Results for 'Giovanna Mantovani'

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  1. Gene Section.Guiomar Pérez de Nanclares, Giovanna Mantovani & Eduardo Fernandez-Rebollo - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    Herbert of Cherbury, Descartes and Locke on Innate Ideas and Universal Consent.Mattia Mantovani - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):83-115.
    The present paper investigates the seventeenth-century debate on whether the agreement of all human beings upon certain notions—designated as the “common” ones—prove these notions to be innate. It does so by focusing on Descartes’ and Locke’s rejections of the philosophy of Herbert of Cherbury, one of the most important early modern proponents of this view. The paper opens by considering the strategy used in Herbert’s arguments, as well as the difficulties involved in them. It shows that Descartes’ 1638 and 1639 (...)
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  3. La educación y sus tres problemas.Juan Mantovani - 1943 - [Tucumán]: Universidad nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de filosofía y letras.
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    The Physical Universe and the Theoretical Value of Science: Reflections on the Thought of G. Leopardi.Roberto Mantovani & Alessandro Prato - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (8).
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    Uma fenomenologia do patológico em Merleau-ponty.Harley Juliano Mantovani - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (28):193.
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    Apresentação.José PAscoal Mantovani - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 10 (1):1-3.
    Apresentação e ordem geral da edição 2021/1.
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    A priori Proofs of God’s Existence in 17th-century Scholastics.Mattia Mantovani - 2019 - Quaestio 19:492-497.
    Igor Agostini, La démonstration de l’existence de Dieu. Les conclusions des cinq voies de saint Thomas d’Aquin et la preuve a priori dans le thomisme du XVIIe siècle, The Age of Descartes / Descartes et son temps 1, Brepols, Turnhout 2016, 704 pp.
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    A representação do conceito de liberdade em “Merli” – uma práxis pedagógica.José Pascoal Mantovani & Bruno Novaes - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):3.
    Nesse artigo temos como objetivo analisar a representação do conceito de liberdade na primeira temporada da série “Merli”, veiculada no canal de streaming Netflix. Nela, pretendemos verificar como o professor de Filosofia Merli Bergeron trabalha conceitos libertários e suscita reflexões críticas em seus alunos sobre os padrões de convívio socialmente impostos pelas instituições primárias e secundárias. Ao mesmo tempo, pretendemos abordar a personalidade do professor, discutindo sobre o convívio que ele mantém com os colegas de trabalho e seus alunos, assim (...)
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  9. Construyendo Ideas entre lo Rural y lo Urbano.Graciela Verónica Mantovani - 1998 - Polis 1 (2):59-61.
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    Ceticismo na filosofia de Blaise Pascal.Ricardo Vinícius Ibañez Mantovani - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 40:165-193.
    O ceticismo desempenha um papel decisivo na filosofia pascaliana. De fato, amplamente influenciado por autores como Michel de Montaigne e Pierre Charron, Blaise Pascal acaba por contrariar a tendência geral do século do grande Racionalismo, levantando profundas objeções relativamente à pretensão – tipicamente cartesiana – de se conhecer a Verdade de maneira certa e segura. Como se pode depreender mesmo de uma rápida leitura de seus escritos, a obra pascaliana é toda perpassada por uma notável desconfiança de nossa suposta capacidade (...)
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    Einverleibung e "organismo sociale": modelli e metafore della relazione individuo, Stato e società in Nietzsche.Marco Mantovani - 2022 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    (1 other version)Educación y vida.Juan Mantovani - 1955 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Losada.
  13.  13
    Filosofia e educação: crítica foucaultiana Por vias epistemológicas da filosofia da Resistência.José Pascoal Mantovani - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):69.
