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  1.  35
    Components of high-level vision: A cognitive neuroscience analysis and accounts of neurological syndromes.Stephen M. Kosslyn, Rex A. Flynn, Jonathan B. Amsterdam & Gretchen Wang - 1990 - Cognition 34 (3):203-277.
  2.  71
    Conceptualization and Measurement of Virtuous Leadership: Doing Well by Doing Good.Gordon Wang & Rick D. Hackett - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (2):321-345.
    Despite a long history in eastern and western culture of defining leadership in terms of virtues and character, their significance for guiding leader behavior has largely been confined to the ethics literature. As such, agreement concerning the defining elements of virtuous leadership and their measurement is lacking. Drawing on both Confucian and Aristotelian concepts, we define virtuous leadership and distinguish it conceptually from several related perspectives, including virtues-based leadership in the Positive organizational behavior literature, and from ethical and value-laden leadership. (...)
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  3.  92
    Generative AI and human–robot interaction: implications and future agenda for business, society and ethics.Bojan Obrenovic, Xiao Gu, Guoyu Wang, Danijela Godinic & Ilimdorjon Jakhongirov - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The revolution of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, and its implications for human–robot interaction (HRI) opened up the debate on crucial regulatory, business, societal, and ethical considerations. This paper explores essential issues from the anthropomorphic perspective, examining the complex interplay between humans and AI models in societal and corporate contexts. We provided a comprehensive review of existing literature on HRI, with a special emphasis on the impact of generative models such as ChatGPT. The scientometric study posits that due to (...)
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  4.  41
    Does it take two to Tangle? Subordinates’ Perceptions of and Reactions to Abusive Supervision.Gang Wang, Peter D. Harms & Jeremy D. Mackey - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):487-503.
    Research on abusive supervision is imbalanced in two ways. First, with most research attention focused on the destructive consequences of abusive supervision, there has been relatively little work on subordinate-related predictors of perceptions of abusive supervision. Second, with most research on abusive supervision centered on its main effects and the moderating effects of supervisor-related factors, there is little understanding of how subordinate factors can moderate the main effects of perceptions of abusive supervision on workplace outcomes. The current study aims to (...)
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  5.  60
    Addiction: Decreased reward sensitivity and increased expectation sensitivity conspire to overwhelm the brain's control circuit.Nora D. Volkow, Gene-Jack Wang, Joanna S. Fowler, Dardo Tomasi, Frank Telang & Ruben Baler - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (9):748-755.
    Based on brain imaging findings, we present a model according to which addiction emerges as an imbalance in the information processing and integration among various brain circuits and functions. The dysfunctions reflect (a) decreased sensitivity of reward circuits, (b) enhanced sensitivity of memory circuits to conditioned expectations to drugs and drug cues, stress reactivity, and (c) negative mood, and a weakened control circuit. Although initial experimentation with a drug of abuse is largely a voluntary behavior, continued drug use can eventually (...)
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  6.  38
    A bibliometric study of news discourse analysis.Qiao Li, Xiuzhen Wu & Guofeng Wang - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (1):110-128.
    This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of news discourse analysis using CiteSpace to sketch its scientific landscape based on journal articles in English in the Scopus database from 1988 through 2020. The statistical analysis provides evidence for the interdisciplinarity of this area, and shows an upward trend in general over these years as well as an accelerating growth rate in the past decade. Findings also indicate that the problem-oriented CDA has gained the most popularity in this area since its emergence, (...)
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  7.  88
    Ethical Leadership with Both “Moral Person” and “Moral Manager” Aspects: Scale Development and Cross-Cultural Validation.Weichun Zhu, Xiaoming Zheng, Hongwei He, Gang Wang & Xi Zhang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):547-565.
    The importance of ethical leadership in organizations has been increasingly recognized, especially as a shield against unethical employee behaviors and corporate misconducts. Ethical leadership has been theorized to include two aspects: “moral person” and “moral manager.” This conceptualization resonates well with Chinese teachings of Confucius on leadership and management—namely xiuji and anren. Based on the theoretical framework of ethical leadership, we develop and validate a new ethical leadership measure. Through qualitative studies and five quantitative studies, we establish the reliability and (...)
