Results for 'Françoise Shenfield'

962 found
  1.  32
    La pma en grande-bretagne et les embryons congelésRéflexions sur la loi anglaise concernant la procréation médicalement assistée et la récente modification de durée de congélation de l'embryon surnuméraire.Françoise Shenfield - 1997 - Médecine et Droit 1997 (22):15-16.
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  2. Human cloning: Edited by James Humber and Robert Almeder, New Jersey, Humana Press, 1998, 224 pages, $44.50 (hb). [REVIEW]Francoise Shenfield - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):222-222.
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  3. Françoise Dastur by Herself.Françoise Dastur & Res Publica - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):174-177.
    Françoise Dastur describes her efforts to practice history of philosophy in a non-historical fashion. She discusses her concept of the historical, and argues that the only true way to be of one's time is to be against one's time.
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    Françoise Dastur by Herself.Francoise Dastur, Res Publica & Penelope Deutscher - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):174-177.
    Françoise Dastur describes her efforts to practice history of philosophy in a non-historical fashion. She discusses her concept of the historical, and argues that the only true way to be of one's time is to be against one's time.
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  5. Rencontre avec Françoise Dastur autour de" La phénoménologie en questions".Françoise Dastur, Arnaud Dewalque, Florence Caeymaex, Grégory Cormann, Sébastien Laoureux, Bruno Leclercq, Julien Pieron & Denis Seron - 2006 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 14.
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    Altered Inheritance: Crispr and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing.Françoise Baylis - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    With the advent of CRISPR gene-editing technology, designer babies have become a reality. Françoise Baylis insists that scientists alone cannot decide the terms of this new era in human evolution. Members of the public, with diverse interests and perspectives, must have a role in determining our future as a species.
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  7. Consent and intent: the legal difference in assisted reproductive treatments.F. Shenfield - 2000 - In Michael D. A. Freeman & A. D. E. Lewis (eds.), Law and medicine. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3--317.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Stephen D. Shenfield - 2007 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 46 (3):14-15.
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    Literary Code(s) and Ideology: Towards a Contestation of Semiology.Francoise Gaillard & Carl R. Lovitt - 1976 - Substance 5 (15):68.
  10. Masculine/Feminine: The Thought of the Difference.Francoise Héritier - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh (eds.), Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 56.
  11.  25
    Immigration, Poster Art, and Transgressive Citizenship: France 1968-1988.Francoise Lionnet - 1995 - Substance 24 (1/2):93.
  12.  18
    Confinements: Fertility and Infertility in Contemporary Culture.F. Shenfield - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (5):358-358.
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    IVF in the 90s. Towards a Medical, Social and Ethical Evaluation.F. Shenfield - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):284-285.
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  14. A relational account of public health ethics.Françoise Baylis, Nuala P. Kenny & Susan Sherwin - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (3):196-209.
    oise Baylis, 1234 Le Marchant Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3P7. Tel.: (902)-494–2873; Fax: (902)-494-2924; Email: francoise.baylis{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract Recently, there has been a growing interest in public health and public health ethics. Much of this interest has been tied to efforts to draw up national and international plans to deal with a global pandemic. It is common for these plans to state the importance of drawing upon a well-developed (...)
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    Monsieur Descartes, ou, La fable de la raison.Françoise Hildesheimer - 2010 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Il pense, donc il est : sérieux, solitaire, méditatif et de noir vêtu, Descartes est depuis des siècles l'incarnation de la raison triomphante et du génie français. Tant de limpidité et d'éclat a éclipsé l'homme même, qui demeure très méconnu : fils d'un temps d'incertitude? père de la philosophie moderne? Qui était vraiment René Descartes et qu'en reste-t-il aujourd'hui, au-delà des idées reçues et de la référence obligée? Mettant en lumière les contradictions du philosophe, Françoise Hildesheimer brosse le portrait (...)
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    Color as Cognition in Symbolist Verse.Françoise Meltzer - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (2):253-273.
    The prominence and peculiarity of color in French symbolist verse have often been noted. Yet the dominance of color in symbolism is not the result of aesthetic preference or mere poetic technique, as has been previously argued; rather, color functions, with the synaesthetic poetic context of which it is an integral part, as the direct manifestation of a particular metaphysical stance. Color leads to the heart of what symbolism is, for it is the paradigmatic literary expression of a general spiritual (...)
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  17. “I Am Who I Am”: On the Perceived Threats to Personal Identity from Deep Brain Stimulation. [REVIEW]Françoise Baylis - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):513-526.
    This article explores the notion of the dislocated self following deep brain stimulation (DBS) and concludes that when personal identity is understood in dynamic, narrative, and relational terms, the claim that DBS is a threat to personal identity is deeply problematic. While DBS may result in profound changes in behaviour, mood and cognition (characteristics closely linked to personality), it is not helpful to characterize DBS as threatening to personal identity insofar as this claim is either false, misdirected or trivially true. (...)