    Este artigo tem como objeto de pesquisa o tema da filosofia e educação, bem como a idiossincrasia destes dois tópicos. Como objetivo geral deste trabalho, espera-se apresentar caminhos epistemológicos relacionados a filosofia da Educação a partir da constituição da subjetividade do filósofo francês Michel Foucault. Os objetivos específicos serão: apresentar a relação indissociável entre filosofia e educação a partir de contribuições kantianas e de Adorno ; destacar a dimensão da subjetividade em Foucault e sua abordagem sobre a constituição do sujeito (...)
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  14. Función formativa de la historia.Juan Mantovani - 1937 - Buenos Aires: [Talleres gráficos de la Penitenciaría nacional].
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    Fenomenologia genética do transcendental e do logos em Merleau-Ponty: subversão e recuperação do antropológico.Harley Juliano Mantovani - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 7 (1):77-91.
    Saímos da leitura ortodoxa da obra de Merleau-Ponty para lhe sermos mais sinceros e fiéis. Neste sentido, apresentamos as consequências para a filosofia que, de modo heroico e dramático, recupera a natureza trágica do transcendental como revelação e engajamento na contingência eterna. Mostramos que o tema privilegiado para esta filosofia, seu verdadeiro solo, é a ausência de limites precisos da fenomenologia e da ontologia. Nesses termos, analisamos de que maneira a fenomenologia estende e fortalece as fronteiras ordinárias do Logos, que (...)
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    Il De luce di Bartolomeo da Bologna. Studio e edizione, by Francesca Galli.Mattia Mantovani - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (1):93-104.
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    Italian or Foreigner? Concerning Student Classification Criteria in Social Research.Debora Mantovani - 2011 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 25 (1):65-98.
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    Kant e Heidegger: diálogo sobre a edificação do homem.Harley Juliano Mantovani - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 13 (1):122-144.
    Através desse diálogo tivemos o objetivo de propor uma compreensão do homem através da explicitação do sentido ético de edificação. Apresentamos a cidadania do mundo como uma finalidade moral do homem, que estava presente e oculta na fundamentação metafísica do humanismo. Agora, se o antropológico se fortalece por meio da realização ética do mundo, defendemos que o dever do melhor não é uma finalidade moral que se realiza em um infinito separado da finitude humana. O antropológico só é cidadão se (...)
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    La crisis de la educación.Juan Mantovani - 1957 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Columba.
  20.  9
    La Disputatio de divina existentia et subsistentia: un testo emblemático del pensiero suareziano.Mauro Mantovani - 2017 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 44:55-70.
    In questo contributo si intende evidenziare la rilevanza e l’importanza della Disputatio XI, De divina existentia et subsistentia, all’interno della produzione di Francisco Suárez. Il maestro spagnolo tratta in essa di questioni metafisiche fondamentali relative alla sussistenza e all’esistenza divina, facendo riferimento ai principali dogmi della fede cristiana, quali soprattutto i misteri della Santissima Trinità e dell’Incarnazione del Verbo. La sua pro-spettiva teoretica sul modo di concepire Dio e la sua interpretazione del nome divino Qui est lo colloca in un (...)
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  21. La fondazione delle cinque vie tomiste secondo padre Alberto boccanegra.Mauro Mantovani - 2013 - Divus Thomas 116 (1):116-168.
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    L'équité hors du droit.Dario Mantovani (ed.) - 2023 - Paris: Collège de France Éditions.
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    L. Queirolo Palmas, Prove di seconde generazioni. Giovani di origine immigrata tra scuola e spazi urbani.D. Mantovani - 2007 - Polis 21 (3):530-532.
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    M. Dei, Ragazzi, si copia. A lezione di imbroglio nelle scuole italiane.D. Mantovani - 2011 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 25 (2):299-301.
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    Minimal Intellectualism and Gods as Intuitive Regress-Blockers.Paolo Mantovani - 2018 - In Hans van Eyghen, Rik Peels & Gijsbert van den Brink, New Developments in the Cognitive Science of Religion - The Rationality of Religious Belief. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 131-156.
