Results for 'Gill David'

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  1. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics.David W. Gill - 2005 - Business Ethics 1:272-281.
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    Christian Ethics in a Technological Age by Brian Brock.David W. Gill - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):188-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christian Ethics in a Technological Age by Brian BrockDavid W. GillChristian Ethics in a Technological Age Brian Brock Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010. 408 pp. $34.00Brian Brock is a lecturer in moral and practical theology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the author of Singing the Ethos of God: On the Place of Christian Ethics in Scripture (Eerdmans, 2007). Christian Ethics in a Technological [End Page 188] (...)
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    Application.David W. Gill - 2004 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 23 (4):135-151.
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    Annual address to the members of the south african philosophical society.David Gill - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):xxxvii-xci.
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    Annual address to the south african philosophicbl society.David Gill - 1879 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 2 (3):liv-lxxv.
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    Educating for Meaning & Morality: The Contribution of Technology.David W. Gill - 1997 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 17 (5-6):249-260.
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  7.  98
    Etruscan Mirrors.David W. J. Gill - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):388-.
  8. From here to where?David M. Gill - 1970 - Geneva,: World Council of Churches.
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    Hippodamus and the Piraeus.David W. J. Gill - 2006 - História 55 (1):1-15.
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    Pots and trade: spacefillers or objets d'art?David W. J. Gill - 1991 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 111:29-47.
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    Political Rights in Aristotle.David Gill - 1996 - Ancient Philosophy 16 (2):431-442.
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    Report of the proceedings of the south african philosophical society.David Gill - 1889 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 6 (1):xv-xvi.
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    Report on the proceedings of the south african philosophical society.David Gill - 1886 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 5 (1):xxiii-xxiv.
  14.  39
    Report of the proceedings of the south african philosophical society.David Gill - 1886 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 5 (1):li-lii.
  15. Review. The Jewellery of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions. C Johns.David W. J. Gill - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):400-402.
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    SHOULD GOD GET TENURE? ESSAYS ON RELIGION AND HIGHER EDUCATION.David W. Gill (ed.) - 1997 - Wiiliam B. Eerdmans Publishers.
    During the twentieth century, theological and religious perspectives have been marginalized, if not utterly excluded in many of our colleges and universities. The essays in this book argue in different ways for the critical, appreciative inclusion of theological and religious perspectives in higher education. The contributors believe that even in our secular, religiously disestablished era, religion and God continue to occupy an important and dynamic role in personal and social life. If our colleges and universities are to fulfill their higher (...)
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    Two dedications from aigina: Seg XI 4.David S. J. Gill - 1967 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 111 (1-2).
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    Two Herodotean dedications from Naucratis.David W. J. Gill - 1986 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 106:184-187.
    In the 1903 season of excavations at Naucratis two sherds of Athenian pottery, inscribed with the name of a Herodotus, were found. They were subsequently presented to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford by the excavator, D. G. Hogarth. In this note I would like to question the supposed relationship between these two ‘signatures’ and the historian Herodotus, who dedicated part of his work to a study of Egypt.
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    The Technological Blind Spot in Business Ethics.David W. Gill - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (3):190-198.
    From all directions comes confirmation that technology, information technology above all, is radically transforming today’s business. All observers predict that this technologizing of business will continue in the 21st century with major consequences. This article argues that business ethics cases (the most popular way of approaching business ethics) as well as the broader corporate cultural values (a less popular but equally important focus for business ethics) are inexorably affected by the technological revolution in business. But of 29 business ethics textbooks (...)
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  20.  47
    (1 other version)The 'Temenid' Kingdoms.David W. J. Gill - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):180-.
  21.  11
    The Word of God in the Ethics of Jacques Ellul.David W. Gill - 1984 - Metuchen, N.J. : American Theological Library Association and the Scarecrow Press.
    To find more information about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
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  22.  25
    Virgil's Aeneid: Listening for the Voices.David Gill - 1998 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2 (2):279-294.
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  23. Ancient Landscapes - G. Shipley, J. Salmon : Human Landscapes in Classical Antiquity: Environment and Culture. Pp. xiv + 344, 30 figs. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. £50. ISBN: 0-415-10755-5. [REVIEW]David W. Gill - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):137-139.
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    Mount Helicon - A. Hurst, A. Schachter : La montagne des Muses. Pp. 254, ills. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1996. Paper. ISBN: 2-600-00157-3. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):133-134.
  25.  65
    M. B. Hatzopoulos, L. D. Loukopoulou: Recherches sur les marches orientales des Téménides : IIe partie. Pp. 159–448. Athens: Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 1996 . Paper. ISBN: 960-7094-85-9. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):235-235.
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    (2 other versions)Achaea. [REVIEW]David Gill - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 44 (1):111-112.
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    Achaea R. Dalongeville, M. Lakakis, A. D. Rizakis (edd.): Paysages dΆchaie, I: le bassin du Peiros et la plaine occidentale. (Centre de ľantiquité grecque et romaine. Fondation Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique: МΕΛΕТНМАТА, 15.) Pp. 299; 20 maps, 17 plates, 19 figs. Athens, Paris: de Boccard, 1992. Paper, frs. 280. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):111-112.
