Results for 'Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009'

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  1.  94
    The Roots of the Global Financial Crisis Are in Our Business Schools.Robert A. Giacalone & Donald T. Wargo - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 6:147-168.
    In discussing the $1 trillion bailout of the U.S. Financial Institutions, virtually every Member of Congress and almost every government official—including Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and President Obama—has blamed the crisis on the “greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street”. Almost all of the financial executives involved in the crisis, from CEOs to middle managers, are products of our business schools. Additionally, there is a high correlation between the recentunethical behavior of a number of multinational corporations and the number (...)
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    Editorial Introduction to the Symposium on the Global Financial Crisis.Sam Ashman - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):103-108.
    The current global economic crisis is historically unprecedented in that it began when poor groups in the United States defaulted on their mortgage-payments and spread fear of 'toxic debt' through an internationalised financial system, bringing the banking system close to collapse and highlighting the very individualised nature of contemporary financial relations. The symposium explores contemporary finance and banking practices in the context of Marxist political economy seeking to develop the notion of financialisation and arguing that banks' increasing (...)
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  3. From Financial Crisis to World-Slump: Accumulation, Financialisation, and the Global Slowdown.David McNally - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):35-83.
    This paper assesses the current world economic crisis in terms of crucial transformations in global capitalism throughout the neoliberal period. It argues that intense social and spatial restructuring after the crises of 1973–82 produced a new wave of capitalist expansion that began to exhaust itself in the late-1990s. Since that time, new problems of overaccumulation and declining profitability have plagued global capitalism. Interconnected with these problems are contradictions related to a mutation in the form of world-money, as a (...)
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    Ethical Message of the Mahabharata in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis.Sitansu S. Chakravarti - 2009 - Journal of Human Values 15 (2):97-105.
    This article deals with the concept of greed as pertaining to Business Ethics in today’s world, considered part of the system of the study Ethics as such, in the backdrop of the recent happenings in the financial world in the USA, whose repercussions have been felt all over. The analysis draws inspiration from the words in the Mahabharata, both with a view to improving the existing theories in place in the West today, as well as having a handle on (...)
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  5. Stimulating the International Studies Classroom with the Global Financial Crisis.Anna Louise Simpson - 2009 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 17 (2):35.
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    Beyond the financial crisis: a way forward with development paradigm. [REVIEW]Zhouying Jin & Ying Bai - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (4):343-349.
    As the impact of the financial crisis spreads worldwide, it has become a top priority of various countries, international institutions, entrepreneurs and scholars to find innovative and creative ways to face this challenge. As Hazel Henderson (2002) has pointed out, “the world has not fallen into a financial crisis, but fundamentally fell into a crisis of development paradigm.” We need to reflect seriously on this paradigm and rethink of the social and economic models and cultural values for meeting (...)
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    Living on Borrowed Time: Conversations with Citlali Rovirosa-Madrazo.Zygmunt Bauman - 2009 - Polity.
    The global financial crisis has shattered the illusion that all was well with capitalism and forced us to confront the great challenges we face today with a new sense of urgency. Few are better placed to do this than Zygmunt Bauman, a social thinker whose writings on liquid modernity have pioneered a new way of seeing the world in which we live at the dawn of the 21st Century. Our liquid modern world is characterized by the transition from (...)
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  8.  19
    Un análisis alternativo de la actual crisis económica global y sus vías de superación.Luis Razeto - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Se examina en este artículo la actual crisis económica global, desde una óptica alternativa y distante de las visiones que predominan entre los analistas económicos convencionales, así como de aquellas interpretaciones que postulan algunos pensadores “alternativos”. El autor –basándose en la que denomina “teoría económica comprensiva”- sostiene que en lo esencial, esta crisis hunde sus raíces en una distorsión del sistema monetario imperante a nivel global, que está significando que el dinero ha perdido su capacidad de cumplir sus (...)
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    The ethics recession: reflections on the moral underpinnings of the current economic crisis.Rushworth M. Kidder - 2009 - Rockland, Maine: Institute for Global Ethics.
    This book traces the collapse of integrity, the abandonment of responsibility, and the failures of moral courage that underlie the financial numbers - and identifies the changes in thinking needed to bring us back into balance.
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    First as Tragedy, Then as Farce.Slavoj Žižek - 2009 - Verso.
