Results for 'D. Abbink'

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  1.  7
    Research Handbook on Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence Systems.Giulio Mecacci, D. Amoroso, L. Cavalcante Siebert, D. Abbink, J. van den Hoven & F. Santoni de Sio (eds.) - 2024 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2.  50
    History and culture: essays on the work of Eric R. Wolf.J. Abbink & Hans Vermeulen (eds.) - 1992 - Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
    Introduction Jan Abbink and Hans Vermeulen This volume consists of essays and studies by authors inspired by the work of Eric Wolf, a central figure in ...
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  3. Fairness, Public Good, and Emotional Aspects of Punishment Behavior.Klaus Abbink, Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Shmuel Zamir - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (1):25-57.
    We report an experiment on two treatments of an ultimatum minigame. In one treatment, responders’ reactions are hidden to proposers. We observe high rejection rates reflecting responders’ intrinsic resistance to unfairness. In the second treatment, proposers are informed, allowing for dynamic effects over eight rounds of play. The higher rejection rates can be attributed to responders’ provision of a public good: Punishment creates a group reputation for being “tough” and effectively “educate” proposers. Since rejection rates with informed proposers drop to (...)
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    Van isolement naar openheid.G. A. M. Abbink - 1970 - Bijdragen 31 (4):350-372.
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  5. Money Does Not Induce Risk Neutral Behavior, but Binary Lotteries Do even Worse.Reinhard Selten, Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Klaus Abbink - 1999 - Theory and Decision 46 (3):213-252.
    If payoffs are tickets for binary lotteries, which involve only two money prizes, then rationality requires expected value maximization in tickets. This payoff scheme was increasingly used to induce risk neutrality in experiments. The experiment presented here involved lottery choice and evaluation tasks. One subject group was paid in binary lottery tickets, another directly in money. Significantly greater deviations from risk neutral behavior are observed with binary lottery payoffs. This discrepancy increases when subjects have easy access to the alternatives' expected (...)
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  6. Abbink, J. 236 Abaelrahman, HM 21. 27, 28 Abdullahi. Khalifa 27.W. Abimbola - 1995 - In Wendy James, The pursuit of certainty: religious and cultural formulations. New York: Routledge. pp. 309.
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  7. The Facts of Causation.D. H. Mellor - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Everything we do relies on causation. We eat and drink because this causes us to stay alive. Courts tell us who causes crimes, criminology tell us what causes people to commit them. D.H. Mellor shows us that to understand the world and our lives we must understand causation. _The Facts of Causation_, now available in paperback, is essential reading for students and for anyone interested in reading one of the ground-breaking theories in metaphysics. We cannot understand the world and our (...)
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    Trust within Limits.Jason D’Cruz - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):240-250.
    There have two recent challenges to the orthodoxy that ‘X trusts Y to ø’ is the fundamental notion of trust. Domenicucci and Holton maintain that trust, like love and friendship, is fundamentally two-place. Paul Faulkner argues to the more radical conclusion that the one-place ‘X is trusting’ is explanatorily basic. I argue that ‘X trusts Y in domain D’ is the explanatorily basic notion. I make the case that only by thinking of trust as domain-specific can we make sense of (...)
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    Mind, Meaning, and Reality: Essays in Philosophy.D. H. Mellor - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Mind, Meaning, and Reality presents fifteen philosophical papers in which D. H. Mellor explores some of the most intriguing questions in philosophy. These include: what determines what we think, and what we use language to mean; how that depends on what there is in the world and why there is only one universe; and the nature of time.
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    Chrysippe, les possibles et l’éternel retour.Olivier D’Jeranian - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 110 (2):191-208.
    Chrysippe a élaboré une stratégie contre l’argument Dominateur de Diodore afin d’éviter le nécessitarisme impliqué par le rejet des possibilités contrefactuelles. Alexandre d’Aphrodise lui oppose sa doctrine du retour périodique (Sur les Premiers Analytiques d’Aristote 180, 28 – 181, 34). Son objection repose sur une conception numérique de l’identité des individus à travers les cycles. Chrysippe n’admettant que leur ressemblance sinon leur stricte identité qualitative, sa doctrine du retour autorise les possibilités contrefactuelles.
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  11. A Solid-State Maxwell Demon.D. P. Sheehan, A. R. Putnam & J. H. Wright - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (10):1557-1595.
    A laboratory-testable, solid-state Maxwell demon is proposed that utilizes the electric field energy of an open-gap p-n junction. Numerical results from a commercial semiconductor device simulator (Silvaco International–Atlas) verify primary results from a 1-D analytic model. Present day fabrication techniques appear adequate for laboratory tests of principle.
