Results for 'Gary Richmond'

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  1. Joseph Ransdell and the Communicational Process of Philosophy.Gary Richmond and Ben Udell - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (4):457.
    Joseph Morton Ransdell left a record of experimentation with the communicational process of philosophy from 1992 to his passing in 2010. This record includes the Arisbe website and the peirce-l e-forum and its archives, of which the earliest are not on the Internet, but may yet be recovered and made available. Philosophy’s communication process, and the possibility of creating and developing a telecommunity, as Ransdell called it, were among his chief theoretical and practical interests. Such interests were focused in terms (...)
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    Peirce on Abduction and Diagrams in Mathematical Reasoning.Joseph Dauben, Gary Richmond & Jon Alan Schmidt - 2021 - In Marcel Danesi, Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics. Springer Cham.
    Questions regarding the nature and acquisition of mathematical knowledge are perhaps as old as mathematical thinking itself, while fundamental issues of mathematical ontology and epistemology have direct bearing on mathematical cognition. Several original contributions to logic and mathematics made by the American polymath, Charles Sanders Peirce, are of direct relevance to these fundamental issues. This chapter explores scientific reasoning as it relates to abduction, a name that Peirce coined for educated “guessing” of hypotheses, which he took to be “the first (...)
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    Beyond the Aesthetic and the Anti-Aesthetic.James Elkins & Harper Montgomery (eds.) - 2013 - University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Each of the five volumes in the Stone Art Theory Institutes series—and the seminars on which they are based—brings together a range of scholars who are not always directly familiar with one another’s work. The outcome of each of these convergences is an extensive and “unpredictable conversation” on knotty and provocative issues about art. This fourth volume in the series, _Beyond the Aesthetic and the Anti-Aesthetic_, focuses on questions revolving around the concepts of the aesthetic, the anti-aesthetic, and the political. (...)
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  4. Tom Baker: His part in my downfall. : Richmond a philosopher's guide.Alasdair Richmond - 2008 - Think 7 (19):35-46.
    Alasdair Richmond introduces some famous paradoxes about time travel.
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  5. Apocalypse Now Does The Matrix: Anthropic adventures from doomsday to simulation: Richmond Anthropic adventures.Alasdair Richmond - 2008 - Think 6 (17-18):29-40.
    Following on from Nick Bostrom's discussion of the Doomsday argument, Alasdair Richmond considers how anthropic reasoning can lead from Doomsday to some odd conclusions about computation and our place in reality.
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    An essay on personality as a philosophical principle by the Rev. Wilfrid Richmond, M. A.Wilfrid J. Richmond - 1900 - London,: E. Arnold.
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  7. Indeterminist time and truth-value gaps.Richmond H. Thomason - 1970 - Theoria 36 (3):264-281.
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    Illusions of Paradox: A Feminist Epistemology Naturalized.Richmond Campbell - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Modern epistemology has run into several paradoxes in its efforts to explain how knowledge acquisition can be both socially based and still able to determine objective facts about the world. In this important book, Richmond Campbell attempts to dispel some of these paradoxes, to show how they are ultimately just "illusions of paradox," by developing ideas central to two of the most promising currents in epistemology: feminist epistemology and naturalized epistemology. Campbell's aim is to construct a coherent theory of (...)
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  9. Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation: Prisoner’s Dilemma and Newcomb’s Problem.Richmond Campbell & Lanning Sowden (eds.) - 1985 - Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
    1 Background for the Uninitiated RICHMOND CAMPBELL Paradoxes are intrinsically fascinating. They are also distinctively ...
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    Morals by Agreement.Richmond Campbell - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (152):343-364.
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  11. Moral Reasoning on the Ground.Richmond Campbell & Victor Kumar - 2012 - Ethics 122 (2):273-312.
    We present a unified empirical and philosophical account of moral consistency reasoning, a distinctive form of moral reasoning that exposes inconsistencies among moral judgments about concrete cases. Judgments opposed in belief or in emotion and motivation are inconsistent when the cases are similar in morally relevant respects. Moral consistency reasoning, we argue, regularly shapes moral thought and feeling by coordinating two systems described in dual process models of moral cognition. Our empirical explanation of moral change fills a gap in the (...)
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  12. Formal Philosophy.Richmond H. Thomason (ed.) - 1974 - Yale University Press.
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  13. A model theory for propositional attitudes.Richmond H. Thomason - 1980 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4 (1):47 - 70.
    My chief aim has been to convey the thought that the application of model theoretic techniques to natural languages needn't force a distortion of intentional phenomena. I hope that at least I have succeeded in accomplishing this.
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  14. A semantical study of constructible falsity.Richmond H. Thomason - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (16-18):247-257.
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    A Semantic Theory of Adverbs.Richmond Thomason & Robert Stalnaker - 1973 - Linguistic Inquiry 4 (2):195-220.
