
    Sara Parkin: The Positive Deviant: Sustainability Leadership in a Perverse World Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9319-1 Authors Cornelia Butler Flora, Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Agriculture and Life Sciences, 317 East Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1070, USA Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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  45. Review of the book,The Philosophy of Human Rights, edited by Alan Rosenbaum. [REVIEW]Clark Butler - unknown
    Chaim Perelman's article in this volume first set me on the path of human rights ethics. A professor of Rhetoric, he understood the construction of human rights to be the construction of a universal audience, or potential universal audience, for the exercise of freedom of expression.
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    Judith Butler in Conversation: Analyzing the Texts and Talk of Everyday Life.Judith Butler & Bronwyn Davies (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Contains responses from social critic Judith Butler to essays on her work from across the social sciences, humanities, and behavioral sciences.
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    Clark Butler -- peaceful coexistence as the nuclear traumatization of humanity.Clark Butler - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (3-4):81-94.
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  48. The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell.Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Pheng Cheah & E. A. Grosz - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):19-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell*Pheng Cheah (bio) and Elizabeth Grrosz (bio)EG:Luce Irigaray’s writings have always figured strongly in your works, probably more than in the work of other American feminist theorists. Out of all the feminist theorists you both interrogate, she seems to emerge as a kind of touchstone of the feminist ethical, political, and intellectual concerns to which you (...)
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  49. Evaluating Ectogenesis via the Metaphysics of Pregnancy.Suki Finn & Sasha Isaac - 2021 - In Robbie Davis-Floyd (ed.), Birthing Techno-Sapiens: Human-Technology Co-Evolution and the Future of Reproduction. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. Chapter 8.
    Ectogenesis, or “artificial womb technology,” has been heralded by some, such as prominent feminist Shulamith Firestone, as a way to liberate women. In this chapter, we challenge this view by offering an alternative analysis of the technology as relying upon and perpetuating a problematic model of pregnancy which, rather than liberating women, serves to devalue them. We look to metaphysics as the abstract study of reality to elucidate how the entities in a pregnancy are related to one another. We consider (...)
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    Interpolation and definability in abstract logics.Finn V. Jensen - 1974 - Synthese 27 (1-2):251 - 257.
    A semantical definition of abstract logics is given. It is shown that the Craig interpolation property implies the Beth definability property, and that the Souslin-Kleene interpolation property implies the weak Beth definability property. An example is given, showing that Beth does not imply Souslin-Kleene.
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