Results for 'Galerie Arete'

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  1. Internationaldissociation of (Dealers in Ancient Art.Galerie Fuer Antike Kunst, Roman Greek, Egyptian Antiquities, Galerie Arete & Herbert A. Cahn - 1996 - Minerva 7.
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    Na cidade historiada: justiça e outros conflitos em O Mercador de Veneza, de William Shakespeare.Maria Clara Versiani Galery - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (2):19.
    RESUMO: Na época em que Shakespeare escolheu Veneza para cenário de Otelo e O Mercador de Veneza, a cidade-república correspondia aos ideais renascentistas de liberdade e estabilidade. Descobertas no âmbito da geografia e da astronomia exigiam uma reavaliação do lugar ocupado por mulheres e homens na nova concepção do universo. Este ensaio pretende refletir sobre a Veneza mítica do imaginário shakespeariano, uma paisagem simbólica, menos física e concreta que ideológica. Nesse sentido, o trabalho recorre ao conceito foucauldiano de heterotopia para (...)
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    Heidegger and Discrimination: On the Relation between Historicity and Marginalization.Aret Karademir - 2013 - Philosophical Forum 44 (3):205-231.
  4.  22
    Teksten bekleed met autoriteit: Een model voor de analyse van epistemische autoriteit in commentaartradities.Saskia Arets & Jan Opsomer - 2017 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 79 (2):277-294.
    ‘Authority’ is a term widely used in scholarly debate, including the history of philosophy. However, what is meant by this term is not always clear and the concept is not very well defined. One reason for this is certainly that the phenomenon itself is complex and the corresponding terms are used with a degree of latitude. This makes it difficult to adequately compare and connect the insights that various case studies have to offer. For historians of philosophy, it is thus (...)
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    Queering Multiculturalism: Liberal Theory, Ethnic Pluralism, and the Problem of Minorities-Within-Minorities.Aret Karademir - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    Queering Multiculturalism argues for group-specific rights for ethno-cultural minorities, but without ignoring the possibility that such rights may lead to ethnic chauvinism, balkanization, and the cultural marginalization of minorities-within-minorities, such as ethnic LGBT people.
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    Foucault ve Cinsellik Deneyi Kurgusu.Aret Karademir - 2015 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):86-100.
    Foucault's philosophy is often divided into three periods: the archeological period of the 1960's, the geneological period of the 1970's, and the ethical period of the 1980's. Considering the subjects Foucault worked on, the methods he employed, and the nature of his analyses in the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's, it seems prima facie that there is a considerable difference between the different periods of Foucault's career. Nevertheless, Fooucault claims that he has been working on the same subject, that is, the (...)
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    Minority rights and public autonomy: A nonculturalist argument for accommodating ethno‐cultural diversity.Aret Karademir - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (2):121-137.
    Ethno‐cultural minority rights have been regarded as a part of human rights since the last decade of the twentieth century. These rights are often formulated in predominantly culturalist terms. Citing the importance of culture in the lives of members, they are conceptualized as tools for protecting the distinct identity of minority cultures. This paper claims that this way of formulating minority rights is to portray minority communities as if they were not concerned with the pathologies of modern democracies, such as (...)
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    Liberal Çokkültürcülük: Ulusalcı Liberalizm ve Azınlık-içindeki-Azınlıklar Sorunsalı.Aret Karademir - 2017 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):19-41.
    Özet: 20. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde, çıkış noktasını mensubu olduğu kültüre, ulusa veya devlete karşı korunması için bireysel haklarla donatılmış ve içerisinde yetiştiği kültürü rasyonel yetileri ile değerlendirip terk edebilme gücüne sahip “birey” anlayışında bulan “bireyci” liberalizmin içerisinden, bireylerin “kültürel” varlıklar olduklarını, bireysel özgürlüğün “kültürlerin korunması” olmaksızın icra edilemeyeceğini, bunun için de “kültürel azınlık hakları”nın liberalizmin olmazsa olmazı olduğunu savunan “liberal çokkültürcülük” doğmuştur. Bu yazıda, liberal çokkültürcülüğün en önemli versiyonlarından biri olan “ulusalcı liberalizm” incelenecek ve onun kadınlardan, LGBTİ bireylerinden ve dini (...)
