Results for 'Floyd A. Hadas'

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  1.  59
    The Triumph of Evolution. [REVIEW]Floyd A. Jenkins - 1979 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 54 (4):448-449.
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    Reproductive preferences and contraceptive use: A comparison of monogamous and polygamous couples in northern malawi.A. Baschieri, J. Cleland, S. Floyd, A. Dube, A. Msona, A. Molesworth, J. R. Glynn & N. French - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (2):145-166.
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    Ethical Outcomes and Business Ethics: Toward Improving Business Ethics Education.Larry A. Floyd, Feng Xu, Ryan Atkins & Cam Caldwell - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):753-776.
    Unethical conduct has reached crisis proportions in business :A1–A10, 2011) and on today’s college campuses :58–65, 2007). Despite the evidence that suggests that more than half of business students admit to dishonest practices, only about 5 % of business school deans surveyed believe that dishonesty is a problem at their schools :299–308, 2010). In addition, the AACSB which establishes standards for accredited business schools has resisted the urging of deans and business experts to require business schools to teach an ethics (...)
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  4.  37
    Involuntary motions of the eye during monocular fixation.Floyd Ratliff & Lorrin A. Riggs - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (6):687.
  5.  68
    Less Is More: A Minimalist Account of Joint Action in Communication.Hadas Shintel & Boaz Keysar - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2):260-273.
    Language use can be viewed as a form of joint activity that requires the coordination of meaning between individuals. Because the linguistic signal is notoriously ambiguous, interlocutors need to draw upon additional sources of information to resolve ambiguity and achieve shared understanding. One way individuals can achieve coordination is by using inferences about the interlocutor’s intentions and mental states to adapt their behavior. However, such an inferential process can be demanding in terms of both time and cognitive resources. Here, we (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria: a thinker in the Jewish diaspora.Mireille Hadas-Lebel - 2012 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Robyn Fréchet.
    Mireille Hadas-Lebel shines a spotlight on the complex life and works of Philo, the illustrious Alexandrian Jewish philosopher, offering a fascinating insight into a seminal religious thinker at the crossroads of Judaism and Hellenism.
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    Outcome-Based Education: Developing Programs Through Strategic Planning.Floyd Boschee & Mark A. Baron - 1993 - R&L Education.
    To learn more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
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    Coda.Elizabeth A. Robinson, Juliet Floyd & James E. Katz - 2015 - In J. E. Katz & J. Floyd (eds.), Philosophy of Emerging Media: Understanding, Appreciation and Application. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    A revisiting and distillation of themes, questions, and results of the book’s chapters, with a description of possible alternative pathways through the volume. Open problems and suggestions for further research are also offered, laying out a vision of the field as a whole, and calling for future research, especially into topics relating to qualitative vs. quantitative uses of big data, the concept of “media”, issues in the history of philosophy and digital humanities, normative questions concerning social justice, race, gender, and (...)
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  9.  35
    Tragedy and Truth. Studies in the Development of a Renaissance and Neoclassical Discourse.Floyd Gray & Timothy J. Reiss - 1980 - Substance 9 (4):111.
  10.  12
    The Homeric Gods.G. M. A. Grube, Walter F. Otto & Moses Hadas - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (3):331.
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    Examining Different Motor Learning Paradigms for Improving Balance Recovery Abilities Among Older Adults, Random vs. Block Training—Study Protocol of a Randomized Non-inferiority Controlled Trial.Hadas Nachmani, Inbal Paran, Moti Salti, Ilan Shelef & Itshak Melzer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Introduction: Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. Studies showed that older adults can reduce the risk of falls after participation in an unexpected perturbation-based balance training, a relatively novel approach that challenged reactive balance control. This study aims to investigate the effect of the practice schedule on reactive balance function and its transfer to proactive balance function. Our primary hypothesis is that improvements in reactive balance control following block PBBT will be not inferior (...)
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    The Reification of Desire: Toward a Queer Marxism.Kevin Floyd - 2009 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Floyd brings queer critique to bear on the Marxian categories of reification and totality and considers the dialectic that frames the work of Georg Lukâas, Herbert Marcuse and Frederic Jameson.
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  13.  15
    Peirce's semiotics now: a primer.Floyd Merrell - 1995 - Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
  14. A Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew.Floyd F. Filson - 1960
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    She's Got a Gun.Nancy Floyd - 2008 - Temple University Press.
