Results for 'Four-Seven Theory'

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  1.  12
    An Alternative Interpretation of Kim Chang-hyeop’s Four-Seven Theory.이준영 ) - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 68:1-31.
    김창협의 「사단칠정설」은 그의 변화하는 생각을 수시로 기록한 필기였다. 본 글은 「사단칠정설」에서 주리주기 구분 및 칠포사 논제와 관련한 김창협의 논증과 주장의 변화를 분석하였다. 주리주기 구분과 관련해서, 김창협은 일관되게 사단을 주리, 칠정을 주기로 구분하지만, 그 논증에는 차이가 있다. 처음에 그는 설명 방식과 수양론 측면의 개념 차이를 통해 주리·주기를 구분하며, 이는 기대승의 해석과 유사했다. 이후 그는 사단과 칠정의 명칭을 통해 알 수 있는 정보의 차이에 근거해서 주리·주기를 구분하는데, 이는 그의 경위설 논제에 근거한 해석이다. 칠포사와 관련해서, 처음에 그는 칠정이 사단을 포함하지는 않지만, 교집합은 있다고 (...)
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    The Critical Review on the Alteration of Teogye’s Four-Seven Theory. 김상현 - 2019 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 89:67-96.
    본 논문의 목적은 ‘이황이 기대승과의 사단칠정논쟁을 진행하면서 자신의 초기 입장을 변화시켰다’는 최근의 몇몇 연구 결과에 대해 비판적 견해를 제시하는 것이다. 이와 같은 목적을 수행하기 위해서는 이황의 초기 입장이 기대승의 비판을 거치면서 어떻게 전개되었는지를 면밀히 분석해야만 한다. 그런데 이러한 작업은 매우 어렵다. 이황과 기대승이 주고받은 편지의 분량이 매우 많은 데다, 심오한 성리학적 개념들과 문장들로 구성되어 있기 때문이다. 게다가 이황은 문맥에 따라 성리학적 용어들을 다의적으로 표현하기도 하고, 사단칠정론과 관련된 핵심 주장을 관점에 따라 중층적으로 표현하기도 한다. 그러므로 이황의 편지를 온전히 분석하기 위해서는 용어의 (...)
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    Analysis on the Theory of the Nature and Emotion by Lee Je-Ma- With Four-seven Debate of Ri and Gi.Baik Yousang - 2009 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 26:215-247.
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    The Philosophical Foundation of Publicity Based on Seongho Yi Ik’s Theory of the Four-Seven - Achieving Justice through Empathy -. 하나 - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 149:31-55.
    오늘날 ‘공공성(公共性)’이라는 용어는 학문의 영역에서뿐만 아니라 삶의 전반적인 영역에서 익숙하게 사용되고 있다. 그러나 여전히 그 용어의 개념적 합의는 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 필요한 것은 개념적・이론적 근거를 단단하게 만들기 위한 철학적 작업이다. 그리하여 본 연구는 성호 이익의 사단칠정론을 분석함으로써 현대 사회의 공공성 개념을 위한 철학적 기초를 제공하고자 한다. 특히 그가 사단과 칠정이라는 감정을 이해하는 독특한 방식인 ‘공(公)’과 ‘공(共)’의 논리를 기반으로 하여 공공성의 의미를 규정해보고자 한다. 이익의 사단칠정론을 살펴보기에 앞서 공공성에 관련된 동・서양의 주요 철학적 담론을 살펴본다. 동양의 공사론은 이익의 사단칠정론에 등장하는 (...)
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    Gwak Jongseok’s Frame of Longitude and Latitude and Theory of the Four-Seven Emotions. 홍성민 - 2024 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 169:445-474.