    Capitalist socialism? -- Crisis as shock therapy -- The structure of enemy propaganda -- Human, all too human-- -- The "new spirit" of capitalism -- Between the two fetishisms -- Communism, again! -- The new enclosure of the commons -- Socialism or communism? -- The "public use of reason" -- --in Haiti -- The capitalist exception -- Capitalism with Asian values-- in Europe -- From profit to rent -- "We are the ones we have been waiting for.".
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  11.  37
    Private Equity Investments.Duane Windsor - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:278-289.
    The recent global financial crisis and economic recession has generated renewed inquiry into and debate over optimal regulation of financial sectors. One such topic of interest concerns how to define, monitor, and regulate the responsibilities of private equity investors. Waves of private equity acquisitions have occurred since the 1980s. The more negative aspects of private equity investment are now under renewed scrutiny. The topic has wide scope, including the recent GM and Chrysler situations. A recent lawsuit by (...)
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  12.  60
    Global Financial Crisis: The Ethical Issues.Ned Dobos Christian Barry & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2011 - Palgrave.
    The Global Financial Crisis is acknowledged to be the most severe economic downturn since the 1930s, and one that is unique in its underlying causes, its scope, and its wider social, political and economic implications. This volume explores some of the ethical issues that it has raised.
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  13.  22
    DEPRESSION Financial, Post-manic, and Floral.Wayne Andersen - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3):523-532.
    Like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the current international monetary crisis—bank failures and a collapse of markets worldwide—was not sufficiently predictable to preempt with defensive action. One would think that history's experiences with sudden breakdowns in global economics would have taught the modern world enough lessons to assure that economic intelligence would have tightened the reins of investors and speculators over the last decade of runaway optimism. But history has never been a good teacher—better said, people have rarely been good (...)
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    The Value Creation Proposition Suggests Two Requirements for Assessing Alternative Theories of Capitalism.Duane Windsor - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (3):65-74.
    The recent global financial crisis and worst recession since the Great Depression underscore the theoretical and practical importance of defining requirements for assessing alternative theories of capitalism. The expressed goal of Freeman and his co-authors is to replace value-allocating ‘shareholder capitalism’ with value-creating ‘stakeholder capitalism.’ Each theory combines a different value proposition and principal-agent conception. So interpreted, the value creation proposition suggests two requirements for assessing alternative theories. A proposed better theory of capitalism should demonstrate first practicality of (...)
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  15.  30
    Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse Than Greed.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In this topical book, Boudewijn de Bruin examines the ethical 'blind spots' that lay at the heart of the global financial crisis. He argues that the most important moral problem in finance is not the 'greed is good' culture, but rather the epistemic shortcomings of bankers, clients, rating agencies and regulators. Drawing on insights from economics, psychology and philosophy, de Bruin develops a novel theory of epistemic virtue and applies it to racist and sexist lending practices, subprime mortgages, (...)
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  16.  35
    The Global Financial Crisis and the Values of Professionals in Finance: An Empirical Analysis.André van Hoorn - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):253-269.
    The idea that the ethical values of professionals in finance have played a role in the global financial crisis is widespread. The crisis-of-ethics debate is important, concerning one of the main policy challenges of our times, but is based on popular lore and anecdotes rather than systematic evidence. We analyze the self-enhancement and self-transcendence values of PIFs vis-à-vis the general population and test for patterns of variation that are consistent with the idea of a crisis of values, meaning (...)
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  17. The Work of Hunger: Security, Development and Food-for-Work in Post-crisis Jakarta.Jamey Essex - 2009 - Studies in Social Justice 3 (1):99-116.
    Food-for-work programs distribute food aid to recipients in exchange for labor, and are an important mode of aid delivery for both public and private aid providers. While debate continues as to whether food-for-work programs are socially just and economically sensible, governments, international institutions, and NGOs continue to tout them as a flexible and cost-effective way to deliver targeted aid and promote community development. This paper critiques the underlying logic of food-for-work, focusing on how this approach to food aid and food (...)
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    The Global Financial Crisis and its Aftermath: Hidden Factors in the Meltdown.A. G. Malliaris, Leslie Shaw & Hersh Shefrin (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In The Global Financial Crisis, contributors argue that the complexity of the Global Financial Crisis challenges researchers to offer more comprehensive explanations by extending the scope and range of their traditional investigations.
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    La monnaie et la finance globale.Christian Marazzi - 2008 - Multitudes 32 (1):115.
