Results for 'Gabriel Mancera-Ortiz'

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  1.  20
    Investigaciones desde enfoques socio políticos de la educación matemática en Colombia.Edna Paola Fresned-Patiño, Gabriel Mancera-Ortiz & Francisco Javier Camelo-Bustos - forthcoming - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias.
    El objetivo de este documento es presentar una aproximación a las disertaciones desarrolladas en el contexto colombiano que abordan, en sus marcos de referencia, asuntos relacionados al enfoque socio político de la educación matemática, en la idea de identificar por donde ha transitado la comunidad en este tipo de ejercicios académicos. Para ello, se tuvieron en cuenta 61 disertaciones desarrolladas en el periodo 2011-2021, en tres universidades colombianas con reconocimiento por el desarrollo de trabajos académicos e investigativos en torno al (...)
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  2. Sense of Coherence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognition in Middle-Aged Adults.Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana-Sánchez, Kilian Abellaneda-Pérez, Cristina Portellano-Ortiz, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Vanessa Alviarez Schulze, Catherine Pachón-García, H. Zetterberg, Jose Maria Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, supported by new scientific evidence, the conceptualization of cognitive reserve has been progressively enriched and now encompasses not only cognitive stimulating activities or educational level, but also lifestyle activities, such as leisure physical activity and socialization. In this context, there is increasing interest in understanding the role of psychological factors in brain health and cognitive functioning. In a previous study, we have found that these factors mediated the relationship between CR and self-reported cognitive functioning. In this study, (...)
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    ALBIAC, GABRIEL, Diccionario de adioses, Seix Barral, Barcelona, 2005, 411 págs.Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:213-214.
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    Boyer, Amalia. “Cuerpos, imaginarios y potencias.”.Juliana Monroy Ortiz - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (160):283-286.
    Boyer, Amalia. “Cuerpos, imaginarios y potencias.” _Eidos. Revista de filosofía de la Universidad del Norte_ 22 (2015):13-34.
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    The age of machinoids.Gabriel Lanyi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  6. Entre Fichte y Sophie von Kühn: Novalis y el idealismo mágico.Gabriel Astey - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 25 (1):63-79.
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  7. Las defixionum tabellae latinas de Hispania.Luis Museros Ortiz - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  8. Elogio del Cientificismo.Gabriel Andrade (ed.) - 2017 - Laetoli.
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    Is there a duty to routinely reinterpret genomic variant classifications?Gabriel Watts & Ainsley J. Newson - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):808-814.
    Multiple studies show that periodic reanalysis of genomic test results held by clinical laboratories delivers significant increases in overall diagnostic yield. However, while there is a widespread consensus that implementing routine reanalysis procedures is highly desirable, there is an equally widespread understanding that routine reanalysis of individual patient results is not presently feasible to perform for all patients. Instead, researchers, geneticists and ethicists are beginning to turn their attention to one part of reanalysis—reinterpretation of previously classified variants—as a means of (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Percées vers un ailleurs.Gabriel Marcel - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (3):593-594.
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    Why the World Does Not Exist.Markus Gabriel - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Where do we come from? Are we merely a cluster of elementary particles in a gigantic world receptacle? And what does it all mean? In this highly original new book, the philosopher Markus Gabriel challenges our notion of what exists and what it means to exist. He questions the idea that there is a world that encompasses everything like a container life, the universe, and everything else. This all-inclusive being does not exist and cannot exist. For the world itself (...)
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    Psyche, attention and consciousness.Gabriel Kreiman & Naotsugu Tsuchiya - 2008 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 14.
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    Tony Judt, Povara responsabilitãtii. Blum, Camus, Aron si secolul XX francez/ The Burden of Responsibility. Blum, Camus, Aron and the French 20th Century.Gabriel Leanca - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):203-207.
    Tony Judt, Povara responsabilitãtii. Blum, Camus, Aron si secolul XX francez Traducere de Lucian Leuotean, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2000.
