Results for 'Gitte Koksvik'

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  1.  11
    Da mennesker regjerte kloden. Etikk, dinosaurer og juss for en verden i krise.Gitte Koksvik - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:137-142.
    Bokanmeldelse av > Forfattere: Simonsen, M. M., Rølsåsen, T., Eckbo, N., Dale, R. F., Barder, O. H. E. og Fjeldaas, E. Utgitt: Bergen, Fagbokforlaget. År: 2020. Sidetall: 134.
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    Fostering hope and resilience amidst intractable ethical dilemmas brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.Allen Alvarez, Espen Dyrnes Stabell, Gitte Koksvik & May Thorseth - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:1-4.
    This special issue of Etikk i Praksis – Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics features four articles that address a number of urgent ethical issues that arise in the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Cognitive spare capacity: evaluation data and its association with comprehension of dynamic conversations.Gitte Keidser, Virginia Best, Katrina Freeston & Alexandra Boyce - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Going Public: Good Scientific Conduct.Gitte Meyer & Peter Sandøe - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):173-197.
    The paper addresses issues of scientific conduct regarding relations between science and the media, relations between scientists and journalists, and attitudes towards the public at large. In the large and increasing body of literature on scientific conduct and misconduct, these issues seem underexposed as ethical challenges. Consequently, individual scientists here tend to be left alone with problems and dilemmas, with no guidance for good conduct. Ideas are presented about how to make up for this omission. Using a practical, ethical approach, (...)
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  5. Powerplay — Power, violence and gender in video games.Gitte Jantzen & Jans F. Jensen - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (4):368-385.
    Unlike the bulk of electronic media the computer game or video game is a distinctly gendered medium. All investigations confirm that we are dealing with a medium which almost exclusively appeals to and is used by, boys and young men. Therefore, the video games and computer games are very suited for investigating the form of entertainment, the pleasure, that appeals to men, i.e. the specific ‘masculine pleasure’.The paper deals with questions such as: What do computer games mean? What does violence (...)
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  6. Trust in agile teams: Overcoming the obstacles of distributed software development.Mette Fransgård and Signe Skalkam Gitte Tjørnehøj - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    The International Classification of Disability, Functioning and Health : An example of research methods and language in describing ‘social functioning’ in medical research.Gitte Rasmussen - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (2):217-238.
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    The factualization of uncertainty: Risk, politics, and genetically modified crops – a case of rape.Gitte Meyer, Anna Paldam Folker, Rikke Bagger Jørgensen, Martin Krayer von Krauss, Peter Sandøe & Geir Tveit - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):235-242.
    Abstract.Mandatory risk assessment is intended to reassure concerned citizens and introduce reason into the heated European controversies on genetically modified crops and food. The authors, examining a case of risk assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape, claim that the new European legislation on risk assessment does nothing of the sort and is not likely to present an escape from the international deadlock on the use of genetic modification in agriculture and food production. The new legislation is likely to stimulate the (...)
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    ‘Going mental’: The risks of assessment activities.Gitte Rasmussen - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (6):739-761.
    Using multi-modal Conversation Analysis, this article demonstrates how teenage boys end assessments of social experiences with insults. When they participate in social activities, teenagers — as everybody else — routinely make assessments through which they produce social organization and create alignments. This article, however, analyzes structures of assessments that are contested in a counter-positional action. It will be demonstrated how the teenage boys end these challenged-assessment sequences through ‘insults’. A feature of these insults is that the conversationalists ‘go mental’, that (...)
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    Resilience in Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous Urban Waterfronts: The Case of New York City.Gitte Schreurs - 2020 - Environment, Space, Place 12 (2):58-81.
    Abstract:Cities are increasingly faced with the impact of shocks or stresses, and the built environment is forced to respond to these changes in a resilient way. Especially urban waterfronts are faced with constant social, spatial and economic transformation. Centuries ago developed as industrial land, the waterfronts of New York City have since gone through extensive transformation processes and have resulted in complex, hybrid, and sequenced urban areas with a large mix of social, spatial and economic activities and conditions. However, twenty-first-century (...)
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    Language-guided visual processing affects reasoning: The role of referential and spatial anchoring.Magda L. Dumitru, Gitte H. Joergensen, Alice G. Cruickshank & Gerry T. M. Altmann - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):562-571.