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  18.  31
    Essentially periodic ordered groups.Françoise Point & Frank O. Wagner - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 105 (1-3):261-291.
    A totally ordered group G is essentially periodic if for every definable non-trivial convex subgroup H of G every definable subset of G is equal to a finite union of cosets of subgroups of G on some interval containing an end segment of H; it is coset-minimal if all definable subsets are equal to a finite union of cosets, intersected with intervals. We study definable sets and functions in such groups, and relate them to the quasi-o-minimal groups introduced in Belegradek (...)
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    Part-human chimeras: Worrying the facts, probing the ethics.Françoise Baylis & Jason Scott Robert - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (5):41 – 45.
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  20. Les visages de Joseph dans le De Josepho.Françoise Frazier - 2002 - The Studia Philonica Annual 14:1-30.
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  21. Phenomenology of the Event: Waiting and Surprise 1.Françoise Dastur - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):178-189.
    How, asks Françoise Dastur, can philosophy account for the sudden happening and the factuality of the event? Dastur asks how phenomenology, in particular the work of Heidegger, Husserl, and Merleau-Ponty, may be interpreted as offering such an account. She argues that the “paradoxical capacity of expecting surprise is always in question in phenomenology,” and for this reason, she concludes, “We should not oppose phenomenology and the thinking of the event. We should connect them; openness to phenomena must be identified (...)
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  22.  93
    Artifacts and organisms: A case for a new etiological theory of functions.Françoise Longy - 2013 - In Philippe Huneman (ed.), Functions: selection and mechanisms. Springer. pp. 185--211.
    Most philosophers adopt an etiological conception of functions, but not one that uniformly explains the functions attributed to material entities irrespective of whether they are natural or man-made. Here, I investigate the widespread idea that a combination of the two current etiological theories, SEL and INT, can offer a satisfactory account of the proper functions of both organisms and artifacts.. Making explicit what a realist theory of function supposes, I first show that SEL offers a realist theory of biological functions (...)
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  23.  67
    Telling Time: Sketch of a Phenomenological Chronology.Francoise Dastur - 2000 - Althone Press.
    Telling Time takes up Heidegger's ideas of a "phenomenological chronology" in an attempt to pose the question of the possibility of a phenomenological language that would be given over to the "temporality of being" and the finitude of existence. The book combines a discussion of approaches to language in the philosophical tradition with readings of Husserl on temporality and the early and late texts of Heidegger's on logic, truth and the nature of language. As well as Heidegger's "deconstruction" of logic (...)
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  24.  42
    Against Literary Darwinism.Françoise Meltzer, Anca Parvulescu, Robert B. Pippin, Chris Dumas, Ariella Azoulay, Jan De Vos & Jonathan Kramnick - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (2):315-347.
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    Benoît GRÉAN & Luisa GARDINI, Sonnets des satiétés.Françoise Favretto - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Chronique/critique de Françoise Favretto parue dans la revue L'intranquille. Revue de littérature, n° 20, St-Quentin-de-Caplong, L'Atelier de l'Agneau, 2021, p. 83. - Recensions.
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  26. How biological, cultural, and intended functions combine.Françoise Longy - 2009 - In Ulrich Krohs & Peter Kroes (eds.), Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds: Comparative Philosophical Perspectives. MIT Press.
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  27.  11
    Et que vive l’Europe!Françoise Diehlmann - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):185-188.
    La lutte contre la Covid a donné à l’Europe un premier élan fédéral. Le second est provoqué par le bruit des bottes russes en Ukraine. L’Union réagit par des sanctions sans précédent contre la Russie, en particulier en diminuant drastiquement ses approvisionnements en gaz. L’Allemagne en est la première perdante. La combinaison d’intérêts économiques divergents et la tradition allemande de l’Ostpolitik approfondissent les divergences entre la France et l’Allemagne. La France affirme la souveraineté stratégique européenne ; l’Allemagne considère l’alliance avec (...)
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  28. Quelle autorité pour les parents aujourd'hui?Françoise Hurstel - 2001 - Comprendre 2:207-222.
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    The problem of animal subjectivity and its consequences for the scientific measurement of animal suffering.Françoise Wemelsfelder - 1999 - In Francine L. Dolins (ed.), Attitudes to animals: views in animal welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 37--53.
  30.  36
    Laclos' Purloined Letters.Françoise Meltzer - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (3):515-529.
    The role of the reader is central to the epistolary genre because the letters anticipate a reader within the novel's framework. There is the letter's intended recipient , the occasional interceptor, the invented publisher and/or editor who organize the collected correspondence, and the extrafictional reader who reads the collection in its entirety, including the disclaiming or condemning prefaces which precede it. The epistolary form, however, with so many layers of readers, considerably complicates the issue of reader response. If we share, (...)