    The various institutional reforms which have led since the end of the 70s to the « privatisation of currency » have formed the main base on which the subsequent power of finance has been built, and, concurently, the dismantling of Welfare could take place. Core of this was the so-called autonomy of central banks, as their « umbilical cord » to national treasuries was severed. From then on, deficit financing and « keynesian » social expenditures became near-impossible. Emphasizing the autonomy (...)
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  20.  22
    Business Ethics After the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons From the Crash.Christopher Cowton & James Dempsey (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    The global financial crisis that began in 2007 concentrated attention on the morality of banking and financial activities. Just as mainstream businesses became increasingly defined by their financial performance, banks, it seemed, got themselves - and everyone else - into trouble through an over-emphasis on themselves as commercial enterprises that need pay little attention to traditional banking virtues or ethics. While the GFC had many causes, criticism was legitimately levelled at banks over the ethics of mortgage (...)
  21. Racial Exclusion and the Political Economy of the Subprime Crisis.Gary Dymski - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):149-179.
    This paper develops a political economic explanation of the 2007–9 US subprime crisis which focuses on one of its central causes: the transformation of racial exclusion in US mortgage-markets. Until the early 1990s, racial minorities were systematically excluded from mortgage-finance due to bank-redlining and discrimination. But, then, racial exclusion in credit-markets was transformed: racial minorities were increasingly given access to housing-credit under terms far more adverse than were offered to non-minority borrowers. This paper shows that the emergence of the subprime (...)
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  22. A food regime analysis of the 'world food crisis'.Philip McMichael - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):281-295.
    The food regime concept is a key to unlock not only structured moments and transitions in the history of capitalist food relations, but also the history of capitalism itself. It is not about food per se, but about the relations within which food is produced, and through which capitalism is produced and reproduced. It provides, then, a fruitful perspective on the so-called ‘world food crisis’ of 2007–2008. This paper argues that the crisis stems from a long-term cycle of fossil-fuel (...)
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  23.  45
    The global financial crisis: Emerging markets 'prospects for economic recovery and democratic transformations'.Ceslav Ciobanu - forthcoming - Cogito.
  24.  5
    Światowy kryzys finansowy 2008 w świetle etyki finansów.Grzegorz Szulczewski - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):79-88.
    One of the causes of the financial crisis of 2008 can be found in neglecting the norms of business ethics, many of which were broken by bank officers. This claim leads to the global assessment of the new shape of global capitalism, commonly called turbocapitalism. Its financial products are marked by high risk. Hence ethical rules should be recalled as they help to judge actions which bring about many side effects as well as to assess (...)
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  25.  24
    The Global Financial Crisis and Reinventing the Business School.Parmendra Sharma, Eduardo Roca & Ken McPhail - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9 (Special Issue):3-10.
  26. The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis.Clive R. Boddy - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (2):255-259.
    This short theoretical paper elucidates a plausible theory about the Global Financial Crisis and the role of senior financial corporate directors in that crisis. The paper presents a theory of the Global Financial Crisis which argues that psychopaths working in corporations and in financial corporations, in particular, have had a major part in causing the crisis. This paper is thus a very short theoretical paper but is one that may be very important to the (...)
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    Family Firms Amidst the Global Financial Crisis: A Territorial Embeddedness Perspective on Downsizing.Stefano Amato, Alessia Patuelli, Rodrigo Basco & Nicola Lattanzi - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):1-24.
    This study explores the downsizing propensity of family and non-family firms by considering their territorial embeddedness during both periods of economic stability and financial crisis. By drawing on a panel dataset of Spanish manufacturing firms for the period 2002–2015, we show that, all things being equal, family firms have a lower propensity to downsizing than non-family firms. When considering the effect of territorial embeddedness, we found that territorially embedded family firms have an even lower propensity to downsizing than their (...)
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  28. Aristotelian lessons after the global financial crisis : banking, responsibility, culture and professional bodies.Christopher Megone - 2019 - In Christopher Cowton & James Dempsey (eds.), Business Ethics After the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons From the Crash. New York: Routledge.
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  29. A Grande Crise do Capital.Rodrigo Dantas - 2009 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 14 (1):47-72.