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    C. Siebert : Nature et paysage dans la pensée et l’environment des civilisations antiques. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 11–12 juin 1992. Pp. 223. Paris: De Boccard, 1996. ISBN: 2-911488-02-4. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):661-662.
  29.  23
    (G.) Günter Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland 71: Würzburg, Martin von Wagner Museum, 4. Munich: CH Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1999. Pp. 67, figs. 13, pll. 55. 3406446507. DM 142.00.(CL) Sismanidis Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Greece 5: Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum, 1. Athens: Academy of Athens, 1998. Pp. 53, figs. 21, pll. 66. 9607099745. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:219-220.
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    Greek gold D. Williams (ed.): The art of the greek Goldsmith . Pp. 160, 20 ills. London: British museum press, 1998. Paper, £35. Isbn: 0-7141-2211-. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):233-.
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    Hellenistic Silver Plate Michael Pfrommer: Studien zu alexandrinischer und grossgriechischer Toreutik frühhellenistischer Zeit. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut: Archäologische Forschungen, 16.) Pp. xvi + 312; 2 figures, 62 plates. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1987. DM 120. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (01):114-116.
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    (1 other version)Laconia. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):131-132.
  33.  46
    La fortune du ‘Périple d'Hannon’ à la Renaissance et au XVIIe siècle: Continuité et rupture dans la transmission d'un savoir géographique. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):183-184.
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    Leader-Newby (R. E.) Silver and Society in Late Antiquity. Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Pp. xiv + 240, ills. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004. Cased, £50. ISBN: 978-0-7546-0728-. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (01):224-.
  35.  78
    Mining R. Shepherd: Ancient Mining. Pp. xv+494; 69 figs. London and New York: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy by Elsevier Applied Science, 1993. Cased. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (01):143-145.
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    The Greek Countryside - M. H. Jameson, C. N. Runnels, T. Van Andel: A Greek Countryside. The Southern Argolid from Prehistory to the Present Day with a Register of Sites by C. N. Runnels and M. H. Munn. Pp. xviii + 654; ills. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994. Cased, £84.95. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):128-130.
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    M. Melas: Ποτ δαιον Καρπ θον π την пροϊστορικ пοхή пοх ς την στερη ρхαι τητα. Pp. II + 96, ills, maps. New York: Poseidon Benevolent Society of Karpathos, 1991. Paper. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (02):437-438.
  38.  48
    Review. Classical gems. Classical gems: ancient and modern intaglios and cameos in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. M Henig et al. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):342-343.
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    Strabo in Greece R. Baladié (ed.): Strabon: Géographie: Tome VI (Livre IX): Texte établi et traduit (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé). Pp. 456, 4 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1996. frs. 475. ISBN: 2-251-00450-. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):26-.
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    The Ancient and Classicising Finger-rings and Gems. The McGill University Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):190-191.
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    The Geoarchaeology of the Argolid. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):386-387.
  42.  52
    Trademarks on Greek Vases (A.W.) Johnston Trademarks on Greek Vases. Addenda. Pp. xiv + 242, pls. Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2006. Cased, £60. ISBN: 978-0-85668-747-. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):247-.
  43.  26
    Topographies of Hellenism. [REVIEW]David W. J. Gill - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):312-313.
  44.  6
    (1 other version)The Topography of Greece. [REVIEW]David Gill - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 44 (1):114-115.
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    Gilles Deleuze.Gilles Deleuze & David Lapoujade - 2003
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  46. Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities.David Bell & Gill Valentine (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Discover the truth about sex in the city (and the country). Mapping Desire explores the places and spaces of sexuality from body to community, from the "cottage" to the Barrio, from Boston to Jakarta, from home to cyberspace. Mapping Desire is the first book to explore sexualities from a geographical perspective. The nature of place and notions of space are of increasing centrality to cultural and social theory. Mapping Desires presents the rich and diverse world of contemporary sexuality, exploring how (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Empirisme et Subjectivité. — Essai sur la nature humaine selon Hume.Gilles Deleuze, J. Hyppolite, David Hume & A. Cresson - 1953 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 8 (3):321-324.
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    Supplement: on the work of david hume.David Scott & Gilles Deleuze - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (2):181-188.
    In this supplement to a work co-authored with André Cresson, David Hume, sa vie, son œuvre, left untranslated until now, Deleuze lays the groundwork for what he will later develop as an “ethics without morality.” Contrary to morality, ethics engenders its general rule for action out of the immanence that grants it the power to affect and to be affected, that is, to increase or decrease its capacity to compose new empowering relations between beings, and between beings and the (...)
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  49. Adaptive norm-based coding of face identity.Gill Rhodes & David Leopold - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
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  50. [no title].Gilles Deleuze, David Lapoujade, Ames Hodges & Mike Taormina - unknown
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