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    What Is It Like To …?D. Goldstick - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (1):27-30.
    Les philosophes parlent de «l’effet que cela fait» d’avoir une expérience particulière, sans tenir compte des variations sémantiques de la phrase. La «vision aveugle» manque de détails.
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    Can a Thought's Whole Subject-Matter Be Itself? The Case of Pain.D. Goldstick - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):139-145.
    RésuméLa croyance que l'on est (ou pas) dans un état de douleur est singulière en ceci qu'elle semble pouvoir être qualifiée d'infaillibilité ou d'incorrigibilité logique, de même que le cogito. Mais comment se peut-il que l'existence d'une croyance (vraie) et l'existence du fait qui est l'objet de cette croyance puisssent constituer la même existence? Je propose ici une réponse à cette question. Parfois, une croyance peut être un désir.
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    End-of-Life Care and Pragmatic Decision Making: A Bioethical Perspective.D. Micah Hester - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Every one of us will die, and the processes we go through will be our own - unique to our own experiences and life stories. End-of-Life Care and Pragmatic Decision Making provides a pragmatic philosophical framework based on a radically empirical attitude toward life and death. D. Micah Hester takes seriously the complexities of experiences and argues that when making end-of-life decisions, healthcare providers ought to pay close attention to the narratives of patients and the communities they inhabit so that (...)
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    John Dewey's Essays in Experimental Logic.D. Micah Hester & Robert B. Talisse (eds.) - 2007 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    _Offering a new edition of Dewey’s 1916 collection of essays_ This critical edition of John Dewey’s 1916 collection of writings on logic, _Essays in Experimental Logic—_in which Dewey presents his concept of logic as the theory of inquiry and his unique and innovative development of the relationship of inquiry to experience—is the first scholarly reprint of the work in one volume since 1954. _Essays in Experimental Logic, _edited by D. Micah Hester and Robert B. Talisse, uses the authoritative texts from (...)
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    A punning reminiscence of Vergil, Ecl. 10.75–7 in Horace, Epist. 1.5.28–9.D. R. Langslow - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (1):256-260.
    The fifth poem in Horace's first book of Epistles takes the form of an invitation to Torquatus to attend a dinner which the poet is preparing for that evening, the eveof the Emperor's birthday. The fare will be simple but Horace will see to it that the furnishings, napkins, vessels and plates will be clean and bright and that the company and the seating-plan will be to Torquatus’ taste. Horace will get Butra and Septicius to be there, and Sabinus, too, (...)
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    A Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Church and Two Philosophers.Mario O. D'Souza - 2016 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Today’s pluralist and multicultural society raises questions about how to teach religiously and ethnically diverse students in Catholic schools. A Catholic Philosophy of Education addresses these challenges by examining the documents from the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education alongside the writings of Jacques Maritain and Bernard Lonergan. Mario D’Souza proposes a contemporary formulation for a Catholic philosophy of education in which the ideals of Catholicism form the basis for the mission of the Catholic school. Drawing on the Church’s educational documents, (...)
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  18.  14
    Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader.Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling (eds.) - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The work of the lay Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain continues to provoke and inspire readers to engage in a Thomistic approach to many of the questions facing the world today. Maritain’s wide-ranging thought touched on many fields, including aesthetics, anthropology, educational theory, moral philosophy, and ethics, as well as Thomism and its relationship to other philosophical stances._ In _Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader_, Mario O. D’Souza, C.S.B., has selected seven hundred and fifty of the most salient quotations (...)
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  19. Ein Blick in die Kristallkugel: »Zivilgesellschaft« und »Humanität« im 21. Jahrhundert.Radha D’Souza - 2007 - Polylog.
    Die indische Philosophin und Aktivistin Radha d’Souza begegnet dem Begriff Weltzivilgesellschaft mit größter Vorsicht und Skepsis. Selbst jahrelang in existenzielle Auseinandersetzungen um Grundrechte auf natürliche Ressourcen wie Wasser und Ackerland und höchstgerichtliche Entscheidungen verwickelt, sieht d’Souza im Begriff der Weltzivilgesellschaft in der Hauptsache den Versuch, einer neuerlichen Bemäntelung imperialistischer, westlicher Interessen, die sich nun nicht nur durch Entscheidungen von Regierungen legitimieren, sondern gar durch den Willen ihrer zivilen Bevölkerung.
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    Rencontres scientifiques.D. Dubarle (ed.) - 1948 - Paris,: Éditions du Cerf.
