Results for 'Georg Heller'

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  1.  13
    The causal universe.George Francis Rayner Ellis, Michael Heller & Tadeusz Pabjan (eds.) - 2013 - Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    Written by philosophers, cosmologists, and physicists, this collection of essays deals with causality, which is a core issue for both science and philosophy. Readers will learn about different types of causality in complex systems and about new perspectives on this issue based on physical and cosmological considerations. In addition, the book includes essays pertaining to the problem of causality in ancient Greek philosophy, and to the problem of God's relation to the causal structures of nature viewed in the light of (...)
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    Die Weltanschauung A. v. Humboldts in ihren Beziehungen zu den Ideen des Klassizismus.Georg Heller - 1910 - Leipzig: R. Voigtländers verlag.
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    Historical Research in Music Education: Definitions and Defenses.George N. Heller - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Expositio super Librum de causis =.Jakob Georg Heller - 2017 - Freiburg: Herder. Edited by H. D. Saffrey, Jakob Georg Heller & Thomas.
    Das Buch von den Ursachen, eine im 9. Jhdt. bei Bagdad entstandene, im 12. Jhdt. ins Lateinische ubersetzte und zunachst Aristoteles zugeschriebene neuplatonische Schrift, gehort zu den zentralen philosophischen Texten, die an den Universitaten des 13. Jhdts. gelesen werden. Ihr anonymer Autor entwickelt darin eine an Proklos angelehnte, jedoch zugunsten der Schopfungstheologie der monotheistischen Religionen abgewandelte Ontologie. Der Kommentar bildet eine wichtige Quelle fur Erkenntnisse zu Entstehung und Inhalt des Buches. Auch zeigt er die Arbeitsweise eines der grossten Denker des (...)
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    Georg Lukács and Leo Tolstoy.Agnes Heller & Deng Fengming - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):9-22.
    Tolstoy was a frame of reference in the work of Lukács twice, during 1914–16 and 1935–6 respectively. His first-time encounter with Tolstoy was presented in the chapter of The Theory of the Novel involving both Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, but the former was given more credit and reckoned as the prophet of a new world. It was not until the 1930s that Lukács’ taste changed, and his top priority went to Tolstoy instead. Yet, with due respect to the vicissitudes of his (...)
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    [Doktorat Honoris Causa] Laudacja George'a Coyne'a.Michał Heller - 1997 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 21.
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    Un travail inconnu de Georges Lemaître.M. Heller & O. Godart - 1978 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 31 (4):345-359.
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  8. Jenseits der Pflicht. Das Paradigmatische der Ethik der deutschen Klassik im oeuvre von Georg Lukács.Agnes Heller - 1973 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 27 (106):439.
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    Bankers, Finance Capital and the French Revolutionary Terror (1791–94).Henry Heller - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (3-4):172-216.
    This article argues that popular revolution was closely tied to the establishment of capitalism. Contrary to the revisionist George V. Taylor’s view that the Revolution had nothing to do with the advance of capitalism because financial and productive capital were divided from one another, this article contends that the Revolution played a critical role in tying them together. Prior to the Revolution financiers began to make limited investments in wholesale trade, manufacturing and mining. But during the revolutionary crisis the sans-culottes (...)
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    The contemporary historical novel.Agnes Heller - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 106 (1):88-97.
    Although contemporary historical novels share a number of features with the traditional historical novel, as analysed by Lukács (1981), they display a fundamental change in the perception of history, evident in the disappearance of the omniscient narrator, in their choice of significant and representative figures, and scepticism regarding teleology of history or the world-historical role of war and violence. On the one hand, history has become a riddle, and this is reflected in the preference for the form of the detective (...)
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  11. PARKINSON, G. H. R.: "Georg Lukacs". [REVIEW]A. Heller - 1978 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 56:186.
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    Material Evidence and Narrative Sources: Interdisciplinary Studies of the History of the Muslim Middle East Edited by Daniella Talmon-Heller and Katia Cytryn-Silverman.George Malagaris - 2017 - Journal of Islamic Studies 28 (3):386-388.
