Results for 'Giulio Casali'

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  1.  49
    Grid cells on steeply sloping terrain: evidence for planar rather than volumetric encoding.Robin M. A. Hayman, Giulio Casali, Jonathan J. Wilson & Kate J. Jeffery - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Neural encoding of large-scale three-dimensional space—properties and constraints.Kate J. Jeffery, Jonathan J. Wilson, Giulio Casali & Robin M. Hayman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    How language affects children's use of derivational morphology in visual word and pseudoword processing: evidence from a cross-language study.Séverine Casalis, Pauline Quémart & Lynne G. Duncan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Developing a Multidimensional Scale for Ethical Decision Making.Gian Luca Casali - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (4):485-497.
    This article reports on the development of the managerial ethical profile (MEP) scale. The MEP scale is a multilevel, self-reporting scale measuring the perceived influence that different dimensions of common ethical frameworks have on managerial decision making. The MEP scale measures on eight subscales: economic egoism, reputational egoism, act utilitarianism, rule utilitarianism, self-virtue of self, virtue of others, act deontology, and rule deontology. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to provide evidence of scale validity. Future research needs and the value (...)
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    A graded BDI agent model to represent and reason about preferences.Ana Casali, Lluís Godo & Carles Sierra - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1468-1478.
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    A language for the execution of graded BDI agents.A. Casali, L. Godo & C. Sierra - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (3):332-354.
  7.  15
    The discourse of penthouse: Rhetoric and ideology.Matthieu Casalis - 1975 - Semiotica 15 (4).
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    The semiotics of the visible in Japanese rock gardens.Matthieu Casalis - 1983 - Semiotica 44 (3-4).
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  9. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor. Zur Irreführung des Gewissens bei Kant“, in: Sara Di Giulio, Alberto Frigo (Hrsg.), Kasuistik und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal bis Kant, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2020, S. 233–287.Sara Di Giulio - 2020 - In Sara Di Giulio & Alberto Frigo, Kasuistik und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal bis Kant. pp. 233–287.
    In juxtaposition with the myth and tragedy of Ovid’s Medea, this paper investigates the possibility within the Kantian conception of agency of understanding moral evil as acting against one’s better judgment. It defends the thesis that in Kant self-deception, i. e. the intentional untruthfulness to oneself, provides the fundamental structure for choosing against the moral law. I argue that, as Kant’s thought progresses, self-deception slowly proceeds to become the paradigmatic case of moral evil. This is discussed with regard to two (...)
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    Introduction.Marco Casali, Marie Michon & Charles Pence - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):1-4.
    L’objectif de ce numéro spécial est d’ouvrir la réflexion sur la notion de vague à partir du prisme de la philosophie des sciences, afin d’interroger le sens de cette notion dans différents domaines de la recherche scientifique.
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    Lucretian Dido: A Stichometric Allusion.Sergio Casali - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):472-475.
    In the fourth line of her first speech in Book 1, to Ilioneus and the Trojan castaways, Dido quotes the first word of the first line of Lucretius’ De rerum natura, and in the fourth line of her second speech, to Aeneas, she quotes the first words of the second line of the De rerum natura. This is not a coincidence but a signal of the importance of Lucretius and Epicureanism for the characterization of Dido in the Aeneid.
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    Charles Pence: The Rise of Chance in Evolutionary Theory: A Pompous Parade of Arithmetic.Marco Casali - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (1):159-164.
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    Assessing communication strategies in argumentation-based negotiation agents equipped with belief revision1.Ana Casali, Pablo Pilotti & Carlos Chesñevar - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):175-200.
    The importance of negotiation has increased in the last years as a relevant interaction to solve conflicts in multi-agent systems. Although there are many different scenarios, a typical negotiating situation involves two cooperative agents that cannot reach their goals by themselves because they do not have some resources needed to reach such goals. Therefore, a way to improve their mutual benefit is to start a negotiation dialogue, taking into account that they might have incomplete or incorrect beliefs about the other (...)