    What is the role of explanation in shaping and sustaining religious beliefs, if any? This chapter tackles this question from the perspective of the framework known as the Cognitive Science of Religion. CSR has been generally dismissive of ‘intellectualist’ approaches to religion emphasizing the explanatory role of religious beliefs. Here, I argue, first, that some of the arguments against intellectualism found in the CSR literature are overstated and that some ‘minimally intellectualist’ propositions concerning religion are not only compatible with CSR (...)
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  26. Musing on Evolution and Our Faith Today: An Exercise in Religious Dialogue.Ennio Mantovani - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (1):3.
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    O papel do conhecimento de si na apologética de Pierre Charron.Ricardo Vinícius Ibañez Mantovani - 2022 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 3 (1):46-57.
    No presente artigo pretendemos detalhar o papel do conhecimento de si no Les Trois Vérités de Pierre Charron. Por tratar-se de um autor ainda pouco conhecido em nosso país, iniciaremos nosso estudo com uma pequena biografia sua. Isto feito, procederemos a uma análise do status do autoconhecimento nos Ensaios de Michel de Montaigne, mais para demarcar as diferenças do que para assinalar as continuidades existentes entre os dois autores. Na sequência, exporemos a concepção de conhecimento de si charroniana tal como (...)
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    Primeira carta provincial de Blaise Pascal.Ricardo Vinícius Ibañez Mantovani - 2015 - Cadernos Espinosanos 33:255.
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    Procesos de transformación en el área metropolitana Santa Fe‑Paraná: modalidades dominantes en el período 2000‑2010.Graciela Mantovani & Mirta Soijet - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 1 (13):62-71.
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    Social Context in HCl: A New Framework for Mental Models, Cooperation, and Communication.Giuseppe Mantovani - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (2):237-269.
    This article considers current research in computer‐supported cooperative work (CSCW), computer‐mediated communication (CMC), and distributed artificial intelligence (DAl). These areas need an articulated model of social contexts to bridge the persisting gap between social and technological dimensions in computer system design and use.A conceptual model of context is presented to account for both cooperation‐conflict and communication‐negotiation processes. The model conceives of contexts as including not only physical objects and other people but also social norms which influence both individuals and organizations. (...)
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    Tommaso d'Aquino: croce-via per una ontologia trinitaria?Mauro Mantovani & Emanuele Pili (eds.) - 2024 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    The First of All Natural Sciences: Roger Bacon on Perspectiva and Human Knowledge.Mattia Mantovani - 2021 - Vivarium 59 (3):186-214.
    This article is devoted to Roger Bacon’s understanding of perspectiva as “the first of all natural sciences.” After considering a few alternative medieval definitions and classifications of this discipline – such as al-Fārābī’s, Grosseteste’s and Kilwardby’s – the author turns to Bacon’s arguments for according to perspectiva so exceptional a role. He shows that Bacon’s arguments are grounded in his peculiar understanding of the visual process: according to Bacon, vision is indeed the only sense in which perception takes place “by (...)
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  33. The Feeling Body: Affective Science Meets the Enactive Mind.Giovanna Colombetti - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  34. Scaffoldings of the affective mind.Giovanna Colombetti & Joel Krueger - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (8):1157-1176.
    In this paper we adopt Sterelny's framework of the scaffolded mind, and his related dimensional approach, to highlight the many ways in which human affectivity is environmentally supported. After discussing the relationship between the scaffolded-mind view and related frameworks, such as the extended-mind view, we illustrate the many ways in which our affective states are environmentally supported by items of material culture, other people, and their interplay. To do so, we draw on empirical evidence from various disciplines, and develop phenomenological (...)
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    Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida.Giovanna Borradori - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    The idea for _Philosophy in a Time of Terror_ was born hours after the attacks on 9/11 and was realized just weeks later when Giovanna Borradori sat down with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida in New York City, in separate interviews, to evaluate the significance of the most destructive terrorist act ever perpetrated. This book marks an unprecedented encounter between two of the most influential thinkers of our age as here, for the first time, Habermas and Derrida overcome their (...)