    Language is more than a source of information for accessing higher-order conceptual knowledge. Indeed, language may determine how people perceive and interpret visual stimuli. Visual processing in linguistic contexts, for instance, mirrors language processing and happens incrementally, rather than through variously-oriented fixations over a particular scene. The consequences of this atypical visual processing are yet to be determined. Here, we investigated the integration of visual and linguistic input during a reasoning task. Participants listened to sentences containing conjunctions or disjunctions and (...)
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  12. Decreasing materiality from print to screen reading.Theresa Schilhab, Gitte Balling & Anezka Kuzmicova - 2018 - First Monday 23 (10).
    The shift from print to screen has bodily effects on how we read. We distinguish two dimensions of embodied reading: the spatio-temporal and the imaginary. The former relates to what the body does during the act of reading and the latter relates to the role of the body in the imagined scenarios we create from what we read. At the level of neurons, these two dimensions are related to how we make sense of the world. From this perspective, we explain (...)
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  13.  44
    Intuition as Conscious Experience.Ole Koksvik - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    "The nature of intuition and its relation to other mental faculties, particularly perception, is one of the most hotly contested debates in philosophy of mind and psychology. Do intuitions justify belief or merely dispositions to believe? Is intuition a mental state with distinctive phenomenal qualities and if so, how do these differ from normal perceptual states? Drawing on the most recent philosophical research on intuition and perception, Ole Koksvik defends the idea that intuition not only justifies belief but can (...)
  14.  11
    Logical Connectives Modulate Attention to Simulations Evoked by the Constituents They Link Together.Magda L. Dumitru & Gitte H. Joergensen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The sociality of minimizing involvement in self-service shops in Denmark: Customers’ multi-modal practices of being, getting, and staying out of the way.Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen & Gitte Rasmussen - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (2):200-232.
    For some customers, the corona pandemic has turned e-shopping into a fine alternative to shopping in brick-and-mortar shops. For other customers in quarantine e-shopping is the only alternative. The long-lasting pandemic, however, has reminded us of the importance of social contacts and interactions – even if it’s just to go the supermarket to ‘mingle’. This paper investigates what ‘mingle’ means when shopping in physical self-service shops amongst unacquainted others in Denmark. It describes customers’ practice of doing self-service by organizing interaction (...)
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    Would you like a bag for that? : Environmental awareness and changing practices for closing buying and selling encounters in retail shopping.Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen & Gitte Rasmussen - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (1):143-169.
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  17. Trust in agile teams: Overcoming the obstacles of distributed software development.Gitte Tjørnehøj, Mette Fransgård & Signe Skalkam - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    Special issue: The human touch – Analyzing online and offline shopping.Theo van Leeuwen & Gitte Rasmussen - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (2):149-159.
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    Invisibility, Colors, Snow: Arctic Biosemiotics and the Violence of Climate Change.Gitte du Plessis - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):167-188.
    This article conceptualizes contemporary geopolitical violence in the Arctic through a semiotic register. Different living beings perceive different things, and these differences amount to different worlds, not merely different worldviews. Building on Eduardo Kohn’s reading of the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, and theorists of biosemiotics and ecosemiotics, the article analyses how signs in and between living organisms and their environments are political matters of life and death. Via the themes of invisibility, colors, and snow, the article traces semiotic relations (...)
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  20. Phenomenal Contrast: A Critique.Ole Koksvik - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (4):321-334.
    In some philosophical arguments an important role is played by the claim that certain situations differ from each other with respect to phenomenology. One class of such arguments are minimal pair arguments. These have been used to argue that there is cognitive phenomenology, that high-level properties are represented in perceptual experience, that understanding has phenomenology, and more. I argue that facts about our mental lives systematically block such arguments, reply to a range of objections, and apply my critique to some (...)
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  21. Intuition.Ole Koksvik - 2011 - Dissertation, Australian National University
    In this thesis I seek to advance our understanding of what intuitions are. I argue that intuitions are experiences of a certain kind. In particular, they are experiences with representational content, and with a certain phenomenal character. -/- In Chapter 1 I identify our target and provide some important reliminaries. Intuitions are mental states, but which ones? Giving examples helps: a person has an intuition when it seems to her that torturing the innocent is wrong, or that if something is (...)
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    Journalism and science: How to erode the idea of knowledge. [REVIEW]Gitte Meyer - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (3):239-252.
    This paper discusses aspects of the relationship between the scientific community and the public at large. Inspired by the European public debate on genetically modified crops and food, ethical challenges to the scientific community are highlighted. This is done by a discussion of changes that are likely to occur to journalistic attitudes – mirroring changing attitudes in the wider society – towards science and scientific researchers. Two journalistic conventions – those of science transmission and of investigative journalism – are presented (...)