    1. cahier. Logique et mathématique: Thèmes unitaires et crise de l'unité dans la mathématique, par G. Bouligand. Les techniques logiques et l'unite des mathématiques, par D. Dubarle. Chronique de logique, par F. Russo. Physique: Le renouvellement des idées en physique par les théories quantiques et relativistes, par O. Costa de Beauregard. A la recherche d'une physique cohérente, par F. Russo. Sciences de l'homme et de la vie: La paléontologie, par H. Alimen. La biologie et l'homme nouveau, par R. Collin. Précisions (...)
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  21.  60
    Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece (review).D. Felton - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (3):433-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.3 (2001) 433-436 [Access article in PDF] Sarah Iles Johnston. Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999. xxi + 329 pp. Cloth, $40.00. This book, which focuses on ancient Greek beliefs about how the dead interact with the living, is an important addition to the study of Greek religion. The subject (...)
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    The magic jewel of intuition: the tri-basic method of cognizing the self.D. B. Gangolli - 1986 - Holenarasipur: Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya. Edited by Satchidanandendra Saraswati.
    Can the totality of consciousness be found within the waking state? Can human consciousness be understood in its entirety by only considering the contents presented to us in the waking state? Why is the waking state so privileged? -/- This treatise from Indian author D.B. Gangolli presents the tri-basic method or the method of the three states of consciousness as the principle device or strategy employed in the science of Advaita Vedanta for arriving at knowledge and understanding of Ultimate Reality (...)
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    Interests.D. Goldstick - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):241-.
    RÉSUMÉ: De manière générale, les désirs sont aux intérêts ce que les croyances sont aux vérités. Étant admis que ce qui est conforme à vos intérêts est ce que vous désireriez, tout compte fait, si vous étiez en possession d'une information telle au sujet de ses effets potentiels qu'aucune information additionnelle sur ces effets ne modifierait vos désirs, la conclusion selon laquelle vous désirez déjà, tout compte fait, favoriser vos intérêts peut être tirée moyennant certaines suppositions plausibles en philosophie de (...)
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  24. The Tensions between Second-Order Cybernetics and Traditional Academic Conferences.D. Griffiths & P. Baron - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):86-88.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Designing Academic Conferences in the Light of Second-Order Cybernetics” by Laurence D. Richards. Upshot: Richards’s long history and commitment to cybernetics provides a well-rounded view of the dichotomy between the traditional conference and one aspiring for second-order cybernetic attributes. We examine why traditional conferences have proved so resilient, despite their shortcomings, and discuss some issues that underlie the dynamics of the participation of academics in non-traditional conferences.
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    Netflicks: conceptual television in the streaming era.Tony Hughes-D'Aeth - 2024 - Crawley, Western Australia: UWA Publishing.
    It seemed to happen overnight. Not long ago, we were all watching television, and now we are watching something else. Television stations have been replaced by streaming services. Well, not quite replaced, since we still have televisions, but somehow our television screens are not quite what they were. In Netflicks: Conceptual Television in the Streaming Era Tony Hughes-d'Aeth critically considers how our viewing habits, and television shows themselves, have changed over time. This book is about television in the streaming age (...)
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    Frank Ramsey: a biography.D. H. Mellor - unknown
    The article is derived from the accompanying radio portrait. It was published in 1995 in Philosophy 70, 243-262, and is reproduced here by permission of the Editor. Page numbers after quotations from Ramsey refer to F. P. Ramsey: Philosophical Papers, edited by D. H. Mellor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
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    Studies in the Ethics and Philosophy of Religion.D. Z. Philips (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Routledge is proud to reissue these nine pivotal titles from the acclaimed series Studies in Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion. Including key works by Ahern, Beardsmore, Pike, and others, these books are essential for all serious collections. Available as single volumes or as a nine-volume set, the titles in this collection were originally published between 1950-1960 by Routledge and Kegan Paul: Volume 1: The Problem of Evil M.B. Ahern Hb: 0-415-31841-6 Volume 2: Moral Reasoning R.W. Beardsmore Hb:0-415-31842-4 Volume 3: (...)
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    Ce que l'homme fait à l'homme: essai sur le mal politique.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 1995 - Paris: Editions du Seuil.
    Une étude sur la virtualité toujours présente du mal politique. Pour comprendre le présent de ce mal, il faut rouvrir le passé, remonter notamment au mal radical selon Kant, ou aux liens entre le tragique et la capacité d'institution politique chez Aristote. Se dégage alors une longue tradition : celle d'une humanité dénuée de toute prétention à l'innocence, rendue au mal de sa liberté.
