Results for 'Genetic parents'

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  1. The Right to Know the Identities of Genetic Parents.Madeline Kilty - 2013 - Australian Journal of Adoption 7 (2).
    While in this paper I focus on adoptees, my argument is applicable to donor-conceived children and children of misattributed paternity. I address some of the noted risks of closed adopted and the benefits of open adoption, which is more in keeping with Article 7 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which provides all children with a right to know about their genetic parents and which the Australian government ratified in 1980.
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  2. Why is an Egg Donor a Genetic Parent, but not a Mitochondrial Donor?Monika Piotrowska - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (3):488-498.
    What’s the basis for considering an egg donor a genetic parent but not a mitochondrial donor? I will argue that a closer look at the biological facts will not give us an answer to this question because the process by which one becomes a genetic parent, i.e., the process of reproduction, is not a concept that can be settled by looking. It is, rather, a concept in need of philosophical attention. The details of my argument will rest on (...)
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    The right not to be a genetic parent?I. Glenn Cohen - manuscript
    Should the law recognize an individual's right not to be a genetic parent when genetic parenthood does not carry with it legal or gestational parenthood? If so, should we allow individuals to waive that right in advance, either by contract or a less formal means? How should the law's treatment of gestational and legal parenthood inform these questions? Developments in reproductive technology have brought these questions to the fore, most prominently in the preembryo disposition cases a number of (...)
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    Bigger, Faster, Stronger, More Ethical.Brendan Parent - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (4):46-47.
    Consider four elite female runners who trained hard for a 1500‐meter race. Runner 1 took extra‐strength aspirin before the race. Runner 2 has a genetic condition that results in greater levels of testosterone in her body than the typical range for a woman. Runner 3 has been on a carefully scheduled regimen of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO), which has increased her red blood cell count. Runner 4 has a team of diet, sleep, and exercise experts who ensured that she (...)
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  5. The Right to Know Your Genetic Parents: From Open-Identity Gamete Donation to Routine Paternity Testing.An Ravelingien & Guido Pennings - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):33-41.
    Over the years a number of countries have abolished anonymous gamete donation and shifted toward open-identity policies. Donor-conceived children are said to have a fundamental “right to know” the identity of their donor. In this article, we trace the arguments that underlie this claim and question its implications. We argue that, given the status attributed to the right to know one's gamete donor, it would be discriminatory not to extend this right to naturally conceived children with misattributed paternity. One way (...)
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    Of Modest Proposals and Non-Identity: A Comment on the Right to Know Your Genetic Parents.I. Glenn Cohen - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):45-47.
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    Human, Nonhuman, and Chimeric Research: Considering Old Issues with New Research.Jeff Sebo & Brendan Parent - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):29-33.
    Human-nonhuman chimeric research—research on nonhuman animals who contain human cells—is being used to understand human disease and development and to create potential human treatments such as transplantable organs. A proposed advantage of chimeric models is that they can approximate human biology and therefore allow scientists to learn about and improve human health without risking harms to humans. Among the emerging ethical issues being explored is the question of at what point chimeras are “human enough” to have human rights and thus (...)
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    The parental obligation to expand a child's range of open futures when making genetic trait selections for their child.Eric B. Schmidt - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (4):191–197.
    ABSTRACT As parents become increasingly able to make genetic trait selections on behalf of their children, they will need ethical guidance in deciding what genetic traits to select. Dena Davis has argued that parents act unethically if they make selections that constrain their child's range of futures. But some selections may expand the child's range of futures. And other selections may shift the child's range of futures, without either constraining or expanding that range. I contend that (...)
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    Parental Autonomy and the Obligation Not to Harm One's Child Genetically.Ronald M. Green - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (1):5-15.