    Resumo: Este artigo é uma análise marxista da crise econômica mundial e do modo como ela coloca em questão o sistema capitalista. Nele defendemos a tese de que não estamos diante de uma "crise financeira", mas de uma crise clássica de superprodução, determinada pelo caráter cada vez mais especulativo do capital e pela hipertrofia do capital financeiro diante do capital que produz diretamente a mais-valia. São analisadas as dimensões estruturais da crise, o papel do Estado, a natureza do capital financeiro (...)
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    Housing, the Welfare State, and the Global Financial Crisis: What is the Connection?Herman Schwartz - 2012 - Politics and Society 40 (1):35-58.
    Analyses of the global financial crisis that assign causality to the erosion of parts of the welfare state that protected individuals miss the importance of macro level regulation that protected firms and the financial system from itself. Post-Depression macro level regulation of finance prevented the emergence of mismatched maturities where deposits lacked state guarantees, and thus prevented runs on banks or near-banks. A balance sheet approach shows that macro regulation linked long duration liabilities in housing finance to (...)
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    Canadian Banking Stability through the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–8.Geoffrey McCormack - 2019 - Historical Materialism 28 (1):114-146.
    One of the leading explanations for Canadian banking stability through the global financial crisis of 2007–08 is the Concentration-Stability Hypothesis (CSH), according to which the oligopoly of Canadian finance stabilised the credit system by cushioning it with above-average profits. These provided a buffer against fragility and incentives against excessive risk-taking. In this article, I critically examine CSH and show that classical Marxian analysis more effectively illuminates Canadian banking stability. I demonstrate that robust corporate profitability and capital accumulation before (...)
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    The Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis.Roger Berkowitz & Taun N. Toay (eds.) - 2012 - Fordham University Press.
    The essays in this volume delve deeper into the cultural and intellectual foundations, philosophical ideas, political traditions, and economic movements that underlie the greatest financial crisis in nearly a century.
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    Economic Ideas in Political Time: The Rise and Fall of Economic Orders From the Progressive Era to the Global Financial Crisis.Wesley Widmaier - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Over the past century, the rise and fall of economic policy orders has been shaped by a paradox, as intellectual and institutional stability have repeatedly caused market instability and crisis. To highlight such dynamics, this volume offers a theory of economic ideas in political time. The author counters paradigmatic and institutionalist views of ideas as enabling self-reinforcing path dependencies, offering an alternative social psychological argument that ideas which initially reduce uncertainty can subsequently fuel misplaced certainty and crises. Historically, the book (...)
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  34. Dukhovno-nravstvennye aspekty mirovogo finansovo-ėkonomicheskogo krizisa i puti vykhoda iz nego: po materialam "kruglogo stola", 26 fevrali︠a︡ 2009 goda.N. B. Zhukova, E. N. Komissarchuk & V. V. Kuznet︠s︡ov (eds.) - 2009 - Moskva: Klub Realisty.
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    Media Coverage of Global Financial Crisis and Formation of Societal Perceptions and Behaviors : A Qualitative Content Analysis Perspective.Muhammad Mohiuddin, Syeda Sonia Parvin, Mast Afrin Sultana & Egide Karuranga - 2016 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 2:125-146.
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    GREED AS VIOLENCE: Methodological Challenges in Interreligious Dialogue on the Ethics of the Global Financial Crisis.Shanta Premawardhana - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2):223-245.
    The current financial crisis is one rooted not in recent deregulation but in the breaking of ancient (religious) laws, and this crisis is one of many ethical problems today that have religious roots. The tone of this essay is informed by a document from the World Council of Churches, which affirms "greed as violence" and that Christians do not have all the answers to the problem of greed; therefore, Christians need to seek solutions with other religious communities. Furthermore, religious (...)
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    Philosophical Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis.Martin Kelly & Arnis Vilks - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (1):1-4.
  38. Being and Care in Organisation and Management — A Heideggerian Interpretation of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.Michela Betta, Robert Jones & James Latham - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (1):5-20.
    We propose to understand the global financial crisis of 2008 as an historical event marked by public decisions, economic evaluations and ratings, and business practices driven by a sense of subjugation to powerful others, uncritical conformity to serendipitous rules, and a levelling down of all meaningful differences. The crisis has also revealed two important things: that the free-market economy has inherent problems highlighting the limits of (financial) business, and, consequently, that the business organisation is not as (...)
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    The Moral Accountability of the Financial Industry for the Global Financial Crisis.David Silver - 2018 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 42 (1):95-116.