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    La crise sans fin: essai sur l'expérience moderne du temps.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 2012 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    C’est une évidence : on ne parle plus aujourd’hui d’une crise succédant à d’autres crises – et préludant à d’autres encore –, mais de « la crise », qui plus est d’une crise globale qui touche aussi bien la finance que l’éducation, la culture, le couple ou l’environnement. Ce constat témoigne d’une véritable mutation : si à l’origine le concept de krisis désignait le moment décisif dans l’évolution d’un processus incertain permettant d’énoncer le diagnostic (et donc la sortie de crise), (...)
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    Penser avec Hannah Arendt: guide de voyage à travers une œuvre.Thierry Ternisien D'Ouville - 2017 - Lyon: Chronique sociale.
    Depuis 2012, nous disposons enfin en français d'une traduction satisfaisante des livres publiés par Hannah Arendt aux Etats-Unis de 1951 à 1972. Il est ainsi possible à tout citoyen francophone curieux de cette pensée d'accéder directement à l'une des oeuvres politiques les plus originales du XXe siècle. Pensée toujours vivante et qui, dans un moment de changement d'époque, peut nous aider non à trouver les solutions, mais, ce qui est plus essentiel, à nous poser des questions pertinentes. Les commentaires sur (...)
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  31. &D. Wilson. R∽∞.D. Sperber - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    D. E. Hughes Self-induction and the Skin-Effect.D. W. Jordan - 1982 - Centaurus 26 (2):123-153.
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    $\mathfrak{D}$ -Differentiation in Hilbert Space and the Structure of Quantum Mechanics.D. J. Hurley & M. A. Vandyck - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (5):433-473.
    An appropriate kind of curved Hilbert space is developed in such a manner that it admits operators of $\mathcal{C}$ - and $\mathfrak{D}$ -differentiation, which are the analogues of the familiar covariant and D-differentiation available in a manifold. These tools are then employed to shed light on the space-time structure of Quantum Mechanics, from the points of view of the Feynman ‘path integral’ and of canonical quantisation. (The latter contains, as a special case, quantisation in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates when space is (...)
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  34. A World of States of Affairs.D. M. Armstrong - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this important study D. M. Armstrong offers a comprehensive system of analytical metaphysics that synthesises but also develops his thinking over the last twenty years. Armstrong's analysis, which acknowledges the 'logical atomism' of Russell and Wittgenstein, makes facts the fundamental constituents of the world, examining properties, relations, numbers, classes, possibility and necessity, dispositions, causes and laws. All these, it is argued, find their place and can be understood inside a scheme of states of affairs. This is a comprehensive and (...)
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    Maṇḍana-granthāvalī. Maṇḍanamiśra - 2021 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana. Edited by Paṅkaja Kumāra Miśra.
    Complete works of Maṇḍanamiśra, Indian philosopher; includes study on his work also.
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    Zur Sache des Denkens. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):743-743.
    This volume, which contains the 1962 lecture "Zeit und Sein," is the most important publication by Heidegger since Unterwegs zur Sprache appeared in 1959. Bearing the same title as the much discussed missing part of the first half of Sein und Zeit, "Zeit und Sein" is the best demonstration we have of how the later Heidegger carries out the program which was outlined in Sein und Zeit, i.e., how the clue which the analytic of Dasein provides--that Being is to be (...)
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    The Quartercentenary Model of D–N Explanation.D. A. Thorpe - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (2):188-195.
    This paper presents a new formal model for D–N explanation that gives intuitive criteria of acceptability, avoids the known trivializations, and links explanation with confirmation theory. Although set in the twenty-five year tradition of attempts to formalize D–N explanation, it proposes a new direction for the model that is to be distinguished from the syntactical and informational approaches by its introduction of restrictions which derive from the use which the D–N model can have in hypothesis testing. This model, illustrating the (...)
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  38.  19
    Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite and Art. [REVIEW]R. D. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):165-165.
    Originally published in 1942, this widely read book appears now in its third edition. In a brief prefatory note, Mrs. Langer describes it as "frankly a prelude to Feeling and Form," her more recent book on aesthetics, which, she indicates, may itself eventually prove to be a prelude to a more comprehensive work which will include ethical problems in its scope.--D. R.
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  39. Transcendental tense: D.h. Mellor.D. H. Mellor - 1998 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 72 (1):29–44.
    [D. H. Mellor] Kant's claim that our knowledge of time is transcendental in his sense, while false of time itself, is true of tenses, i.e. of the locations of events and other temporal entities in McTaggart's A series. This fact can easily, and I think only, be explained by taking time itself to be real but tenseless. /// [J. R. Lucas] Mellor's argument from Kant fails. The difficulties in his first Antinomy are due to topological confusions, not the tensed nature (...)
