Results for 'Google Scholar'

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  1.  65
    Google Scholar: the democratization of citation analysis.Anne-Wil K. Harzing & Ron van der Wal - 2008 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 8 (1):61-73.
  2.  9
    Google Scholar.Items Citing This Item - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):222-246.
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    The Prestige of Social Scientists in Spain and France: An Examination of Their h-Index Values Using Scopus and Google Scholar.Marcelo P. Dabós, Ernesto R. Gantman & Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez - 2019 - Minerva 57 (1):47-66.
    We analyze the prestige of 1,500 scholars in economics, sociology, and management who have Spanish and French institutional affiliations operationalized by their h-index in Scopus and Google Scholar. We use a negative binomial count model to examine how some individual factors affect the h-index from both databases. The results show a non-monotonic relationship between the researchers’ career length and their h-index. There is a positive and statistically significant relationship between total research output and the h-index. The share of (...)
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  4. Realization (Documents Based on Self-Scholarly Effects with Google Scholar Citations.): William Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore and John Keats: on Selected Works of the Legends _ Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2018 - Bloomington,USA: Partridge India An Imprint In Association to Penguin Random House.
    This is my first book from Partridge International In Association with Penguin Random House in 2018. I wanted to enrich self through my creativity on selected topics as far as a Google Scholar.
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    Where Credit Is Due: Assessing the Visibility of Articles Published in Gender & Society with Google Scholar.Jerry A. Jacobs - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (6):817-832.
    Gender & Society is the leading specialty journal in the sociology of gender, as indicated by its high ranking in the ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Reports. The ISI system, however, does not track citations appearing in books, and thus a significant potential source of references for Gender & Society is missed. This article reports the results of an analysis of highly cited articles that compares their visibility in Google Scholar to that documented in the ISI data (...)
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  6. The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers _ Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2019 - Bloomington,USA: Partridge International In Association with Penguin Random House.
    THE IMMORTAL FLY: ETERNAL WHISPERS. WHO IS SHE? Author: Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri. Hello, Recently my book named, ‘The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers : Based On True Events of a Family' been published from Partridge (USA) In Association with Penguin Random House (UK) and achieved a separate Google identity. -/- As being # the author of the book, I thought to define self in the book what is definition of 'Depression'. I wanted to explain self in many ways, but the (...)
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  7.  41
    The Terms “Prima Intentio” and “Secunda Intentio” in Arabic Logic*Article author querygyekye k [Google Scholar].Kwame Gyekye - 1971 - Speculum 46 (1):32-38.
    The more passages one examines in the translations from Arabic to Latin and from Arabic to English and other modern languages, the more mistakes one comes across in the translation of the Arabic expression ‘alā al-qaṣd al-awwal . The mistakes stem from the failure to distinguish between two senses of the expression, one an adverb, and the other a famous philosophic concept. Failing to distinguish between the two senses, the translators translated the phrase literally, often with unsatisfactory results. In this (...)
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  8. Missing references and citations at Google Scholar.Joona Räsänen - forthcoming - Bioethics.
  9. Shakespeare's Hamlet: The Way I Visioned_Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - forthcoming - Shakespeare's Hamlet: The Way I Visioned..
    A complete self analysis on portrait of different dimensions through human characters in the society still...
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    Criseyde's Infidelity and the Moral of the TroilusArticle author queryaproberts rp [Google Scholar].Robert Roberts - 1969 - Speculum 44 (3):383-402.
    Another Essay on Chaucer's Criseyde might seem as redundant as another essay on Hamlet, whose bibliographer discouragingly warns us to expect a new pronouncement every week or so. Perhaps Criseyde would be almost as popular a subject as Hamlet if readers of Chaucer were as numerous as readers of Shakespeare. But she is popular enough already. Even now there is not much hope of discovering anything in Chaucer's poem that has not been noted by someone in the long line of (...)
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    John of Salisbury and the Doctrine of TyrannicideArticle author queryrichard h [Google Scholar]rouse ma [Google Scholar].H. Richard & Mary Rousea - 1967 - Speculum 42 (4):673-709.
    The doctrine of tyrannicide is a well-known element of John of Salisbury's Policraticus. Although John was not the first Western thinker to propose the legitimacy of tyrannicide, the fact that he was the first to expound the idea fully and explicitly entitles him to be called the “author” of the doctrine insofar as concerns twelfth-century Europe. At various times from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century John is cited as authority by actual and would-be tyrannicides, and is condemned as such (...)
