Results for 'Germán García'

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  1.  5
    La justicia restaurativa. Un parangón entre la justicia penal y la transicional.Germán Silva García & Pamela Tinoco Ordoñez - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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    (1 other version)Estudio sobre tres confesiones religiosas minoritarias en la Región de Murcia.Germán Carrillo García & Carmen M. Cerdá Mondéjar - 2011 - Ilu, Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16.
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    Montes Del Castillo, ángel (ed.) Ecuador contemporáneo, murcia, edit. Um, ediciones de la universidad de murcia, 2009.Germán Carrillo García - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 51:253-254.
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  4. Verse: The River.German Pardo Garcia - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (3):325.
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    Response Inhibition as a Function of Movement Complexity and Movement Type Selection.Germán Gálvez-García, Javier Albayay, Lucio Rehbein, Claudio Bascour-Sandoval & George A. Michael - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Increase in Beta Power Reflects Attentional Top-Down Modulation After Psychosocial Stress Induction.Ismael Palacios-García, Jaime Silva, Mario Villena-González, Germán Campos-Arteaga, Claudio Artigas-Vergara, Nicolas Luarte, Eugenio Rodríguez & Conrado A. Bosman - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Selective attention depends on goal-directed and stimulus-driven modulatory factors, each relayed by different brain rhythms. Under certain circumstances, stress-related states can change the balance between goal-directed and stimulus-driven factors. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying these changes remain unclear. In this study, we explored how psychosocial stress can modulate brain rhythms during an attentional task and a task-free period. We recorded the EEG and ECG activity of 42 healthy participants subjected to either the Trier Social Stress Test, a controlled procedure to (...)
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    El uso de Twitter para mejorar la competencia de la expresión escrita en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.Germán Ruipérez, María Dolores Castrillo & José Carlos García Cabrero - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):159-163.
    Se presenta un estudio empírico sobre la utilización de Twitter como herramienta para la mejora de la competencia de la expresión escrita en el aprendizaje a distancia de alemán como lengua extranjera de estudiantes de los niveles iniciales (A1 y A2 del MCER). Se describirá la metodología utilizada y las principales conclusiones del trabajo de campo.
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    Comparación de dos métodos para localización de fallas monofásicas considerando la resistividad del terreno.Mora Flórez, Juan José, Germán Darío García Osorio & Sandra Milena Pérez Londoño - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Contemporary German Philosophy. Answers to Questions From Professor Gerard Vilar.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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    The Concept of Nature in Classical German Philosophy.Luis Fellipe Garcia (ed.) - 2024 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Classical German Philosophy has traditionally been understood as the period in the history of ideas in which the investigation of the human mind takes precedence over the investigation of the natural world. This assessment has a twofold consequence. On the one hand, the philosophy of the period has been praised for its contributions to our understanding of multiple expressions of human rationality such as history, art, and religion. On the other hand, such a philosophy has been criticized for its obscure (...)
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    The Progressive Approach to EMDR Group Therapy for Complex Trauma and Dissociation: A Case-Control Study.Ana I. Gonzalez-Vazquez, Lucía Rodriguez-Lago, Maria T. Seoane-Pillado, Isabel Fernández, Francisca García-Guerrero & Miguel A. Santed-Germán - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Thoughts and sensations, twin galaxies of the inner space: The propensity to mind-wander relates to spontaneous sensations arising on the hands.George A. Michael, Isabelle Tapiero, Germán Gálvez-García & Laurence Jacquot - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:223-231.
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    Influence of violent contexts on facial reactions elicited by angry and neutral faces.Nerea Aldunate, Vladimir López, Mauricio Barramuño & Germán Gálvez-García - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1524-1531.
    This study focuses on determining whether violent contexts influence the perception of aggressiveness in faces analysing spontaneous corrugator supercilii activity. Participants viewed pictures of...
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    Science-fiction and the desire for morality: the collapse of scientific utopia in Germán Maggiori’s Cría terminal.Nicolás García - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:154-172.
    Resumen El lamento por el fin de la utopía que expresa la novela futurista, Cría terminal (2014), expone la crisis de un ideal ético: la pérdida de la posibilidad de un mundo mejor. Las bases del contrato moral implícitas en la amenaza de su disolución en un futuro cercano serán el objeto de indagación de este trabajo, que toma a la filosofía de Hans Jonas como principal referencia teórica. Se buscará, por consiguiente, precisar la relación entre la barbarización de la (...)