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  14. Boniteza : a beleza ética de Paulo Freire.Alípio Casali - 2021 - In Ana Maria Araújo Freire, A palavra boniteza na leitura de mundo de Paulo Freire. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
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    (1 other version)Begrüßung durch die Präsidentin der Stiftung „Silvestro Marcucci“.Franca Casali - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 25-26.
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    Elective Affinities: The Harvard School at Pisa at the End of the Eighties.Sergio Casali - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (1):55-57.
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    Facta impia (Virgil, Aeneid 4.596–9).Sergio Casali - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):203-211.
    Dawn. Aeneas has just left. As soon as Dido notices that the Trojan fleet is sailing far away from Carthage she is overcome by despair and launches into an enraged monologue , which climaxes in her curse against Aeneas and all of his descendants . In the first part of the monologue Dido reproaches herself for how she has dealt with Aeneas.
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    Generi psichiatrici come HPC: un nuovo approccio al dibattito discreto/continuo in psichiatria.Marco Casali - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (2):151-178.
    Riassunto: Questo lavoro cerca di mostrare come i disordini psichiatrici non possano essere inquadrati in chiave essenzialista, cioè non possano essere individuati attraverso proprietà necessarie e sufficienti. Preliminarmente introdurremo un modello chiamato Homestatic Property Cluster, che risulterà strumentale per comprendere, in prima istanza, la natura continua o discreta delle entità “disordini psichiatrici”. Sosterremo che i disordini mentali sono entità discrete. In seguito, per quanto riguarda la nostra critica all’essenzialismo, analizzeremo il disease model, ponendo l’attenzione soprattutto sui suoi limiti, cercando di (...)
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    “Hermeneutics,”“Death of God” and “Dissolution of the Subject”: A Phenomenological Appraisal.Matthieu Casalis - 1978 - In Ronald Bruzina & Bruce W. Wilshire, Crosscurrents in phenomenology. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 262--275.
  20.  25
    Hydra Redundans (Ovid, Heroides 9.95).Sergio Casali - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (02):505-.
    Deianira complains that Hercules, as a slave of Omphale, did not refrain from telling to the Lydian queen his famous labours; among them, the Hydra: quaeque redundabat fecundo vulnere serpens fertilis et damnis dives ab ipsa suis ‘It will be admitted that redundabat, which usually means to “overflow”’ can only be applied to the Hydra by a very strong metaphor; but it is not only a strong one, it is quite unexampled: so A. Palmer in The Academy 49 , 160. (...)
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  21. Imitazione e ispirazione nei «Salmi Penitenziali» del Petrarca.Marino Casali - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    L'anima e il sublime.Irina Casali (ed.) - 2021 - Milano: Editori della peste.
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    La filosofía biopolítica de Saúl Taborda.Carlos A. Casali - 2012 - Remedios de Escalada, Partido de Lanús, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones de la UNLa.
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    Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophical Itinerary.Matthieu Casalis - 1975 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):63-69.
  25.  13
    Ovidio E la preconoscenza Della critica qualche generalizzazione a partire da heroides 14.Sergio Casali - 1998 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 142 (1):94-113.
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    Porsenna, Horatius Cyclops, and Cloelia (Virgil, Aeneid 8.649–51).Sergio Casali - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):724-733.
    The fifth scene represented on the Shield of Aeneas describes Porsenna's siege of Rome and the resistance of the Romans, with the two classicexemplaof Horatius Cocles and Cloelia (Verg.Aen. 8.646–51):nec non Tarquinium eiectum Porsenna iubebataccipere ingentique urbem obsidione premebat;Aeneadae in ferrum pro libertate ruebant.illum indignanti similem similemque minantiaspiceres, pontem auderet quia uellere Cocles 650et fluuium uinclis innaret Cloelia ruptis.According to Roman mainstream tradition, at the beginning of the Republic, Porsenna, an Etruscan king of Clusium, tried to reinstate the exiled Tarquinius (...)
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  27. Portrait of Karl Barth.Georges Casalis & Robert McAfee Brown - 1963
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    Reading After Actium: Vergil's Georgics, Octavian, and Rome (review).Sergio Casali - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (4):611-615.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reading After Actium: Vergil's Georgics, Octavian, and RomeSergio CasaliChristopher Nappa. Reading After Actium: Vergil's Georgics, Octavian, and Rome. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. xii + 293 pp. Cloth, $75.Nappa's reading of the Georgics is a linear one: in his own words, his book is "a literary commentary that moves sequentially through the text from beginning to end" (3). After the introduction, the book is divided into (...)
