Results for 'Gabrielle Christenhusz'

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  1.  39
    Ethical signposts for clinical geneticists in secondary variant and incidental finding disclosure discussions.Gabrielle M. Christenhusz, Koenraad Devriendt, Hilde Van Esch & Kris Dierickx - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):361-370.
    While ethical and empirical interest in so-called secondary variants and incidental findings in clinical genetics contexts is growing, critical reflection on the ethical foundations of the various recommendations proposed is thus far largely lacking. We examine and critique the ethical justifications of the three most prominent disclosure positions: briefly, the clinical geneticist decides, a joint decision, and the patient decides. Subsequently, instead of immediately developing a new disclosure option, we explore relevant foundational ethical values and norms, drawing on the normative (...)
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    Empirical Ethics: The “Missing Link” in Incidental Findings Recommendations.Gabrielle Christenhusz, Koenraad Devriendt & Kris Dierickx - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (3):31-33.
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    Reimagining research ethics to include environmental sustainability: a principled approach, including a case study of data-driven health research.Gabrielle Samuel & Cristina Richie - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):428-433.
    In this paper we argue the need to reimagine research ethics frameworks to include notions of environmental sustainability. While there have long been calls for healthcareethics frameworks and decision-making to include aspects of sustainability, less attention has focused on howresearchethics frameworks could address this. To do this, we first describe the traditional approach to research ethics, which often relies on individualised notions of risk. We argue that we need to broaden this notion of individual risk to consider issues associated with (...)
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  4. Gilbert Ryle’s adverbialism.Gabrielle Benette Jackson - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):318-335.
    Gilbert Ryle famously wrote that practical knowledge (knowing how) is distinct from propositional knowledge (knowing that). This claim continues to have broad philosophical appeal, and yet there are many unsettled questions surrounding Ryle’s basic proposal. In this article, I return to his original work in order to perform some intellectual archeology. I offer an interpretation of Ryle’s concept of action that I call ‘adverbialism’. Actions are constituted by bodily behaviours performed in a certain mode, style or manner. I present various (...)
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    Ecologies of public trust: The nhs covid-19 contact tracing app.Gabrielle Samuel, Frederica Lucivero, Stephanie Johnson & Heilien Diedericks - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (4):595-608.
    In April 2020, close to the start of the first U.K. COVID-19 lockdown, the U.K. government announced the development of a COVID-19 contact tracing app, which was later trialled on the U.K. island, the Isle of Wight, in May/June 2020. United Kingdom surveys found general support for the development of such an app, which seemed strongly influenced by public trust. Institutions developing the app were called upon to fulfil the commitment to public trust by acting with trustworthiness. Such calls presuppose (...)
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    UK health researchers’ considerations of the environmental impacts of their data-intensive practices and its relevance to health inequities.Gabrielle Samuel - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundThe health sector aims to improve health outcomes and access to healthcare. At the same time, the sector relies on unsustainable environmental practices that are increasingly recognised to be catastrophic threats to human health and health inequities. As such, a moral imperative exists for the sector to address these practices. While strides are currently underway to mitigate the environmental impacts of healthcare, less is known about how health researchers are addressing these issues, if at all.MethodsThis paper uses an interview methodology (...)
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    The UK’s 100,000 Genomes Project: manifesting policymakers’ expectations.Gabrielle Natalie Samuel & Bobbie Farsides - 2017 - New Genetics and Society 36 (4):336-353.
    The UK’s 100,000 Genomes Project has the aim of sequencing 100,000 genomes from UK National Health Service (NHS) patients while concomitantly transforming clinical care such that whole genome sequencing becomes routine clinical practice in the UK. Policymakers claim that the project will revolutionize NHS care. We wished to explore the 100,000 Genomes Project, and in particular, the extent to which policymaker claims have helped or hindered the work of those associated with Genomics England – the company established by the Department (...)
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    The Role of Book Features in Young Children's Transfer of Information from Picture Books to Real-World Contexts.Gabrielle A. Strouse, Angela Nyhout & Patricia A. Ganea - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:299131.
