Results for 'Germán Pérez-Verduzco'

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  1.  30
    Competitive Recovery–Stress and Mood States in Mexican Youth Athletes.Luis Felipe Reynoso-Sánchez, Germán Pérez-Verduzco, Miguel Ángel Celestino-Sánchez, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Jorge Zamarripa, Blanca Rocío Rangel-Colmenero, Hussein Muñoz-Helú & Germán Hernández-Cruz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundMonitoring recovery–stress balance in sport is becoming more relevant to prevent training maladaptation and reach the optimal performance for each athlete. The use of questionnaires that identify the athlete’s recovery–stress state have much acceptance in sports due to reliability and useful, furthermore for its low cost. Identifying possible differences between sport modalities and sex is important to determine specific needs and possible intervention ways to keep a recovery–stress balance. The aim was to analyze the differences in the recovery–stress state and (...)
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  2.  12
    El léxico de la política en la globalización: nuevas realidades, viejos referentes.Germán Pérez Fernández del Castillo, León Y. Ramírez & Juan Carlos (eds.) - 2008 - México, D.F.: Miguel Ángel Porrúa.
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    Sobre la hipótesis de la Tierra rara como solución a la paradoja de Fermi: Desde la humildad copernicana hasta la gratitud ante Gaia y el asombro activo.Oscar Javier Pérez-Lora & Germán Bula - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (44).
    La humildad copernicana establece que el Universo es un lugar homogéneo en el que las leyes aplican indistintamente en cualquier lugar, es decir, no existe un centro o lugar privilegiado. En ese sentido el lugar que ocupa la Tierra en el Universo es como cualquier otro, nada especial y mucho menos relacionado al favor de un Dios omnipotente cuya creación favorita sea el ser humano. Siendo esto así, sería entonces factible pensar la existencia de muchos otros planetas que como la (...)
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    Diseño conceptual de un localizador de fallas para sistemas de distribución usando minería de datos y análisis circuital.Gérman Andrés Morales España, Mora Flórez, Juan José & Sandra Milena Pérez Londoño - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  5. What is Materialism? History and Concepts.Javier Pérez-Jara, Gustavo E. Romero & Lino Camprubí - 2022 - In Javier Pérez-Jara, Lino Camprubí & Gustavo E. Romero, Contemporary Materialism: Its Ontology and Epistemology. New York, NY, USA: Springer Synthese. pp. 1-77.
    Despite the central presence of materialism in the history of philosophy, there is no universal consensus on the meaning of the word “matter” nor of the doctrine of philosophical materialism. Dictionaries of philosophy often identify this philosophy with its most reductionist and even eliminative versions, in line with Robert Boyle’s seventeenth century coinage of the term. But when we take the concept back in time to Greek philosophers and forward onto our own times, we recognize more inclusive forms of materialism (...)
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  6.  58
    Comparación de dos métodos para localización de fallas monofásicas considerando la resistividad del terreno.Mora Flórez, Juan José, Germán Darío García Osorio & Sandra Milena Pérez Londoño - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  7.  16
    La pulguita y el elefante.Luis Miguel Viaña Pérez - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):87-111.
    El presente texto examina la relación entre las valoraciones de la normalización filosófica en Colombia y el intento particular del filósofo Germán Marquínez Argote de realizar una historia de la filosofía colonial en clave latinoamericanista. Ello, para dar algunas luces sobre la continuidad de la filosofía latinoamericana en Colombia respecto del proceso local de normalización filosófica, siguiendo así algunas de las conclusiones de la historia de las prácticas de escritura. Esta continuidad no debe entenderse como una suerte de secuencialidad (...)
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  8.  37
    Pérez Mantilla, Ramón. Textos reunidos.Germán Meléndez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):266-273.
    Se busca rastrear la imagen que Platón tiene de Heráclito y articularla con la estructura argumentativa del Cratilo, para comprender las necesidades textuales a las que responde la doctrina del flujo perpetuo, es decir, la discusión sobre la corrección (ὀρθότης) del nombre. Gracias a la inclusión del testimonio heraclíteo, resulta posible rastrear la presunta consolidación de la tesis sobre los nombres primarios y los secundarios como el eje de la separación entre dos planos de realidad (uno estable y uno móvil) (...)
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  9.  25
    The reception of the concept of ente in Thomas Aquinas: between aristotelian formalism and actus essendi.Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 55:132-152.