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    Carlos Emilio García.Germán Guerrero Pino - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 24:207-211.
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    The dialectic between allegory and symbol in Origin of the German Trauerspiel.Eduardo García Elizondo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):49-62.
    The present work proposes to analyze the dialectic between allegory and symbol elaborated from Walter Benjamin's rhetorical-aesthetic reading of the artistic form of the German Trauerspiel. Based on this, through a way of expository interpretation, we will address how the following three key moments are articulated in the book on the German Trauerspiel: the link between the Trauerspiel and the profane scene of reading, the particularity of allegorical signification, and the inseparability of allegory and mourning. From the exposition of these (...)
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    Vargas Guillén, Germán. Fenomenología, formación y mundo de la vida. Problemas teóricos y metodológicos de la fenomenología. Saarbrücken: Editorial Académica Española, 2012; 136 p. [REVIEW]Juan Carlos Aguirre García - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 46:189-191.
    La primera parte se titula: “Fenomenología de la fenomenología”, cuestión presente desde los orígenes mismos de la fenomenología y preocupación constante de su fundador. En esta parte se abordan tres estudios muy diversos, cuyo eje es el interés por contribuir, sin pretensión de sistematicidad, a una meta-fenomenología. En el primer estudio, el autor se aproxima a una de las preguntas más vitales de la fenomenología, esto es, si existe o no un método fenomenológico. Luego de aclarar las dificultades históricas, epistemológicas (...)
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  18. O pensamento alemão, ensiao sôbre o sentido da alma germânica e espírito da nova Europa.Garcia Domingues - 1942 - Lisboa: [Impresso na Sociedade Astória, lda.].
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    El Concepto de pobreza espiritual en la obra de Marguerite Porète y en el pensamiento tardío de Meister Eckhart / The Concept of Spiritual Poverty in Marguerite Porète's Work and in the Late Thought of Meister Eckhart.Ricardo Baeza García - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:193.
    As this article shows, the closeness between the work of the French Beguine and the late sermons in German by Meister Eckhart is perceptible. It is evident mainly through the analysis that both authors made of spiritual poverty. Nevertheless, the present work also reveals the fundamental differences that exist between the two mystics. Finally, it indicates the philosophical relevance of these two paradigmatic forms of mystical discourse.
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    La invención del realismo político: Un ejercicio de historia conceptual.Ernesto Cabrera García - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):126-149.
    Este artículo es un intento de dilucidación y delimitación historiográfico-conceptual que pretende aportar un enfoque alternativo a los estudios sobre la teoría política realista. Mi propósito es presentar un bosquejo del sentido histórico del concepto de realismo político situándolo en los contextos de la Realpolitik alemana y de la escuela realista de las relaciones internacionales. De este modo, pretendo mostrar las relaciones contextuales del realismo político, la localización de su antagonismo con el liberalismo y la invención retrospectiva de una tradición (...)
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    Aristotle Among the Jesuits: A Note Concerning a Recent Publication.Brian Garcia - 2014 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 106 (1):177–193.
    Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism is a collection of seventeen essays by Paul Richard Blum, previously published over the last three decades in German and Italian, French and English, as well as Hungarian. Two concluding chapters serve as appendices, with the remaining fifteen divided into three sections: Philosophy at Early Modern Schools, Science from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment, and Metaphysics and Theology. While Blum’s Studies is not a monograph, it is neither simply a collection of works which are incidentally (...)
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    Board‐level ethics committees in large European firms.Josep Garcia-Blandon, David Castillo-Merino, Josep Maria Argilés-Bosch & Diego Ravenda - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (4):824-841.
    After the approval of a code of ethics, the creation of a permanent board‐level ethics committee is the next step in the institutionalization of business ethics. This study explores how the board's structure and demographic characteristics explain the decision to form an ethics committee. The analysis is based on the constituents of the Standard and Poor's Europe 350 index. Consistent with our hypotheses, we find that ethics committees are more likely to be found in firms with a lower presence of (...)