    Picture books are an important source of new language, concepts, and lessons for young children. A large body of research has documented the nature of parent-child interactions during shared book reading. A new body of research has begun to investigate the features of picture books that support children's learning and transfer of that information to the real world. In this paper, we discuss how children's symbolic development, analogical reasoning, and reasoning about fantasy may constrain their ability to take away content (...)
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  9. Is It Wrong To Pay For Housework?Gabrielle Meagher - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):52-66.
    This paper assesses arguments that paying for housework compromises the moral integrity of either the buyer or seller or both. I find that none provides adequate justification for avoiding paying for housework. Instead, I argue that the vigorous pursuit of justice for women workers will best remedy injustice in service sector occupations, including paid housework.
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    Examining Language Switching and Cognitive Control Through the Adaptive Control Hypothesis.Gabrielle Lai & Beth A. O’Brien - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Harmony between Man and His Environment: Reviewing the Trump Administration’s Changes to the National Environmental Policy Act in the Context of Environmental Racism.Gabrielle M. Kolencik - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):76-84.
    This article aims to show how the changes to NEPA by the Trump Administration are an act of environmental racism, defined as “[i]ntentional or unintentional racial discrimination in environmental policy‐making, enforcement of regulations and laws, and targeting of communities for the disposal of toxic waste and siting of polluting industries.”.
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    Why Educational Neuroscience Needs Educational and School Psychology to Effectively Translate Neuroscience to Educational Practice.Gabrielle Wilcox, Laura M. Morett, Zachary Hawes & Eleanor J. Dommett - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:618449.
    The emerging discipline of educational neuroscience stands at a crossroads between those who see great promise in integrating neuroscience and education and those who see the disciplinary divide as insurmountable. However, such tension is at least partly due to the hitherto predominance of philosophy and theory over the establishment of concrete mechanisms and agents of change. If educational neuroscience is to move forward and emerge as a distinct discipline in its own right, the traditional boundaries and methods must be bridged, (...)
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    Ethical implications of medical crowdfunding: the case of Charlie Gard.Gabrielle Dressler & Sarah A. Kelly - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):453-457.
    Patients are increasingly turning to medical crowdfunding as a way to cover their healthcare costs. In the case of Charlie Gard, an infant born with encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, crowdfunding was used to finance experimental nucleoside therapy. Although this treatment was not provided in the end, we will argue that the success of the Gard family’s crowdfunding campaign reveals a number of potential ethical concerns. First, this case shows that crowdfunding can change the way in which communal healthcare resources (...)
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  14.  41
    The Future of the Past.Spiegel Gabrielle M. - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (2):149-179.
  15.  18
    For what it's worth. Unearthing the values embedded in digital phenotyping for mental health.Gabrielle Samuel, Federica Lucivero, Anna Lavis & Rasmus Birk - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Digital phenotyping for mental health is an emerging trend which uses digital data, derived from mobile applications, wearable technologies and digital sensors, to measure, track and predict the mental health of an individual. Digital phenotyping for mental health is a growing, but as yet underexamined, field. As we will show, the rapid growth of digital phenotyping for mental health raises crucial questions about the values that underpin and are reinforced by this technology, as well as regarding to whom it may (...)
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    Investigative genetic genealogy: can collective privacy and solidarity help?Gabrielle Samuel - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):796-797.
    In their article, de Groot et al respond to a call to bring investigative genetic genealogy i to the bioethical debate.1 They explore the extent to which the ethical approach used in the medical clinical genetics context can be helpful for conceptualising the ethical issues associated with IGG. They conclude that such an individual-based model, which revolves around notions of consent and privacy, has significant limitations in the IGG context. The authors call for a broader balancing of the benefits and (...)
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  17.  17
    The Effects of Emotional Working Memory Training on Trait Anxiety.Gabrielle C. Veloso & Welison Evenston G. Ty - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundTrait anxiety is a pervasive tendency to attend to and experience fears and worries to a disproportionate degree, across various situations. Decreased vulnerability to trait anxiety has been linked to having higher working memory capacity and better emotion regulation; however, the relationship between these factors has not been well-established.ObjectiveThis study sought to determine if participants who undergo emotional working memory training will have significantly lower trait anxiety post-training. The study also sought to determine if emotion regulation mediated the relationship between (...)