    Resumen: El pasado siglo XX ha sido testigo de un renovado interés por los planteamientos de la filosofía aristotélica, en especial de la mano del filósofo alemán Martin Heidegger. Pues bien, junto con esta vuelta al estudio de la filosofía peripatética, ha surgido como en paralelo un nuevo interés por la filosofía del ser de Tomás de Aquino, en particular por su noción de esse ut actus essendi. Esto ha desembocado en diversas líneas de investigación, a veces confrontadas, que han (...)
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    Sobre el solipsismo y la transmisión del recuerdo en la experiencia de la historia.Manuel Orozco Pérez - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (1):105.
    On solipsism and the transmission of memories in the experience of history Resumen: Este artículo está dedicado a la problemática de la experiencia histórica y a varias de sus ramificaciones. De especial interés resulta aquí la cuestión de la preeminencia del testigo respecto a otras instancias en la construcción del relato. Una cuestión que está, sin duda, estrechamente vinculada a las diferentes concepciones del tiempo histórico y de su experiencia. A este respecto, merece especial atención la figura del historiador alemán (...)
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  11.  24
    Carl Schmitt: Entre el derecho Y el conocimiento humano elucidación de Una teoría de la comprensión jurídica en las obras tempranas de Carl Schmitt.Diego Pérez Lasserre - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):675-698.
    RESUMEN En sus textos tempranos, Schmitt recurrentemente se dedica a criticar lo que se conoce como “positivismo jurídico”. Su principal objeción, como bien ya se deja ver en Ley y juicio, es que esta teoría se queda en la pura abstracción de los textos jurídicos y no toma en consideración los aspectos concretos de la realidad a la que las categorías normativas se deben aplicar Este trabajo pretende justificar que ya en estos textos tempranos el pensador alemán identifica que uno (...)
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  12.  25
    From compassion to distance: Hannah Höch’s ‘Mother’.Andrea Pérez-Fernández - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):140-154.
    This article addresses the work of the German artist Hannah Höch in the light of the struggle for abortion rights in the Weimar Republic. I attempt to show how Höch’s uses of the technique of photomontage can be read as a way of introducing a distance between the work and the viewer that allows us to question the beliefs we use to make sense of the world. Specifically, I discuss her photomontage Mutter, a version of a photograph taken by John (...)
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  13.  68
    Memoria, libertad y profecía. Un acercamiento a Las Edades del Mundo de F. W. J. Schelling.Fernando Pérez-Borbujo Alvarez - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 31 (1):101-122.
    En el presente artículo intentaremos aproximarnos a uno de los textos más emblemáticos del pensamiento de Schelling, Las Edades del Mundo (Die Weltalter), escrito entre 1813-1815, donde se encuentra todo el misterio de la filosofía medía de este autor que va desde el Ensayo de la libertad de 1809 hasta su reaparición en Munich y posteriormente en Berlín, donde sustituirá a Hegel a su muerte y formulará su famosa filosofía positiva, constituida por su Filosofía de la Mitología y de la (...)
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  14.  81
    Showing Mathematical Flies the Way Out of Foundational Bottles: The Later Wittgenstein as a Forerunner of Lakatos and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.José Antonio Pérez-Escobar - 2022 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):157-178.
    This work explores the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics in relation to Lakatos’ philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of mathematical practice. I argue that, while the philosophy of mathematical practice typically identifies Lakatos as its earliest of predecessors, the later Wittgenstein already developed key ideas for this community a few decades before. However, for a variety of reasons, most of this work on philosophy of mathematics has gone relatively unnoticed. Some of these ideas and their significance as precursors for (...)
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  15.  42
    Philosophical Investigations into AI Alignment: A Wittgensteinian Framework.José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & Deniz Sarikaya - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-25.
    We argue that the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language and mathematics, substantially focused on rule-following, is relevant to understand and improve on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) alignment problem: his discussions on the categories that influence alignment between humans can inform about the categories that should be controlled to improve on the alignment problem when creating large data sets to be used by supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, as well as when introducing hard coded guardrails for AI models. We cast these (...)
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  16. Friends with the Good: Moral Relativism and Moral Progress.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):886-899.
    The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it would make it irrational to classify past changes in public opinion as instances of moral progress, for they would constitute an improvement only from our current point of view. The argument is this. For our assessment of a change in public opinion as an instance of moral progress to be rational, we need to take the moral claims made before the change to be false simpliciter (...)