    이 논문은 俛宇(郭鍾錫, 1846-1919)의 사단칠정설을 ‘氣의 經緯說’에서 주목하여 조명하고 있다. 논문에 따르면, 면우의 경위설은 ‘理自發’과 ‘性發爲情’을 사단과 칠정에 고루 적용하면서도 四七양자를 구별하는 논리적 장치였다. 그는 이 이론에 입각하여 사단과 칠정의 의미에 대해 새로운 이해를 제시하였고 나아가 도덕감정 이론에서 의미 있는 진전을 보여주었다고 이 논문은 주장한다. 이 논문은 먼저 農巖의 경위설에 대한 면우의 비판과 계승을 살펴보고 그 의의를 분석한다. 면우에 따르면, 농암의 이론은 성발위정에 위배될 뿐 아니라 칠정의 도덕적 가능성을 간과하는 것이었다. 그래서 그는 새로운 경위설을 제시하여 그 오류들을 수정하고 사단칠정의 구조를 (...)
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  6.  14
    Four-Beginnings-Seven-Emotions Debate as a Theory of Human Life: Radical Issues in the Theory of Education.Chong-Deuk Park - 2006 - Journal of Moral Education 18 (1):179.
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    Normativity in studying conspiracy theory belief: Seven guidelines.Rik Peels, Nora Kindermann & Chris Ranalli - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (6):1125-1159.
    This paper aims to provide clear guidelines for researchers studying conspiracy theory belief. It examines the meta-linguistic question about how we should conceptualize 'conspiracy theory' and its relationship to the evaluative question of how we should evaluate beliefs in conspiracy theories, addressing normative issues surrounding the meaning, use, and conceptualization of ‘conspiracy theory’, as well as how these issues might impact how researchers study conspiracy theories or beliefs in them It argues that four norms, the Empirical (...)
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    A Neuroethical Interpretation of Yulgok’s Theory of Four Clues and Seven Emotions. 채석용 - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (124):81-108.
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    A study on Woodam(愚潭) Jeong Si-Han(丁時翰)'s the theory of li and qi, the Four Origins(四端) and the Seven Emotions(七情) - Centering around the relation of Toegye(退溪).Heungchul Son - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 22:169-230.
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    The Meaning of Confucian theory of mind-heart's nature in the Age of AI. 임헌규 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 84:123-143.
    Confucianism regarded mind-heart's nature with importance more than any other schools at all the time. Confucius was the first one to bring up the concept of mind-heart's nature in the history of chinese philosophy. Mencius was the first person to demonstrate reality of human nature's nature systematically and scientifically. Mencius was a protector to block heterodoxy after succeeding Confucius's the doctrine of mind-heart's nature. The mind-heart's nature provided by Mencius are 1) what distinguishes human beings from animals. 2) a moral (...)
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  11. Yu Sung-jo’s Theory of Heart-Mind and Nature. 전병욱 - 2024 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 62:177-204.
    Yu Sung-jo’s Daehakjam was greatly influenced by Kwon-Geun’s Iphak doseol, and his Seongli yeonwon chwaryo actively utilized Cheng Fuxin’s Sishu zhangtu, etc. In Zhuzi, the heart-mind is synchronically explained to be composed of li and qi and diachronically encompasses xing and qing. Yu Sung-jo understood heart-mind in the perspective of mingde 明德 as a whole, meaning that the heart-mind in reality is only a state that has not fully maintained its mingde, and its essence is the same as mingde. All (...)
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  12. Reductive theories of modality.Theodore Sider - 2003 - In Michael J. Loux & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), The Oxford handbook of metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 180-208.
    Logic begins but does not end with the study of truth and falsity. Within truth there are the modes of truth, ways of being true: necessary truth and contingent truth. When a proposition is true, we may ask whether it could have been false. If so, then it is contingently true. If not, then it is necessarily true; it must be true; it could not have been false. Falsity has modes as well: a false proposition that could not have been (...)
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    Criminal Theory in the Twentieth Century.George P. Fletcher - 2001 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 2 (1).
    The theoretical inquiry into the foundations of criminal law in the twentieth century, in both civil and common law traditions, is assayed by the consideration of seven main currents or trends. First, the structure of offenses is examined in light of the bipartite, tripartite, and quadripartite modes of analysis. Second, competing theories of culpability - normative and descriptive - are weighed in connection with their important ramifications for the presumption of proof and the allocation of the burden of persuasion (...)