    © The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] edited volume is based on the proceedings of an international workshop held in 2009 on the theme of ‘Material Evidence and Narrative Sources’ during the fourteenth annual gathering of the Department of Middle East Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, focused on ‘Interdisciplinary Studies of the History of Islamic Societies’. Fifteen articles seek to integrate (...)
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    Tragedy and Philosophy: A Parallel History Tragedy and Philosophy: A Parallel History, by Agnes Heller, edited by John Grumley, David Roberts, and Pauline Johnson, Leiden, Brill, 2021, 125 pp., €90.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]George Crowder - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (7):797-799.
    Agnes Heller died in 2019 at the age of 90, after a long career as a prolific writer broadly in the tradition of critical theory. She was born and educated in Hungary, witnessing and writing about...
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    Do four-dimensionalists have to be counterpart theorists?George Djukic - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (2):292 – 311.
    In 'Four-Dimensional Objects' Peter van Inwagen gives two arguments for the claim that proponents of four-dimensionalism have to be counterpart theorists. Recently Jack Copeland, Heather Dyke, and Diane Proudfoot, echoing in part points made by Mark Heller in this journal in 1993, have sought to rebut one of van Inwagen's arguments. In this paper I shall criticize their discussion and by implication certain points made by Heller. In so doing I shall also rebut a possible objection to van (...)
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    Georg Lukács, Gelebtes Denken. Mit einem Beitrag von Agnes Heller und einem Nachwort von Werner Jung.Wolfgang Hellmich - 2021 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128 (2):411-413.
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  16. Appearance in this list neither guarantees nor precludes a future review of the book. Agamben, Diorgio, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Heller-Roazen, Daniel (transl.), Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 199,£ 30.00,£ 10.95. [REVIEW]Colin Allen, Marc Bekoff, George Lauder, F. R. Ankersmit, Tom L. Beauchamp, Carsten Bengt-Pedersen & Niels Thomassen - 1998 - Mind 107:428.
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    (1 other version)Geneviève Heller;, Gilles Jeanmonod;, Jacques Gasser. Rejetées, rebelles, mal adaptées: Débats sur l’eugénisme: Pratiques de la sterilization non volontaire en Suisse romande au XXe siècle. In collaboration with, Jean‐Francois Dumoulin. vii + 480 pp., illus., bibl., index. Geneva/Paris: Georg, 2002. Fr 64. [REVIEW]Alain Drouard - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):531-532.
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    Ágnes Heller, La Valeur du hasard. Ma vie, édition établie par Georg Hauptfeld, traduction par Guillaume Métayer, Paris, Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2020, 285 p., 20 euro. [REVIEW]Isabelle Gouarné - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (4):555-556.
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  19. Reviews : Ferene Feher and Agnes Heller, Hungary 1956 Revisited: The Message of a Revolution — A Quarter of a Century After, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1983. [REVIEW]Bill Lomax - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 12 (1):174-178.
  20. 'Von der Armut am Geiste': A Dialogue by the Young Lukács.Jane M. Smith & John T. Sanders - 2009 - In Katie Terezakis (ed.), Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion. Lexington Books.
    Translation of "Von der Armut am Geiste; ein Dialog des jungen Lukács," by Ágnes Heller. This translation originally appeared in The Philosophical Forum, Spring-Summer 1972.
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  21. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels Leben.Karl Rosenkranz & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1844 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    The Theory of the Novel: A Historico-Philosophical Essay on the Forms of Great Epic Literature.Georg Lukacs - 1974 - MIT Press. Edited by Anna Bostock.
    Georg Lukács wrote The Theory of the Novel in 1914-1915, a period that also saw the conception of Rosa Luxemburg's Spartacus Letters, Lenin's Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, Spengler's Decline of the West, and Ernst Bloch's Spirit of Utopia. Like many of Lukács's early essays, it is a radical critique of bourgeois culture and stems from a specific Central European philosophy of life and tradition of dialectical idealism whose originators include Kant, Hegel, Novalis, Marx, Kierkegaard, Simmel, Weber, and (...)
