Results for 'Formal languages and digital representation'

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  1.  29
    Formal ontologies in biomedical knowledge representation.S. Schulz & L. Jansen - 2013 - In M.-C. Jaulent, C. U. Lehmann & B. Séroussi, Yearbook of Medical Informatics 8. pp. 132-146.
    Objectives: Medical decision support and other intelligent applications in the life sciences depend on increasing amounts of digital information. Knowledge bases as well as formal ontologies are being used to organize biomedical knowledge and data. However, these two kinds of artefacts are not always clearly distinguished. Whereas the popular RDF(S) standard provides an intuitive triple-based representation, it is semantically weak. Description logics based ontology languages like OWL-DL carry a clear-cut semantics, but they are computationally expensive, and (...)
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    Motion and representation: the language of human movement.Nicolás Salazar Sutil - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An examination of the ways human movement can be represented as a formal language and how this language can be mediated technologically. In Motion and Representation, Nicolás Salazar Sutil considers the representation of human motion through languages of movement and technological mediation. He argues that technology transforms the representation of movement and that representation in turn transforms the way we move and what we understand to be movement. Humans communicate through movement, physically and mentally. (...)
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  3. Concrete Digital Computation: What Does it Take for a Physical System to Compute? [REVIEW]Nir Fresco - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (4):513-537.
    This paper deals with the question: what are the key requirements for a physical system to perform digital computation? Time and again cognitive scientists are quick to employ the notion of computation simpliciter when asserting basically that cognitive activities are computational. They employ this notion as if there was or is a consensus on just what it takes for a physical system to perform computation, and in particular digital computation. Some cognitive scientists in referring to digital computation (...)
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    The Formal Structure of Kind Representations.Paul Haward, Susan Carey & Sandeep Prasada - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13040.
    Kind representations, concepts like table, triangle, dog, and planet, underlie generic language. Here, we investigate the formal structure of kind representations—the structure that distinguishes kind representations from other types of representations. The present studies confirm that participants distinguish generic‐supporting properties of individuals (e.g., this watch is made of steel) and accidental properties (e.g., this watch is on the nightstand). Furthermore, work dating back to Aristotle establishes that only some generic‐supporting properties bear a principled connection to the kind, that is, (...)
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    Exploring a Semiotic Conceptualisation of Modelling in Digital Humanities Practices.Arianna Ciula & Cristina Marras - 2018 - In Alin Olteanu, Andrew Stables & Dumitru Borţun, Meanings & Co.: The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality. Springer Verlag. pp. 33-52.
    Digital Humanities is a research field engaged in exploring how humanities scholarship is transformed and extended by the digital and vice versa. The core practice of DH research is modelling which implies the translation of complex systems of knowledge into computationally processable models. In our work we contextualise DH practices within a semiotic framework; namely we consider modelling as a strategy to make sense via practical thinking. A semiotic approach of this kind contributes to stress the dynamic nature (...)
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    A Formal Ontology for Conception Representation in Terminological Systems.Farshad Badie - 2020 - In Mariusz Urbański, Tomasz Skura & Paweł Łupkowski, Reasoning: Logic, Cognition, and Games. [London]: College Publications. pp. 137-156.
    I have supposed that we need a formal system to represent and explain humans' conceptions of the world. According to this research, such a formal system is representable based on a Conception Language (CL) that is a terminological knowledge representation formalism. In this research, I will offer a formal ontology for conception representation in terminological systems. Such a CL-based ontology will specify the conceptualization of humans' conceptions as well as of the effects of their conceptions (...)
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  7. The Expressional Limits of Formal Language in the Notion of Quantum Observation.Stathis Livadas - 2012 - Axiomathes 22 (1):147-169.
    In this article I deal with the notion of observation, from a phenomenologically motivated point of view, and its representation mainly by means of the formal language of quantum mechanics. In doing so, I have taken the notion of observation in two diverse contexts. In one context as a notion related with objects of a logical-mathematical theory taken as registered facts of phenomenological perception ( Wahrnehmung ) inasmuch as this phenomenological idea can also be linked with a process (...)