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    Further Addenda and Corrigenda to the revised edition of Lynn Thorndike and Pearl KibreArticle author querykibre p [Google Scholar].Pearl Kibre - 1968 - Speculum 43 (1):78-114.
    The following Addenda and some Corrigenda were derived for the most part from manuscripts examined in the summer of 1964 and in the spring and summer of 1965, 1967 at Bologna University ; London, British Museum ; Munich, Bayerische Staats-Bibliothek, Codex Latinus Monacensis ; Orlèans; Oxford, the Bodleian ; and Merton College ; Paris, Bibliotheque nationale , and University ; Tours; Vatican, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana ; and Vienna, National-Bibliothek . A number are noted from other sources, namely Silvestre , Wickersheimer (...)
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    Ganelon's TrialArticle author queryhalverson j [Google Scholar].John Halverson - 1967 - Speculum 42 (4):661-669.
    The Song of Roland is a Janus-faced poem, at once looking backwards to a basically Germanic tradition and feudal ethos, and forward to the nationalistic development of a coherent French society. George Fenwick Jones has recently shown in thorough and persuasive detail how deeply rooted the poem is in the old Germanic ethical tradition. It consistently expresses the way of life of a “shame culture.” Thus virtually all important actions are motivated and conditioned by the opinions of the actors' peers, (...)
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    Three Old French Sources of the Nonnes Preestes Tale Article author querypratt ra [Google Scholar].Robert Pratt - 1972 - Speculum 47 (2):422-444.
    Its plot forms only a small portion of the Nonnes Preestes Tale. The actual events can be summed up in a brief selection of lines. This succinct narrative is the simple skeletal core which Chaucer fleshed with those extravagances of exemplum, description, amplification, and auctorial comment that give the Tale its special quality, its perpetual vitality and challenge.
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    “the Arrival Of Edward Iv” — The Development Of The Text1article author querythomson jaf [google Scholar].J. Thomson - 1971 - Speculum 46 (1):84-93.
    The struggles in the first half of 1471 in which Edward IV recovered the throne produced various pieces of historical writing. It is generally assumed that the basic work is the chronicle written in the official interest, called the Historie of the Arrivall of Edward IV, which was edited by John Bruce for the Camden Society in 1838 from the British Museum manuscript Harleian 543, a copy by John Stow from the book of Master Fleetwood, the Recorder of London. This (...)
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    The Music of Pulse in the Writings of Italian Academic Physicians Article author querysiraisi ng [Google Scholar].Nancy Siraisi - 1975 - Speculum 50 (3):689-670.
    It is well known that the belief that music is inherent in the beating of the pulse was widely held throughout the Middle Ages. Numerous brief but explicit statements of this belief, and of the associated ideas that music is present in other bodily rhythms and or in the virtues and humors can be culled from the writings on music of music theorists and encyclopedists. For such writers, the idea of the musicality of pulse was, of course, one specific expression (...)
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  17. The Book That Touched Millions: The Immortal Fly _Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2019 - Bloomington, IN, USA: Partridge International In Association with Penguin Random House.
    This book shows, "Nothing is permanent in this World" consisting of true events in span of life when matches with Classical Literature of reality against illusions..
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  18. Illusion verses Reality : Based on Reverie , A Collection of Poems _ Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2021 - Kolkata, West Bengal, India: 24 by 7 Publishing.
    The book is written on purpose of Indian Academy for higher classes on English and British Literature. As personally found being a teacher that majority of students are incapable on setting and developing an answer on context of the chapter. It is hurt to say the sweetness of Classic Literature is exactly not teaching properly at Indian Academy on English and British Stories. Students , concerning at my place on context of the aforesaid book, only are gulping in India the (...)
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    Heinrich Dormeier, Montecassino und die Laien im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert. Mit einem einleitenden Beitrag “Zur Geschichte Montecassinos im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert” von Hartmut Hoffmann. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1979. Pp. xxxvii, 296. DM 98.Article author queryconstable g [Google Scholar]. [REVIEW]Giles Constable - 1980 - Speculum 56 (1):121-122.
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  20. Google in China: A Manager-Friendly Heuristic Model for Resolving Cross-Cultural Ethical Conflicts.J. Brooke Hamilton, Stephen B. Knouse & Vanessa Hill - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):143-157.