  16. A note on syntactical treatments of modality.Richmond H. Thomason - 1980 - Synthese 44 (3):391 - 395.
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  17. A theory of conditionals in the context of branching time.Richmond Thomason & Anil Gupta - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (1):65-90.
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  18. Modality and reference.Richmond H. Thomason & Robert C. Stalnaker - 1968 - Noûs 2 (4):359-372.
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    Deontic logic as founded on tense logic.Richmond H. Thomason - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen, New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 165--176.
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    Deontic logic and the role of freedom in moral deliberation.Richmond H. Thomason - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen, New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 177--186.
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    Learning from moral inconsistency.Richmond Campbell - 2017 - Cognition 167:46-57.
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    On computer science, visual science, and the physiological utility of models.Barry J. Richmond & Michael E. Goldberg - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):300-301.
  23. Identity and vagueness.Richmond H. Thomason - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 42 (3):329 - 332.
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    Symbolic logic.Richmond H. Thomason - 1969 - [New York]: Macmillan.
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    On the strong semantical completeness of the intuitionistic predicate calculus.Richmond H. Thomason - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):1-7.
  26. Novel confirmation.Richmond Campbell & Thomas Vinci - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (4):315-341.
  27. The sorites paradox.Richmond Campbell - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 26 (3-4):175-191.
    The premises that a four foot man is short and that a man one tenth of an inch taller than a short man is also short entail by universal instantiation and "modus ponens" that a seven foot man is short. The negation of the second premise seems to entail there are virtually no borderline cases of short men, While to deny the second premise and its negation conflicts with the principle of bivalence, If not excluded middle. But the paradox can (...)
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  28. Moral Epistemology.Richmond Campbell - 2014
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  29. Reflective Equilibrium and Moral Consistency Reasoning.Richmond Campbell - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (3):1-19.
    It is more than a half-century since Nelson Goodman [1955] applied what we call the Reflective Equilibrium model of justification to the problem of justifying induction, and more than three decades since Rawls [1971] and Daniels [1979] applied celebrated extensions of this model to the problem of justifying principles of social justice. The resulting Wide Reflective Equilibrium model (WRE) is generally thought to capture an acceptable way to reconcile inconsistency between an intuitively plausible general principle and an intuitively plausible judgment (...)
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  30. Pragmatic naturalism and moral objectivity.Richmond Campbell & Victor Kumar - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):446-455.
    In Kitcher’s ‘pragmatic naturalism’ moral evolution consists in pragmatically motivated moral changes in response to practical difficulties in social life. No moral truths or facts exist that could serve as an ‘external’ measure for moral progress. We propose a psychologically realistic conception of moral objectivity consistent with this pragmatic naturalism yet alive to the familiar sense that moral progress has an objective basis that transcends convention and consensus in moral opinion, even when these are products of serious, extended and collaborative (...)
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    A Clash of Intuitions: The Current State of Nonmonotonic Multiple Inheritance Systems.Richmond H. Thomason & John F. Horty - unknown
    Early attempts at combining multiple inheritance with nonmonotonic reasoning were based on straightforward extensions of tree-structured inheritance systems, and were theoretically unsound. In The Mathcmat~'cs of Inheritance Systcrns, or TMOIS, Touretzky described two problems these systems cannot handle: reasoning in the presence of true but redundant assertions, and coping with ambiguity. TMOIS provided a definition and analysis of a theoretically sound multiple inheritance system, accom-.
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  32. What is Moral Judgment?Richmond Campbell - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (7):321-349.
    Moral knowledge appears to require moral judgments to be states of belief, yet they must at the same time be states of desire and feeling if they embody the motivation that we feel when we make moral judgments. How can the same judgment be a state of belief and a state of desire or feeling, simultaneously? [...] This problem may be resolved, I shall contend, by understanding moral judgments to be complex, multifunctional states that normally comprise both states of belief (...)
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  33. Plattner's Arrow: Science and Multi‐Dimensional Time.Alasdair M. Richmond - 2000 - Ratio 13 (3):256–274.
    Might time be multi‐dimensional? In exploring this question, this paper uses a thought‐experiment about dimensionality, H. G. Wells' ‘The Plattner Story’. Plattner has his left and right sides transposed after a trip through a fourth spatial dimension, a change with independent empirical consequences. This example is then generalised to reversals of the directions of time and entropy. Finally, this thought‐experiment is related to relativistic theories of time and the possibility of preserving causality in a temporally multi‐dimensional framework.
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  34. Can biology make ethics objective?Richmond Campbell - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (1):21-31.
