Results for 'Fortunato Pasqualino'

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  1.  16
    The Earrings of God: The Absurd Among Us.Fortunato Pasqualino & Gabriel Lahood - 2021 - Gorgias Press.
    "Life is full of absurdities, and human misperception of such absurdities leads to a state of unrest and fear that require meaning and direction for a happy life. F. Pasqualino addresses here samples of existential absurdities, and discusses solutions offered: Taoism offers in its paradoxes a natural self-help resource. Buddhism offers a natural wisdom that is informed by a supernatural impersonal Absolute. Hinduism offers a plethora of personal gods who embody the impersonal Absolute. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic wisdom teaches a personal (...)
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    Educazione e linguaggio.Fortunato Pasqualino - 1957 - Roma: A. V. E..
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    Asymmetric nuclear reprogramming in somatic cell nuclear transfer?Pasqualino Loi, Nathalie Beaujean, Saadi Khochbin, Josef Fulka & Grazyna Ptak - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (1):66-74.
    Despite the progress achieved over the last decade after the birth of the first cloned mammal, the efficiency of reproductive cloning remains invariably low. However, research aiming at the use of nuclear transfer for the production of patient‐tailored stem cells for cell/tissue therapy is progressing rapidly. Yet, reproductive cloning has many potential implications for animal breeding, transgenic research and the conservation of endangered species. In this article we suggest that the changes in the epi‐/genotype observed in cloned embryos arise from (...)
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    On a notion of the extra-essential identity: Critical notes on Russell's objection to Hegel.Pasqualino Masciarelli - 2000 - Topoi 19 (2):179-199.
  5. Science of science.S. Fortunato, K. Börner, D. Helbing, S. Milojević, F. Radicchi, R. Sinatra, B. Uzzi, A. Vespignani, L. Waltman, D. Wang, A. -L. Barabási, C. T. Bergstrom, J. A. Evans & A. M. Peterson - 2018 - Science 359 (6379):doi:10.1126/science.aao0185.
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    From bridewealth to dowry?Laura Fortunato, Clare Holden & Ruth Mace - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (4):355-376.
    Significant amounts of wealth have been exchanged as part of marriage settlements throughout history. Although various models have been proposed for interpreting these practices, their development over time has not been investigated systematically. In this paper we use a Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic comparative approach to reconstruct the evolution of two forms of wealth transfers at marriage, dowry and bridewealth, for 51 Indo-European cultural groups. Results indicate that dowry is more likely to have been the ancestral practice, and that a minimum (...)
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  7.  26
    Nonmaleficence, Nondisclosure, and Nocebo: Response to Open Peer Commentaries.John T. Fortunato, Jason Adam Wasserman & Daniel Londyn Menkes - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):4-5.
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  8. Andreas Hofer e le insorgenze del 1809 nel Trentino e nel Tirolo. Identità e cultura di un popolo in lotta contro le utopie.Fortunato Turrini - 2002 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 31 (1):165-188.
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  9.  14
    Escarafunchando os sentidos da docência: ofício e vocação.Ivan Fortunato, Osmar Hélio Alves Araújo & Emerson Augusto de Medeiros - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):875-898.
    Resumo: Este artigo, escrito na forma de um ensaio, tem como objetivo traçar uma discussão a respeito de um binômio particular ao magistério: ofício ou vocação. Nossa pergunta chave é: seria a docência um exercício de vocação, baseado no dom de ensinar e no apreço pelas pessoas? Por meio de três princípios da e para a docência, produzimos um diálogo articulado entre as premissas mais gerais a respeito do trabalho docente e as reflexões originadas da experiência cotidiana como professores formadores. (...)
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    I simboli e la realtà: temi e metodi della scienza.Fortunato Tito Arecchi & Iva Arecchi - 1990 - Milano: Jaca book. Edited by Iva Arecchi.
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  11. Per un umanesimo scientifico.Fortunato Brancatisano - 1963 - Firenze,: Il Fauno.
