Geoffrey Hunt [75]G. Hunt [12]G. M. K. Hunt [11]Grace Hunt [8]
G. E. Hunt [5]G. W. Hunt [3]Greg J. Hunt [2]Gavin R. Hunt [2]

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  1.  73
    Determinism, Predictability and Chaos.G. M. K. Hunt - 1987 - Analysis 47 (3):129 - 133.
  2. Arendt on Resentment: Articulating Intersubjectivity.Grace Hunt - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (3):283-290.
    ABSTRACT This article develops an Arendtian conception of resentment and shows that resentment as a response to injustice is in fact only possible within a community of persons engaged in moral and recognitive relations. While Arendt is better known for her work on forgiveness—characterized as a creative rather than vindictive response to injury—this article suggests that Arendt provides a unique way of thinking about resentment as essentially a response to another human's subjectivity. But when injury is massive, so beyond the (...)
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  3.  28
    Evolvability in the fossil record.Alan C. Love, M. Grabowski, D. Houle, L. H. Liow, A. Porto, M. Tsuboi, K. L. Voje & G. Hunt - 2022 - Paleobiology 48 (2):186-209.
    The concept of evolvability—the capacity of a population to produce and maintain evolutionarily relevant variation—has become increasingly prominent in evolutionary biology. Paleontology has a long history of investigating questions of evolvability, but paleontological thinking has tended to neglect recent discussions, because many tools used in the current evolvability literature are challenging to apply to the fossil record. The fundamental difficulty is how to disentangle whether the causes of evolutionary patterns arise from variational properties of traits or lineages rather than being (...)
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  4.  44
    The Human Condition of the Professional: discretion and accountability.Geoffrey Hunt - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (6):519-526.
    This article takes issue with procedural reductionism, which is the inclination to reduce all matters of judgement and responsibility to the following of some procedure or rule. Two scenarios provide content for a discussion of professional discretion in the context of accountability. The author shows that in professional life there will always be situations that stand beyond the rules of procedures and require the unique judgement of the professional at the time. While this judgement may be determined by the facts (...)
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  5.  27
    A Sense of Life: the future of industrial-style health care.Geoffrey Hunt - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (2):189-202.
    In this article I attempt to transcend the mainstream conception of health care ethics, including nursing ethics, by bringing into the foreground a tension between a sense of life and an industrial-bureaucratic style of health care, with its emphasis on the systematic and procedural work culture necessary for mass production. I use the concept of ‘a sense of life’ to draw attention to the wisdom, sensitivity and responsibility that is necessary for the authentic care of others to be given a (...)
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  6.  25
    Exploring Nursing Values in the Development of a Nurse-Led Service.Sara Faithfull & Geoffrey Hunt - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (5):440-452.
    This article considers the development of nurse-led services as a part of a pilot study and explores the therapeutic nature of the role of the nurse. In particular it suggests a need for reconsideration of the fundamental values of nurse-led care in the context of changing organizational culture. Within the UK there has been pressure from policy makers to extend the role of the specialist nurse and create new nursing roles, shifting the boundaries between professional health groups. The philosophy of (...)
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  7.  20
    New Caledonian crows afford invaluable comparative insights into human cumulative technological culture.Christian Rutz & Gavin R. Hunt - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    The New Caledonian crow may be the only non-primate species exhibiting cumulative technological culture. Its foraging tools show clear signs of diversification and progressive refinement, and it seems likely that at least some tool-related information is passed across generations via social learning. Here, we explain how these remarkable birds can help us uncover the basic biological processes driving technological progress.
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  8.  19
    Moral Crisis, Professionals and Ethical Education.Geoffrey Hunt - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (1):29-38.
    Western civilization has probably reached an impasse, expressed as a crisis on all fronts: economic, technological, environmental and political. This is experienced on the cultural level as a moral crisis or an ethical deficit. Somehow, the means we have always assumed as being adequate to the task of achieving human welfare, health and peace, are failing us. Have we lost sight of the primacy of human ends? Governments still push for economic growth and technological advances, but many are now asking: (...)