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  18.  14
    Ethical codes in youth work: a comparative analysis.Gabrielle Evans - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (4):420-426.
  19.  39
    “The Danger of Lurking”: Different Conceptualizations of “User Awareness” in Social Media Research.Gabrielle Samuel - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3):25-26.
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  20. Relative Values: Perspectives on a Neuroimaging Technology From Above and Within the Ethical Landscape.Gabrielle Samuel, Alan Cribb, John Owens & Clare Williams - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (3):407-418.
    In this paper we contribute to “sociology in bioethics” and help clarify the range of ways sociological work can contribute to ethics scholarship. We do this using a case study of an innovative neurotechnology, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and its use to attempt to diagnose and communicate with severely brain-injured patients. We compare empirical data from interviews with relatives of patients who have a severe brain injury with perspectives from mainstream bioethics scholars. We use the notion of an “ethical landscape” (...)
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  21. Skill and the Critique of Descartes in Gilbert Ryle and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Gabrielle Jackson - 2010 - In Kascha Semonovitch Neal DeRoo (ed.), Merleau-Ponty at the Limits of Art, Religion, and Perception. Continuum. pp. 63.
    The mechanistic concept of the body, as inherited from René Descartes, has generated considerable trouble in philosophy—including, at least in part, the mind-body problem itself. Still, the corps mécanique remains perhaps the most prevalent though least examined assumption in recent philosophy of mind. I discuss two notable exceptions. Gilbert Ryle and Maurice Merleau-Ponty rejected this assumption for surprisingly similar reasons. Writing at about the same time, though in different languages and in very different circles, they each attempted to articulate a (...)
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    Advocating for a Context Specific Approach to Tackle Inequities.Gabrielle Samuel, Faranak Hardcastle & Anneke Lucassen - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):109-111.
    In her paper, Galasso contends that transitioning precision medicine from its current emphasis on healthcare benefits, to a focus on precision public health, may help address the equity concerns th...
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    Gabriel gherasim raluca Moldovan.Gabriel Gherasim - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):170-192.
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    A Cosmogram for Nuclear Things.Gabrielle Hecht - 2007 - Isis 98 (1):100-108.
    What things make a state “nuclear,” what makes things “nuclear,” and how do we know? The degree to which—and purpose for which—a nation, a program, a technology, or a material counts as “nuclear” is not always a matter of consensus. Nuclearity depends on history and geography, science and technology, bodies and politics, radiation and race, states and capitalism. It is not so much an essential property of things, as it is distributed in things. Settlements about degrees of nuclearity structure global (...)
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  25.  42
    Mixing Metaphors in Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation.Gabrielle Samuel, Rachel Ankeny & Ian Kerridge - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):58-59.
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  26.  14
    Thinking Differently: A Reader in European Women's Studies.Gabrielle Griffin & Rosi Braidotti - 2002 - Zed Books.
    This book is the first to ask whether there is a specifically European dimension to certain major issues in Women's Studies. It strives to create a synergetic debate among different disciplines and cultural traditions in Europe, and, in doing so, fills some gaps in our knowledge about women and enriches debates hitherto dominated by Anglo-American influences. Among the new areas of enquiry opened up in this book by the specificities of European Women's Studies are: * The fact that Europe has (...)
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  27.  8
    Responsibility for the Environmental Impact of Data-Intensive Research: An Exploration of UK Health Researchers.Gabrielle Samuel - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (4):1-20.
    Concerns about research’s environmental impacts have been articulated in the research arena, but questions remain about what types of role responsibilities are appropriate to place on researchers, if any. The research question of this paper is: what are the views of UK health researchers who use data-intensive methods on their responsibilities to consider the environmental impacts of their research? Twenty-six interviews were conducted with UK health researchers using data-intensive methods. Participants expressed a desire to take responsibility for the environmental impacts (...)
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    Compte rendu de Justine Roulin, Autorité, sociabilité et passions. La philosophie de la famille de Thomas Hobbes à John Millar.Gabrielle Radica - 2023 - Methodos 23.