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    The Spanish Language as a Cultural and Touristic Resource for the Chinese Market to Develop Quality Education.Blanca García-Henche & Ming Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Since 1952, Spanish has been included as a Degree in the Foreign Language Studies in the higher education system of China. The number of Spanish students has gradually increased and, until March 2020, with 6 Universities recently approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, there are 102 Chinese universities that teach Spanish as a university degree. In 2017, the MOE of the People's Republic of China published the Curriculum Plan in the Higher Secondary Schools, which incorporated the teaching of Spanish (...)
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    La razón en la historia: Hegel, Marx, Foucault.Norma Hortensia Hernández García - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):189-193.
    Este artículo es un intento de dilucidación y delimitación historiográfico-conceptual que pretende aportar un enfoque alternativo a los estudios sobre la teoría política realista. Mi propósito es presentar un bosquejo del sentido histórico del concepto de realismo político situándolo en los contextos de la Realpolitik alemana y de la escuela realista de las relaciones internacionales. De este modo, pretendo mostrar las relaciones contextuales del realismo político, la localización de su antagonismo con el liberalismo y la invención retrospectiva de una tradición (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Review: Franks, All or Nothing: Systematicity, Transcendental Arguments, and Skepticism in German Idealism[REVIEW]Ernesto V. Garcia - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (2):300-303.
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    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Manuel García-Carpintero & Alessandra Falzone (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
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    ¿Ontología fundamental o teoría del conocimiento? Heidegger crítico del Neokantismo.Pedro Enrique García Ruíz - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:125-150.
    In 1929 spring, a philosophical encounter occurs in the University of Davos between Germany and France. The central subject was the question What is the man? As opposed to the expectation to presence a debate between the French philosophy and the German one, the center of the encounter was the d..
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    The memory of thought: an essay on Heidegger and Adorno.Alexander García Düttmann - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    A reconstruction of aspects of the philosophy of Adorno and Heidegger. This title reconstructs the philosophy of Adorno and Heidegger in the light of the importance that these thinkers attach to two proper names: Auschwitz and Germanien. In Adorno's dialectical thinking, Auschwitz is the name of an incommensurable historical event that seems to put a provisional end to history as a negative totality. In Heidegger's thinking of Being, Germanien is a name inscribed in an historical mission on which the fate (...)
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    Das Gedächtnis des Denkens: Versuch über Heidegger und Adorno.Alexander García Düttmann - 1991 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Publishers.
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  30. Some contributions of Habermas to the study of public communication of science.Ana Eliza Ferreira Alvim da Silva, José Roberto Pereira & Cibele Maria Garcia de Aguiar - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (4).
    This theoretical essay gathers reflections from three publications by Jürgen Habermas from the 1960s that can contribute to the study of the public communication of science. We use these ideas to create a graphical representation that summarizes a desirable dynamic for practice while considering information flows that pass through politicized universities, the social life-world and the context of political decisions. This essay considers the inclusion of the public in the scientific agenda and in policy decisions related to that agenda. A (...)
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    El supremo recurso del patriarca.Carlos Germán Van der Linde - 2016 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 26 (93):169-182.
    Carlos Fuentes, en una obra de 1969 titulada La nueva novela hispanoamericana, anticipael trabajo de Ángel Rama sobre el dictador como arquetipo latinoamericano, el deIrlemar Chiampi sobre el realismo maravilloso y las novelas de Carpentier, Roa Bastosy García Márquez. En el primer capítulo de esta obra, Fuentes enuncia dos arquetipospropiamente hispanoamericanos: el primero es el de la “naturaleza devoradora”, quese encuentra en los orígenes mismos del sujeto híbrido hispano-americano y en el desarrollode un sincretismo histórico. Este mismo legado cultural da (...)
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  32. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Nietzsche y Educación.Juliana Santos Monteiro Vieira, Lucas Oliveira de Carvalho & Dinamara Garcia Feldens - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (75):1433-1456.
    Nietzsche y Educación: conocimiento y cultura en el Estado Moderno Resumen: Este texto busca tejer algunas reflexiones sobre la relación entre la filosofía de Friedrich Nietzsche y el campo educativo, entendiendo sus indagaciones sobre las instituciones educativas modernas y los valores vinculados a este tipo de hombre. Vinculado al proceso de degeneración de la potencia instintiva humana y su animalidad, se estableció un modelo de conocimiento, basado en el ideal metafísico y la creencia incondicional de la verdad. La crítica dirigida (...)