    Until recently, genetics counselors and medical geneticists considered themselves lucky if they could provide parents with predictive information about a small number of severe genetic disorders. Testing and counseling were indicated primarily for conditions of thithis s sort. Out of respect for the autonomy of parental reproductive decision making, the prevailing ethic of genetic counseling stressed nondirectiveness and value neutrality As summarized by Arthur Caplan, the hallmarks of this stance includea willingness to provide testing and counseling to (...)
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    Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):4-22.
    Prenatal genetic testing is becoming available for an increasingly broad set of diseases, and it is only a matter of time before parents can choose to test for hundreds, if not thousands, of genetic conditions in their fetuses. Should access to certain kinds of fetal genetic information be limited, and if so, on what basis? We evaluate a range of considerations including reproductive autonomy, parental rights, disability rights, and the rights and interests of the fetus as (...)
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    Parental Responsibility in the Context of Neuroscience and Genetics.Kristien Hens, Daniela Cutas & Dorothee Horstkötter (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    Should parents aim to make their children as normal as possible to increase their chances to “fit in”? Are neurological and mental health conditions a part of children’s identity and if so, should parents aim to remove or treat these? Should they aim to instill self-control in their children? Should prospective parents take steps to insure that, of all the children they could have, they choose the ones with the best likely start in life? -/- This volume (...)
  12. Genetic Affinity and the Right to ‘Three-parent IVF’.G. Owen Schaefer & Markus Labude - 2017 - Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 34 (12):1577-1580.
    With the recent report of a live birth after use of Mitochondrial replacement therapy, sometimes called ‘Three-parent IVF’, the clinical application of the technique is fast becoming a reality. While the United Kingdom allows the procedure under regulatory scrutiny, it remains effectively outlawed in many other countries. We argue that such prohibitions may violate individuals’ procreative rights, grounded in individuals’ interest in genetic affinity. The interest in genetic affinity was recently endorsed by Singapore’s highest court, reflecting an emphasis (...)
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    Human genetic selection and enhancement: parental perspectives and law.Marta Soniewicka - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book analyses moral and legal problems of assisted reproduction providing a pluralistic approach which combines principles of procreative beneficence, procreative nonmaleficence, reproductive autonomy and rationality with the meaning and nature of the parent-child relationship as the main criterion of moral assessment.
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  14. Parental authority, future autonomy, and assessing risks of predictive genetic testing in Minors.A. Boyce & P. Borry - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):379-385.
    The debate over the genetic testing of minors has developed into a major bioethical topic. Although several controversial questions remain unanswered, a degree of consensus has been reached regarding the policies on genetic testing of minors. Recently, several commentators have suggested that these policies are overly restrictive, too narrow in focus, and even in conflict with the limited empirical evidence that exists on this issue. We respond to these arguments in this paper, by first offering a clarification of (...)
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    Parental Virtue and Prenatal Genetic Alteration Research.Ryan Tonkens - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (4):651-664.
    Although the philosophical literature on the ethics of human prenatal genetic alteration purports to inform us about how to act, it rarely explicitly recognizes the perspective of those who will be making the PGA decision in practice. Here I approach the ethics of PGA from a distinctly virtue-based perspective, taking seriously what it means to be a good parent making this decision for one’s child. From this perspective, I generate a sound verdict on the moral standing of human PGA (...)
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  16. Parental genetic shaping and parental environmental shaping.Anca Gheaus - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (267):20-31.
    Analytic philosophers tend to agree that intentional parental genetic shaping and intentional parental environmental shaping for the same feature are, normatively, on a par. I challenge this view by advancing a novel argument, grounded in the value of fair relationships between parents and children: Parental genetic shaping is morally objectionable because it unjustifiably exacerbates the asymmetry between parent and child with respect to the voluntariness of their entrance into the parent–child relationship. Parental genetic shaping is, for (...)
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    Parenting in an Era of Genetics.Glenn McGee - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (2):16-22.