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  14. G. Marcel.Gabriel Marcel & Mario A. Presas - 1967 - [Beunos Aires]: Centro Editor de America Latina.
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  15. L'initiation philosophique d'Amédée Ponceau.Gabriel Marcel - 1964 - Kant Studien 55 (4):488.
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    Thou shall not die.Gabriel Marcel - 2009 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Anne Marcel.
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    Philosophes contemporains: M. Jules lachelier.Gabriel Séailles - 1883 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 15:22 - 48.
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  18. Plural Quantification and Modality.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (2pt2):219-250.
    Identity is a modally inflexible relation: two objects are necessarily identical or necessarily distinct. However, identity is not alone in this respect. We will look at the relation that one object bears to some objects if and only if it is one of them. In particular, we will consider the credentials of the thesis that no matter what some objects are, an object is necessarily one of them or necessarily not one of them.
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  19. Mereology and modality.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2014 - In Shieva Kleinschmidt (ed.), Mereology and Location. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 33-56.
    Do mereological fusions have their parts necessarily? None of the axioms of non-modal formulations of classical mereology appear to speak directly to this question. And yet a great many philosophers who take the part-whole relation to be governed by classical mereology seem to assume that they do. In addition to this, many philosophers who make allowance for the part-whole relation to obtain merely contingently between a part and a mereological fusion tend to depart from non-modal formulations of classical mereology at (...)
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  20. Death and hope.Gabriel Marcel - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (4):565-580.
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  21. (2 other versions)La Métaphysique de Royce.Gabriel Marcel - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:357-359.
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    The moral background: an inquiry into the history of business ethics.Gabriel Abend - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    In recent years, many disciplines have become interested in the scientific study of morality. However, a conceptual framework for this work is still lacking. In The Moral Background, Gabriel Abend develops just such a framework and uses it to investigate the history of business ethics in the United States from the 1850s to the 1930s. According to Abend, morality consists of three levels: moral and immoral behavior, or the behavioral level; moral understandings and norms, or the normative level; and (...)
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    (1 other version)La moderación de las pasiones o indicios de estoicismo en Las troyanas de Séneca.Francisco Miguel Ortiz Delgado - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:193-209.
    En el drama Las troyanas de Séneca el Joven, según proponemos, existen argumentos e ideas de la filosofía estoica en torno a las emociones y las pasiones. Tales ideas, derivadas de la teoría ética-epistemológica estoica, están insertas en los discursos de personajes como Hécuba, Andrómaca, Agamenón o Helena. Séneca exhibe la historia-mito de la Guerra de Troya como una fuente de emociones erróneas, es decir, de pasiones que alejan a los personajes de la virtud-felicidad. Consecuentemente, el autor nos presenta discursos, (...)
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  24. Restoring the Center: Essays Evangelical & Ecumenical.Gabriel Fackre - 1998
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    Rite et liturgie.Nicole Gabriel & Alois Hahn - 2005 - Hermes 43:49.
    « Rites » sont d'abord de séquences d'actions corporelles définies socialement plus ou moins strictement. Très souvent, mais pas toujours les sociétés attendent qu'aux actes extérieurs correspondent des motivations, des croyances et des émotions intérieures ou « psychiques ». Il ya des sociétés où l'efficacité supposée des rites dépend de la correspondance entre mouvements corporels et «réalité » intérieure. Mais il y en a d'autres où ce qui compte c'est uniquement l'exécution minutieuse des gestes corporels en tant que tels. De (...)
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    A propos de la quatrième édition de « l'initiation philosophique » d'amédée ponceau.Gabriel Marcel - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (1):59 - 68.
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    Justice, Law, and the Educative Power: Revisiting ‘Force of Law’.Gabriel Quigley - 2021 - Derrida Today 14 (2):186-206.
