Results for 'Girolamo Giles'

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  1. D. Egidii Romani in Arist. Libros de Gener. Commentaria Et Subtilissimae Quaest. Super Primo Clarissimique Doctoris Marsilii... Et... Albert de Saxonia in Eosdem... Quaestiones.Girolamo Giles, Aristotle, Albertus, Marsilius & Scotto - 1567 - Apud Hieronymum Scotum.
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    Microtargeting, Dogwhistles, and Deliberative Democracy.Giles Howdle - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):445-458.
    Abstract‘Dogwhistles’ and microtargeted political advertisements are objects of widespread moral and political concern. With a few notable exceptions in the case of dogwhistles (and none in the case of microtargeting) moral criticism of these speech act types generally focuses on problematiccontent—that a dogwhistle is, for instance, racist, or a microtargeted advertisement misleading. I argue that these practices areadditionallymorally wrongful on content-neutral grounds—regardless of their content. My argument proceeds from a deliberative conception of democracy according to which only a vote which (...)
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    Beyond Solidarity: Pragmatism and Difference in a Globalized World.Giles Gunn - 2001 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    _Beyond Solidarity_ is an impassioned argument for a sharable morality in a world increasingly fractured along lines of difference. Giles Gunn asks how human solidarity can be reconceived when its expressions have become increasingly exceptionalist and outmoded, and when the pressures of globalization divide as much as they unify. He finds the terms for answering these questions in a more inclusive, cosmopolitan pragmatism—one willing to explore fundamental values without recourse to absolutist arguments. Drawing on the work of William and (...)
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    What is Medical Ethics Consultation?Giles R. Scofield - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (1):95-118.
    As everybody knows, advances in medicine and medical technology have brought enormous benefits to, and created vexing choices for, us all – choices that can, and occasionally do, test the very limits of thinking itself. As everyone also knows, we live in the age of consultants, i.e., of professional experts who are ready, willing, and able to give us advice on any and every conceivable question. One such consultant is the medical ethics consultant, or the medical ethicist who consults.Medical ethics (...)
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    Machine Learning and the Future of Realism.Giles Hooker & Cliff Hooker - 2018 - Spontaneous Generations 9 (1):174-182.
  6. Haec A Joanne Bodin Lecta.Giles Barber - 1963 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 25 (2):362-365.
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    Le figure della Fenomenologia dello Spirito.Girolamo Cotroneo - 2021 - Messina: Armando Siciliano editore. Edited by Giuseppe Gembillo & Giuseppe Giordano.
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  8. Storicismo antico e nuovo.Girolamo Cotroneo - 1972 - Roma,: Bulzoni.
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    Trittico siciliano: Scinà, Castiglia, Di Menza.Girolamo Cotroneo - 1985 - Roma: Cadmo.
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    Logica dimostrativa.Girolamo Saccheri - 2011 - Milano: Bompiani. Edited by Paolo Pagli, Corrado Mangione & Girolamo Saccheri.
    [1. Without special title] -- [2]. Anastatica.
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  11. Aristotle on Desire.Giles Pearson - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Desire is a central concept in Aristotle's ethical and psychological works, but he does not provide us with a systematic treatment of the notion itself. This book reconstructs the account of desire latent in his various scattered remarks on the subject and analyses its role in his moral psychology. Topics include: the range of states that Aristotle counts as desires ; objects of desire and the relation between desires and envisaging prospects; desire and the good; Aristotle's three species of desire: (...)
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    Have the Cobbler’s Children Come Home to Roost?Giles Scofield - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):29-31.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 29-31.
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  13. 'Aristotle and the Cognitive Component of Emotions'.Giles Pearson - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 46:165-211.
  14. The earlier work of Giovanni bellini.Giles Robertson - 1960 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 23 (1/2):45-59.
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    A Multi-level Investigation of Authentic Leadership as an Antecedent of Helping Behavior.Giles Hirst, Fred Walumbwa, Samuel Aryee, Ivan Butarbutar & Chin Jeffery Hui Chen - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):485-499.
    We develop and test a trickle-down model of how authentic leadership at the department level flows down the organizational hierarchy to encourage team leader authentic leadership and consequently, promotes team and individual-level supervisor-directed helping behavior. Analyses of multi-level and multi-source data collected from a total of 487 employees comprising 122 teams, 47 departments, and 4 different working areas of a major public sector organization in Taiwan show that team leaders’ authentic leadership mediates the relationship between departmental authentic leadership and individual-level (...)
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    Carcer.Girolamo Cardano - 2014 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki. Edited by Marialuisa Baldi, Guido Canziani, Eugenio Di Rienzo, Cecilia Mussini & Angelo De Patto.
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    História do existencialismo e da fenomenologia.Thomas Ransom Giles - 1975 - São Paulo: Editora Pedagógica e Universitária.
    v. 1. Kierkegaard. Nietzsche. Husserl. Heidegger.--v. 2. Scheler. Buber. Jaspers. Sartre.
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    Schopenhauer on the Character of the World: The Metaphysics of Will.Don Giles - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):623-624.