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  36. Le Concept du 11 Septembre Dialogues À New York, Octobre-Décembre 2001, Avec Giovanna Borradori.Giovanna Borradori, Jacques Derrida, Jürgen Habermas, Christian Bouchindhomme & Sylvette Gleize - 2004
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  37. Extending the extended mind: the case for extended affectivity.Giovanna Colombetti & Tom Roberts - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (5):1243-1263.
    The thesis of the extended mind (ExM) holds that the material underpinnings of an individual’s mental states and processes need not be restricted to those contained within biological boundaries: when conditions are right, material artefacts can be incorporated by the thinking subject in such a way as to become a component of her extended mind. Up to this point, the focus of this approach has been on phenomena of a distinctively cognitive nature, such as states of dispositional belief, and processes (...)
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  38. The feeling body: Towards an enactive approach to emotion.Giovanna Colombetti & Evan Thompson - 2008 - In W. F. Overton, U. Mueller & J. Newman, Body in Mind, Mind in Body: Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness. Erlbaum.
    For many years emotion theory has been characterized by a dichotomy between the head and the body. In the golden years of cognitivism, during the nineteen-sixties and seventies, emotion theory focused on the cognitive antecedents of emotion, the so-called “appraisal processes.” Bodily events were seen largely as byproducts of cognition, and as too unspecific to contribute to the variety of emotion experience. Cognition was conceptualized as an abstract, intellectual, “heady” process separate from bodily events. Although current emotion theory has moved (...)
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    The American philosopher: conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn.Giovanna Borradori - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this lively look at current debates in American philosophy, leading philosophers talk candidly about the changing character of their discipline. In the spirit of Emerson's The American Scholar , this book explores the identity of the American philosopher. Through informal conversations, the participants discuss the rise of post-analytic philosophy in America and its relations to European thought and to the American pragmatist tradition. They comment on their own intellectual development as well as each others' work, charting the course of (...)
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  40. Enactive Affectivity, Extended.Giovanna Colombetti - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):445-455.
    In this paper I advance an enactive view of affectivity that does not imply that affectivity must stop at the boundaries of the organism. I first review the enactive notion of “sense-making”, and argue that it entails that cognition is inherently affective. Then I review the proposal, advanced by Di Paolo, that the enactive approach allows living systems to “extend”. Drawing out the implications of this proposal, I argue that, if enactivism allows living systems to extend, then it must also (...)
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  41. Enaction, Sense-Making and Emotion.Giovanna Colombetti - 2013 - In S.J. Gapenne & E. Di Paolo, Enaction: Towards a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science. MIT Press.
    The theory of autopoiesis is central to the enactive approach. Recent works emphasize that the theory of autopoiesis is a theory of sense-making in living systems, i.e. of how living systems produce and consume meaning. In this chapter I first illustrate (some aspects of) these recent works, and interpret their notion of sense-making as a bodily cognitive- emotional form of understanding. Then I turn to modern emotion science, and I illustrate its tendency to over-intellectualize our capacity to evaluate and understand. (...)
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  42. The Embodied and Situated Nature of Moods.Giovanna Colombetti - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1437-1451.
    In this paper I argue that it is misleading to regard the brain as the physical basis or “core machinery” of moods. First, empirical evidence shows that brain activity not only influences, but is in turn influenced by, physical activity taking place in other parts of the organism. It is therefore not clear why the core machinery of moods ought to be restricted to the brain. I propose, instead, that moods should be conceived as embodied, i.e., their physical basis should (...)
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  43. Appraising valence.Giovanna Colombetti - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (8-10):8-10.
