Results for 'Giovanni Barbieri'

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  1.  7
    Potere e partecipazione politica: scritti in onore di Roberto Segatori.Giovanni Barbieri, Marco Damiani & Roberto Segatori (eds.) - 2020 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  2. Complexity, Existence and Infinite Analysis.Giovanni Merlo - 2012 - The Leibniz Review 22:9-36.
    According to Leibniz’s infinite-analysis account of contingency, any derivative truth is contingent if and only if it does not admit of a finite proof. Following a tradition that goes back at least as far as Bertrand Russell, several interpreters have been tempted to explain this biconditional in terms of two other principles: first, that a derivative truth is contingent if and only if it contains infinitely complex concepts and, second, that a derivative truth contains infinitely complex concepts if and only (...)
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    Intangible Assets and Performance in Nonprofit Organizations:A Systematic Literature Review.Ilaria Buonomo, Paula Benevene, Barbara Barbieri & Michela Cortini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A burden from birth? Non‐invasive prenatal testing and the stigmatization of people with disabilities.Giovanni Rubeis & Florian Steger - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):91-97.
    The notion of being a burden to others is mostly discussed in the context of care‐intensive diseases or end‐of‐life decisions. But the notion is also crucial in decision‐making at the beginning of life, namely regarding prenatal testing. Ever more sophisticated testing methods, especially non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), allow the detection of genetic traits in the unborn child that may cause disabilities. A positive result often influences the decision of the pregnant women towards a termination of the pregnancy. Thus, critics claim (...)
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    Topology and duality in modal logic.Giovanni Sambin & Virginia Vaccaro - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 37 (3):249-296.
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    BIDA∗: an improved perimeter search algorithm.Giovanni Manzini - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 75 (2):347-360.
  7. La filosofia e lo Stato.Giovanni Gentile - 1929 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 10:161.
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    Storia della filosofia italiana fino a Lorenzo Valla.Giovanni Gentile & Vito A. Bellezza - 2003 - Sansoni.
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    Die Hegelsche Theorie des Völkerrechts.Giovanni Gerardi - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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  10. Epiménide erotetico. Un paradosso senza contraddizione.Amedeo Giovanni Conte - 2009 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 86 (1):9-16.
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  11. Les Relations Des Vaudois Des Alpes Avec Les Réformateurs En 1532.Giovanni Gonnet - 1961 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 23 (1):34-52.
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  12. Benjamin, Adorno e la “fisiognomica”.Giovanni Gurisatti - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (2).
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    Space, kinship, and mind.Giovanni Bennardo - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (5):382-383.
    In this commentary, I focus on Jones' suggestion of a close connection between the domain of space and that of kinship. I expand on that suggestion by introducing the concept of frame of reference and show how it can possibly participate to the generation of kinship systems.
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  14. Il problema della conoscenza.Giovanni Blandino - 1972 - Roma,: ABETE.
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    A Formal Model of Legal Argumentation.Giovanni Sartor - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (2):177-211.
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    The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.Giovanni Reale - 1980 - State University of New York Press.
    Reale's monumental work establishes the exact dimensions of Aristotle's concept of first philosophy and proves the profound unity of concept that exists in Aristotle's Metaphysics.
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    A logic of non-monotonic interactions.Giovanni Boniolo, Marcello DʼAgostino, Mario Piazza & Gabriele Pulcini - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (1):52-62.
  18.  28
    Guardians of humanity? The challenges of nursing practice in the digital age.Giovanni Rubeis - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12331.
    Digital technologies have become a crucial factor in nursing. Given the fact that many tasks could also be done by robots or AI systems, the place for the nurse in this scenario is unclear. In what way and to what extent will the implementation of ever more sophisticated technology affect nursing practice? It is the aim of this paper to analyse the potential challenges of nursing practice in the digital age. The analysis is conducted through the lens of new materialism, (...)