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    Non‐Chauvinist Multiculturalism: A Critical Encounter between Butler and Kymlicka on the Way to the Emancipationist Model of Minority Rights.Aret Karademir - 2017 - Philosophical Forum 48 (4):423-448.
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    Butler and Heidegger: On the Relation between Freedom and Marginalization.Aret Karademir - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (4):824-839.
    Though the names “Judith Butler” and “Martin Heidegger” rarely come together in Butler and Heidegger scholarship, the critical encounter between these philosophers might help us conceptualize the relationship between freedom and marginalization. In this paper, I will read Butler from the perspective of the Heidegger of Being and Time and claim that what Butler's philosophy suggests is the radical dependency of one's freedom on the cultural resuscitation of socially murdered racial, sexual, ethnic, religious, and sectarian/confessional minorities. More specifically, I will (...)
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  11.  59
    Heidegger and Nazism: On the Relation between German Conservatism, Heidegger, and the National Socialist Ideology.Aret Karademir - 2013 - Philosophical Forum 44 (2):99-123.
  12.  51
    Nietzsche’s Politics: Dynamis or Stasis?Aret Karademir - 2013 - Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (1):39-47.
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  13. David Lewis ’in Modal Realizminde Dünya-Ötesi Karşıolgusal Önermeler, İkinci-Dereceden Dünyalar ve Dünyalar-Arası Nedensellik Sorunları‘.Aret Karademir & Pakize Sandıkçıoğlu - 2009 - Felsefe Tartismalari 43:1-15.
    David Lewis is most famous in the analytical metaphysics literature for his analysis of the truth conditions of counterfactual conditionals in terms of possible worlds, and for his analysis of causation in terms of counterfactual conditionals. He uses a notion of comparative similarity of possible worlds in his analysis of counterfactual conditionals. However, since he attributes reality to possible worlds he has attracted many criticisms. The aim of our paper is to present some counterfactuals whose account cannot be given within (...)
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    Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler.Aret Karademir - unknown
    Martin Heidegger was not only one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century but also a supporter of and a contributor to one of the most discriminatory ideologies of the recent past. Thus, "the Heidegger's case" gives us philosophers an opportunity to work on discrimination from a philosophical perspective. My aim in this essay is to question the relationship between freedom and discrimination via Heidegger's philosophy. I will show that what bridges the gap between Heidegger's philosophy and a discriminatory (...)
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    Estresse pós-traumático em pacientes vítimas de queimaduras: uma revisão da literatura.Letícia Galery Medeiros, Christian Haag Kristensen & Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:177-189.
    Atualmente, há um crescente interesse no estudo das sequelas psicológicas em vítimas de queimaduras. Este artigo faz uma revisão da literatura com a finalidade de examinar quais são os danos psicológicos e psiquiátricos mais relevantes apresentados por indivíduos que sofrem acidentes com queimaduras..
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  16. Heidegger and Foucault: On the Relation Between the Anxiety–Engendering–Truth and Being-Towards-Freedom. [REVIEW]Aret Karademir - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (3):375-392.
    In his very last, now famous, interview, Michel Foucault states that his philosophical thought was shaped by his reading of Heidegger, even though he does not specify what aspects of Heidegger’s philosophy inspired him in the first place. However, his last interview is not the only place where Foucault refers to Heidegger as his intellectual guide. In his 1981/1982 lecture course, The Hermeneutics of the Subject, Foucault confesses that the way Heidegger conceptualized the relationship between subject and truth was a (...)
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    Aretè-logii︠a︡.Dimitŭr Ivanov - 2008 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademichno izdatelstvo "Prof. Marin Drinov".