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  9. Redeeming Resentment: Nietzsche's Affirmative Riposts.Grace Hunt - 2013 - American Dialectic (No. 2/3).
  10. Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question.Grace Hunt - 2014 - Hypatia Reviews Online: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.
    Kathryn Gines's book details Hannah Arendt 's racial and conceptual biases against Black people in the US and post-colonial Africa. Gines makes original and significant contributions to feminist philosophy by applying various feminist and anticolonial strategies, including standpoint theory and multidirectionality, to Arendt 's political essays and concepts. Feminist critiques of Arendt in general and racial critiques of "Reflections on Little Rock" in particular are not new; however, Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question offers a novel and comprehensive racial critique (...)
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  11.  82
    Elements of an engaged clinical ethics: a qualitative analysis of hospice clinical ethics committee discussions.Geoffrey Hunt, Craig Gannon & Ann Gallagher - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (4):175-182.
    Social, legal and health-care changes have created an increasing need for ethical review within end-of-life care. Multiprofessional clinical ethics committees (CECs) are increasingly supporting decision-making in hospitals and hospices. This paper reports findings from an analysis of formal summaries from CEC meetings, of one UK hospice, spanning four years. Using qualitative content analysis, five themes were identified: timeliness of decision-making, holistic care, contextual openness, values diversity and consensual understanding. The elements of an engaged clinical ethics in a hospice context is (...)
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  12.  65
    Seclusion and its context in acute inpatient psychiatric care.M. Cleary, G. E. Hunt & G. Walter - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8):459-462.
    In acute inpatient mental health services, patients commonly demonstrate extreme behaviours. A number of coercive practices, such as locked doors, enforced medication and seclusion, are used in these settings to control such behaviours. The aim of this report is to explore briefly some of the contemporary debates pertaining to seclusion. A perusal of the literature reveals a clarion call to end the practice of seclusion, without consideration of feasible alternatives. It is hoped that this brief report will encourage further evidence-based (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Performing Dignity.Grace Hunt - 2010 - Women in Philosophy Annual Journal of Papers 6:47-61.
  14.  69
    Locked inpatient units in modern mental health care: values and practice issues.M. Cleary, G. E. Hunt, G. Walter & M. Robertson - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10):644-646.
    Locked inpatient units are an increasing phenomenon, introduced in response to unforseen abscondences and suicides of patients. This paper identifies some value issues concerning the practice of locked psychiatric inpatient units. Broad strategies, practicalities and ethical matters that must be considered in inpatient mental health services are also explored. The authors draw on the published research and commentary to derive relevant information to provide to patients and staff regarding the aims and rationales of locked units. Further debate is warranted in (...)
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  15.  28
    Climate change and health.Geoffrey Hunt - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (6):571-572.
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  16. Ethical Issues in Nursing.Dr Geoffrey Hunt & Geoffrey Hunt (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    This is the first book to take nursing ethics beyond stock 'moral concepts' to a critical examination of the fundamental assumptions underlying the very nature of nursing. It takes as its point of departure the difficulties nurses experience practising within the confines of a bioethical model of health and illness and a hierarchical, technocratic health care system. The contributors go on to deal openly and honestly with controversial issues faced by nurses, such as euthanasia and HIV.
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  17. Nursing accountability: The broken circle.Geoffrey Hunt - 1994 - In Dr Geoffrey Hunt & Geoffrey Hunt, Ethical Issues in Nursing. New York: Routledge.
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  18. Further ramifications of 'grue'.G. M. K. Hunt - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (3):257-259.
  19. A Counter-Hermeneutical Negative Re-Evaluation of Epicyclic Ramifications.Geoffrey Hunt - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):169-170.
  20. Hypothesizing for Testing.G. M. K. Hunt - 1989 - Analysis 49 (2):49 - 56.
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  21. Did Annibale Pastore Influence Gramsci?Geoffrey Hunt - 1984 - Thesis Eleven 8 (1):133-139.
  22.  69
    Should Feminists Defend Self-Defense?Ann J. Cahill & Grayson Hunt - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (2):172-182.