    Management practitioners and scholars have worked diligently to identify methods for ethical decision making in international contexts. Theoretical frameworks such as Integrative Social Contracts Theory (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1994, Academy of Management Review 19, 252–284) and more recently the Global Business Citizenship Approach [Wood et al., 2006, Global Business Citizenship: A Transformative Framework for Ethics and Sustainable Capitalism. (M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY)] have produced innovations in practice. Despite these advances, many managers have difficulty implementing these theoretical concepts in daily (...)
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    Ethics of Google's Knowledge Graph: some considerations.Katrine Juel Vang - 2013 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 11 (4):245-260.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the ethical implications of Google's Knowledge Graph. The paper argues that in the advent and implementation of said Knowledge Graph, the role of Google in users' lives and the power held by Google as the key intermediary of information must be scrutinized. Design/methodology/approach – Revisiting existing literature on Google and its impact on knowledge culture, the paper seeks to assess whether the implementation of The Knowledge Graph (...)
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  22.  2
    Politics Is a Language Google Will Never Know: Barbara Cassin on Knowledge as the Performance of Ongoing Translations.James Dutton - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (3):245-269.
    ABSTRACT This article critiques Google’s conversion of knowledge into information from the perspective of linguistic performance. It claims that the political effects of signification are resistant to discrete or fixed translations, where instead the incalculable dimensions of knowledge emerge between languages—that is, in-translation. To do so, the article reads Barbara Cassin’s extensive work on sophistics, untranslatability theory, and Google itself to argue that the unfinishability of performance, translation, and the dimensions of meaning are the openings to political life. (...)
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  23.  46
    The Dissemination of Fake Science : On the Ranking of Retracted Articles in Google.Emmanuel Genot & Erik J. Olsson - 2021 - In Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree & Thomas Grundmann (eds.), The Epistemology of Fake News. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Fake news can originate from an ordinary person carelessly posting what turns out to be false information orfrom the intentional actions of fake news factory workers,but broadly speaking it can also originate from scientific fraud. In the latter case, the article can be retracted upon discovery of the fraud. A case study shows, however, that such fake sciencecan be visible in Google even after the article was retracted, in fact more visible thanthe retraction notice. We hypothesize that the reason (...)
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  24. Multinational Visitors’ Framing of Al-Qarawiyyin University: An Analysis of Google Reviews.Hicham Lahlou - 2023 - Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences 5 (3):437-447.
    The present study investigated the viewpoints of visitors and their experiences with al-Qarawiyyin as conveyed through Google Reviews. The study aimed to determine the primary aspects that underlie the visitors’ experiences at al-Qarawiyyin and to examine these experiences through sentiment. This research examined both quantitative ratings and qualitative comments. The reviews were obtained from Google by utilizing the Google Review Downloader tool. The reviews underwent content analysis in order to categorize them into distinct aspects or categories. Subsequently, (...)
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    Equivalence of results from two citation analyses: Thomson ISI’s Citation Index and Google’s Scholar service.Daniel Pauly & Konstantinos I. Stergiou - 2005 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 2005 (1):33-35.
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  26. Рецепція наукових досліджень івана сікорського на заході.Vadym Menzhulin - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:43-56.
    It is generally known that the influential Kyiv researcher, professor of the St. Volodymyr University and honorary member of the Kyiv Theological Academy Ivan Sikorsky made a significant contribution to the development of the psychological science of his times and gained great authority among his colleagues in the West. In recent years, many studies have been launched in Ukraine, whose authors are trying to demonstrate the relevance of his work also in terms of contemporary science. It remains unclear as to (...)
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    Scholars of color turn to womanism: Countering dehumanization in the academy.Sheron Andrea Fraser-Burgess, Kiesha Warren-Gordon, David L. Humphrey Jr & Kendra Lowery - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5):505-522.
    The article draws on critiques in political theory and morality to argue that womanism, a worldview rooted in Black women's lives and history, provides an alternative conceptual framework to prevailing Eurocentric thinking, for promoting socially just institutions of higher education. Presupposing a positioned, encultured, and embodied account of identity, womanism’s social change perspective holds transformative promise. It foregrounds Black women’s penchant for reaching solutions that promote communal balance, affirm one’s humanity and attend to the spiritual dimension (Phillips, 2006 Phillips, L. (...)
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  28. A citation-based ranking of the business ethics scholarly journals.Nick Bontis & Alexander Serenko - 2009 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 4 (4):390-399.