    Most parents want to improve the lot of their children. Providing a safe environment, a healthful diet, a good education, exposure to diverse experiences are some of the more conventional means of enhancing the health and opportunities of children. Increasingly, parents or would‐be parents are being offered genetic means for enhancing their children's lives. To whichever means parents turn, the road to enhancement is paved with some deadly and not‐so‐deadly sins that all parents and (...)
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    Genetic intervention and the parent-child relationship.Terrance McConnell - 2010 - Genomics, Society and Policy 6 (3):1-14.
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    Parent-initiated posthumous-assisted reproduction revisited in light of the interest in genetic origins.Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen & Vardit Ravitsky - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):357-360.
    A rich literature in bioethics argues against the use of anonymous gamete donation in the name of the ‘interest in knowing one’s genetic origins’. This interest stems from medical as well as psychosocial and identity reasons. The term ‘genealogical bewilderment’ has been coined to express the predicament of those deprived of access to information about their origins. Another rich body of literature in bioethics discusses arguments for and against posthumous-assisted reproduction (PAR), with a recent focus on PAR that is (...)
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    Parental Wisdom, Empirical Blindness, and Normative Evaluation of Prenatal Genetic Enhancement.R. Tonkens - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (3):274-295.
    The purpose of this paper is to unveil one problem that surrounds the debate over the moral standing of prenatal genetic enhancement (PGE) and to outline a solution to it. The problem is that we have no way to test our speculations about the consequences of prenatal enhancement without begging the question about the moral permissibility of enhancing unborn children. The only way to empirically support our speculations about the consequences of prenatal enhancement is to resort to ethically worrisome (...)
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    Parental duties and untreatable genetic conditions.H. Clarkeburn - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (5):400-403.
    This paper considers parental duties of beneficence and non-maleficence to use prenatal genetic testing for non-treatable conditions. It is proposed that this can be a duty only if the testing is essential to protect the interests of the child ie only if there is a risk of the child being born to a life worse than non-existence. It is argued here that non-existence can be rationally preferred to a severely impaired life. Uncontrollable pain and a lack of any opportunity (...)
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  22. Just ignore it? Parents and genetic information.Simo Vehmas - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (5):473-484.
    This paper discusses whether prospectiveparents ought to find out about their geneticconstitution for reproductive reasons. It isargued that ignoring genetic information can bein line with responsible parenthood or perhapseven recommendable. This is because parenthoodis essentially an unconditional project inwhich parents ought to commit themselves tonurturing any kind of child. Besides, thetraditional reasons offered for theunfortunateness of impairments and the tragicfate of families with disabled children are notconvincing. Other morally problematic outcomesof genetics, such as discrimination againstindividuals with impairments, and (...)
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  23. Use or refuse reproductive genetic technologies: Which would a 'good parent' do?Janet Malek - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (2):59-64.
    A number of authors have objected to potential parents' use of reproductive genetic technologies on the grounds that the use of these technologies reflects a morally problematic attitude toward parenting. More specifically, proponents of this view have argued that such a choice is inconsistent with the unconditional acceptance that lies at the heart of praiseworthy parental attitudes. This paper offers a rebuttal of this view by arguing that it is possible for a parent to exhibit unconditional acceptance of (...)
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    Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choices, and Children's Futures, by Dena Davis. London: Routledge, 2000. 224 pp. $22.95. [REVIEW]Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):102-105.
    Imagine a genetic counselor working with a young couple pregnant with their first child. The explosion of genetic knowledge and technology in recent years is complicating this professional relationship as a host of new choices brings a few clients with atypical needs. This couple is deaf. They seek not to avoid a child with their disability but rather to assure that the child too will be deaf—a child to share their culture and perspectives on the world. If prenatal (...)
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  25. Genetic Enhancement and Parental Obligation.Larry A. Herzberg - 2007 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 14 (2):98-111.
    Among moral philosophers, general disapproval of genetic enhancement has in recent years given way to the view that the permissibility of a eugenic policy depends only on its particular features. Buchanan, Brock, Daniels, and Wikler have extensively defended such a view. However, while these authors go so far as to argue that there are conditions under which parents are not only permitted but also obligated to procure genetic treatments for their intended child, they stop short of arguing (...)