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    Intentional strategies that make co-actors more predictable: the case of signaling.Giovanni Pezzulo & Haris Dindo - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):371-372.
    Pickering & Garrod (P&G) explain dialogue dynamics in terms of forward modeling and prediction-by-simulation mechanisms. Their theory dissolves a strict segregation between production and comprehension processes, and it links dialogue to action-based theories of joint action. We propose that the theory can also incorporate intentional strategies that increase communicative success: for example, signaling strategies that help remaining predictable and forming common ground.
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    Studi vaniniani.Giovanni Papuli (ed.) - 2006 - Galatina: Congedo.
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    Storia comparata delle religioni: principi fenomenologici.Giovanni Magnani - 1999 - Assisi: Cittadella.
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    Auf dem Weg zum Kind als erkauftes Dienstleistungsprodukt?: Eine ethische Kritik der modernen Reproduktionsmedizin.Giovanni Maio - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 54 (3):194-205.
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    Essays in medical ethics: plea for a medicine of prudence.Giovanni Maio - 2017 - New York: Thieme.
    Meeting in the petri dish? -- Screen, test, weed out? -- Prettier, better, stronger? -- Is health a duty? -- The crisis of confidence in organ donation -- On the value of age : beyond the fitness imperative -- Living wills : are forms replacing dialogue? -- Being able to let go : for a new culture of dying -- Epilogue: happiness lies in our attitude toward the world.
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    Autrui: etica e antropologia in Lévinas.Giovanni Martini - 2021 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 12 (1):44-55.
    Riassunto: Questo lavoro sviluppa due elementi, apparentemente lontani, ma per alcuni aspetti non secondari, convergenti. Per un verso l’attenzione è rivolta all’origine delle regole che disciplinano il comportamento sociale umano, oltrepassando le regole di matrice istituzionale e convenzionale, che sono spesso considerate le più nobili e le più umane, nel tentativo di far affiorare le regole più remote del nostro agire, legate al patrimonio genetico degli individui della nostra specie, al parlamento dei nostri istinti, sviluppatisi durante l’evoluzione filogenetica. Lungo questo (...)
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    I presocratici.Giovanni Casertano - 2009 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Platone sociologo della comunicazione.Giovanni Cerri - 1991 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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    A Velocity Field and Operator for Spinning Particles in (Nonrelativistic) Quantum Mechanics.Giovanni Salesi & Erasmo Recami - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (5):763-773.
    Starting from the formal expressions of the hydrodynamical (or “local”) quantities employed in the applications of Clifford algebras to quantum mechanics, we introduce—in terms of the ordinary tensorial language—a new definition for the field of a generic quantity. By translating from Clifford into tensor algebra, we also propose a new (nonrelativistic) velocity operator for a spin- ${\frac{1}{2}}$ particle. This operator appears as the sum of the ordinary part p/m describing the mean motion (the motion of the center-of-mass), and of a (...)
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  28.  13
    Husserl on Intentionality and Attention.Luca De Giovanni - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):82-98.
    This paper discusses the role of attention in the phenomenological analysis of intentional experience in light of the problem of the relation between consciousness, intentionality, and transcendental subjectivity. Are these concepts equivalent? Or should we rather say that there is more to intentionality (and subjectivity) than consciousness? Does subjectivity embrace an unconscious domain? And, if so, how does this unconscious, yet intentional, life of subjectivity operate and how is it related to consciousness? In order to answer these questions, the paper (...)
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  29. Antonio Banfi e il protestantesimo.Irene Gianni & Giovanni Rota - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1):193.
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  30. De dignitate hominis.Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 1968 - Zürich,: Gehlen.
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    Charles lyell and the uniformity principle.Giovanni Camardi - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (4):537-560.
    The theoretical system Lyell presented in 1830 was composed of three requirements or principles: 1) the Uniformity Principle which states that past geological events must be explained by the same causes now in operation; 2) the Uniformity of Rate Principle which states that geological laws operate with the same force as at present; 3) the Steady-state Principle which states that the earth does not undergo any directional change. The three principles form a single thesis called uniformitarianism which has been repeatedly (...)