    —Grayson Hunt1In 2015, I visited Lake Cumberland in Kentucky for a day of boating and swimming with friends. At one end of the lake was an amazing waterfall. As I was swimming near it, I looked up and saw a man thirty feet above in the bushes on top of the falls. He waved. I waved back. Only he wasn’t boating; he was just standing there. So I stared at him, wondering what he was doing up there. Then I realized (...)
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  23.  55
    and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.M. Cleary, G. E. Hunt, G. Walter & M. Robertson - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):290-8.
  24. Mental health research through clinical innovation or quality improvement—a reflection on the ethical aspects.M. Cleary, G. E. Hunt, M. Robertson & P. Escott - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 4:1-3.
    When clinical services aspire to quality improvement, creative and innovative approaches to old problems are needed to drive such change. Whilst new ef orts should be applauded, information on this topic can be somewhat grey from an ethical and research point of view. Within the mental health profession there is currently an expectation to routinely evaluate care and disseminate i ndings. The notion of service enhancements under the guise of routine practice is an interesting and untested ethical issue. Should clinical (...)
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  25.  13
    Convoluted accommodation structures in folded rocks.T. J. Dodwell & G. W. Hunt - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3418-3438.
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  26.  14
    Behavioral Genetics in Social Insects.Jürgen Gadau & Greg J. Hunt - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard. pp. 315--34.
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  27. Chapter fourteen kl?Jùrgen Gadau & Greg J. Hunt - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard. pp. 315.
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  28. Key themes in philosophy, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series, vol. 24.A. Phillips Griffiths & G. M. K. Hunt - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (3):347-348.
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  29. Acute care.J. Horsfall, M. Cleary, G. E. Hunt & G. Walter - 2011 - In Philip J. Barker, Mental health ethics: the human context. New York: Routledge.
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  30.  65
    A conditional vindication of the straight rule.G. M. K. Hunt - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (2):198-199.
  31.  29
    A tool for the consensual analysis of decision-making scenarios.Geoffrey Hunt, Christine Merzeder & Iren Bischofberger - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (3):359-375.
    The authors believe there is a need for novel ways of enhancing professional judgment and discretion in the contemporary healthcare environment. The objective is to provide a framework to guide a discursive analysis of an ongoing clinical scenario by a small group of healthcare professionals (4–12) to achieve consensual understanding in the decision-making necessary to resolve specific healthcare inadequacies and promote organisational learning. REPVAD is an acronym for the framework’s five decision-making dimensions of reasoning, evidence, procedures, values, attitudes and defences. (...)
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  32.  36
    Abortion: Why Bioethics Can Have No Answer – A Personal Perspective.Geoffrey Hunt - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (1):47-57.
    Abortion is one of the great moral debates of the epoch. Is there a rational method by which the debate can be resolved? Can bioethics' promise of such a method be fulfilled? Surely, a strictly rational approach can establish solid grounds for our beliefs once and for all. We would then be justified in deeming as unreasonable anyone who does not accept the perfectly rational conclusions. I present two scenarios to show that there can be no such philosophically grounded method (...)
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  33.  29
    China's Case Against the Nuclear Non‐proliferation Treaty: rationality and morality.Geoffrey Hunt - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (2):183-199.
    China, India, Brazil and other major Third World nations have long refused to sign the Nuclear Non‐proliferation Treaty. This position might at first sight appear to be without any question morally unjustified and even irrational. Yet their claim that the treaty is ‘discriminatory’ merits the serious attention which it has not received. Only if certain aspects of this claim are accepted by the nuclear weapons signatories does a moral and rational onus to sign become unquestionable.
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  34.  34
    Contesting Nietzsche; Agon in Nietzsche.Grace Hunt - 2015 - New Nietzsche Studies 9 (3):236-243.
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  35.  11
    Comment on 'Whistleblowing and boundary violations'.Geoffrey Hunt - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (5):537-538.
  36. Death, medicine & bioethics.Geoffrey Hunt - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (4).
    The assumptions of philosophy need scrutiny as much the assumptions of medicine do. Scrutiny shows that the philosophical method of bioethics is compromised, for it shares certain fundamental assumptions with medicine itself. To show this requires an unorthodox style of philosophy — a literary one. To show the compromised status of bioethics the paper discusses some seminal utilitarian discussions of the definition of death, of whether it is a bad thing, and of when it ought to occur.