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    Parents' experiences of newborn screening for genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes.Nikki J. Kerruish - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (6):348-353.
    Advances in genomic medicine have lead to debate about the potential inclusion of genetic tests for susceptibility to common complex disorders in newborn screening programmes. Empirical evidence concerning psychosocial reactions to genetic testing is a crucial component of both ethical debate and policy development, but while there has been much speculation concerning the possible psychosocial impact of screening newborns for genetic susceptibilities, there remains a paucity of data. The aim of the study reported here is to provide (...)
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  27. Good parents would not fulfil their obligation to genetically enhance their unborn children.R. Tonkens - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (10):606-610.
    The purpose of this paper is to unveil the incompleteness of John Harris' view that parents have a moral obligation to genetically enhance their unborn children. Specifically, here two main conclusions are proposed: (1) at present there exist insufficient empirical data for determining whether prenatal genetic enhancement (PGE) is a moral obligation on prospective parents. Although the purpose of PGE research would be to determine the extent to which PGE is safe and effective, the task of determining (...)
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    Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Intersex Conditions: Beyond Parental Decision Making.Kristina Gupta & Sara M. Freeman - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):49 - 51.
  29. Genetic Causal Beliefs and Developmental Context: Parents’ Beliefs Predict Psychologically Controlling Approaches to Parenting.Matt Stichter, Tristin Nyman, Grace Rivera, Joseph Maffly-Kipp, Rebecca Brooker & Matthew Vess - 2022 - Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 39 (11):3487-3505.
    We examined the association of parentsgenetic causal beliefs and parenting behaviors, hypothesizing a positive association between parentsgenetic causal beliefs and their use of psychological control. Study 1 (N = 394) was a cross-sectional survey and revealed that parentsgenetic essentialism beliefs were positively associated with their self-reported use of harsh psychological control, but only for parents who reported relatively high levels of problem behaviors in their children. Study 2 (N = 293) (...)
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  30. Should Parents Genetically Engineer their Children?Walter Veit - 2019 - Psychology Today.
    Imagine a world where everyone is healthy, intelligent, long living and happy. Intuitively this seems wonderful, albeit unrealistic. However, recent scientific developments in genetic engineering, namely CRISPR/Cas bring the question into public discourse, how the genetic enhancement of humans should be evaluated morally.
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    Contextualizing Genetic Testing and Sequencing Results for Patients and Parents: The Need for Empirical-Ethical Research.Candice Cornelis, Ineke Bolt & Marieke Van Summeren - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (3):10-12.
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    Parents of Unhappy Poets: Fiduciary Responsibility and Genetic Enhancements.Toby Schonfeld - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (4):411-417.
    “What is a poet? An unhappy person who conceals profound anguish in his heart but whose lips are so formed that as sighs and cries pass over them they sound like beautiful music.” These opening lines from Kierkegaard's Either/Or signify a tragic state of affairs because the poet brings joy to others and yet experiences no joy himself. In a similar vein, consider the child prodigy—Bobby Fischer, Shirley Temple, Mozart. Although there is no question that these children were gifted, there (...)
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  33. Genetic ties: Are they morally binding?Giuliana Fuscaldo - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (2):64–76.
    ABSTRACT Does genetic relatedness define who is a mother or father and who incurs obligations towards or entitlements over children? While once the answer to this question may have been obvious, advances in reproductive technologies have complicated our understanding of what makes a parent. In a recent publication Bayne and Kolers argue for a pluralistic account of parenthood on the basis that genetic derivation, gestation, extended custody and sometimes intention to parent are sufficient (but not necessary) grounds for (...)
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    Attitudes of healthcare professionals and parents regarding genetic testing for violent traits in childhood.E. Campbell - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):580-586.