    Peut-on comprendre la philosophie politique classique sans s’intéresser à la famille et à la place qu’elle tient entre les individus et l’État? Peut-on ignorer la manière dont les relations familiales et les relations politiques renvoient les unes aux autres? Justine Roulin répond par la négative dans cet ouvrage. Elle choisit un découpage historique particulièrement judicieux, qui s’étend de Thomas Hobbes à John Millar, et lui permet de considérer le passage des théories du droit naturel –...
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    A biblioteconomia brasileira na década de 1980: um olhar discursivo a partir dos artigos publicados na Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasília.Gabrielle Francinne de S. C. Tanus, Gabriela Batista da Silva & Rita de Cássia Gomes de Oliveira - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):178-198.
    Os discursos da Biblioteconomia brasileira são objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, que se concentrou nos artigos publicados durante a década de 1980 na Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasília. Essa revista, cujo primeiro número foi publicado em 1973, encerrou suas atividades em 2001 e teve como foco as áreas de Biblioteconomia, Ciência da Informação, Arquivologia e afins. Com a intenção de discutir sobre dois conceitos centrais da Biblioteconomia - o de biblioteca e o de bibliotecário - analisamos as produções que versavam (...)
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    The social and psychological costs of punishing.Gabrielle S. Adams & Elizabeth Mullen - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (1):15-16.
    We review evidence of the psychological and social costs associated with punishing. We propose that these psychological and social costs should be considered (in addition to material costs) when searching for evidence of costly punishment.
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    Justice Ginsburg, President Trump, and the need for judicial disqualification reform.Gabrielle Appleby - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):125-130.
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    Pride and prejudice: a case for reform of judicial recusal procedure.Gabrielle Appleby & Stephen McDonald - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):89-114.
    Justice must both be done and be seen to be done. A legal principle designed to give effect to this fundamental proposition is that a judge must not sit to determine a dispute if he or she is biased, or if there exists a reasonable perception that he or she is biased. Across many common law jurisdictions – including the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and many jurisdictions in the United States – the judge in question himself or herself is (...)
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    The Tom channel in the mitochondrial outer membrane: alive and kicking.Gabrielle Bains & Trevor Lithgow - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (1):1-4.
  34.  14
    Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.Gabrielle A. Carlson - 2008 - A Critical Review. In: Shaffer D, Waslick Bd, Editors. The Many Faces of Depression in Children and Adolescents. Review of Psychiatry 21:105-28.
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    Defense of Palamedes: Gorgias.Gabrielle Cavalcante - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 17:201-218.
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    Impact of Employment, Fiscal and Welfare Policies on the Structure and Extent of Poverty in the UK.Gabrielle Cox - 1996 - Ethical Perspectives 3 (1):15-28.
  37.  18
    Comment dessiner sa famille quand on en est séparé? L’analyse de dessins d’enfants d’'ge de latence placés dans le cadre de la Protection de l’enfance.Gabrielle Douieb & Marion Feldman - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 230 (4):201-221.
    Cet article s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche doctorale portant sur les représentations de la séparation chez des enfants placés en Protection de l’enfance. Il s’intéresse ici spécifiquement au dessin de la famille de deux enfants d’âge de latence placés en foyer. L’article analyse chaque dessin en profondeur puis tente de dégager les éléments saillants communs aux enfants rencontrés, tout en les mettant en lien avec les mouvements transféro-contretransférentiels à l’œuvre dans ces rencontres-séparations. Ces dessins montrent de grandes difficultés de (...)
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    Jean Cavaillès, philosophe et combattant (1903-1944): avec une étude de son oeuvre.Gabrielle Ferrières & Gaston Bachelard - 1950 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Sterilization and a Mentally Handicapped Minor: Providing Consent for One Who Cannot.Gabrielle M. Applebaum & John La Puma - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (2):209.
    The moral standing of involuntary sterilization has long been subject to debate but has only recently been looked upon with disfavor. When sterilization of a mentally handicapped minor is entertained, issues of eugenics, medical ethics, and legal precedent specially arise. Ethics consultants and ethics committees have been asked to consider such cases.
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    Racionalidad humana: explicaciones desde la ciencia cognitiva y la filosofía de la lógica.Gabrielle Ramos García - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:385-402.