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  37.  8
    (3 other versions)Editorial Comment.Geoffrey Hunt - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (3):179-180.
  38. Encountering Unwanted Togetherness: Deconstructing an Ethic of Forgiveness.Grace Hunt - 2006 - Dissertation, University of Alberta
    My thesis offers a philosophical and psychological examination of our ability to forgive strangers post-atrocity. Forgiveness is often considered impossible because atrocities involve unforgivable violations of moral values. Viewed through the lens of deconstruction, however, it is precisely where forgiveness seems impossible that it becomes possible, and more importantly, necessary in order to curb the desire for vengeance. Granting this radical understanding of the value of forgiveness---the ability to forgive the unforgivable---what hinders our ability to forgive? My work focuses on (...)
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  39.  63
    Genetic assimilation of behaviour does not eliminate learning and innovation.Gavin R. Hunt & Russell D. Gray - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):412-413.
    Ramsey et al. attempt to clarify methodological issues for identifying innovative behaviour. Their effort is seriously weakened by an underlying presumption that the behavior of primates is generally learned and that of non-primates is generally This presumption is based on a poor grasp of the non-primate literature and a flawed understanding of how learned behaviour is genetically assimilated.
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  40.  49
    Gramsci’s Marxism and the Concept of Homo Oeconomicus.Geoffrey Hunt - 1985 - International Studies in Philosophy 17 (1):11-23.
  41.  17
    Human rights or human responsibilities? Remembering Florence Nightingale.G. Hunt - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (3):179-180.
  42.  94
    Is Philosophy a 'Theory of Everything'?G. M. K. Hunt - 1992 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 33:219-231.
    When Wittgenstein moved from Manchester to Cambridge he was following a path from the study of the natural sciences to the study of philosophy which was then not unusual, and has since become increasingly common. Russell had preceded him in that intellectual emigration and many more were to follow. Of the three philosophy departments I have been in, two were headed by natural scientists . Both my research supervisors in philosophy were natural scientists . Less surprising, but still significant, a (...)
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  43.  44
    Laws: Projectability and uniformity.G. M. K. Hunt - 1990 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 4 (3):241 – 246.
    Abstract It is argued that the problem of the necessity and projectability of laws may be solved by distinguishing between the fact of necessity and explanations of its nature. This reduces the problem of necessity to that of induction, which in consequences must be solved without reference to necessity using ?self?supporting? arguments. The consequences for the analysis of ?counterfactual conditionals and the problem of language dependence is discussed.
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  44.  15
    Mechanics of shear banding in a regularized two-dimensional model of a granular medium.G. W. Hunt & J. Hammond - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3483-3500.
  45. 2 methodological paradigms in development economics.Geoffrey Hunt - 1986 - Philosophical Forum 18 (1):52-68.
  46.  30
    Preface.G. M. K. Hunt - 1989 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 26:v-vi.
  47.  8
    Philosophy and Politics.G. M. K. Hunt - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1990 collection explores one recurrent theme connecting philosophy and politics: the relation between the nature of man and the structure of society. It does so by concentrating on the topical issue of the market economy as an attempt to resolve the clash between individual autonomy and collective action. Beginning with a historical and personal recollection by Enoch Powell and a response by Robert Skidelsky, the volume then provides a forum for political theorists and philosophers to take issue on the (...)
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  48.  18
    Personal Perspective: Part II.Geoffrey Hunt - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (3):263-267.
  49. Rediscovering the Church.George Laird Hunt - 1956
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  50. Schizophrenia and indeterminacy: The problem of validity.Geoffrey Hunt - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (1).
    The paper attempts to account for the confusion over the validity of the concept of schizophrenia in terms of two closely related aspects of conceptual indeterminacy. Firstly, it is identified on the basis of a breakdown in intelligibility, but what constitutes such a breakdown is indeterminate. Secondly, the concept sits between the categories of natural disease or illness on the one hand, and character trait or moral failing or gift on the other. This entails an indeterminacy in attempting to define (...)
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