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  8.  34
    Negotiating climate change in public discourse: insights from critical discourse studies.Guofeng Wang & Changpeng Huan - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (2):133-145.
    This Special Issue collects five articles that are located in the present global context, and draw on methods from across critical discourse studies (CDS) to examine the interaction between material realities of climate change and discursive communication between different Parties and non-Party stakeholders in multimodal ways and on multiple platforms. To this end, it draws on discourses such as the UN speeches, UN documents, EU green deal policy, official documents submitted by African countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on (...)
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  9.  46
    Depletion, moral identity, and unethical behavior: Why people behave unethically after self-control exertion.Yan Wang, Guosen Wang, Qiuju Chen & Lin Li - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 56:188-198.
  10.  19
    A cross-cultural religiology between reductionism and anti-reductionism.Guicai Wang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (5):6.
    ‘Religion’ has been subjected to two kinds of reduction: one from the various branches of religious studies, the other being the mutual ‘reduction’ among religions. We advocate a cross-cultural religiology and try to take a middle path between reductionism and anti-reductionism, responding to both kinds of reduction separately. As for the former reduction, we agree with a moderate reduction of religion by various religious disciplines on the one hand, and on the other hand, we propose to respect the religious whole (...)
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  11.  7
    Chemical Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells to Pluripotent Stem Cells.Jingyang Guan, Guan Wang, Jinlin Wang, Zhengyuan Zhang, Yao Fu, Lin Cheng, Gaofan Meng, Yulin Lyu, Jialiang Zhu, Yanqin Li, Yanglu Wang, Shijia Liuyang, Bei Liu, Zirun Yang, Huanjing He, Xinxing Zhong, Qijing Chen, Xu Zhang, Shicheng Sun, Weifeng Lai, Yan Shi, Lulu Liu, Lipeng Wang, Cheng Li, Shichun Lu & Hongkui Deng - forthcoming - Nature:1–7.
    Cellular reprogramming can manipulate the identity of cells to generate the desired cell types1– 3. The use of cell intrinsic components, including oocyte cytoplasm and transcription factors, can enforce somatic cell reprogramming to pluripotent stem cells4– 7. By contrast, chemical stimulation by exposure to small molecules offers an alternative approach that can manipulate cell fate in a simple and highly controllable manner8– 10. However, human somatic cells are refractory to chemical stimulation owing to their stable epigenome2,11,12 and reduced plasticity13,14; it (...)
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  12.  41
    Neural Dynamics of Processing Probability Weight and Monetary Magnitude in the Evaluation of a Risky Reward.Guangrong Wang, Jianbiao Li, Pengcheng Wang, Chengkang Zhu, Jingjing Pan & Shuaiqi Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  13.  39
    Sum of Squares Approach for Nonlinear H∞ Control.Ai-Ping Pang, Zhen He, Ming-han Zhao, Guang-Xiong Wang, Qin-mu Wu & Ze-tao Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
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  14. Aggregating Large Sets of Probabilistic Forecasts by Weighted Coherent Adjustment.Guanchun Wang, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni & Daniel N. Osherson - unknown
    Stochastic forecasts in complex environments can benefit from combining the estimates of large groups of forecasters (“judges”). But aggregating multiple opinions faces several challenges. First, human judges are notoriously incoherent when their forecasts involve logically complex events. Second, individual judges may have specialized knowledge, so different judges may produce forecasts for different events. Third, the credibility of individual judges might vary, and one would like to pay greater attention to more trustworthy forecasts. These considerations limit the value of simple aggregation (...)
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  15.  49
    Incorporating Global Components into Ethics Education.George Wang & Russell G. Thompson - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):287-298.
    Ethics is central to science and engineering. Young engineers need to be grounded in how corporate social responsibility principles can be applied to engineering organizations to better serve the broader community. This is crucial in times of climate change and ecological challenges where the vulnerable can be impacted by engineering activities. Taking a global perspective in ethics education will help ensure that scientists and engineers can make a more substantial contribution to development throughout the world. This paper presents the importance (...)
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  16.  32
    Ethical, Virtuous, and Charismatic Leadership: An Examination of Differential Relationships with Follower and Leader Outcomes.Afif G. Nassif, Rick D. Hackett & Gordon Wang - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):581-603.