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    Études sur Sorel.Françoise Blum & Christophe Prochasson - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (4):468-478.
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    Le thème d'aman et la propagande huguenote: A propos de l'édition critique de l'«aman» de rivaudeau Par K. Cameron.Françoise Charpentier - 1971 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 33 (2):377-383.
  33. Les Plages d'Agnes.Françoise Collin - 2009 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 122:43-44.
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  34.  95
    Logic and ontology: Heidegger's "destruction" of logic.Françoise Dastur - 1987 - Research in Phenomenology 17 (1):55-74.
  35.  3
    Qu’est-ce que la Daseinsanalyse?.Françoise Dastur - 2006 - Phainomenon 11 (1):125-133.
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    Espaces ultramétriques.Françoise Delon - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):405-424.
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    L’Allemagne vers une coalition « feux tricolores ».Françoise Diehlmann - 2021 - Multitudes 85 (4):32-39.
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    (1 other version)Quelles fonctions parentales d'autorité pour le jeune enfant ?Françoise Hurstel - 2004 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 3 (3):69-77.
    Sur quoi aujourd’hui fonder l’autorité des parents? Que transmettre? Et comment exercer cette autorité au temps de l’enfance? Questions cruciales pour le devenir subjectif des nouveaux venus au monde... Car, sans autorité, pas de transmission de la dette de vie, celle qui ouvre à la Loi et au désir, pas d’humanisation et de socialisation des enfants.
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    Mimesis, fiction, paradoxes.Françoise Lavocat - 2010 - Methodos 10.
    Les théories contemporaines de la fiction, comme les poétiques de la Renaissance, privilégient une conception de la mimesis fondée sur la vraisemblance : la démonstration du profit cognitif et moral de la fiction passe toujours par une définition de l’imitation (de quelque façon qu’on la définisse) fondée sur la rationalité. L’auteur de cet article examine tout d’abord le statut des contradictions et de l’impossible chez quelques théoriciens actuels (principalement J.-M. Schaeffer, M.-L. Ryan, L. Doležel) et poéticiens du 16e siècle (L. (...)
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    Editors' Introduction.Françoise Meltzer & David Tracy - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (4):569-571.
  41.  22
    Reviving the Fairy Tree: Tales of European Sanctity.Françoise Meltzer - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (3):493-520.
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    Theories of Desire: Antigone Again.Françoise Meltzer - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (2):169-186.
  43.  9
    The Tree in Photographs.Françoise Reynaud - 2010 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    This surprising selection of photographs by Ansel Adams, Eugène Atget, Alfred Stieglitz, Carleton Watkins, and others, focuses on the tree as subject matter.
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    Introduction.Françoise Rivière - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):3-5.
    The principle of democracy is one of equal dignity for all cultures. But today the relationship between culture and politics, though close, often appears tense and occasionally contradictory. The introduction to this issue of Diogenes sketches the work done by UNESCO in the frame of the 'Pathways of Thought' Programme, particularly relating to the way in which a pluralist identity is created in multicultural nations, and to the relationship between non-material heritage, democracy and the quest for new forms of governance.
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  45. Les collections des naturalistes orientalistes comme source de connaissances pour l'ethnoscience arabe.Françoise Aubaile Sallenave - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (1):89-108.
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    An Early History of Compassion : Emotion and Imagination in Hellenistic Judaism.Françoise Mirguet - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Françoise Mirguet traces the appropriation and reinterpretation of pity by Greek-speaking Jewish communities of Late Antiquity. Pity and compassion, in this corpus, comprised a hybrid of Hebrew, Greek, and Roman constructions; depending on the texts, they were a spontaneous feeling, a practice, a virtue, or a precept of the Mosaic law. The requirement to feel for those who suffer sustained the identity of the Jewish minority, both creating continuity with its traditions and emulating dominant discourses. Mirguet's (...)
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    Marie-Francoise Colliere - nurse and ethnohistorian: a conversation about nursing and the invisibility of care.Marie-Francoise Colliere & Jocalyn Lawler - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (3):140-145.
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    The hfea public consultation process on hybrids and chimeras: Informed, effective, and meaningful?Françoise Baylis - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (1):pp. 41-62.
    In September 2007, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) in the United Kingdom concluded that "there is no fundamental reason to prevent cytoplasmic hybrid research . . . this area of research can, with caution and careful scrutiny, be permitted." Later, in January 2008, HFEA issued two research licenses to create humanesque cytoplasmic hybrid embryos from which stem cells could be derived. This article critically examines the public consultation process that preceded these decisions, concluding that the process was flawed (...)
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  49.  17
    Husserl et la neutralité de l'art.Françoise Dastur - 1881 - la Part de l'Oeil 7:19-29.
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    “Monologue" ou "Les Miasmes" de la vie intérieure.Françoise Arnaud Hibbs - 1989 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 6 (1):31-38.
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