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  8. “They Seem to Exist, but Mostly Virtually so Far”: Representations of Diasporas on Migrant Digital Communication Platforms.Д. О Тимошкин - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):227-246.
    The article examines the representations of the "diaspora” in texts published on "migrant” digital communication platforms. With the help of discourse analysis The messages posted in open access in thematic groups in VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and Telegram channels were studied. The purpose of the study was to find out what meanings and functions the users of these sites give the word "diasporas”. The "Diaspora” was considered as a nodal point, uniting the narratives of people visiting "migrant” sites into a single (...)
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    Formalizing GDPR Provisions in Reified I/O Logic: The DAPRECO Knowledge Base.Livio Robaldo, Cesare Bartolini, Monica Palmirani, Arianna Rossi, Michele Martoni & Gabriele Lenzini - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):401-449.
    The DAPRECO knowledge base is the main outcome of the interdisciplinary project bearing the same name. It is a repository of rules written in LegalRuleML, an XML formalism designed to be a standard for representing the semantic and logical content of legal documents. The rules represent the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, the new Regulation that is significantly affecting the digital market in the European Union and beyond. The DAPRECO knowledge base builds upon the Privacy Ontology, which (...)
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    Linguistic Issues in Language Technology Vol 9: Perspectives on Semantic Representations for Textual Inference (Volume 9).Cleo Condoravdi, Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva & Annie Else Zaenen - 2013 - Stanford, CA, USA: MIT Press.
    Linguistic Issues in Language Technology (LiLT) is an open-access journal that focuses on the relationships between linguistic insights and language technology. In conjunction with machine learning and statistical techniques, deeper and more sophisticated models of language and speech are needed to make significant progress in both existing and newly emerging areas of computational language analysis. The vast quantity of electronically accessible natural language data (text and speech, annotated and unannotated, formal and informal) provides unprecedented opportunities for data-intensive analysis of (...)
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    The Relevance of Language for the Problem of Representation.Raffaela Giovagnoli - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli, Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer.
    This chapter deals with the relationship between representation and language, which becomes more relevant if we do not intend the process of forming internal representations of reality but rather the representative function of language. Starting from some Fregean ideas, we present the notion of representation theorized by Searle. According to Searle, a belief is a “representation” that has a propositional content and a psychological mode: the propositional content or intentional content determines a set of conditions of satisfaction (...)
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  12.  47
    Digital hermeneutics for the new age of cinema.Stacey O. Irwin - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2207-2215.
    Philosophical and technoculture studies surrounding the existential understanding of the human–technology–world experience have seen a slow but steady increase that makes a turn to material hermeneutics in the second decade of the twenty-first century (Ihde in Postphenomenology: essays in the postmodern context. Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1993; Capurro in AI Soc 25(1):35–42, 2010; Romele in Digital hermeneutics: philosophical investigations in new media and technologies. Routledge, Abingdon, 2020; among others). This renewed focus makes sense because human–technology–world experiences need to be (...)
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    Unitary Representations of Locally Compact Groups as Metric Structures.Itaï Ben Yaacov & Isaac Goldbring - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):159-172.
    For a locally compact group G, we show that it is possible to present the class of continuous unitary representations of G as an elementary class of metric structures, in the sense of continuous logic. More precisely, we show how nondegenerate ∗-representations of a general ∗-algebra A (with some mild assumptions) can be viewed as an elementary class, in a many-sorted language, and use the correspondence between continuous unitary representations of G and nondegenerate ∗-representations of L1(G). We relate the notion (...)
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  14.  13
    Representing Representation[REVIEW]Götz Hoeppe - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):1077-1092.