    In 1991 Nancy Floyd bought her first handgun. Soon she was participating in Ladies Day at her local shooting range and reading Women & Guns magazine. In 1993 she began interviewing and photographing women who were fellow gun owners. In 1997 she started researching "gun women" from the past to see how they were represented in the popular imagination. Now she has brought her work together in a book, filled with remarkable photographs and candid first-person stories, accompanied by an (...)
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    (1 other version)Normative behaviourism as a solution to four problems in realism and non-ideal theory.Jonathan Floyd - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (2):1-26.
  17.  49
    Resting-State Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Findings in Opioid Use Disorder during Abstinence: A Review.Hada Fong-ha Ieong & Zhen Yuan - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  18.  48
    Achieving a science of sacred doctrine.Shawn Floyd - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (1):1–15.
    Aquinas claims that sacred doctrine is a science, or scientia. All scientiae involve demonstrations containing principles which yield conclusions that are necessary and certain. The principles leading to sacred scientia are the articles of faith. Those articles are contained in Scripture and constitute the premises of demonstrations the conclusions of which form sacred doctrine's content. Because of those articles' divine origin, we can expect them to yield conclusions the truth of which is guaranteed. According to William Abraham, however, Aquinas must (...)
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  19. A New Testament History: The Story of the Emerging Church.Floyd V. Filson - 1964
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    Can real actions justify realist principles? Normative behaviourism as a member of the realist family.Jonathan Floyd - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (3):356-375.
    If Alison McQueen is right that there is a broad ‘family’ of realist approaches to political theory, then it follows there are several ways of ‘doing’ realism, as illustrated by this collection. Here, I set out one such way, normative behaviourism, by explaining its realist character on four fronts: Its starting point; its values; its ambitions; and its treatment of a shared problem. The argument then considers two key objections to the described approach, both of which affect a range of (...)
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  21. Theories of Perception and the Concept of Structure: A Review and Critical Analysis with an Introduction to a Dynamic-Structural Theory of Behavior.FLOYD H. ALLPORT - 1955
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  22. (1 other version)Wittgensteins Diagonal-Argument: Eine Variation auf Cantor und Turing.Juliet Floyd - 2018 - In Bromand Joachim & Reichert Bastian (eds.), Wittgenstein und die Philosophie der Mathematik. Mentis Verlag. pp. 167-197.
    A German translation with 2017 postscript of Floyd, Juliet. 2012. "Wittgenstein's Diagonal Argument: A Variation on Cantor and Turing." In Epistemology versus Ontology, Logic, Epistemology: Essays in Honor of Per Martin-Löf, edited by P. Dybjer, S. Lindström, E. Palmgren and G. Sundholm, 25-44. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media. An analysis of philosophical aspects of Turing's diagonal argument in his (136) "On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem" in relation to Wittgenstein's writings on Turing and Cantor.
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  23. A Note on Wittgenstein’s “Notorious Paragraph” About the Gödel Theorem.Juliet Floyd & Hilary Putnam - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (11):624-632.
    A look at Wittgenstein's comments on the incompleteness theorem with an inter-pretation that is consistent with what Gödel proved.
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  24. Number and Ascriptions of Number in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Juliet Floyd - 2002 - In Edited by Erich H. Reck (ed.), From Frege to Wittgenstein: Perspectives on Early Analytic Philosophy. New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Wittgenstein's treatment of number words and arithmetic in the Tractatus reflects central features of his early conception of philosophy. In rejecting Frege's and Russell's analyses of number, Wittgenstein rejects their respective conceptions of function, object, logical form, generality, sentence, and thought. He, thereby, surrenders their shared ideal of the clarity a Begriffsschrift could bring to philosophy. The development of early analytic philosophy thus evinces far less continuity than some readers of Wittgenstein, from Russell and the Vienna positivists to many contemporary (...)
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    A Rview Of “Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster”.Floyd Beachum - 2007 - Educational Studies 42 (1):72-76.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Richard A. Hartnett, Glenn Latimer, Fred C. Rankine, Harvey G. Neufeldt, L. C. Peters, Soo Chang, Walter Ott, Larry Janes, J. Stanley Ahmann, Jim Bowman, Fred D. Kierstead, Floyd K. Wright, Charles M. Dye, Joseph W. Newman & Elizabeth Ihle - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (2):161-180.