    Several alternative leadership approaches have been introduced to supplement the long-standing transformational leadership model as concerns have grown that it did not place enough emphasis on leader ethics. Nonetheless, to establish the value of the newer approaches, evidence of conceptual and empirical distinctiveness is required. Though meta-analysis has been somewhat helpful in this regard :517–536, 2016), we conducted two within-study comparisons of ethical leadership, virtuous leadership and key components of TL reflected by socialized charismatic leadership. We predicted that these alternative (...)
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  17.  16
    Distributed stochastic search and distributed breakout: properties, comparison and applications to constraint optimization problems in sensor networks.Weixiong Zhang, Guandong Wang, Zhao Xing & Lars Wittenburg - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 161 (1-2):55-87.
  18.  78
    Controlling the Anchoring Effect through Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.Jianbiao Li, Xile Yin, Dahui Li, Xiaoli Liu, Guangrong Wang & Liang Qu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:260581.
    Selective accessibility mechanisms indicate that anchoring effects are results of selective retrieval of working memory. Neuroimaging studies have revealed that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is closely related to memory retrieval and performance. However, no research has investigated the effect of changing the cortical excitability in right DLPFC on anchoring effects. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can modulate the excitability of the human cerebral cortex, while anodal and cathodal tDCS are postulated to increase or decrease cortical activity, respectively. In (...)
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  19.  40
    A war or merely friction? Examining news reports on the current Sino-U.S. trade dispute in The New York Times and China Daily.Fu Chen & Guofeng Wang - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (1):1-18.
    ABSTRACT The ongoing Sino-U.S. trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies has since 2018 attracted much attention from the international media. This study used the approach of corpus-assisted discourse studies to compare how leading English-language newspapers from each side—The New York Times and China Daily — discursively constructed this issue. The findings indicated that while NYT tended to profile the trade conflict as a ‘war’ in line with mainstream hard-line ideologies that emphasize China’s presumed threat to national security of (...)
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  20.  26
    A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of news reporting on China’s air pollution in the official Chinese English-language press.Guofeng Wang - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (6):645-662.
    This corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of news reports on air pollution published from 2008 through 2015 by China Daily, China’s largest official English-language newspaper, reveals a significant attitudinal shift around the end of 2011 as regards public awareness of increasing air pollution levels in China and related public criticism. It also constructs a clear image of the increasing determination and resolve of the Chinese central government over the course of this 8-year period to take action to effectively reduce air pollution. (...)
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  21.  14
    Possibilities and challenges in the moral growth of large language models: a philosophical perspective.Guoyu Wang, Wei Wang, Yiqin Cao, Yan Teng, Qianyu Guo, Haofen Wang, Junyu Lin, Jiajie Ma, Jin Liu & Yingchun Wang - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-11.
    With the rapid expansion of parameters in large language models (LLMs) and the application of Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), there has been a noticeable growth in the moral competence of LLMs. However, several questions warrant further exploration: Is it really possible for LLMs to fully align with human values through RLHF? How can the current moral growth be philosophically contextualized? We identify similarities between LLMs’ moral growth and Deweyan ethics in terms of the discourse of human moral development. (...)
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  22.  54
    Representations of LGBTQ+ issues in China in its official English-language media: a corpus-assisted critical discourse study.Guofeng Wang & Xueqin Ma - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (2):188-206.
    ABSTRACT This corpus-assisted critical discourse study examines news reports published by China’s official English-language media from 2000 to 2018, with the goal of understanding how they represent LGBTQ+ issues within the China’s socio-political context. Analysis reveals that the discussion of LGBTQ+-related topics has been consistently discouraged in China’s official English-language media, and the few news reports which have appeared in these media sources have focused on preventing the spread of HIV/aids through homosexual behaviors, on promoting LGBTQ+ rights, and on advocating (...)
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  23.  19
    A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions on Goal Attainment.Guoxia Wang, Yi Wang & Xiaosong Gai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mental contrasting with implementation intentions is a self-regulation strategy that enhances goal attainment. This meta-analysis evaluated the efficacy of MCII for goal attainment and explored potential moderators. A total of 21 empirical studies with 24 independent effect sizes were included in the analysis. Results showed that MCII to be effective for goal attainment with a small to medium effect size. The effect was mainly moderated by intervention style. Specifically, studies with interventions based on interactions between participants and experimenters had stronger (...)