  23.  17
    Gadamer's Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Hans Georg Gadamer, J. E. Malpas, Ulrich von Arnswald & Jens Kertscher - 2002 - MIT Press.
    A wide-ranging collection of philosophical essays in honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer.
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  24. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur Correspondance / Briefwechsel 1964–2000.Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur & Jean Grondin - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:51-93.
    We publish here the letters between Gadamer and Ricoeur, as they are found in the Archives of the two philosophers (Gadamer-Archiv in Marbach and Fonds Ricoeur in Paris). Starting from February 1964 and ending on October 2000, the thirty-five letters reproduced here cannot give a complete picture of their much richer correspondence and relations, because it seems that neither Ricoeur, nor Gadamer kept all the letters they received from one another. But altogether, they document their common concerns, their mutual respect, (...)
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  25. Gesammelte Werke.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - 1812 - Hamburg,: F. Meiner. Edited by Walter Jaeschke.
    -- Bd. 22. Exzerpte und Notizen (1809-1831) -- Bd. 23. Vorlesungen über die Wissenschaft der Logik -- Bd. 24. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Natur <1-3> -- Bd. 25. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes ; Anhang -- Bd. 26. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des Rechts (4 v.) -- Bd. 27. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte -- Bd. 28. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Kunst -- Bd. 29. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie (...)
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  26.  10
    Sociology: Inquiries into the Construction of Social Forms.Georg Simmel (ed.) - 2009 - BRILL.
    Georg Simmel developed a "form" method for the newly revived field of sociology, drawing on the subjectivity/objectivity dialectic. While his book's organization differs from that of contemporary texts, his method remains implicit in the field to this day.
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    The conflict in modern culture.Georg Simmel - 1968 - New York,: Teachers College Press.
    Georg Simmel: an introduction by K. P. Etzkorn.--The conflict in modern culture.--On the concept and tragedy of culture.--A chapter in the philosophy of value.--Sociological aesthetics.--On aesthetic quantities.--On the third dimension in art.--The dramatic actor and reality.--Psychological and ethnological studies on music.
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  28. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 464.
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    Hans Georg Gadamer: Esquisses Hermeneutiques: Essais Et Conferences.Hans Georg Gadamer - 2004 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Dans cet ouvrage, Gadamer (1900-2002) nous confie un veritable testament philosophique. Abordant des questions centrales de la pensee contemporaine, le maitre de l'hermeneutique livre ici ses dernieres reflexions sur des themes qui lui tiennent a coeur: l'art et la poesie, la reconnaissance et l'humanisme, l'amitie et l'ecoute. L'hermeneutique, selon Gadamer, est la theorie selon laquelle nous devons apprendre a ecouter.
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    Johann Georg Hamann, Briefwechsel (1751-1788): lexicological system and concordances on CD-ROM with thesaurus.Angelo Pupi & Johann Georg Hamann (eds.) - 2001 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Georg Hermes und die Offenbarung - Eine Fallstudie zum Fortwirken Fichtes im katholischen Denken des 19. Jahrhunderts.Georg Sans Sj - 2012 - Fichte-Studien 36:165-180.
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    Johann Georg Sulzer-Johann Jakob Bodmer Briefwechsel.Johann Georg Sulzer - 2020 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Edited by Elisabeth Décultot, Jana Kittelmann, Johann Georg Sulzer & Johann Jakob Bodmer.