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  27.  15
    The Trojan Women: A Comic.Rachel Hadas - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):121-122.
    What is right with this “comic” of Euripides's timeless and irreplaceable drama, The Trojan Women, is what was always right about a play that is relentlessly relevant. Carson's translation, spare and clear, distills the language of the original but keeps what is important, including some mouth-puckeringly wry lines. There is barbed wit and heartbreaking lullaby, sometimes coinciding on one page. Thus, the chorus comments, “Troy, you made a bad deal: / ten thousand men for a single coracle of cunt appeal.” (...)
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    Welcher Weg? A Trajectory Representation of a Quantum Young’s Diffraction Experiment.Edward R. Floyd - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (9):1403-1420.
    The double slit problem is idealized by simplifying each slit by a point source. A composite reduced action for the two correlated point sources is developed. Contours of the reduced action, trajectories and loci of transit times are developed in the region near the two point sources. The trajectory through any point in Euclidean 3-space also passes simultaneously through both point sources.
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  29. A study of the logical thinking skills and integrated process skills of junior high school students in North Carolina and Japan.Floyd E. Maltheis, William E. Spooner, Charles R. Coble, Shigekazu Takemura, Shinji Matsumoto, Katsunobu Matsumoto & Atsushi Yoshida - 1992 - Science Education 76 (2):211-222.
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    The Morality of Security : A Theory of Just Securitization.Rita Floyd - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    When is it permissible to move an issue out of normal politics and treat it as a security issue? How should the security measures be conducted? When and how should the securitization be reversed? Floyd offers answers to these questions by combining security studies' influential securitization theory with philosophy's long-standing just war tradition, creating a major new approach to the ethics of security: 'Just Securitization Theory'. Of interest to anyone concerned with ethics and security, Floyd's innovative approach enables (...)
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    8. What Else Is a Self-Respecting Sign to Do?Floyd Merrell - 1997 - In Peirce, Signs, and Meaning. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press. pp. 170-187.
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    Toward a concept of pluralistic, inter-relational semiosis.Floyd Merrell - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):9-68.
    Brief consideration of (1) Peirce’s ‘logic of vagueness’, (2) his categories, and (3) the concepts of overdetermination and underdetermination, vagueness and generality, and inconsistency and incompleteness, along with (4) the abrogation of classical Aristotelian principles of logic, bear out the complexity of all relatively rich sign systems. Given this complexity, there is semiotic indeterminacy, which suggests sign limitations, and at the same time it promises semiotic freedom, giving rise to sign proliferation the yield of which is pluralistic, inter-relational semiosis. This (...)
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    Experimental investigations of ambiguity: the case of most.Hadas Kotek, Yasutada Sudo & Martin Hackl - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (2):119-156.
    In the study of natural language quantification, much recent attention has been devoted to the investigation of verification procedures associated with the proportional quantifier most. The aim of these studies is to go beyond the traditional characterization of the semantics of most, which is confined to explicating its truth-functional and presuppositional content as well as its combinatorial properties, as these aspects underdetermine the correct analysis of most. The present paper contributes to this effort by presenting new experimental evidence in support (...)
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  34.  27
    The Art of Poetry: How to Read a Poem.Rachel Hadas - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (3):549-550.
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    A Physiological-Genetic Theory of Feeling and Emotion.Floyd H. Allport - 1922 - Psychological Review 29 (2):132-139.
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    The real objective of Mendel's paper.Floyd V. Monaghan & Alain F. Corcos - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (3):267-292.
    According to the traditional account Mendel's paper on pea hybrids reported a study of inheritance and its laws. Hence, Mendel came to be known as The Father of Genetics. This paper demonstrates that, in fact, Mendel's objective in his research was finding the empirical laws which describe the formation of hybrids and the development of their offspring over several generations. Having found these laws (and not the laws of inheritance that he is generally credited with) he proposed a theoretical scheme (...)
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    An Ecocritical Approach to Cruelty in the Laboratory.Hadas Marcus - 2016 - Journal of Animal Ethics 6 (2):223-233.
    As newer interdisciplinary fields gain momentum, long-forgotten works are excavated from the literary canon and reevaluated under the lens of ecocriticism. Traditionally, fictional animal characters were seen as merely symbolic, comical, or trivial. Yet times and attitudes have changed, as evidenced by the growing impetus of animal welfare campaigns, posthumanism, and critical animal studies. Few fictional works dealing with laboratory experiments offer a subjective account of the victims’ agonizing experience. This article will examine Mark Twain’s A Dog’s Tale and Richard (...)