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    Semiology and Semiotics of Haiku.Matthieu Casalis - 1979 - Semiotica 25 (3-4).
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    The dry and the wet: A semiological analysis of creation and Flood myths.Matthieu Casalis - 1976 - Semiotica 17 (1).
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    The semiotics of religious manipulation.Matthieu Casalis - 1983 - Semiotica 46 (1).
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    The semiotics of gesturality in Japanese archery.Matthieu Casalis - 1983 - Semiotica 43 (3-4).
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    Evaluating the effectiveness of clinical ethics committees: a systematic review.Chiara Crico, Virginia Sanchini, Paolo Giovanni Casali & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):135-151.
    Clinical Ethics Committees (CECs), as distinct from Research Ethics Committees, were originally established with the aim of supporting healthcare professionals in managing controversial clinical ethical issues. However, it is still unclear whether they manage to accomplish this task and what is their impact on clinical practice. This systematic review aims to collect available assessments of CECs’ performance as reported in literature, in order to evaluate CECs’ effectiveness. We retrieved all literature published up to November 2019 in six databases (PubMed, Ovid (...)
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    Le opere di Giulio Cesare Vanini.Giulio Cesare Vanini - 1909 - [n.p.]:
  35. The information integration theory of consciousness.Giulio Tononi - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 287--299.
  36. Symptom perception, placebo effects, and the Bayesian brain.Giulio Ongaro & Ted Kaptchuk - 2019 - PAIN 160 (1):1-4.
  37.  13
    Giulio Preti: filosofo europeo.Alberto Peruzzi & Giulio Preti (eds.) - 2004 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    VIRGIL AND HIS COMMENTATORS - (D.) Vallat (ed.) Vergilius orator. Lire et commenter les discours de l’ Énéide dans l'Antiquité tardive. (Studi e Testi Tardoantichi 20.) Pp. 388. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022. Paper, €75. ISBN: 978-2-503-59583-2. [REVIEW]Sergio Casali - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):470-473.
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    Meaningful human control as reason-responsiveness: the case of dual-mode vehicles.Giulio Mecacci & Filippo Santoni de Sio - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (2):103-115.
    In this paper, in line with the general framework of value-sensitive design, we aim to operationalize the general concept of “Meaningful Human Control” in order to pave the way for its translation into more specific design requirements. In particular, we focus on the operationalization of the first of the two conditions investigated: the so-called ‘tracking’ condition. Our investigation is led in relation to one specific subcase of automated system: dual-mode driving systems. First, we connect and compare meaningful human control with (...)
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  40. Corrective Duties/Corrective Justice.Giulio Fornaroli - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (3):e12968.
    In this paper, I assess critically the recent debate on corrective duties across moral and legal philosophy. Two prominent positions have emerged: the Kantian rights-based view (holding that what triggers corrections is a failure to respect others' right to freedom) and the so-called continuity view (correcting means attempting to do what one was supposed to do before). Neither position, I try to show, offers a satisfactory explanation of the ground (why correct?) and content (how to correct?) of corrective duties. In (...)
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    Not By Ovid? W. Lingenberg: Das erste Buch der Heroidenbriefe. Echtheitskritische Untersuchungen . (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, Neue Folge, 1. Reihe, Band 20.) Pp. 334. Paderborn, Munich, Vienna, and Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2003. Paper, €46. ISBN: 3-506-79070-. [REVIEW]Sergio Casali - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):530-.
  42. Complexity and coherency: integrating information in the brain.Giulio Tononi, Gerald M. Edelman & Olaf Sporns - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (12):474-484.
    The brains of higher mammals are extraordinary integrative devices. Signals from large numbers of functionally specialized groups of neurons distributed over many brain regions are integrated to generate a coherent, multimodal scene. Signals from the environment are integrated with ongoing, patterned neural activity that provides them with a meaningful context. We review recent advances in neurophysiology and neuroimaging that are beginning to reveal the neural mechanisms of integration. In addition, we discuss concepts and measures derived from information theory that lend (...)