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    Theorems on Existence and Essence (Theoremata de Esse Et Essentia).Michael V. Giles & Murray - 1953 - Milwaukee,: Marquette University Press. Edited by Michael V. Murray.
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    (1 other version)Vocational guidance in australia, 1932.G. R. Giles - 1932 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):201 – 215.
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  21. Natural ethics and history : Antonio Genovesi and Mario Pagano.Girolamo Imbruglia - 2024 - In Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina & Gabriella Silvestrini (eds.), Natural law and the law of nations in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Italy. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Colloquium 2 How to Argue about Aristotle about Practical Reason.Giles Pearson - 2020 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):31-58.
    In this paper, I consider Aristotle’s views in relation to the Humean theory of motivation. I distinguish three principles which HTM is committed to: the ‘No Besires’ principle, the ‘Motivation Out—Desire In’ principle, and the ‘Desire Out—Desire In’ principle. To reject HTM, one only needs to reject one of these principles. I argue that while it is plausible to think that Aristotle accepts the first two principles, there are some grounds for thinking that he might reject the third.
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    Les conceptions quantiques de 1911 à 1927.Girolamo Ramunni - 1981 - Paris: Vrin.
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    What—If Anything—Sets Limits to the Clinical Ethics Consultant's "Expertise"?Giles Scofield - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (4):594-608.
    Given how long bioethics has been around, how long bioethicists have devoted themselves to tackling ethical issues, how much work has gone into professionalizing the practice of clinical ethics consultation, how often bioethicists have either testified as experts in court proceedings or attached their names to amicus curiae briefs, and how ubiquitously they are present throughout the clinical, research, administrative, and other dimensions of health care, one would have thought that a convergence of opinion would exist on what it is (...)
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    Disability, Bioethics, and the Problem of Prejudice.Giles R. Scofield - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (6):46-47.
    This letter responds to the essay “If Not Now, Then When? Taking Disability Seriously in Bioethics,” by Debjani Mukherjee, Preya S. Tarsney, and Kristi L. Kirschner, in the May‐June 2022 issue of the Hastings Center Report.
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    Known or knowing publics? Social media data mining and the question of public agency.Giles Moss & Helen Kennedy - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    New methods to analyse social media data provide a powerful way to know publics and capture what they say and do. At the same time, access to these methods is uneven, with corporations and governments tending to have best access to relevant data and analytics tools. Critics raise a number of concerns about the implications dominant uses of data mining and analytics may have for the public: they result in less privacy, more surveillance and social discrimination, and they provide new (...)
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  27. 'Courage and Temperance'.Giles Pearson - 2014 - In Ronald Polansky (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 110-134.
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    The Culture of Criticism and the Criticism of Culture.Giles Gunn - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (1):101.
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    Redeeming Nietzsche: on the piety of unbelief.Giles Fraser - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Best known for having declared the death of God, Nietzsche was a thinker thoroughly absorbed in the Christian tradition in which he was born and raised. Yet while the atheist Nietzsche is well known, the pious Nietzsche is seldom recognised and rarely understood. Redeeming Nietzsche examines the residual theologian in the most vociferous of atheists. Fraser demonstrates that although Nietzsche rejected God, he remained obsessed with the question of human salvation. Examining his accounts of art, truth, morality and eternity, Nietzsche's (...)
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    Tra filosofia e politica: un dialogo con Norberto Bobbio.Girolamo Cotroneo - 1998 - Soveria Mannellli: Rubbettino. Edited by Norberto Bobbio.
    Tra gli intellettuali italiani della seconda metà del Novecento, Norberto Bobbio ha giocato un ruolo di grande importanza. Girolamo Cotroneo è intervenuto, spesso in maniera polemica per discutere le posizioni assunte da Bobbio di fronte ai problemi più pressanti del dibattito politico. Ad ognuno degli interventi Bobbio ha replicato con una lettera privata all’autore. Quegli articoli e le lettere di Bobbio sono contenute ora in questo volume che costituisce un prezioso documento per una maggiore conoscenza di taluni aspetti del (...)
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    Ethics Been Very Good to Us.Giles R. Scofield - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (2):165-168.
    This commentary asks whether ongoing efforts to accredit, certify, and credential hospital ethics consultants are nothing other than an illegal restraint on trade masquerading as an effort to protect the public from harm.
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    The Invention of Savage Society: Amerindian Religion and Society in Acosta's Anthropological Theology.Girolamo Imbruglia - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (3):291-311.
    SummaryThe problem of converting the Amerindian world to Catholicism was given a radically new solution, both at a theoretical and a missionary level, by the Jesuit Acosta: since American societies were of a completely different nature to Mediterranean ones, the preaching of the Gospel, too, had to be different from the classical approach. He gave a new definition to both preaching and American societies, especially the latter's religion and social organisation. Acosta's approach to American sauvagerie was pioneering; he conceptualised ideas (...)
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    Managing and management in higher education.Giles H. Brown - 2010 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 14 (2):35-36.
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  34. De utilitate ex adversis capienda. Paefatio.Girolamo Cardano - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4).
