Results for 'Thomas Lux'

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  1. Vigilantismus als politische Gewalt. Eine Typologie Vigilantism as Political Violence. A Typology.Thomas Schmidt-Lux - 2013 - Behemoth 6 (1):98-117.
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    The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of the Economics Profession.David Colander, Michael Goldberg, Armin Haas, Katarina Juselius, Alan Kirman, Thomas Lux & Brigitte Sloth - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):249-267.
    ABSTRACT Economists not only failed to anticipate the financial crisis; they may have contributed to it—with risk and derivatives models that, through spurious precision and untested theoretical assumptions, encouraged policy makers and market participants to see more stability and risk sharing than was actually present. Moreover, once the crisis occurred, it was met with incomprehension by most economists because of models that, on the one hand, downplay the possibility that economic actors may exhibit highly interactive behavior; and, on the other, (...)
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    O Caminho Depois Do Depois.Lux Ferreira Lima - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):51-79.
    O presente artigo se propõe a analisar os desvios de expectativa acerca da transição de gênero realizados por dois autores estadunidenses - Thomas Page McBee e Janet Mock - na feitura de suas autobiografias: "Man alive” (2014) e “Amateur” (2018); “Redefining realness” (2014) e “Surpassing certainty” (2017). Através de análise documental e informado por estudos queer e trans, este trabalho se debruça sobre os empreendimentos levados a cabo pelos autores para estranhar e desafiar o lugar de conquista e estabilidade (...)
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    Lux mentium in advance.Eric D. Perl - forthcoming - International Philosophical Quarterly.
    The classic “retorsion” argument that any claim that all thought is relative is a self-refuting dialectical contradiction not only decisively refutes relativism but also demonstrates the presence of absolute truth in all thinking as its implicit enabling condition. In Augustine’s version, this takes the form of showing that truth itself, which Augustine identifies as God, is the “light of minds,” found within the soul by thought’s self-reflexive discovery of the ever-present condition for its own acts of judgment. In recent philosophy (...)
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    Natural Philosophy, Abstraction, and Mathematics among Materialists: Thomas Hobbes and Margaret Cavendish on Light.Marcus P. Adams - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):44.
    The nature of light is a focus of Thomas Hobbes’s natural philosophical project. Hobbes’s explanation of the light of lucid bodies differs across his works, from dilation and contraction in Elements of Law to simple circular motions in De corpore. However, Hobbes consistently explains perceived light by positing that bodily resistance generates the phantasm of light. In Letters I.XIX–XX of Philosophical Letters, fellow materialist Margaret Cavendish attacks the Hobbesian understanding of both lux and lumen by claiming that Hobbes has (...)
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    The origins of the Greek lexicon: Ex Oriente Lux.Oswald Szemerényi - 1974 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 94:144-157.
    1. For more than two thousand years research into the origins of the Greek lexicon had been understood and carried on in the spirit exemplified but also mocked in the Platonic Kratylos. The revolutionary change came in the early nineteenth century when after many inspired guesses Franz Bopp finally and definitively proved in 1816 that Greek, in company with many European languages, derived, like Indian and Iranian, from one prehistoric ancestor, the whole family being dubbedIndo-Europeanby the well-known physician and physicist, (...)
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    Closed Circles or Open Networks?: Communicating at a Distance during the Scientific Revolution.David S. Lux & Harold J. Cook - 1998 - History of Science 36 (2):179-211.
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    Situating the gaze: Towards an embodied ecological approach to screendance.Lux Eterna & Sarah Pini - 2023 - Working Titles – Journal of Practice Based Research 1 (2):1-14.
    This article presents an interdisciplinary conversation between the authors discussing the potential of cultivating a feminist, embodied, ecological approach to screendance and environmental attunement in video dance performance. It draws from Lux Eterna’s artistic research and body of work including the film AURA NOX ANIMA (2016) filmed on the sandy dunes in Anna Bay, New South Wales, Australia, and her current development in dance film production: THE EIGHTH DAY (2023) in conversation with Sarah Pini to consider the presence and embodied (...)
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    (1 other version)Strategic Fit to Political Factors and Subsequent Performance.Sean Lux - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (1):130-147.
    Several scholars have asserted strategic fit to nonmarket factors is positively related to economic performance. Political strategic fit has traditionally been conceptualized as an incremental decision: firms engage in political activities to the extent nonmarket factors suggest firm political actions will improve economic performance. However, the decision to engage in political activity is more of a dichotomous decision (political activity versus free riding). Both incremental and dichotomous political strategic fit are empirically evaluated in the U.S. coal industry from 1986 to (...)
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    Philosophie der Republik.Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer & Benno Zabel (eds.) - 2018 - Tübingen: Mohr.