    This review essay of two edited volumes sketches how STS scholars have analyzed scientific representation and visualization in recent work. Several key foci have emerged, among them attending closely to materiality, engaging the digital through embodied action, turning to ontology, as well as benefitting from artistic practice and critique. In diverse ways these choices are informed by a discontentment with the Cartesian split of mind and body as well as the picture theory of language. Yet, naturalism endures as (...)
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    Qualitative versus quantitative representation: a non-standard analysis of the sorites paradox.Yair Itzhaki - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1013-1044.
    This paper presents an analysis of the sorites paradox for collective nouns and gradable adjectives within the framework of classical logic. The paradox is explained by distinguishing between qualitative and quantitative representations. This distinction is formally represented by the use of a different mathematical model for each type of representation. Quantitative representations induce Archimedean models, but qualitative representations induce non-Archimedean models. By using a non-standard model of \ called \, which contains infinite and infinitesimal numbers, the two paradoxes are (...)
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  16.  17
    Digital Ecologies as Tractarian Systems.Steven L. Peck - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (1).
    This paper explores Wittgenstein’s early work as it relates to emerging philosophical problems in ecological modeling. Here I use his thought to structure a logical framework from which to discuss ecological simulation models in a way that captures how these dynamic representations describe a world from which we can draw logical inferences about real-world ecological processes. I argue that Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus provides a way of reading problems that arise in using simulation as a way to make inferences about the (...)
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  17. A web ontologies framework for digital rights management.Roberto García, Rosa Gil & Jaime Delgado - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 15 (2):137-154.
    In order to improve the management of copyright in the Internet, known as Digital Rights Management, there is the need for a shared language for copyright representation. Current approaches are based on purely syntactic solutions, i.e. a grammar that defines a rights expression language. These languages are difficult to put into practise due to the lack of explicit semantics that facilitate its implementation. Moreover, they are simple from the legal point of view because they are intended just (...)
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  18.  84
    The Advantage of Semantic Theory Over Predicate Calculus In The Representation of Logical Form In Natural Language.Jerrold J. Katz - 1977 - The Monist 60 (3):380-405.
    Constructs developed for the semantics of artificial languages are often proposed as the proper description of aspects of the semantics of natural languages. Most of us are familiar with the claims that conjunction, disjunction, negation, and material implication in standard versions of propositional calculus describe the meaning of “and”, “or”, “not”, and “if …, then …” in English. The argument for such claims is not only that these constructs account for meanings in English but that they offer the (...)
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  19.  78
    Principles of Representation: Why You Can't Represent the Same Concept Twice.Louise Connell & Dermot Lynott - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):390-406.
    As embodied theories of cognition are increasingly formalized and tested, care must be taken to make informed assumptions regarding the nature of concepts and representations. In this study, we outline three reasons why one cannot, in effect, represent the same concept twice. First, online perception affects offline representation: Current representational content depends on how ongoing demands direct attention to modality-specific systems. Second, language is a fundamental facilitator of offline representation: Bootstrapping and shortcuts within the computationally cheaper linguistic system (...)
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  20.  49
    What Makes an Effective Representation of Information: A Formal Account of Observational Advantages.Gem Stapleton, Mateja Jamnik & Atsushi Shimojima - 2017 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (2):143-177.
    In order to effectively communicate information, the choice of representation is important. Ideally, a chosen representation will aid readers in making desired inferences. In this paper, we develop the theory of observation: what it means for one statement to be observable from another. Using observability, we give a formal characterization of the observational advantages of one representation of information over another. By considering observational advantages, people will be able to make better informed choices of representations of (...)
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  21. Papers in philosophical logic.David K. Lewis - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first of a three-volume collection of David Lewis's most recent papers in all the areas to which he has made significant contributions. The purpose of this collection (and the two volumes to follow) is to disseminate even more widely the work of a preeminent and influential late twentieth-century philosopher. The papers are now offered in a readily accessible format. This first volume is devoted to Lewis's work on philosophical logic from the last twenty-five years. The topics covered (...)
