Results for 'Gabrielle Richard'

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  1.  30
    To serve with honor: a treatise on military ethics and the way of the soldier.Richard A. Gabriel - 1982 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    To Serve With Honor should be required reading for all members of the officer corps of the United States military. Beyond that, it should be made required reading for all United States military academies, ROTC and officer candidate programs. This treatise on military ethics goes a long way in bridging the gap between the military and society's understanding of the military's ethical dilemma. It is a must for the student of military affairs. International Social Science Review To Serve With Honor (...)
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    The art of the metaobject protocol.Richard P. Gabriel - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (2):331-342.
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    Ethics and the Military Community. [REVIEW]Richard A. Gabriel - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (4):23.
    Book reviewed in this article: War, Morality, and the Military Profession. Edited by Malham M. Wakin.
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  4. Knowledge of Meaning.Richard Larson & Gabriel Segal - 2000 - Mind 109 (436):960-964.
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    On Pythagoreanism.Gabriele Cornelli, Richard D. McKirahan & Constantinos Macris (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The purpose of the conference "On Pythagoreanism", held in Brasilia in 2011, was to bring together leading scholars from all over the world to define the status quaestionis for the ever-increasing interest and research on Pythagoreanism in the 21st century. The papers included in this volume exemplify the variety of topics and approaches now being used to understand the polyhedral image of one of the most fascinating and long-lasting intellectual phenomena in Western history. Cornelli's paper opens the volume by charting (...)
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  6. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Richard K. Larson & Gabriel M. A. Segal - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Current textbooks in formal semantics are all versions of, or introductions to, the same paradigm in semantic theory: Montague Grammar. Knowledge of Meaning is based on different assumptions and a different history. It provides the only introduction to truth- theoretic semantics for natural languages, fully integrating semantic theory into the modern Chomskyan program in linguistic theory and connecting linguistic semantics to research elsewhere in cognitive psychology and philosophy. As such, it better fits into a modern graduate or undergraduate program in (...)
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    Note de lecture.Gabrielle Richard - 2008 - Cahiers Philosophiques 1:122-127.
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    AI Moral Enhancement: Upgrading the Socio-Technical System of Moral Engagement.Richard Volkman & Katleen Gabriels - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-14.
    Several proposals for moral enhancement would use AI to augment (auxiliary enhancement) or even supplant (exhaustive enhancement) human moral reasoning or judgment. Exhaustive enhancement proposals conceive AI as some self-contained oracle whose superiority to our own moral abilities is manifest in its ability to reliably deliver the ‘right’ answers to all our moral problems. We think this is a mistaken way to frame the project, as it presumes that we already know many things that we are still in the process (...)
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    À propos de méthodologie.Gabriel Chénard, André Couture, René-Michel Roberge, Évode Beaucamp, Jean Richard & Michel Gervais - 1981 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 37 (2):117-133.
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    Eine Wirtschaft, die Leben fördert: wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Reflexionen im Anschluss an Papst Franziskus.Ingeborg Gabriel, Peter G. Kirchschläger & Richard Sturn (eds.) - 2017 - Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
    Diese Wirtschaft totet! besonders dieser Satz von Papst Franziskus hat beachtliche Aufmerksamkeit gefunden. Aber: Welche Wirtschaft totet? Und welche fordert Leben? Dieser Band stellt wirtschaftswissenschaftliche, ethische und theologische Ansatze vor, die Verengungen in gegenwartigen Theorien uberwinden: Welche Bedeutung haben offentlicher Guter? Wie lassen sich soziale und okologische Dimensionen in die Wirtschaftstheorie integrieren? Wie sollte eine Finanzwirtschaft aussehen, die der Realwirtschaft dient? Was ist die Verantwortung des Konsumenten? Diese und weitere Grundfragen, die in den wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Mainstream-Theorien zu kurz kommen, erinnern die (...)
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    Hypermnesia for pictures and for words: The role of recall modality.Gabriele A. Dragone, Margaret Brown, Ann Robins Krane & Richard V. Krane - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):258-260.
  12. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Zoltan Gendler Szabo, Richard Larson & Gabriel Segal - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (1):122.
    To the best of my knowledge, no one in recent decades has written a book of this magnitude about the semantics of natural language. Certainly, nothing available today matches this volume in depth, precision, and coherence. The authors present classical and recent results of linguistic semantics within the framework of interpretative T-theories and defend the philosophical foundations of their approach by showing how it fits into the larger enterprise of cognitive linguistics. The book also includes an array of excellent exercises (...)