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  17.  31
    Equal Validity or Nonneutrality? A defense of relativism1.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):492-498.
    The purpose of Baghramian and Coliva’s book is twofold. On the one hand, it aims at identifying a consistent set of commitments shared by all theories that have.
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  18. Neuroethics, Consciousness and Death: Where Objective Knowledge Meets Subjective Experience.Alberto Molina-Pérez & Anne Dalle Ave - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (4):259-261.
    Laura Specker Sullivan (2022) makes a fairly compelling case for the value of the perspectives of Buddhist practitioners in neuroethics. In this study, Tibetan Buddhist monks have been asked, among other things, whether consciousness, in brain-injured patients in a minimally conscious state, entails a duty to preserve life. In our view, some of the participants’ responses could be used to inform the bioethical debate on death determination.
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  19.  49
    Adopting the intentional stance toward natural and artificial agents.Jairo Perez-Osorio & Agnieszka Wykowska - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):369-395.
    In our daily lives, we need to predict and understand others’ behavior in order to navigate through our social environment. Predictions concerning other humans’ behavior usually refer to their mental states, such as beliefs or intentions. Such a predictive strategy is called ‘adoption of the intentional stance.’ In this paper, we review literature related to the concept of intentional stance from the perspectives of philosophy, psychology, human development, culture, and human-robot interaction. We propose that adopting the intentional stance might be (...)
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  20.  74
    The way things go: moral relativism and suspension of judgment.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (1):49-64.
    A popular accusation against moral relativism is that it goes too far in its vindication of tolerance. The idea behind accusations like this can be summarized in the slogan, frequently attributed to relativism, that “anything goes”. The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it is an “anything goes” view; from the accusation that it forces us to suspend our judgment in cases in which we do not think we should even be allowed to. (...)
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  21. Believing on eggshells: epistemic injustice through pragmatic encroachment.Javiera Perez Gomez & Julius Schönherr - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (2):593-613.
    This paper defends the claim that pragmatic encroachment—the idea that knowledge is sensitive to the practical stakes of believing—can explain a distinctive kind of epistemic injustice: the injustice that occurs when prejudice causes someone to know less than they otherwise would. This encroachment injustice, as we call it, occurs when the threat of being met with prejudice raises the stakes for someone to rely on her belief when acting, by raising the level of evidential support required for knowledge. We explain (...)
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  22.  32
    Self-prioritization effect in the attentional blink paradigm: Attention-based or familiarity-based effect?Víctor Martínez-Pérez, Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco, Miriam Tortajada, Lucía B. Palmero, Guillermo Campoy & Luis J. Fuentes - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 117 (C):103607.
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  23. Rationality & Second‐Order Preferences.Alejandro Pérez Carballo - 2018 - Noûs 52 (1):196-215.
    It seems natural to think of an unwilling addict as having a pattern of preferences that she does not endorse—preferences that, in some sense, she does not ‘identify’ with. Following Frankfurt (1971), Jeffrey (1974) proposed a way of modeling those features of an agent’s preferences by appealing to preferences among preferences.Th„e addict’s preferences are preferences she does not prefer to have. I argue that this modeling suggestion will not do, for it follows from plausible assumptions that a minimally rational agent (...)
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  24. Public knowledge and attitudes towards consent policies for organ donation in Europe. A systematic review.Alberto Molina-Pérez, David Rodríguez-Arias, Janet Delgado-Rodríguez, Myfanwy Morgan, Mihaela Frunza, Gurch Randhawa, Jeantine Reiger-Van de Wijdeven, Eline Schiks, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Transplantation Reviews 33 (1):1-8.
    Background: Several countries have recently changed their model of consent for organ donation from opt-in to opt-out. We undertook a systematic review to determine public knowledge and attitudes towards these models in Europe. Methods: Six databases were explored between 1 January 2008 and 15 December 2017. We selected empirical studies addressing either knowledge or attitudes towards the systems of consent for deceased organ donation by lay people in Europe, including students. Study selection, data extraction, and quality assessment were conducted by (...)
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  25.  42
    Defining Consent: Autonomy and the Role of the Family.Alberto Molina Pérez, Janet Delgado & David Rodriguez-Arias - 2021 - In Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz, Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation. Transcript Verlag. pp. 43-64.