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    Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis medici Liber de libris propriis.Girolamo Cardano & Guillaume Rouillé - 1557 - Apud Gulielmum Rouillium,.
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    La filosofia della rivoluzione. Gramsci, la cultura e la guerra europea di Michele Maggi.Girolamo Cotroneo, Biagio De Giovanni & David D. Roberts - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (2):453-464.
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  37. L'esegesi scritturistica di S. Bonaventura ed il suo commento all'episodio delle nozze di Cana (Gv 2, 1-11).Luca M. di Girolamo - 2003 - Miscellanea Francescana 103 (3-4):489-549.
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    Bring back God.Giles Fraser - 2004 - The Philosophers' Magazine 26:60-60.
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    Aegidii Romani opera omnia.Francesco Giles, Gianfranco Del Punta & Fioravanti - 1985 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki. Edited by Francesco Del Punta & Gianfranco Fioravanti.
    1. Prolegomena -- 2. [Without special title] -- 3. Opera theologica.
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    Ideas to die for: the cosmopolitan challenge.Giles B. Gunn - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents seeks to address the kinds of challenges that cosmopolitan perspectives and practices face in a world organized increasingly in relation to a proliferating series of global absolutisms--religious, political, social, and economic. While these challenges are often used to support the claim that cosmopolitanism is impotent to resist such totalizing ideologies because it is either a Western conceit or a globalist fiction, Gunn argues that cosmopolitanism is neither. Situating his discussion in an emphatically global context, Gunn shows (...)
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    Benedetto Croce and the problem of Enlightenment.Girolamo Imbruglia - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (1):101-111.
    Benedetto Croce was the author of the most important and original theory of history in the 20th century. His theory was that of ‘absolute historicism’, and this necessarily entailed an acute critique of inherited ideas about the Enlightenment. This article studies both Croce's theoretical analysis of Enlightenment and his historical analysis of the Neapolitan Enlightenment. Croce's interest in the Enlightenment had political as well as philosophical roots. All over Europe in the 1920s and 1930s historical and theoretical research was occurring (...)
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    Johann Crell e il nuovo socinianesimo.Girolamo Imbruglia - 2021 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1:150-155.
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    The idea of religion and sacrifice from Grotius to Diderot’s Encyclopédie.Girolamo Imbruglia - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (5):680-697.
    ABSTRACT This article outlines the concept of the early modern idea of religion through the notion of sacrifice, from Socinus on through Grotius and Spinoza to Diderot’s Encyclopedia. It is generally held that the philosophical representation of religion of the seventeenth century ‘set the stage’ for later Enlightenment philosophers. My argument runs in a different direction. I intend to show that the Enlightenment philosophers’ concept of religious history stemmed not only from the philosophical tradition, but also from their knowledge of (...)
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    Two principles of despotism: Diderot between Machiavelli and de la Boëtie.Girolamo Imbruglia - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (4):490-499.
    One of the key concepts in XVIII century political thought was despotism. Also Diderot utilised this complex idea. According to him, who followed Hobbes and Montesquieu, despotism was the result of the love of power, which was able to bring forth the passion of fear in the society. In this sense, Machiavelli belonged to this line of reflection: like that of Hobbes, his system was intended to show the danger of despotism and to learn the true foundation of natural law. (...)
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    A Computational Analysis of Aberrant Delay Discounting in Psychiatric Disorders.Giles W. Story, Michael Moutoussis & Raymond J. Dolan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A culture of exhibitions: the Manchester Art-Treasures Exhibition in context.Giles Waterfield - 2005 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 87 (2):21-36.
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    The harm threshold and parents’ obligation to benefit their children.Giles Birchley - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):123-126.
    In an earlier paper entitled _Harm is all you need?_, I used an analysis of English law to claim that the harm threshold was an unsuitable mediator of the best interests test when deciding if parental decisions should be overruled. In this paper I respond to a number of commentaries of that paper, and extend my discussion to consider the claim that the harm threshold gives appropriate normative weight to the interests of parents. While I accept that parents have some (...)
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    Harm is all you need? Best interests and disputes about parental decision-making.Giles Birchley - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):111-115.
    A growing number of bioethics papers endorse the harm threshold when judging whether to override parental decisions. Among other claims, these papers argue that the harm threshold is easily understood by lay and professional audiences and correctly conforms to societal expectations of parents in regard to their children. English law contains a harm threshold which mediates the use of the best interests test in cases where a child may be removed from her parents. Using Diekema9s seminal paper as an example, (...)
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    The war on error.Giles R. Scofield - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (2):44 – 45.
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    The theorisation of ‘best interests’ in bioethical accounts of decision-making.Giles Birchley - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-18.
    Background Best interests is a ubiquitous principle in medical policy and practice, informing the treatment of both children and adults. Yet theory underlying the concept of best interests is unclear and rarely articulated. This paper examines bioethical literature for theoretical accounts of best interests to gain a better sense of the meanings and underlying philosophy that structure understandings. Methods A scoping review of was undertaken. Following a literature search, 57 sources were selected and analysed using the thematic method. Results Three (...)
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