    ‘Valence’ is used in many different ways in emotion theory. It generally refers to the ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ character of an emotion, as well as to the ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ character of some aspect of emotion. After reviewing these different uses, I point to the conceptual problems that come with them. In particular, I dis- tinguish: problems that arise from conflating the valence of an emotion with the valence of its aspects, and problems that arise from the very idea that (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: A Content Analysis in Family and Non-family Firms.Giovanna Campopiano & Alfredo De Massis - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):511-534.
    Family firms are ubiquitous and play a crucial role across all world economies, but how they differ in the disclosure of social and environmental actions from non-family firms has been largely overlooked in the literature. Advancing the discourse on corporate social responsibility reporting, we examine how family influence on a business organization affects CSR reporting. The arguments developed here draw on institutional theory, using a rich body of empirical evidence gathered through a content analysis of the CSR reports of 98 (...)
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  45. Varieties of Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness: Foreground and Background Bodily Feelings in Emotion Experience.Giovanna Colombetti - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (3):293 - 313.
    How do we feel our body in emotion experience? In this paper I initially distinguish between foreground and background bodily feelings, and characterize them in some detail. Then I compare this distinction with the one between reflective and pre-reflective bodily self-awareness one finds in some recent philosophical phenomenological works, and conclude that both foreground and background bodily feelings can be understood as pre-reflective modes of bodily self-awareness that nevertheless differ in degree of self-presentation or self-intimation. Finally, I use the distinction (...)
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  46. Enactive appraisal.Giovanna Colombetti - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (4):527-546.
    Emotion theorists tend to separate “arousal” and other bodily events such as “actions” from the evaluative component of emotion known as “appraisal.” This separation, I argue, implies phenomenologically implausible accounts of emotion elicitation and personhood. As an alternative, I attempt a reconceptualization of the notion of appraisal within the so-called “enactive approach.” I argue that appraisal is constituted by arousal and action, and I show how this view relates to an embodied and affective notion of personhood.
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  47. Are emotional states based in the brain? A critique of affective brainocentrism from a physiological perspective.Giovanna Colombetti & Eder Zavala - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (5):45.
    We call affective brainocentrism the tendency to privilege the brain over other parts of the organism when defining or explaining emotions. We distinguish two versions of this tendency. According to brain-sufficient, emotional states are entirely realized by brain processes. According to brain-master, emotional states are realized by both brain and bodily processes, but the latter are entirely driven by the brain: the brain is the master regulator of bodily processes. We argue that both these claims are problematic, and we draw (...)
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    The Tacitly Situated Self: From Narration to Sedimentation and Projection.Giovanna Colombetti & Juan Diego Bogotá - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):607-615.
    Recent analytic-philosophical works in the field of situated cognition have proposed to conceptualize the self as deeply entwined with the environment, and even as constituted by it. A common move has been to characterize the self in narrative terms, and then to argue that the narrative self is partly constituted by narratives about the past that are scaffolded (shaped and maintained) by, or distributed over, a variety of objects that can rekindle episodic memories. While we are sympathetic to these approaches, (...)
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    Experience of agency and sense of responsibility.Giovanna Moretto, Eamonn Walsh & Patrick Haggard - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1847-1854.
    The experience of agency refers to the feeling that we control our own actions, and through them the outside world. In many contexts, sense of agency has strong implications for moral responsibility. For example, a sense of agency may allow people to choose between right and wrong actions, either immediately, or on subsequent occasions through learning about the moral consequences of their actions. In this study we investigate the relation between the experience of operant action, and responsibility for action outcomes (...)
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  50. What language does to feelings.Giovanna Colombetti - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):4-26.
    This paper distinguishes various ways in which language can act on our affect or emotion experience. From the commonsensical consideration that sometimes we use language merely to report or describe our feelings, I move on to discuss how language can constitute, clarify, and enhance them, as well as induce novel and oft surprising experiences. I also consider the social impact of putting feelings into words, including the reciprocal influences between emotion experience and the public dissemination of emotion labels and descriptions, (...)
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