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  24.  75
    Self-Reference Emerges Earlier than Emotion during an Implicit Self-Referential Emotion Processing Task: Event-Related Potential Evidence.Haiyan Zhou, Jialiang Guo, Xiaomeng Ma, Minghui Zhang, Liqing Liu, Lei Feng, Jie Yang, Zhijiang Wang, Gang Wang & Ning Zhong - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  25.  40
    A Study of Key Success Factors of Service Enterprises in China.Min Zhang, Biying Jin, G. Alan Wang, Thong Ngee Goh & Zhen He - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):1-14.
    This paper reports a study of the key success factors of what have been recognized as successful service enterprises in China, each considered representative of its respective industry. The grounded theory approach was used to analyze information collected from these enterprises, resulting in the identification of the attributes shared by these enterprises: customer-oriented service, service management, service innovation, and corporate social responsibility. Based on these attributes, a survey was conducted to verify the relationships among these attributes and important outcomes, namely (...)
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  26. Ethics for Construction Engineers and Managers in a Globalized Market.John Buckeridge & George Wang - 2015 - In C. Murphy, P. Gardoni, H. Bashir, Harris Jr & E. Masad, Engineering Ethics for a Globalized World. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing.
    Ethical decision-making is central to the practice of construction engineering and management. This is no more evident than in the twenty-first century, when the construction industry must function in very diverse organizational contexts. Whilst construction companies pursue projects in international markets, many investors are buying or forming joint ventures with domestic companies. New and varied professional attitudes have recently arrived in western markets such as the United States and Australia because construction companies are increasingly employing managers from developing nations to (...)
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  27.  21
    The Effect of Online Investor Sentiment on Stock Movements: An LSTM Approach.Gaoshan Wang, Guangjin Yu & Xiaohong Shen - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-11.
    With more and more investors exerting their voices through network forums or social media platforms, the relationships between online investor sentiment and stock movements have drawn more and more attention. In this paper, we crawl stock comments from China’s most popular online stock forum, East Money, and then develop a sentiment classifier using the LSTM method. Using the online investor sentiment of the stock forum, we explore the effect of online investor sentiment on the stock movements of CSI300. The results (...)
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  28.  15
    Cyberbullying Victimization and Non-suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior Among Chinese Adolescents: School Engagement as a Mediator and Sensation Seeking as a Moderator.Chengfu Yu, Qi Xie, Shanyan Lin, Yue Liang, Guodong Wang, Yangang Nie, Jianping Wang & Claudio Longobardi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  29.  24
    The Dilemmas of Scientific Research Cooperation and Their Resolution From the Perspective of Evolutionary Psychology.Gaofeng Wang & Qingqing Kong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30.  24
    Modelling and Estimation for Uncertain Systems with Transmission Delays, Packet Dropouts, and Out-of-Order Packets.Li Liu, Aolei Yang, Wenju Zhou, Wasif Naeem, Gang Wang & Hua Wang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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  31.  29
    Perception of Threatening Intention Modulates Brain Processes to Body Actions: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Guan Wang, Pei Wang, Junlong Luo & Wenya Nan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  32.  10
    Publication pressure and questionable research practices: a moderated mediation model.Yetong Gan, Yi Shi & Gaofeng Wang - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior.
    This study investigated the relationship between publication pressure and questionable research practices (QRPs), focusing on moral disengagement (MD) and lab research ethics climate. A survey of 269 Chinese PhD students revealed that (1) publication pressure is significantly positively correlated with QRPs and MD; (2) MD mediates the relationship between publication pressure and QRPs; lab research ethics climate moderates both (3) the relationship between publication pressure and MD, and (4) the mediating role of MD between publication pressure and QRPs. Responsible conduct (...)
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  33.  24
    Individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in scene perception.Gongting Wang, Matthew J. Foxwell, Radoslaw M. Cichy, David Pitcher & Daniel Kaiser - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105723.
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  34.  12
    Comment on “The relationship between Tang-Song poetry and Zen Buddhism thought”.Guolin Wang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400202.