    The ethics of deceased organ procurement (OP) is supposedly based on individual consent to donate, either explicit (opt-in) or presumed (opt-out). However, in many cases, individuals fail to express any preference regarding donation after death. When this happens, the decision to remove or not to remove their organs depends on the policy’s default option or on family preferences. Several studies show that in most countries the family plays a significant and often decisive role in the process of decision-making for OP. (...)
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  26.  8
    Experimentos, encuestas y filosofía.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:288-319.
    Algunos autores estamos interesados por cierto ámbito o enfoque de la actividad filosófica usualmente denominado “filosofía experimental”. El objetivo fundamental de este artículo es analizar los rasgos principales que caracterizan a dicha especialidad, conforme al sentido en que comenzó a utilizarse esa etiqueta. Entre otras consideraciones, se constatará que la denominación “filosofía experimental” es parcialmente acertada, pero también parcialmente equívoca debido a dos razones. Una razón queda de manifiesto en discusiones contemporáneas que localizan antecedentes de ese enfoque en conexiones entre (...)
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  27.  36
    El conflicto entre filantropismo y humanismo y el lugar de la filosofía en el conjunto del saber.Pilar Mancebo Pérez - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (1):105-121.
    Partiendo de la constatación husserliana de la crisis filosófica como crisis vital de una humanidad que se ha desviado de su _télos_ al implantar el modelo tecno-científico del dominio del mundo, el artículo investiga el lugar de la filosofía en el sistema educativo, explorando las reformas propuestas en Baviera y Prusia por Niethammer y Humboldt a principios del siglo XIX y que plantean, cada una a su modo, la necesaria incorporación de la filosofía a una educación de Estado que, frente (...)
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  28.  48
    Experimental elicitations of awe: a meta-analysis.Kenneth A. Pérez, Heather C. Lench, Christopher G. Thompson & Sophia North - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):18-33.
    A meta-analytic review of studies that experimentally elicited awe and compared the emotion to other conditions (84; 487 effects; 17,801 participants) examined the degree to which experimentally elicited awe (1) affects outcomes relative to other positive emotions (2) affects experience, judgment, behaviour, and physiology, and (3) differs in its effects if the awe state was elicited through positive or threatening contexts. The efficacy of methods that have been used to experimentally elicit awe and the possibility of assessing changes in the (...)
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  29.  34
    Egg freezing, genetic relatedness, and motherhood: A binational empirical bioethical investigation of women's views.Yolinliztli Pérez-Hernández & Michiel De Proost - 2023 - Bioethics 38 (7):592-599.
    Genetic relatedness figures heavily in contemporary ethical debates on egg freezing, although the arguments lack empirical‐based evidence. Rather than adding another theoretical view on the moral relevance of genetic connections, this paper instead proposes an empirically grounded perspective based on two independent qualitative interview‐based studies conducted in Belgium and France. Three themes emerge from our empirical data: (1) prioritizing family building; (2) centering the gestational experience of motherhood; and (3) identifying the complexities and limitations of adoption. These themes suggest that (...)
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  30.  24
    Towards a post-democratic era? Moral education against new forms of authoritarianism.Cruz Pérez, Maria Rosa Buxarrais & Vicent Gozálvez - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):474-488.
    ABSTRACT Educating in a convulsed political context demands a detailed analysis of the new circumstances of our times, especially the current democracy crisis. According to the latest reports issued by international evaluation organisations, one of the greatest challenges for democratic citizenship is the emergence and rise of authoritarianism within the framework of the so-called post-democracy, and also in the manifestations known as illiberal democracy. Moral and civic education has to respond to this challenge. With this in mind, we propose revitalising (...)
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    Axiomatic foundations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics: A realistic approach.S. E. Perez Bergliaffa, Gustavo E. Romero & H. Vucetich - 1993 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 32 (9):1507-1522.
    A realistic axiomatic formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics for a single microsystem with spin is presented, from which the most important theorems of the theory can be deduced. In comparison with previous formulations, the formal aspect has been improved by the use of certain mathematical theories, such as the theory of equipped spaces, and group theory. The standard formalism is naturally obtained from the latter, starting from a central primitive concept: the Galilei group.
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  32.  5
    Experiments, Surveys, and Philosophy.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:288-319.