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    Chapter 5. John’s Call from the Wilderness for a Better Guidance of the Way to the Lord.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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  24. The phenomenology of intuition.Ole Koksvik - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (1):e12387.
    When a person has an intuition, it seems to her that things are certain ways; to many it seems that torturing the innocent for fun is wrong, for example. When a person has an intuition, there is also something particular it is like to be her: intuitions have a characteristic phenomenal character. This article asks how the phenomenal character of intuition is related to two core core questions in the philosophy of intuition, namely: Is intuition a source of justification and (...)
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  25. Intuition and Conscious Reasoning.Ole Koksvik - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (253):709-715.
    This paper argues that, contrary to common opinion, intuition can result from conscious reasoning. It also discusses why this matters.
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  26. Three Models of Phenomenal Unity.O. Koksvik - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (7-8):105-131.
    There is something it is like for me to hear a seagull crying, something it is like to see a boat in the distance, and something it is like to suffer a slight headache. Each of these local conscious experiences have their own phenomenal character. The experiences are phenomenally unified just in case there is also something it is like to enjoy these and all the other local experiences I have at the relevant time together. For there is also something (...)
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    Chapter 3. Philo’s Divine Generation. The Safer Way to Truth.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Effects of word-evoked object size on covert numerosity estimations.Magda L. Dumitru & Gitte H. Joergensen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  29. Conservation of Energy is Relevant to Physicalism.Ole Koksvik - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (4):573-582.
    I argue against Barbara Montero's claim that Conservation of Energy has nothing to do with physicalism. I reject her reconstruction of the argument for physicalism from CoE, and offer an alternative reconstruction that better captures the intuitions of those who believe that there is a conflict between interactionist dualism and CoE.
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    Chapter 6. Regeneration as Hermeneutical Competence. The Johannine Signs and the Meta-Story of Pneumatic Transformations.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Chapter 1. History of Research. Cosmos in the Fourth Gospel.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Chapter 4. The First Pneumatic Event. The Descent of the Spirit as Jesus’ Divine Generation.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Since Origen and Chrysostom, John s Gospel has been valued as the most spiritual among the New Testament writings. Although Origen recognizes the Stoic character of John s statement that God is pneuma, an examination of the gospel in light of Stoic physics has not yet been carried out. Instead the Johannine spirit has been absorbed into the Word and lost its distinct character as physical mediator between the divine and humane spheres. Combining her insight into Stoic physics and ancient (...)
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    Chapter 2. Cosmology in Stoicism. The Discourse of Physics.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Profiting from poverty.Ole Koksvik & Gerhard Øverland - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (3):341-367.
    ABSTRACTWe consider whether and under what conditions it is morally illicit to profit from poverty. We argue that when profit counterfactually depends on poverty, the agent making the profit is morally obliged to relinquish it. Finally, we argue that the people to whom the profit should be redirected are those on whom it counterfactually depends.
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  36. Intuition, Belief and Rational Criticisability.Ole Koksvik - manuscript
    A simple reductive view of intuition holds that intuition is a type of belief. That an agent who intuits that p sometimes believes that p is false is often thought to demonstrate that the simple reductive view is false. I show that this argument is inconclusive, but also that an argument for the same conclusion can be rebuilt using the notion of rational criticisability. I then use that notion to argue that perception is also not reducible to belief, and that (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Précis of Intuition.Ole Koksvik - 2012 - Dissertation, Anu
    This thesis seeks to advance our understanding of what intuitions are. I argue that there is a class of mental states deserving of the label ‘intuition’, and which is a good candidate for a psychological kind, a kind which cuts the mind at its natural joints. These mental states are experiences of a certain kind. In particular, they are experiences with representational content, and with a certain phenomenal character.
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  38. Aspects of Phenomenal Unity: Editorial Introduction.O. Koksvik - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (7-8):6-12.
  39. Metaphysics of Consciousness.Ole Koksvik - 2010 - In Graham Robert Oppy, Nick Trakakis, Lynda Burns, Steven Gardner & Fiona Leigh, A companion to philosophy in Australia & New Zealand. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing.
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    Conscious and unconscious proportion effects in masked priming.Eva Van den Bussche, Gitte Segers & Bert Reynvoet - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1345-1358.
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    Working out availability, unavailability and awayness in social face-to-face encounters: The case of dementia.Andersen Elisabeth Muth, Kristiansen Elisabeth Dalby & Rasmussen Gitte - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (3):258-279.