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    Stimulating the Self: The Influence of Conceptual Frameworks on Reactions to Deep Brain Stimulation.Giulio Mecacci & W. F. G. Haselager - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):30-39.
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  44. Why the extended mind is nothing special but is central.Giulio Ongaro, Doug Hardman & Ivan Deschenaux - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):841-863.
    The extended mind thesis states that the mind is not brain-bound but extends into the physical world. The philosophical debate around the thesis has mostly focused on extension towards epistemic artefacts, treating the phenomenon as a special capacity of the human organism to recruit external physical resources to solve individual tasks. This paper argues that if the mind extends to artefacts in the pursuit of individual tasks, it extends to other humans in the pursuit of collective tasks. Mind extension to (...)
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  45. Neglecting Others and Making It Up to Them: The Idea of a Corrective Duty.Giulio Fornaroli - 2023 - Legal Theory 29 (4):289-313.
    I aspire to answer two questions regarding the concept of a corrective duty. The first concerns what it means to wrong others, thus triggering a demand for corrections (the ground question). The second relates to the proper content of corrective duties. I first illustrate how three prominent accounts of corrective duties—the Aristotelian model of correlativity, the Kantian idea that wronging corresponds to the violation of others’ right to freedom, and the more recent continuity view—have failed to answer the two questions (...)
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    Glivenko sequent classes and constructive cut elimination in geometric logics.Giulio Fellin, Sara Negri & Eugenio Orlandelli - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (5):657-688.
    A constructivisation of the cut-elimination proof for sequent calculi for classical, intuitionistic and minimal infinitary logics with geometric rules—given in earlier work by the second author—is presented. This is achieved through a procedure where the non-constructive transfinite induction on the commutative sum of ordinals is replaced by two instances of Brouwer’s Bar Induction. The proof of admissibility of the structural rules is made ordinal-free by introducing a new well-founded relation based on a notion of embeddability of derivations. Additionally, conservativity for (...)
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  47.  6
    Research Handbook on Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence Systems.Giulio Mecacci, D. Amoroso, L. Cavalcante Siebert, D. Abbink, J. van den Hoven & F. Santoni de Sio (eds.) - 2024 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
  48.  71
    Identifying Criteria for the Evaluation of the Implications of Brain Reading for Mental Privacy.Giulio Mecacci & Pim Haselager - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):443-461.
    Contemporary brain reading technologies promise to provide the possibility to decode and interpret mental states and processes. Brain reading could have numerous societally relevant implications. In particular, the private character of mind might be affected, generating ethical and legal concerns. This paper aims at equipping ethicists and policy makers with conceptual tools to support an evaluation of the potential applicability and the implications of current and near future brain reading technology. We start with clarifying the concepts of mind reading and (...)
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  49.  32
    Measuring the impact of clinical ethics support services: further points for consideration.Virginia Sanchini, Chiara Crico, Paolo G. Casali & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):877-878.
    In their contribution, Kok et al raise a relevant, though often underestimated, issue: clinical ethics support services are often assumed to lead to an improvement of quality of care at the organisational level, but evidence in support of this claim is weak, if not completely lacking.1 Therefore, the authors propose a complex theoretical model connecting a specific kind of CESS, moral case deliberation, with mechanisms for quality of care improvement at the individual and the organisational level. The proposal is original, (...)
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  50.  12
    Desigualdade, pobreza e diferença: precariedade na vida escolar.Antônio Chizzotti & Alipio Marcio Dias Casali - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (70):193-222.
    Desigualdade, pobreza e diferença: precariedade na vida escolar Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a desigualdade, a pobreza e as diferenciações inferiorizadoras – discriminações e segregações – e seus efeitos de precarização sobre a vida escolar: reprovação e abandono escolar. O centro crítico da análise encontra-se na circularidade viciosa pela qual, num sentido, a desigualdade e a pobreza determinam diferenciações inferiorizadoras que resultam em fracasso escolar e, no sentido inverso, o fracasso escolar resulta em mais pobreza e mais (...)
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