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    The physiocrats and empire: Economistes and the reinvention of empire: France in the Americas and Africa, c. 1750–1802, by Pernille Røge, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 310 pp., £75 (Hardback), ISBN: 9781108483131. [REVIEW]Gabriel Sabbagh & Richard Whatmore - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (6):898-900.
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    A psychometric analysis of the reading the mind in the eyes test: toward a brief form for research and applied settings.Sally Olderbak, Oliver Wilhelm, Gabriel Olaru, Mattis Geiger, Meghan W. Brenneman & Richard D. Roberts - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Crossing the doorsteps for social reform: The social crusades of Florence Kelley and Ellen Richards.Gabrielle Soudan, David Philippy & Harro Maas - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (4):501-525.
    ArgumentThis paper contrasts the research strategies of two women reformers, Florence Kelley and Ellen Swallow Richards, which entailed different strategies of social reform. In the early 1890s, social activist Florence Kelley used the social survey as a weapon for legal reform of the working conditions of women and children in Chicago’s sweatshop system. Kelley’s case shows that her surveys were most effective as “grounded” knowledge, rooted in a local community with which she was well acquainted. Her social survey, re-enacted by (...)
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  16. Gabriel Cercel: Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hermeneutische Entwürfe. Vorträge und AufsätzePaul Marinescu: Pascal Michon, Poétique d'une anti-anthropologie: l'herméneutique de GadamerPaul Marinescu: Robert J. Dostal (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to GadamerAndrei Timotin: Denis Seron, Le problème de la métaphysique. Recherches sur l'interprétation heideggerienne de Platon et d'AristoteDelia Popa: Henry Maldiney, Ouvrir le rien. L'art nuCristian Ciocan: Dominique Janicaud, Heidegger en France, I. Récit; II. EntretiensVictor Popescu: Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Fenomenologia percepţieiRadu M. Oancea: Trish Glazebrook, Heidegger's Philosophy of SciencePaul Balogh: Richard Wolin, Heidegger's Children. Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Hans Jonas and Herbert MarcuseBogdan Mincă: Ivo De Gennaro, Logos - Heidegger liest HeraklitRoxana Albu: O. K. Wiegand, R. J. Dostal, L. Embree, J. Kockelmans and J. N. Mohanty (eds.), Phenomenology on Kant, German Idealism, Hermeneutics and LogicAnca Dumitru: James Faulconer an. [REVIEW]Gabriel Cercel, Paul Marinescu, Andrei Timotin, Delia Popa, Cristian Ciocan, Victor Popescu, Radu M. Oancea, Paul Balogh, Bogdan Mincă, Roxana Albu & Anca Dumitru - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (1):261-313.
    Hans-Georg GADAMER, Hermeneutische Entwürfe. Vorträge und Aufsätze ; Pascal MICHON, Poétique d’une anti-anthropologie: l’herméneutique deGadamer ; Robert J. DOSTAL, The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer ; Denis SERON, Le problème de la métaphysique. Recherches sur l’interprétation heideggerienne de Platon et d’Aristote ; Henry MALDINEY, Ouvrir le rien. L’art nu ; Dominique JANICAUD, Heidegger en France, I. Récit; II. Entretiens ; Maurice MERLEAU-PONTY, Fenomenologia percepţiei ; Trish GLAZEBROOK, Heidegger’s Philosophy of Science ; Richard WOLIN, Heidegger’s Children. Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Hans (...)
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    Richard Rolle's Carmen Prosaicum, an Edition and Commentary.Gabriel M. Liegey - 1957 - Mediaeval Studies 19 (1):15-36.
  18.  14
    The Editions of Gabriele Zerbi’s De cautelis medicorum and Their Influence.Richard Tait - 2020 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 83 (1):327-336.
    The eminent Veronese physician Gabriele Zerbi held senior positions in three northern Italian cities and was the author of several major books on anatomy, ageing, philosophy and the rol...
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  19. De la verdad a la soliraridad. Richard Rorty y la hermenéutica.Gabriel Rodríguez Espinosa - 2010 - In Colomina Almiñana, Juan José & Vicente Raga Rosaleny (eds.), La filosofía de Richard Rorty: entre pragmatismo y relativismo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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  20. Response to Richards.Gabriel Finkelstein - 2015 - In Kristin Gjesdal (ed.), Debates in Nineteenth Century Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses. New York: Routledge. pp. 226-230.
    Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896) complicates the historiography of the reception of Darwinism. His presentation of the theory was anti-teleological, a fact that refutes the claim that German Darwinists were Romantic.
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    Investigating the subjective reports of rejection processes in the word frequency mirror effect.J. Thadeus Meeks, Justin B. Knight, Gene A. Brewer, Gabriel I. Cook & Richard L. Marsh - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:57-69.
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    2000-2001 Spring Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.Michael Detlefsen, Erich Reck, Colin McLarty, Rohit Parikh, Larry Moss, Scott Weinstein, Gabriel Uzquiano, Grigori Mints & Richard Zach - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):413-419.
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    A Retrospective Study of Technology Business Incubators in the Philippines.Karlo S. Sira, Carmelo V. Ambut, Naci John C. Trance, Rayjand T. Gellamucho, Richard C. De Leon & Gabriel M. Salistre Jr - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1485-1502.
    This study aims to assess Technology Business Incubators under (TBIs) the Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship (HeIRIT) with the auspices of the UPSCALE Innovation Hub, University of the Philippines-Diliman and the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD). Twenty TBIs were identified to give feedback and used as study participants using a questionnaire created by researchers based on the existing DOST metrics. The study's findings provided insightful information for (...)
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    Gabriel Biel.Richard P. Desharnais - 1978 - International Studies in Philosophy 10:51-58.
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    Intimacy: From Transformation to Transmutation.Gabriel Bianchi - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (1):1-8.
    Intimacy: From Transformation to Transmutation The paper reflects the historical and current dynamism of the concept of intimacy. Besides differences between scientific disciplines in understanding what the substance of intimacy is, the recent discourse on change in intimacy has been dominated by the transformation theme introduced by Anthony Giddens (1992). Led by reflections of Richard Sennett (1986) the author draws attention to the opposite aspect of change in intimacy—the change in content, or the "transmutation" of intimacy. Transmutation of intimacy—the (...)
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  26. For Gabriel, on Holiness (a Passover letter to my 7-year-old son).Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    I was inspired to write this letter by something my 7-year old said about the meaning of holiness. In it I reflect on this meaning, in language and terms a 7-year-old might understand and appreciate.
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    Da obra de arte total à síntese das artes.Marcos Faccioli Gabriel - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):189-214.
    Resumo Houve, durante o século XX, uma persistente recorrência do tema da síntese ou integração das artes, em especial no campo da arquitetura: desde as vanguardas dos anos de 1920 até a ressurgência do tema, no imediato Pós-II Guerra, com Le Corbusier, Sigfried Giedion e Fernand Léger. No Brasil, nos anos de 1950, o entusiasmo de Mário Pedrosa com a construção da nova capital seguiu o lema Brasília, a cidade nova, síntese das artes. A literatura correspondente menciona com frequência os (...)
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    Le débat sur le temps présent.Gabriel Rockhill - 2008 - Symposium 12 (1):126-145.
    Au lieu d’intervenir dans le debat sur la nature du temps present en créant une nouvelle schématisation de notre âge, nous proposons ici une intervention sur ce débat en esquissant les coordonnées conceptuelIes qui déterminent I’espace des possibles de la controverse. Il s ’agil alors d’une réflexion sur la logique historique, sociale et normative qui structure le débat sur le temps présent, et plus particulièrement la controverse postmoderne. Loin pourtant d’être une simple analyse «externe», cette interrogation sur les paramètres conceptuels (...)
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  29. Traduction de Gabriel Naudé L'annexe latine au chapitre VI du supplément à l'histoire de Louis XI.Sylvie Taussig, Richard Goulet & Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 35:161-169.
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  30. Vontade de tragédia, tragédia da música: Controvérsias entre o jovem Nietzsche e Schopenhauer.Gabriel Debatin - 2019 - Cadernos Nietzsche 40 (2):124-145.
    O presente ensaio tem como objetivo mostrar consequências teóricas de uma tensão latente entre a noção de tragédia no Nietzsche d’O nascimento da tragédia e a compreensão schopenhaueriana da música. Tal tensão se dá não apenas no âmbito de interpretações estéticas das referidas artes por parte dos filósofos mencionados, mas demonstra disparidades fundamentais no pensamento do jovem Nietzsche em relação à metafísica de O mundo como Vontade e Representação. A hipótese é que essas disparidades culminariam num ponto de cesura entre (...)