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  14. Four conceptions of creatio ex nihilo and the compatibility questions.Pirooz Fatoorchi - 2010 - In David B. Burrell, Carlo Cogliati, Janet M. Soskice & William R. Stoeger (eds.), Creation and the God of Abraham. Cambridge University Press.
    The notion of creatio ex nihilo has become a doctrine firmly established in the three Abrahamic religions (i.e., Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Almost all groups of Islamic thinkers accept the truth of the createdness (creatio) of the universe, and that it is preceded by its “non-existence” (ex nihilo). However, there is a diversity of opinions as to whether the concept of creatio ex nihilo is compatible with alternative accounts of the origin of the physical world, and this diversity is particularly (...)
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  15. Outline of a theory of strongly semantic information.Luciano Floridi - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (2):197-221.
    This paper outlines a quantitative theory of strongly semantic information (TSSI) based on truth-values rather than probability distributions. The main hypothesis supported in the paper is that the classic quantitative theory of weakly semantic information (TWSI), based on probability distributions, assumes that truth-values supervene on factual semantic information, yet this principle is too weak and generates a well-known semantic paradox, whereas TSSI, according to which factual semantic information encapsulates truth, can avoid the paradox and is more in line (...)
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  16. A methodological note on proving agreement between the Elementary Process Theory and modern interaction theories.Cabbolet Marcoen - 2022 - In Marcoen J. T. F. Cabbolet (ed.), And now for something completely different: the Elementary Process Theory. Revised, updated and extended 2nd edition of the dissertation with almost the same title. Utrecht: Eburon Academic Publishers. pp. 373-382.
    The Elementary Process Theory (EPT) is a collection of seven elementary process-physical principles that describe the individual processes by which interactions have to take place for repulsive gravity to exist. One of the two main problems of the EPT is that there is no proof that the four fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak) as we know them can take place in the elementary processes described by the EPT. This paper sets forth the method by which (...)
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  17. The Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness.Susan Pockett - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (11-12):191-223.
    The electromagnetic field theory of consciousness proposes that conscious experiences are identical with certain electromagnetic patterns generated by the brain. While the theory has always acknowledged that not all of the electromagnetic patterns generated by brain activity are conscious, until now it has not been able to specify what might distinguish conscious patterns from non-conscious patterns. Here a hypothesis is proposed about the 3D shape of electromagnetic fields that are conscious, as opposed to those that are not conscious. (...)
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  18. Jean Piaget'in Zihinsel Gelişim Kuramına Göre Mevlana'nın Mistik Düşüncesinin Değerlendirilmesi(The evaluation of Rumi’s mystical theory according to Jean Piaget’s theory of mental development).Aysel Tan - 2020 - In Nazile Abdullazade (ed.), 6th International GAP SOCIAL SCIENCES Congress.
    Jean Piaget's theory of human mental development mirrors many issues related to human. According to this theory, one's view of himself, nature/universe and God is changing. According to this theory, which is basically divided into four main periods and subtitles, the thinking skill of man changes according to age, physical development, education and society. These differences affect the way individuals obtain information. Individuals who acquire knowledge with an emotional intuition before the age of seven acquire (...)
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  19. Spinoza's Ethical Theory.Ronald L. Sandler - 2001 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    This dissertation is a systematic study of Spinoza's ethical system as a virtue ethic. Spinoza's ethical theory has been under-appreciated in this regard and has therefore been virtually ignored by contemporary virtue ethicists who have looked almost exclusively to the ancients as a source of insight regarding the virtues. With my dissertation I aim both to contribute to Spinoza scholarship and to provide an historical resource to contemporary ethicists working in the area of virtue. ;The dissertation can be divided (...)
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    Intra‐stakeholder alliances in plant‐closing decisions: A stakeholder theory approach.Yves Fassin, Simone de Colle & R. Edward Freeman - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):97-111.
    This article discusses plant-closing decisions by multinational enterprises applying a stakeholder theory approach. In particular, we focus on the emergence of “intra-stakeholder alliances,” that is, alliances among the various stakeholder groups of a specific corporation. We analyze the emergence of stakeholder alliances in reaction to MNEs' decisions to terminate production locally and discuss their influence on the outcomes of such decisions. Our research is inspired by two exceptional case studies of two multinational breweries that announced their decisions to close (...)