    Objectives: Although no genetic tests for violent behaviour are currently available, research is ongoing to isolate genes related to a propensity for violence. We explored the attitudes of parents and healthcare professionals toward behavioural genetic testing for violence.Design: The attitudes of healthcare professionals and the lay public about genetic testing of children were elicited for a range of conditions through interviews with healthcare professionals and focus groups with parents. All participants were informed that behavioural (...) testing was the only hypothetical genetic test in our script and it was presented as the last condition.Participants: The healthcare professionals included both genetic professionals and paediatricians. Focus group participants were recruited through various community institutions in the southside of Chicago and nearby suburbs.Results: The healthcare professionals tended to medicalise behavioural genetics, and were opposed to testing unless treatment was available. They were also uniformly concerned about the potential harms of this information, including unintentional adverse effects from environmental changes. In contrast, parents wanted genetic testing for behavioural traits to be available even in the absence of proved medical treatments. Not all parents wanted to test their own children, and some parents were concerned about self-fulfilling prophecies. Some parents, however, felt the information was important for their understanding, and could be used to support environmental changes.Conclusions: While healthcare professionals medicalised behavioural genetics, parents focused on environmental causes and influences. Consequently, healthcare professionals do not want to offer testing if there is no clear treatment, while parents may want this information to shape environmental influences. (shrink)
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    Thinking ethically about genetic inheritance: liberal rights, communitarianism and the right to privacy for parents of donor insemination children.J. Burr & P. Reynolds - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):281-284.
    The issue of genetic inheritance, and particularly the contradictory rights of donors, recipients and donor offspring as to the disclosure of donor identities, is ethically complicated. Donors, donor offspring and parents of donor offspring may appeal to individual rights for confidentiality or disclosure within legal systems based on liberal rights discourse. This paper explores the ethical issues of non-disclosure of genetic inheritance by contrasting two principle models used to articulate the problem—liberal and communitarian ethical models. It argues (...)
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  36. The Case for a Parental Duty to Use Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Medical Benefit.Janet Malek & Judith Daar - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (4):3-11.
    This article explores the possibility that there is a parental duty to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for the medical benefit of future children. Using one genetic disorder as a paradigmatic example, we find that such a duty can be supported in some situations on both ethical and legal grounds. Our analysis shows that an ethical case in favor of this position can be made when potential parents are aware that a possible future child is at substantial (...)
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    Parental Responsibility For Genetic Health.Sumner B. Twiss - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (1):9-11.
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    Disabled by Design: Justifying and Limiting Parental Authority to Choose Future Children with Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis.Joseph Stramondo - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (4):475-500.
    Like any philosophically interesting health care practice, ethical analysis of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis has produced a wide range of moral positions. For example, one might contrast David King's view that warns PGD should be strictly limited and regulated because it will soon result in the expansion of a troubling "laissez-faire eugenics" with Julian Savulescu's argument for the "principle of procreative beneficence" morally requiring parents to use information attained through PGD to select the "best child". That is, these authors (...)
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  39. Nothing if not family? Genetic ties beyond the parent/child dyad.Daniela Cutas - 2023 - Bioethics (8):763-770.
    Internationally, there is considerable inconsistency in the recognition and regulation of children's genetic connections outside the family. In the context of gamete and embryo donation, challenges for regulation seem endless. In this paper, I review some of the paths that have been taken to manage children' being closely genetically related to people outside their families. I do so against the background of recognising the importance of children's interests as moral status holders. I look at recent qualitative research involving donor-conceived (...)
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    Beyond the disorder: one parent's reflection on genetic counselling.R. McGowan - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):195-199.
    As a mother of two sons with adrenoleukodystrophy the author of this paper writes about her experiences of genetic counselling following the diagnosis. She discusses the dilemmas, emotions and aftermath this knowledge has brought to her family and the roles she played. Personal concerns are raised about the values guiding genetic counselling which, she found, focused on the technical details without considering the ethical implications arising from the new knowledge or the emotional dilemmas of prenatal testing. Some consequences (...)