    English summary: The freedom potential of modern societies, above all the justification of political authority, is today linked to a democratically constituted order. What is meant by the idea of being democratic seems, however, to be anything but clear. Is it only a question of representing the people through elections, ballots, and political parties, or does it include institutional culture, the division of powers, and the legal regime within a community? A "philosophy of the republic," as developed in this volume's (...)
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  11. An Adaptation-Induced Repulsion Illusion in Tactile Spatial Perception.Lux Li, Arielle Chan, Shah M. Iqbal & Daniel Goldreich - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    (2 other versions)Bookend.Kenneth Lux - 1991 - Business Ethics 5 (3):30-30.
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    Conflicts of interest in germany: A legal perspective.Christina Lux - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):327-336.
    In spite of recent efforts to promote cooperation between universities and industry, Germany still lacks a sufficient legal framework for regulating potential conflicts of interest resulting from university-industry cooperation. Prospective regulation of conflicts of interest has to take into account specific constraints imposed by the German constitution. It has to follow stringent procedural and material requirements and carefully weigh the individual researcher’s right to academic freedom against the public demand for objectivity in research. Because of this cautious consideration of the (...)
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    Empathy: Epistemic Problems and Cultural-Historical Perspectives of a Cross-Disciplinary Concept.Vanessa Lux & Sigrid Weigel (eds.) - 2017 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book digs into the complex archaeology of empathy illuminating controversies, epistemic problems and unanswered questions encapsulated within its cross-disciplinary history. The authors ask how a neutral innate capacity to directly understand the actions and feelings of others becomes charged with emotion and moral values associated with altruism or caregiving. They explore how the discovery of the mirror neuron system and its interpretation as the neurobiological basis of empathy has stimulated such an enormous body of research and how in a (...)
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  15. Gott als Mass menschlichen Handelns : eine biblische Orientierung.Rüdiger Lux - 2018 - In Bernd Weidmann & Thomas von Woedtke, Das menschliche Mass: Orientierungsversuche im biotechnologischen Zeitalter. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Palliativversorgung und Transplantation – eine Unmöglichkeit?“.Eberhard Albert Lux - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (1):101-102.
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    Lyon: Cité de savants.David Lux - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):85-86.
  18.  34
    Di che aura parliamo? Aura, ovvero della meravigliosa modifica della nozione stessa di arte.Simonetta Lux - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:131-148.
    Benjamin does not see or does not want to see the new “aura” that makes the art of cinema “art” which stays as the central feature of the totally renewed statute of artistic activity in the age of mechanical reproduction. In his essay of 1936, Benjamin acquires the arguments of all those authors who, between the first and second decades of the Twentieth century, had described this art and his new aura: Paul Valéry, George Duhamel, Léon Pierre-Quint, Luigi Pirandello, Bertolt (...)
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    The concept of the gene in psychiatric genetics and its consequences for the concept of mental illness.Vanessa Lux - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (1-2):65-77.
    At this point in time, it is hard to say which consequences for the concept of mental illness result from modern genetics. Current research projects are trying to find significant statistical correlations between the diagnosis of a disease and a gene locus or an endophenotype. Up until now, there has not been any identification of alleles or mutations causing mental illness. In the meantime, the relations between the genetic basis and the disease are given the term genetic vulnerability as a (...)
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    "The Whole Internal World His Own": Locke and Metaphor Reconsidered.Stephen H. Clark - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (2):241-265.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“The Whole Internal World His Own”: Locke and Metaphor ReconsideredS. H. ClarkWhy need I name thy Boyle, whose pious search, Amid the dark recesses of his works, The great Creator sought? And why thy Locke, Who made the whole internal world his own?Oh decus! Anglicae certe oh lux altera gentis!... Tu caecas rerum causas, fontemque severum Pande, Pater; tibi enim, tibi, veri magne Sacerdos, Corda patent hominum, atque altae (...)
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  21. Kunst en democratie in de eenentwintigste eeuw.Richard Wolin - 2005 - Nexus 42.
    In zijn Doktor Faustus lijkt Thomas Mann te willen zeggen dat culturele fijnzinnigheid weinig waarborgen biedt tegen zedelijk verval. Wolin onderschrijft deze stelling van Mann. Bij esthetische waardering oordelen we strikt volgens formele criteria - de innerlijke geslaagdheid van een esthetisch object - ongeacht de doelen, zelfs de morele doelen. Moderne democratie heeft het nodig dat de individuen een mondig ethisch oordeelsvermogen ontwikkelen. Een hoogontwikkeld cultureel leven biedt slechts een beperkte bijdrage aan het welslagen van moderne democratie. Bespreking van (...)
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    Competing Against the Unknown: The Impact of Enabling and Constraining Institutions on the Informal Economy.B. D. Mathias, Sean Lux, T. Russell Crook, Chad Autry & Russell Zaretzki - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):251-264.