    The purpose of this investigation is to develop a ranking of academic business ethics journals. For this, a revealed preference approach, also known as a citation impact method, was employed. The citation data were generated by using Google Scholar; h-index, g-index and hc-index were utilised to obtain a ranking. It was observed that the scores of these three indices correlated almost perfectly. This study also demonstrates that business ethics is a well-established discipline that should have its own set (...)
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  29.  18
    Global bioethics: it’s past and future.Cheryl Macpherson - 2022 - Global Bioethics 33 (1):45-49.
    A google scholar search for “global bioethics” returns citations situating ethical analyses within the evolving social and physical features of the global environment. Such work is consistent with...
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  30. Definitions and Conceptual Dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation: A Literature Review.Mirjam Burget, Emanuele Bardone & Margus Pedaste - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):1-19.
    The aim of this study is to provide a discussion on the definitions and conceptual dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation based on findings from the literature. In the study, the outcomes of a literature review of 235 RRI-related articles were presented. The articles were selected from the EBSCO and Google Scholar databases regarding the definitions and dimensions of RRI. The results of the study indicated that while administrative definitions were widely quoted in the reviewed literature, they were (...)
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  31.  51
    Patients’ and public views and attitudes towards the sharing of health data for research: a narrative review of the empirical evidence.Shona Kalkman, Johannes van Delden, Amitava Banerjee, Benoît Tyl, Menno Mostert & Ghislaine van Thiel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):3-13.
    IntroductionInternational sharing of health data opens the door to the study of the so-called ‘Big Data’, which holds great promise for improving patient-centred care. Failure of recent data sharing initiatives indicates an urgent need to invest in societal trust in researchers and institutions. Key to an informed understanding of such a ‘social license’ is identifying the views patients and the public may hold with regard to data sharing for health research.MethodsWe performed a narrative review of the empirical evidence addressing patients’ (...)
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    When Respecting Autonomy Is Harmful: A Clinically Useful Approach to the Nocebo Effect.Daniel Londyn Menkes, Jason Adam Wasserman & John T. Fortunato - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (6):36-42.
    Nocebo effects occur when an adverse effect on the patient arises from the patient's own negative expectations. In accordance with informed consent, providers often disclose information that results in unintended adverse outcomes for the patient. While this may adhere to the principle of autonomy, it violates the doctrine of “primum non nocere,” given that side-effect disclosure may cause those side effects. In this article we build off previous work, particularly by Wells and Kaptchuk and by Cohen :3–11.[Taylor & Francis Online], (...)
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  33. Bad News for Moral Error Theorists: There Is No Master Argument Against Companions in Guilt Strategies.Ramon Das - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1):58-69.
    A ‘companions in guilt’ strategy against moral error theory aims to show that the latter proves too much: if sound, it supports an implausible error-theoretic conclusion in other areas such as epistemic or practical reasoning. Christopher Cowie [2016 Cowie, C. 2016. Good News for Moral Error Theorists: A Master Argument Against Companions in Guilt Strategies, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94/1: 115–30.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] has recently produced what he claims is a ‘master (...)
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    Should Artificial Intelligence be used to support clinical ethical decision-making? A systematic review of reasons.Sabine Salloch, Tim Kacprowski, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Frank Ursin & Lasse Benzinger - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundHealthcare providers have to make ethically complex clinical decisions which may be a source of stress. Researchers have recently introduced Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based applications to assist in clinical ethical decision-making. However, the use of such tools is controversial. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the reasons given in the academic literature for and against their use.MethodsPubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched for all relevant publications. The resulting set of publications was title (...)
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  35. Bad beliefs: automaticity, arationality, and intervention.Stephen Gadsby - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):778-791.
    Levy (2021 Levy, N. (2021). Bad beliefs: Why they happen to good people. Oxford University Press.[Crossref], [Google Scholar]) argues that bad beliefs predominately stem from automatic (albeit rational) updating in response to testimonial evidence. To counteract such beliefs, then, we should focus on ridding our epistemic environments of misleading testimony. This paper responds as follows. First, I argue that the suite of automatic processes related to bad beliefs extends well beyond the deference-based processes that Levy identifies. Second, I (...)