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    A formal representation of declaration-related legal relations.Sven Ove Hansson - 1990 - Law and Philosophy 9 (4):399 - 416.
    A formal language is introduced that contains expressions for the dependency of a legal relation on the claims that the concerned individuals make and on the permissions that they grant. It is used for a classification of legal relations into six major categories: categorical obligation, categorical permission, claimable obligation, grantable permission, claim-dependent obligation and grant-dependent permission. Legal rights may belong to any of these six categories, but the characteristics of a right-holder are shown to be different in each of (...)
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    Goals shape means: a pluralist response to the problem of formal representation in ontic structural realism.Agnieszka M. Proszewska - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-21.
    The aim of the paper is to assess the relative merits of two formal representations of structure, namely, set theory and category theory. The purpose is to articulate ontic structural realism. In turn, this will facilitate a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of both concepts and will lead to a proposal for a pragmatics-based approach to the question of the choice of an appropriate framework. First, we present a case study from contemporary science—a comparison of the formulation of (...)
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  24. Language of thought: The connectionist contribution.Murat Aydede - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7 (1):57-101.
    Fodor and Pylyshyn's critique of connectionism has posed a challenge to connectionists: Adequately explain such nomological regularities as systematicity and productivity without postulating a "language of thought" (LOT). Some connectionists like Smolensky took the challenge very seriously, and attempted to meet it by developing models that were supposed to be non-classical. At the core of these attempts lies the claim that connectionist models can provide a representational system with a combinatorial syntax and processes sensitive to syntactic structure. They are not (...)
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    The Role of Spoken Language on Performance of Cognitive Tests: the Indonesian Experience.Aria Saloka Immanuel, Heni Gerda Pesau, Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani, Augustina Sulastri & Gilles van Luijtelaar - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (3-4):207-240.
    Indonesia is a multicultural country with hundreds of local languages used by Indonesians with Bahasa Indonesia as a national language and used by the mass media, in formal conversation, at all levels of education, and in written language. This study aimed to investigate whether speaking Bahasa Indonesia in public and at home or not, and whether speaking only Bahasa or besides Bahasa (another language) affects the performance of seven cognitive tests when the assessment was done in Bahasa Indonesia. (...)
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    On exhibiting representational validity.Alexandra Zinke - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):1157-1171.
    We can distinguish two non-equivalent ways in which a natural language argument can be valid: it can be interpretationally or representationally valid. However, there is just one notion of classical first-order validity for formal languages: truth-preservation in all classical first-order models. To ease the tension, Baumgartner suggests that we should understand interpretational and representational validity as imposing different adequacy conditions on formalizations of natural language arguments. I argue against this proposal. To that end, I first show that Baumgartner’s (...)
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    Logical reasoning in natural language: It is all about knowledge. [REVIEW]Lucja Iwańska - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (4):475-510.
    A formal, computational, semantically clean representation of natural language is presented. This representation captures the fact that logical inferences in natural language crucially depend on the semantic relation of entailment between sentential constituents such as determiner, noun, adjective, adverb, preposition, and verb phrases.The representation parallels natural language in that it accounts for human intuition about entailment of sentences, it preserves its structure, it reflects the semantics of different syntactic categories, it simulates conjunction, disjunction, and negation in (...)
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  28.  43
    Rational representations of uncertainty: a pluralistic approach to bounded rationality.Isaac Davis - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-30.
    An increasingly prevalent approach to studying human cognition is to construe the mind as optimally allocating limited cognitive resources among cognitive processes. Under this bounded rationality approach (Icard in Philos Sci 85(1):79–101, 2018; Simon in Utility and probability, Palgrave Macmillan, 1980), it is common to assume that resource-bounded cognitive agents approximate normative solutions to statistical inference problems, and that much of the bias and variability in human performance can be explained in terms of the approximation strategies we employ. In this (...)