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  12.  10
    Coloro che arrivano: ricerche storico-filosofiche tra isogonia e isonomia.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  13.  8
    Il momento populista: Ernesto Laclau in discussione.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore (ed.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Logica metafisica politica. Hegel a Jena di Luigi Ruggii.Fortunato M. Cacciatore, Giuseppe Cantillo & Tommaso Pierini - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (3):691-708.
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    Note a margine di Politiche della storia di Jeffrey Andrew Barash.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore - 2010 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 23:443-452.
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    Protestantesimo e filosofia in Hegel.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore - 2003 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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    Immanenza e trascendenza: Dal Pra, il medioevo e il problema di Dio.Alice De Fortunato & Marco Rossini - 2005 - Doctor Virtualis 4:9-39.
    La discussione delle grandi narrazioni storiografiche del pensiero medievale. Il definirsi di una prospettiva teorica e di una storiografica attraverso il confronto con Scoto Eriugena. La ricerca di un senso e il problema di Dio. Gli anni della guerra e l'importanza della prassi.
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  18.  11
    Alternative alla vita: esistenza e filosofia.Marco Fortunato - 2004 - Genova: Il melangolo.
  19.  33
    Adding network structure onto the map of collective behavior.Santo Fortunato, Jari Saramäki & Jukka-Pekka Onnela - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):82-83.
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    F. Zirpoli, Organizzare l'innovazione. Strategie di esternalizzazione e processi di apprendimento in Fiat Auto.V. Fortunato - 2011 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 25 (2):313-316.
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    Il mondo giudicato: l'immediato e la distanza nel pensiero di Rensi e di Kierkegaard.Marco Fortunato - 1998 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  22. Immigrato, Roma-Napoli.M. Fortunato & S. Methnan - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  23.  12
    L'offesa, la colpa, il fantasma: muovendo da Caducità di Freud.Marco Fortunato - 2013 - Genova: Il melangolo.
  24.  42
    Oxide semiconductors: Order within the disorder.E. Fortunato, L. Pereira, P. Barquinha, I. Ferreira, R. Prabakaran, G. Gonçalves, A. Gonçalves & R. Martins - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (28-30):2741-2758.
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    Placebo Analgesia as Nocebo Reduction.John T. Fortunato, Jason Adam Wasserman & Daniel Londyn Menkes - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (3):198-199.
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  26. (1 other version)Pedagogia da Escuta: currículos e projetos em Reggio Emilia.I. Fortunato - 2010 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos de Educação, Sorocaba: Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Educação da Universidade de Sorocaba 12 (1).
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  27.  21
    The aging physician: A practical approach to protect our patients.John T. Fortunato & Daniel Londyn Menkes - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (1):46-49.
    As the median age of practicing physicians increases, ethical dilemmas due to age-related cognitive decline among clinicians will become ever more pressing. Compelling data show that despite acknowledgement of their duty to protect the public, physicians often fail to report themselves, their colleagues, or their physician-patients when cognitive decline appears to impact medical practice adversely. As such, efforts to educate physicians about ethical obligations and various tactful methodologies to report themselves or others seem ineffective. Illustrated by a case report of (...)
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  28.  19
    Tempos da Metafísica.Andrés Fortunato - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 57:85-87.
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    Biogiuridica e pluralismo etico-religioso: questioni di bioetica, codici di comportamento e comitati etici.Fortunato Freni - 2000 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  30.  27
    E-Government Policy in Italy: Constitutive, Distributional, or Symbolic?Fortunato Musella - 2007 - Polis 21 (1):31-52.
  31. Andiamo in cerca della verità.Fortunato Repetti - 1967 - Milano,: Memo.
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  32.  30
    The role of causal models in multiple judgments under uncertainty.Brett K. Hayes, Guy E. Hawkins, Ben R. Newell, Martina Pasqualino & Bob Rehder - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):611-620.
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  33.  51
    Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb.Amy M. Boddy, Angelo Fortunato, Melissa Wilson Sayres & Athena Aktipis - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1106-1118.