    1. Aretè : idei i obrazi v sbornata dobrodetelnost -- 2. Aretè : ekzistent︠s︡ialno-t︠s︡ennostna sistema -- 3. Aretè : obuchenie i vŭzpitanie na lidera -- 4. Aretè : upravlenie na dŭrzhavnostta i sigurnostta -- 5. Aretè v muzei︠a︡ : razvitie v strukturata i upravlenieto na evropeĭskii︠a︡ istoricheski muzeĭ -- 6. Avtoreferat na Aretè-logii︠a︡ : knigi I-V.
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    Arete in Plato and Aristotle.Ryan M. Brown & Jay R. Elliott (eds.) - 2022 - Sioux City: Parnassos Press.
    For Plato and Aristotle, arete (traditionally translated as "virtue") was the essential object of human admiration and striving, and even the key to happiness. Their work continues to inspire reflection on fundamental questions of ethics and politics today, as the fourteen new essays collected here demonstrate. -/- Contributors: Lidia Palumbo, Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Ryan M. Brown, Jay R. Elliott, Guilherme Domingues da Motta, Federico Casella, Jonathan A. Buttaci, George Harvey, Mark Ralkowski, Gary S. Beck, Paula Gottlieb, Giulio di Basilio, Audrey (...)
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  19. Areté.Secci Ón - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  20.  26
    Aretism: An Ancient Sports Philosophy for the Modern Sports World.Heather Reid & Mark Holowchak - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Aretism: An Ancient Sports Philosophy for the Modern Sports World provides a tripartite model of sports ethics founded on ancient Greek principles and focused on personal, civic, and global integration. Heather Reid and Mark Holowchak apply these concepts as a "golden mean" between the extremes of the commercialist and recreational models of competition. This treatment is most applicable to students and academics concerned with the philosophy of sport, but will also be of interest to those in sports professions.
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    Areté como ejercicio de excelencia y como telas en la ética de Husserl.Julia Valentina Lribame - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):367-385.
    This study approaches arete as excellence( W. Jaeger). lt understands Husserlian thought as a monadology in which a dynamic dwells: that of the telos that leads to the fulfillment ofends submitted to " the absolute ought". The development of this investigation is carried out within the framework of the moral person's genesis and its intersubjective connections. The question of life's meaning and its relation to ethics are manifested in their teleological orientation. Existential considerations, the analyses of "position takings" and (...)
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  22. Android arete: Toward a virtue ethic for computational agents. [REVIEW]Kari Gwen Coleman - 2001 - Ethics and Information Technology 3 (4):247-265.
    Traditional approaches to computer ethics regard computers as tools, andfocus, therefore, on the ethics of their use. Alternatively, computer ethicsmight instead be understood as a study of the ethics of computationalagents, exploring, for example, the different characteristics and behaviorsthat might benefit such an agent in accomplishing its goals. In this paper,I identify a list of characteristics of computational agents that facilitatetheir pursuit of their end, and claim that these characteristics can beunderstood as virtues within a framework of virtue ethics. This (...)
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  23.  4
    Pojęcie arete w II poĺowie V wieku p.n.e. Protagoras-Gorgiasz-Demokryt.Witold Wróblewski - 1979 - Toruń: UMK.
  24.  13
    Definování areté v Platónově dialogu Menón.František Weis - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-15.
    Předložená práce je textově filosofickou analýzou první části Platónova dialogu Menón, přičemž se snaží předvést, jak v konkrétním literárním díle Platónově je obsažen střet mezi silou již skomírajícího světa tradice (s jejími hodnotami lidského života), a silou jedince, který hodnoty lidského života sám pro sebe vydobyl v kritické diskusi s tradicí. Všechny tři pokusy definovat co je vlastně areté, odhalují při pečlivém rozboru pouhé rétorické střetnutí Menóna se Sókratem jako příklad střetu dvou odlišných paradigmat a sil, uvedených výše.
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    Plato's philosophical aretê superimposed on the aretê of the traditional éthos of the Greek culture.Miguel Spinelli - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:165-177.