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    Financial Crisis Fatigue? Politics behind Japan's Post-Global Financial Crisis Economic Contraction.Saori N. Katada - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (2):223-242.
    Despite a relatively healthy financial sector, the Japanese economy contracted 6.3% in 2009 during the global financial crisis (GFC) after the Lehman shock, the starkest drop among the OECD countries. Since then, the Japanese economy has been slow to recover, although the Japanese government has implemented multiple economic stimulus packages with a high aggregate value.
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    The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of the Economics Profession.Colander David - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2):249-267.
    Economists not only failed to anticipate the financial crisis; they may have contributed to it—with risk and derivatives models that, through spurious precision and untested theoretical assumptions, encouraged policy makers and market participants to see more stability and risk sharing than was actually present. Moreover, once the crisis occurred, it was met with incomprehension by most economists because of models that, on the one hand, downplay the possibility that economic actors may exhibit highly interactive behavior; and, on the other, (...)
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  42.  28
    The Role of Greed in the Ongoing Global Financial Crisis.Raymond D. Smith - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (2):187-194.
    The author posits that greed and insensitivity to the needs of others are corrosive values that have engendered the global economic crisis. Examples are cited to support the thesis that it is primarily an ethics crisis that has resulted in the distortion of the US economy, such that the middle class is sliding into poverty while the wealthiest 1 per cent is ever more powerful and wealthy. The irony of the predatory capitalism (as distinct from stakeholderbased capitalism) being practised (...)
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  43.  95
    Global business ethical perspectives on capitalism, finance and corporate responsibility: the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008[REVIEW]G. J. Rossouw - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):63-72.
    A global survey of Business Ethics as a field of teaching and research was launched in the second half of 2008. The launch of this survey coincided with the global financial meltdown that was triggered by the subprime crisis in the USA. As part of the global survey of Business Ethics, respondents from nine world regions were requested to provide information on the current focus of research in the field of Business Ethics in their respective (...)
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    The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of the Economics Profession.David Colander, Michael Goldberg, Armin Haas, Katarina Juselius, Alan Kirman, Thomas Lux & Brigitte Sloth - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):249-267.
    ABSTRACT Economists not only failed to anticipate the financial crisis; they may have contributed to it—with risk and derivatives models that, through spurious precision and untested theoretical assumptions, encouraged policy makers and market participants to see more stability and risk sharing than was actually present. Moreover, once the crisis occurred, it was met with incomprehension by most economists because of models that, on the one hand, downplay the possibility that economic actors may exhibit highly interactive behavior; and, on the (...)
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  45. Dealing Fairly with the Costs to the Poor of the Global Financial Crisis.Christian Barry & Matthew Peterson - 2010 - In Iain G. MacNeil & Justin O'Brien (eds.), The Future of Financial Regulation. Hart.
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    The Financial Crisis.Dermot Quinn, Phillip Blond, Allan Carlson, David W. Fagerberg, Sheridan Gilley & Race Matthews - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3-4):589-609.
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    Complex Interplay of Eastern Bloc SMEs Trade Credit Determinants: Changes due to the Global Financial Crisis.Tamara Teplova, Tatiana Sokolova, Kristina Galenskaya & Mariya Gubareva - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    We investigate whether the determinants of small and medium enterprises’ trade credits taken for purchasing fixed assets suffered substantial changes due to the global financial crisis. The geographical focus of this paper covers 18 former Eastern bloc countries. The data sample comprises opinions of the SMEs top managers relative to the trade credit financing. The two-step Heckman procedure is applied to study complexity of the trade credit determinants. We find that before the GFC the equity concentration and inflation (...)
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    Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse Than Greed by Boudweijn de Bruin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 228 pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-02891-3. [REVIEW]Satish Thosar - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (1):150-153.
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    Financial Crisis and the Ethics of Moral Hazard.Rutger Claassen - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (3):527-551.
    The 2008 global financial crisis raises ethical as much as financial questions. Moral outrage centered on the imbalance between banks profiting from excessive risk-taking in good times and taxpayers suffering the costs in bad times. The paper analyzes this imbalance in terms of ethical theory. It first develops a rights-based framework to answer questions about the moral obligations of states and banks towards each other. It then criticizes standard economic thinking, which de-moralizes the phenomenon of moral (...)
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    (1 other version)Stock market integration in emerging markets in the spectre of the global financial crisis.Khalid El Badraoui, Jean Jacques Lilti & Najlae Bendou - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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