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    Ethical implications of digital infrastructures for pluralistic perspectives.Maria Joseph Israel & Ahmed Amer - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):399-417.
    It is important to design digital infrastructure that can better accommodate multicultural and pluralistic views from its foundations. It is insufficient to look at only the responses and influences of culture on technology without considering how the technology can be adapted in anticipation of, and to support, pluralistic multicultural perspectives in its original design. This goes beyond the simple act of supporting multiple languages and interfaces, but should include the ability of digital and data infrastructure to capture (...)
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  30.  24
    Discourse of Foreign Digital Media: Analysis of the 2023 Turkish Presidential Election Coverage.Özden Özlü - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (1):119-136.
    This study examines the complex dynamics of communication in the changing field of journalism influenced by the use of media. It specifically focuses on how thoughts and perceptions are expressed in this evolving landscape. Information and communication technologies significantly influence journalism by rapidly disseminating news, updates, and societal impacts. Utilizing critical discourse analysis, the study aims to reveal systematic language usages and uncover latent meanings beyond news texts. Focused on the 2023 Turkish Presidential Election, news texts from four prominent international (...)
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    (1 other version)A faithful representation of non-associative Lambek grammars in abstract categorial grammars.Christian Retoré & Sylvain Salvati - 2010 - Journal of Logic Language and Information 19 (2):185-200.
    This paper solves a natural but still open question: can abstract categorial grammars (ACGs) respresent usual categorial grammars? Despite their name and their claim to be a unifying framework, up to now there was no faithful representation of usual categorial grammars in ACGs. This paper shows that Non-Associative Lambek grammars as well as their derivations can be defined using ACGs of order two. To conclude, the outcome of such a representation are discussed.
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  32. Cognitive Computation sans Representation.Paul Schweizer - 2017 - In Thomas M. Powers, Philosophy and Computing: Essays in epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and ethics. Cham: Springer. pp. 65-84.
    The Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) holds that cognitive processes are essentially computational, and hence computation provides the scientific key to explaining mentality. The Representational Theory of Mind (RTM) holds that representational content is the key feature in distinguishing mental from non-mental systems. I argue that there is a deep incompatibility between these two theoretical frameworks, and that the acceptance of CTM provides strong grounds for rejecting RTM. The focal point of the incompatibility is the fact that representational content is (...)
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  33.  95
    The Linguistic Subversion of Mental Representation.Whit Schonbein - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (3):235-262.
    Embedded and embodied approaches to cognition urge that (1) complicated internal representations may be avoided by letting features of the environment drive behavior, and (2) environmental structures can play an enabling role in cognition, allowing prior cognitive processes to solve novel tasks. Such approaches are thus in a natural position to oppose the ‘thesis of linguistic structuring’: The claim that the ability to use language results in a wholesale recapitulation of linguistic structure in onboard mental representation. Prominent examples of (...)
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  34.  10
    Papers in Philosophical Logic: Volume 1.David Lewis - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first of a three-volume collection of David Lewis's most recent papers in all the areas to which he has made significant contributions. The purpose of this collection is to disseminate even more widely the work of a preeminent and influential late twentieth-century philosopher. The papers are now offered in a readily accessible format. This first volume is devoted to Lewis's work on philosophical logic from the last twenty-five years. The topics covered include: deploying the methods of (...) semantics from artificial formalised languages to natural languages, model-theoretic investigations of intensional logic, contradiction, relevance, the differences between analog and digital representation, and questions arising from the construction of ambitious formalised philosophical systems. The volume will serve as an important reference tool for all philosophers and their students. (shrink)
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    Language: from meaning to text.Igorʹ A. Melʹčuk - 2016 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by David Beck.
    This volume presents a sketch of the Meaning-Text linguistic approach, richly illustrated by examples borrowed mainly, but not exclusively, from English. Chapter 1 expounds the basic idea that underlies this approach—that a natural language must be described as a correspondence between linguistic meanings and linguistic texts—and explains the organization of the book. Chapter 2 introduces the notion of linguistic functional model, the three postulates of the Meaning-Text approach (a language is a particular meaning-text correspondence, a language must be described by (...)