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    Infima in the d.r.e. degrees.D. Kaddah - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (3):207-263.
    This paper analyzes several properties of infima in Dn, the n-r.e. degrees. We first show that, for every n> 1, there are n-r.e. degrees a, b, and c, and an -r.e. degree x such that a < x < b, c and, in Dn, b c = a. We also prove a related result, namely that there are two d.r.e. degrees that form a minimal pair in Dn, for each n < ω, but that do not form a minimal pair (...)
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    D. Timothy Goering: System der Käseplatte. Aufstieg und Fall der Dialektischen Theologie.D. Timothy Goering - 2017 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 24 (1):1-50.
    The group of Dialectical Theology (also known as Neo-Orthodoxy) included some of the most well-known theologians of the 20th century – Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann, Friedrich Gogarten, Eduard Thurneysen, Georg Merz und Emil Brunner. In the summer of 1922 they founded the journal Zwischen den Zeiten, which launched Dialectical Theology as the most influential avant-garde movement in Protestantism during the Weimar Republic. Due to internal strife and theological disagreements, the group began to lose strength in the early 1930s and eventually (...)
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  42. "¿Qué son los valores? [REVIEW]D. G. R. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (2):324-324.
    The Rector of the University of Buenos Aires here briefly outlines and criticizes some of the present-day subjectivist and objectivist positions, and suggests a means of reconciling the two. --R. D. G.
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    Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum ed. by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. [REVIEW]Gavin D'Costa - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):971-974.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum ed. by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P.Gavin D'CostaDogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum edited by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press of America Press, 2020), ix + 369 pp.In May 1966 Karl Barth visited Rome. He was invited (...)
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    The Nature of Philosophy. [REVIEW]D. P. B. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):346-346.
    A prosaic and unimaginative introductory textbook. The author claims that his aim is "not to introduce the student to the various philosophies but to introduce him to the kind of thinking from which philosophy comes." The very patness of his presentation, however, discourages original philosophical thinking.--D. P. B.
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    Book Reviews. [REVIEW]D. A. Bell - 1980 - History and Philosophy of Logic 1 (1-2):235-248.
    K. T. Fann, Ludwig Wittgenstein: the man and his philosophy. New Jersey, Humanities Press; Sussex, Harvester Press: 1967. 415 pp. 10.50.Gerd Brand, The central texts of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Translated and with an introduction by Robert E. Innis. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1979. xxv + 182 pp. £ 10.00 /£3.95.Joseph Warren Dauben. Georg Cantor: his mathematics and philosophy of the infinite. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 1979. xiii + 404 pp., 4 plts. $25 US.S. Poggi, I sistemi dell'esperienza. Psicologia, logica (...)
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    Five Philosophers. [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):822-822.
    This is a standard selection of readings taken from Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and James. The introduction and commentary are not sufficient to distinguish this anthology from similar introductions—D. J. B.
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    Metaphysics. [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):585-585.
    Father Dougherty's textbook is relatively indistinguishable from a host of similar Thomistic manuals. There are the invariable definitions of being, substances, causality, etc., followed by the usual refutations of alien philosophies plus the inevitable series of pedagogical questions at the end of each chapter. It is curious that despite the continual fulminations of certain neo-Thomists against textbook Thomism, there appears a new harvest of such textbooks every year.—D. J. B.
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    Treatise on Man. [REVIEW]D. P. B. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):163-163.
    A new and idiomatic translation of the most important questions in the Summa Theologica pertaining to the nature of the human soul and human knowledge.--D. P. B.
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    What Is Art? [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):612-612.
    The selections in this anthology range from Plato to Tolstoy, concentrating mainly on the Greeks, Kant, and representative figures from eighteenth-century Britain. All of the standard authors are included and speak for themselves. Sesonske has contributed a short but insightful introduction suggesting that a myriad of questions really underlie the seemingly simple question "What is art?" and showing that in each historical period of aesthetic theory there is a shift of terminology and interest. Professor Sesonske has also drawn up an (...)
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    A Kierkegaard Critique. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):809-809.
    Seventeen studies, many of them newly translated, present a wide view of current Kierkegaardean scholarship, with a decided emphasis upon S.K's message for the Christian faithful. Two or three authors join battle with earlier interpreters; at least two quarrel with Kierkegaard himself; most of them labor at clearing the way--in scholarly fashion--for Kierkegaard's aggression upon the reader's own consciousness.--C. D.
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