    Band 10 der Gesammelten Schriften Sulzers enthalt den gesamten Briefwechsel zwischen J. G. Sulzer (1720-1779) und J. J. Bodmer (1698-1783), der hier zum ersten Mal vollstandig nach den Handschriften transkribiert und kommentiert wird. Fur die Edition von Sulzers Schriften ist dieser Briefwechsel geradezu fundamental: Mit seinen 453 Briefen, die in 35 Jahren (1744-1779) entstanden sind, zahlt er zu den umfangreichsten Korrespondenzen Sulzers und liefert zahlreiche neue Informationen zu zentralen Themenfeldern der europaischen Aufklarung, zur Genese von Sulzers und Bodmers Schriften, zu (...)
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    Marxism and the convergence of utopia and the everyday.Michael E. Gardiner - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (3):1-32.
    The relationship of Marxist thought to the phenomena of everyday life and utopia, both separately and in terms of their intersection, is a complex and often ambiguous one. In this article, I seek to trace some of the theoretical filiations of a critical Marxist approach to their convergence (as stemming mainly from a Central European tradition), in order to tease out some of the more significant ambivalences and semantic shifts involved in its theorization. This lineage originates in the work of (...)
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    Critical Theories and the Budapest School: Politics, Culture, and Modernity.John Rundell & Jonathan Pickle (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Critical Theories and the Budapest Schoolbrings together new perspectives on the Budapest School in the context of contemporary developments in critical theory. Engaging with the work of the prominent group of figures associated with Georg Lukács, this book sheds new light on the unique and nuanced critiques of modernity offered by this school, informed as its members' insights have been by first-hand experiences of Nazism, Soviet-type societies, and the liberal-democratic West. With studies of topics central to contemporary critical theory, (...)
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    First treatise containing general experiments on a new method for researching the nature and movement of electrical matter presented at the public meeting of the Royal Society of Sciences on 21 February 1778.Georg Christoph Lichtenberg - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):17-34.
    This text was first published as ‘De nova methodo naturam ac motum fluidi electrici investigandi’ in Novi Commentarrii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. Commentationes physicae et mathematicae classis 8 (Göttingen 1778: 168–80). It also appeared in a printing by Joann Christian Dieterich in Göttingen in 1778. Lichtenberg delivered this talk personally to the Royal Society of Sciences in Göttingen on 21 February 1778. Although Lichtenberg was not present, he had already informed the Royal Society of Lichtenberg’s discovery of the electrical figures (...)
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  36. Philosophy of the Brain: The Brain Problem.Georg Northoff (ed.) - 2004 - John Benjamins.
  37. A Century of Philosophy: Hans-Georg Gadamer in Conversation with Riccardo Dottori.Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):123-127.
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    Fixed-parameter complexity in AI and nonmonotonic reasoning.Georg Gottlob, Francesco Scarcello & Martha Sideri - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 138 (1-2):55-86.
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    Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Greek Philosophy to Plato.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane & Frances H. Simson - 1995 - Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press.
    G. W. F. Hegel (1770–1831), the influential German philosopher, believed that human history was advancing spiritually and morally according to God’s purpose. At the beginning of this masterwork, Hegel writes: “What the history of Philosophy shows us is a succession of noble minds, a gallery of heroes of thought, who, by the power of Reason, have penetrated into the being of things, of nature and of spirit, into the Being of God, and have won for us by their labours the (...)
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    Social Facts and Collective Intentionality. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical research.Georg Meggle (ed.) - 2002 - Dr. Haensel-Hohenhausen.
    Social Facts and Collective Intentionality is a combination of terms that refers to a new field of basic research. Written mainly in the mood and by means of analytical philosophy, at the very heart of this new approach is conceptual explication of all the various versions of social facts and collective intentionality and its ramifications. This approach tackles the topics of traditional social philosophy using new conceptual methods, including techniques of formal logic, computer simulations, and artificial intelligence. Such research also (...)
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  41. Abhandlungen Aus Dem Gebiete der Philosophie Und Ihrer Geschichte Eine Festgabe Zum 70. Geburtstag Georg Freiherrn von Hertling.Matthias Baumgartner & Georg Hertling - 1913 - Herder.
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  42. Böcklins Landschaften.Georg Simmel - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 21 (24):76-81.