    Este artigo se resume em seis observações acerca do conceito de aretê, que, no transcurso da cultura grega, contém não apenas um, mas vários significados. Na medida em que percorre tais significados, o artigo também se ocupa em averiguar como se deu um estreitamento na significação da aretê de um ponto de vista cívico, voltado para à qualificação do ser cidadão, e também filosófico, referido à vida moral enquanto qualificação do ser homem. Tendo, pois, em vista estes dois aspectos – (...)
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    “Aretism” and Pharmacological Ergogenic Aids in Sport: Taking a Shot at the Use of Steroids.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 27 (1):35-50.
  27.  32
    Areté como eficacia del tránsito ontológico en Platón.Oscar Adán - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):31-56.
    El presente artículo esboza a partir de la segunda hipótesis del Parménides y del "pasaje matemático" del Epinomis, la figuración de areté enel último Platón, asociada a la efectividad del tránsito ontológico desde el 'ser' hacia la génesis. No obstante, al introducir la 'necesaria realidad de la génesis' en el marco eidético, Platón se ve obligado a postular la presencia del 'no-ser' dentro dela propia economía ontológica -como se puede leer en el Sofista- y a otorgarle paradójicamente el grado de (...)
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  28.  33
    Arete: Greek Sport from Ancient Sources.Diana Karbonowska - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (2):228-229.
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    Areté revista de filosofía, volumen de aniversario: La noción de areté. Vol. XI, No. 1-2, Lima: PUCP, 1999.Igor Valderrama Maguiña - 2000 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:109-110.
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    Arete bei Platon und Aristoteles: zum Wesen und zur Geschichte der platonischen Ontologie.Hans Joachim Krämer - 1959 - C. Winter.
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    Die aretê des Leibes: Die Stellung der Gesundheit in Platons Güterlehre.Burkhard Reis & Dorothea Frede - 2009 - In Dorothea Frede & Burkhard Reis (eds.), Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy. De Gruyter.
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  32. Arétè beiPlaton und Aristoteles.P. AubENque & Cr de H.-J. Kràmer - 1965 - Archives de Philosophie 28:260-265.
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  33. Aretè.Dimitŭr Ivanov - 2006 - Sofii︠a︡: UI "Sv. Kl. Okhridski".
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  34. O conceito de areté em aristóteles.Dagmar Manieri - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):15-29.
    O objetivo deste artigo é um estudo da virtude em Aristóteles. O termo areté é frequentemente traduzido como “virtude”, mas sua real significação remete-nos à ideia de “excelência”. Cada atividade humana, prática, possui uma areté particular. No domínio político, além da deliberação, Aristóteles expõe a noção de phronesis. Esta última é a excelência do líder político.
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    La areté del filósofo o la estructura del Parménides platónico.Raúl Gutierrez - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):57-70.
    La controversia en torno a la unidad del Parménides de Platón y al sentidode su primera parte continúa. El autor presenta una posible solución señalando la coincidencia de su estructura con el símil de la línea. Ello lo lleva a ubicar al joven Sócrates en el segmento correspondientea la óuivoux y al viejoParménides en el segmento de olc;. Como el que '"tiene inteligencia"de la verdad basado en su aprehensión del Uno-Bien, Parménides resulta siendo el representante de la areté del filósofo.
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    Die Aretê des Leibes. Die Stellung des Gesundheit in der Platonischen Güterlehre.Jan Szaif - 2009 - In Dorothea Frede & Burkhard Reis (eds.), Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 205-246.
    This essay on “The Status of Health in Plato’s Theory of Goods” discusses how health figures as a “good” in the framework of Plato’s general theory of human goods. It starts with meta-ethical distinctions regarding how things can be classified as “good,” including the conceptual distinctions between intrinsic, final, and constitutive goods. I then discuss passages in Plato that shed light on the function of health as an “instrumental good” that contributes to an undisturbed mode of existence free to pursue (...)