    Commented article: TIAN, Tian. The relationship between Tang-Song poetry and Zen Buddhism thought. Trans/Form/Ação: Unesp journal of philosophy, Marília, v. 47, n. 4, “Eastern thought”, e0240064, 2024. Available at: https://revistas.marilia.unesp.br/index.php/transformacao/article/view/14581.
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  35.  88
    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Association Between Compassion Fatigue and Psychological Resilience From 2008 to 2021.Li-Juan Yi, Yi Liu, Ling Tang, Liang Cheng, Guo-Hao Wang, Su-Wen Hu, Xiao-Ling Liu, Xu Tian & Maria F. Jiménez-Herrera - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimsA negative association between the lower level of psychological resilience and increased risk of compassion fatigue and higher Coronavirus disease 2019 stress has been revealed. However, bibliometric studies have not been performed to comprehensively investigate this topic. This study aimed to identify the status and trends in the CF and PR field from 2008 to 2021 and during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsWe identified relevant literature from the Web of Science Core Collection® database using “resilience” and “compassion fatigue” on September 30, 2021. (...)
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  36.  79
    The Influencing Legal and Factors of Migrant Children’s Educational Integration Based on Convolutional Neural Network.Chi Zhang, Gang Wang, Jinfeng Zhou & Zhen Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This research aims to analyze the influencing factors of migrant children’s education integration based on the convolutional neural network algorithm. The attention mechanism, LSTM, and GRU are introduced based on the CNN algorithm, to establish an ALGCNN model for text classification. Film and television review data set, Stanford sentiment data set, and news opinion data set are used to analyze the classification accuracy, loss value, Hamming loss, precision, recall, and micro-F1 of the ALGCNN model. Then, on the big data platform, (...)
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  37.  26
    Zhang, Wei, and Wenjing Cai, eds., Phenomenology of Xin-Xing/Phänomenologie des Xin-Xing: East Asian and European Perspectives on Mind-Nature.Guangyao Wang - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (1):167-172.
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  38.  24
    Linguistic polyphony in UN speeches on climate change: an analysis of implicit argumentation.Guofeng Wang, Xiuzhen Wu, Yupei Xiang & Yingzi Qu - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (2):146-163.
    This study employs quantitative and qualitative methodologies mainly to examine how UNFCCC Executive Secretaries use concessive but-constructions and linguistic polyphony to implicitly argue points of view and convey stance in speeches on climate change. Our findings indicate that, in order to achieve its goals for global climate governance while adhering to humanitarian and diplomatic principles, UNFCCC speeches delivered to the Parties to the Convention and the Stakeholders emphasize the urgent need for concerted action on climate change while implicitly expressing discontent (...)
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  39. Wishful Thinking and Social Influence in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.Michael K. Miller, Guanchun Wang, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni & Daniel N. Osherson - unknown
    This paper analyzes individual probabilistic predictions of state outcomes in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Employing an original survey of more than 19,000 respondents, ours is the first study of electoral forecasting to involve multiple subnational predictions and to incorporate the influence of respondents’ home states. We relate a range of demographic, political, and cognitive variables to individual accuracy and predictions, as well as to how accuracy improved over time. We find strong support for wishful thinking bias in expectations, as (...)
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  40.  91
    Learning to Dislike Chocolate: Conditioning Negative Attitudes toward Chocolate and Its Effect on Chocolate Consumption.Yan Wang, Guosen Wang, Dingyuan Zhang, Lei Wang, Xianghua Cui, Jinglei Zhu & Yuan Fang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  41.  13
    “I am willing to do both well”: Chinese academic mothers facing tension in family and career.Li Bao & Guanghua Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Academic mothers perform intersected roles. They carry out their profession in workplaces, while they take the “second shift” of motherhood back to their families. The contested expectations in family and career built by the heterosexual matrix cause tension to academic mothers. We qualitatively investigate the interview data of six Chinese women academics on how they perform to negotiate their motherhood and academic work in the context of Chinese higher education, driven by the Butlerian theoretical concept of the heterosexual matrix. The (...)