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    Compromised Conscience: A Scoping Review of Moral Injury Among Firefighters, Paramedics, and Police Officers.Liana M. Lentz, Lorraine Smith-MacDonald, David Malloy, R. Nicholas Carleton & Suzette Brémault-Phillips - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundPublic Safety Personnel are routinely exposed to human suffering and need to make quick, morally challenging decisions. Such decisions can affect their psychological wellbeing. Participating in or observing an event or situation that conflicts with personal values can potentially lead to the development of moral injury. Common stressors associated with moral injury include betrayal, inability to prevent death or harm, and ethical dilemmas. Potentially psychologically traumatic event exposures and post-traumatic stress disorder can be comorbid with moral injury; however, moral injury (...)
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    Relationship Between Philosophical Speculation and Religious Belief in Early Middle Ages.Tianpeng Zhang - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):392-408.
    Religion and philosophy as two mutually exclusive domains experienced a paradigm shift during the Middle Ages. Philosophy became a vehicle of religion through which both Islamic and Christian thinkers developed a rational understanding of faith to develop new philosophical ideas. Using the systematic literature review methodology, with rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria, this study analyzed several research articles with the use of keywords in reliable databases like ERIC and Google Scholar. The investigation of the relationships between philosophical speculation (...)
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    Dissociating the effects of attention and contingency awareness on evaluative conditioning effects in the visual paradigm.Andy P. Field & Annette C. Moore - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):217-243.
    Two experiments are described that investigate the effects of attention in moderating evaluative conditioning (EC) effects in a picture‐picture paradigm in which previously discovered experimental artifacts (e.g., Field & Davey, 1999 Field, AP, and Davey, GCL, (1999). Reevaluating evaluative conditioning: A nonassociative explanation of conditioning effects in the visual evaluative conditioning paradigm, Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 25 ((1999)), pp. 211–224.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]) were overcome by counterbalancing conditioned stimuli (CSs) and unconditioned (...)
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    COVID Academic Pandemic: Techno Stress Faced by Teaching Staff for Online Academic Activities.Mao Zheng, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Shahid Tufail, Saira Naseer, Shahid Ghafoor Khokhar, Xiding Chen & Rana Tahir Naveed - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the teachers, specifically the techno stress arising in them as a result of issues faced by them in the use of technology when they conduct the online academic activities. It aims to assess the major factors related to the online teaching that specifically adds to techno stress on the teachers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Finally, the study aims to provide suggestions to the policymakers and the management (...)
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    Moral distress among critical care nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review.Fatemeh Beheshtaeen, Camellia Torabizadeh, Sahar Khaki, Narjes Abshorshori & Fatemeh Vizeshfar - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (4):613-634.
    Moral distress has emerged as a significant concern for critical care nurses, particularly due to the complex and demanding care provided to critically ill patients in critical care units. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new ethical challenges and changes in clinical practice, further exacerbating the experience of moral distress among these nurses. This systematic review compares the factors influencing moral distress among critical care nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of (...)
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    Effective interventions for reducing moral distress in critical care nurses.Amir Emami Zeydi, Mohammad Javad Ghazanfari, Riitta Suhonen, Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery & Samad Karkhah - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):1047-1065.
    Moral distress (MD) has received considerable attention in the nursing literature over the past few decades. It has been found that high levels of MD can negatively impact nurses, patients, and their family and reduce the quality of patient care. This study aimed to investigate the potentially effective interventions to alleviate MD in critical care nurses. In this systematic review, a broad search of the literature was conducted in the international databases including PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus, as well (...)
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    Ethics of task shifting in the health workforce: exploring the role of community health workers in HIV service delivery in low- and middle-income countries.Hayley Mundeva, Jeremy Snyder, David Paul Ngilangwa & Angela Kaida - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):71.
    Task shifting is increasingly used to address human resource shortages impacting HIV service delivery in low- and middle-income countries. By shifting basic tasks from higher- to lower-trained cadres, such as Community Health Workers, task shifting can reduce overhead costs, improve community outreach, and provide efficient scale-up of essential treatments like antiretroviral therapies. Although there is rich evidence outlining positive outcomes that CHWs bring into HIV programs, important questions remain over their place in service delivery. These challenges often reflect concerns over (...)
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    The severity of moral distress in nurses: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Masoud Mohammadi, Mohammad-Rafi Bazrafshan, Mohsen Kazeminia, Behnam Khaledi-Paveh, Shamarina Shohaimi & Nader Salari - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundMoral distress is one of the most important problems that nurses face in their care of patients. Various studies have reported the frequency and severity of moral distress in nurses. However, to date, a comprehensive study that shows the results of these research across the world was not found, therefore due to the importance of this issue, its role in the health of nurses and patients, and the lack of general statistics about it worldwide, the present study was conducted to (...)