    RESUMEN Algunos autores estamos interesados por cierto ámbito o enfoque de la actividad filosófica usualmente denominado "filosofía experimental". El objetivo fundamental de este artículo es analizar los rasgos principales que caracterizan a dicha especialidad, conforme al sentido en que comenzó a utilizarse esa etiqueta. Entre otras consideraciones, se constatará que la denominación "filosofía experimental" es parcialmente acertada, pero también parcialmente equívoca debido a dos razones. Una razón queda de manifiesto en discusiones contemporáneas que localizan antecedentes de ese enfoque en conexiones (...)
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  33.  38
    Theories of the Right of Secession: A Republican Analysis.Lluis Perez-Lozano - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):69-87.
    Republican theorists have paid little attention to the normative problems of secession conflicts. So far, there is no such thing as a democratic republican theory of right of secession ; nor any comprehensive analysis of current TRS has ever been undertaken from a democratic republican point of view. This article tries to fill this second gap as a first step in order to fill that first one. In doing so, it shows how secession conflicts pose threats for two core democratic (...)
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  34.  15
    Neobarroco y crisis contemporánea.Fernando Pérez-Borbujo - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:115-126.
    El presente artículo parte de una definición de lo barroco, caracterizado como categoría y constante cultural (Hatzfeld, Maravall, Benjamin, D'Ors), con el fin de establecer su conexión con la idea de “crisis” (histórica, económica, epocal, de ideario e imaginario), y estudiar así la posibilidad de su repetibilidad en el curso histórico. Establecida dicha conexión entre lo barroco como categoría y la crisis como acontecimiento histórico, espiritual y cultural, abordaremos la raíces filosóficas y culturales de la crisis contemporánea (Schelling, Nietzsche, Jameson, (...)
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  35. El filosofar y la filosofía analítica.Alejandro Pérez - 2015 - Forum: Supplement to Acta Philosophica 1:391-403.
    En el presente texto se defenderá la idea según la cual, la filosofía y el filosofar están intrínsecamente ligados. Se partirá de un caso paradigmático, el caso de la filosofía analítica. A partir de su definición,se pretenderá mostrar que las características más sobresalientes de dicha corriente están fundamentalmente ligadas al acto de filosofar.Por medio de dicho ejemplo, se desea mostrar que enseñar la filosofía consiste en enseñar a filosofar, y que por lo tanto una no puede ser separada de la (...)
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    CSR, Sustainability and the Meaning of Global Reporting for Latin American Corporations.Luis A. Perez-Batres, Van V. Miller & Michael J. Pisani - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):193-209.
    We seek to add to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD) literature through the empirical study of Latin American firm membership in the United Nations Global Compact (GC) and Global Report Initiative (GRI). Within an institutional-based framework, we explore through three filters – commercial, state-signaling, and distinguished peers – the impact of normative and mimetic pressures associated with GC/gri membership. Our sample includes 207 public firms from six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru). (...)
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  37. Sodoma y el barón Haussman: Por una deslocalización queer.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (61):267-286.
    Resumen La discusión de las políticas culturales del duelo ofrecida por Judith Butler tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre servirá aquí para cuestionar las fracturas sexuales, genéricas y raciales, entre otras, que rigen la inteligibilidad cultural de la vulnerabilidad compartida en contextos pandémicos. Esta revisión de la idea de comunidad se pondrá en relación con el desarrollo de la medicina social urbana explorado por Michel Foucault para deslocalizar la resistencia a los procesos de estigmatización y normalización puestos en marcha (...)
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    The problem of stability and the ethos-based solution.Cristian Pérez Muñoz - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (2):163-183.
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    From Self-Transcendence to Collective Transcendence: In Search of the Order of Hierarchies in Maslow’s Transcendence.Luis Felipe Llanos & Lorena Martínez Verduzco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Maslow’s Human Motivation extended Theory, in its late version, proposed transcendence as one of the highest levels, inclusive or holistic in the Human consciousness. Through Meaning Theory, Victor Frankl and Paul Wong suggested that self-transcendence is a fundamental expression of our spiritual nature and a distinctive concept. However, it is not clear whether at present, with an extensive offer of individualistic currents, transcending involves a personal issue or is rather a collective issue, related to community and culture. The objective of (...)