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  42. The traditions of the university in the face of the demands of the 21st-century-comments.A. Beteille, A. Briggs, H. Daalder, M. Gendreaumassaloux, Pa Graham, H. Maierleibnitz, A. Singh, Gw Wang & Ac Yu - 1992 - Minerva 30 (2):206-241.
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  43.  52
    An investigation of women's attitudes towards fertility and china's family planning policy.Shixiong Cao, Tao Tian, Fan Qi, Li Ma & Guosheng Wang - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (3):359-375.
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  44. Feasibility and Acceptability in Engineering.Xu Cao, Lei Li & Guoyu Wang - 2018 - In Rita Armstrong, Erik W. Armstrong, James L. Barnes, Susan K. Barnes, Roberto Bartholo, Terry Bristol, Cao Dongming, Cao Xu, Carleton Christensen, Chen Jia, Cheng Yifa, Christelle Didier, Paul T. Durbin, Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Fang Yibing, Donald Hector, Li Bocong, Li Lei, Liu Dachun, Heinz C. Luegenbiehl, Diane P. Michelfelder, Carl Mitcham, Suzanne Moon, Byron Newberry, Jim Petrie, Hans Poser, Domício Proença, Qian Wei, Wim Ravesteijn, Viola Schiaffonati, Édison Renato Silva, Patrick Simonnin, Mario Verdicchio, Sun Lie, Wang Bin, Wang Dazhou, Wang Guoyu, Wang Jian, Wang Nan, Yin Ruiyu, Yin Wenjuan, Yuan Deyu, Zhao Junhai, Baichun Zhang & Zhang Kang, Philosophy of Engineering, East and West. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  45.  21
    Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction study of microstructural evolution in magnetoresistive Cu–Fe–Ni ribbons.S. Cazottes, G. Y. Wang, A. Fnidiki, D. Lemarchand, P. O. Renault & F. Danoix - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (9):1345-1356.
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  46.  20
    Spontaneous Facial Expressions and Micro-expressions Coding: From Brain to Face.Zizhao Dong, Gang Wang, Shaoyuan Lu, Jingting Li, Wenjing Yan & Su-Jing Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Facial expressions are a vital way for humans to show their perceived emotions. It is convenient for detecting and recognizing expressions or micro-expressions by annotating a lot of data in deep learning. However, the study of video-based expressions or micro-expressions requires that coders have professional knowledge and be familiar with action unit coding, leading to considerable difficulties. This paper aims to alleviate this situation. We deconstruct facial muscle movements from the motor cortex and systematically sort out the relationship among facial (...)
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  47.  42
    Aberrant Brain Function in Active-Stage Ulcerative Colitis Patients: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study.Weijie Fan, Si Zhang, Junhao Hu, Bo Liu, Li Wen, Mingfu Gong, Guangxian Wang, Li Yang, Yuyang Chen, Heng Chen, Hong Guo & Dong Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  48.  18
    Broadcasters’ Leadership Traits and Audiences’ Loyalty With the Moderating Role of Self-Construal: An Exploratory Study.Yidan Huang, Yi Hsuan Lee, Gin Chang, Jun Ma & Guanyin Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although considerable attention has been paid to the application of leadership in virtual communities, the field of live streaming has not been involved. This exploratory study aimed to explore how different broadcaster leadership traits influence audiences’ loyalty. And audience self-construal was chosen as a key moderator. The top 15 broadcasters from the regional rankings were selected from each of the two popular live streaming platforms, Douyu and YouTube, for the study. And we used snowball sampling with a link to an (...)
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  49.  23
    How does capability reconfiguration impact the innovation performance of Chinese manufacturing firms?Pan Hu, Yanzhi Hao & Gangyi Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:966653.
    This study explores the relationship between capability reconfiguration and firm innovation performance by analyzing a sample of 375 manufacturing firms in China. The results suggest that the relationship between capability reconfiguration and innovation performance is affected by both the catch-up stage and the mode of capability reconfiguration (evolution or substitution). The catch-up stage of enterprises significantly impacts the moderating effects of innovation magnitude on the relationship between capability substitution and firm innovation performance, however, it has no obvious effects on the (...)
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  50.  20
    Redundancy Optimization of an Uncertain Parallel-Series System with Warm Standby Elements.Linmin Hu, Wei Huang, Guofang Wang & Ruiling Tian - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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