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    (1 other version)GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, JUAN A., El hombre como persona. Antropología filosófica, Edición al cuidado de Germán Rueda Hernanz, Ideas y Libros ediciones, Madrid, 2019, 276pp. [REVIEW]Alejandro Rojas Jiménez - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (2).
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  35. On the Nature of Presupposition: A Normative Speech Act Account.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):269-293.
    In this paper I provide a new account of linguistic presuppositions, on which they are ancillary speech acts defined by constitutive norms. After providing an initial intuitive characterization of the phenomenon, I present a normative speech act account of presupposition in parallel with Williamson’s analogous account of assertion. I explain how it deals well with the problem of informative presuppositions, and how it relates to accounts for the Triggering and Projection Problems for presuppositions. I conclude with a brief discussion of (...)
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  36. De se thoughts and immunity to error through misidentification.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3311-3333.
    I discuss an aspect of the relation between accounts of de se thought and the phenomenon of immunity to error through misidentification. I will argue that a deflationary account of the latter—the Simple Account, due to Evans —will not do; a more robust one based on an account of de se thoughts is required. I will then sketch such an alternative account, based on a more general view on singular thoughts, and show how it can deal with the problems I (...)
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  37. Expression-Style Exclusion.Eric Bayruns Garcia - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (3):245-261.
    I describe a phenomenon that has not yet been described in the epistemology literature. I label this phenomenon expression-style exclusion. Expression-style exclusion is an example of how s...
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    Normative Fiction‐Making and the World of the Fiction.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (3):267-279.
    In recent work, Walton has abandoned his very influential account of the fictionality of p in a fictional work in terms of prescriptions to imagine emanating from it. He offers examples allegedly showing that a prescription to imagine p in a given work of fiction is not sufficient for the fictionality of p in that work. In this paper, both in support and further elaboration of a constitutive-norms speech-act variation on Walton’s account that I have defended previously, I critically discuss (...)
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  39. Tropes as Character-Grounders.Robert K. Garcia - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):499-515.
    There is a largely unrecognized ambiguity concerning the nature of a trope. Disambiguation throws into relief two fundamentally different conceptions of a trope and provides two ways to understand and develop each metaphysical theory that put tropes to use. In this paper I consider the relative merits that result from differences concerning a trope’s ability to ground the character of ordinary objects. I argue that on each conception of a trope, there are unique implications and challenges concerning character-grounding.
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  40. On the naturalisation of teleology: self-organisation, autopoiesis and teleodynamics.Miguel Garcia-Valdecasas - 2022 - Adaptive Behavior 30 (2):103-117.
    In recent decades, several theories have claimed to explain the teleological causality of organisms as a function of self-organising and self-producing processes. The most widely cited theories of this sort are variations of autopoiesis, originally introduced by Maturana and Varela. More recent modifications of autopoietic theory have focused on system organisation, closure of constraints and autonomy to account for organism teleology. This article argues that the treatment of teleology in autopoiesis and other organisation theories is inconclusive for three reasons: First, (...)
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  41. Origins of Biological Teleology: How Constraints Represent Ends.Miguel García-Valdecasas & Terrence W. Deacon - 2024 - Synthese 204 (75):1-28.
    To naturalize the concept of teleological causality in biology it is not enough to avoid assuming backward causation or positing the existence of an inscrutable te- leological essence like the élan vital. We must also specify how the causality of or- ganisms is distinct from the causality of designed artifacts like thermostats or asym- metrically oriented processes like the ubiquitous increase of entropy. Historically, the concept of teleological causality in biology has been based on an analogy to the familiar experience (...)
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  42. Emilio Uranga and Jorge Portilla on Accidentality as a Decolonial Tool.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (1):55-80.
    Call ‘a substance’ a person who is at home in a relatively stable and unified sense-making framework: a social structure that to some degree specifies which categories are important for interpreting reality, which goals are worth pursing, which character traits are admirable, etc. Call ‘an accident’ a person who is not at home in one such framework. It is tempting to think that being a substance is preferable, but I present some considerations for thinking otherwise. Mexican philosophers Emilio Uranga and (...)