    In what follows I seek to answer the question on whether it is possible to integrate two different lines of research on human rationality: on the one hand, some philosophical lines of research of a cognitivist nature, and, on the other, lines of research on the logical reasoning of human agents and normative criteria. My answer to such questioning will be affirmative. To defend my point, I shall proceed as follows: first, in sec. 2 I offer the antecedents and characteristics (...)
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    Residential Mobility Among Elementary School Students in Los Angeles County and Early School Experiences: Opportunities for Early Intervention to Prevent Absenteeism and Academic Failure.Gabrielle Green, Amelia DeFosset & Tony Kuo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Making and Marketing Arms: The French Experience and Its Implications for the International System. Edward A. Kolodziej.Gabrielle Hecht - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):743-744.
  43.  18
    Intuition and Excess: Mona Hatoum's Measures of Distance and the Saturated Phenomenon.Gabrielle A. Hezekiah - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (2):197-211.
    This article argues that Mona Hatoum's video Measures of Distance presents us with an example of Jean-Luc Marion's saturated phenomenon. Partial and deeply textured images of Hatoum's mother have p...
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    Riassunto: L’altrove del pensiero.Gabrielle Hiltmann - 2008 - Chiasmi International 10:289-289.
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    Giovanni Levi et Jean-Claude Schmitt (dir.), Histoire des jeunes en Occident.Gabrielle Houbre - 1996 - Clio 4.
    La récente Histoire des jeunes en Occident est une aventure avant tout italianno-française (ou franco-italienne) : dirigée par Giovanni Levi et Jean-Claude Schmitt, elle a été d’abord été publiée en Italie en 1994 (Storia dei giovani) avant de l’être en France deux ans plus tard. Elle rassemble une vingtaine de contributions signées par des historien(ne)s très majoritairement français et italiens et couvre une aire géographique principalement axée sur la France et l’Italie. Ses deux volumes (...
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    Walking Speed Influences the Effects of Implicit Visual Feedback Distortion on Modulation of Gait Symmetry.Gabrielle Maestas, Jiyao Hu, Jessica Trevino, Pranathi Chunduru, Seung-Jae Kim & Hyunglae Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  47.  22
    Screen Time and Executive Function in Toddlerhood: A Longitudinal Study.Gabrielle McHarg, Andrew D. Ribner, Rory T. Devine & Claire Hughes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Jean-Christophe Bardout et Vincent Carraud (Eds), Diderot et la philosophie.Gabrielle Radica - 2022 - Methodos 22.
    L’accueil de Diderot parmi les philosophes est chose faite dans le commentaire savant. Une série d’études monographiques ou thématiques plus ou moins récentes en attestent. Ce recueil issu d’un colloque donné par le Centre d’études cartésiennes de Sorbonne Université en 2013 entend aller plus loin et examiner le rapport de Diderot à l’histoire de la philosophie. Il ne s’agirait plus seulement de lui ménager une place dans la communauté des philosophes en produisant des analyses internes de sa...
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    Le principe de la folie et de la raison. Association des idées et liaison des idées aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.Gabrielle Radica - 2014 - Astérion 12 (12).
    After Gassendi and Descartes, thinkers who tried to explain and study the association of ideas first saw in this phenomenon a cause of error and madness. Progressively, though, whether it was described as “association” or as “connection” of ideas, it began to be seen as one principle of knowledge among others, until Condillac and Hume thought of it as the only principle of all our knowledge, and until xixth century psychology made it its fundamental law. But prior to the full (...)
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    Les savoirs juridiques de la famille.Gabrielle Radica - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (4):51-71.
    La famille ne se réduit ni à un réseau d’affections ni à un contrat, c’est une institution sociale. À ce titre, elle intéresse le droit, et quiconque veut la comprendre doit solliciter les savoirs juridiques qui la concernent. La tâche n’a rien d’évident puisque ces savoirs juridiques de la famille sont multiples, et résistent à la théorisation comme à la systématisation. Elle reste cependant indispensable car le désintérêt pour ces savoirs produit toutes sortes d’abstractions et de méconnaissances. Quelle philosophie de (...)
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