    This paper examines Jacques Derrida's analysis of Walter Benjamin's ‘Critique of Violence’ in the context of their respective theories of the university. Whereas Derrida foregrounds the complex ways that the university and law are intertwined, Benjamin claims that the ‘educative power’ stands removed from the law by identifying the university with ‘divine violence’. ‘Force of Law’ not only questions the possibility of a neutral, pre-legal space that Benjamin's theory warrants, ‘Force of Law’ also draws attention to the laws structuring the (...)
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  28. Historia de la filosofía: manual.Ortiz Y. Bustos & M. Belisario - 1977 - Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Dirección General de Publicaciones.
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  29. Lamarck Philosophe.Gabriel Gohau - 2006 - In Pietro Corsi (ed.), Lamarck, Philosophe de la Nature. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 9--36.
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    Zur Bevölkerungszahl Selinunts im 5. Jh. v. Chr.Gabriel Zuchtriegel - 2011 - História 60 (1):115-121.
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    Word & Object in Husserl: Roots of Twentieth-Century Philosophy.Claire Ortiz Hill - 1991 - Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
    In search of the origins of some of the most fundamental problems that have beset philosophers in English-speaking countries in the past century, Claire Ortiz Hill maintains that philosophers are treating symptoms of ills whose causes lie buried in history. Substantial linguistic hurdles have blocked access to Gottlob Frege's thought and even to Bertrand Russell's work to remedy the problems he found in it. Misleading translations of key concepts like intention, content, presentation, idea, meaning, concept, etc., severed analytic philosophy (...)
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  32. If-logic and truth-definition.Gabriel Sandu - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):143-164.
    In this paper we show that first-order languages extended with partially ordered connectives and partially ordered quantifiers define, under a certain interpretation, their own truth-predicate. The interpretation in question is in terms of games of imperfect information. This result is compared with those of Kripke and Feferman.
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  33. Intentionality.Gabriel Segal - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Der Neue Realismus zwischen Konstruktion und Wirklichkeit.Markus Gabriel - 2018 - In Andreas Gardt & Ekkehard Felder (eds.), Wirklichkeit Oder Konstruktion?: Sprachtheoretische Und Interdisziplinäre Aspekte Einer Brisanten Alternative. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 45-65.
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  35. The Course of American Democratic Thought an Intellectual History Since 1815.Ralph Henry Gabriel - 1940 - Ronald Press.
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    Truth, Value, and Truth Value. Frege's Theory of Judgement and its Historical Background.Gottfried Gabriel - 2013 - In Mark Textor (ed.), Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Palgrave. pp. 36-51.
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    To serve with honor: a treatise on military ethics and the way of the soldier.Richard A. Gabriel - 1982 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    To Serve With Honor should be required reading for all members of the officer corps of the United States military. Beyond that, it should be made required reading for all United States military academies, ROTC and officer candidate programs. This treatise on military ethics goes a long way in bridging the gap between the military and society's understanding of the military's ethical dilemma. It is a must for the student of military affairs. International Social Science Review To Serve With Honor (...)
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  38. Präzision und Prägnanz.Gottfried Gabriel - 2019
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    Feeling and Emotion in Bosanquet’s Aesthetics.Gabriel Apata - 2001 - Bradley Studies 7 (2):177-196.
    In this paper I want to discuss Bernard Bosanquet’s idea of the nature and role of feeling and emotion in art.
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    Sobre a Fé: Confrontando Kant e Feuerbach.Gabriel Almeida Assumpção - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):88-96.
    Abordaremos como a ‘fé racional pura’ de Kant surge no contexto da ligação necessária entre moralidade e felicidade (o conceito kantiano de sumo Bem). Em seguida, abordaremos a recepção deste filósofo por Feuerbach, que ora se serve de Kant, ora o critica, principalmente pela redução da religião à moralidade promovida pelo filósofo de Königsberg – haja vista que Feuerbach enfatiza o papel do sentimento na fé. Finalmente, confrontaremos Feuerbach com Kant, tentando observar qual é a sede da fé para cada (...)