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  21.  17
    (1 other version)The role of parents in the development of faith from birth to seven years of age.Marsulize van Niekerk & Gert Breed - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (2):1-11.
    Scholars have researched the role of parents in the development of the child. Families play a critical role in the development of a young child. According to Freud, many adult symptoms of anxieties are rooted in childhood experiences, and that a child's development would influence how the child would behave as an adult and that their actions may correlate to something that occurred in their childhood. Erikson's theory of ego development stated that the ego, which is the centre of (...)
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  22.  49
    Einstein's Pathway to the Special Theory of Relativity.Galina Weinstein - 2015 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book pieces together the jigsaw puzzle of Einstein's journey to discovering the special theory of relativity. Between 1902 and 1905, Einstein sat in the Patent Office and may have made calculations on old pieces of paper that were once patent drafts. One can imagine Einstein trying to hide from his boss, writing notes on small sheets of paper, and, according to reports, seeing to it that the small sheets of paper on which he was writing would vanish into (...)
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  23. And now for something completely different: the Elementary Process Theory. Revised, updated and extended 2nd edition of the dissertation with almost the same title.Marcoen J. T. F. Cabbolet - 2022 - Utrecht: Eburon Academic Publishers.
    On the one hand, theories of modern physics are very successful in their areas of application. But on the other hand, the irreconcilability of General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) suggests that these theories of modern physics are not the final answer regarding the fundamental workings of the universe. This monograph takes the position that the key to advances in the foundations of physics lies in the hypothesis that massive systems made up of antimatter are repulsed by the gravitational (...)
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  24. Ideal Utilitarianism: Theory and Practice.Roger Crisp - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;The thesis consists in the development and application of an ideal utilitarian moral theory. ;In chapter one, classical Mental State and modern Desire theories of prudential value are rejected. In chapter two, perfectionism is rejected and an alternative ideal utilitarian Objective List theory is set out. In chapter three, it is argued that prudential rationality requires maximization and temporal neutrality. The aggregation and incommensurability of values is (...)
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  25. The Contribution of Natural Law Theory to Moral and Legal Debate Concerning Suicide, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.Craig Paterson - 2001 - Universal Publishers.
    Chapter one argues for the important contribution that a natural law based framework can make towards an analysis and assessment of key controversies surrounding the practices of suicide, assisted suicide, and voluntary euthanasia. The second chapter considers a number of historical contributions to the debate. The third chapter takes up the modern context of ideas that have increasingly come to the fore in shaping the 'push' for reform. Particular areas focused upon include the value of human life, the value of (...)
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    Fiction and Theory of Mind.Brian Boyd - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):590-600.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fiction and Theory of MindBrian BoydWhy We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel, by Lisa Zunshine; 198 pp. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2006. $59.95Lisa Zunshine's Why We Read Fiction aims "to put the cognitive-evolutionary concept of the Theory of Mind on the map of contemporary literary studies" (p. 84). Any literary critic who has stumbled upon this active research program in recent clinical, (...)
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  27.  14
    The Reception of Newton's Theory of Cometary Tail Formation.Tofigh Heidarzadeh - 2006 - Centaurus 48 (1):50-65.
    Unlike all preceding theorists of cometary tail formation, Newton introduced a mechanism in which a comet's tail was produced by the convection of rarified ethereal particles which carried with them particles from the comet's upper atmosphere, which in turn became heated by reflecting of the sun's rays. The centrality of the action of the ether particles in this theory made it problematic, as a consistent theory of the ether was not then available. As a result, the theory (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory III. The planet Mercury.Teije de Jong - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):491-522.
    In this series of papers I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Papers I and II were devoted to system A theory of the outer planets and of the planet Venus. In this third and last paper I will study system A theory of the planet Mercury. Our knowledge of the Babylonian theory of Mercury is at present based on twelveEphemeridesand sevenProcedure Texts. (...)