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  37. Galerie d zeigt europäische Avantgarde: Ausstellung in der Schwanenhalle des Römers zu Frankfurt am Main vom 9. juli bis zum 11. August 1963..William E. Simmat - 1963 - [Frankfurt am Main: Druckerei Hugo Hassmüller.
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    Arete and Gender-Differentiation in Socrates/Plato and Aristotle.Thomas Robinson - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):71-81.
    El artículo discute la cuestión de si Platón creía que, en el asunto de la areté, la psyché femenina tenía una inclinación natural a la inmoralidad en un sentido que no tenía la psyché masculina, y que por ende era signiticativamente distinta a la psyché masculina. Se arguye que el Timeo (y en menor grado. las Leyes) sugiere fuertemente que sí lo creyó, aunque afortunadamente las consecuencias políticas que intirió de ello (en las Leyes) resultan positivas en lugar de negativas. (...)
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  39. Greek arete and heroic figures in ts eliots poetry.Laura Niesen de Abrufia - 1991 - In Arthur W. H. Adkins, Joan Kalk Lowrence & Craig K. Ihara (eds.), Human virtue and human excellence. New York: P. Lang.
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    Aristotle on the Real Object of Philia and Aretē.Maciej Smolak - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (1):115-151.
    In the opening remark of Nicomachean Ethics VIII 1 Aristotle notices that the next step would be a discussion of philia, since it is a certain aretē or is associated with aretē (NE VIII 1 1155a 1–2). This article is an attempt to determine how the real object of philia and aretē are related from Aristotle’s point of view. The author performs a study into two sections. The first section is focused on the analysis of aretē and its various types, (...)
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    La notion d'arété dans le Commentaire de Proclus sur le Premier Alcibiade de Platon.Evanghélos Moutsopoulos - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):271-280.
    En el presente artículo el autor discute las precisiones efectuadas por Proclo a la concepción platónica de la areté, ocupándose sucesivamente de la naturaleza de la virtud, su enseñanza y su axiología. Tanto para Platón como para Proclo, la "virtud"es una cualidad innata que ha de ser puesta de relieve a través de nuestros actos, en vista de lo cual su enseñanza constituiría un proceso de autorrevelación asistida. Ahora bien, en función de la tesis del paralelismo lógico-práctico (afín al paralelismo (...)
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  42. Sokrates: arete i demokracja.Tadeusz Szawiel - 2004 - Civitas 8 (8):9-39.
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    Dignity, Arête , and Hubris in the Transhumanist Debate.John Z. Sadler - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (7):67-68.
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    Der phänomenologe in der galerie. Husserl und die malerei.Detlef Thiel - 1998 - Axiomathes 9 (1-2):35-47.
  45. Marc arete Susman, le livre de job et le destin du peuple juif, trad. De l'allemand Par Cécile et Jacqueline rastoin (la nuit surveillée), Paris, Cerf, 2003, 145p. [REVIEW]Bernard Hort - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137:87.
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    Arete and Corinth.G. W. Elderkin - 1940 - Klio 33 (1-4):170-173.
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  47. Areté, etnocentrismo y pluralismo: la experiencia de la Unión Europea y los derechos fundamentales.A. Espina - 1997 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 6 (1):109-127.
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  48. Areté como ejercicio de excelencia y como telos en la ética de Husserl.Julia V. Iribarne - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1-2):367-385.
  49. (1 other version)Socrates: Arete and Democracy.Tadeusz Szawiel - 2009 - Civitas 11 (11).
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    Heidegger et l' arete.Jacques Taminiaux - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):387-405.
    La palabra areté no figura en Ser y tiempo, que sin embargo usa un gran número de términos griegos. Según el índice más reciente, las lecciones de Marburgo, que marcan la génesis del libro de 1927, no la utilizan tampoco aún cuando ellas tratan de textos griegos en los que el uso de la palabra areté es frecuente. Solamente el curso de 1924 sobre El Sofista de Platón utiliza la palabra, aunque muy escasamente,en su introducción que trata sobre la Ética (...)
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