    The presence of fetal cells has been associated with both positive and negative effects on maternal health. These paradoxical effects may be due to the fact that maternal and offspring fitness interests are aligned in certain domains and conflicting in others, which may have led to the evolution of fetal microchimeric phenotypes that can manipulate maternal tissues. We use cooperation and conflict theory to generate testable predictions about domains in which fetal microchimerism may enhance maternal health and those in which (...)
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  34.  6
    Cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer.Josef Fulka, Neal L. First, Pasqualino Loi & Robert M. Moor - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (10):847-851.
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  35. Controversies in public and private on-line communication.Laura Fortunato Angelo Corallo, Marco Lucio Sarcinella Clara Renna & Cristina De Blasi Alessandra Spennato - 2020 - In Jens S. Allwood, Olga Pombo, Clara Renna & Giovanni Scarafile, Controversies and interdisciplinarity: beyond disciplinary fragmentation for a new knowledge model. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    A New Variational Principle for the Fundamental Equations of Classical Physics.Vieri Benci & Donato Fortunato - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):333-352.
    In this paper we introduce a variational principle from which the fundamental equations of classical physics can be deduced. This principle permits a sort of unification of the gravitational and the electromagnetic fields. The basic point of this variational principle is that the world-line of a material point is parametrized by a parameter a which carries some physical information, namely it is related to the rest mass and to the charge. In particular, the (inertial) rest mass will not be a (...)
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    Reconstruction of a Real World Social Network using the Potts Model and Loopy Belief Propagation.Cristian Bisconti, Angelo Corallo, Laura Fortunato, Antonio A. Gentile, Andrea Massafra & Piergiuseppe Pellè - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Carteggio.Giovanni Gentile, Fortunato Pintor & Emilia Campochiaro - 1969 - Firenze: Sansoni. Edited by Donato Jaja & Maria Sandirocco.
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  39. Immigrato, Roma.Salah Methnani & Mario Fortunato - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Desafios para uma epistemologia da pesquisa com grupos.Maria da Penha Nery & Liana Fortunato Costa - 2007 - Aletheia: Revista Interdisciplinar de Psicologia E Promoção da Saúde 12 (25):123-138.
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  41. La carta 93 de san Agustín y el uso de la fuerza pública en materia religiosa.José Fortunato Alvarez Valdez - 2009 - Augustinus 54 (212):33-61.
    El artículo aborda la carta 93 de san Agustín. Analiza los argumentos rogatistas contra el "compelle intrare", la eclesiología que subyace en ellos, el contexto sociohistórico del uso de la violencia para imponer la ley, así como la evolución agustiniana al interpretar el "compelle intrare".
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    When Respecting Autonomy Is Harmful: A Clinically Useful Approach to the Nocebo Effect.Daniel Londyn Menkes, Jason Adam Wasserman & John T. Fortunato - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (6):36-42.
    Nocebo effects occur when an adverse effect on the patient arises from the patient's own negative expectations. In accordance with informed consent, providers often disclose information that results in unintended adverse outcomes for the patient. While this may adhere to the principle of autonomy, it violates the doctrine of “primum non nocere,” given that side-effect disclosure may cause those side effects. In this article we build off previous work, particularly by Wells and Kaptchuk and by Cohen :3–11.[Taylor & Francis Online], (...)
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  43.  54
    The Role of Professional Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning in Practical Ethics.Rosa Lynn Pinkus, Claire Gloeckner & Angela Fortunato - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):767-787.
    The use of case-based reasoning in teaching professional ethics has come of age. The fields of medicine, engineering, and business all have incorporated ethics case studies into leading textbooks and journal articles, as well as undergraduate and graduate professional ethics courses. The most recent guidelines from the National Institutes of Health recognize case studies and face-to-face discussion as best practices to be included in training programs for the Responsible Conduct of Research. While there is a general consensus that case studies (...)
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  44.  38
    Attachment Patterns and Complex Trauma in a Sample of Adults Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria.Guido Giovanardi, Roberto Vitelli, Carola Maggiora Vergano, Alexandro Fortunato, Luca Chianura, Vittorio Lingiardi & Anna Maria Speranza - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:328952.