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  41. Etica social: familia, profesión y ciudadanía.Gabriel Chalmeta - 2003 - Pamplona: EUNSA. Edited by Gabriel Chalmeta.
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    Dialog und Erfahrung.Gabriel Marcel - 1969 - Frankfurt: Knecht Carolusdruckerei.
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    Fallibilism Theory and the Fate of Knowledge Progress in Indigenous Igbo Society.Gabriel Chukwuebuka Otegbulu & Winifred Chioma Ezeanya - 2022 - Filosofia Theoretica 11 (2):13-25.
    The Igbo knowledge system articulated by Amaechi Udefi is insufficient to ensure knowledge progress as opposed to the system found in fallibilism theory. The reason is that there is a level of intellectual openness fallibilism theory guarantees that is not found in Udefi’s thought. This paper aims to do a comparative study of fallibilism theory and Udefi’s account of the Igbo knowledge system. The study also investigates to what extent each knowledge system can ensure knowledge growth and development. The significance (...)
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    A “metafísica silenciosa” no Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.Gabriel Gurae Guedes Paes - 2023 - Princípios 30 (62).
    Resumo: Lopes dos Santos, ao colocar o Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus no que denomina “tradição crítica”, mostra que Wittgenstein delimita o alcance da filosofia ao eliminar sua pretensão de ser um tipo de conhecimento que, como a ciência, possa formular proposições verificáveis sobre objetos. E Wittgenstein faz isso de modo distinto da crítica moderna à metafísica, pois elimina o sujeito do problema: não é preciso recorrer a faculdades subjetivas para fazer essa delimitação, mas apenas à linguagem na qual o pensamento se expressa. (...)
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    Preliminary observations on the return of ovarian function among breast-feeding and post-partum non-breast-feeding women in a rural area of Mexico.Roberto Rivera, Eva Ortiz, Margarita Barrera, Kathy Kennedy & Pouru Bhiwandiwala - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):127-136.
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    Moral Repair: Toward a Two-Level Conceptualization.Jordi Vives-Gabriel, Wim Van Lent & Florian Wettstein - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (4):732-762.
    Moral repair is an important way for firms to heal moral relationships with stakeholders following a transgression. The concept is rooted in recognition theory, which is often used to develop normative perspectives and prescriptions, but the same theory has also propelled a view of moral repair as premised on negotiation between offender and victim(s), which involves the complex social construction of the transgression and the appropriate amends. The tension between normative principles and socioconstructivist implementation begs the question how offending firms (...)
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  47. Ramified structure.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (5-6):1651-1674.
    The Russell–Myhill theorem threatens a familiar structured conception of propositions according to which two sentences express the same proposition only if they share the same syntactic structure and their corresponding syntactic constituents share the same semantic value. Given the role of the principle of universal instantiation in the derivation of the theorem in simple type theory, one may hope to rehabilitate the core of the structured view of propositions in ramified type theory, where the principle is systematically restricted. We suggest (...)
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  48. Before Effect Without Zeno Causality.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2012 - Noûs 46 (2):259-264.
    We argue that not all cases of before-effect involve causation and ask how to demarcate cases of before-effect in which the events that follow exert causal influence over the before-effect from cases in which they do not.
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    Independendly‐Friendly Logic: Dependence and Independence of Quantifiers in Logic.Gabriel Sandu - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (10):691-711.
    Independence‐Friendly logic introduced by Hintikka and Sandu studies patterns of dependence and independence of quantifiers which exceed those found in ordinary first‐order logic. The present survey focuses on the game‐theoretical interpretation of IF‐logic, including connections to solution concepts in classical game theory, but we shall also present its compositional interpretation together with its connections to notions of dependence and dependence between terms.
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    Judaic technologies of the word: a cognitive analysis of Jewish cultural formation.Gabriel Levy - 2012 - Bristol, CT: Equinox.
    What is cognition? -- Control -- Networks -- Rationality -- Names -- Hypertext -- Environment.
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