    Ensayo de Georg Simmel “Böcklins Landschaften” en su lengua original, publicado en 1885 en el semanario Die Zukunft. ARK: ark:/s18537960/ioe402sw2.
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    La nuova interpretazione di Platone: un dialogo di Hans-Georg Gadamer con la Scuola di Tubinga e Milano e altri studiosi (Tubinga, 3 settembre 1996).Hans-Georg Gadamer, Giuseppe Girgenti & Giovanni Reale (eds.) - 1998 - Milano: Rusconi.
    Enth.: "Platone scopritore dell'ermeneutica" : intervista di Giovanni Reale a Hans-Georg Gadamer.
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    Die Probleme Der Geschichtsphilosophie, Eine Erkenntnistheoretische Studie.Georg Simmel - 2016 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    Die Probleme der Geschichtsphilosophie, Eine erkenntnistheoretische Studie by Georg Simmel. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1892 and may have some imperfections such as marks or hand-written notes.
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  45. Hermeneutik, Ästhetik, Praktische Philosophie Hans-Georg Gadamer Im Gespräch.Hans Georg Gadamer & Carsten Dutt - 1993
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    György Márkus, 75% mensch: On the occasion of the publication of the English version of How Is Critical Economic Theory Possible?.John Grumley - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 178 (1):7-16.
    In this article I give an overall interpretation of the development of the Budapest School in Australia as political emigres, who initially worked and wrote in Melbourne and Sydney until the final years when Heller and Feher moved on to New York in the mid-1980s and then back to Budapest in 1993. The translation of How Is Critical Economic Theory Possible? has allowed us to better grasp the motivations and theoretical innovations of the Budapest School, to appreciate their internal (...)
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    Art as human practice: an aesthetics.Georg W. Bertram - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Nathan Ross.
    How is art both distinct and different from the rest of human life, while also mattering in and for it? This central yet overlooked question in contemporary philosophy of art is at the heart of Georg Bertram's new aesthetic. Drawing on the resources of diverse philosophical traditions – analytic philosophy, French philosophy, and German post-Kantian philosophy – his book offers a systematic account of art as a human practice. One that remains connected to the whole of life.
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    Ludwig Wittgenstein, Schriften: Beiheft.Ingeborg Bachmann (ed.) - 1960 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Zu einem Kapitel der jüngsten Philosophiegeschichte / Ingeborg Bachmann -- Bildnis eines Philosophen / Maurice Cranston -- Wittgenstein oder die Destruktion / José Ferrater Mora -- Ludwig Wittgenstein / Paul Feyerabend -- Unphilosophische Betrachtungen / Erich Heller -- Vorwort zum Tractatus logico-philosophicus / Bertrand Russell -- Biographische Betrachtung / George Henrik von Wright.
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    Menneske og jord.Ludwig Klages - 2014 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 70:27-46.
    Tysk, kulturkritisk reaktionær livsfilosof. Til hans pantheon af inspirationertæller særligt Goethe, Nietzsche og Bachofen. Som ung blev Klages kendt som psykologisk og grafologisk teoretiker og var centralt medlem af den litterære og kunstneriske kreds omkring digteren Stefan Georges i München. Han havde studeret kemi og fysik i Leipzig og tog i München en doktorgrad i kemi, men komaldrig til at arbejde som kemiker. En akademisk karriere inden for psykologi eller filosofi forfulgte han heller ikke. I 1915 flyttede han til (...)
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    Tenses of the Present.Peter Morgan - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (2):203-210.
    ABSTRACT David Roberts’ History of the Present asks what comes after the grand narratives of European modernity. Progress is over, but without a past and with no assured future, the present remains in conceptual limbo. For Roberts, we are entering a new stage of a global cultural modernity marked by the end of European modernism. Taking a fresh look at the contested endings of the modern, Roberts suggests that an extended concept of contemporaneity might replace the problematic dualism of past (...)
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