    A familiar position regarding the evolution of ethics is that biology can explain the origin of morals but that in doing so it removes the possibility of their having objective justification. This position is set fourth in detail in the writings of Michael Ruse but it is also taken by many others, notably, Jeffrie Murphy, Andrew Oldenquist, and Allan Gibbard, I argue the contrary view that biology provides a justification of the existence of morals which is objective in the sense (...)
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  35. Deontic Logic and the Role of Freedom in Moral Deliberation.Richmond A. Thomason - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen, New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation.Richmond Campbell & Lanning Sowden - 1990 - Noûs 24 (2):352-357.
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    Logic and artificial intelligence.Richmond H. Thomason - 2009 - In Leila Haaparanta, The development of modern logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter presents an overview of the issues that arise when logic is used in helping to understand problems in intelligent reasoning and to guide the design of mechanized reasoning systems. It provides some historical and technical details concerning nonmonotonic logic and reasoning about action and change, a topic that is not only central in artificial intelligence but that is normally of considerable interest to philosophers. The remaining sections provide brief sketches of selected topics, with references to the primary literature.
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  38. A Fitch-style formulation of conditional logic.Richmond H. Thomason - 1970 - Logique Et Analyse 52:397-412.
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  39. Species, determinates and natural kinds.Richmond H. Thomason - 1969 - Noûs 3 (1):95-101.
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    The ‘Domestication’ of Heredity: The Familial Organization of Geneticists at Cambridge University, 1895–1910.Marsha L. Richmond - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (3):565-605.
    In the early years of Mendelism, 1900-1910, William Bateson established a productive research group consisting of women and men studying biology at Cambridge. The empirical evidence they provided through investigating the patterns of hereditary in many different species helped confirm the validity of the Mendelian laws of heredity. What has not previously been well recognized is that owing to the lack of sufficient institutional support, the group primarily relied on domestic resources to carry out their work. Members of the group (...)
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    Common Knowledge, Common Attitudes and Social Reasoning.Richmond H. Thomason - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (2):229-247.
    For as long as there have been theories about common knowledge, they have been exposed to a certain amount of skepticism. Recent more sophisticated arguments question whether agents can acquire common attitudes and whether they are needed in social reasoning. I argue that this skepticism arises from assumptions about practical reasoning that, considered in themselves, are at worst implausible and at best controversial. A proper approach to the acquisition of attitudes and their deployment in decision making leaves room for common (...)
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    Some completeness results for modal predicate calculi.Richmond H. Thomason - 1980 - In Karel Lambert, Philosophical problems in logic: some recent developments. Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston. pp. 56--76.
  43. (3 other versions)Formal Philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague.Richmond H. Thomason - 1976 - Mind 85 (340):630-632.
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    Indirect Discourse Is Not Quotational.Richmond H. Thomason - 1977 - The Monist 60 (3):340-354.
    The interpretation of indirect discourse is one of the most persistent and pervasive themes in post-Fregean semantics. Since Frege we have managed to learn a good deal about the workings of various technical approaches to indirect discourse, but fundamental philosophical issues have remained unresolved.
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  45. Magic in sartre's early philosophy.Sarah Richmond - 2010 - In Jonathan Webber, Reading Sartre: On Phenomenology and Existentialism. New York: Routledge.
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  46. Background for the Uninitiated.Richmond Campbell - 1985 - In Richmond Campbell & Lanning Sowden, Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation: Prisoner’s Dilemma and Newcomb’s Problem. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. pp. 3-41.
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    Women in the Early History of Genetics: William Bateson and the Newnham College Mendelians, 1900-1910.Marsha Richmond - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):55-90.
  48. Ability, action, and context.Richmond H. Thomason - unknown
    This paper proposes a formalization of ability that is motivated in part by linguistic considerations and by the philosophical literature in action theory and the logic of ability, but that is also meant to match well with planning formalisms, and so to provide an account of the role of ability in practical reasoning. Some of the philosophical literature concerning ability, and in particular [Austin, 1956], suggests that some ways of talking about ability are context-dependent. I propose a way of formalizing (...)
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    The 1909 Darwin Celebration.Marsha L. Richmond - 2006 - Isis 97 (3):447-484.
    In June 1909, scientists and dignitaries from 167 different countries gathered in Cambridge to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species. The event was one of the most magnificent commemorations in the annals of science. Delegates gathered within the cloisters of Cambridge University not only to honor the “hero” of evolution but also to reassess the underpinnings of Darwinism at a critical juncture. With the mechanism of natural selection (...)
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    Challenges to Humanism.Sheldon Richmond - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (6):491-496.
    Joseph Agassi develops a humanist world view in his last single-authored book through confronting the challenges facing the humanist world view. The three challenges that Agassi confronts are: 1. how do we rationally choose ways of life, including the life of rationality? 2. is humanity worthwhile? 3. how can we improve liberal democracy in our fractured societies where extremists seek to gain control?
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