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  41. Chapter 5 Parents, Special Obligations and Reproductive Genetics.Wojciech Lewandowski - 2018 - In Marta Soniewicka (ed.), The Ethics of Reproductive Genetics - Between Utility, Principles, and Virtues. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Testing an Attachment-Based Parenting Intervention-VIPP-FC/A in Adoptive Families with Post-institutionalized Children: Do Maternal Sensitivity and Genetic Markers Count?Lavinia Barone, Virginia Barone, Antonio Dellagiulia & Francesca Lionetti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  43. Multiplex parenting: IVG and the generations to come.César Palacios-González, John Harris & Giuseppe Testa - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):752-758.
    Recent breakthroughs in stem cell differentiation and reprogramming suggest that functional human gametes could soon be created in vitro. While the ethical debate on the uses of in vitro generated gametes (IVG) was originally constrained by the fact that they could be derived only from embryonic stem cell lines, the advent of somatic cell reprogramming, with the possibility to easily derive human induced pluripotent stem cells from any individual, affords now a major leap in the feasibility of IVG derivation and (...)
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    Parental Responsibility in the Context of Neuroscience and Genetics, by Kristien Hens, Daniela Cutas, and Dorothee Horstkötter. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2017. 246 pp. [REVIEW]Arianna Manzini, Rose Mortimer & Ilina Singh - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (4):681-685.
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  45. From Self‐Determination to Offspring‐Determination? Reproductive Autonomy, Procrustean Parenting, and Genetic Enhancement.Jon Rueda - 2021 - Theoria 88 (6):1086-1110.
    Emerging reprogenetic technologies may radically change how humans reproduce in the not-so-distant future. One foreseeable consequence of disruptive innovations in the procreative domain is an increase in the reproductive autonomy of intended parents. Regarding the prospective parental liberty of enhancing non-health–related traits of the offspring, one controversy has particularly dominated the literature. Does parents' choice of genetically enhancing the traits of their descendants compromise children's future personal autonomy? In this article, I will analyse the main arguments which posit (...)
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    10. The Unconditionality of Parent-Child Relationships in the Context of Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis in Germany and Israel.Hannes Foth - 2022 - In Christina Schües (ed.), Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel: Practices of Prenatal Diagnosis. Transcript Verlag. pp. 263-302.
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    Returning incidental findings from genetic research to children: views of parents of children affected by rare diseases.Erika Kleiderman, Bartha Maria Knoppers, Conrad V. Fernandez, Kym M. Boycott, Gail Ouellette, Durhane Wong-Rieger, Shelin Adam, Julie Richer & Denise Avard - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):691-696.
  48. Reproductive ‘Surrogacy’ and Parental Licensing.Christine Overall - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (5):353-361.
    A serious moral weakness of reproductive ‘surrogacy’ is that it can be harmful to the children who are created. This article presents a proposal for mitigating this weakness. Currently, the practice of commercial ‘surrogacy’ operates only in the interests of the adults involved , not in the interests of the child who is created. Whether ‘surrogacy’ is seen as the purchase of a baby, the purchase of parental rights, or the purchase of reproductive labor, all three views share the same (...)
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  49. Cloning, parenthood, and genetic relatedness.Robert Sparrow - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (6):308–318.
    In this paper I examine what I take to be the best case for reproductive human cloning, as a medical procedure designed to overcome infertility, and argue that it founders on an irresolvable tension in the attitude towards the importance of being ‘genetically related’ to our children implied in the desire to clone. Except in the case where couples are cloning a child they have previously conceived naturally, cloning is unable to establish the right sort of genetic relation to (...)
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    Does Anyone Need to Regulate Parental Access to Fetal Genetic Information?Jeremy R. Garrett - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):28-30.
    Prospective parents have long been interested in knowing as much information about their children as early as possible. This interest is not—and never has been—strictly limited to significant “medi...
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