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    Tarski’s Guilty Secret: Compositionality.Jaakko Hintikka & Gabriel Sandu - 1999 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 6:217-230.
    Tarski has exerted enormous influence not only on the development of mathematical logic, but on twentieth-century philosophy and philosophical analysis. This influence has been twofold, with the two components pulling in a sense in opposite directions. A comparison with the influence of the Vienna Circle provides an instructive vantage point in viewing Tarski’s influence. On the one hand, Tarski has provided powerful tools for logical analysis in philosophy. His first and most important contribution was to show that — and how (...)
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  32. Periegesis and skepticism : La Peyrère, geographer.Frédéric Gabriel - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
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    A theoretical foundation of portfolio resampling.Gabriel Frahm - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (1):107-132.
    A portfolio-resampling procedure invented by Richard and Robert Michaud is a subject of highly controversial discussion and big scientific dispute. It has been evaluated in many empirical studies and Monte Carlo experiments. Apart from the contradictory findings, the Michaud approach still lacks a theoretical foundation. I prove that portfolio resampling has a strong foundation in the classic theory of rational behavior. Every noise trader could do better by applying the Michaud procedure. By contrast, a signal trader who has enough (...)
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    A Note on the Relation of Pacifism and Just-War Theory: Is There a Thomistic Convergence?Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):247-259.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A NOTE ON THE RELATION OF PACIFISM AND JUST-WAR THEORY: IS THERE A THOMISTIC CONVERGENCE? 1 GABRIEL PALMER-FERNANDEZ Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio FOR CENTURIES, the moral analysis of war began with a consideration of a set of principles which together form the doctrine of the just-war and with a rejection of pacifism. However, several recent studies by Catholic moralists argue that pacifism and just-war theory have much in (...)
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    Pietro Corsi, Jean Gayon, Gabriel Gohau and Stéphane Tirard, Lamarck, philosophe de la nature. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2006. Pp. xii+167 pp. ISBN 2-13-051976-8. €20.00. [REVIEW]Richard W. Burkhardt - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Science 40 (4):611-613.
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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Philosophy of Love.Charles Richard Cammell - 1933 - R. West.
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    Wollheim, Wittgenstein, and Pictorial Representation: Seeing-as and Seeing-In.Gary Kemp & Gabriele M. Mras (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Pictorial representation is one of the core questions in aesthetics and philosophy of art. What is a picture? How do pictures represent things? This collection of specially commissioned chapters examines the influential thesis that the core of pictorial representation is not resemblance but 'seeing-in', in particular as found in the work of Richard Wollheim. We can see a passing cloud _as_ a rabbit, but we also see a rabbit _in_ the clouds. 'Seeing-in' is an imaginative act of the kind (...)
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    Introduction to Special Issue on Migration.Richard Epstein & Mario Rizzo - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (3):153-155.
    The variety and complexity of the eight papers in this Symposium issue are evidence that immigration is a tough nut to crack both as a matter of policy and application. There is no way that any short summary can do justice to these papers, which take a variety of moral, economic, historical, and empirical approaches to some of the recurrent issues in the field, so it is best in this short issue to try to situate the problem in a general (...)
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    Violence and Religion: Walter Burkert and René Girard in Comparison.Wolfgang Palaver & Gabriel Borrud - 2010 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 17:121-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Violence and Religion:Walter Burkert and René Girard in ComparisonWolfgang Palaver (bio)Translated by Gabriel Borrud1Since the attacks of September 11th, 2001, the relationship between violence and religion has been the center of focus of ever more discussions and examinations. Often, however, these inquiries lack a profound theory that will enable a real understanding of how the two phenomena are related. Walter Burkert and René Girard are two thinkers who grasp (...)
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    Libertarian paternalism and health care policy: a deliberative proposal. [REVIEW]Giuseppe Schiavone, Gabriele De Anna, Matteo Mameli, Vincenzo Rebba & Giovanni Boniolo - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):103-113.
    Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler have been arguing for what they named libertarian paternalism (henceforth LP). Their proposal generated extensive debate as to how and whether LP might lead down a full-blown paternalistic slippery slope. LP has the indubitable merit of having hardwired the best of the empirical psychological and sociological evidence into public and private policy making. It is unclear, though, to what extent the implementation of policies so constructed could enhance the capability for the exercise of an (...)