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    Combining Recurrence Analysis and Automatic Movement Extraction from Video Recordings to Study Behavioral Coupling in Face-to-Face Parent-Child Interactions.David López Pérez, Giuseppe Leonardi, Alicja Niedźwiecka, Alicja Radkowska, Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi & Przemysław Tomalski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  41.  15
    Gendered Pathways: How Mathematics Ability Beliefs Shape Secondary and Postsecondary Course and Degree Field Choices.Lara Perez-Felkner, Samantha Nix & Kirby Thomas - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    (1 other version)Qué hacer en la investigación cualitativa ante la apertura de la ciencia.Judith Pérez-Soria - forthcoming - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi.
    En este artículo se revisan los avances, los desafíos y las particularidades de la ciencia abierta en la investigación cualitativa. En particular se analiza la apertura de datos porque tiene menor avance en comparación con la publicación en repositorios y revistas de acceso libre. Se revisan los criterios de validez en la investigación cualitativa en ciencias sociales, para identificar algunos elementos que fomenten la apertura de datos, ya que, mientras se plantee como una vía para replicar resultados de investigación, tendrá (...)
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    Coronashaming: interpersonal affect worsening in contexts of COVID-19 rule violations.Belén López-Pérez, Yaniv Hanoch & Michaela Gummerum - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (1):106-119.
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  44. The Humean problem of induction and Carroll’s Paradox.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (3):357-376.
    Hume argued that inductive inferences do not have rational justification. My aim is to reject Hume’s argument. The discussion is partly motivated by an analogy with Carroll’s Paradox, which concerns deductive inferences. A first radically externalist reply to Hume (defended by Dauer and Van Cleve) is that justified inductive inferences do not require the subject to know that nature is uniform, though the uniformity of nature is a necessary condition for having the justification. But then the subject does not have (...)
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  45. An Interesting Fallacy Concerning Dynamical Supertasks.Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (2):321-334.
    Recently, Alper, Bridger, Earman and Norton have all proposed examples of dynamic systems that, in their view, are incompatible with classical (Newtonian) mechanics. In the first section of the present paper I shall show that their arguments are all undermined by the same fallacy. The second section proves that their conclusions of incompatibility are indeed false, and that what we are really looking at are new forms of indeterminist evolution of the same kind as that found recently in the literature (...)
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    Cultural Requests and Cost Internalization.Nahshon Perez - 2009 - Social Theory and Practice 35 (2):201-228.
  47. Gender and the Biopolitics of Public Order: Notes from Spain.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2023 - Hypatia:1-18.
    This paper critically addresses the logics of exceptionality inherent to emerging regulations of the gender field, with a focus on Spain’s recent self-determination-based regulation of gender. To achieve this, it offers a biopolitical analysis of the concept of “public order” and its influence on gender governance, drawing parallels to Agamben’s concept of the state of exception and exploring the connections between contemporary regulations and the gendered public order of nineteenth-century France. Finally, it analyzes the exclusions and restrictions that the Spanish (...)
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  48. Logical Realism and the Riddle of Redundancy.Óscar Antonio Monroy Pérez - 2023 - Mind 131 (524):1083-1107.
    According to an influential view, when it comes to representing reality, some words are better suited for the job than others. This is elitism. There is reason to believe that the set of the best, or elite, words should not be redundant or arbitrary. However, we are often forced to choose between these two theoretical vices, especially in cases involving theories that seem to be mere notational variants. This is the riddle of redundancy: both redundancy and arbitrariness are vicious, but (...)
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  49. Defining Function in Medicine: Bridging the Gap between Biology and Clinical Practice.Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):282-285.
    The classification of preserved hypothalamic activity in brain death and brainstem death as functional or non-functional has become a subject of debate. While proponents of the neurological criterion claim that these activities lack functional significance (Shemie et al. 2014), Nair-Collins and Joffe (2023) argue for their functional physiological role. However, the interpretation of the term "function" within the medico-legal framework, where death is characterized by the irreversible cessation of all brain functions, remains unclear. -/- My intention here is not to (...)
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    Balancing confidentiality and the information provided to families of patients in primary care.M. D. Perez-Carceles - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):531-535.
    Background: Medical confidentiality underpins the doctor–patient relationship and ensures privacy so that intimate information can be exchanged to improve, preserve, and protect the health of the patient. The right to information applies to the patient alone, and, only if expressly desired, can it be extended to family members. However, it must be remembered that one of the primary tenets of family medicine is precisely that patient care occurs ideally within the context of the family. There may be, then, certain occasions (...)
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