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  29.  11
    The Four-Seven Debate: An Annotated Translation of the Most Famous Controversy in Korean Neo-Confucian Thought.Michael C. Kalton & Oaksook C. Kim - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    This book is an annotated translation, with introduction and commentary, of the correspondence between Yi Hwang (T'oegye, 1500-1570) and Ki Taesung (Kobong, 1527-1572) and between Yi I (Yulgok, 1536-1584) and Song Hon (Ugye, 1535-1598), known as the Four-Seven Debate, the most famous philosophical controversy in Korean Neo-Confucian thought. The most complex issues and difficult tensions in the great Neo-Confucian synthesis are at the juncture between the metaphysics of the cosmos and the human psyche. The Four-Seven Debate (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Rightness as Fairness: A Moral and Political Theory.Marcus Arvan - 2016 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book argues that moral philosophy should be based on seven scientific principles of theory selection. It then argues that a new moral theory—Rightness as Fairness—satisfies those principles more successfully than existing theories. Chapter 1 explicates the seven principles of theory-selection, arguing that moral philosophy must conform to them to be truth-apt. Chapter 2 argues those principles jointly support founding moral philosophy in known facts of empirical moral psychology: specifically, our capacities for mental time-travel and (...)
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    A Critical Review of the Theory of the Precedence of Action Over Belief with Emphasis on John Cottingham’s View.Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 25 (2):57-80.
    The relationship between reason and faith is one of the most important topics in the philosophy of religion. This issue has been investigated from several aspects. One of these aspects is the relationship between action and religious belief. John Cottingham, a contemporary analytical philosopher, emphasizes the primacy of religious practice over belief, as well as the involuntary nature of belief. In his opinion, the factor that causes people to become religious is not intellectual discussions about God but the internal aspects (...)
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    The "four-seven debate" and the school of principle in korea.Xi-de Jin - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (4):347-360.
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    A Fundamental Concept for the Justification of the Possibility of Moral Evil.Joung-Hwan Lee - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 66:1-48.
    김창협의 「사단칠정설」은 그의 변화하는 생각을 수시로 기록한 필기였다. 본 글은 「사단칠정설」에서 주리주기 구분 및 칠포사 논제와 관련한 김창협의 논증과 주장의 변화를 분석하였다. 주리주기 구분과 관련해서, 김창협은 일관되게 사단을 주리, 칠정을 주기로 구분하지만, 그 논증에는 차이가 있다. 처음에 그는 설명 방식과 수양론 측면의 개념 차이를 통해 주리·주기를 구분하며, 이는 기대승의 해석과 유사했다. 이후 그는 사단과 칠정의 명칭을 통해 알 수 있는 정보의 차이에 근거해서 주리·주기를 구분하는데, 이는 그의 경위설 논제에 근거한 해석이다. 칠포사와 관련해서, 처음에 그는 칠정이 사단을 포함하지는 않지만, 교집합은 있다고 (...)
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    The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality by Edward Y.J. Ching (review).Maria Hasfeldt Long - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality by Edward Y.J. ChingMaria Hasfeldt Long (bio)The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality. By Edward Y.J. Ching. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Pp. vii + 204. Hardcover $99.00, isbn 978-3-030-77923-8.In recent years, the study of Korean Neo-Confucianism as an international field has (...)
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    Causal asymmetry.Douglas Ehring - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy 79 (12):761-774.
    This thesis addresses the problem of causal asymmetry. This problem may be characterized as follows: what is the relation R such that if an event c causes an event e c bears relation R to e but e does not bear relation R to e. The traditional Humean account of causal asymmetry is that "R" may be replaced by "temporally prior." Difficulties with this account based on consideration of cases of simultaneous causation and backward causation have given rise to non-Humean (...)
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  36.  15
    Korean Neo-Confucian Thought.Michael C. Kalton - 2017 - In Young-Chan Ro (ed.), Dao Companion to Korean Confucian Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-46.