    The current study investigated attachment representations and complex trauma in a sample of gender dysphoric adults. Although it has been proven that the psychological wellbeing of gender diverse persons is largely mediated by family acceptance and support, research on their relationships with parental figures is scarce. A total of 95 adults took part in the study. The attachment distribution was as follows: 27% secure, 27% insecure and 46% disorganized. Regarding early traumas, 56% experienced four or more traumatic forms. Further, gender (...)
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  45.  30
    Aplicación del Flipped Classroom para el logro del aprendizaje significativo.Alvaro Wladimir Vásquez-Vásquez, José Fortunato Zuloaga-Cachay, Manuel Antonio Díaz-Paredes, Edgar Mitchel Lau-Hoyos, Alejandro Chayán-Coloma & Rodolfo Pastor Tineo-Huancas - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):83-95.
    El objetivo de la investigación es demostrar que la aplicación del Flipped Classroom mejora el nivel de logro del aprendizaje significativo en estudiantes universitarios. Para la recolección de datos en los grupos control y experimental se aplicaron dos instrumentos: el pre-test y el post-test. Concluido con la aplicación de los talleres basados en la metodología FC, en el postest se observó que en el grupo control, 26 estudiantes obtuvieron una calificación aprobatoria y 11 reprobatoria, mientras que en el grupo experimental, (...)
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  46.  17
    Ofensa sexual cometida por adolescentes/jovens adultos.Andrea Schettino Tavares, Liana Fortunato Costa & Denise Lima Moreira - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):82-94.
    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a ofensa sexual cometida por adolescentes/jovens adultos e as implicações sociais e jurídicas decorrentes. A adolescência é um período em que ocorrem mudanças significativas e a ofensa sexual é uma questão de saúde pública, complexa e multideterminada. Cometer ofensa sexual na faixa etária entre 16-21 anos traz a necessidade de compreensão contextualizada, pois envolve dimensões jurídicas diferenciadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental com os prontuários de cinco adolescentes atendidos em uma instituição de saúde pública. (...)
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  47.  76
    Guarda judicial de netos: tempo e dinheiro nas interações familiares.Vanessa Silva Cardoso & Liana Fortunato Costa - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:109-123.
    O presente estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com objetivo de analisar as mudanças nas relações familiares provenientes da guarda judicial dos netos, em disputa com seus filhos. Nesse texto, enfatizamse as questões sobre tempo e dinheiro e suas influências sobre essas relações. Para a const..
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  48.  33
    Afetividade entre estudantes e sistema de cotas para negros.Maria da Penha Nery & Liana Fortunato Costa - 2009 - Paideia (Misc) 19 (43):257-266.
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    Relato de experiência.Ana Lucia Coelho Heckert, Maria Elizabeth Barros de Barros, Maria da Penha Nery, Liana Fortunato Costa, Maria Fernanda Diogo, Kátia Maheirie, Maria Lívia do Nascimento, Estela Scheinvar, Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi & Janaina Claudia Strenzel - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:1.
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  50.  24
    Motor Cortex Response to Pleasant Odor Perception and Imagery: The Differential Role of Personality Dimensions and Imagery Ability.Carmenrita Infortuna, Francesca Gualano, David Freedberg, Sapan P. Patel, Asad M. Sheikh, Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Antonio Bruno, Carmela Mento, Eileen Chusid, Zhiyong Han, Florian P. Thomas & Fortunato Battaglia - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundNeuroimaging studies have shown a complex pattern of brain activation during perception of a pleasant odor and during its olfactory imagery. To date, little is known regarding changes in motor cortex excitability during these tasks. Bergamot essential oil is extensively used in perfumes and cosmetics for its pleasantness. Therefore, to further our understanding of the human sense of smell, this study aimed to investigate the effect of perception and imagery of a pleasant odor on motor cortex using Transcranial magnetic stimulation.Materials (...)
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