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    The science of religion: a critical essay on the problems of religion today.Floyd Perkins - 1959 - New York: Greenwich Book Publishers.
  39. Prose versus proof: Wittgenstein on gödel, Tarski and Truth.Juliet Floyd - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (3):280-307.
    A survey of current evidence available concerning Wittgenstein's attitude toward, and knowledge of, Gödel's first incompleteness theorem, including his discussions with Turing, Watson and others in 1937–1939, and later testimony of Goodstein and Kreisel; 2) Discussion of the philosophical and historical importance of Wittgenstein's attitude toward Gödel's and other theorems in mathematical logic, contrasting this attitude with that of, e.g., Penrose; 3) Replies to an instructive criticism of my 1995 paper by Mark Steiner which assesses the importance of Tarski's semantical (...)
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    Motive as a concept in natural science.Floyd H. Allport - 1930 - Psychological Review 37 (2):169-173.
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  41. The use of rule structures in teaching experimental design to secondary‐school students.John A. Ross & Floyd G. Robinson - 1987 - Science Education 71 (4):571-589.
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  42. Structuralism and Beyond: A Critique of Presuppositions.Floyd Merrell - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (92):67-103.
    Structuralism, Robert Scholes tells us, embodies “a ‘scientific’ view of the world as both real in itself and intelligible to man.” In order to achieve objectivity and descriptive adequacy in the human sciences, structuralists have generally adopted the linguistic model of Ferdinand de Saussure via Prague school structural linguistics. The common assumption has it that structural linguistics, given its method of abstracting language into an autonomous object for empirical analysis, now constitutes itself as a true science, worthy of emulation by (...)
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    Is political philosophy impossible?: thoughts and behaviour in normative political theory.Jonathan Floyd - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A major new statement on how we do, and we ought to do, political philosophy.
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  44.  30
    Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.Juliet Floyd - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    For Wittgenstein mathematics is a human activity characterizing ways of seeing conceptual possibilities and empirical situations, proof and logical methods central to its progress. Sentences exhibit differing 'aspects', or dimensions of meaning, projecting mathematical 'realities'. Mathematics is an activity of constructing standpoints on equalities and differences of these. Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy of Mathematics grew from his Early and Middle philosophies, a dialectical path reconstructed here partly as a response to the limitative results of Gödel and Turing.
  45. A cognitive dissonant health system : can we combat racism without admitting it exists?Hadas Ziv - 2018 - In Hagai Boas, Shai Joshua Lavi, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Dani Filc & Nadav Davidovitch (eds.), Bioethics and biopolitics in Israel: socio-legal, political and empirical analysis. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  46. Does the life of signs yield a meaningful universe?Floyd Merrell - 1998 - Semiotica 120 (3-4):311-342.
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  47. Recent themes in the history of early analytic philosophy.Juliet Floyd - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):pp. 157-200.
    A survey of the emergence of early analytic philosophy as a subfield of the history of philosophy. The importance of recent literature on Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein is stressed, as is the widening interest in understanding the nineteenth-century scientific and Kantian backgrounds. In contrast to recent histories of early analytic philosophy by P.M.S. Hacker and Scott Soames, the importance of historical and philosophical work on the significance of formalization is highlighted, as are the contributions made by those focusing on systematic (...)
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  48.  9
    The Visual arts and sciences: a symposium held at the American Philosophical Society.Floyd Ratliff (ed.) - 1985 - Philadelphia: The Society.
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    The Faith We Love and the Facts We Abhor: A Response to Lisa Sowle Cahill’s “Catholic Feminists and Traditions: Renewal, Reinvention, Replacement”.Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):53-60.
    Since women and girls compose more than 50 percent of the world’s population, feminist theology quite rightfully should be considered the most important and influential theological movement in our lifetimes. While it is certainly clear that feminism in religion and theology covers a broad spectrum of perspectives—Protestant and Catholic; conservative, progressive, and radical; female exclusive and male inclusive; straight or queer—feminist theology is not a monolithic theological school without differentiation either implicitly or explicitly. As a response to Lisa Sowle Cahill’s (...)
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    A semiotics of perceptual modes for reading texts.Floyd Merrell - 1985 - Semiotica 57 (3-4):289-316.
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