    This paper reviews the history of Korean Neo-Confucian thought from its introduction in the late fourteenth century until the end of the Joseon dynasty in the early twentieth century. With the founding of Joseon in 1392 the Neo-Confucian synthesis that had swept China was adopted in Korea, replacing the Buddhist establishment of the previous dynasty. The introductory section discusses the major figures in this transition and their grasp of the new metaphysical framework and ascetical theory which now supplemented the (...)
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    Evaluating art.George Dickie - 1988 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    "Those who think they know George Dickie's views should be sure to read this book. They are in for some interesting surprises. Of course, those unfamiliar with Dickie's views will also learn a lot." --Anita Silvers, San Francisco State University In this book George Dickie presents a theory about how to judge a work of art--as opposed to a theory that explains why a particular work is defined as art. Focusing mainly on the writings of Monroe Beardsley and (...)
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  38. Seven Theories of Human Nature.Leslie Stevenson - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):110-110.
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    The Four-Seven Debate: An Annotated Translation of the Most Famous Controversy in Korean Neo-Confucian Thought.Michael Levey, Michael C. Kalton, Oaksook C. Kim, Sung Bae Park, Young-Chan Ro, Tu Wei-Ming & Samuel Yamashita - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (2):355.
  40. Seven theories of human society.Tom Campbell - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this invaluable introduction to the study of human society, the author presents the influential theories of Aristotle, Hobbes, Smith, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Alfred Schutz.
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    (5 other versions)Seven theories of human nature.Leslie Forster Stevenson - 1974 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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  42. Four-Dimensionalist Theories of Persistence.Sarah Moss - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (4):671-686.
    I demonstrate that the theory of persistence defended in Sider [2001] does not accommodate our intuitions about counting sentences. I develop two theories that improve on Sider's: a contextualist theory and an error theory. I argue that the latter is stronger, simpler, and better fitted to some important ordinary language judgments than rival four-dimensionalist theories of persistence.
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    Four Dilemmas: Theory, Criticism, History, Faith: Sketches on the Threshold of Literary Anthropology.Dorota Heck - 2010 - Księgarnia Akademicka.
    Dilemma one, Between the theoretical concepts and authorial intention -- Dilemma two, Good manners and eristic -- Dilemma three, Between strangeness and familiarity -- Dilemma four, Between scholarly research and faith.
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    Four. The Theory Of Change.Baruch A. Brody - 1981 - In Graeme Forbes (ed.), Identity and Essence. Princeton University Press. pp. 71-83.
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  45. Four Dialectical Theories of Poetry: An Aspect of English Neoclassical Criticism.R. Marsh - 1965
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    Seven Theories of Religion.Daniel L. Pals - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (2):290.
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  47. Seven Theories of Human Society.Tom Campbell - 1983 - Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (2):141-143.
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    Seven Theories of Human Society. [REVIEW]Andrea Nye - 1983 - Teaching Philosophy 6 (1):64-66.
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    Seven Theories of Human Nature. [REVIEW]John D. Schaeffer - 1990 - New Vico Studies 8:137-139.
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    A Study of Four-seven debate (Sadan ch’ilchng-non) of Yulgok School in the 17th and 18th Century Chosun. 김태년 - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 28 (28):31-63.
    【논문 요약】 사단칠정논쟁은 조선 후기에도 여전히 중요한 철학 의제였다. 흔히 철학사에서 각각 예학의 시대, 호락논쟁(인물성동이논쟁)과 실학의 시대로 설명하는 17세기와 18세기에도 사실 사단칠정론은 학자 개개인, 혹은 학파의 정체성을 확립하는 데 중요한 논제로 활용되었던 것이다. 그 시대의 유학자들은 우선 영남 퇴계학파와 기호 율곡학파에 따라 각기 다른 사단칠정론을 주장했고, 각각의 학파 내부에서도 사단칠정론에 대해 어떤 입장을 취하는지에 따라 학맥이 분기되기도 했다. 기호 율곡학파의 사례는 바로 호학파와 낙학파이다. 널리 알려진 대로 율곡학파, 특히 노론의 당색을 가진 율곡학파들은 이른바 호락논쟁을 거치면서 서울과 충청도를 중심으로 분기하였다. 이들은 (...)
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