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  36. Focus in discourse: Alternative semantics vs. a representational approach in sdrt.Semantics Vs A. Representational - 2004 - In J.M. Larrazabal & L.A Perez Miranda, Language, Knowledge, and Representation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 51.
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    Designing visual languages for description logics.Brian R. Gaines - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (2):217-250.
    Semantic networks were developed in cognitive science and artificial intelligence studies as graphical knowledge representation and inference tools emulating human thought processes. Formal analysis of the representation and inference capabilities of the networks modeled them as subsets of standard first-order logic (FOL), restricted in the operations allowed in order to ensure the tractability that seemed to characterize human reasoning capabilities. The graphical network representations were modeled as providing a visual language for the logic. Sub-sets of FOL targeted (...)
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    The representation of gappy sentences in four-valued semantics.Genoveva Martí & José Martínez-Fernández - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):145-163.
    Three-valued logics are standardly used to formalize gappy languages, i.e., interpreted languages in which sentences can be true, false or neither. A three-valued logic that assigns the same truth value to all gappy sentences is, in our view, insufficient to capture important semantic differences between them. In this paper we will argue that there are two different kinds of pathologies that should be treated separately and we defend the usefulness of a four-valued logic to represent adequately these two (...)
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  39. The representation of context: Ideas from artificial intelligence.James Franklin - 2003 - Law, Probability and Risk 2:191-199.
    To move beyond vague platitudes about the importance of context in legal reasoning or natural language understanding, one must take account of ideas from artificial intelligence on how to represent context formally. Work on topics like prior probabilities, the theory-ladenness of observation, encyclopedic knowledge for disambiguation in language translation and pathology test diagnosis has produced a body of knowledge on how to represent context in artificial intelligence applications.
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  40. The Analytic Versus Representational Theory of Measurement: A Philosophy of Science Perspective.Zoltan Domotor & Vadim Batitsky - 2008 - Measurement Science Review 8 (6):129-146.
    In this paper we motivate and develop the analytic theory of measurement, in which autonomously specified algebras of quantities (together with the resources of mathematical analysis) are used as a unified mathematical framework for modeling (a) the time-dependent behavior of natural systems, (b) interactions between natural systems and measuring instruments, (c) error and uncertainty in measurement, and (d) the formal propositional language for describing and reasoning about measurement results. We also discuss how a celebrated theorem in analysis, known as (...)
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    Brain Decoding-Classification of Hand Written Digits from fMRI Data Employing Bayesian Networks.Elahe' Yargholi & Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:191680.
    We are frequently exposed to hand written digits 0-9 in today’s modern life. Success in decoding-classification of hand written digits helps us understand the corresponding brain mechanisms and processes and assists seriously in designing more efficient brain-computer interfaces. However, all digits belong to the same semantic category and similarity in appearance of hand written digits makes this decoding-classification a challenging problem. In present study, for the first time, augmented naïve Bayes classifier is used for classification of fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance (...)
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    Breaking the language barrier: conceptual representation without a language-like format.Iwan Williams - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    An important part of the explanatory role of concepts is that they enable us to combine a wide variety of objects, properties and relations in thought, with contents spanning diverse domains. I discuss an argument that appears to show that paradigmatic non-linguistic representational formats are unsuited to play this role, and thus conceptual representation could not occur in these formats. I show that this argument fails, because it overlooks the possibility of individual concepts being shared between a number of (...)
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  43. Hans Kamp & Uwe Reyle, From Discourse to Logic: Introduction to Modeltheoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory[REVIEW]Varol Akman - 1995 - Computational Linguistics 21 (2):265-268.
    This is a review of From Discourse to Logic: Introduction to Modeltheoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory, written by Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1993.