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    Getting Through COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Psychology of Sustainability, Quality of Life, and the Global Economy – A Systematic Review.Mogeda El Sayed El Keshky, Sawzan Sadaqa Basyouni & Abeer Mohammad Al Sabban - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:585897.
    The COVID-19 pandemic may affect the world severely in terms of quality of life, political, environmental, and economic sustainable development, and the global economy. Its impact is attested to by the number of research studies on it. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the psychology of sustainability, on sustainable development, and on the global economy. A computerized literature search was performed, and journal articles from authentic sources were extracted, including MEDLINE, Google (...)
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    The Dissemination of Scientific Fake News.Emmanuel J. Genot & Erik J. Olsson - 2021 - In Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree & Thomas Grundmann (eds.), The Epistemology of Fake News. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Fake news can originate from an ordinary person carelessly posting what turns out to be false information or from the intentional actions of fake news factory workers, but broadly speaking it can also originate from scientific fraud. In the latter case, the article can be retracted upon discovery of the fraud. A case study shows, however, that such fake science can be visible in Google even after the article was retracted, in fact more visible than the retraction notice. We (...)
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  46.  15
    Leveraging Spirituality and Religion in European For-profit-organizations: a Systematic Review.Lydia Maidl, Ann-Kathrin Seemann, Eckhard Frick, Harald Gündel & Piret Paal - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (1):23-53.
    This systematic review synthesises the available evidence regarding the European understanding of workplace spirituality (definitions), the importance of spirituality and religion (evidence) as well as spiritual leadership (meaning and practice) in for-profitorganizations. The search for eligible studies was conducted in OPAC Plus, SCOPUS, Science Direct, JSTOR, EBSCO, and Google Scholar from 2007/01 to 2017/07. Three independent scholars extracted the data. Twenty studies were included (two mixed-methods, eight quantitative, ten qualitative) for the final quality assessment. A study quality assessment (...)
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    Decoding emotions in expressive music performances: A multi-lab replication and extension study.Jessica Akkermans, Renee Schapiro, Daniel Müllensiefen, Kelly Jakubowski, Daniel Shanahan, David Baker, Veronika Busch, Kai Lothwesen, Paul Elvers, Timo Fischinger, Kathrin Schlemmer & Klaus Frieler - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1099-1118.
    ABSTRACTWith over 560 citations reported on Google Scholar by April 2018, a publication by Juslin and Gabrielsson presented evidence supporting performers’ abilities to communicate, with hig...
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    Counterfactual genealogy, speculative accuracy, & predicative drift.Manuel Vargas - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (8):2702-2727.
    Explicitly fictional armchair reconstructions of the past are sometimes taken to be informative about philosophical issues. What appeal a counterfactual genealogy has depends on its speculative accuracy, that is, its accuracy in identifying relevant causal, functional, or explanatory particulars. However, even when speculatively accurate, counterfactual genealogies rarely secure more than proofs of possibility. For more ambitious deployments of genealogy – for example, efforts to show what properties the target concept in fact predicates – genealogies are hamstrung by the possibility of (...)
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    The Persistence of Neuromyths in the Educational Settings: A Systematic Review.Marta Torrijos-Muelas, Sixto González-Víllora & Ana Rosa Bodoque-Osma - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Neuroscience influences education, and these two areas have converged in a new field denominated “Neuroeducation.” However, the growing interest in the education–brain relationship does not match the proper use of research findings. In 2007, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development warned of the misunderstandings about the brain among teachers, labeling them as neuromyths. The main objective here is to observe the prevalence of the neuromyths in educators over time. After two decades of publications of research on neuromyths among in-service (...)
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    A New Fragment of Sophocles and Its Schedographic Context.John J. Keaney - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):173-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A New Fragment of Sophocles and its Schedographic ContextJohn J. KeaneyThe General ContextA popular medium of elementary Byzantine education in grammar and orthography was the genre known as.1 The genre is represented by a (larger or smaller) collection of (brief passages of prose [most frequently] or verse). The individual words of the text are accompanied by a fourfold analysis: (1) interlinear glosses;2 (2 and 3) grammatical and etymological/derivational analysis (...)
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