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  41. There’s Plenty of Boole at the Bottom: A Reversible CA Against Information Entropy.Francesco Berto, Jacopo Tagliabue & Gabriele Rossi - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (4):341-357.
    “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”, said the title of Richard Feynman’s 1959 seminal conference at the California Institute of Technology. Fifty years on, nanotechnologies have led computer scientists to pay close attention to the links between physical reality and information processing. Not all the physical requirements of optimal computation are captured by traditional models—one still largely missing is reversibility. The dynamic laws of physics are reversible at microphysical level, distinct initial states of a system leading to distinct (...)
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  42. Gabriel García Márquez and Richard Kearney on the role of the oneiric in testimonial narrative.Eileen Rizo-Patron - 2007 - In Peter Gratton & John Panteleimon Manoussakis (eds.), Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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  43. Gabriele Cornelli, Richard McKirahan, and Constantinos Macris, On Pythagoreanism.Ancient History North Bailey, Durham D. H. Eu, United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland Email: Northern - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (2).
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    Gabriele Cornelli, Richard McKirahan, and Constantinos Macris , On Pythagoreanism. [REVIEW]Phillip Sidney Horky - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (2):269-275.
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    Richard A. Gabriel. Man and Wound in the Ancient World: A History of Military Medicine from Sumer to the Fall of Constantinople. 267 pp., illus., table, bibl., index. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2012. $29.95. [REVIEW]Laurence Totelin - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):153-154.
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    Richard de Fournival, Le “Bestiare d'amour” et la “Response du bestiaire,” ed. and trans. , Gabriel Bianciotto. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2009. Paper. Pp. 414. [REVIEW]Jeanette Beer - 2010 - Speculum 85 (3):732-734.
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    The metaphysics of Christology in the late middle ages: William of Ockham to Gabriel Biel The metaphysics of Christology in the late middle ages: William of Ockham to Gabriel Biel, by Richard Cross, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. xx + 320, $110.00 (hb), ISBN: 9780198880646. [REVIEW]Timothy J. Pawl - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    The problem with Christology books written by Richard Cross is that, once you get around to finishing one and saying, ‘by George, he's done it again!’ he's already gone and done it again again. Thi...
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    Plato and Pythagoreanism. By Phillip Sidney Horky. Pp. xxi, 305, Oxford University Press, 2013, £47.99. On Pythagoreanism. Edited by Gabriele Cornelli, Richard McKirahan, and Constantinos Macris. Pp. xix, 532, De Gruyter, 2013, £109.95. Pythagorean Women: Their History and Writings. By Sarah B. Pomeroy. Pp. xxii, 172, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013, £32.00. [REVIEW]Robin Waterfield - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):160-161.
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    Éticas y políticas de la alteridad: en torno al pensamiento de Gabriel Bello Reguera.Guerra Palmero, María José & Aránzazu HdezPiñero (eds.) - 2015 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, España: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    ¿Qué cabida tienen, o pueden tener, las éticas y las políticas de la alteridad en el horizonte filosófico actual? En el contexto de la filosofía española reciente, la obra de Gabriel Bello Reguera (Dehesas, León, 1943) ha afrontado el reto ético-político que plantea el tomarse en serio la alteridad. Ha desarrollado su carrera académica en la Universidad de La Laguna como catedrático de Filosofía Moral y en su trayectoria cabría señalar tres giros fundamentales, si bien relacionados entre sí. El primero (...)
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    (1 other version)Jacqueline CARROY, Nathalie RICHARD (sous la dir.), La découverte et ses récits en sciences humaines, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998, 318 p. [REVIEW]Nicole Edelman - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:27-27.
    Ont contribué au volume : David Allen, Gabriel Bergounioux, Claude Blanckaert, Jacqueline Carroy, Jean François Chiantarretto, Françoise Couchard, Gérard Lagneau, Sophie-Anne Leterrier, Laurent Muchielli, Jean Yves Pautrat, Paule Petitier, Jacques Postel, Jacques Rancière, Marc Renneville, Nathalie Richard et Geneviève Vermès. A priori, loin de la problématique des relations entre les sexes, ce recueil de textes issu d'un colloque organisé par la Société française pour l'histoire des s..
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