    This article presents a study of how co-present individuals work out the nature of embodied engagement and disengagement displays by individuals with dementia in a Danish public care facility. Research has found that moderate to severe dementia may result, for example, in a lack of social engagement, apathy and problems in maintaining conversations. Research has, however, also found that co-present individuals indicate their right to unavailability for social interaction. This is accomplished through details of embodied and multimodal conduct such as (...)
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    Psychometric Properties and Validation of the EMOTICOM Test Battery in a Healthy Danish Population.Vibeke H. Dam, Christa K. Thystrup, Peter S. Jensen, Amy R. Bland, Erik L. Mortensen, Rebecca Elliott, Barbara J. Sahakian, Gitte M. Knudsen, Vibe G. Frokjaer & Dea S. Stenbæk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  43. Frigørelsesfilosofien overfor debatten om postmodernismen og de latinamerikanske studier.Enrique Dussel, Asger Sørensen & Gitte Pedersen - 2008 - In Asger Sørensen, Enrique Dussel. Politisk Revy. pp. 161--180.
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  44. Globaliseringen og udelukkelsens ofre: fra et frigørelsesetisk perspektiv.Enrique Dussel, Asger Sørensen & Gitte Pedersen - 2008 - In Enrique Dussel & Asger Sørensen, Frigørelsesfilosofi. København: Politisk Revy. pp. 114--160.
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    Chapter 7. The Penultimate Pneumatic Event. “It Is the Spirit That Gives Life” . Jesus’ Ascent and Translation into the Father. [REVIEW]Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Investigating the Extent to which Distributional Semantic Models Capture a Broad Range of Semantic Relations.Kevin S. Brown, Eiling Yee, Gitte Joergensen, Melissa Troyer, Elliot Saltzman, Jay Rueckl, James S. Magnuson & Ken McRae - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13291.
    Distributional semantic models (DSMs) are a primary method for distilling semantic information from corpora. However, a key question remains: What types of semantic relations among words do DSMs detect? Prior work typically has addressed this question using limited human data that are restricted to semantic similarity and/or general semantic relatedness. We tested eight DSMs that are popular in current cognitive and psycholinguistic research (positive pointwise mutual information; global vectors; and three variations each of Skip-gram and continuous bag of words (CBOW) (...)
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    Person‐specific evidence has the ability to mobilize relational capacity: A four‐step grounded theory developed in people with long‐term health conditions.Vibeke Zoffmann, Rikke Jørgensen, Marit Graue, Sigrid Normann Biener, Anna Lena Brorsson, Cecilie Holm Christiansen, Mette Due-Christensen, Helle Enggaard, Jeanette Finderup, Josephine Haas, Gitte Reventlov Husted, Maja Tornøe Johansen, Katja Lisa Kanne, Beate-Christin Hope Kolltveit, Katrine Wegmann Krogslund, Silje S. Lie, Anna Olinder Lindholm, Emilie H. S. Marqvorsen, Anne Sophie Mathiesen, Mette Linnet Olesen, Bodil Rasmussen, Mette Juel Rothmann, Susan Munch Simonsen, Sara Huld Sveinsdóttir Tackie, Lise Bjerrum Thisted, Trang Minh Tran, Janne Weis & Marit Kirkevold - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12555.
    Person‐specific evidence was developed as a grounded theory by analyzing 20 selected case descriptions from interventions using the guided self‐determination method with people with various long‐term health conditions. It explains the mechanisms of mobilizing relational capacity by including person‐specific evidence in shared decision‐making. Person‐specific self‐insight was the first step, achieved as individuals completed reflection sheets enabling them to clarify their personal values and identify actions or omissions related to self‐management challenges. This step paved the way for sharing these insights and (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of the Verbal Affective Memory Test-26 and Evaluation of Affective Biases in Major Depressive Disorder.Liv V. Hjordt, Brice Ozenne, Sophia Armand, Vibeke H. Dam, Christian G. Jensen, Kristin Köhler-Forsberg, Gitte M. Knudsen & Dea S. Stenbæk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Chapter 8. The Ultimate Pneumatic event. Worshippers in Spirit and Truth. The Quest for the Father – The Quest of the Father. [REVIEW]Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Politics in the Time of COVID.Stefanie R. Fishel, Andrew Fletcher, Sankaran Krishna, Utz McKnight, Gitte du Plessis, Chad Shomura, Alicia Valdés & Nadine Voelkner - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):657-689.
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