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  44. The psychological representation of modality.Jonathan Phillips & Joshua Knobe - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (1):65-94.
    A series of recent studies have explored the impact of people's judgments regarding physical law, morality, and probability. Surprisingly, such studies indicate that these three apparently unrelated types of judgments often have precisely the same impact. We argue that these findings provide evidence for a more general hypothesis about the kind of cognition people use to think about possibilities. Specifically, we suggest that this aspect of people's cognition is best understood using an idea developed within work in the formal (...)
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  45. Standards for Belief Representations in LLMs.Daniel A. Herrmann & Benjamin A. Levinstein - 2024 - Minds and Machines 35 (1):1-25.
    As large language models (LLMs) continue to demonstrate remarkable abilities across various domains, computer scientists are developing methods to understand their cognitive processes, particularly concerning how (and if) LLMs internally represent their beliefs about the world. However, this field currently lacks a unified theoretical foundation to underpin the study of belief in LLMs. This article begins filling this gap by proposing adequacy conditions for a representation in an LLM to count as belief-like. We argue that, while the project of (...)
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    Biçimsel Bir Dil Olarak Müzikte Anlam.Çağla Özcan - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:187-201.
    Since the time that people began to theorize about music, it has been approached from opposite poles –either as an emotion or as a mathematical form. The same binary approach has also continued to influence the ideas that claim music as a language. In this context, music has been viewed as either a language of emotion or as a formal language. Music as the language of emotions offers a subjective analysis in terms of focusing on the emotions it arouses, (...)
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    The debate on electricity in the eighteenth century: a multilayered digital perspective.Andrea Sangiacomo & Raluca Tanasescu - forthcoming - Perspectives on Science:1-91.
    Late-eighteenth century science tends to dismiss the search for the true causes of natural phenomena and tries instead to offer a quantifiable and eventually mathematical account of them. By taking the debates on electricity during that period as a case study, this paper aims to ascertain whether, and to what extent, later more quantified and even mathematized approaches are directly supported or continuously connected with earlier approaches. In order to do so, we take into account a relatively large pool of (...)
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    Слово в техногенном многомерном пространстве.Д. С Быльева - 2022 - Философские Проблемы Информационных Технологий И Киберпространства 1:18-33.
    Today, artificial intelligence is actively mastering natural languages, becoming an interlocutor and partner of human in various aspects of activity. However, the symbolic approach, which implies the transfer of rules and logic, has failed, the number of rules and exceptions of the language does not allow its formalization, so modern «deep learning» of artificial neural networks involves an independent search for patterns in extensive databases. During training, artificial intelligence puts a word into a sentence so that the syntagmatic relationships (...)
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  49. (1 other version)GOL: A general ontological language.Wolfgang Degen, Barbara Heller, Heinrich Herre & Barry Smith - 2001 - In Barry Smith & Christopher Welty, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS). ACM Press. pp. 34-46.
    Every domain-specific ontology must use as a framework some upper-level ontology which describes the most general, domain-independent categories of reality. In the present paper we sketch a new type of upper-level ontology, which is intended to be the basis of a knowledge modelling language GOL (for: 'General Ontological Language'). It turns out that the upper- level ontology underlying standard modelling languages such as KIF, F-Logic and CycL is restricted to the ontology of sets. Set theory has considerable mathematical power (...)
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    Uncovering the Structure of Semantic Representations Using a Computational Model of Decision‐Making.Sonia Ramotowska, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld, Leendert van Maanen & Jakub Szymanik - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13234.
    According to logical theories of meaning, a meaning of an expression can be formalized and encoded in truth conditions. Vagueness of the language and individual differences between people are a challenge to incorporate into the meaning representations. In this paper, we propose a new approach to study truth-conditional representations of vague concepts. For a case study, we selected two natural language quantifiers most and more than half. We conducted two online experiments, each with 90 native English speakers. In the first (...)
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