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    I problemi del pensiero antico dalle origini a Platone.Giovanni Reale - 1972 - Milano,: Celuc.
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  33.  13
    Experiências em realidade virtual.Giovanni Rolla, Nara Miranda de Figueiredo & Guilherme Nunes de Vasconcelos - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (2):1-15.
    A realidade virtual tem se tornado cada vez mais presente, o que dá origem a novas questões filosóficas: qual a natureza de experiências em realidade virtual? Seriam elas exatamente como percepções usuais, ou elas possuem algum traço que as diferencia? Seriam ilusórias? Nós argumentamos que experiências em realidade virtual não devem ser tratadas como ilusórias, assim como defendido pela maioria dos teóricos contemporâneos, mas sim como alusórias, condicionadas à incorporação do hardware e ao conhecimento prático envolvido no uso da tecnologia. (...)
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    Quale scetticismo viene criticato da Agostino nel Contra Academicos?Giovanni Catapano - 2006 - Quaestio 6 (1):1-13.
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  35. I Greci e noi.Giovanni Emanuele Bariè & Carlo Sini - 1959 - [Milano]: Nuova accademia editrice. Edited by Sini, Carlo & [From Old Catalog].
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  36. Giambattista Vico e la storia del diritto romano: Prolusione al corso di storia del diritto romano, IV decembre MCMXII.Giovanni Baviera - 1912 - Palermo: Stab. tip. ditta L. Gaipa.
  37. Esistenzialismo marxismo.Giovanni Maria Bertin - 1955 - Milano A.: V. E..
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    Philosophy of music and its aim. A brief account.Giovanni Piana - 1998 - Axiomathes 9 (1-2):213-222.
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    Teoria del sogno e dramma musicale: la metafisica della musica di Schopenhauer.Giovanni Piana - 1997 - Milano: Guerini.
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    Una vita da film: come il cinema e la filosofia possono aiutarci a vincere le sfide della vita.Giovanni Piazza - 2013 - Torino: Lindau.
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  41. A. Statii lectiones atque emendationes Catullianae.Giovanni Battista Pighi - 1951 - Humanitas 3.
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    Nel nome della razza: Il razzismo nella storia d'Italia 1870-1945. Alberto Burgio.Giovanni Pinna - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):768-769.
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  43. Critica della religione in Spinoza.Giovanni Di Luca - 1982 - L'Aquila: L.U. Japadre.
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    Recensione di V. Bochicchio, Costruttivismo e psicopatologia.Michele Giovanni Laquale - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (1):99-102.
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    The orbital: a pivotal concept in the relationship between chemistry and physics? A comment to the work by Fortin and coauthors.Giovanni Villani, Elena Ghibaudi & Luigi Cerruti - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (2):89-97.
    The present work is a comment of a recent paper by Fortin and coauthors in which the authors propose the introduction of Bohmian mechanics in the philosophy of chemistry and the use of standard quantum mechanics as a mere instrument of prediction. This way would allow overcoming the obstacles found in linking molecular chemistry and quantum mechanics. Starting from some remarks on the orbital concept, we highlight and discuss some general issues that need to be taken into account when two (...)
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    La razón de estado y otros escritos.Giovanni Botero - 1962 - Caracas: Instituto de Estudios Políticos, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Edited by Manuel García-Pelayo.
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    La Mia pedagogia..Giovanni Calò (ed.) - 1972 - Padova,: Liviana.
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    Natura e istituzioni umane nelle dottrine dei sofisti.Giovanni Casertano - 1971 - Napoli-Firenze,: Il tripode.
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  49. Parmenides - początki myśli filozoficznej i naukowej.Giovanni Casertano - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 38 (2):125-133.
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    The reminiscence in Phaedo.Giovanni Casertano - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 18:17-73.
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