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    On the Nature of Fiction-Making: Austin or Grice?Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):203-210.
    Only Imagine is a wonderful book. Clear and tersely written, it provides a compelling defence of a rather unpopular view : namely, extreme intentionalism about the determination of fictional content and the nature of fictionality. It thus unquestionably advances the philosophical debate. It is also a pleasure to read for those of us who like fictions and not just the philosophy thereof: Stock discusses for her arguments many examples from real fictions, systematically making perceptive remarks. Here I will respond to (...)
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  44. Singular Reference in Fictional Discourse?Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (54):143-177.
    Singular terms used in fictions for fictional characters raise well-known philosophical issues, explored in depth in the literature. But philosophers typically assume that names already in use to refer to “moderatesized specimens of dry goods” cause no special problem when occurring in fictions, behaving there as they ordinarily do in straightforward assertions. In this paper I continue a debate with Stacie Friend, arguing against this for the exceptionalist view that names of real entities in fictional discourse don’t work there as (...)
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  45. Ostensive Signs: Against the Identity Theory of Quotation.Manuel García-Carpintero - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (5):253-264.
    This paper defends a version of Davidson’s demonstrative theory of quotation and against against the Fregean identity theory (IT henceforth) as articulated and defended by Corey Washington (1992). On the Fregean view, when an expression is referred to by means of quotation the quoted material itself is a linguistic referring expression. Quotation-marks are not needed; when they are used, they serve to make clearer the shift in syntactic and semantic properties effected on the quoted material by its occupying that linguistic (...)
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  46. Recanati on the Semantics/pragmatics Distinction.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2006 - Critica 38 (112):35-68.
    One of the hottest philosophical debates in recent years concerns the nature of the semantics/pragmatics divide. Some writers have expressed the reserve that this might be merely terminological, but in my view it ultimately concerns a substantive issue with empirical implications: the scope and limits of a serious scientific undertaking, formal semantics. In this critical note I discuss two arguments by Recanati: his main methodological argument --viz. that the contents posited by what he calls 'literalists' play no relevant role in (...)
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  47. Semantics of fictional terms.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):73-100.
    The paper provides an opinionated survey of recent contributions – roughly, in the last decade – to our understanding of how names and other referring expressions work in fictional discourse and addresses well-known philosophical worries that they raise. Views about the semantics of referring expressions in fictional discourse are usually accompanied by metaphysical views on the ontology of fictional characters, so this will also come under our focus.
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  48. Bare Particulars and Constituent Ontology.Robert K. Garcia - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (2):149-159.
    My general aim in this paper is to shed light on the controversial concept of a bare particular. I do so by arguing that bare particulars are best understood in terms of the individuative work they do within the framework of a realist constituent ontology. I argue that outside such a framework, it is not clear that the notion of a bare particular is either motivated or coherent. This is suggested by reflection on standard objections to bare particulars. However, within (...)
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  49. Pretense, Cancellation, and the Act Theory of Propositions.Manuel García-Carpintero - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Several philosophers advance substantive theories of propositions, to deal with several issues they raise in connection with a concern with a long pedigree in philosophy, the problem of the unity of propositions. The qualification ‘substantive’ is meant to contrast with ‘minimal’ or ‘deflationary’ – roughly, views that reject that propositions have a hidden nature, worth investigating. Substantive views appear to create spurious problems by characterizing propositions in ways that make them unfit to perform their theoretical jobs. I will present in (...)
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    Defeasible logic programming: DeLP-servers, contextual queries, and explanations for answers.Alejandro J. García & Guillermo R. Simari - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (1):63-88.
    Argumentation represents a way of reasoning over a knowledge base containing possibly incomplete and/or inconsistent information, to obtain useful conclusions. As a reasoning mechanism, the way an argumentation reasoning engine reaches these conclusions resembles the cognitive process that humans follow to analyze their beliefs; thus, unlike other computationally reasoning systems, argumentation offers an intellectually friendly alternative to other defeasible reasoning systems. LogicProgrammingisacomputationalparadigmthathasproducedcompu- tationallyattractivesystemswithremarkablesuccessinmanyapplications. Merging ideas from both areas, Defeasible Logic Programming offers a computational reasoning system that uses an argumentation engine (...)
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