    In addition to facing the known competitors in the formal economy, entrepreneurs must also be concerned with rivalry emanating from the informal economy. The informal economy is characterized by actions outside the normal scope of commerce, such as unsanctioned payments and gift-giving, as means of influencing competition. Scholars and policy makers alike have an interest in mitigating the impacts of such informal activity in that it might present an obstacle for legitimate commerce. Received theory suggests that country institutions can enable (...)
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  23. Knowing Your Own Strength: Accurate Self-Assessment as a Requirement for Personal Autonomy.Joel Anderson & Warren Lux - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):279-294.
    Autonomy is one of the most contested concepts in philosophy and psychology. Much of the disagreement centers on the form of reflexivity that one must have to count as genuinely self-governing. In this essay, we argue that an adequate account of autonomy must include a distinct requirement of accurate self-assessment, which has been largely ignored in the philosophical focus on agents' ability to evaluate the desirability of acting on certain impulses or values. In our view, being autonomous (i.e., self-guiding) involves (...)
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  24. Accurate Self-Assessment, Autonomous Ignorance, and the Appreciation of Disability.Joel Anderson & Warren Lux - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):309-312.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Accurate Self-Assessment, Autonomous Ignorance, and the Appreciation of DisabilityJoel Anderson (bio) and Warren Lux (bio)In their thoughtful commentaries on our essay, "Knowing your own strength: Accurate self-assessment as a requirement for personal autonomy," George Agich, Ruth Chadwick, and Dominic Murphy (2004) provide both criticisms and insights that give us a context in which to clarify further our claim that one's autonomy is impaired when one is unable to appreciate (...)
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  25.  20
    Conflicts of interest in Germany: A legal perspective. [REVIEW]Dr iur Christina Lux - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):327-336.
    In spite of recent efforts to promote cooperation between universities and industry, Germany still lacks a sufficient legal framework for regulating potential conflicts of interest resulting from university-industry cooperation. Prospective regulation of conflicts of interest has to take into account specific constraints imposed by the German constitution. It has to follow stringent procedural and material requirements and carefully weigh the individual researcher’s right to academic freedom against the public demand for objectivity in research. Because of this cautious consideration of the (...)
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    Perspective: Why Organizational Researchers Should Consider Psychophysiology When Investigating Emotion?Mathieu Lajante & Gulliver Lux - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:563908.
    Although neuroscience is currently gaining wide acceptance in organization science and management studies, some important questions remain unanswered and may hinder the development of so-called organizational neuroscience. Specifically, it appears that the usefulness and the applications of neuroscience methods to organization science are still unclear. Hence, the paper addresses this by examining the role of psychophysiology in investigating implicit emotional experience in organizational behaviors and by discussing how concepts from affective sciences and psychophysiological methods could provide a more complete picture (...)
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  27. Promoting Experimental Learning: Experiment and the Royal Society.M. B. Hall & D. S. Lux - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (6):660-660.
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    Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature.Thomas S. Engeman - 2000
    A collection of late 20th-century scholarship devoted to Thomas Jefferson as a politician, writer, philosopher, Christian and economist.
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    Thomas Reid - Essays on the Active Powers of Man.Thomas Reid, Knud Haakonssen & James Harris - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The Essays on the Active Powers of Man was Thomas Reid's last major work. It was conceived as part of one large work, intended as a final synoptic statement of his philosophy. The first and larger part was published three years earlier as Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. These two works are united by Reid's basic philosophy of common sense, which sets out native principles by which the mind operates in both its intellectual and active aspects. The (...)
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    Thomas More's silence and the ethics of conscience.Thomas Mathew Pooley - 2019 - Moreana 56 (2):190-212.
    This article explores silence and the ethics of conscience through a study of the life and late letters of Sir Thomas More. More's silence is a paradigm case for the contest of conscience under conditions of tyranny, and it is one of the most influential in the formulation of principles of conscience and human rights in modern constitutional democracies. The article focuses on More's prosecution by King Henry VIII, and offers close analysis of the concept of conscience discussed in (...)
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    Thomas Fuller's The holy state and the profane state.Thomas Fuller - 1938 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Maximilian Graff Walten.
    I. Introduction, notes, and appendix -- II. A facsimile of the first edition, 1642, reduced in size.
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    Thomas More to His Friend Peter Giles, Warmest Greetings.Thomas More - 2014 - In Utopia: Second Edition. Yale University Press. pp. 137-140.
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    Thomas von Aquin.Thomas Aquinas (ed.) - 1988 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und (...)
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    How to Begin Studying Thomas Aquinas.Thomas Hibbs - unknown
    Thomas Hibbs is the Dean of the Honors College at Baylor University.
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    Thomas Szasz, primary values and major contentions.Thomas Szasz - 1983 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Richard E. Vatz & Lee S. Weinberg.
    "The complete list of the works of Thomas S. Szasz": pages 237-253.
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    Thomae Rhaedi Britanni... peruigilia metaphysica desideratissima.Thomas Rhaedus, M. J., Joachimus Moersius & Johann Hallervord - 1616 - Prostant Apud Joannem Hallervordeum ..
  37. The Workes of Sir Thomas More.Thomas More & William Rastell - 1557 - At the Costes of I. Cawod, I. Waly, and R. Tottell.
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    Experiences of moral distress in a COVID‐19 intensive care unit: A qualitative study of nurses and respiratory therapists in the United States.Sophie Trachtenberg, Tara Tehan, Sara Shostak, Colleen Snydeman, Mariah Lewis, Frederic Romain, Wendy Cadge, Mary Elizabeth McAuley, Cristina Matthews, Laura Lux, Robert Kacmarek, Katelyn Grone, Vivian Donahue, Julia Bandini & Ellen Robinson - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (1):e12500.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has placed extraordinary stress on frontline healthcare providers as they encounter significant challenges and risks while caring for patients at the bedside. This study used qualitative research methods to explore nurses and respiratory therapists' experiences providing direct care to COVID‐19 patients during the first surge of the pandemic at a large academic medical center in the Northeastern United States. The purpose of this study was to explore their experiences as related to changes in staffing models and to (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan: zur Logik des politischen Körpers.Thomas Schneider - 2003 - Springe: Zu Klampen!.
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    Thomas Kuhn.Thomas Nickles (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary Philosophy in Focus offers a series of introductory volumes to many of the dominant philosophical thinkers of the current age. Thomas Kuhn, the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is probably the best-known and most influential historian and philosopher of science of the last 25 years, and has become something of a cultural icon. His concepts of paradigm, paradigm change and incommensurability have changed the way we think about science. This volume offers an introduction to Kuhn's life (...)
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  41. Works of Thomas Hill Green, 3 volumes.Thomas Hill Green & Editor Nettleship, R. L. - 1885 - London: Longmans, Green, and Co..
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  42. The life of Thomas Paine.Thomas Rickman - unknown
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    Thomas Aquinas on Virtue.Thomas M. Osborne - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas produced a voluminous body of work on moral theory, and much of that work is on virtue, particularly the status and value of the virtues as principles of virtuous acts, and the way in which a moral life can be organized around them schematically. Thomas Osborne presents Aquinas's account of virtue in its historical, philosophical and theological contexts, to show the reader what Aquinas himself wished to teach about virtue. His discussion makes the complexities of Aquinas's (...)
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    Discussion in graduate online bioethics programs.John R. Stone, Helen Stanton Chapple, Amy Haddad, Sarah Lux & Christy A. Rentmeester - 2016 - International Journal of Ethics Education 2 (1):17-36.
    In this paper, we explore best practices for asynchronous discussions in graduate online bioethics education. We explain that online approaches have advantages and challenges in contrast to in-person discussions. Online challenges are lack of visual or auditory cues and technical access. Advantages include extended opportunities for specific focus, thoughtful reflection, and critical review. We found no significant review of related best practices in bioethics. Our more general literature review of graduate education and online approaches, plus experience in our own bioethics (...)
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    Siger of Brabant vs. Thomas Aquinas on Theology.Thomas P. Bukowski - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (1):25-32.
  46. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco, Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
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    Thomas White's De mundo examined.Thomas Hobbes - 1976 - London: Bradford University Press in association with Crosby Lockwood Staples. Edited by Harold Whitmore Jones.
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    III. Die Lehre des Thomas von Aquin zur Magie, 1. Texte aus dem Sentenzenkommentar.Thomas Linsenmann - 2000 - In Die Magie bei Thomas von Aquin. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 99-140.
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  49. Thomas Jefferson aan Roger C. Weightman.Thomas Pangle - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Moge onze keuze het signaal zijn voor de oproep aan mensen om de ketenen te verbreken, waaronder de monnikachtige onwetendheid en het bijgeloof, die hen ertoe hadden overreed zichzelf vast te binden, en om de zegeningen en veiligheid van het zelfbestuur te aanvaarden.'.
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    The correspondence of Thomas Reid.Thomas Reid - 2002 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press. Edited by Paul Wood.
    Thomas Reid is now recognized as one of the towering figures of the Enlightenment. Best known for his published writings on epistemology and moral theory, he was also an accomplished mathematician and natural philosopher, as an earlier volume of his manuscripts edited by Paul Wood for the Edinburgh Reid Edition, Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation, has shown. The Correspondence of Thomas Reid collects all of the known letters to and from Reid in a fully annotated form. (...)
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